HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 8/14/2023® DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING. INC August 4, 2023 City of Springfield Planning Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield Oregon, 97477 Subject: Type 2 Site Plan Review, Final Site Plan, Case Number: 811-23-000071-TYP2 #04987 Chick-fil-A Gateway Final Site Plan Dear Tom Sievers, Thank you for providing a Type 2 Site Plan Review, Staff Report & Decision dated 05/12/2023. Included with this narrative are the applicant's responses for conditions set forth in relation to the Final Site Plan (application, plans and documents due by August 10, 2023). Please reach out with any questions. 1. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, wellhead protection notes must be included in the construction notes. The notes maybe found in Finding 10 of this report. Response: Wellhead protection notes are provided on Sheet C-0.1 "General Notes." Please refer to Exhibit B. 2. Standard Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign must be posted at the site prior to and during construction on a fence or stand-alone post in a highly visible location (such as entrance to the construction site or in conjunction with other site signage). Applicant may contact SUB Water Department (541-726-2396) to obtain sign standard or to purchase signs directly from SUB at $15/sign. Response: Acknowledged. Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign will be posted at the site prior to and during construction on a fence or stand-alone post in a highly visible location. For Springfield Wellhead Protection Signs, an example is included in Exhibit G. 3. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, standard Springfield wellhead protection signs must be posted permanently at the trash enclosure or other location to be determined in consultation with SUB Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator. Response: Acknowledged. Per correspondence with Amy E. Chinitz on 08/02/2023, the applicant will not be required to install signage until construction activity begins. The applicant acknowledges this requirement and agrees to install the appropriate signage before commencing construction. For Springfield Wellhead Protection Signs, an example is included in Exhibit G. P.O. S 270571 San pieg0. CA 9219&2571 %&40&1894 Cp ® DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING. INC 4. Prior to Building Permit Inspection approval, the developer must modify and replace the streeflight and the existing median in Gateway Street using the City of Springfield Public improvement permit (PIP) process. This will require an additional plan set and review for the PIP and must be constructed before occupancy of the proposed restaurant is granted. Response: The streeflight along the west sidewalk of Gateway Street will be relocated 5' north of the proposed ADA ramp on the northern side of the driveway entrance to the site. This revision will be part of the work for the Public Improvement Permit. 5. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the plans must be updated showing the removal of the north/south accessway through the southern future development pad. Response: The north/south accessway has been removed from the site plan. Please refer to Civil Sheet C-2.0 "Site Plan" included in Exhibit B. 6. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a site plan showing the proposed restaurant and any additional development to be constructed on this site to use the existing 12" line provided to this location that does not impact the travelled way of Gateway Street. Response: A connection to the water main on Gateway Street near the proposed entrance to the site was required due to a request of the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). The water main is located at the very west -most portion of the ROW. Please refer to Civil Sheet C-5.0 "Utility Plan" included in Exhibit B. 7. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must supply a site plan and drainage report that does not require the replacement of the existing line and connection to the existing line that does not intrude into the travelled way of Gateway Street. Response: Previous plans showed a proposed 15" diameter pipe to replace the existing 12" diameter pipe located east of the existing manhole; this replacement is no longer necessary and has been removed from the plans and the drainage report. Please refer to Civil Sheet C-4.0 "Stormwater Plan", specifically Keynote #8, included in Exhibit B and the Drainage Report included in Exhibit D. 8. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a separate vegetation list for the stormwater plantings with typical cross sections for the raingarden and planter and a soil specification with at least 50% organic material and capable of infiltrating water through the medium on the final site plan and the Operations and Maintenance plan. Response: A vegetation planting list for the stormwater facilities and typical cross sections have been added to the plans, see landscaping sheets, L-1.0 and L-1.1 included in Exhibit C. 9. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed infiltration planters and raingardens, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. The applicant has a maintenance plan supplied with the plan set, this will be sufficient with the stormwater and P.O. S 270571 San pieg0. CA 9219&2571 %&40&1894 Cp ® DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING. INC planting plans included with the signed Operations and Maintenance agreement and Notice recorded. Response: An Operations and Maintenance Plan has been submitted with this current submittal, along with a signed Operations and Maintenance agreement. Please refer to Exhibit E for documents related to the O&M. 10. Prior to Final Site Inspection approval, to ensure a fully fimctioning water quality system and to meet the objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the EDSPM, the proposed infiltration planters and rain gardens must be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant most provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water qual ty measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Response: Plantings for the proposed Filtration Rain Garden and Planters have been specified in the landscaping plan, see sheets L-1.0 and L-1.1 included in Exhibit C. 11. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must contact SUB to fill out a sizing form and provide confirmation back to plarming staff with the final site plan submittal. Response: The applicant has provided a sizing form completed by SUB and has emailed a copy to planning staff. A copy of this sizing form is included as Exhibit F in this narrative. 12. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must revise the parking layout to incorporate an additional accessible parking space designated as being van accessible. Response: An ADA van accessible stall has been added to the plans. Please refer to Civil Sheet C-2.0 "Site Plan" included in Exhibit B. Thank you for your time to review our final site plan materials. We look forward to any questions you might have and, after your consideration, a final approval. Please do not hesitate to reach me at (760) 214-8362 or at ahunt@4Gdev.com, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kind Regards, Andrew Hunt — Sr. Project Manager 4G DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTING, INC. P.O. Box 270571, San Diego, CA 92198 P (760) 214-8362 cc: Steve Schwartz, Kevin Watson P.O. a 270571 San pieg0. CA 9219&2571 %&40&1894 Cp ® DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING. INC Exhibits A. Type 2 Site Plan Review, Staff Report & Decision (811-23-000071-TYP2) B. Plan Set (Civil) C. Plan Set (Landscaping) D. Drainage Report E. Operations & Maintenance Package F. Sizing Form (SUB) G. Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign P.O. S 270571 San Oieg0. CA 92198-2571 858 4 1894 CR Exhibit A 811-23-000071-TYP2 Staff Report & Decision TYPE 2 SITE PLAN REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Chick-Fil-A Project Proposal: Construction of a Chick- Fil-A fast-food restaurant with dual drive-thru lanes. Case Number: 911-23-000071-TYP2 Project Location: 3350 Gateway Street (Map 17-03-22-20, Tax Lot 1300 & 1600) Zoning: Community Commercial Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial Overlay Districts: Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Application Submitted Date: 04/06/2023 Pre -Submittal Meeting Date: 04/25/2023 Decision Issued Date: 05/12/2023 Appeal Deadline Date: 05/24/2023 Associated Applications: 911 -22 -000220 - PRE 11 -22 -000220 - PRE APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT TEAM Applicant: Applicant's Representative: Project Architect: Steve Schwartz Andrew Hunt N/A Chick-Ffi-A, Inc. 4G Development & Consulting, Inc. 105 Progress, Ste 100 P.O. BOX 270571 Irvine, CA 92619 San Diego, CA 92199 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Tom Sievers 541-726-2333 Transportation Planning Euiineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736-1034 Public Works Erighwer Utilities Clayton McEachern 541-736-1036 Public Works Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 541-736-1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 541-726-2293 Bin1ding Official Building Chris Carpenter 541-744-4153 Site Information: The project site is a polygon parcel that was the former site of Elmer's Diner and Guest House Inn & Suites, whichwas closed and demolished. The overall site is now vacant. The subject site is identified as 3350 Gateway Street (Map 17-03-22-20, Tax Lot 1300 & 1600). The property is designated Commercial in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and is zoned CC (Community Commercial) according to the Springfield Zoning Map. The current zoning is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan designation. The project area is within the mapped 5 -year Time of Travel Zones for the Sports Way drinking water wellhead so the provisions of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (as described in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 3.3.200) are applicable to this proposal. DECISION: This decision grants Tentative Site Plan Approval. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Site Plan Approval and Drinking Water Protection Overlay District are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. Final Site Plans must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. (See Pages 11-12 for a summary of the conditions of approval.) OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: No additional uses are authorized by this decision beyond what is approved in aus decision. Future development must be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. REVIEW PROCESS: The application was submitted April 6, 2023. The application is being reviewed under the Site Plan Review approval standards of SDC 5.17.125 and 3.3.200 (Drinking Water Protection Overlay District) in effect on the date of submittal. Procedural Finding: The subject application was submitted on April 6, 2023, and considered complete on April 25, 2023. Therefore, this decision is issued on the 176 day of the 120 days mandated by Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 227.179. Procedural Finding: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 -day comment period on the application (SDC 5.1.425). The applicant and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration (See Written Comments below and Appeals at the end of this decision). Procedural Finding: On April 25, 2023, the City's Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans (9 sheets — DOWL Engineering Site Plan Set) and other supporting information. City staff s review comments have been reduced to findings and conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Site Plan Review approval standards of SDC 5.17.125(A). Procedural Finding: As stated in SDC 5.17.130, the Final Site Plan must comply with the requirements of the SDC, and the conditions imposed by the Director in this decision. The Final Site Plan otherwise must be in conformance with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be changed during Final Site Plan approval. ApprovedFinal Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) must not be changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Modification. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 5.1.425 and 5.1.430, notice was sent to adjacent property ownerstoccupants within 300 feet of the subject site on April 27, 2023. Staff did not receive any written comments during the 14 -day comment period. SITE PLAN APPROVAL STANDARDS: SDC 5.17.125(A), Site Plan Approval Standards states, "The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or deny a proposed Site Plan Review application based on the following standards" Page 2 of 13 1. The proposed land use is a permitted use or is allowed as a discretionary use in the land use district Finding 1: The subject property is located in the Community Commercial (CC) district. As listed in SDC Table 3.2.320, an eating and drinking establishment with drive-through is an outright permitted use within the CC district. Finding 2: The applicant has submitted a site plan for a new fast-food restaurant with dual drive-through lanes. Finding 3: The proposed use is not classified as a discretionary use. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Standard of Approval 1. 2. If a use is allowed as a discretionary use, in addition to meeting the standards below, a Discretionary Use application must be approved in conformance with the standards in SDC 5.9.100. Finding 4: In accordance with SDC Table 3.2.320, the proposed use is outright permitted, and it is not classified m aDiscretionaryUse. Therefore, this standard of approval is not applicable to the proposal. Conclusion: Standard of Approval 2 is not applicable to the proposal. 3. The proposal complies with the standards of the land use district of the subject property. Finding 5: SDC Table 3.2.325(A) states that there is a 6,000 square foot minimum lot size in the CC district. Finding 6: SDC Table 3.2.325(B) requires a 10 -foot building setback and a 5 -foot setback parking, driveways, or outdoor storage. The proposed fast-food restaurant is approximately 25 -feet from the closest property line. Parking is sited approximately 35 -feet from the closest property line. Staff finds that the proposed fast-food restaurant is in conformance with established setback standards for the CC district. Finding 7: SDC Table 3.2.325(C) states that buildings in the CC district have no maximum height, except when abutting a residential district. When directly abutting an R-1 or R-2 district, the height of a structure must not exceed the height permitted in the adjacent R-1 or R-2 residential land use district for a distance of 50 -feet from the property line. The proposed fast-food restaurant is not abutting a residential district and has proposed a maximum building height of approximately 20.5 -feet. Staff finds that the proposed fast-food restaurant is in conformance with the allowable height limits for buildings in the CC district. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Standard of Approval 3. 4. The proposal complies with any applicable approved master plan, master facilities plan, refinement plan, and/or special planned district. Finding 8: The property is within the Gateway neighborhood refinement plan, but is not designated with a zoning classification. Finding 9: The project area is within the mapped 5 -year Time of Travel Zones for the Sports Way drinking water wellhead, so the provisions of SDC 3.3.200 - Drinking Water Protection Overlay District are applicable. Finding 10: Amy Chintz, in an email dated April 25, 2023, stated that a TOTZ `note was added in the construction plans, but we'll still want them to have the full list of wellhead protection construction notes... A fast-food restaurant is most likely eligible for a D WP exemption. I would encourage the applicant to start by filling out the exemption request, and they are welcome to contact me directly with any questions (httns://www.snrinefield-or.eov/wo-content/unloads/2019/01/DWP-Exemution-Reguest.ndfl. Futuretenanfe will need to Jde for DWP application or exempdom' Page 3 of 13 Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, wellhead protection notes must be included in the construction notes (listed below). WELLHEAD PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. DNAPL Chemicals are Prohibited. The contractor and all subcontractors are required to provide the owner's engineer with copies of SDSs for all chemicals proposed for use on-site prior to use or delivery to the property. Based on these SD Ss, the engineer will determine if the chemical is approved for use on this site (i.e., whether or not the product contains DNAPLs). The engineer may contact the SUB Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator (541-744-3745) with any questions about evaluating products for DNAPLs. 