HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Internal Reviewers 10/20/2020 (3)MEMORANDUM City of Sprinefield
DATE: 10-20-2020
TO: Drew Larson, Planner
FROM: Clayton McEachern, Civil Engineer
SUBJECT: 811-20-000171-PRE 58th & A St. Showroom and warehouse for window coverings
The subject application involves map l7-02-33-4102502 &2602
Applicant's Questions:
L Parking and Access: Because of the private ingress and egress easement, we are assuming the
parking spaces can utilize the easement/share access driveway as the back-up space. Is this
correct? We are also calculating the number of spaces based on 1:300 ratio for the portion of the
building that is retail/office use and 1:1000 ratio for the warehouse space. The office/retail space
is 4,357 ft2 resulting in 14.5 required auto spaces and the warehouse space 3.267 ft2 resulting in
3.3 auto spaces. This yields a total number of l8 spaces required. Does this meet city code
requirements? 2l spaces are being provided and 4 bike spaces, is this sufficient?
The access easement function the same as driveways in any development and those
maneuvers are allowed with the same restriction on the no parking spaces in the first
L8' in from the driveway on A st and24' of maneuvering room on the drive aisle for
backing and fire access. To be answered by planning and transportation.
2. Allowed Uses: As mentioned above, retail drapery, curtains and upholstery sues area allowed
outright in the cc zone. The associated storage/warehouse space appears to fall within the
permitted "warehouse corlmercial retail and wholesale sales similar to floor covering sales and
small scale repair and maintenance services similar to furniture repair. It is an ancillary use to
the window covering business. This is permitted correct?
To be answered buy planning.
3. Stormwater: We are proposing the stormwater facility to be located at the northwest corner of
the parcel. We will be having this designed by the Favreau Group. Are there any specific issues
related to this parcel and the stormwater that you feel we should be aware ofl
There is a catch basin in A st near your proposed stormwater treatment location that
can be used for overflow. Other nearby developments have had a high infiltration rate
that should allow this site to use this to treat and manage the runoff (pending a
successful infiltration test). If there is good inliltration the planters in the parking lot
may be able to treat that water and an expensive underground system avoided
altogether. Only the side slope is allowable in the PUE as shown.
4. Are there any other issues you may have seen in your review that we did not address?
The large overhead door into the warehouse section will fall under the requirements of
3.6 in the Eugene Stormwater manual that requires drains to sanitary and hydraulic
Both roads are fully improved and it appears that only additional street trees will be
required to linish this corner.
Other Comments
An SDC estimate is attached using furniture sales as the use category; total charges are
estimated to be approximately 19,000.