HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 4/28/2022BC Building Codes Division Notice of Temporary Rule January 26,2022 Child care facilities within dwellings, and automatic fire sprinkler requirements Department of Consumer and Business Services Purpose of the rule: These rules are based on the 2022 Oregon Structural Specialty Code review committee recommendation and the division's ongoing efforts to arrive at a clear and reasonable code altemative to sprinkler protection for child care facilities located in dwellings while maintaining an increased level of hre protection for care recipients. These rules implement the Building Code Structures Board's approved code solution. Citation: 918-460-0015 This rule is effective January 26,2022 through JuJy 24,2022. Background: The national model codes recognize that business uses are often located within detached dwellings. These model codes, adopted in Oregon, establish a baseline standard of care where any business, including day care facilities, is voluntarily located in a home. The national model code standard of care is to require a domestic residential sprinkler system (NFPA l3D) in all home businesses, and limit the number of care recipients in care facility businesses to further mitigate the relative risk profile. Under the International Residential Code (IRC), which serves as the base national model for our Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC), care facilities are permitted to be located within dwellings provided both of the following are met: l. A domestic residential sprinkler system is installed (required for all businesses located in dwellings) 2. A maximum of five individuals receive care at any given time If a care facility exceeds the allowable number of recipients, it becomes regulated by the International Building Code (IBC). The IBC serves as the base national model code for our Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC). Depending on the specihc business operation, these care facilities would either be classified as Group I - Institutional, Group E - Educational, or Group R - Residential under the model IBC. The Group R designation is limited to the same number of occupants as listed in the IRC; five. Group I and Group E day care facilities may be permitted to be constructed without a full NFPA 13 automatic sprinkler system, which is significantly more robust than a domestic residential sprinkler system, but must conform to many more rigorous safety measures under the IBC. For example, increased number of exits, fire classification of interior finishes, limitations on allowable travel distances to exits, monitored fire alarm systems, ltre resistance rated separation, larger setbacks from property lines, kitchen separations and equipment safeguards, and rated corridors may all required.Datc I'ieceived: [)lanner: AL .,{r->. Building Codes Division 0 Department of Consumer and Business Services 0 State of Oregon ffi 1535 Edsewater SL NW' i,"j"rl?ff133!ri{r?;iTli"ill nlX',il;o* e730e-0404 KtrGz,,\W/ In Oregon, both registered and certified family child care homes, defined by ORS 3294, were previously governed by the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) scope, prior to the April 1, 2021 code adoption. These care facilities are permitted to have 10 and l6 individuals receiving care respectively, which is double and more than triple the national standard limitation of five. As of April l, the care facilities were made to comply with the OSSC, but were assigned a less restrictive Group R-3 designation. This designation was intended to prevent the more robust standards required for Groups I and E from being applied to these care facilities, while still allowing the increased number of care recipients (i.e., l0 and 16, respectively). These amendments were discussed by the technical review committee appointed by the Building Codes Structures Board, and the public during several public meetings. A modification was suggested during the committee process via public testimony (child care facility public proposal). The modification focused on providing exception to the requirement of a domestic residential sprinkler system. The committee was in unanimous favor of providing exception to the automatic sprinkler system requirement. The child care facility public proposal modification to remove the automatic sprinkler system requirement was used as the basis for the language, and the following elements were added; care facility location within the dwelling, intervening spaces along the occupants' path to an exit, and documentation verifying facility licensure approval for the certificate of occupancy. In addition, the language in the child care facility public proposal related to the age of the care recipients was removed. Need for temporary filing: This temporary rule is needed because failure to act promptly on the changes approved by the Building Codes Structures Board will result in serious prejudice to the public interest, as fire protection rules for child care facilities are crucial to public safety and the safety of those facilities in particular. These facilities need clarity on their requirements and the flexibility this change will create, as the need for additional child care facilities in Oregon only continues to increase. Filing these temporary rules will not impact the process for the permanent rules. The permanent rules for the code amendments will follow the necessary process for rule adoption outlined in the Oregon Administrative Procedures Act and the Attorney General's model rules. Summary: These rules will amend the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) by implementing board- approved child care facility automatic sprinkler and siting changes. Changes include the following: . Amends the requirement that childcare facilities located in dwellings require automatic sprinkler systems if they meet