HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 3/25/2021Land Use Compatibility Statement What b a hnd use compadbllfi *.temGnt (IUCSF The ltjCs ls a form uscd by a state agency end hcal gorcmnrent to detetmine whether a bnd use pmposrl lg onsbtcttt wlth local pvrrn- menfs comprehenstve plan rnd land use reguHons. Why h r LUCS rcqulnd? OLCC and other stat€ agender wldr permitsrg or rpprorrl actlvlfies that affect land use ar€ requlred by0regon laurto be consBtentwlth local compr*renshe plans and to hnrc a process for determlnlng consl$ency. Secton f+Fl(al of l)15 Omgon Len6. Chapter 514, requlres OfCc to requ$t and obtaln the LUCS and hare a posldve LUCS prlor to ksulng a llcence. When ls a lllGS requlrcd? A LUCS ls required for allproposed marljuana frclli$es before an oLCC liense can be obtained. Howr comohte a lUCl: r SteP 1: eppficam completes Section 1 of thls form and rubmits it to thc approprlate cfi or county plannirg office. Appllcant verifies with local jurbdlctbn whether addldonal furms, applkadons, or permiu are required. . Step 2: tocal lurlidlcUon completes Sestlon 2 of thls form lndlcatlry whether the propos€d use ls compadble whh the admoud- edged comprehenslve plan and land use regulations and retums slgned and dated form to the eppllcent. r Alplk nt con?lctes payment to localiudtdktionfrr pnsecslry rpplbatlon.r tocrl lurldldonr aru Ntr Escllld to bctio proe''iry LllCS {ormr gnt tenu'rv .[. 1016 et 8:!! Alr, r SteF 3: lpplicam submlts thlr datedamped form and arry supportirg informatlon provided by the city or county to the OLCC wlth the llcense appllcaion. Thls form may be submitted whlle Secton 2 is ln process with the localgovemiry body. oREGON LQTTOR CONTROL COffiUSSTON REqUEST Shane Cavanaugh 54t579.31t1 Rrn/Ste:345 Applkam Name: MallingAddress: City: Phone: Codarpoitrc Dr Lake Orwqgo State Z]P:OR 97035 fl Stte plan of the subla property and proposed derrclopment ataded? (requiredl Proposed Pramises Address: Gatcway St Clty:Sprringficld Cannty: Rm/Ster Lrtitude: Lolgtu&: ZIP: Tax lot #*:ry Range/ Secfion+: Map*: latu t7032Xt0 97477 .ft}.UnTIownshlp+; Deta fu of lfogod uaa (note ony mrchmcntrl: Rctail l7s Proposed use/permit type sought (A segrate LUCS may be nee,ssory lor o,ch ptoposr.d use anen lf ft ls otr the some property)t fl Rroducer ! Wholesaler ! Processor t Retaller fl tabontory I Research Certificate Ngte lndooror Lic lndorse- olrtdoor brlow / mcnts b!lot!, i orycoururvuiiorw I m a*vaoa Ur lcerr* pglhrr* j ftrr6tr\ zs, I :so\ I I A"*moB|rlntlt l. t\n'.\'L** I tr{url: L_4lu l1-*,"-l Slte Locatlon: [l tnslUeclty]imits ! rrsUeUee Name of Jurbdktlon:City of Springfield Property Zoning of Proposcd Premises:Community Commercial (CC) I Outside uee Gsilrarrr: 3260 Gateway, Springfield, OR97477 was most recenlly used as an eating/drinking establishment and the proposed marijuana retailis a change of land use. A Minimum Development Standards (MDS) is required per Section 5.15-100 of the Springlield Development Code. The applicant shall apply for an MDS (Minor) in accordance with Seclion 5.15-100 and meet all applicable requiremenls prior to occupancy o13260 Gateway as a marijuana dispensary. EI The proposcd land usc has been reuleu,ed and Ir unlrDhd. EX The proposcd land sse has been revlerrcd and k not omhhlttd, ,lthe prtopored lond tn lsallowoblc onlyw ocotrdltloaol u*,acrmltsorcnqullrldornofad bclw. Name of Reviewlng tocal Offichl (print):Andrew V. Larson Tltle:Planner Date:April8,2021 Emall:alarson@springf ield-or. gov Phone: Signature: Check thls box lf therc are attachments to thls form: ! 541-'1003 REMINDER: Local f urlsdlctlons aI€ NqT regulred to begln processlng LUCS forms until January 4..2016 at 8:30 AM /'? 1/{,. l/'-f,_