2. Any chemical spills or leaks must be cleaned up immediately and clean-up materials disposed off-site and in accordance with Lane County and DEQ requirements. In every case, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. 3. Chemical handling, storage, and use: Contractors/developers shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, and fertilizers and the prevention of groundwater and storm water nuroff contamination. Chemicals used during construction, including paint and cleaning materials/wastes, must not enter the soil or be washed into the storm water system. All chemicals should be stored inadequate secondary containment. 4. Equipment maintenance and fueling: Precautions must be taken to prevent fluid-containing equipment located outside from leaking, including providing a dedicated area for fueling and maintenance of equipment. This area should be prepared and maintained in a way that prevents spills or leaks from migrating to the soil or storm water drainage system. 5. No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this site. Condition: Standard Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign must be posted at the site prior to and during construction on a fence or stand-alone post in a highly visible location (such as entrance to the construction site or in conjunction with other site signage). Applicant may contact SUB Water Department (541-726-2396) to obtain sign standard or to purchase signs directly from SUB at $15/sign. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, standard Springfield wellhead protection signs must be posted permanently at the trash enclosure or other location to be determined in consultation with SUB Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator. Conclusion: Standard of Approval 4 is satisfied when the conditions are met. 5. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.2, Infrastructure Standards -Transportation. Finding 11: SDC 4.2.105(G)(2) requires that whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the city street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage must be fully improved to City specifications. Gateway and Beltline are fully improved with sidewalk, curb and gutter, and paving. The site plan shows street frees to be provided with this development. Finding 12: The applicant will be removing an existing streetlight for the new driveway location. Finding 13: The applicant is showing on the site plan a new driveway location on Gateway Street that conflicts with the existing center median on Gateway. The plans show the proposed relocation of this median to facilitate the proposed driveway location. Page 4 of 13 Finding 14: The proposed North/South accessway passing through the southern future development pad is redundant and is not necessary to the overall circulation of the site. Per conversations with the site owners and internal staff, staff finds that this accessway maybe closed and removed firm the plans entirely. Condition: Prior to Building Permit Inspection approval, the developer must modify and replace the streetlight and the existing median in Gateway Street using the City of Springfield Public improvement permit (PIP) process. This will require an additional plan set and review for the PIP and must be constructed before occupancy of the proposed restaurant is granted. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the plans must be updated showing the removal of the north/south accessway through the southern future development pad. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Standard of Approval 5 when the conditions are met. 6. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.3, Infrastructure Standards -Utilities. Sanitary Sewer Finding 15: SDC 4.3.105(B) requires that sanitary sewers must be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains. Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers must provide sufficient access for maintenance activities. Finding 16: The applicant is proposing a new sanitary service line to the site and an additional manhole on the existing 15" line. The existing site is provided with a IT' sewer line at the existing driveway entrance that is sufficient for the proposed development and any additional commercial development on site. A new connection is not required to provide the needed capacity for this development. The construction of these new additional facilities would cause disruption to a busy intersection and untimely degradation of the existing pavement of Gateway Street. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a site plan showing the proposed restaurant and any additional development to be constructed on this site to use the existing 12" line provided to this location that does not impact the travelled way of Gateway Street. Finding 17: Pursuant to Chapter 3.02.4.e of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and Section 3.6 of the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, loading docks and trash enclosures shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stomrwater nrrroff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. The applicant has shown a trash enclosure to be constructed that meets this requirement. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-criterion of Standard of Approval 6 when the condition is met. Stormwater Management Findinglg: SDC 4.3.110(A)(2) states that a stomrwater management system must be installed to serve each new development within the city limits. Finding 19: SDC 4.3.110(A)(3) states that the storrawater management system must be designed and constructed in conformance with SDC 4.3.110(B) - Stormwater Study Standards. Finding 20: SDC 4.3.110(A)(4) states that the stormwater management system must be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Finding 21: SDC 4.3.110(A)(5) states that any development that creates or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area and discharges to the storm system must install storm water controls that minimize the Page 5 of 13 amount and rate of surface water runoff into the city stormwater system. The stone system must be constructed consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Marusal Sections 4.03.1, 4.03.2, and 4.03.4. Finding 22: To comply with SDC 4.3.110, stormwater nuroff from the site will be directed into a series of stormwater infiltration planters and rain gardens prior to discharge into the public system located in Gateway Street, which has sufficient capacity for the proposed redevelopment of the site. Finding 23: The applicant is proposing a new 15" storm water connection across gateway to replace the existing 12" line. The existing 12" line has sufficient capacity for the proposed development and city code only allows upsizing of existing infrastructure when all other possibilities have been exhausted. Replacing the existing 12" line will cause undue impacts to the traffic at the gateway intersection and shorten the service life of the pavement at this intersection. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must supply a site plan and drainage report that does not require the replacement of the existing line and connection to the existing line that does not intrude into the travelled way of Gateway Street. Finding 24: The City of Springfield offers discounts in System Development Charges and Monthly stormwater fees for reduction in stormwater runoff volume for onsite infiltration based on the results of Hydrologic models for full buildout of the site. This development has provided this information in a stormwater report submitted with the application. The amount reduced per the results of that report are 94 % of the volume of runoff without infiltration. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-criterion of Standard of Approval 6 when the condition is met. Water Quality Protection Finding 25: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of thus permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding 26: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control Measures" Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment," applies to the proposed development. Finding 27: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP. The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriated for the community. Finding 29: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). Finding 29: Section 3.01 of the City's EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. Finding 30: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the nuroff generated by that Page 6 of 13 development. Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non -building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stonowater quality improvement using vegetative methods. Finding 31: To meet the requirements of the City's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed infiltration planters and raingardens The stonowater treatment areas are located in the parking lot islands and landscaping areas on the southern and eastern boundaries of the site. Finding 32: The applicant has prepared a landscape plan and vegetation list that show all vegetation to be installed on site including the vegetation needed for the stormwater treatment facilities. These lists are combined for all vegetation and lack cross section or soil planting medium requirements. Chapter 3 of the EDSPM and the City of Eugene Stormwater Manual require the stormwater plantings to be in separate lists and to include cross sections of the facilities with soil requirements. Finding 33: The base of the swale must include a constructed medium comprising amixture of sand, native soil, loam, and compost. The FOC in the constructed medium must be a minimum of 0.20 (i.e., 40-50%) organic matter. The thickness of the constructed medium, including or in addition to the growing medium, at the base of the swale will be at least 24 inches thick. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a separate vegetation list for the storrawater plantings with typical cross sections for the raingarden and planter and a soil specification with at least 50% organic material and capable of infiltrating water through the medium on the final site plan and the Operations and Maintenance plan. Finding 34: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stonowater runoff and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long -tens maintenance and operation of the proposed infiltration planters and raingardens, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. The applicant has a maintenance plan supplied with the plan set, this will be sufficient with the stornrwater and planting plans included with the signed Operations and Maintenance agreement and Notice recorded. Condition: Prior to Final Site Inspection approval, to ensure a fully functioning water quality system and to meet the objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the EDSPM, the proposed infiltration planters and rain gardens must be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant must provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6 when the conditions are met. Natural Resource Protection Areas Finding 35: The subject site does not contain any inventoried natural resources. Therefore, the requirements of SDC 4.3.117 are not applicable to this proposal. Conclusion: This sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6 is not applicable to this proposal Underground Placement of Utilities Page 7 of 13 Finding 36: SDC 4.3.125 requires that whenever possible, all utility structures, facilities and equipment must be placed underground. Finding 37: The applicant is proposing to install new underground water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical utilities/connections as depicted on the tentative site plan and utility plan, and detailed in the applicant's narrative. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6. Electric Service Finding 3g: SDC 4.3.127(A) and (B) requires that electrical systems are available and have the capacity to serve the proposed development. Finding 39: The site was formerly improved with a 143 -room motel and resmumutbar. The improvements were demolished, and the site has been leveled. The necessary electric facilities are inplace to serve the proposed fast- food restaurant, but due to the demolition of the site, they will need to be redesigned specific to the capacity needs of the development. Finding 40: In an email dated May 4, 2023, David Kandle of SUB Electric stated a new commercial service request form would need to be submitted by the applicant and SUB will design the electrical facilities around their needs. Finding 41: Staff finds that SUB will coordinate and design on-site electrical facilities to serve the fast-food restaurant. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6. Water Service and Fire Protection Finding 42: SDC 4.3.130(A) requires that each development area must be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development with sufficient access for maintenance. Finding 43: SDC 4.3.130(B) requires that fire hydrants and mains must be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshal and the utility provider. Finding 44: Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. Finding 45: The site was formerly improved with a 143 -room motel and restamant/bar. The improvements were demolished, and the site has been leveled. The necessary water services are in place at Gateway Street and SUB will work with the applicant to confirm the sizing needs to furnish adequate water supply to the development. Finding 46: In an email dated May 5, 2023, Keoki Lapina stated that the applicant typically contacts SUB to fill out a sizing form that accounts for their proposed demand. The plans have called out a 1.5 -inch water service line to serve the fast-food restaurant, which will be confirmed by SUB through the sizing form submittal. Domestic water service will draw from the public system in Gateway Street. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must contact SUB to fill out a sizing form and provide confirmation back to planning staff with the final site plan submittal. Finding 47: The Fire Marshal provided written comment stating the pre-existing access is sufficient and "fire apparatus access roads shall be an all-weather surface capable of supporting an 90,000 lb imposed load per 2019 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D 102.1". Page 9 of 13 Finding 49: The Fire Marshall provided written comment stating that water supply to the site was sufficient. "Two fire hydrants are available and accessible (H-1361 on Gateway Street fed from a short 9 -inch asbestos concrete line in tum fed from a 12 -inch AC line running parallel along the west side of Gateway Street installed in 1972; and H-1363 located near the southeast corner of the property fed from an 9 -inch ductile iron line). Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6. Public Easements Finding 49: SDC 4.3.140(A) states the applicant must make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area, as necessary. Finding 50: There is no existing water line to serve the proposed fast-food restaurant. The applicant plans to extend water from the eastern property line up to the restaurant from an existing tap adjacent to the southern future pad location (Pad A) and Gateway Street. Plans indicate the new waterline and junction box will be included in a 10 -foot -wide dedicated easement with from SUB. The details have been included on the Utility Plan (sheet C5.0). Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub -criterion of Standard of Approval 6. 7. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.4, Landscaping, Screening, and Fence Standards. Finding 51: SDC 4.4.105(B)(1) requires landscaping standards for private property as specified in this section and other sections of this code. SDC 4.4.105(D)(1) states that all required setback areas and other locations required by the zoning district are to be landscaped. Finding 52: SDC 4.4.105(B)(2) requires street trees in the public right-of-way as specified in SDC 4.2.140. Finding 53: SDC 4.4.105(B)(3) requires curbside planter strips in the public right-of-way as specified in SDC 4.2.135. Finding 54: SDC 4.4.110(A) requires screening for certain uses and instances of on-site nuisances. Finding 55: SDC 4.4.115 describes the style, height, andlocation of fencing allowable inresidential, commercial, and industrial districts. The subject site is within a public land and open space district. Finding 56: The proposed landscaping plan shows plantings of street trees in the public right-of-way, curbside planter strips for screening, and landscaping internal to the site. Finding 57: The landscaping plan shows 71 trees (54 new and 17 existing), 615 shuubs, and 10,365 square feet of ground cover. The landscaping plan has been designed, per the applicant, to achieve at least 75% coverage of living plants within 3 years, which exceeds the required 65% coverage over 5 years. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies Standard of Approval 7. S. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.5, On -Site Lighting Standards. Finding 59: Lighting of the project site is proposed at levels consistent with the requirements of SDC 4.5.110. Lighting will be provided throughout parking areas, landscaped areas, and all building entrances. All proposed lighting will be downward facing and shielded to avoid significant light spillover. Page 9 of 13 Conclusion: The proposal satisfies Standard of Approval S 9. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.6, Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. Finding 59: SDC 4.6.110(A)(1) states that off-street parking spaces must be provided, consistent with requirements in SDC 4.6.125 and Table 4.6.2, unless excepted as allowed herein, for: all new construction and expansion of multiple unit housing, commercial, industrial, and public and semi-public uses. This application is for a fast-food restaurant. Finding 60: Table 4.6.2 details a minimum parking standard of 1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area for eating and drinking establishments. The fast-food restaurant is proposed to be 4,997 square feet, thus requiring 50 parking spaces. The applicant has proposed 63 parking spaces with 2 additional ADA spaces. Finding 61: As detailed bythe 2022 Oregon Specialty Structural Code, Section 1106 and Table 1106.2, parking facilities with provided parking of 51 to 75 spaces require a minimum of 3 accessible spaces, with one of those spaces being van accessible. As proposed, only 2 ADA spaces have been provided. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must revise the parking layout to incorporate an additional accessible parking space designated as being van accessible. Finding 62: SDC 4.6.125(C) states that the maximum off-street parking standard for any use that is not a residential use is 125 percent of the minimum off-street parking standard. The minimum parking requirement is 50 spaces, and the maximum is 62 spaces. Including the additional ADA space conditioned above, 66 total parking spaces are provided, 4 over the maximum. Finding 63: SDC 4.6.110(N) — Right Size Parking Alternative — Maximum, states that the approval authority may authorize an alternative parking standard that is more than 125 percent of the minimum off-street parking standard in SDC 4.6.125. The alternative parking standard must be the peak parking demand identified by a parking generation study conducted according to the ITE Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies and prepared by a licensed engineer. Finding 64: Kittelson & Associates, a national transportation engineering firm, provided a memorandum as Appendix S of the submittal detailing the peak parking demand of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant according to the ITE Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies. The analysis shows 956 percentile conditions on a peak Friday suggests a parking rate of 93 spaces. Therefore, staff funds that the overall parking count of 66 spaces results in a de minirnis increase over the 125% parking maximum. Finding 65: SDC 4.6.135 provides standards for loading area requirements. Commercial and industrial loading areas are required for buildings of 5,000 to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area. The fast-food restaurant is proposed to be 4,997 square feet and therefore does not require aloading area. Finding 66: SDC 4.6.140 through 4.6.155 and Table 4.6.3 details bicycle parking requirements. Eating and drinking establishments requires 1 bicycle parking space per 600 square feet of floor area, with 25% allocated for long-term parking and 75% allocated for short -temp parking. As proposed, the 4,997 square foot fast-food restaurant requires 9 bicycle parking spaces. Finding 67: As proposed, the applicant has provided 10 bicycle parking spaces, with four of those being long- term spaces and 6 being short-term spaces. Additionally, the spaces will be covered with an awning and well -lit. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies Standard of Approval 9 when the condition is met. 10. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.7, Specific Development Standards Page 10 of 13 Finding 68: SDC 4.7.145 designates eating and drinking establishments with specific development standards when located in the GO district. The site is not located in the GO district. Conclusion: Standard of Approval 10 is not applicable to the proposal. 11. The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.8, Temporary Use Standards. Finding 69: Temporary use as described in SDC 4.8.100, does not apply to the proposed fast-food restaurant. Conclusion: Standard of Approval 11 is not applicable to the proposal. CONCLUSION: The Tentative Site Plan, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies with Standards of Approval 1 - 11 of SDC 5.17.125. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? Five copies of a Final Site Plan, the Final Site Plan application form and fees, and any additional required plans, documents or information are required to be submitted to the Planning Division within 90 days of the date of this decision (ie. by August 10, 2023). The application form and fee information are available on the City's website here: l¢to://www.srrinefield-or.eov/dnw/Permits.htm. In accordance with SDC 5.17.130(B), the Final Site Plan must depict the proposal as approved andmust incorporate all conditions of approval that the decisionrequires lobe shown on the Final Site Plan. The Final Site Plan otherwise must be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be changed during final site plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) must not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Decision Modification. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, wellhead protection notes must be included in the construction notes. The notes may be found in Finding 10 of this report. 2. Standard Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign must be posted at the site prior to and during construction on a fence or stand-alone post in a highly visible location (such as entrance to the construction site or in conjunction with other site signage). Applicant may contact SUB Water Department (541-726-2396) to obtain sign standard or to purchase signs directly from SUB at $15/sign. 3. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, standard Springfield wellhead protection signs must be posted permanently at the trash enclosure or other location to be determined in consultation with SUB Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator. 4. Prior to Building Permit Inspection approval, the developer must modify and replace the streetlight and the existing median in Gateway Street using the City of Springfield Public improvement permit (PIP) process. This will require an additional plan set and review for the PIP and must be constructed before occupancy of the proposed restaurant is granted. 5. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the plans must be updated showing the removal of the north/south accessway through the southern future development pad. 6. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a site plan showing the proposed restaurant and any additional development to be constructed on this site to use the existing I T' line provided to this location that does not impact the travelled way of Gateway Street. Page 11 of 13 7. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must supply a site plan and drainage report that does not require the replacement of the existing line and connection to the existing line that does not intrude into the travelled way of Gateway Street. S. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide a separate vegetation list for the stormwater plantings with typical cross sections for the raingarden and planter and a soil specification with at least 50% organic material and capable of infiltrating water through the medium on the final site plan and the Operations and Maintenance plan. 9. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long -tens maintenance and operation of the proposed infiltration planters and mingardens, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. Theplanshould designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. The applicant has a maintenance plan supplied with the plan set, this will be sufficient with the stormwater and planting plans included with the signed Operations and Maintenance agreement and Notice recorded. 10. Prior to Final Site Inspection approval, to ensure a fully functioning water quality system and to meet the objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the EDSPM, the proposed infiltration planters and rain gardens must be filly vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant must provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. 11. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must contact SUB to fill out a sizing form and provide confirmation back to planning staff with the final site plan submittal. 12. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must revise the parking layout to incorporate an additional accessible parking space designated as being van accessible. The applicant may submit permit applications to other city departments for review prior to final site plan approval in accordance with SDC 5.17.130 at their own risk. All concurrent submittals are subject to revision for compliance with the final site plan. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development & Public Works Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAL: This Type 2 Tentative Site Plan decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. Your appeal must be in accordance with SDC 5.1.800, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC 5.1.910(B) which provides fora 12 -day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 PM on May 24, 2023 QUESTIONS: Please call Tom Sievers in the Development & Public Works Department at (541) 726-2333 or email tsieversi_sminafield-or.eov if you have any questions regarding this process. Page 12 of 13 PREPARED BY / om ywvvA/v Tom Sievers Senior Planner Please be advised that the following is provided for information only and is not a component of the Site Plan Review decision. FEES AND PERMITS Systems Development Char -es: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rates, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11] Systems Development Charges (SDCs) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements within the subject site. The charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. Other City Permits: Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield Public Works Department at 541-726-5949 for appropriate applications/requirements] Page 13 of 13 Exhibit B Plan Set (Civil) R C B 4 m VA CHICKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFlLiiiiiiiiiiiA GATEWAY &RANDY PAPE II, „ F+ PROJECT d AREA Cra caw Ave CostcWholesaleQ [HeartMedical aceHealth cred enter a Safeway � r{ mg Rd \ ca - VICINITY MAP SCALE: NTS N PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF BEARING THE DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE -STORY COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT BUILDING WITH FOOTPRINT OF 4,897 SF, A CONCRETE -PAVED DRIVE-THRU, AN ASPHALT -PAVED PARKING LOT, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INCLUDING WATER, SANITARY SEWER, ELECTRIC, GAS AND COMMUNICATIONS, AND STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES CONSISTING OF WATER QUALITY LIDAS. THIS PHASE WILL ALSO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTING TWO ACCESS POINTS AND ASSOCIATED DRIVEWAYS LOCATED ON THE EAST (ALONG GATEWAY) AND WEST (ADJACENT TO THE WESTERN PROPERTY). FUTURE PHASES TO THE WEST AND SOUTH OF THE SITE WILL BE UNDER A SEPARATE PERMIT. SITE LOCATION THIS PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF RANDY PAPE BELTLINE AND GATEWAY STREET IN SPRINGFIELD OREGON. THE SITE HOLDS THE ADDRESS OF 3358 GATEWAY STREET IN SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477.THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ON TAX MAP 1703222 AND INCLUDES TAX LOT NUMBERS DD1600 AND 001 3D EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS ARE TO BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION OR REPLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OREGON REVISED STATUTES 209.140-209.155 AI PROJECT TEAM DEVELOPER OREGON SOUTH STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM HAD 83 (2011) BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS. DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE GROUND DISTANCES, INTERNATIONAL FEET, SCALED ABOUT A CENTRAL CONTROL POINT DATUM NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVDW) BASED ON NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY ONLINE POSITIONING SERVICE OPUS STATIC OBSERVATIONS. CHICK-FIL-A ATTN: STEVE SCHWARTZ 15635 ALTON PARKWAY, SUITE 350 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 PHONE: (404) 305-4407 STEVE.SCHWARTZ@CFACORP.COM 4 ARCHITECT WARE MALCOMB ATTN: NONY RIVERA 3015 112TH AVE NE #205 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 PHONE: (425) 582-5517 NRI VERA@WAREMALCOMB.COM 3350 GATEWAY STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 LAND USE CASE #811-23-600071-TYP2 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CIVIL ENGINEER DOWL ATTN: MIKE TOWLE, PE 720 SW WASHINGTON AVE, SUITE 750 PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 PHONE: (971) 280-8645 MTOWLE@DOWL.COM 3 SITE MAP SCALE: NTS N GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TERRACON CONSULTANTS ATTN: KRISTOPHERT. HAUCK, PE 700 NE 55TH AVE PORTLAND, OREGON 97213 PHONE: (503) 742-7181 KRI STOPHER. HAUCK@TERRACON. COM E SURVEY S&F LAND SERVICES ATTN: CHRIS SHERBY, PLS 4858 SW SCHOLLS FERRY RD, STEW PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 PHONE: (503) 345-0328 JERED.MCGRATH@SFLANDS.COM 1 SHEET LIST TABLE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE CO.0 COVER SHEET Co.1 GENERALNOTES C1.0 EX. COND. & ESCP C2.0 SITE PLAN C2.1 DIMENSION PLAN C2.2 DRIVE-THRU PLAN C3.0 GRADING PLAN C3.1 GRADING DETAILS C4.0 STORM PLAN C5.0 UTILITY PLAN C5.1 FIRE SAFETY PLAN C6.0 SITE DETAILS 1 C6.1 SITE DETAILS 2 C6.2 SITE DETAILS 3 C6.3 STORM DETAILS 1 C6.4 STORM DETAILS 2 C6.5 STORM & SANITARY DETAILS C6.6 STORM & SANITARY DETAILS 2 11.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 11.1 STORMWATER LEGENDS, NOTES & DETAILS 11.5 PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES 11.6 TREE & PLANT PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS 11.7 PLANTING SOIL SPECIFICATIONS 11.8 TURF & GRASSES SPECIFICATIONS 11.9 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 12.0 IRRIGATION PLAN 12.5 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES 12.6 IRRIGATION DETAILS 12.7 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 1 E o00� 0 0 000 Doo 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 R 40'6OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JUG LU MamalmcWarc mNbd�ln8l dalafilesproticcNfmabw -n pmjW (') m YndberePo inamm-tM Oexprcs: wmmor..ma �m:<mi ran auCnlaed pmFd rtprcsaYa4ves. SHEET 0 COVER SHEET F- C) U � SHEET NUMBER CO CO.O O - U C! m K 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 E o00� 0 0 o v 0 o� o I/I o Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 C B 40'6DOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W a Z a a 1 J 06z LL o �W ' < q LLJ L- W LL ~ z U VIL FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION NOTES STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND LICENSES BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. A CITY OF 1. ALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE 1. ALL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THESE PLANS AND THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, JUNE 2023 Z SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS LICENSE IS REQUIRED. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND CITY LU m .iaaewai,eaaamsm�iaai dal8 files pmtic_N fm abwenmeiprgW (') mY^y be rcproLxiinanY mvrrl WlFaY Oezprcss m;uema,Venaiememiem AND THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYAND THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ENGINEERING DESIGN a„no<irca prcKa rcprcs W a4ves. SHEET z0 GENERAL OF SPRINGFIELD ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. NOTES F_ U STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. SHEET NUMBER 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND o C0.1 - U ARRANGE FOR THE RELOCATION OF ANY IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. THE LOCATIONS, DEPTH, AND 2. SLOPES TO RECEIVE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL HAVE THE SURFACE 2. NO DRAINAGE PIPING OR PART THEREOF, WHICH IS CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS OTHER THAN THOSE APPROVED FOR USE UNDER OR WITHIN A BUILDING, DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN WERE COMPILED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND/OR SURVEYS. THE ROUGHENED BY MEANS OF TRACK -WALKING OR THE USE OF OTHER APPROVED IMPLEMENTS. SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER OR WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR PART THEREOF, NO LESS THAN ONE (1) FOOT BELOW THE SURFACE E ENGINEER OR UTILITY COMPANIES DO NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR THE COMPLETENESS OF SUCH RECORDS. SURFACE ROUGHENING IMPROVES SEED BEDDING AND REDUCES RUN-OFF VELOCITY. OFTHE GROUND. (EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE DIP IS SPECIFIED). THIS INCLUDES STRUCTURES SUCH AS PORCHES AND STEPS, WHETHER COVERED OR ADDITIONAL UTILITIES MAY EXIST WITHIN THE WORK AREA. OREGON LAW REQUIRES THAT THE RULES ADOPTED BY UNCOVERED, BREEZEWAYS, ROOFED PORTE-COACHERS, ROOFED PATIOS, CARPORTS, COVERED WALKS, COVERED DRIVEWAYS, AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES OR OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER BE FOLLOWED. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY 3. LONG TERM SLOPE STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF APPURTENANCES. OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER OR ACCESSING VIA INTERNET AT PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER VIA SEEDING WITH APPROVED MIXAND APPLICATION RATE. WNNV.STATE.OR.US/GOVERNME.HTM CALL BEFORE YOU DIG - PORTLAND METRO AREA 503-246-6699. 3. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION OF 4. TEMPORARY SLOPE STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE: COVERING EXPOSED SOIL WITH EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INFORM THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS. CALL FOR LOCATES AT LEAST 48 HOURS 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE PROVISIONS TO KEEP ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IN SERVICE AND PROTECT THEM DURING PLASTIC SHEETING, STRAW MULCHING, WOOD CHIPS, OR OTHER APPROVED MEASURES. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED UTILITIES USING MATERIALS AND METHODS APPROVED BY THE UTILITY OWNER. NO SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR 5. STOCKPILED SOIL OR STRIPPINGS SHALL BE PLACED IN A STABLE LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION. q THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES ABIDE BYAPPLICABLE SAFETY RULES OF O.S.H.A. AND IN PARTICULAR THOSE PERTAINING TO ADEQUATE SHORING AND WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH THE UTILITY PROVIDER. DURING "WET WEATHER" PERIODS (OCT 1ST -MAY 31ST), STOCKPILES SHALL BE COVERED WITH TRENCH PROTECTION OF WORKMEN. PLASTIC SHEETING OR STRAW MULCH. SEDIMENT FENCE IS REQUIRED AROUND THE PERIMETER 4. ALL WATERLINE CROSSINGS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH OAR CHAPTER 333. THE CITY MAY REQUIRE MORE OF THE STOCKPILE. 5. RIM ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS WITHIN PAVEMENT ARE APPROXIMATE, FINAL FINISHED RIM ELEVATIONS SHALL MATCH FINISHED PAVEMENT STRINGENT STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY PROJECT ENGINEER AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ENGINEERING STAFF GRADES. 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND 24 HOURS BEFORE RESUMING WORK AFTER SHUTDOWNS, 6. EXPOSED CUT OR FILL AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED THROUGH THE USE OF TEMPORARY SEEDING EXCEPT FOR NORMAL RESUMPTION OF WORK FOLLOWING A SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OR HOLIDAY. AND MULCHING, EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR MATS, MID -SLOPE SEDIMENT FENCES OR 6. ALL TRENCHES PARALLEL TO THE BUILDING SHALL BE KEPT OUT OF THE ANGLE OF REPOSE FOR THE BUILDING FOOTING. WATTLES, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE MEASURES. SLOPES EXCEEDING 25% MAY REQUIRE 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES STUMPS BRUSH ROOTS TOPSOIL AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 7. CHANGES IN DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE PIPING SHALL BE MADE BY THE APPROPRIATE USE OF APPROVED FITTINGS AND SHALL BE OF THE ANGLES PRESENTED BY ROADWAY AND WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MEET ALL ONE -SIXTEENTH BEND, ONE-EIGHTH BEND, ONE-SIXTH BEND OR OTHER APPROVED FITTINGS OF EQUIVALENT SWEEP. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. 7. AREAS SUBJECT TO WIND EROSION SHALL USE APPROPRIATE DUST CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING THE APPLICATION OF A FINE SPRAY OF WATER, PLASTIC SHEETING, STRAW MULCHING, g INLET AND OUTLET CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE USE OF A FLEXIBLE COMPRESSION JOINT NO CLOSER THAN 12" AND NO FARTHER THAN 36" FROM THE 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP AN APPROVED SET OF PLANS ON THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. UPON COMPLETION OF OR OTHER APPROVED MEASURES. MANHOLE. NO FLEXIBLE COMPRESSION JOINT SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE MANHOLE BASE. MANHOLES SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, UNIFORM WATERWAY WITH CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT "REDLINE DRAWINGS" TO PROJECT ENGINEER FOR PREPARATION OF CHANGES OF DIRECTION MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE SWEEP OFFSET AS PER THE OREGON PLUMBING SPECIALTY CODE. OPEN -GRATE LIDS WILL NOT BE RECORD DRAWINGS. "REDLINE DRAWINGS" DOCUMENT ALL DEVIATIONS AND REVISIONS TO THE APPROVED PLANS; THEY 8. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND ALLOWED ON ANY MANHOLE. ALSO RECORD A DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ACTUALLY USED (PIPE MATERIAL, ETC.). FROM THE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT INFORMATION CONTAINED FROM THESE REDLINE DRAWINGS, AS WELL AS ANY NOTES RECORDED BY THE PROJECT LIMITED TO, TIRE WASHES, STREET SWEEPING, AND VACUUMING MAYBE BE REQUIRED TO INSURE ENGINEER, THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT RECORD DRAWINGS (ON 4 MIL MYLAR). RECORD THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS FOR ANY (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE) STORM WATER SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY OR QUALITY CONTROL FACILITY. CITY ACCEPTANCE OF ANY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE TIED TO THE 9. ACTIVE INLETS TO STORM WATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROTECTED THROUGH THE USE OF D SUBMITTAL OF THESE RECORD DRAWINGS. CAD GENERATED PLANS SHALL ALSO HAVE ELECTRONIC RECORD DRAWINGS APPROVED INLET PROTECTION MEASURES. ALL INLET PROTECTION MEASURES ARE TO BE 1. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SUBMITTED TO THE CITY IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE DIGITAL MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ERECT AND REGULARLY INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED AS NEEDED. ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, ODOT AND THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE. ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LATERALS SHALL MAINTAIN TRAFFIC CONTROL PER THE "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", PART VI, CONSTRUCTION AND BE 4" PVC PIPE CONFORMING TO ASTM SPECIFICATION D3034 (SDR -35), UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. MAINTENANCE, AS ADOPTED AND MODIFIED BY ODOT. SHOULD WORK BE IN AN EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY THAT ARE 10. SATURATED MATERIALS THAT ARE HAULED OFF-SITE MUST BE TRANSPORTED IN WATER -TIGHT OPEN TO TRAFFIC, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO THE APPROPRIATE CITY, COUNTY, TRUCKS TO ELIMINATE SPILLAGE OF SEDIMENT AND SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER. 2. NO DRAINAGE PIPING OR PART THEREOF, WHICH IS CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS OTHER THAN THOSE APPROVED FOR USE UNDER OR WITHIN A BUILDING, STATE, AND PORT PERSONNEL FOR APPROVAL. APPROVALS SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO START OF WORK. THE SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER OR WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR PART THEREOF, NO LESS THAN ONE (1) FOOT BELOW THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS 11. AN AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE WASHING OUT OF CONCRETE TRUCKS IN A LOCATION THAT SURFACE OF THE GROUND. THIS INCLUDES STRUCTURES SUCH AS PORCHES AND STEPS, WHETHER COVERED OR UNCOVERED, BREEZEWAYS, ROOFED AND SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING SUCH INCIDENTALS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO MEET THE INTENT OF THE PROJECT DOES NOT PROVIDE RUN-OFF THAT CAN ENTER THE STORM WATER SYSTEM. IF THE CONCRETE PORTE-COACHERES, ROOFED PATIOS, CARPORTS, COVERED WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS, AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES OR APPURTENANCES. LATERALS SHALL BE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, APPLICABLE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER WORK AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A WASH-OUT AREA CAN NOT BE CONSTRUCTED GREATER THAN 50' FROM ANY DISCHARGE POINT, INSTALLED AT A MIN. 2% SLOPE UNLESS NOTED ON THE PLANS COMPLETE PROJECT. SECONDARY MEASURES SUCH AS BERMS OR TEMPORARY SETTLING PITS MAY BE REQUIRED. THE WASH-OUT SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN SIX FEET OF TRUCK ACCESS AND BE CLEANED WHEN IT 3. HYDROSTATIC AND AIR TESTING OF SANITARY LINES AND MANHOLES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM 7. THERE SHALL BE NO ALTERATION OR VARIANCE FROM THE APPROVED PLANS. THE MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS REACHES 50% OF THE CAPACITY. PLUMBING CODE, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. ALL NECESSARYTESTS SHALL BE FOR PLAN REVISIONS AREAS FOLLOWS; PLAN REVISIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON AN 81/2"X 11" SHEET (MINIMUM), PLAN PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND WITNESSED BY THE ENGINEER. REVISION SHALL BE WET STAMPED AND SIGNED BY PROJECT ENGINEER, ANY REQUIRED ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS, OR OTHER AGENCY APPROVALS, SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL REVISION. UPON APPROVAL OF THE SUBMITTED 12. SWEEPINGS FROM EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE TRANSFERRED TO THE STORM WATER SYSTEM. SWEEPINGS SHALL BE PICKED UP AND DISPOSED IN THE TRASH. 4. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION REVISIONS, THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL AFFIX AN APPROVED STAMP TO THE REVISED PLAN SKETCH AND THE PLAN SHALL OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INFORM THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS. CALL FOR LOCATES AT LEAST 48 BE RETURNED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER. ITIS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER TO DISTRIBUTE THE 13. AVOID PAVING IN WET WEATHER WHEN PAVING CHEMICALS CAN RUN-OFF INTO THE STORM WATER HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. APPROVED PLAN REVISION TO ALL PARTIES TO WHOM THE ORIGINAL APPROVED PLANS WERE ISSUED. ALL APPROVED SYSTEM. REVISION SHALL BE AFFIXED TO THE CONSTRUCTION FIELD PRINTS (ALSO KNOWN AS THE CONTRACTOR'S "REDLINE 5. FINISHED RIM ELEVATIONS OF CLEANOUTS WITHIN PAVEMENT ARE APPROXIMATE, FINAL FINISHED RIM ELEVATIONS SHALL MATCH FINISHED PAVEMENT DRAWINGS"). 14. USE BMPs SUCH AS CHECK -DAMS, BERMS, AND INLET PROTECTION TO PREVENT RUN-OFF FROM GRADES. REACHING DISCHARGE POINTS. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EFFECTIVE EROSION PROTECTION TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, GRADING, DITCHING, 6. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL SHALL CONFORM TO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. HAY BALES, SILT FENCING, AND SEDIMENT BARRIERS TO MINIMIZE EROSION AND IMPACT TO ADJACENT PROPERTY. SEE 15. COVER CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, AND OTHER DISCHARGE POINTS WHEN APPLYING SEAL COAT, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION. TACK COAT, ETC. TO PREVENT INTRODUCING THESE MATERIALS TO THE STORM WATER SYSTEM. 7. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 9. OPEN TRENCHES SHALL BE STRICTLY LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 100 LINEAR FEET WITHIN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY UNLESS 16. SEE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT FOR CHICK-FIL-A RESTAURANT #05058 BY TERRACON, 8. A MINIMUM OF THREE FEET (3') HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERLINES AND SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLES. ALL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED TO A LESSER AMOUNT BY PERMIT. NO TRENCHES SHALL BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN OPEN OVERNIGHT. DATED JANUARY 7, 2022. MUST MEET DEQ AND STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD REQUIREMENTS FOR SEPARATION. C 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND COORDINATE ACCESS TO ALL AFFECTED PROPERTIES. 9. ALL TRENCHES PARALLEL TO THE BUILDING SHALL BE KEPT OUT OF THE ANGLE OF REPOSE FOR THE BUILDING FOOTING. WATER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 11. ANY PAVEMENT DISTORTION CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY REPAIRED SAME DAY OF OCCURRENCE OR IN A TIME PERIOD AGREED TO WITH THE CITY INSPECTOR USING COLD OR HOT AC MIX. ( )' 1. ALL WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WET WEATHER EROSION CONTROL OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN REPAIRED AREAS UNTIL FULL REPAIRS ACCEPTED BY CITY. SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS B.DRAWINGS AND THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE. THE WET WEATHER CONSTRUCTION SEASON IS BETWEEN OCTOBER 1 5T AND MAY 31ST. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES FOR WET WEATHER CONSTRUCTION AS 12. IF GROUND WATER SPRINGS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY OUTLINED BELOW AND ALSO AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. CONTACT THE PROJECT ENGINEER. THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL DIRECT THE CONTRACTOR TO TAKE MEASURES TO 2. MECHANICAL JOINT FITTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO AWWA C110 AND SHALL BE OF A CLASS AT LEAST ENSURE THAT WATER IS NOT CONVEYED THROUGH THE UTILITY TRENCHES AND THE NATURAL FLOW PATH OF THE SPRING EQUAL TO THAT OF THE ADJACENT PIPE. IS ALTERED AS LITTLE AS PRACTICABLE. THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL SUBMIT A REPORT SUMMARIZING THE FINDING TO SPECIFIC WET WEATHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THE CITY. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION SHALL BE ADDRESSED FOR THE CITY APPROVAL. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL NECESSARY PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTS ON ALL WATER RESPONSIBILITY TO VISIT THE SITE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE BIDDING. LINES PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 1. GROUND SURFACES EXPOSED DURING THE WET SEASON SHALL HAVE TEMPORARY GRASS COVER MEASURES FULLY ESTABLISHED BY OCTOBER 15, OR OTHER 13. THE START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND OTHERWISE VERIFY 4. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. COVER MEASURES WILL HAVE TO BE IMPLEMENTED UNTIL ADEQUATE GRASS COVERAGE IS ACHIEVED. TO ESTABLISH AN ADEQUATE GRASS STAND FOR CONTROLLING EROSION BY OCTOBER 15, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT SEEDING AND MULCHING OCCUR BY SEPTEMBER 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS INDICATED AND/OR SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SHOULD ANY ERROR OR INCONSISTENCY EXIST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH THE WORK AFFECTED UNTIL REPORTED 5. PRIOR TO BEING PLACED IN SERVICE, THE WATER LINES AND SERVICES SHALL BE FLUSHED, 2. HYDROMULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITH GRASS SEED AT A RATE OF 2000 LB/ACRE ON SLOPES 2.5 TO 1 OR STEEPER, HYDROSEED AND MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION OR CORRECTION. ANY INSPECTION BY THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, STERILIZED, AND TESTED, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS AND THE WITH A BONDING AGENT (BONDER). APPLICATION RATE AND METHODOLOGY TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEED SUPPLIER RECOMMENDATIONS. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE BY THE CONTRACTOR. FEDERAL AGENCY, PORT OF PORTLAND, OR PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL NOT, IN ANYWAY, RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM ANY OBLIGATION TO PERFORM THE WORK IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, CITY 3. MULCH SHALL BE SPREAD UNIFORMLY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SEEDING. 6. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WATER BUREAU SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY STANDARDS AND PROJECT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION. 4. SOIL PREPARATION -TOP SOIL SHALL BE PREPARED ACCORDING TO LANDSCAPE PLANS OR RECOMMENDATIONS OF GRASS SEED SUPPLIER. IT IS 14. PROJECT PLANS SHALL ALWAYS HAVE AN ENGINEER OF RECORD PERFORMING THE FUNCTION OF PROJECT ENGINEER. IF RECOMMENDED THAT SLOPES BE ROUGHENED BEFORE SEEDING BY'TRACHK-WALKING," (DRIVING A CRAWLING TRACTOR UP AND DOWN SLOPES TO LEAVE A THE PROJECT ENGINEER IS CHANGED DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK, THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING AND 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 30" COVER OVER THE WATER LINE. PATTERN OF CLEAT IMPRINTS PARALLEL TO SLOPE CONTOURS) OR OTHER METHOD TO PROVIDE MORE STABLE SITES FOR SEEDS TO REST. THE WORK SHALL BE STOPPED UNTIL REPLACEMENT ENGINEER HAS AGREED TO ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER. THE NEW PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTICE OF ACCEPTING PROJECT g LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS 5. SEEDING -RECOMMENDED EROSION CONTROL GRASS SEED MIXES AREAS FOLLOWS. SIMILAR MIXES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE EROSION CONTROL MAY BE RESPONSIBILITY TO THE CITY WITHIN 72 HOURS OF ACCEPTING THE POSITION AS PROJECT ENGINEER. RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR SUBSTITUTED IF APPROVED BY JURISDICTION. B CONSTRUCTION AND INFORM THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS. CALLLL FOR 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE ANY SURVEY MONUMENTS THAT ARE DISTURBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. LOCATES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1. DWARF GRASS MIX LOW HEIGHT, LOW MAINTENANCE ( ): EXCAVATORS MUST COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ORA 757.541 THRU 757.571. DWARF PERENNIAL RYEGRASS, 80% BY WEIGHT 9. WATERLINE SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18" VERTICAL CLEARANCE FROM SEWER LINE AT ALL CREEPING RED FESCUE, 20% BY WEIGHT 16. SURVEY MONUMENT PRESERVATION: ALL SURVEY MONUMENTS OF RECORD MUST BE PRESERVED. IN THE EVENT A TIMES. APPLICATION RATE: 200 POUNDS MINIMUM PER ACRE MONUMENT IS DISTURBED CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR TO REFERENCE AND REPLACE THE MONUMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE REMOVAL, DISTURBANCE OR 6. FERTILIZATION FOR GRASS SEED - IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. DEVELOPMENT AREAS WITHIN 50 FEET OF WATER BODIES AND DESTRUCTION. WELLHEAD PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: WETLANDS MUST USE A NON -PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER. 7. WATERING - SEEDING SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH ADEQUATE MOISTURE TO ESTABLISH GRASS. SUPPLY WATER AS NEEDED, ESPECIALLY IN ABNORMALLY HOT OR PRIVATE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. DENSE NON -AQUEOUS PHASE LIQUID (DNAPL) CHEMICALS ARE PROHIBITED. THE CONTRACTOR AND DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS OR ON ADVERSE SITES. WATER APPLICATION RATES SHOULD BE CONTROLLED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE MOISTURE CAUSING ALL SUBCONTRACTORS ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE OWNER'S ENGINEER WITH COPIES OF RUNOFF. SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) FOR ALL CHEMICALS PROPOSED FOR USE ON-SITE PRIOR TO USE OR 1. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRENCH, CONDUIT, VAULTS, PADS, AND ROAD CROSSINGS, UNLESS DELIVERYTO THE PROPERTY. BASED ON THESE SDS'S. THE ENGINEER WILL DETERMINE IF THE OTHERWISE NOTED. CHEMICAL IS APPROVED FOR USE ON THIS SITE (I.E., WHETHER OR NOT THE PRODUCT CONTAINS 8. RE -SEEDING - AREAS WHICH FAIL TO ESTABLISH GRASS COVER ADEQUATE TO PREVENT EROSION SHALL BE RESEEDED AS SOON AS SUCH AREAS ARE IDENTIFIED, AND ALL APPROPRIATE MEASURES TAKEN TO ESTABLISH ADEQUATE COVER. AREAS WITH LESS THAN 95% GERMINATION WILL BE REJECTED AND DNAPUS). THE ENGINEER MAY CONTACT THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD (SUB) DRINKING WATER NEED TO BE RESEEDED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 36" COVER OVER CONDUITS. SOURCE PROTECTION COORDINATOR (541-744-3745) WITH ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT EVALUATING PRODUCTS FOR DNAPUS. 3. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND 2. ANY CHEMICAL SPILLS OR LEAKS MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AND CLEAN-UP MATERIALS INFORM THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS. CALL FOR LOCATES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DISPOSED OFF-SITE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH LANE COUNTY AND DEQ REQUIREMENTS. IN EVERY CONSTRUCTION. CASE, CARE SHALL BETAKEN TO PREVENT GROUNDWATER CONTAINMENT. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR EXCAVATION. 3. CONTRACTORS/DEVELOPERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFE HANDLING AND STORAGE OF CHEMICALS, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AND FERTILIZERS AND THE PREVENTION OF GROUNDWATER 5. ALL CONDUIT MUST BE INSPECTED BYTHE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO BACKFILL. AND STORM WATER RUNOFF CONTAMINATION. CHEMICALS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING PAINT AND CLEANING MATERIALS/WASTES, MUST NOT ENTER THE SOIL OR BE WASHED 6. ALL CONDUIT SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40. INTO THE STORM WATER SYSTEM. ALL CHEMICALS SHOULD BE STORED IN ADEQUATE SECONDARY A CONTAINMENT. 7. ALL CONDUIT SWEEPS SHALL BE A MIN OF 48" RADIUS. 4. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AN FUELING: PRECAUTIONS MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT 8. 30F HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED FROM ALL WATER, SEWER, GAS, AND IRRIGATION LINES. FLUID-CONTAINING EQUIPMENT LOCATED OUTSIDE FROM LEAKING, INCLUDING PROVIDING A DEDICATED AREA FOR FUELING AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT. THIS AREA SHOULD BE 9. A 1/4" PULL ROPE RATED FOR 500 LBS. SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH CONDUIT BY CONTRACTOR. PREPARED AND MAINTAINED IN A WAYTHAT PREVENTS SPILLS OR LEAKS FROM MIGRATING TO THE SOIL OR STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 10. ALL CONDUIT RUNS EXCEEDING 150' IN LENGTH REQUIRE FIBER SWEEPS. 5. NO FILL MATERIALS CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE USED ON THIS SITE. 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 E o00� 0 0 o v 0 o� o I/I o Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 C B 40'6DOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W a Z a a 1 J 06z LL o �W ' < q LLJ L- W LL ~ z U VIL FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIVS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS /n DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JUG LU m .iaaewai,eaaamsm�iaai dal8 files pmtic_N fm abwenmeiprgW (') mY^y be rcproLxiinanY mvrrl WlFaY Oezprcss m;uema,Venaiememiem a„no<irca prcKa rcprcs W a4ves. SHEET z0 GENERAL NOTES F_ U ry SHEET NUMBER H o C0.1 - U E O a/ ® a IE 6" CPP=431.91' I �I / I I I i ( 1 1 ,no RC DIE I I / a IE 6" PVC =430.95' 1/1 1 � I I II ml 434j 1 1 �F L r �4 1 C=431.60I =433.15' C i-3 I_ V6I°� 8 -dos BRIM 4 a I, 53755-17V I 22.90' I \' I ELEC LINE SAN MH RIM: ABANDONED PER 1987 SURVEY IE (N): PER 27852 PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM IE (E): 426.61' ELEC IE (S): TRANSFORMER PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. ON PL / [AS SHOWN HEREON[ J RANDY PAPE BELTLINE ACCESS RESTRICTION 14 IN FAVOR OF ODOT KI PARCEL 1 DEED TO ODOT, AND LIMITED 19 20 21 ACCESS TO HIGHWAY -ne ARID.-"� mm I w ----------- -----ReT58'131Y------ - - - as O.D.O.T RW STA I eBLe361+20.00 - 98.50FT RIGHT \ o \ -----/ 4q0\ II' I I IE 4- CMP=435.40' I EASEMENT TO ODOT I I /\ \ 37- o \-_-_ FOR WALL .MAINTENANCE I T J \�5 W 'VT'L�J:�y 21 yl --r439---- a III vIlk \ \ I I \\ ^�I 14' EASEMENT FOR28 I PUE PER PLAT OF O I �� I\ PUERTA SUBDIVISION I II \ \ _ 129.51' J I ---1188'00'2iV---- -' - _L ,p b� _ ADJUSTED PROPERTY ' / _T I LINE PER EXCEPTION 33 , 1 1 2021-061809 r 1 / /~'N e= -� - ( I �I I /I \l 1 i I `1 If IN II \1 r 7 I III---- I-_J L-_ TAX LOT 1300 SUBJECT TO DEQ EASEMENT AND 30 II EQUITABLE SERVITUDES � DOCUMENT FROM ODOT PER I n' EXCEPTION 2020-065364 I H Ini II I I I I I \ \ I \ \ 1 139.82'! o A36 1 f ; 5 EASEMENT ­ SEWER TO TOECITYOF SPRINGFIED I / I i I--� I �---1 A36•l I I 1 `\ Q X-\ \\ I J - - - - - - -\ l 437- \ ~I J I I I I I I I I I I J I I 16 4'X15" EASEMENT FOR PACIFIC i a O- m/ POWER L I O \ G G XG c - - - -- - G 5- ``y �� -_I I III I 435- G G 41- 380'S� A / G G / J J I N \ \m \ G G clb 10'X200' EASEMENT TO\ 17 PACIFIC POWER I I I ^I�lI I LQ I \� 4 3 r Ih 2 LEGEND: } I - SO SS G FO 0 � I POINT 0 BEGINNING PARCEL 9 WE hI I Y 1LINE 1 OF RELINQ ISHMENT 299 (DEED P OPERTY FROM OSOT TO CITY PER EX EPTION 2020-0 3155 �I 11D i � 3 I I I I 3 I 11111111121111 0 Ell II� I 4 I I I, i I \ I I I II \ I II I I I I I I I I +0o I I I I I I I I I I I } I r ss I I { - I RUSE WAY 30 0 30 SCALE IN FEET 2 _a OW 08 #o 0 ASCO E]T I� ON 0 BUILDING BUILDING OVERHANG PARKINGSTRIPES FLOWLNECURB EXTRUDED CURB STANDARDCURB EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDGE OF CONCRETE WALL -TOP WALL -TOE STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATER GAS FIBER OPTIC FENCE-CHANLNK BUILDING HATCH CONCRETEHATCH MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR HANDICAP PARKING SIGN FLAG POLE MONITORING WELL BOLLARD TREE- DECIDUOUS TREE -CONIFER POWER METER POWER TRANSFORMER POWER VAULT LIGHT -LAMP POST SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM AREA DRAIN STORM MANHOLE STORM CLEANOUT WATER SPIGOT - SHUTOFF FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL JUNCTION BOX TELEPHONE RISER COMMUNICATION VAULT IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE CATV RISER UNKNOWN VAULT SURVEY CONTROL POINT OX SEWER STRUCTURE TABLE 1 SAN MH RIM: 435.96' NOVEMBER 25, 1966, RECEPTION NO. 67649 DEED OF RECORDS, WHICH IE (N): 426.76' PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM IE (E): 426.61' OR ACROSS THE STATE HIGHWAY OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY THEREIN IE (S): 426.77' PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. IE (W): 426.61' [AS SHOWN HEREON[ STORM STRUCTURE TABLE 1 STM MH RIM: 436.15' IE 12" (E): 431.95' IE 18" (N): 431.50' IE 18" (S): 431.74' 2 STM MH RIM: 435.60' IE 18" (S): 432.10' IE 18" (N): 431.95' 3 STM MH RIM: 435.69' IE 18" (N): 433.82' IE 18" (S): 433.67' 16 STM MH/CI RIM: 431.90' IE 12" RCP (N): 429.11' 17 STM MH/CI RIM: 434.66' IE 12" PVC (S): 431.76' IE 12" PVC (E): 431.69' 18 STM MH/CI RIM: 436.04' IE 12" PVC (E): 431.21' 19 STM CB RIM: 433.16' IE 8" RCP (W): 432.00' IE 4" RCP (N): 431.51' 20 STM CB RIM: 431.10' 60 IE 6" RCP (W): 429.30' 1 GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA MAP ON FILE IN THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. A 5 -YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE (TOTZ) TO DRINKING WATER WELLHEAD HAS BEEN DETERMINED FOR THIS SITE. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE CHICK-FIL-A RESTAURANT WILL REPLACE THE EXISTING RESTAURANT (FORMERLY ELMERS). DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IS ANTICIPATED TO BE SIMILAR TO THOSE PRACTICES CURRENTLY USED FOR ELMERS. CHICK-FIL-A USES CLEANING, SANITIZING, AND DISINFECTING CHEMICALS THAT ARE EPA -REGISTERED PRODUCTS. CLEANING SOLVENTS, DEGREASERS, AND OTHER CLEANING CHEMICALS ARE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S LABEL, SAFETY DATA SHEETS, AND LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THROUGH DAILY USE, CLEANING CHEMICALS ARE DISPOSED OF IN THE SANITARY SEWER IN DILUTED FORMS. SHOULD BULK CONTAINERS NEED TO BE DISPOSED OF, THE CONTAINERS WILL BE TAKEN TO A PERMITTED LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE RECYCLING FACILITY. 2 THE MEDIAN LINE WORK ALONG GATEWAY(PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN AN EMAIL SENT TO DOWL ON OCTOBER 11, 2022) IS SHOWN AS EXISTING CONDITIONS PER THIS SHEET ALTHOUGH THE IMPROVEMENTS WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 AND END ON NOVEMBER 31, 2023 (DATES ARE APPROXIMATE). 3. ALL DEMOLITION WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER A SEPARATE PERMIT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE REMOVAL OF ANY UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES AND ANY ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION OR CONTRUCTION. 14 LIMITED ACCESS PROVISIONS CONTAINED INDEED TO THE STATE OF IE o00� 0 o ° opo °09 Ooo Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 OREGON, BY AND THROUGH ITS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1966, RECEPTION NO. 67649 DEED OF RECORDS, WHICH \ PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM OR ACROSS THE STATE HIGHWAY OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY THEREIN PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. D [AS SHOWN HEREON[ 15 EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING INFORMATION: JULY 21, 1972, RECEPTION NO. 9831 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION [AS SHOWN HEREON[ 16 EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: G RECORDING INFORMATION: NOVEMBER 06, 1972, RECEPTION NO. 270171N FAVOR OF: PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A CORPORATION FOR: RIGHT OF WAY [AN APPROXIMATELY 4' BY 15' EASEMENT,AS SHOWN HEREON[ 17 EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING INFORMATION: MARCH 07, 1973, RECEPTION NO. 73-9791 IN FAVOR OF: PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A CORPORATION FOR: RIGHT OF WAY [10X200' EASEMENT, AS SHOWN HEREON, THIS EASEMENT AREA INCLUDED THE AREA IN EXCEPTION 161 19 LIMITED ACCESS PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM SUNSET INVESTMENT LLC, AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO SUNSET INVESTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN OREGON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO THE STATE OF OREGON, BY AND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECORDED OCTOBER 06, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009-056577 DEED OF RECORDS, WHICH PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM OR ACROSS THE C STATE HIGHWAY OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY THEREIN PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. [AS SHOWN HEREON] OLIMITED ACCESS PROVISIONS CONTAINED INDEED FROM SHILO INN, SPRINGFIELD, LLC, AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THE STATE OF OREGON, BY AND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECORDED OCTOBER 06, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009-056578 DEED OF RECORDS, WHICH PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM OR ACROSS THE STATE HIGHWAY OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY THEREIN PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. [AS SHOWN HEREON] OPERMANENT EASEMENT FOR WALL MAINTENANCE, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF. RECORDED: OCTOBER 06, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NOS. 2009-056577 AND 2009-056578 VACATION OF EASEMENT IN PROCESS WITH CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION: 811-23-000155-TYP2 [AS SHOWN HEREON] ORELINQUISHMENT DEED, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF. RECORDED: JANUARY 21, 2020 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2020-003155 [AS SHOWN HEREON] B 30 EASEMENT AND EQUITABLE SERVITUDES, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF. RECORDED: NOVEMBER 09, 2020 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2020-065364 [AS SHOWN HEREON AFFECTS TAX LOT 13001 31 LIMITED ACCESS PROVISIONS CONTAINED INDEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF OREGON, RECORDED JANUARY 20, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2021-004085 DEED OF RECORDS, WHICH PROVIDES THAT NO RIGHT OF EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO, FROM OR ACROSS THE STATE HIGHWAY OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY THEREIN PROVIDED FOR SHALL ATTACH TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. [BLANKET IN NATURE OVER PARCEL II, AS TO THE WESTERLY EDGE OF GATEWAY AND BELTLINE HIGHWAY] 32 COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED. 0 EXECUTED BY: THE STATE OF OREGON, BY AND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECORDED: JANUARY 20, 2021 RECORDING INFORMATION: INSTRUMENT NO. 2021-004085 [BLANKET IN NATURE OVER PARCEL 111 33 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF. RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2021-061809 A [ADJUSTED PROPERTY LINE, AS SHOWN HEREON 1 *hDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 a. IO Q J � B� 06 LL 0 'Z^^ V W 0 Uj J LL0 Q a' 00 FS R# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS In DATE H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JLG LU Immmmalomewamea am rie nadmp oma lm 8l D 3P18 files Pros la aboveor mored PrgW U my mil Gberc moa en In any manner vnthwt IMmava .