certain requirements;. Clarifies occupancy groups for child care facilities located in dwellings and permits them to be constructed under the standards of the ORSC, as long as accessible design is provided to the extent required. Contact: If you have questions or need further information, contact Tony Rocco, Structural Program Chief, at 503 -9 I 0- I 678, or anlhony.j . rocco(gtdcbs.oregon. gov. Datc lteceived: l'lanner: AL Page2 of2 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SHEIVIA FAGAN SECRETARY OF STATE CHERYL IvIYERS DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE TEMPORARY ADM ! N ISTRATIVE ORDER INCLUDING STATETVIENT OF NEED & JUSTIFICATION BCD2-2022 CHAPTER 91 8 DEPARTIVIENT OF CONSUIVIER AND BUSINESS SERVICES BUILDING CODES DIVISION FILING CAPTION: Amendment of Child Care Facility Automatic Sprinkler Requirements E F F ECTI VE DATE: 01 /26 I 2022 T HROUGH O7 / 24 / 2022 AGENCY APPROVED DAIE 01/26/2022 CONTACT: Andrew Boulton 1535 Edgewater Street NW 971-315-7027 Salem,OR 97304 rulescoordinator.bcd@dcbs.oregon.gov ARCHIVES DIVISION STEPHANIE CLARK DIRECTOR 8OO SUIV]N4ER STREET NE SALEIVI, OR 97310 503-37 3-0701 FILED 01/26/2022 7:43 PI\/ ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE & LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Filed By: Andrew Boulton Rules Coordinator NEED FORTHE RULE(S): These rules are based onthe2022 Oregon Structural Code Adoption committee recommendation and the division's ongoing efforts to arrive at a clear and reasonable code alternative to requiring sprinkler protection for care facilities located in dwellings while maintaining an increased level of fire protection for care recipients. JUSTIFICATION OF TEIVPORARY FILING: This temporary rule is needed because failure to act promptly on the changes approved by the Building Codes Structures Board will result in serious prejudice to the public interest, as fire protection rules for child care facilities are crucial to public safety and the safety of those facilities in particular. These facilities need clarity on their requirements, and the additional flexibility provided by this change, as the need for additional child care facilities in Oregon only continues to increase. A temporary rule will allow the division to implement clear standards for child care facilities without waiting until the normal quarterly adoption period. lt is also anticipated that permanent rules will be filed for the next available quarterly adoption date and all normal rulemaking procedures will be followed to adopt those rules. DOCUMENTS RELIED UPON, AND WHERE THEY ARE AVAILABLE: Rules and code language are available from the division's rules coordinator located at 1535 Edgewater St. NW, Salem, Oregon, 97304 and are available on the division's web site: https://www.oregon.gov/bcd/laws-rules/Pages/adopted- rules.aspx. HOUSING IMPACT STATElVENT No known housing impact. ATMEND: 918-460-001 5 RULE SUMTVARY: Amendment of Child Care Facility Automatic Sprinkler Requirements Page 1 ol 2 Datc Rece ivea, q/Lt/e? ['!Lr:1,:i: I,L / CHANGES TO RULE 918-460-0015 Amendments to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code ( 1) The Oregon Structural Specialty Code is amended pursuant to OAR chapter 918, division 8. Amendments adopted during the code cycle for inclusion into the Oregon Structural Specialty Code are placed in this rule, showing the section reference, a descriptive caption, and a short description of the amendment. (2) Effective April 1, 2027,Chapter 1 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code is amended according to the following: (a) Amend Section 101 to specify exceptions for optional local adoption regarding building permits, including for certain retaining walls, fences other than those serving as swimming pool barriers, flagpoles under 25 feet, ground mounted photovoltaic systems, fixed docks not supporting a structure, unoccupied grain elevators and silos, tsunami loads, rodent proofing, and in-ground swimming pools, to specify matters not available for local regulation under the statutory authority of the state building code, and to clarify a municipality's ability to require application of its own ordinances. (b)Amend Section tO2to clarify that building officials cannot waive fire and life safety provisions that would create dangerous or unsafe conditions. (c) Amend Section 103 to state that it is not adopted as part of the state building code. (d)Amend Section 104 to clarify building official record retention requirements, that building officials cannot waive fire and life safety provisions that would create dangerous or unsafe conditions, and the scope of modifications available to a building official. (e) Amend Section 105 to clarify the scope of work for certain permits, the scope of municipal authority, and a building official's flexibility to adopt local permit and inspection record policies. (0 Amend Section tO7 to clarify construction document requirements, and the scope of municipal authority. (g) Amend Section 110 clarify the scope of building official inspection authority, and the scope of municipal authority. (h)Amend Section 111to clarify the scope of building official revocation authority, and the scope of municipal authority. (i) Sections 7O3, 772,115, and 776 arenot adopted. (3) Effective January 1,2022, in addition to the amendments articulated in section (2) of this rule, the Oregon Structural Specialty Code is further amended according to the following: (a) Amend Section 2O2to align the definition of "essential facilities" with ORS 45 5.447,to remove "tsunami inundation zone" definition, and to add "Tsunami Risk Category lll" and "Tsunami Risk Category lV" definitions. (b) Amend Section 1613 to clarify scope of Earthquake Recording lnstrumentation to cover all new major structures and Risk Category lll and lV buildings. (c) Amend Section 1615 to state that Tsunami Risk Category lll and lV buildings and other structures will be designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, except as modified in Sections 1615. (d) Amend Section 1803 to update which sites for structures and facilities shall be evaluated for vulnerability to seismic-induced geologic hazards, and update requirements for site-specific seismic hazard investigations. (e) Rescind Appendix O. (4) Effective January 25. 