HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision Planner 9/17/2020un
) ss.
County of Lane )
l, Shannon Morris, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1. I state that I am an Administrative Specialist for the Planning Division
of the Development end Public Works Department, Gity of Springfield,
2. I state that in my capacity as Administrative Specialist, I prepared and
caused to be mailed copies of
ICr.,c'r\ +Aa ,s',cn (See attachment "A")on *r.pV.rnDe1. l"? ,2020
addressed to (see tAttachment "B"), by causing said letters to be
placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon.
Shannon Morris
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
2020, Personally appeared the above named Shannon
Administrative Specialist, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument
to be their voluntary act. Before me:
My Commission Expires:lo 3l )-o a- t
Date Received:
Planner: L[fl
coMMtssloN No. 967995
EXPTRES 0CT08ER 3t, 2021MY
Ty pe I t ent at ive Min imum
Devel opment S a n dar ds Min or
gnallcel lwirel essfacil itY
Project Name: G Street ROW (near McKenzie Willamette Parking Lot) Small Cell Wireless
Nature of Application: This project proposes the ingallation of a srnall cell wireless facility on a
reptacemeni lCenturylink) wood streetlight polewithin the 16th Sreet right-of-way in front of
theMcKenziewillamdteparking lot (Map and Tax Lot 1703362207100).
Case Number: 8l l-2G000145-TYPI
Project Location: l6e Street Right-of-Way near McKenzie Willamette parking lot (Map and Tax Lot
17 033 62207 100), SPringtreld, OR
Current Site Conditions: The location of the light pole is within the 16th Street Right-of-Way on the west
side of the road. The light pole is located wittrin a gpassy area just west of the sidewalk withur the right of
way near a parking lor owned by McKenzie Willamette Hospital (Map and Tax Lot 1701162207100)-
Application Submitted Date: August 7, 2020
Deemed Complete: August 17,2020
Decision Issued Date: September 17 ,2020
Recommendation: Approved, with Conditions (see page 7)'
qI I
Date Received
City of Springfield
225 56 Street
Springfield, OR 97478
A T:
Kri$y Weaver
N arv Ci ngula Wireless (AT&T)
163311 NE 724 WaY
Redmond,wA 98052
Meredith Haryett
.6 I nfrastrudure Partners
6732 Sru Terri Court
Portland, OR 97225
71G1036McEachern& Storrn SewerPublic Wr:rks
14+4153ChrisPlans Examiner
M DS M i nor gnd I Cel I Wi reless- 81 1-2Gffi014STYP1
Planner: Llt/l
t1 u)
Scone of Work
AT&T proposes to remove one existing CenturyLink wood pole of 26' in height and replace rt wrth a 35
ftrot wood pole for a total height of 38' including a top mounted AT&T canister antenna. The attachments
to be installed are one canister anterma, one pole top mount, one AT&T equipment encloswe and 3
conduits" The work is within the City of Springfield Right of Way for l6s Street.
Condition l: The revised documents including plan and application for Encroachment Permit shall
call out the accurate location and right-of-way with the following description: The l6th Street Right-
ol'- Way near McKenzie Willamette Parking Lot (Map and Tax Lot 1703362207f 00). This will
assure that contractors and inspectors can appropriately locate the correct location.
Aonlication Process
Belbre the linal approval of a small wireless lacility in the public right-ot'-way, the applicant must have an
approved Type I Wireless Telecommr.rnications Services permit, an approved Encroachment Permit, and
the applicant or faciliry owner must have an executed, unexpired Pole Attachment and Public Right of Way
Use Agreernent.
Finding: The applicant has submitted this Type I Wireless Telecommunications Services MDS application
which is ctnrently urder review. An executed, unexpired Pole Attachment and Public Right LIse will
lnlDate Received:
Planner: Lltd
M DS M i nor $nal I Cel I Wi rel ess- 81 1-2G00014$TYP1 ,l )9
N I.d rr
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Agreemenr have been submined. An Encroachment Permit to perform work in the right-of-way-need to be
applied tbr subsequent to isstrance ofthis staffreport and decision.