-neemft nn O au1Mr¢ed pygal rcpresentatices. 0 SHEET z0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN U SHEET NUMBER Z C1.0 C ■-1 In 4 RANDY PAPE SELTLINE ----------------- ---- (<1 4 1 3 1 K E LEGEND ir 0 O 0 GENERALNOTES BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER SPILLING CURB & GUTTER SIGN SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT STORM SEWER CLEANOUT STORM CATCH BASIN PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 SITE STATISTICS SITE PARKING: MINIMUM PARKING: 50 STALLS MAXIMUM PER CODE: 63 STALLS ADA STALLS 2 STANDARD STALLS PROVIDED 61 TOTAL PROVIDED 63 STALLS 1.5" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE CONCRETE BINDER COURSE -8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" OF SUBGRADEa E o00� a-a"VA o0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 PROPOSED CONCRETE 11/" " " ", ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITIES NOTES: SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY TERRACON DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2021 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 40'6DOWL ...-'----......---'----...._... _............... ..-... --'---- DETERMINED BY USPS AND TENANT AT A LATER TIME. 2. SEE STORM PLAN, SHEET C4.0, FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT STORMWATER FACILITIES. nSITE PLAN NOTES 14841.01 1. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER 17. PADS A AND B AND ASSOCIATED PARKING CO DETAIL 9 ON SHEET C6.0. A H AND DRIVING AREAS TO BE DESIGNED Z DRAWN BY AND CONSTRUCTED AT A LATER TIME. 2. CONSTRUCT CFA STANDARD CATCHING dal8 files praticcN fm abwenmeiprgW (') CURB AND GUTTER PER DETAIL 4B ON 18. PROPOSED BUILDING. SEE SHEET C6.0. z0 ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS 3. CONSTRUCT CFA STANDARD SPILLING 19. CONSTRUCT STANDARD 6" CURB AND U CURB AND GUTTER PER DETAIL 4B ON D GUTTER Of SHEET C6.0. I - Ln 20. CONSTRUCT LID STORMWATER FACILITY 4. INSTALL 4" WHITE PAINTED PARKING (RAIN GARDEN OR INFILTRATION STRIPE, 2 COATS MINIMUM. PLANTER), SEE STORMWATER PLAN SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION 5. CONSTRUCT ASPHALT PER SECTION THIS SHEET 21. PROPOSED RETAINING WALL 6. INSTALL DRIVE-THRU PAVEMENT 22. CONSTRUCT S WIDE PEDESTRIAN MARKINGS PER DETAILS 3 & 4 ON SHEET CIRCULATION WALKWAY ABOVE C6.0. CONCRETE CULVERT 7. CONSTRUCT DRIVE-THRU PICKUP AREA 23. CONSTRUCT LED LIGHTS FOR EXISTING SEE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET C6.2. SEE STREET LIGHT HEADS ALONG GATEWAY GRADING PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION. PER CURRENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LED STANDARDS FOR ARTERIALS. 8. CONSTRUCT VAN ACCESSIBLE A.D.A. STALL AND SIGNAGE ON SHEET C6.0 24. PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT DETAILS 5 & 7. UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. 9. CONSTRUCT WHITE PAINTED STOP BAR 25. INSTALL HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PER AND SIGNAGE PER DETAIL 4 O SHEET DETAILS ON SHEET C6.2. C6.0. 26. INSTALL 12" CONCRETE STEP OUT THAT 10. PROPOSED DRIVE-THRU EQUIPMENT AND EXTENDS FROM BACK OF CURB. SEE SIGNAGE. SEE DETAIL 9 ON SHEET C2.0 DETAIL 1 ON SHEET C6.1. AND THE NATIONAL SIGN PACKAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 27. INSTALL CONCRETE APRON AT TRASH ENCLOSURE PER DETAIL 6 ON SHEET C6.0 11. PROPOSED DRIVE-THRU CANOPY. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR MORE 28. INSTALL 4" WIDE YELLOW STRIPES Q 3' INFORMATION. OC, STRIPING TO BE 24" WIDE AND YELLOW REFLECTIVE PAINT WITH 12. CONSTRUCT A.D.A. RAMP WITH ANTI -SLIP ADHESIVE. 2 COATS MIN. TRUNCATED DOMES PER DETAILS 8 & 10 ON SHEET C6.1. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR 29. CONSTRUCT HANDRAIL ALONG RAMP PER MORE INFORMATION. HANDRAIL DETAIL ON SHEET C6.2. 13. INSTALL UNCOVERED TRASH ENCLOSURE 30. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF MEDIAN AND STORAGE AREA. SEE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. MEDIAN IS ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS. WORK BEING PROPOSED BY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IMPROVEMENTS AND MAY 14. INSTALL CONCRETE DRIVE-THROUGH PER NOT BE IN PLACE AT THE BEGINNING OF DRIVE-THROUGH PLAN AND DETAILS ON CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. SHEET C6.1 AND C6.2 31. CONSTRUCT A.D.A. STALL AND SIGNAGE 15. INSTALL WHITE PAINTED DIRECTIONAL ON SHEET C6.0 DETAILS 5 & ARROW, TWO COATS MINIMUM. SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHEET C6.0 16. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE PATIO PER DETAILS 9 & 10 ON SHEET C6.0. SEE ARCHITECTURE PLANS FOR SCORING DETAILS. OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 1 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 0 C B 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W Q Q a J � 06 LL 0 0 ' W Q d LLJ J ILL F_ 0 �Q V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIVS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JLO LU m .icacwaireacamsa�iaai dal8 files praticcN fm abwenmeiprgW (') mY^y be rcproLxiinanY mvrrl WlFaY Oexprcsz vnllenarvnbalcmvnlim auCnize! pmptl rcprcs W a4ves. SHEET z0 SITE PLAN U D Of SHEET NUMBER I - Ln //� C2.0 _0 C In 4 RANDY PAPE SELTLINE ----------------- F= ----- (<1 4 1 3 1 2 I LEGEND -- BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING --------- EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER SPILLING CURB & GUTTER a SIGN e SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT e STORM SEWER CLEANOUT ❑® STORM CATCH BASIN PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITIES E OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 1 1 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET a W® E o00� 0 po� Qo0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 40'6OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 Uj I.i ^Q I.i C Q a J � 06 z LL W Q'o d Uj J ILL0 B rano' IL V N FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVICS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Ln DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY 2 JLG LU miormbeon domande on m5 obeying and in of dlgna files produoel for above named projet (� m ad be reprMo M m any manner without Oe.preas wm an orvemaoore am auPonred preRtl repbesentatives. SHEET z0 DIMENSION PLAN U � SHEET NUMBER H z C2.1 7 ■-1 1 4 41 d. ala U, Lad .a d ,,z &4.mSdLAdE BYA aa 10.79 a.120d - ° m20 1900' a .2` d .TLCJ a TLCJTLCJ 12. , d o ' d - 10 a . ^11 . . .. ��. d - a TLCJ d .12.09 d °a a TLCJ _ - TLCJ - TLCJ - . a - - 12.09 , TLCJ d - d .. .B as d c°. LTLCJ TLCJ 8.93' TLCJ a_Bi. ro d 'd d. d° d. a- 8.84• �c 16 ,. d d. n d .d t9. %s✓ a G a ° A. d d - ° cv 1201' - a ^0 DRIVE ❑ a' ° ° THRU - d a PICK-UP " 11. d N yyJ�JII . QOoO .a `` `d a dI. 125Q v 4 a 0 D d� D 0 v• ° 4, d d CJ'. d 12 -OZ 9.98' EGRESS P13 LS LRG4 a - SERVICE d ENTRY d� 90 SEATS ' d i ° i a' d EJ 12.Oz 9 99 GROSS: 4,987 SF d I ° MAIN ENTRY � EGRESS a C. ,d �.. -- - - - - - ,2.02 9.99 ° _f_J - _ d 4 ®tCYCLES a a da d 4d a o n COVEREt a. '. a 4 d a d d O-BICYCI�S a. a d' a d' I d a d d d EJ _ d a . _______ --- ___ d ' 12 OZ a 9.99 d ted\ a d 4. d.° - d' ,2.0,'. j .° 9.99' . d d ° °- . I` ❑ c d a d _ - - I I a EJ I : _12.01', I _...10.00' -46 i , d I. 4 d. I a I CJ a 12.0,, ".. ..;000'.. a— aII : / r_ _______� , II 1. 412.01' A J..9.30'x.. II I a a I I , CA ,a `. ,2.99 9.29' p I I 181 JIB d II a SII. a is 4 EJ i II ,2.00.. d -9.20' II I ° ci i 11 i d II a� ..laOP.... ..9.26 - II II - `---------------------------- I A F2 d EJ I I 11.99' °I. 10.01' d I I d'. I I Y SIF m ____ ________ ':d.. d ABT d ' � -------J </ �O 15?5• � ° d 7730, a 7.57 9.55' _.a_ ______ � '-----------�--------------- c -'--' SryK dad y.. n <4F a a ui BOUNDARY LINE a BUILDING --------- EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER CO d C SIGN d a a d STORM SEWER CLEANOUT a STORM CATCH BASIN fil protiv-�ababa�eµrajW :4 L2 .. d . N. 7 _TLCJ, TLCJ TLCJadTLCa 4 ■-1 1 4 41 d. ala U, Lad .a d ,,z &4.mSdLAdE BYA aa 10.79 a.120d - ° m20 1900' a .2` d .TLCJ a TLCJTLCJ 12. , d o ' d - 10 a . ^11 . . .. ��. d - a TLCJ d .12.09 d °a a TLCJ _ - TLCJ - TLCJ - . a - - 12.09 , TLCJ d - d .. .B as d c°. LTLCJ TLCJ 8.93' TLCJ a_Bi. ro d 'd d. d° d. a- 8.84• �c 16 ,. d d. n d .d t9. %s✓ a G a ° A. d d - ° cv 1201' - a ^0 DRIVE ❑ a' ° ° THRU - d a PICK-UP " 11. d N yyJ�JII . QOoO .a `` `d a dI. 125Q v 4 a 0 D d� D 0 v• ° 4, d d CJ'. d 12 -OZ 9.98' EGRESS P13 LS LRG4 a - SERVICE d ENTRY d� 90 SEATS ' d i ° i a' d EJ 12.Oz 9 99 GROSS: 4,987 SF d I ° MAIN ENTRY � EGRESS a C. ,d �.. -- - - - - - ,2.02 9.99 ° _f_J - _ d 4 ®tCYCLES a a da d 4d a o n COVEREt a. '. a 4 d a d d O-BICYCI�S a. a d' a d' I d a d d d EJ _ d a . _______ --- ___ d ' 12 OZ a 9.99 d ted\ a d 4. d.° - d' ,2.0,'. j .° 9.99' . d d ° °- . I` ❑ c d a d _ - - I I a EJ I : _12.01', I _...10.00' -46 i , d I. 4 d. I a I CJ a 12.0,, ".. ..;000'.. a— aII : / r_ _______� , II 1. 412.01' A J..9.30'x.. II I a a I I , CA ,a `. ,2.99 9.29' p I I 181 JIB d II a SII. a is 4 EJ i II ,2.00.. d -9.20' II I ° ci i 11 i d II a� ..laOP.... ..9.26 - II II - `---------------------------- I A F2 d EJ I I 11.99' °I. 10.01' d I I d'. I I Y SIF m ____ ________ ':d.. d ABT d ' � -------J </ �O 15?5• � ° d 7730, a 7.57 9.55' _.a_ ______ � '-----------�--------------- c -'--' SryK dad y.. n <4F a a ui K 4 1 3 1 2 LEGEND -- BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING --------- EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER CO SPILLING CURB & GUTTER a SIGN .e a e STORM SEWER CLEANOUT ❑Q STORM CATCH BASIN fil protiv-�ababa�eµrajW :4 L2 .. d . N. 7 _TLCJ, TLCJ TLCJadTLCa SITE PLAN ds d.` 106, TLC. coH d TLCJ J9.6 TLC C2.2 TLCJ 12OO 209 120 TLCJTLCJ 'TLCJ . TLCJ d1209 d d.12.00'_. . 1097 a 4 819.49 12.0.09 d d o ° & 11.16' 190 o'' .. d. d .. do d m' a 13.08' p. 17.06' K 4 1 3 1 2 LEGEND -- BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING --------- EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER CO SPILLING CURB & GUTTER a SIGN C SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT e STORM SEWER CLEANOUT ❑Q STORM CATCH BASIN PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITIES OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 1 1 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET E o00� 0 o po� Qo0 A 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 R C B 40'6OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 Uj Q a J � 06 'z^^ LL / V LU Q'o q L) LLJ J ILL0 �Q U V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JUG LL mea waza�ln arma.d In 81 fil protiv-�ababa�eµrajW U mal8 O �:<a aoKe'wmr�e� SHEET z0 SITE PLAN U SHEET NUMBER coH O C2.2 _U 000 0 0 ° 000 Ooo 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 'OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 U N UU Q J � Off z LL W Q UU FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIUS PROJECT# 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (A DATE H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG UJ imaanmionaarazda,rissaegadinm my nabs ev xdlan a manner PrgW U YrcI be rtPraJucM in am aarvrl wuMd O«prcssvMMna vaGm==*1 a+Mr¢ed P�4«� rcP�asmGEws. 0 SHEET z0 GRADING PLAN U D ry SHEET NUMBER I -- CID CIC C ■-1 M 4 1 3 GRADING DETAIL 1 SCALE: 1"= 5' J LES yejll 4 IDi GRADING DETAIL 3 SCALE: 1"= 5' 0.0% 0 0 �F'\�G QP GRADING DETAIL 5 SCALE: 1"= 5' N� EGRESS 7-71 L owmv�si® 3 K GRADING DETAIL 2 SCALE: 1" = 5' E GRADING DETAIL 4 SCALE: 1" = 5' GRADING DETAIL 6 SCALE: 1" = 5' 1 - PROPOSED BUILDING ® - PROPOSED WALL - PROPOSED CURB -- - PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE -- - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CENTERLINE 365- - PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR LINE X364- - PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR LINE __ - - EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR LINE - EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR LINE 3.0%_ - PROPOSED SLOPE LABEL GENERAL NOTES ni E o00� 0 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 1. THE FOLLOWING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (NOT LIMITED TO) MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ANY SOIL DISTURBANCE ON THE SITE: CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, SILT FENCE PERIMETER PROTECTION, INLET PROTECTION, AND HYDROSEED ALL AREAS. 2. LIMITS OF GRADING. FUTURE ADDITIONAL WORK FOR THE tDOWL NORTHERN PORTION OF THE SITE MAY BE INCLUDED AT A LATER TIME. ABBREVIATION TABLE BC BASE OF CURB FC FLUSH CURB FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT S SPOT ELEVATION TC TOP OF CURB OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 35.3 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 1 0 C B 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W Q Q J � 06z LL >. W Q LLJ LUJ ILL F— 0 rQ 2 IL V N FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG LU IMamaoncWarc mtlsa�In81 dla fills proiuxd la slave nmed prq W C) dP yi bewradmwlnamm—t O«pr«sudlMnavmGal«n =*1 0 a+Mr¢ed prg«I rept«aaafiws. SHEET z0 GRADING DETAILS I-- 0 U � SNEET NUMBER coH z C3.1 _0 11 C ■-1 M 4 I 3 I RANnv pno� ocii Tlwir o 4 1 3 1 SE Y K E GENERAL NOTES: 1. CLEAN OUTS ARE REOU I RED AT A MAXIMUM OF 90 FEET ALONG A STORM LINE. 2. STORMWATER FACILITIES FOR THE ENTIRE PARCEL AREA, WHICH INCLUDES THE CFA BUILDING AND TWO OTHER PADS TO BE CONSTRUCTED DURING A LATER PHASE, WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN FULL AND WILL NOT BE PARTIALLY BUILT. X) STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. INSTALL STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN FACILITY PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUIREMENTS 2. INSTALL STORMWATER INFILTRATION PLANTER FACILITY PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUIREMENTS 3. INSTALL 1.5' WIDE CURB CUT 4. INSTALL 6" DUCTILE IRON STORM LINE FOR ROOF DRAINAGE FROM BUILDING OR DRIVE-THRU CANOPY. 5. INSTALL 6" PERFORATED (AT TOP OF PIPE ONLY WITHIN STORMWATER FACILITY) PVC D3034 STORM UNDERDRAIN 6. INSTALL 8" PVC D3034 STORM LINE 7. INSTALL 10" PVC D3034 STORM LINE 8. INSTALL 12" PVC D3034 STORM LINE 9. INSTALL 10" PVC D3034 STORM LINE TO BE PLACED PARALLEL TO 6" PERFORATED PIPE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STORMWATER FACILITY 10. INSTALL 15" PVC D3034 STORM LINE 11. CONNECT TO EXISTING PUBLIC MANHOLE 12. INSTALL OVERFLOW WITH BEEHIVE GRATE, SEE DETAIL SHEET C6.4 13. INSTALL CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C6.3 CLEANOUT DATA CLEANOUT DATA SDCO-01 RIM: 437.04 IE (10") = 432.47 SDCO-02 RIM: 433.90 IE (10") = 432.41 SDCO-03 RIM: 435.61 IE (10") = 432.65 MANHOLE DATA BH -01 RIM: 434.94 IE OUT (10"S) = 432.80 IE OUT (6"N) = 432.80 BH -02 RIM: 434.22 IE IN (10"N) = 431.85 IE IN (10'VV) = 431.85 IE OUT (12"E) = 431.85 IE OUT (6"S) = 431.85 SDCO-04 RIM: 436.45 IE (8") = 432.95 SDCO-05 RIM: 437.13 IE (8") = 433.26 IE (8") = 433.26 SDRD-01 RIM: 437.50 IE (6") = 435.00 MANHOLE DATA BH -03 RIM: 436.50 IE IN (8"NE) = 433.58 IE OUT (6"NW) = 433.58 BH -04 RIM: 436.37 IE OUT (8"N) = 432.77 IE OUT (6"W) = 432.77 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 1 4xe]a01u: BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING --------- EASEMENT CATCHING CURB & GUTTER SPILLING CURB & GUTTER a SIGN e SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT e STORM SEWER CLEANOUT STORM CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITY OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) 1 E o00� 0 0 000 Ooo 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 C B 40'6OOWL 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W Q Q a J � 06z LL 0 0 ' W Q d LLJ J LL F- 0 rQnIL 2 V N FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIVS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JLG LU mormbeon demand, on the obeying and In of algia files produceal for above named probe t (� m d nm be reprodocetl m any manner without Oexpress wnb an orvabacoreenb ham a thmr.; preRtl repbesentatives. SHEET z0 STORMWATER PLAN U D SHEET NUMBER H z C4.0 C i-1 In 4 41 as .:tfi3 u NDY PAPE BELTINE ------------------ .. El• a - I I I I I 9 I ' II w B SS LANE-- 3 5 -� G I DRIVE I � I- iXPU 70,1 FFE 437.50 EaXE69 -4- 90 SEATS Y SSCO-10 5 `. I I 14 12 � m 8 M - - SSCaOa 5 M ----__-----M -- - M- � E W�•FO ...E W FO W E�E ...