HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 07 18 Minutes Joint PC Lane County & Springfield Meeting 1 Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Springfield Planning Commission: approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 In person at the Goodpasture Room, Lane County, & Library Meeting Room, Springfield City Hall & via Zoom 6:00 pm Joint Work Session Springfield Chair Salazar started the Joint Work Session of the Springfield & Lane County Planning Commissions and each chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Planning Commissioners present: City of Springfield: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Buck, Thompson, Schmunk Absent Commissioners: Stout Lane County: Chair Kashinsky, Vice Chair Choate, Wihtol, Hadley, Snider, Dignam Absent: Peacock, Lay, Kaylor Lane County Staff: Jared Bauder, Associate Planner; Amber Bell, Planning Director City of Springfield Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planner; Monica Sather, Planner II; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant City of Springfield Planning Commissioners’ roll call for potential conflict of interest: Salazar: stated he had a potential conflict of interest since he works for Homes for Good which is a real estate developer in the area. Buck: stated that he had a potential conflict of interest since he is an insurance broker with business in the area. Schmunk: stated he had no potential conflict of interest. Thompson: stated he had no potential conflict of interest. Rhoads-Dey: stated he had a potential conflict of interest since he works as a realtor in the area. Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver 2 Chair Kashinsky called for a statement of actual or potential conflict of interest from the Lane County Planning Commissioners: None WORK SESSION ITEM 1) Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project: In the matter of adopting a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and a Land Use Element and proposing related amendments to the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), Springfield Comprehensive Plan, Springfield Neighborhood Refinement Plans, and Springfield Development Code. Chelsea Hartman / Springfield Staff: gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project. Jared Bauder / Lane County Staff: informed the Commissioners that the intent of the Public Hearing tonight is to approve a recommendation for the Board of Lane County Commissioners and Springfield City Council. Commissioner Rhoads-Dey: asked about staff’s thoughts about including the Willamette Greenway on the Downtown and Glenwood refinement plan diagrams. Chelsea Hartman: explained that staff have ideas about the benefits and tradeoffs of either approach and are seeking input from Commissioners on which approach is most helpful. Benefits to showing the Greenway include consistency and accessible information, which aligns with the project’s purpose to make maps clearer with existing information. Tradeoffs include potential clutter on the maps as this information was not shown on the original refinement plan diagrams. Commissioner Snider: acknowledged the amount of work that has been done and noted it’s helpful to see more information on the maps but also understand not wanting to have too much clutter so see benefits to either approach. Commissioner Wihtol: asked if other jurisdictions show the Greenway on their maps. Agreed that more information is helpful but sometimes creates more clutter. Commissioner Dignam: wanted to know how confident staff were that the property owners on the edge of the “blob” (i.e. unclear areas on the Metro Plan Diagram) were made aware of the impact of the amendments on their property’s designation. Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver 3 Chelsea Hartman: explained that a detailed letter was sent to the affected property owners as part of the property research. This gave the identified property owners the opportunity to provide comment on the results of the research, including whether their properties had clear or unclear designations. In both cases the City gave the recipients the opportunity to request further information about the research and its results as well as an opportunity to comment. A reminder that the project’s goal was to document existing plan designations based on what staff could tell from property research and outreach to property owners, but the project did not explore significant policy changes. Sandy Belson / Staff: responded to an earlier question and noted that other jurisdictions opted to show the Willamette Greenway on their zoning maps, but not their comprehensive plan maps. Asked the Springfield Commissioners, if they would be available to attend another Joint Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 5th when the Lane County Planning Commission normally meets: The Springfield Planning Commissioners in attendance confirmed they were available to join the Lane County Planning Commission Meeting on September 5th. Adjourned: by the Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Chairs – 6:38 pm. Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 In person at the Goodpasture Room, Lane County, & Library Meeting Room, Springfield City Hall & via Zoom 7:00 pm Joint Public Hearing Springfield Chair Salazar started the Joint Regular Session of the Springfield & Lane County Planning Commissions and each chairperson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Planning Commissioners present: City of Springfield: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Buck, Schmunk Absent Commissioners: Stout, Thompson Lane County: Chair Kashinsky, Vice Chair Choate, Hadley, Snider, Dignam Absent: Peacock, Lay, Kaylor, Wihtol Lane County Staff: Jared Bauder, Associate Planner; Amber Bell, Planning Director Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver 4 City of Springfield Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planner; Monica Sather, Planner II; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant 1 – Welcome / Introduction to Topic Springfield Chair Salazar provided a brief overview of the process for the Joint Public Hearing on the matter of adopting a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and Land Use Element and related amendments to the Metro Plan, Springfield Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Refinement Plans, and the Springfield Development Code amendments and some of the Neighborhood Refinement Plans that must be adopted by both jurisdictions. 2 – Open the hearing City of Springfield Planning Commissioners’ roll call for potential conflict of interest: Salazar: stated he had a potential conflict of interest since he works for Homes for Good which is a real estate developer in the area. Buck: stated that he had a potential conflict of interest since he is an insurance broker with business in the area. Schmunk: stated he had no potential conflict of interest. Rhoads-Dey: stated he had a potential conflict of interest since he works as a realtor in the area. Lane County Chair Kashinsky called for a statement of actual or potential conflict of interest: None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1) Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project: In the matter of adopting a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and a Land Use Element and proposing related amendments to the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), Springfield Comprehensive Plan, Springfield Neighborhood Refinement Plans, and Springfield Development Code. Chairs Salazar and Kashinsky provided the applicable approval criteria for their jurisdiction: For Springfield the applicable criteria are: Springfield Development Code – Section 5.6.115 and 5.14.135 and Statewide Planning Goals/ Oregon Administrative Rules. Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver 5 For Lane County: Lane Code – Chapters 10.600-15 (Applicable Land Use Regulations), 12.100.050 (Method of Adoption and Amendment), 12.300.030 (Metro Plan Amendment Criteria) and Statewide Planning Goals/ Oregon Administrative Rules. Chelsea Hartman / Springfield Staff: gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project. Jared Bauder / Lane County Staff: explained that Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the amendment as proposed to the Board of County Commissioners. 3 – Testimony from interested parties - None 4 – Clarifying questions from Commissioner(s) - None 5 – Close the Hearing Springfield and Lane County Chairs Salazar and Kashinsky declared the Joint Public Hearing and the written records are closed. Written testimony received after that date will be forwarded to the Lane County Board of Commissioners and Springfield City Council for their consideration. Commissioner Rhoads-Dey / Springfield: moved to approve the Option 2 Order and Recommendation that is in the agenda packet as Attachment 1, including: • Correcting the Q Street Refinement Plan boundary as shown on the maps on Slide 7; and • Recommending amendments to show the Willamette Greenway Overlay on the proposed Downtown and Glenwood Refinement Plan Diagrams provided in Attachment 1 – Exhibit A [with changes to the findings…]. Commissioner Buck seconded the motion. Commissioner Choate / Lane County: moved to approve the Option 2 Order and Recommendation that is in the agenda packet as Attachment 1, including: • Correcting the Q Street Refinement Plan boundary as shown on the maps on Slide 7; and • Recommending amendments to show the Willamette Greenway Overlay on the proposed Downtown and Glenwood Refinement Plan Diagrams provided in Attachment 1 – Exhibit A [with changes to the findings…]. Commissioner Snider seconded the motion. Springfield Planning Commission roll call vote: Minutes Joint Springfield & Lane County Planning Commission Meeting Approved 8/15/23 Attested by S. Weaver 6 Salazar – Aye Buck – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Schmunk – Aye Motions passes: 4 / 0 / 2 Absent Lane County Planning Commission roll call vote: Kashinsky – Aye Choate – Aye Dignam – Aye Hadley – Aye Snider – Aye Motion passes: 5 / 0 / 4 Absent Adjourned by the Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Chairs – 7:33 PM.