Condition 2: Submit for a City of SpringJfield Encroachment Permit for work in the l6h Street
Right of Way. Please contact Todd Singleton at @
ADnroval Process:
Applicants ftrr a small wireless facility in the public right of way (ROW) musr provide the following
intbrrnation and tbrms required under Springfield Municipal Code (SMC) 3.212 and Springtield
Development Code (SDC) 4.3-145:
l. Provide a completed Type I Wireless Telecommunications Services Development
application, including all information required to show compliance with relevant stanrlards
in SDC 4.3-r45F and G-
SDC 4-3-r45F. and G- Relevant Standards to Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Right of
sDC 4.3-145F. 28 - Small wireless Facilities in the public Right-of-way. Small
wireless facilities in the public right-of-way must comply with the following
a. Small wireless facilit-v structures must meet the following height limits,
whichever is more:
i. 50 feet or less in height, including antenna height; orii- No more than roo/o taner than the existing structure or other
adjacent utility poles, light poles, or similar structures.
Finding: The pole, including canister antenna, is 3g, in height
Each antenna associated with the small wireless facility, excluding
associated antenna equipment, must be no more than 3 cubic feet in
Finding: The canister antenna is shown as 2.35 cubic feet in volume on page of D_ l ofthe plan, derail 2.
All wireless equipment associated with the structure other than the
antenna, including the wireless equipment associated with the antenna andany pre-existing associated equipment on the structure, must be no morethan 28 cubic feet in vorume- Antenna equipment includes only such
equipment that is associated with the antenna that is in the same fixed
location as the antenna, and is instalred at the same time as the antenna.
Date Received
Planner: LIU
MDSMinor $nail Ceil Wiretess_ 811_2GmO14rTyp1
Finding: In agggegate, all of the equipment on the structure does not total more than 28
cubic feet"
d. All antennas on a small cell structure, excluding antenna equipment, must
not total more than 6 cubic feet in volume, whether an arrsy or separate.
Finding: The antenna proposed is not more than 6 cubic t'eet in volurne
e. Antennas may not project more than 5 feet above or 2 feet laterally from
the pole, as measured from the inside edge ofthe antenna to the surface of
the pole, or the minimum necessary to achieve required safety clearances.
Antennas may not exceed the diameter of the pole on which they are
attached, or 16 inches in diameter, whichever is greater.
Finding: The canister antenna does not project more than 5 t'eet above or two feet
f. All equipment must be mounted to the pole at least 10 feet above grade.
dternately, equipment may be located in an underground vault or another
location on the pole upon approval by the Cit"v Engineer.
Finding: The proposed AT&T meter is shown below 6'2" on the pole.
Condition 3: A revised plan must be submitted showing the AT&T meter at least
l0' above grade per the Springlield Development Code requirement.
g- Other than the antenna, antenna equipment, electric meter, and power
disconnect, all pole-mounted equipment must be concealed in a single flush-
mounted cabinet that complies with the dimensional standards in this
Section or otherwise entirely shielded from public view.
EXCEPTION: Multiple equipment cabinets on a single pole are permitted
on\'when necessary to comply with the pole owner's joint use
Finding: All exposed equipment falls within the exception which includes the
antenna, antenna equipment and power disconnect.
h. All cabling and wires that run between the antenna and equipment must be
concealed or shielded inside conduit.
Finding: The plars show that all wires are within conduit on the pole
i. All antennas, equipment, conduit, cabling, cabinets and ancillary parts
must be painted or textured in a non-reflective neutral color that matcheso
or is compatible with, the pole.
Date Received:
Planner: L[\f
4M DS M i nor Snal I Cel I Wi reless- 81 1-2G00014$TYP1 q l1 )-0
Finding: The photo simulation of the proposed pole and equiprnent shows a wood pole
with equipment painted brown which is compatible .
j. Where there are no existing overhead utilities, utility service lines and
backhaul fiber must be located underground, unless approved otherwise by
the City Engineer.
fiading: There are overhead utility service lines existing.
k. All new or replacement small wireless facility structures must comply with
the following:
i- A replacement small wireless facility structure must be
placed as close to the same location as the existing structure as is
possible, unless minor adjustments to location are needed to
comply with ADA requirements or for public safety, as determined
by the City Engineer.
ii. A new small wireless facilify structure is permitted only
when no other existing structure in the right-of-way is available or
suitable to accommodate the small wireless facility, and no other
structure in the right-of-way is available or suitable to be replaced
or modified to accommodate the small wireless facility.
iii. The location of a small wireless facilit_v structure must allow
sullicient clear space for safe passage on the sidewalk; must not be
located within the vision clearance area; must not interfere with
other utilities, traffic control devices, or intersections; and must be
safe, as determined by the City Engineer.
l. Small wireless facilities are not permitted on decorative light poles and no
decorative light poles will be removed or replaced to accommodate small
wireless facilities-
EXCEPTION: Upon a determination that no other option is reasonably
available for meeting an identified capacity, coverage, or other senice need,
including locating the small wireless facility on privote property outside the
public right-of-way, the City will permit replacement of a decorative light
pole with a small wireless facility that is camouflaged to match the existing
decorative pole.
