HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 2/7/2022Oregon DEQ Land Use Compatibility Statement Section 1 - To be completed by the applicant 1A. Applicant Name: Cellco Partnership (Verizon Wireless)1B. Project Name: Baldy View Contact Name: Tessie Murakami, ACoM Consulting lnc.Physical Address: 33G5 Game Farm Rd Ittlailing Address: S2O0 SW Meadows Rd., Suite 150 City, State, Zip: Springfi eld, OR 97477 City, State, Zip: 61. oswego, OR 97035 Tax Lot #, nOlZZooo09048O1(Acct 1858313) Telephone: 310.483.S343 Township:Range:Section: Tax Account #:Latitude: 4p.-O4-S7.S2N Longitude: 123_01_53.31 w 1C. Describe the project, include the type of development, business, or facility and services or products provided (attach additional information if necessary): The facility is an existing Verizon Wireless cellular communications site. As an unmanned facility, it relies on backup/emergency power generators to keep cell service active during any utility outages. The facility produces no physical products. For this project, the existing, on-site backup power generator was installed and the emergency generator was expected to have potential emissions at less than "de minimis'levels. *Generator lnfo: Manufacturer (Detroit Diesel/MTU Onsite Energy), Model (VER50DGC5NLT1), Size (50 kw), Fueltype (Natural Gas), lnstall Date (5/8/2011). 1D. Check the type of DEQ permit(s) or approval(s) being applied for at this time. {Air Quality Notice of Construction I Ctean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Request I-l Wa stewater/Sewer Construction Plan/ Specifications (includes review of plan changes that require use of new land) IWrter Quality NPDES lndividual Permit I Water Quality WPCF lndividual Permit (for onsite construction-installation permits use the DEQ Onsite Ll=!Q9foru) fl nir Contaminant Discharge Permit flnir Quality Title V Permit I nir. Quality lndirect Source Permit n Parking firaffic Circulation Plan I SotiO Waste Land Disposal Site Permit I Sotia Waste Treatment Facility Permit ! SOiO Waste Composting Facility Permit (includes Anaerobic Digester) I-l Conrersion Technology Facility Permit f, SotiO Waste Letter Authorization Permit ! SoliO Waste Material Recovery Facility Permit f SotiO Waste Energy Recovery Facility Permit f SotiO Waste Transfer Station Permit n Waste Tire Storage Site Permit fleottution Control Bond Request n Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage or Disposal Permit nWrt", Quality NPDES Stormwater General Permit (1 200-A, 1200-C, 1 200-CA, 1200-COLS , and 1200-2) IWater Quality General Permit (all general permits, except 600, 700-PM, 1700-4, and 1700-8 when they are mobile) ! Wut", Quality 401 Certification for federal permit or license This application is for:it Renewal Permit l-lPermitModification [Otner: Section 2-To be completed by city or county planning official Project nrr",B. ldy Vi.*Applicant name: cellco Partnership (Verizon wireless) lnstructions: Written findings of fact for all local decisions are required; written findings from previous actions are acceptable. For uses allowed outright by the acknowledged comprehensive plan, DEQ will accept written findings in the form of a reference to the specific plan policies, criteria, or standards that were relied upon in rendering the decision with an indication of whv the decision is iustified based on the plan policies, criteria, or standards. {lnside city limits lnside UGB Outside UGB2A. The project proposal is located: 28. Name of the city or county that has land use jurisdiction (the legal entity responsible for land use decisions for the subiect propertv or land use): CiW of Sprinefield 2C.This project is not within the jurisdiction of any other land use, zoning, or planning entity This project is also within the jurisdiction of the following land use, zoning, or planning entity {2D. ls the activity allowed under Measure 49 (2007\?No, Nleasure 49 is not applicable Yes, if yes, then check one: Express; approved by DLCD order#: Conditional; approved by DLCD order #: Vested; approved by local government decision or court judgment docket or order #: a composting facility? Yes; Senate Bill462 (2013) notification requirements have been met. 2E. ls 2F. ls the activity or use compatible with your acknowledged comprehensive plan as required by OAR 660-031? Please complete this form to address the activity or use for which the applicant is seeking approval (see 1.C on the previous page). lf the activity or use is to occur in multiple phases, please ensure that your approval addresses the phases described in 1C. For example, if the applicant's project is described in 1C. as a subdivision and the LUCS indicates that only clearing and grading are allowed outright but does not indicate whether the subdivision is approved, DEQ will delay permit issuance until approval for the subdivision is obtained from the local planning official. fl fne activity or use is specifically exempt by the acknowledged comprehensive plan; explain I Yes, the activity or use is pre-existing nonconforming use allowed outright by (provide reference for local ordinance): [| Ves, the activity or use is allowed outright by (provide reference for local ordinance): Springfield Developent Code (SDC) 3.2-2L0 ! Yes, the activity or use received preliminary approval that includes requirements to fully comply with local requirements; findinos are attached Yes, the activity or use is allowed; findings are attached. No, see 2D. above, activity or use allowed under Measure 49;findings are attached. n ruo, (complete below or attach findings for noncompliance and identify requirements the applicant must comply with before compatibility can be determined): Relevant specific plan policies, criteria, or standards: Provide the reasons for the decision: Additional comments (attach additional information as needed) // , A Titl"'Plrnna,.Planning Official Signature Andrew V. Larson Telephone #:541-736-1003 D^'"' 02107 /2ozzPrint Name:I lf necessary, depending upon city/county agreement on jurisdiction outside city limits but within UGB Plannino OfficialSionature: Title: Telephone #:Print Name:Date Alternative formats DEQ can provide documents in an alternate format or in a language other than English upon request. Call DEQ at 800-452-4011 or email deqi .state.or.us No