HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 10/4/2022D. [rurton AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) l, Shannon Morris, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am an Administrative Specialist for the Planning Division of the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Adm inistrative Specialist, ! p red and caused to be mailed copies of (See attachment "A") on 2022 addressed to (see tAttachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. Sh annon Morris STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane Vcl*ert- W ,2022, Personally appeared the above named Shannon Morris, Administrative Specialist, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: U)- @ OFfJICIAL STA.$4 P KELLY n NOTAHY NOTABY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION No.9 8434 7 c0tuti\flssl0N EXPIRES MARCI.I 18,2023 My Commission Expires:]JUcb18,gaaa CIW OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT t# 3OO.FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE PENDING HISTORIC RBVIEW MAJOR APPLICATION 225 FIFTH SIREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-s753 FAX (541)726-3689 www. s p ri ngf i e I d -or. g ov Date of Notice: October 412022 Record Number : 811-22-00017 2-TYP2 Applicant: Michael Zimmerman Nature of the Application: The applicant submitted plans proposing to remodel the front porch, west facing porch, and for roof and exterior finish restoration. Location: The property involved in this request is located at 639 C Street in Springfield, Assessor's Map No. l7-03-35-24,Tax Lot 12000. The subject property is within the R-1 residential land use district. Applicable Criteria: The standards found in Section 3.3-945 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) apply to this application. The criteria are available at Springfield City Hall weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Development & Public Works Department or on the City's website at www.sprinqfi eld-or.qor,/ Business, Planning, Development Code. Your Risht to Written Comment:Prior to the City making any decision on the application, you are provided a fourteen (1a) day period for the submission of written comments. Your written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on October 18r2022. Send comments to the attention of the staff contact listed below. All relevant comments will be included in the decision. Electronic submittal of comments and record review is strongly encouraged to reduce risk and travel. You may review the record of this application online for free at www.sprinsfield-or.gov under'oI want to - View - Online Public Documents - Browse Planning Documents - 2022 - 8ll-22-000172-TYP2," or request hard copies at a reasonable cost for pick up by appointment. Send comments to the attention of the staff contact listed below. A copy of the decision will be mailed to those that submit electronic or written comments in compliance with the timelines above. Failure to Raise Issue: Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period. Issues shall be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to respond to the issue. Staff Contact: Drew Larson City of Springfield Development & Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield OR 97477 E-mail : al arson@springfi eld-or. eov Phone: (541) 736-1003 If you would like to meet dtrectly with the planner, Attachrnent A S ITE V!CINITY MAP 81L-22-000L7 2-TY P2 H istoric Review 17-03-35-24 TL 12000 639 C Street Michael Zimmerman t:r 1 r; ,-t X\\,,'l t t r,L $ilfirt f; { 4; *i d ? ,f .31 f.lr /K tt 1\ 1703351309000 Taylor Keah J 709 D St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703351309300 Swisher Ronald H & Pamela A 2600 Floral Hill Dr Eugene Oregon 974O3 1703351311900 Childress Amber 715 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 7703351312200 Nuadha Terran T 720 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352408300 Marty Robins Family Trust PO Box 1842 Springfield Oregon 97 477 77033s2408700 McGeehan Helen S 617 D St Springfield Oregon 97 477 770335241L300 Graf Peter U 411 6th St Springfield Oregon 97 477 17033524t1600 DeFazio Diana PO Box 1241 Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352411900 Hayes Ava Lynn Seese 332 7th St Springfield Oregon 97 477 7703352472300 Davis Sandra L 335 N 6th St Springfield Oregon 97 477 17033s1309100 Charlie 123 LLC 2425 Viewmont Ave Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703351311700 Leno Gregory A & Lorrisa M 739 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 170335L312000 Jellum Larry Eugene PO Box 70447 Springfield Oregon 97 47 5 L703351312300 Franz Robert E Jr 3928 Spring Blvd Eugene Oregon 97405 1703352408400 Scheetz-Starr Family Living Trust 4916 Larkwood St Eugene Oregon 97405 1703352408800 Broadhurst Mary E 607 D St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352477400 Muyskens Jonathan B 608 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 7703352477700 Kurtz Linda M 2575 Laurel Hill Dr Eugene Oregon 97403 1703352412000 Zimmerman Michael 47 D Ave Lake Oswego Oregon 97034 7703352412400, 12500 Gibb Gregory & Heather 1353 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703351309200 Yoder Brenda J & Edwin C 706 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703351311800 Mainville Misty & Kai 1210 Oak Patch Rd Eugene Oregon 97402 1703351312100 MCLQ LLC 708 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352408200 CampbellAshley 663 D St Springfield Oregon 97 477 17033s2408600 Cary Karin H & David K 627 D St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352477100 TrusteesofMEChurch 530 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 L70335241,1500 Peppenger Tammy Kay 626 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352417800 Moira Kiltie Living Trust 346 7th St Springfield Oregon 97 477 77033524L2200 Cunningham-Golik Zachariah 835 F St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352412600 Randall Jason Tyler 573 C St Springfield Oregon 97 477 Attachment b 1703352415L00, 15300 JC2T LLC 320 N 6th St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352415600 Ball Beth C 646 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703353100200 H A B & D M Berry 1988 Living Rev Trust 1348 Berwick Dr Morro Bay California 93442 1703354202000 The Motors LLC 825 McKenzie Crest Dr Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352415200 Helen B Metzler lra FBO 618 F St Springfield Oregon 97 477 L70335241,5700 Mclees Leslie A 658 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 17033s3100300 De Alicante Brittney 627 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703352415400, 15500 Corey Partners Ltd 626 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703353100100 Scherer lnvestments Co 825 McKenzie Crest Dr Springfield Oregon 97 477 1703353190000 Springfield Dental Arts lnv 444 B St Springfield Oregon 97 477 7703352408200 Resident 653 D ST Springfield Or 97477 1703352408700 Resident 617 D ST Springfield Or 97477 L703352411.LOO Resident 530 C ST Springfield Or 97477 L7033524t1500 Resident 626 C ST Springfield Or 97477 1703351309200 Resident 706 C ST Springfield Or 97477 1703351311900 Resident 715 C ST Springfield Or 97477 17033s1311800 Resident 733 C ST Springfield Or 97477 170335241,5400 Resident 626 B ST Springfield Or 97477 1703351312100 Resident 708 B ST Springfield Or 97477 1703353100100 Resident 659 B ST Springfield Or 97477 1703351309000 Resident 709 D ST Springfield Or 97477 1703352408400 Resident 651 D ST Springfield Or 97477 770335241j-100 Resident s32 C 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ST Springfield Or 97477 Councilor Steve Moe PO Box 847 Springfield, Or 97477