HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 4/9/2021ffiB APPUCATION TO CORRECT DEALER / REBUILDER \TEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE DEALER NUMBER DL\(560 EFFECTTVE DATE EPIRATION DATE CURRENT EUSINESS NAMF( i - 1 ' '.O?-\ lkqsn O,v"rcn Ou{rr {rr,,,.,{l tl-L{ Checkthereasonforconecton: DBA UIt\\Ci/fE\+.2,htler_f SUh.,' E Name Change Knoor"*s Change X Add / Rernove Ownera lj org. rsm.iur"-cr,angl"-1 ' !Eq.t[m,'ugEBhr, lnstructions; r Tha fee for a conected certitlcata: $30.o Nemc drange and/or address draqe; 830. (Be rure o atffir Bcrd Rider and lneurance Certifcoel.. Organiralional Btructurc change: $30. (1.s" lr?&,iiud petruslrip o LLC to Cop.) [Be arre to atadr a bdtd rtH ahd imuranoeceilificate). o Addlnffiemoving LLC rnennber or oorporate officer: l{o Fesr Each new uxnar must complete and sign lines l2-18 or 17-21. Mora dlrcctlonr on badr.& Eadi orner being removed rnust aign liw 22 or 23.r Onc owncr must sign line 24.. Provide copy o{ valid plrob lD lf chenging raslderrce eddreas.6 Deal8r number and expiration date will rlay the sarne- VALIDATIOI'I USE ONLY Submil the completed applicatlon 1o: DMV Buslneos Llcenslng Unit 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314 NOTE: lf the dealership has bssn sold, the new owner(e) mu6t obtain treir own vehicle dealer certilicale uslng the Form 73F370 packet sincs a dealer cedlflcato is not tranaforable. NAME CHA}IGE'NEWBllsslEsgNAtlE{lrassurr€ bush4rinsmqtiihRsgistyNsbtrl 6REL:ji.i-JJtrlEIlgR€G|STR, N.TMBER FEDERALE|TF|-O\GRDE TIFICAnONNLnIAEIT Any alterafion of Llne 3 voids location Bpprova!. ADDRESS CHANGE 'rnucrED IRESIDENcF Der;vto(]$suFPtEMetrr tlc r .r. .,:i:A w]ERf.Bugr gEEtviLLB3 tbrr s, A s-r,l*ea 2 4 5 6 7 zuST.IESS TETEFHONE(rqt )qqq.olqb I \-qne- lEil IL sr:f rfl.c fi<-\c] RESIO€ CJAODRESS clTY Lrl{tl,tGA. D o x zlPCoo .ctrYQrt+-t-t COUNIY IP CDDE : .ooEaflqT? l' , ,oEts3\ n, ,A ST[Lt-tr ' 1'\clft$ritis\q' {l\1 i LOCATION APPROVAL - nequirei onty if d*ler is chanslng businoss location Certificatbn ot Local Zoning anC Business Regulatory Compliance. ORS &2.005 requhas a yehide dealer cortificate, unless exempl r.rrder ORS 822.0,|5, for any person who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, bades or exctnnges vehides elther urtrlght or by means of ony condtional ads, bailrner{, Iease, oecurily interesl, corcignment or othenfise; OR ib) Displeys a new or used vohicb, trailer or semitraler; OR (c) Aols as any lype of agefll for the owner ol a vehide to sdl the vehicle or ects as any typo d agent for a perron interested in buying a vehide lo buy a vdricle. THE CERTIFbATJON BELOIA' lS TO BE COMPLEIED BY IHE LOCAT ZONING OFFICIAL. The approval below should be based upu1 whetha the applicant can do ANY of lha activities Uslod h ta) through (ci above under applcable ordrnances, atthe localion ofthe business given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6), applicant meels requirements below. ffiEffi"offiattu ttre priffrfr-cn in vffiiEf itiilbugrpss is roUffifv*yn6qJgnatre leton ffiiiiEffioltffi-Eirstnessas s1atEd'm rhis appticario-n cuttplies with any land use ordinancss or business regulalory odnarrces olthaltsdic.tion pursuanl h ORS 822.025(6).Y "'I ot )pN^oL-\) -TfEtEFHo-r.lE NUMEERl(sqt )zsq- rods eu 3q u"I o,.1glC)€L hoe \rlous srRE '. 6s oF Bi s N s. -A,roN Soernc', Fre\d:nr--t J I lalD l^,'*^",. dions on the location approvalare in an attached letterfrom th€ zoning authority COUNTY OF TITLE P\a*rr.r''r '^7{p"tt 1 APPNOVED CTY OF SPRINGFIETI) I 10 ffin Place stamp or seal here t@L\