HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 6/8/202110 11 OFIV€B AND rcTOF VEHICLE SERYICE9 APPLICATION FOR THREE YEAR VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I NUMBEB EFFECT]VE EXPIRATION DATE DEALEB NUMBER Ztr ORIGINAL RENEWAL CEBTIFICATE FEE LATE FEE SUPPLEMENTALS RENEWAL PLATES ADDITIONAL PLATES rorAL $ lf this is a renewal, do not complete the fee information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. (Supplemental Application Form 735-372 required for each location) o F F I c E u S E TOTAL = $1't8 $ $ $ Additional plates 12" x 6"_or7" x4" Additional Locations (Two sizes, standard and small, available) Original Certificate (lncludes one plate)1,187.00 0@$350.00 TEMPORARY PLATES A LEGAL NAME OF APPLICANT (OWNEB, PARTNERSHIP, LLC OB COHPORATION NAME) lnova LLC FEDERAL ID NUMBER (FEIN) 27-2430222 OREGON REGISTRY # (IF LLC OB CORPOBATION) BUSINESS NAME (IF ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME, FILL IN REGISTRY NO.)BEGI NO.TELEPHONE MAIN BUSINESS LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER) 5251 Main St td 97478 Lane P PO Box 7487 MAILING ADDRESS 475SOR TE ZIP CODE oHECK ORGANTZATTON TypE: ! lnOiviOuat lf clrporation, list the state under which business is incorporaled: Corporation:Partnership ffi r-r-C l/ we primarily sell: [ rue* Vehicles Z UseO Vehicles l/ we are a franchise dealer:I ves Z ruo lf "Yes," name the makes ] l/wesellNEW RECREATIONALVEHICLES: I Ves Z No IF'YES," SEFIVICE FACILITY LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER)CITY CODE LOCATION APPROVAL (lf renewal, required only if dealer is changing business location) Certification of local zoning. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer certificate, unless exempt underORS 822.015, foranyperson who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security interest, consignment or otherwise; OR (b) Displays a new or used vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer for sale; OR(c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of agent for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW lS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. The approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under applicable ordinances, at the location of the business given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025, applicant shall meet requirements below. As the zoning official for the jurisdiction where this business is located, I verify by my signature that the location of this business as stated on this application complies with any land use ordinances of the jurisdiction pursuant to ORS 822.025, K CITY OF COUNW OF: TELEPHONE NUMBEB6qi )1)lo-L30 ( "-'uip trhitt L('''Ylwnrf ffi CnecX box if restrictions on the location approval are in an attached letter from the zoning authority. t t t ffi,qHr,5^ts-r'!,(rff* VJ V Fflaae stannp on'seafl hene V - n - rr^^nirrad DMV Form \\rLur+L Page I Planner: LM tr 'Tilr lxt Tlmelines and Conditions of Approval: The property owner and/ or applicant shall comply with the standards specified in Section 5'15- 120 within 3 years of the Director's approval as follows: A.No Final MDS Plan is required. Though following two conditions apply to the addition of vehicle sales: Condition l: The existtng SELCO Credlt Union buildlng shall Se the requlred on-slte oflice and rttes buitdtng for the vehicle sales. No ruto repair shell occur on site. Condition 2: A maximum of 5 spacee ehall be ueed for display of autoe for sale. The DMV ffi;"pproval ghall aleo staft the maximum of 5 autos are permitted for display on the lot. Additionai itorage of vehicles shall not be permitted' B. C. F. D. E. The signing of a Development Agreement by the property owner within 90 days of the Director,s Final MDS Pl,an approval and issuance of the Development Agreement. A Building Permit may be issued by the Building official only after the Development Agreement has been signed by the applicant. No structure or site shall be occupied until all improvements are made as specified in this Section, unless otherwise permitted below. The construction of the required improvements shall begin within 2 years of the signing of the Development Agreement. If this time line cannot be met, the applicant may submit a written request fo, a sir,gte l-year extension of the 2-year start of construction timeline specified above. If the timeline established for the start of construction in Subsection C' above is not met and the applicant has not requested an extension, then the Director shall declare the application null and void. upon satisfactory completion of site development, as determined by a Final site Inspection (prior to the final building inspection), the City shall authorize the provision of fublic facilities and services and issue a Certificate of Occupancy or otherwise authorize use of the site. All required improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy or Final Building Inspection for the development, unless improvements have been deferred for good cause by the Director as noted below' i;'aie ReceiveC: Planner: LM 6MDS Minor - 811-21-00005GTYP1