2022. in addition to the amendments articulated in sections (2) and (3'l of this rule. the Oregon Structural Specialtv Code is further amended according to the following: (a) Amend Section 305 to allow facilities located within dwellines to be constructed in accordance with the rltrr t^arla cr rhiorf tn (arf inn A)O 1) and annli ca hlp rons ai Ch.;nfar 1 1l.)raonn Pocid a S nAat (b) Amend Section 308 to allow a reeistered or certified familv child care facilitv located within a dwelline to be classified a Grouo R-3 occupancv, and to allow facilities located within dwellings to be constructed in accordance with the Oregon Residential Specialtv Code subiect to Section 420.12 and applicable provisions of Chapter 11. (c) Amend Section 310 to allow a reeistered or certified familv child care facilitv located within a dwelline to be classified a Group R-3 occupancv. and to allow facilities located within dwellings to be constructed in accordance with the Oreson idential Specialtv Code subiect to 420.72 and aoplicable provisions of with and without automatic fire sprinkler protection. IPublications: Publications referenced are available from the agency'] Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 447.237,0RS 455.030, ORS 455.110, ORS 455.496, ORS 455.477 Statutes/Othe r I m plemented : O RS 45 5.77O, ORS 45 5.47 7 Data $leceived: l)lanner: ALPage 2 ol 2 Chaoter 11. .btr','^ 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code Amendments Child care facilities within dwelling Effective: Jan. 26, 2022 Building Codes Division Department of Consumer and Business Services Amendment summary: The following amendments are adopted as a part of the division's ongoing efforts for a.clear and reasonable code solution for sprinkler protection for child care facilities located within dwellings while maintaining an increased level of fire protection for care recipients. The changes are denoted as follows: Blue/underline Added code language zua*+ri*e*+eueh Deleted code language Chapter 3 (GROUP E) 305.2.3 Five or fewer children in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above located within a dwelling *riir-and having five or fewer children receiving such day care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy Residen+ial€e<le. Where located within a detached one- or two-farnily r/l'el/ilrs or tol'liorr.rc. the facilitv shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the Re^Eirlcllial Codc. provided that Section 420.12 is met. and accessibility is nrovided in accordance with the applicable provisions ofChapter I I for the function served. (GROUPT-4) 308.5.5 Child dav care in a dwellins. A resistered or ceftified familv child care facilitv. as defined in ORS 329A. located within a dwelling shall be classified as a Group R-3 occuDancy. Where located within a detached one- or two-family r/rt'el/irre or lorllouse. the facility shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the Resirlcrlrial Codc. provided that Section 420. l2 is rnet. and accessibilitv is provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter I I for the function served. (GROUP R) 310.4.1 Care facilities within a dwelling. A care facility located within a detached one- or two-farnily du'el/lrrg or tol',lrorr.se and having five or fewer persons receiving care shall be permitted to eemplfbe constructed in accordance with the Residential Code, provided that Section {20.12 is met. and accessibility is provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 1 I for the function served. 310.4.2 Licensed child care $'ithin a dwellins. A resistered or cenified farnily child care facility. as defined in ORS 329A. located within a dwellins shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy. Where located within a one- or two-farnily drlcl/irlg or townhouse the care facility shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the Rc.rirlerlidl Codc. provided that Section 420.12 is met. and accessibility i nrovided in accordance with the applicable orovisions ofChapter I I for the function served. Chapter 4 420.12 Child care facilities *'ithin dwellines. Child care facilities located within r/rvcl/irss. permitted bv Chapter 3 to be constructed in accordance with the Rcsiderrlial Code, shall cornolv with either Section 420.12.1 or420.12.2. 420.12.1 With automatic sprinkler svstem protection. {q r.rrrlorrrrlic spriltr-lc'r' srr/ent in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 shall be installed throushout the /irz arca of the druellirrg where a child care facility is located. 420.12.2 Without automatic sprinkler svstem protection. Where an alrlorralic .iprirA-ler s-rxlerl i s not installed throu shout the fire area of the dwellins where a child care facilitv is located, all ofthe fol lowins shall be met l. All roorns where care is provided shall be located on a level of exit di scharge. 2. No exit access path shall be located within 3 feet (914 mm) horizontall), of anv permanently installed cooking appliance. or be required to pass throush a storaee room. or through a room that can be locked to prevent egress. 3. Documentation shall be submitted to the brrildire oficial which states that all licensure reouirements have been met bv the facilit),. and that the facility has been aporoved b), the licensins authority.s documentation shall be included in the cerli.ficate of occupanc), in accordance with Section 1 I 1.2. as applicable. Dato [teceivecl ['!iinn:r: AL 1535 Edgewater St. NW, Salem, OR 97304 503-378-4133 oregon.gov/bcd