HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Applicant 2/4/2022MORRIS Shannon
Timberly Davis <tdavis@q1 0nmco.com>
Friday, February 04,2022 9:51 AM
RE: Zoning Verification Letter Request
Good morning Shannon,
We have canceled the check on our end. Please shred at your convenience
Thank you so much,
Timberly Davis
Assistant Loan Closer
15862 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 200 | Portland, OR97224
Direct: 503.270.5314 | Main: 503.270.5300
Email: tdavis@q10nmco.com I website: http://www.Ql0capital.com
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you receive this transmission in error, please notify us immediately. Thank you.
From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>
Sent: Friday, February 4,2022 9:49 AM
To: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q L0nmco.com>; M I LLER Liz <lmiller@springfield-or.gov>
Cc: LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.gov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter Request
Hello Timberly,
I have the check at my desk, and would like you to advise how you'd like it handled. Since you've stopped payment,
would you like me to send it back to you or shred here at the office?
Shannon Morris
From: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q l0nmco.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February Ot,2022 1:46 PM
To: M ILLER Liz <lmiller@springfield-or.eov>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.sov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter Request
Hi Liz,
Are you able to let me know the status of the Zoning Letter? Per request below
Thank you,
Timberly Davis
Assistant Loan Closer
15862 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 200 | Portland, OR97224
Direct: 503.2705314 | Main: 503.270.5300
Email: tdavis@q10nmco.com I Website: http://www.QlOcapital.com
PLEASE NOTE: THIS lS A CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION. This electronic document and all accompanying documents may
contain confidential, legally privileged information belonging to the sender. The information is intended only for the use
oftheindividualsorentitieslistedabove. lfyouarenottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatany
disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. lf
you receive this transmission in error, please notify us immediately. Thank you.
From: MILLER Liz <lmiller@springfield-or.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, January L2,202210:33 AM
To: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q l0nmco.com>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.gov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter Request
Thanks Timberly. Once we receive the check in the mail we will get the letter processing and send you a receipt.
Thank you,
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From: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q l0nmco.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 72,202210:19 AM
To: MILLER Liz <lmiller@sprinsfield-or.sov>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@sprinsfield-or.sov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.gov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter Request
Good morning,
Re: Cloverdale, LLC
Cloverdale Apartments
886 Harlow Rd
Springfield, OR97477
Tax Parcel : 17 03220002206
We need to be provided with a Zoning Confirmation letter in connection with financing that we are placing on
the subject property. Attached is a legal description for your reference.
Zoning letter must be addressed as follows:
Cloverdale, LLC
Attn: Richard Boyles
840 Beltline Road, Suite 202
Springfield, OR97477
Lender requires that the letter include the following (sample attached)
- specify whether the property is legal/conforming or legal/non-conforming
-whether or not there are zoning violations
the requirements of floor space, building height, parking spaces, etc..
A check in the amount of $365.40 has been mailed and addressed to the appropriate parties for the service
Confirmation and a response to this email is requested
Thank you,
Timberly Davis
Assistant Loan Closer
15862 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 200 | Portland, OR97224
Di rect: 503.27 0.5314 | Mobile: 347 .612.0040 | Mai n : 503. 270.5300
Email : tdavis(Oq10nmco.com I Website: http://www.QlOcapital.com
PLEASE NOTE: THIS lS A CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION. This electronic document and all accompanying documents may
contain confidential, legally privileged information belonging to the sender. The information is intended only for the use
oftheindividualsorentitieslistedabove. lfyouarenottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatany
disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. lf
you receive this transmission in error, please notify us immediately. Thank you.
From: M ILLER Liz <lm iller@sprinefield-or.sov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 7!,2022 1:41 PM
To: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q l0nmco.com>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@sprinsfield-or.gov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@sprinsfield-or.sov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter lnquiry
There is no application. lf you send the letter of request by email we can set up a case and you can pay online. lf it is by
mail it is the address listed below in my signature line.
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From: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q lOnmco.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January L1.,2022 1:34 PM
To: MILLER Liz <lmiller@sprinsfield-or.eov>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.eov>
Subject: RE: Zoning Verification Letter lnquiry
Hi Liz,
Thank you,
Please let me know whom and where to address payment forthe zoning letter. ls there an application required to send
along with our request?
Timberly Davis
Assistant Loan Closer
15862 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 200 | Portland, OR97224
Direct: 503.270.5314 | Mobile: 347.612.0040 | Main: 503.270.5300
Email: tdavis@qLOnmco.com I Website: http://www.QlOcapital.com
PLEASE NOTE: THIS lS A CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION. This electronic document and all accompanying documents may
contain confidential, legally privileged information belonging to the sender. The information is intended only for the use
oftheindividualsorentitieslistedabove. lfyouarenottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatany
disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. lf
you receive this transmission in error, please notify us immediately. Thank you.
From: M ILLER Liz <lm iller@sprinefield-or.sov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 1.1.,202211:59 AM
To: Timberly Davis <tdavis(oq L0nmco.com>
Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@sprinsfield-or.gov>; LARSON Andrew <alarson@springfield-or.sov>
Subject: FW: Zoning Verification Letter lnquiry
Hello Timberly,
l'm not sure why I your emails have been coming back to you undeliverable but here is my email along with two other
people you can copy with a request. A Zoning Verification Letter request can be by email or mailed with a listing the
property address and a list of questions you would like answered. The fee for a Zoning Verification Letter is
Sf OS.+0. Once the request and fee is approved the letter is issued within approximately one to two weeks.
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From: Springfield Development Pu blicWorksMai I <d pw@ spri nsfie ld-or.sov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 77,2022 11:17 AM
To: MILLER Liz <lmiller@springfield-or.sov>
Subject: FW: Zoning Verification Letter lnquiry
From: Timberly Davis <tdavis@q l0nmco.com >
Sent: Tuesday, January 7L,202211:07 AM
To: Springfield Development PublicWorksMail <dpw@sprinsfield-or.sov>
Subject: Zoning Verification Letter lnquiry
Good morning,
This email is a follow up to a voicemail left with Liz Miller. My emails have undeliverable to her inbox.
l'm writing to inquire about the Zoning Confirmation Letter process. l'm working on the financing of the property
describe below and would like to get a quote on the cost and timing of the document.
Cloverdale Apartments
886 Harlow Rd
Springfield, OR97477
Thank you,
Timberly Davis
Assistant Loan Closer
15862 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 200 | Portland, OR97224
Direct: 503.27 0.53L4 | Mobile: 347 .612.0040 | Main : 503. 270.5300
Email : tdavis(oq10nmco.com I Website: http://www.Ql0capital.com
PLEASE NOTE: THIS lS A CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION. This electronic document and all accompanying documents may
contain confidential,legally privileged information belongingtothe sender. The information is intended onlyforthe use
oftheindividualsorentitieslistedabove. lfyouarenottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatany
disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. lf
you receive this transmission in error, please notify us immediately. Thank you.