HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Packet Planner 11/19/2019City of Springfield Development Services Depaftment 225 Fifth Street Springfield , OR 97477 LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PRE.SU BMITTAL CH ECKLIST Subdivision SPRTNGF!ELD Project Name: t542 7th St., Junge Partition Project Proposa!: 2-Parcel Partition Case Number: 811-19-000260-PRE Project Address: L542 7th St., Springfield 97477 Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): t7-03-26-42; LTOL Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Overlay District(s): N/A Applicable Refinement Plan: N/A Refinement Plan Designation: N/A Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR) Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: November 19, 2019 Application Submittal Deadline: May L7, 2O2O Associated Applications: nla POSITION REVIEW OF NAME Proiect Planner Land Use Planning Drew Larson 736-1003 Transportation Planninq Transpoftation Michael Liebler 736-L034 Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-L036 x-Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Eric Phillips-Meadow 726-2293 Owner/Applicant Olag Junge t57O Mohawk Blvd. Springfield , OR 97477 Applica nt's Representative Anthony Favreau The Favreau Group 3750 Norwich Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 Revised tO/251O7 APPLICANT'S REVIEW TEAM 1 o LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE-SU BMITTAL CH ECKLIST PLANNING o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees Copy of the Land Division PIan reduced to 81/z"x lL" Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) X tr 81/2" x 11" Copy of Land Division Plan Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) X n 1 Deed and Preliminary Title Report o o Brief narrative explaining the purpose of the development, the existing use of the propefty, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Complete Incompletexn See Planning Note(s) See Comments Brief Narrative o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning x Note(s) 2 N n N Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the property Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the property Boundaries of the entire area owned by the propefty owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale x 3 2Revised tol25lo7 tr n Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities Location of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and bike trails Location, size, and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition, or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. x tr x tr tr x tr tr n 4 nla tr 5 6 7 3 x 8 o Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.t2-12O E. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) nla Planning Notes: tr 3Revised IOl25lO7 Future Development Plan X x tr 1. Provide a Title Report not less than 30 days old. 2. The partition plat was not prepared by a licensed land surveyor. 3.ThereisanexistingblanketpublicSewereaSementthatwasnotnoted.ffi aeeurate-easen re 4. Show the existing fire hydrant noted as 100+/- to the north. 5. Provide the dimensions of the existing driveway. This driveway will need to be repaired prior to final platting. 6. Note the location of the nearest transit facility. 7. At least one street tree will be required. 8. You noted the water main but have not shown it on the plans. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . See attached narrative with proposed edits. 4Revised LO/25107 ANY REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, APPLICATIONS OR PERMITS IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS OR APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING OR THE PRE- APPLICATION REPORT FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION: Applicable Not Applicabletrx Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 Riparian Area Protection Repoft for propefties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Repoft prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Where applicable, dhy Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 tr x X x X X tr tr tr N X tr x tr f tr 5Revised lO/25/07 tr x THIS APPLICATION IS: E cor,rpLETE FoR PRocEssrNG Xrn EANDN S MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE //'/(- zol tt nner Date This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Section 5.4- 105 and Oregon Revised Statutes 227.L78 require the City take final action on a limited land use decision within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120-day processing period for this application begins when all the missing information is submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the information. You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City within seven days of the date of this form asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing information. If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre- Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120-day clock and begin processing the application. No new information may be submitted afterthe start of the 120-day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120-day processing time. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120-day period for a reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required or if the new information substantially affects the application proposal and additional review is required. I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the l8o-day timeline. Ow plicant's Signature I 6Revised lol25/07 JUNGE TENTATII/E MAP NARRATIYE Novqtber 5, 2019 Assessor's Map: 17'03-2&12 Tax Lot 1701 Applicanu:Olof Junge Icon Real Estau Groqt 1570 Mohawk Blvd. Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 520-7896 Applicant's Representalive:The Faweau Group 3750 Norl,tich Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 54t-683-7048 Attn: Tony Favreau developnent in the LDR aning district, where a mqrlmun of l0 dwelling torits/acre is pennitted^ The proposal does not tnclude any improvenents a /r Suea. P UVt* r,tND us, REguEsr . '' L-ltl The applicant proposes to divide the subject 0.26 aue property to create 2 lots and tollovide all necessary infrastructwe ta ilpport the d*elopmeil. The proposed residefiial use and density Qpwelhng wttts/acrQ are consistent with the atsting Low Density Residential (LDR) mning and the- City's standards for J.,',).t bt,tA SNE AND SURROUNDNG C TARACTENSTICS The site ts within an established Sprtngfield residential neighborhood. The property is located at 1542 / St. and has an *isting home situated towards the front of the property. The Northern, Southen and Western property lines abut fully developed parcels wiih *isting homes.- Tie site soils are I 19- Salem Urban Land \ Complex, soil group B. 5.12-125 Tctttdvc Ptan Critcrie The Dlrector shall qprove ot approve with conditions a Tentative Plan applicatton upon delermining thal all applicable criteria have becn satisfied. If conditions conot be attached to satisly the qproval critcia, the Dir1,ctor shatl deny the applbation. In the case of Partitions that invotve tlP donation of lantl to a prblic sgency, lhe Director may waive any approval criteria upon determintng the particular crilerion can be addrassed as part of afuture darclopment applicatioa. A. Thc ra;qur5rt confotttrs to fie provisbns of thls Code pctfutnlag to Wparccl sizc atd dincnsion* Respowei fie proposed lots meet the 4,500 sq. fi. minimum bt size atd the 50-foot street Irontage. . n , requircmentsforthenorth-souths,rectsestablishedbySDC. p^-r,\ \ - 5le I Oil gCU. 60 tt. \, Q*.A z' P,^^L^Ia-t -rtrszu't{ F*""c-\ B. Thc @6i1t b consittent wlth thc M*o Plan diagrai aad/or applicable R.cfiaancnt PIot diagroA Pbr Dlfu nap, and Coacqnol Dct€loPil.cnt Plort Pn[-Sti i l;l lT I'nil" R=C' D ll0v 0 5 ?0i9 Response: The propefly b zoned Low Density properly is LDR-' Resitlential (LDR). The Metro Plan diagram for the subject C. Capacity requiremcne of pablic atd private facilities, including bat iot limiled to, wdu and elecficity; sanitary sewer and stormwatcr managementfacilitics; cnd street arrd trafic safety cort/r.ols sholl not bc excceded aad lhe public improvencnts shaV be avsilablc lo servc rte site at the time of developmenq, unlcss oihenyise providcdlor by this Code and orter applicablc reguladoa* The Pabllc Works Dlrcctor or a udllty provider shall dacrninc cslroc@ issaes. Response: servicefrom the SpnngfreW Utility Board (SUB), There is an existiitg 8" waterline in 7th St. b. Wastanter: Tlere are j *isting 6" wastewater slubs into the property. 4" wastewater laterals will be *tendcd to thc prcposed parcels. There is ot sistinglre UWl00feet ,rorlh of the c. $torrafut I'here are no storm drains in lhe immediate area. The pruposed roof drairuge will Yaircctel to a proposed otuite soakage trench. The proposed driveway wtll be tilted such that tlu rwof will batn into thc adjacent grass planter before entertng 7th St. Rapowe: See Respowe to part C. E. Physical fetfiircs, including, but not limited to: steep slopcs with unstablc soil or gcologic condilions; areas with susceptibility ol lloodtng; signiftcant cl.usters ol trees and shrubs; vatercoursas shown on the llQllf Map aad lheir associatcd iparian areas; other ripaian arcos and wetlands specified in Scaion 1.3-117; rock outcroppings; opcn spaces;; and areas of historlc aad/or archoeological sigaifrcance, as msy bc sp*iJicd in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.710-760,35E.909955 ond 390.2i5-240, shall be protected as specifted ln thts Code or la Stalc or Federal law. Response: The Metro Aru General Plan, l{aler Quality Limited Watercourse Mry, Slate Designated Yetlands Map, Hydric Soits Map, Wellhead Prctection Zone Map, FElrt4 Maps, and the list of Historic landmat* sites have been consulted ond with the uception rcted below, there are no fealures needing to be prolected or presented on this site. If any artifacts are fowtd dwing constntction, therc arc state laws thot could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS i5E.905, ORS i90.2j5. If human remains are discovered duing cowtruction, it is a Class "C" felony to proceedunder ORS 97'740. The site is relatively level and drains to the north. Citerion 6 is met. Physical features, including but not iimited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercoutses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated iparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, and hbtoric fedtures are nol present on the site- vater: rhe proposed o*{A)*\ *)":*",y* &r\h?,,**;* reccive water fr $ d. W: 7th Street is fully,built and no improvemeils*other than a driveway cut are proposed.fxe\: rt-h"=.g ?. D. Thc proporcd land divhion shell comply with al aplicoblc publtc and pritAa design and constntfua standerds contdncd ia this Codc aad othcr zpplicoblc rcgulatioa* FIiE-$ il3:l;i i'Iiil n =C,i) tiuv o 5 2019 F. Parhlng aress and hgress-egress poin8 have bcen fusigaed to: lacilttau vchicular trulfic, bicycle aad pcdatrian satcty lo avoid congestion; provide connectiviqr within the dcvclopmenl area and to adiacent resldcntial orcss, transit stops, nclghbortood acrllvtty centeri, and commerclcl, lndustrial aad public arcas; minimizc hiveways on ailerisl utd collector strects as spccfutl in this Code ot othct apPlicobh rcgulttions aad coaply with the ODOT access marragernent slanderds for Stde highways Response: 7th