Finding: The replacement pole was not a decorative light pole
m. The City may require design or concealment measures for small wireless
facilities and associated structures in the Historic Overlay District. Any
such design or concealment measures are not considered part ofthe small
wireless facility for purpose ofthe size restrictions in this subsection.
Date Received:
Planner: LI',/
5M DS M inor $ndl Cell Wireless- 81 1-2Gffi014STYP1
Finding: The thcility is not located within the Historic District.
SDC 43-f45G Application Submittal Requirements. All applications for a WTS facility
shall provide the following reports, documents or documentation:
j. Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way- Applications for small
wireless facilities in City limits in the public right-of-way must also include:
i. A structural report stamped by an Oregon licensed
engineer that the small wireless facility structure can structurally
accommodate the proposed small wireless facility. For attachment
to existing structures, the engineer who authors and stamps the
report must have conducted an in-person inspection ofthe pole and
any issues with the condition of the pole must be noted in the
Finding: An O-Calc Pro Analysis Report was submitted however this was not
stamped by an Oregon licensed Engineer.
Condition 4: Provide a structural report stamped by a licensed Oregon
lt.A photo simulation showing the maximum silhouette, color and
Iinish of the proposed facility;
Finding: A photo simulation showing the ma{imrrm silhouette, color and finish
of the proposed facility has been submitted.
For poles that are not owned by the City of Springlield, written
authorization by the pole owner regarding the specific plan to
attach to the pole; and
Finding: The pole is ou'ned by the city
All necessary permits and applications required under the
Springlield Municipal Code, which may be processed
Finding: An electrical permit is required tbr the proposed installation.
Condition 5: Obtain a minimum electric permit anrl low voltage electric
permit through the Cit"v of Springfield Building Division. Please contact
Guy Dixon, electrical inspector, for information regarding the specific
tl L0
M DS M inor $nall Cell Wireless- 811-2G0014'TYP1
Planner: Llt/l
Condition l: The revised documents including plan and application for Encroachment Permit shall
call out the accurate location and right-of-way with the following tlescription: The l6th Street Right-
of- Way near McKenzie \ilillamette Parking Lot (Map and Tax Lot 1703362207100). This will
assure that contractors and inspectors can appropriately locate the correct location.
Condition 2: Submit for a City of Springfietd Encroachment Permit for work in the l6tr Street
Right of Way. Please contact Todd Singleton at @
Condition 3: A revised plan must be submitted showing the AT&T meter at least l0' above grade
per the Springfield Development Code requirement.
Condition 4: Provide a structural report stamped by a licensed Oregon Engineer.
Condition 5: Obtain a minimum electric permit and low voltage electric permit through the City of
Springfield Building Division. Please contact Guy Dixon, electrical inspector, for information
regarding the specifrc installation.
PLEASI NOTE: The following requirements apply to the abandonment anrUor discontinuation of
use for alt WTS facilities:
o All WTS facilities located on a utility pole shall be promptty removed at the
operator's exp€nse lt any time a utili$ is scheduled to be placed
underground or otherwise moved.
o All operators who intend to abandon or discontinue the use of any WTS
facility shall nofi$ the City of their intentions no less than 60 days prior to
the final day of use.
o WTS facilities shall be considered abandoned 90 days following the frnal
day of use or operation.
o All abandoned WTS facilities shall be physically removed by the service
provider andi/or property owner no more than 90 days following the final
day ofuse or ofdetermination that the facility has been abandoned,
whichever occurs lirst.
o The City reserves the right to remove any WTS facilities that are
abandoned for more than 90 days at the expense ofthe facility owner.
o Any abandoned site shall be restored to its natural or former condition.
Grading and landscaping in good condition may remain.
Questions: Please call Lz Miller in the Planning Division of the Development and Public Works
Department at (541)72G2301 if you have any questions regarding this process.
1 LD
Date Received:
Planner: LlJl
MDS Minor $ndl Cell Wireless- 81 1-2Gffi014STYP1 7
The following conditions shall be completed prior to the installation of the Small Cell Wireless Facility:
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