HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Agency Partner 2/24/2022LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: To: Cc: From: Attachments: LAPINA Keoki < KeokiL@subutil.com > Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:29 AM LIMBIRD Andrew MORRIS Shannon RE: Development lssues Mtg 8'11-22-000049-PRE (Annexation) Planner:Andy Limbird 81 1-22-000049-PRE Louise D'Ambrosia (1279 Janus St).pdf l)ate fteceivecl [)lnnner: ].L Subject: Hi Andy - Please find attached SUB Water's response to this upcoming DlM. Thanks! Keoki Lapina, P.E. I SUB Woter ----Origina I Appointment----- From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Wednesday, February 23,2022 3:41PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew; RUST Mark; GREENE Kyle; LIEBLER Michael; MCEACHERN Clayton; RICHMOND Joshua; SINGLETON Todd; PETERSEN Steven; JABUSCH Brock; GORDON Gilbert R; GORDON GilberU PHILLIPS-MEADOW Eric S; BOYCE Ladd; LAPINA Keoki; KING Sanjeev; AMANN Nick; CARPENTER Christopher; PASCHALL Jeff; LENZEN-HAMMEREL Alycia B; PORTER Jamie; KRAAZ Kristina Subject: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000049-PRE (Annexation) Planner:Andy Limbird When: Thursday, March 17 ,20221:30 PM-2:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: ZOOM A Development lssues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 17,2022 L:30 - 2:30 via Microsoft Teams (link and participation information below) Planner: Andy Limbird Applicant submitted proposal for annexation of single residential parcel for connection to sewer. The Complete DIM Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htt o://laserfiche.spri ngfield -or.eov /blink/Browse.asox?startid= 1-88193 Shannon Morris is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000049-PRE Annexation D'Am brosio Time: Mar 77 ,2022 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/i/89816306327?pwd=d nNnZXpNd IFYRH FBVTR5NThBQWFtdz09 Meeting lD: 898 1-630 6327 Passcode: 205767 One tap mobile + 197 1247 t79 5,, 89 8 1 6 3 0 6327 #,,,,* 2057 67 # U S ( Po rt I a n d ) + t2O6337 97 2 3,, 89 8 1 63 0 6327 #,,,,* 2057 67 # U S ( Se a tt I e ) Dial by your location +1971-247 L195 US (Portland) +7 206 337 9723 US (Seattle) 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 1 . z/zv/bzz'--t--*t--- Meeting lD: 898 7630 6327 Passcode: 205767 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kd ufmaaxYV 2 Dato $leceirreC Z 2 ')ov2 Irr \\'ATt-R SERVI('l- CENI'ER 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR97477-5240 Iel547-726-2396 Fax541-747-7348 www subutil.com TO: Andy Limbird City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 DATE: February 24,2022 SUBJECT: SUB lVater commentsfor DIM #811-22-000049-PRE, Louise D'Ambrosia Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: l. The proposed development is currently outside of the Springfield City limits and cannot be provided water service by the Springfield Utility Board Water Division prior to annexation into the City of Springfield. 2. Water system facilities are available in the area to provide water service to the proposed developmenlfollowing annexotion into the City. 3. Following this developments transfer to SUB, contact the SUB Water Division al54t-726-2396 for information regarding water service considerations, the process for obtaining water service, and backflow prevention requirements for your development. 4. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. Ninety percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. ln every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. Special requirements may be necessary forgroundwater protection at this development. For more detailed information, contact the SUB Water Division Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator at54t-726-2396. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, Springfield Utility Boqrd - Water Division Datcr Received [)l"anriri: A.L SPRINGFI EI,D U'I' I I,ITY BOARD S:\SITEPaN\2022 Letters\g11-22-0NA49-PRE Louise D'Ambrosio (7279 Janus St).docx Poge 1 af 7