�. FO 4 40�- c o----� _ c c 3 E: IN FO SS c C - c 2 1 LEGEND GENERALNOTES PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 1. SEE STORM WATER PLAN, SHEET C4.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STORM UTILITIES AND FACILITIES G PROPOSED GAS LINE 2. CLEANOUTS TO BE INSTALLED ON STORM AND SEWER SS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE EVERY 9OLF OF PIPE F11i SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE 3. EXISTING EASEMENT FOR PACIFIC POWER (10' X 200') IN PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER LINE 4, EXISTING EASEMENT FOR PACIFIC POWER (4' X 15') E C�qOD FIN PROPOSED FIRE WATER LINE E PROPOSED POWER(ELECTRIC) LINE X ° 0 O WATER CONSTRUCTION NOTES ° T PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS LINE } 1. INSTALL 1.5" WATER METER PER DETAIL ON SHEET C6.5. PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ChictoA COORDINATION WITH SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD MAT $200 Buffington Road Y PROPOSED HYDRANT BE REQUIRED. g WM PROPOSED WATER METER Atlanta, Georgia 2. INSTALL 2" DVCA ASSEMBLY. 30349-2998 M PROPOSED WATER VALVE 3. CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE WITH A DC PROPOSED DCDA TEE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY PIPE LOCATION, MATERIAL, AND CONDITION. ® PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT ® PROPOSED STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN 4. INSTALL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WITH DRIP VALVE IN FIRE VAULT. ® PROPOSED STORM SEWER CLEAN OUT S. INSTALL 2" PVC DOMESTIC WATER LINE.. 6. WATER EASEMENT FOR SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD. 7. INSTALL}" PVC WATER SERVICE CONNECTION TO TRASH ENCLOSURE. 8. INSTALL 6" PVC C900 DR18 FIRE WATER LINE, RESTRAINED WITH MEGALUG OR APPROVED EQUAL. D 9. INSTALL DOMESTIC SERVICE CONNECTION TO BUILDING. CATCH BASIN DATA MANHOLE DATA STUB 5' FROM FACE OF BUILDING, SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR CONTINUATION. SSCB-01 SSMH-01 10. INSTALL FIRE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION TO BUILDING. RIM: 438.23 RIM: 437.17 STUB 5' FROM FACE OF BUILDING. SEE PLUMBING PLANS IE OUT (4"E) = 433.43 IE IN (4"N) = 432.99 FOR CONTINUATION. IE OUT (4"E) = 432.99 11. INSTALL 676 -LA FIRE SERVICE VAULT WITH 6" DCDA AND CLEANOUT DATA CLEANOUT DATA HP SUMP PUMP, SEE DETAILS ON SHEET C6.5. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE POWER VAULTS. ELECTRONIC SSCO-01 SSCO-08 TAMPER SWITCHES ON BACKFLOW DEVICE, AND 2" PVC RIM: 437.45 RIM: 436.36 PIPE FOR SUMP PUMP TO DAYLIGHT TO A WEEPHOLE IN IE (4") = 432.50 IE (4") = 430.86 PUBLIC CURB. SSCO-02 SSCO-09 12. 15' WIDE EASEMENT TO SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD. RIM: 437.44 RIM: 436.24 IE (4") = 432.50 IE (4") = 430.71 13. CONNECTION TO OFFSITE MAIN TO LOOP SERVICE PER SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD. SSCRIM: 43 3 SSCRIM: 43 0 14. STUB 6" WATER FOR PHASE II. RIM: 438.44 RIM: 434.63 IE (4") = 432.06 IE (4") = 433.45 SSCO-04 SSCO-11 0 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES RIM: 436.35 RIM: 436.40 IE (4") = 432.74 IE (4") = 432.09 1. INSTALL 1,500 GALLON GREASE INTERCEPTOR WITH C VAULT EXTENSION VAULT LID TO BE ADJUSTED TO ALLOW SSCO-05 SSCO-12 FOR A MAXIMUM OF 24" FROM RIM TO BOTTOM OF VAULT RIM: 436.33 RIM: 435.58 LID. CONTRACTOR TO VENT VAULT BACK TO BUILDING. A IE (4") = 432.10 IE (4") = 429.96 LICNESED JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER MUST INSTALL AND TEST THE VENTING. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET C6.2. SSCO-06 SSCO-13 RIM: 436.26 RIM: 428.24 2. STUB 4" PVC D3034 SANITARY SEWER LINE 5' FROM FACE IE (4") = 432.06 OF BUILDING. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TWO-WAY CLEANOUT BETWEEN STUB AND BUILDING. SEE PLUMBING SSCO-07 PLANS FOR CONTINUATION. RIM: 436.15 IE (4") = 431.83 3. STUB 4" PVC D3034 GREASE LINE 5' FROM FACE OF BUILDING. SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR CONTINUATION. 4. CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER STUB. S. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT, SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C6.3 AND SEE DATA TABLE THIS SHEET. 6. INSTALL 4" PVC D3034 SANITARY SEWER LINE. 7. STUB 6" PVC D3034 SANITARY SEWER LINE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. 8. INSTALL TYPICAL TRAPPED STYLE SANITARY SEWER CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C6.3 OREGON UTILITYB 9. INSTALL 48" PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PER NOTIFICATION CENTER / DETAIL ON SHEET C6.4. SEE DATA TABLE THIS SHEET. 1-800-332-2344 O O0 FRANCHISE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. INSTALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO TRASH eFFORE ( ENCLOSURE. COORDINATE SIZE AND INSTALLATION WITH BUILDING MEP. 2. INSTALL POWER SERVICE TO CANOPY. 3. INSTALL GAS SERVICE TO CANOPY. 4. STUB COMMUNICATION SERVICE LINE TO BUILDING. 5. INSTALL POWER SERVICE TO BUILDING. 6. INSTALL ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO VAULT FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS. 7. INSTALL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO VAULT FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS. 8. INSTALL GAS SERVICE TO BUILDING. 9. INSTALL 3-PHASE ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER. A CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH SPRINGFIELD N UTILITY BOARD. 10. CONNECT TO EXISTING ELECTRICAL UTILITY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD. 11. INSTALL ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, SOME COORDINATION WITH SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD MAY BE REQUIRED. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET E 1 40'6OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIVS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWNBY JUG LL m",,,ala,"w.n<a�ms aaa,q.d In 81 dal8 files pmticci fm abwenmeaprgW ii m rel x,ew«r.«aI":"r�'^"^"•wln"e O �i:<a p,oKa,�larm.r� SHEET z0 UTILITY PLAN U Of SHEET NUMBER I -- an V1 C5.0 oo�D 0 pl 0 000 Ooo 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 40'6OOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 Q a J � Off z LL W Q d LLJ J ILL F— 0 rQnIL 2 UV N FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVICS PROJECT M 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Ln DATE H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY 2 JLG LU miormbeon domande on m5 obeying and in of dlgna files produoel for above named projet U m d nm be reprMocetl m any manner without Oexp rens wnb an orvebbacoreenb ham ❑ au PonredproRtl repbesent atives. SHEET z0 FIRE SERVICE PLAN F- C) D ry SHEET NUMBER I -- GO C5.1 7 C C! REQUIRED AT ALL JUNCTIONS WITH CONCRETE / STRENGTH CONCRETE ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND BASE COURSE #3 ®1T' ON CENTER • � old. x� "�Ff ea e d -III-I-II I� �6••SUBBASE SEE NOTE #I 8"AGGREGATE BASE COURSE SEE NOTE M. #4 REBAR FOR CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT OF THICKENED EDGE NOTE: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO SET REBAR ON DOBIES PRIOR TO POUR 1 ASPHALTJOINTS 6 NOT TO SCALE CURB RAMP (SHALL NOT EXTEND x INTO THE ACCESS AISLE) SIGN LOCATION. SIGN LOCATIONS >`., TYPICAL A.D.A. PARKING 20 20 SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. 4' WIDE WHITE STRIPES Q Z O.C. AT 36 DEGREES PER PLAN TYPICAL A.D.A. PARKING SYMBOL. SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. 'NO PARKING' PAVEMENT STENCIL PER PLAN(6' MIN STANDARD, SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET 8' MIN FOR WHEELCHAIR OR VAN ACCESSIBLE) NOTE: CONSTRUCT/INSTALL FACILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSSC CHAPTER 11 90 DEGREE PARKING STRIPING 6 NOT TO SCALE w w K3 18" CURB EXTENSION BASE COURSE Z'X2' SQUARE TUBING I' 6" DIA, SCH. 8D STEEL PIPE BOLLARD PAINTED L. DARK BRONZE FILLED WITH CONCRETE I'I � I PAINT CONCRETE BLACK ) AFTER CURING AT ASPHALT LOCATIONS I1 4000 Psl CONCRETE I :I \ a. 1 PAVEMENT MARKINGS -2 A 6 NOT TO SCALE PRINTED FOR PAVEMENT DIMENSION REFER TO FACE I PAVEMENT T DATE OF CURB UNLESS INDICATED FACE OF CU Z OTHERWISE OTHERWISE AG I z -v ddPla fil« Proiuxd la slave nmed prq W C) yrc GeriPraJ inammxmvr tM O«pressvMMnavaGal==*1 z .xmrnw pny«I rrpr«�nfi.�s. SHEET Z o SITE DETAILS 1 C) a SHEET NUMBER o C6.0 - U BOLLARD MOUNTED SIGN 6, NOT TO SCALE #3 REBAR Q 18" O.C. (VERT) & #3 REBAR Q 18" O.C. (HORIZ) ICONTINUOUS. LOCATE ALL BARS MIN. OF 2.5" CLEAR FROM FACE OF CURB 2.5" IN FOR DRIVE-THRU NOTE: SIGNS SHALL BE FABRICATED USING SIF 0.08 NON -ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM WITH VINYL COPY APPLIED TO THE FIRST SURFACE. NOTE: VERIFY COLORS WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. 2 PAINT SOLID 4 i� 4 w DIRECTIONAL ARROW NOT TO SCALE 4" PANTED UNE (TYP.) ACCESSIBILITY SYMBOL NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO PARKING LOT STRIPING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE DETAIL 2. PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 3B OF THE CURRENT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE MITE REFLECTIVE PAINT ON ASPHALT& YELLOW REFLECTIVE PAINT ON CONCRETE, UNLESS UPON VERIFICATION BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IT IS DETERMINED THAT LOCAL, STATE, OR ADA CODES DIFFER, IN VW ICH CASE THESE CODES SHALL GOVERN. 1 PAVEMENT MARKINGS - 1 6 NOT TO SCALE SIGN R7-8 SIGN R7 -8P ALUMINUM SIGN SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET 2" GALVANIZED STEEL POST ROUND OR SQUARE, SET IN CONCRETE DARK BRONZE COLOR SEE BOLLARD MOUNTED SIGN DETAIL 6THIS SHEET i SMOOTH TOOLED a JOINT %"CONTRACTION JOINT FNISH AROUND (SEE TEM) j ALL EDGES(TYP) (SEE NOTE #1) (SEE NOTE fFI) B SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS VARY -HOLD FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR AT D� .�... ..�,D. f • '.� '•'gyp ENTRANCEWAYS. PLANTING AREAS MAY EXIST BETWEEN THE BUILDING Z p ». q z y AND THE BACK -OF -SIDEWALK (SEE SITE PLAN). EXPANSION JOINTS DO NOT a I, APPLY TO SIDEWALK SECTION ADJACENT TO PLANTING AREAS. 1 D , D • p p i� . W .. EXPANSION JOINT 9 C6.0 I I I 5'-0'(TYP) CONCRETE CURB& 11 6.51MIN. GUTTER C6.0 j LIGHT BROOM FINISH (SEE SITE PLAN) (PERPENDICULAR TO TRA I PATH) CONCRETE SURFACE BUILDING AREA INSIDE OF TOOLED EDGE SLOPE 1:50 MAX. PAVEMENT, i TO CREATE PICTURE FRAME AS SPECIFIED IN EFFECT URETHANE JOINT SEALING 66WGAUGEWELDED BUILDING FOOTING GEOTECHNICAL REPORT I COMPOUND, 71P STRIP -OR WREL SEATED AND APPROVED EQUAL. 9 EXPANSIONJONTDON STANDS 3000 PSICOMPRESSIVE 2' STRENGTHCONCRETE 2.. - III _ III i N MIX PERSPECIFICATION.III -F-I bL x-.x-�-x -x ' e -x �,x 4"AGGREGAT L BASE COURSE STABILIZED AGGREGATE _ BASE COARSE, AS SPECIFIED FOR PAVEMENT I J' CONTRACTION JOINT COMPACTED SUBGRADE AS SPECIFIED Y' DECK -O -FOAM EXPANSION 4" AGGREGATE j (SEE NOTE #1) A JOINT FILLER W/ PRE -SCORED BASE COURSE NOTICE: ALWAYS ALIGN CURB 1 STRIP OR OTHER CFA APPROVED AND SIDEWALK JOINTS. MATERIAL 1 EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINT NOTES: I 1. JOINTS AT 5'-9'O.C. TOOLED �'IMDE, 1"DEEP OR MAX.g DEEP MICHEVER IS GREATER. EXPANSION JOINTS AT 20'MAX.&ALL P.C.s, UNLESS APPROVED ORINDICATED OTHERWISE ONPLAN 1O SIDEWALK W/ CURB &GUTTER VIEW DONT PATTERN. 6 NOT TO SCALE y 9 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6. r DOME TOP OF CONC. FTG. J' MAX. SEALANT & BACKER ROD OVER 1" JOINT FILLER ;ESERVEDALUMINUM SIGN PARKING PLATE, BAKED ® ENAMEL. SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET FOR DIMENSIONS. ACCEA591JBLE 9" 1" T MOUNT HEIGHT MIN. 1 I •'. T-6" CONCRETE BASE 4,000 PSI MIN. (28 DAY). ~ CONCRETE BASE = ACCESIBLE PARKING SIGN 6, NOT TO SCALE ALUMINUM TUBING, DARK BRONZE COLOR OR AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION OR LANDLORD REQUIREMENTS. 30" RED e �'REFLECTIVE COLOR I �VM11TE 'REFLECTIVE COLOR NOTES: 1. SIGNS SHALL BE FABRICATED USING 7 SN O.B8 NON -ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM WITH VINYL COPY APPLIED TO THE FIRST SURFACE. 2. VERIFY COLORS WTH JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITIES. 90 CONCRETE BASE STOP SIGN & STANDARD MOUNTING POST (MUTCD R 1-1) 11 STOP SIGN DETAIL 6 NOT TO SCALE 1 D° L D DRIVE-THRU NOT TO SCALE NOTE 1.S: GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERT PARKING LOT STRIPING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE DETAIL 2. PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO REOUI REMENTS AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 3B OF THE CURRENT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE WHITE REFLECTIVE PANT ON ASPHALT & YELLOW REFLECTIVE PAINT ON CONCRETE, UNLESS UPON VERIFICATION BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR R IS DETERMINED THAT LOCAL, STATE, OR ADA CODES DIFFER, IN WHICH CASE THESE CODES SHALL GOVERN. 4. IF STOP SIGNS ARE PROPOSED, "STOP'LETTERING ON STOP BAR DETAIL IS NOT REQUIRED. qCH X.]Y]\�/�J�h CI[.13Y\N X.]YNp138 1-8" n 512"7 SEE PLAN STOP BAR NOT TO SCALE "R 92 f - 3'd' PER FT, w 4.1 i LIGHT BROOM FINISH AO SPILLING CURB AND GUTTER 7 i1"R ` b a YjPER FT. f� LIGHT BROOM FINISH CATCHING CURB AND GUTTER OB STYPE "H" MOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER NOTES: 1. CONCRETEFOR CURBING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 P.S.I. AT 28 DAYS. 2. CONSTRUCTION STAKING FOR CURBING INSTALLATION SHALL BE REFERENCED (CUT OR TO THE TOP OF CURB 3. AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION THE GUTTER THICKNESS MAY BE INCREASED AT THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO MAKE BOTTOM OF GUTTER PARALLEL WITH PAVING OF BASE COURSE. 4. CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 1P-0" O.C. TOOLED 1/4" (31/16",-0) WIDE, V OR MAX. D/4 DEEP WHICHEVER IS GREATER. EXPANSION JOINTS AT 4O MAX. AND ALL P.C. s, UNLESS APPROVED OR INDICATED OTHERWISE ON PLAN VIEW JOINT PATTERN. 5. WHERE GUTTER IS IN ADA PATH, SLOPE OF GUTTER FROM LIP TO FLOWLNE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 2%. 6. CURB EXPOSURES VARY. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR FLUSH CURB LOCATIONS. 8 24" CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 6 NOT TO SCALE 4' PCC SURFACE 6" PCC SU #9 BARS-18"O.C.E.WA 1 �- 5.5" PCC / 6'1/ AGGREGATE BASE STABLESUBGRADEOR COMPACTED SELECT FILL AS REQUIRED PER GEOTECH REPORT FIL Mj ZSY 5" PCC OVER 6' AGGREGATE BASE STABLESUBGRADEOR COMPACTED SELECT FILL AS REQUIRED PER GEOTECH REPORT PARKING NOTES: 1. DESIGN PER GEOTECH REPORT BY TERRACON, DATED JANUARY 3, 2022. 2. PAVEMENTS& SUBGRADES INCLUDING MATERIALS& COMPACTION SHALL MEET STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GOVERNING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. 3. JOINTING & SPACING SHALL BE PER CONCRETE JOINT DETAILS. 4. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,50) PSI ® 28 DAYS. 12 CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6 NOT TO SCALE E o00� 0 0 po� a) Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 �OOWL 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 PAVEMENT MARKINGS -2 6 NOT TO SCALE PRINTED FOR PAVEMENT DIMENSION REFER TO FACE I PAVEMENT T DATE OF CURB UNLESS INDICATED FACE OF CU Z OTHERWISE OTHERWISE AG I z -v "R 92 f - 3'd' PER FT, w 4.1 i LIGHT BROOM FINISH AO SPILLING CURB AND GUTTER 7 i1"R ` b a YjPER FT. f� LIGHT BROOM FINISH CATCHING CURB AND GUTTER OB STYPE "H" MOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER NOTES: 1. CONCRETEFOR CURBING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 P.S.I. AT 28 DAYS. 2. CONSTRUCTION STAKING FOR CURBING INSTALLATION SHALL BE REFERENCED (CUT OR TO THE TOP OF CURB 3. AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION THE GUTTER THICKNESS MAY BE INCREASED AT THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO MAKE BOTTOM OF GUTTER PARALLEL WITH PAVING OF BASE COURSE. 4. CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 1P-0" O.C. TOOLED 1/4" (31/16",-0) WIDE, V OR MAX. D/4 DEEP WHICHEVER IS GREATER. EXPANSION JOINTS AT 4O MAX. AND ALL P.C. s, UNLESS APPROVED OR INDICATED OTHERWISE ON PLAN VIEW JOINT PATTERN. 5. WHERE GUTTER IS IN ADA PATH, SLOPE OF GUTTER FROM LIP TO FLOWLNE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 2%. 6. CURB EXPOSURES VARY. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR FLUSH CURB LOCATIONS. 8 24" CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 6 NOT TO SCALE 4' PCC SURFACE 6" PCC SU #9 BARS-18"O.C.E.WA 1 �- 5.5" PCC / 6'1/ AGGREGATE BASE STABLESUBGRADEOR COMPACTED SELECT FILL AS REQUIRED PER GEOTECH REPORT FIL Mj ZSY 5" PCC OVER 6' AGGREGATE BASE STABLESUBGRADEOR COMPACTED SELECT FILL AS REQUIRED PER GEOTECH REPORT PARKING NOTES: 1. DESIGN PER GEOTECH REPORT BY TERRACON, DATED JANUARY 3, 2022. 2. PAVEMENTS& SUBGRADES INCLUDING MATERIALS& COMPACTION SHALL MEET STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GOVERNING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. 