Street isfully built and no improvements other than a driveway cttt arc proposed. G. Development ol any remainder of thc propefi undcr the camc ownership can bc accomplishcd ts speclficdin rtis Code Response: There is no other adjoit ing property under the tame ownership that can be developed. H. Adjacent land can be devcloped or is provided access that will allow lts datelopment u specffied itt this Coda Respnse: There is no undevehped land adjoinin{ the property. Approvat of rte proposed subdiision will not impede development of adi acent land. L Where thc Partitioa of property that is oa$ide of thb city limit but within the City's arbaniztble area and no concufient ann*ation application is subminei, the stendards specifed below shall also apply. t Response: This does not apply. xlt[-$] l:irr:TTf L ft [f; '* ttii.i 0 5 2013 TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION APPLICATION PRE.SU BMITTAL CH ECKLIST Deputy Fire Marshal: Eric Phillips-Meadow rr:rXt? i,#;%%rr?.r1rt_t: Date: November L9,20L9 FIRE o Tentative Land Division Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s)trX1,2 Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of- ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division Location of existing and required fire hydrants Fire Notes: 1 . A 20' wide fire apparatus access road shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of future buildings, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building facility. SFC 503.1.1, SFC 503.2.1 2. 'NO PARKING-FIRE LANE" signage shall be posted on both sides of the road (or on one side of a road more than 26 feet in width). SFC D103.6 3. Hydrants shall be placed such that all portions of proposed (future) buildings shall be within 600 feet of such hydrants, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building. SFC 507.5.1 Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: 1. Fire access roads shall be capable of supporting and imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 80,000 pounds. SFC D102.1 3trx LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE.SUBMITTAL CHE ST Transportation Engineer/Planner: MichaefLieb : 19-000260 Applicant: Junge TRANSPORTATION Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on a Lane County or an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) X tr NA Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, Metro Plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Complete Incomplete xtr o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete SeeTranspoftation Note(s)XnNA o See Transportation Note(s) NA NA Traffic Impact Study Location of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and bike trails Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications, access easements or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any x tr x x Revised L0125/07 tr tr tr XN projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map Location of existing and required traffic control devices Transportation Notes; t. Additional comments not related to the completerress of the application: a Revised LOl25/07 LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE-SU BMITTAL CH ECKLIST Engineer: Clayton McEachern Case#: 19-000260-PRE PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s)xtr Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Vicinity Map The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed propefty lines The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Depaftment The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Depaftment Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 41/zfeet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Repoft prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table nla nla u n x X trtr x x X Revised lO/25/07 f n o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s)trx o Stormwater Management Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) 3 3 o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the property Boundaries of the entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a paft, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale Location of existing and required power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained trx 1 2xtr x x x x x tr tr T T tr 3 3 3 tr Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Amount of proposed cut and fill Stormwater Management System Study - provide four (4) copies of the study with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, calculations, and 3x 3 Revised LO/25/07 X x tr documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Complete Incomplete NX See PW Note(s) 3 Scoping Sheet and attached Stormwater Management System Study PW Notes: 1. the 20' access easement is mislabeled as #L 7' PUE 2. water meter, electric location not shown for either house. 3. No drainage report submitted. A plan to handle the proposed house rooftop runoff must be included and no net increase in peak flow is allowed from the additional lot over the existing condition. If unknown an impervious area of 2640 Sf is required to be used for calculations in designing the drainage system. Building code prohibits infiltration facilities within 5' of a property line as shown for the driveway swale. STaff recommends using a grassy median strip of the same desing located in the middle of the driveway between the wheel tracks. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: o A ADA compliant driveway design is required for the new driveway, a compatible city standard driveway can be used.o electrical service for both homes must be located underground for the partition. r at least 1 new street tree is required along the 7' st frontage Revised LO|25/O7