HomeMy WebLinkAboutMWMC Agenda Packet AGENDA II.a. AGENDA IV. M E M O R A N D U M AGENDA V. • • • • • • • Description SB1 Proposal Pipe Repair Kits 100,000$ Cathodic Protection, Secondary 43,070 143,070$ • • • Description SB1 Proposal Aeration Basin Improvements (P80113)995,765$ Resiliency Follow-Up (P80109)789,367 Switchgear & Transformer Replacement (P80115)482,462 Comprehensive Facility Plan Update (P80101)465,206 Glenwood Pump Station Upgrades (P80064)398,846 Riparian Shade Credit Program (P80112)139,974 WCPF Stormwater Infrastructure (P80111)90,000 Poplar Harvesting (P80083)78,891 Class A Disinfection Facilities (P80098)35,572 Recycled Water Demonstration (P80099)4,621 Admin Building Improvements (P80104)(245,147) Subtotal Capital Project Carryover 3,235,557 Equipment Replacement 1,440,760 Major Rehab 441,682 Major Capital 24,430 Total Capital Fund Carryover 5,142,429$ Description SB1 Proposal DCS Replacement 875,760$ Tractor, Paddle Mixer w/Aerator Attachment 321,000 Tractor/Loader, Facilities 200,000 Sampling Van Upfits 20,000 Discrete Analyzer, Lab 24,000 Subtotal Equipment Replacement Carryover 1,440,760 Process Controls and Polymer Wetting Controls, BMF 137,158 Total Equipment Replacement Carryover and New Money 1,577,918$ • • • • • Description SB1 Proposal Roof Replacements 71,682$ Digester #1 Interior Dome Recoating 280,000 Grit Channels Concrete Rehab 90,000 Total Major Rehab Carryover 441,682$ Description SB1 Proposal Laboratory Management Software (LIMS)24,430$ Subtotal Major Capital Carryover 24,430 RNG Waste Gas Burner 184,000 Total Major Capital Carryover and New Money 208,430$ Description Reserve Balances Capital Reserve 22,487,967$ Equipment Replacement Reserve 12,328,051 SDC Improvement Reserve 5,819,419 SDC Reimbursement Reserve 2,427,664 43,063,101$ Attachment 1 Resolution 23-10 1 of 2 Attachment 1 Resolution 23-10 2 of 2 Attachment A – Summary of Changes FY 2023-24 MWMC - Supplemental Budget #1 Summary CAPITAL OPERATING TOTAL BEG CASH ADJUSTMENT 6,736,303$ 2,082,816$ 8,819,119$ REQUESTED CARRYFORWARDS (5,142,429) (227,903) (5,370,332) NEW SPENDING REQUESTS (1,271,158) (144,157) (1,415,315) NET CHANGE TO RESERVES 322,716$ 1,710,756$ 2,033,472$ Capital Reserve (797,864)$ Equipment Replacement Reserve (388,321) SDC Improvement Reserve 1,378,572 SDC Reimbursement Reserve 130,329 322,716$ Attachment 2 Attachment A- Summary of Changes AGENDA VI. • • • Attachment 1 Resolution 23-11 Page 1 of 2 Digital Signature: Digital Signature: Digital Signature: Attachment 1 Resolution 23-11 Page 2 of 2 AGENDA VII. • • • • • • • AGENDA VIII. • • • • • • • • Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission Capital Improvement Program FY 23-24 BUDGET AND CIP GLENWOOD PUMP STATION UPGRADE (P80064) Description: Expand Glenwood pump station capacity to accommodate growth and meet Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) wastewater pump station design requirements. The pump station was designed with stalls for additional pumps. Two pumps are currently installed with space for two additional pumps to be added when flow to the pump station increases with development of the Glenwood and Laurel Hill basins. In 2019, the P80096 Resiliency Planning study recommended onsite geotechnical evaluation and additional improvements. Status: As of January 2023, evaluation of existing pumping capacity and geotechnical investigation is complete. Consultant task order #1 is nearing completion. The next step is to collect wet weather flow data and start design of the pump station upgrades. Justification: Additional pumping capacity will be required at this MWMC pump station to handle increasing flows in the Glenwood area (Springfield) and the Laurel Hill area (Eugene). Project Driver: Oregon DEQ wastewater pump station redundancy requirements and 2019 Resiliency study recommendations. Project Trigger: Peak wet weather instantaneous flow reaches 80 percent of the pump station firm capacity. Estimated Project Cost: $2,050,000 (but plan to get updated construction cost estimating in 2023) Estimated Cash Flow: FY 20-21 = $1,426; FY 21-22 = $43,259; FY 22-23 = $505,315; FY 23-24 = $1,400,000; FY 24-25 = $100,000 Expenditure/Category: Prior Years 2022-23 Est. Act.2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Design/Construction $44,685 $505,315 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,050,000 Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Cost $44,685 $505,315 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,050,000 Attachment 1 Project Sheet for Glenwood Pump Station Upgrade (P80064)