3. JOINTING & SPACING SHALL BE PER CONCRETE JOINT DETAILS. 4. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,50) PSI ® 28 DAYS. 12 CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6 NOT TO SCALE E o00� 0 0 po� a) Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 �OOWL 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # (4841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWNBY AG LU Inl mncWarc mtlsa�In81 ddPla fil« Proiuxd la slave nmed prq W C) yrc GeriPraJ inammxmvr tM O«pressvMMnavaGal==*1 z .xmrnw pny«I rrpr«�nfi.�s. SHEET Z o SITE DETAILS 1 C) � SHEET NUMBER o C6.0 - U C 7 C i-1 4 RESUME TYP. CONCRETESLOPING AWAY FROM MENU BOARD 12" CURB EXTENSION #3 REBAR Q 18" O.C. (VERT) & 2" #3 REBAR Q 18" O.C. (HORIZ) ° T CONTINUOUS LOCATE ALL ° " < 1} BARS MIN. OF 2.5" CLEAR T FROM FACE OF CURB a I� a BASE COURSE a LANDSCAPE PROTECTION CURB EXTENSION 6 NOT TO SCALE n 24" LUBRICATED NO.8 SMOOTH DOWEL URETHANEJOINT SEAUNGOOMPOUND e ry y`X ` T'(MIN.) #3 BARS ON 18" ON J CENTER EACH WAY 3' DECK -0 -FOAM EXPANSION JOINT FILLER W/ PRE -SCORED STRIP OR OTHER CFA APPROVED MATERIAL ° ` d CLEARANCE DOWEL SLEEVE (CLOSED END) TO FIT DOWEL AND BE SECURED. TO BE INSTALLED 1'-0" C.0 LUBRICATE THIS END NOTES: 1. NO. 5 SMOOTH DOWEL BAR MAY BE USED IN 51NCH AND 61NCH PAVEMENT THICKNESS. 2. LONGITUDINAL BUTT CONSTRUCTION MAY BE UTILIZED IN PLACE OF LONGITUDINAL HINGED (KEYWAY) JOINT AT CONTRACTORS OPTION. 3. DOWEL BARS SHALL BE DRILLED INTO PAVEMENT HORIZONTALLY BY USE OF A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. 4. DRILLING BY HAND IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, PUSHING DOWEL BARS INTO WET CONCRETE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 5. JOINT SPACING TO BE 24'X24' (EVERY OTHER DONT) 5 EXPANSION JOINT 6 NOT TO SCALE SEE PLAN FOR SLAB THICKNESS 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CONCRETE a' WIDE SAWED OR PREMOLDED JOINT, 12' MAX. SPACING, SEAL JOINTS WITH POLW REDiANE SEALANT TO WITHIN;"FROM TOP. a ° c a d ° SUBBASE SEE NOTE M NOTE: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. NOT TO SCALE 4 m NEW 3 ------------- CANOPY ABOVE MENU BOARD 12' EJ L EXTENDCJ CJ = CONTRACTION JOINT THROUGH CURB PAINT 2' TOP OF EJ=EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) CURBYELLOW ISLAND PLAN J ISLAND CURB ELEVATION DRIVE-THRU ORDER POINT ISLAND 6 NOT TO SCALE RESUME TYP. CJ PATTERN CONIC. SLAB POURED W/ ISLAND 6" PIPE BOLLARD 4 FILLED w.CONCRUE C6.1 PAINTED DARK BRONZE 1919i:L1, 413p1 / o ` KEYED CONSTRUCTION JOINT 6 NOT TO SCALE CIVIL TO VERIFY RAMP REQUIREMENTS BY STATE. MATCH SIDEWALK WIDTH ° 6 MIN. U PRINTED FOR FMIN. TRANSITION w DATE A H JUNE 2023 TRANSITION 1V:i AX 3 w z IMa mncWarc mtlsa�In81 CONTRACTOR TO SAW CUT, REMOVE O' 4 ynd GereprdM inammvsYlVtl X AND REPLACE TOF EX. ASPHALT h GQ alM+l[ed pm.c -s. SHEET 41 SLOPE PAVEMENT TO CONSTRUCT KEY JOINT. rc SITE DETAILS 2 LL W SIDE FLARES TO BE 1:12 WHERE THERE IS NO 1p r iEXISTING SHEET NUMBER 0 ASPHALT LOCATIONS. C6.1 z j p 8 RAMP. PAVEMENT AND Z BASECOURSE yQj b PROPOSED ANCHOR STEEL PIPE CONCRETE PAVING IN CONCRETE FOOTING , q b EXPANSION JOINT Z-0" DIAMETER x 2'6" DEPTH (c ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 CONCRETE PAVEMENT/ / 1 • SLAB APPLICATIONS — III—III—III—I—III IIIIIIIII II T I- REMOVcAL SAWCUT LINE / o ` KEYED CONSTRUCTION JOINT 6 NOT TO SCALE CIVIL TO VERIFY RAMP REQUIREMENTS BY STATE. TV 12H MAX I SIDEWALK i SIDEWALK f b C N CURB b B DETECTABLE WARNING PAVEMENT FLARED SIDES TV 10H MAX. C6.1 DEVICE "ERE REQUIRED) GUTTER SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5% AT LANDING AREA 10 CURB RAMP w/ FLARED SIDES 6 NOT TO SCALE 3 y y y y y �yy K NOTE: 1. ALL ELEVATIONS ON THIS DETAIL ARE RELATIVE TO FIFE 0'. 2. FOR LC FOOTPRINT DECREASE LANDING FROM 38' TOM'. LANDING SHOULD REMAIN CENTERED ON DRIVE-THRU WINDOW. DRIVE-THRU PLAN - FLUSH WITH FIFE IQ6y NOT TO SCALE VERTICAL SAW CUT "WIDE(MIN.) URETHANE JOINT SEALING COMPOUND (TOP t' NO SEALING COMPOUND) MATCH SIDEWALK WIDTH ° 6 MIN. (TMIN. RAMP PRINTED FOR FMIN. TRANSITION WITH CONCRETE DATE A H JUNE 2023 TRANSITION 1V:i AX 3 V:10H No IMa mncWarc mtlsa�In81 O CURB ynd GereprdM inammvsYlVtl X vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm BRONZE TONE EXTERIOR alM+l[ed pm.c -s. SHEET SE ENAMEL PAINT AT DRIVE THRU. SITE DETAILS 2 PANT BOLLARD WITH BRONZE SIDE FLARES TO BE 1:12 WHERE THERE IS NO 1p r COLOR AT ALL OTHER SHEET NUMBER 0 LANDNGATTOPOF LOCATIONS. C6.1 z j — U RAMP. TV 12H MAX I SIDEWALK i SIDEWALK f b C N CURB b B DETECTABLE WARNING PAVEMENT FLARED SIDES TV 10H MAX. C6.1 DEVICE "ERE REQUIRED) GUTTER SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5% AT LANDING AREA 10 CURB RAMP w/ FLARED SIDES 6 NOT TO SCALE 3 y y y y y �yy K NOTE: 1. ALL ELEVATIONS ON THIS DETAIL ARE RELATIVE TO FIFE 0'. 2. FOR LC FOOTPRINT DECREASE LANDING FROM 38' TOM'. LANDING SHOULD REMAIN CENTERED ON DRIVE-THRU WINDOW. DRIVE-THRU PLAN - FLUSH WITH FIFE IQ6y NOT TO SCALE VERTICAL SAW CUT "WIDE(MIN.) URETHANE JOINT SEALING COMPOUND (TOP t' NO SEALING COMPOUND) n BARS ON W' CTRS. BOTH � SUBBASE WAYS SEE NOTE M NOTES: 1. JOINT SPACING TO BE 1 T x 1TWITH EVERY OTHER JOINT BEING AN EXPANSION JOINT. 2. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. 7 CONTRACTION JOINT 6 NOT TO SCALE yice/ CONCRETE SIDEWALK STANDARD PER PLAN NOTES: 1. SEE DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. 2. TOOLED JOINTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK RAMP SLOPE BREAK LINES. 3. TACTILE WARNING STRIP TO BE A MINIMUM OF 2' IN DEPTH AND SPANS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP. 4. RAMP TO BE CENTERED IN CROSSWALK. 5. RAMP TO BE CONSTRUCTED SEPARATELY FROM SIDEWALK AND ISOLATED BY EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. 11 ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL 6 NOT TO SCALE E 1 TROWELED, ROUNDED CONCRETE 6^ STEEL PIPE CIVIL'S PROJECT # ° 4841.01 (SCHEDULE 80) FILLED PRINTED FOR d. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WITH CONCRETE DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY 3 LU IMa mncWarc mtlsa�In81 O ` ynd GereprdM inammvsYlVtl X vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm BRONZE TONE EXTERIOR alM+l[ed pm.c -s. SHEET SE n BARS ON W' CTRS. BOTH � SUBBASE WAYS SEE NOTE M NOTES: 1. JOINT SPACING TO BE 1 T x 1TWITH EVERY OTHER JOINT BEING AN EXPANSION JOINT. 2. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. 7 CONTRACTION JOINT 6 NOT TO SCALE yice/ CONCRETE SIDEWALK STANDARD PER PLAN NOTES: 1. SEE DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. 2. TOOLED JOINTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK RAMP SLOPE BREAK LINES. 3. TACTILE WARNING STRIP TO BE A MINIMUM OF 2' IN DEPTH AND SPANS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP. 4. RAMP TO BE CENTERED IN CROSSWALK. 5. RAMP TO BE CONSTRUCTED SEPARATELY FROM SIDEWALK AND ISOLATED BY EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. 11 ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL 6 NOT TO SCALE E 1 TROWELED, ROUNDED CONCRETE 6^ STEEL PIPE CIVIL'S PROJECT # 4841.01 (SCHEDULE 80) FILLED PRINTED FOR h CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WITH CONCRETE DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY 3 LU IMa mncWarc mtlsa�In81 O PAINT BOLLARD WITH DARK ynd GereprdM inammvsYlVtl X vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm BRONZE TONE EXTERIOR alM+l[ed pm.c -s. SHEET SE ENAMEL PAINT AT DRIVE THRU. SITE DETAILS 2 PANT BOLLARD WITH BRONZE 1p r COLOR AT ALL OTHER SHEET NUMBER 0 LOCATIONS. C6.1 z j — U D Z ANCHOR STEEL PIPE IN CONCRETE FOOTING , q b EXPANSION JOINT Z-0" DIAMETER x 2'6" DEPTH (c ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT/ / APPLICATIONS SLAB APPLICATIONS 11-1111-11111-111-1111 e. III VIII VIII VIII/ b I I II I I� 4 CONCRETE BOLLARD 6 NOT TO SCALE 1.2625" 1.670" TYP. 000000 000000000 000 01c 000000 000000000 000 000000 000000000 coo 00000 0000 o ELEVATION 0000 00 00 0 00 0 000 c 0 000 SS NOTE: PREFABRICATED PANELS d PER A.D.A. ACCESSIBILITY 00 0 000 00 0 000 H GUIDELINES SECTION 4.29.2& 0000 r). 00000 O A4.M.2 SHALL BE USED. 00000 0000000 00 00000 000000000 000 b 0000 000000000000000 pd NOTE: eFIELD 000 O O 000000000 c 0 c a MCROLTEXETURE 00 0 O 0000000 O O 41 POINTS PER SQUARE 0000 00000 INCH 000 00 O 00 000 00 O 000 000 000 000 00 000 00 0.09.• Coco O O ry 0.09" g TYR a TYR PLAN NOTES: 1. THE DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICE SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THE NEAREST EDGE OF THE DEVICE IS 6 TO 8 INCHES FROM THE FACE OF CURB LINE. 2. DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICE SHALL BE 24 INCHES N THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP OR FLUSH SRUFACE. 3, DETECTABLE WARNING SURFAC ES SHALL BE CON STRUCTED BY TEXTUR ING PRODUCTS CONFORMING TO PROWAG RM4. TRANSITION SLOPES ARE NOT TO HAVE DETECTABLE WARNINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM LOCAL CODES ARE MET. 4, MERE A CU RS RAMP IS CONSTRUCTED WITHI N AN EXISTING CU RB CURB &GUTTER AND/OR SIDEWALK THE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT BEYOND THE CUR B TRANSITIONS OR TO THE EXTENT THAT NO REMAINING SECTION OF CURB OR CURB & GUTTER IS LESS THAN 6 LONG. THE EXISTING SIDEWALK SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT BEYOND THE TRANSITION SLOPE WALK AROUND OR TO THE EXTENT THAT NO REMAINING SECTION OF SIDEWALK IS LESS THAN S. 5. THE PLAN MUST PROVIDE FOR DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE COLORS OR MATERIALS THAT PROVIDE THE NECESSARYCONTRAST, EITHER DARK -ON -LIGHT, OR LIGHT -ON -DARK. STANDARD DOME COLOR IS BRICK RED. 6. TRUNCATED DOMES TO BE INSTALLED USING ARMOR TILE CAST IN PLACE DOME TACTILE TILE. PART NUMBER ADA -2424 OR OTHER EQUIVALENT APPROVED MATERIAL. PREFERRED MANUFACTURER ARMOR TILE TACTILE SYSTEMS LANCE MITCHELL(919)622-4615 UNLESS PAVERS ARE REQUIRED, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT CURB RAMPS MEET LOCAL CODES AND ADA REQUIREMENTS. %$� DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICE 6 NOT TO SCALE 1 E09o00� 0 0 ° 000 Ooo Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 *hDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W C In Q 1 J z `6 'OU.^^ V 1 W 0 Uj LULU ILL 0 V`V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 4841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS UJ DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG LU IMa mncWarc mtlsa�In81 ddPlafilxsproiuxdlasLavenmedprgW U ynd GereprdM inammvsYlVtl Qexpress vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm alM+l[ed pm.c -s. SHEET o SITE DETAILS 2 U [if SHEET NUMBER DO o C6.1 — U 4 C SEE NOTE #1. NOTE: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. FOR LC FOOTPRINT DECREASE LANDING FROM 38' TO 39. LANDING SHOULD REMAIN CENTERED ON DRIVE-THRU WINDOW. DRIVE-THRU ISOMETRIC 6 NOT TO SCALE S"AGGREGATE BASE COURSE SEE NOTE M. AUG44e llllgci KI h h w �i U_ 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CONCRETE w MIX PER SPECIFICATION. �1 #4 REBAR C 24" OC OR z Ip REBAR ®18" OC, BOTH i h iv DIRECTIONS d I x e x — x e x F14FIRI- 4:JI NOTE: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO SET REBAR ON DOBIES PRIOR TO POUR CONCRETE PAVEMENT DRIVE-THRU LANE NOT TO SCALE Y N on w i-1 1-1/4" PIPE RAIL TO MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS AND OREGON SPECIALTY CODE CONFIRM RAIL COLOR WITH ARCHITECT/OWNER CONCRETE LANDING PER PLANS A IMBED HANDRAIL POST 10" 12"X4" NON -SHRINK GROUT – 20"X12" HANDRAIL FOOTING — HANDRAIL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE M 0 F M 6" CONCRETE CURB SEE NOTE 6 NOTE: 1. ALL ELEVATIONS ON THIS DETAIL ARE RELATIVE TO FFE=O'. 2. FOR LC FOOTPRINT DECREASE LANDING FROM WTO 39. LANDING SHOULD REMAIN CENTERED ON DRIVE-THRU WINDOW. 2� DRIVE-THRU PLAN - FLUSH WITH FFE C6. NOT TO SCALE ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND BASE COURSE 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CONCRETE #3 ® 17' ON CENTER EACH WAY �nf 12" 4' SEE NOTE M 6" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE SEE NOTE #1. #4 REBAR FOR CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT OF THICKENED EDGE NOTE: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. CONCRETE APRON AT TRASH ENCLOSURE NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE LANDING PER PLANS 4 I 3 SIGN TO BE PLACED AT THE LEADING/ TRANSVERSE LINES OF THE CROSSWALK PER THE SITE PLAN ji TI. Nc S,L B/ Nc 15, Ba: Bal Tot K SEE SITE PLAN \_1T' WIDE MITE STRIPES C 36" CENTERS NOTES: 1. MARKINGS FOR STREET SHALL BE ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AND AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 3B OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS. 2. MARKINGS WITHIN PRIVATE PARKING LOT SHALL BE PER THIS DETAIL 3. THESE MARKINGS ARE TO BE PANTED REFLECTIVE MITE. J ` CROSSWALK MARKINGS 6 NOT TO SCALE CURB LSIGN TO BE PLACED AT THE LEADING/ TRANSVERSE LINES OF THE CROSSWALK PER THE SITE PLAN STRATA GREASE INTERCEPTOR - 1500 rct - u., zn e r-..,.. ate: Designed for 0 to 5'-0" of Cover GREASEINTERCEPTOR STRATA ICI Oldeastle Precast File Name: 020 -STRATA -1500 GREASE INTERCEPTOR PO Box 323, Wilsonville, Oregon 9]0]0-0323 Issue Date. 2016 GGI.1500 GALLON Tel: (503) 61 Fax: (503) 682-2657 oldcaslleprecast.com/wilsonville CP Nil 4 N 1 iin FLAT CUT NUM ALUMICOPY ON FACE ARM FACING \\\\` ENTRY TO ALUMINUM C TO MATCH SW#54103 #5403 GRAY T z Fix %g' HSS w/ CAPPED ENDS 0 6"x 6"x Vig'PISS w/%'STEEL O1 CAP PLATE ETCHED PLATE ON REAR OF CENTER SUPPORT; SEE SIGN STANDARDS 13"x13" x%" STEEL BASE PLATE W/(4)Vi O ANCHORS ON 8' CENTERS IN EA. DIRECTION DRIVE-THRU LANE /y'0 x 36"HEADED ANCHOR BOLTS w/31/j' - "<X\ %PROJECTION ABOVE GRADE; #4 TIES® 12" O.C. 2o0p9 x 4-0" DEEP CONC. PIER w GEOT CHNICAL R PORT PRIORFOUITDATION; VERIFY ER SIZE O CONSTRUCTION 8" FROM BACK OF CURB NOTES: 1. ENTIRE CLEARANCE BAR & HARDWARE TO BE POWDER COATED OPC P-820 MATTE BLACK FINISH 2. CLEARANCE BAR ARM TO ROTATE WHEN STRUCK & RETURN TO ORIGINAL POSITION 3. COORDINATE W/ THE ARCHITECT& STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DRIVE-THRU CLEARANCE BAR NOT TO SCALE STRATA GREASE INTERCEPTOR - 1500 to' -Y g._g. 3,_6. 3,_6„ JI 2'-B 2'-2}' 6"m Sump (3 Places) / J Casting Not Shown ThIView i{yJ_[} - z 2 ' vent r �"'•.`t Term Duct in TOP (1 Eachcb End) I eZ i, A AI I—Del.. `---------------- ---- - '----- (3)- No. 30 x 4 Castings Hoax Lift Anchor (Balt -Down and pocketed) (4 Places in Top & Bnse) 30" Dia, Clear Acaeee PLAN VIEW 14^ OUTLET at 30" Grade Rings Availablew/Flexible Boot INLET( Recommen) ded 12" Maximum Connector Ias w/Flexible Boot tar 4' & 6" Pipe E no Connector Risers Available for 4" & 6" Plpe Butyl Resin Be.or in — T =i _ i; ----V —---------- — — — — I 3 I I do onn i ^• E i Ig aarne Wall I ° m �5"! T -6r i 2'-21f 5 Dullet Bay Grease Interceptor. SIDE VIEW - Designed in accordance with IAPMO/ANSI 21001. Manufactured per ASTM C1613 - Loadingper ASTM C890 for Adigi HS20-44 vernald loading and m soil c of 5'-0" p g - Corrosion allowable BFus (Drainage Fixture o Units) 412 (fe of the la lsoo gmmn sae) Corrosion resistant coaling/Ilner available to extend the life o! the tank Manufacturer's recommendation, : - Fill Ilft anchor pockets with groutVon . The, to eachand to open atmosphere, with Friar m "start nUp"sp of System, fill with clean wafer Schedule inlet bay m bottom in naw cannel (approx. one root deep). - Follow Regular Inspection, Cleaning, ed Maintenance Schetlule (See Clean Out &Maintenance Instructions) GREASE INTERCEPTOR STRATA 10 Oldcastle PrecastFile Name020-STRATAI GREASE INTERCEPTOR : -1500 PO Box 323, Wilsonville, Oregon97070-0323 Issue Dale: 2016 GGI-1500 GALLON Tel: (503) 682-2844 Fax: (503) 682-2657 oldcastleprecast.com/wilsonville 20.0 I 20.1 2 1 E o00� ac 00oo 0 D 09 o Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 W 0. C Q J � L— `6 'z^^ 0 1 W 0 Cl LLJ J B V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # (4841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS U DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG LU InlamMonconarctl on this andsong aN In 81 ddgtwfilespra]uxdla&L nm dprgW Unoxydalbereproodaudefliniumevendeavathal O«presswMMnavaGal=*1 I «tna<i:ed prg«trapr«exafi.�s. SHEET Z O_ SITE DETAILS 3 U � SHEET NUMBER oW C6.2 U 4 2'-4 5/8" �LJ LJ LJ ILJ 7-45/8" Ll E LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ � � LJ 1/4" ANGLE PLAN THICKNESS MIN. DEPTH TO MATCH LRATE DEPTH c) 46"-111/4" I/ OUTLET PIPE USE ENLARGER TO CONNECT TO STORM MAIN LARGER THAN 8". OLYMPIC FOUNDARY, INC. 27-1/2" x 27-1/2" CATCH BASIN GRATE OR APPROVED EQUAL. LYNCH STANDARD CAST IRON GRATE (2" THICK- H-25 LOAD) GRATE FRAME 61/2 31/2" I _ 2,. 4CENT. I`3" 3/16" SECTION C -C ) K3 HINGE -12 GA. STAINLESS STEEL, 21/2 OPEN WITH 1/2" KNUCKLE, 10" LONG WITH 1/4" PIN (FASTEN WITH 6 @ 1/4" STN. STL. BOLTS) 7° 1/4" PLAC-900 10 GA. SHT. METAL(TYP.) SIDES A ______--- SEE NOTE #2 ________ OUTLET ________ DIAM. C -900I '"MIN.DYP.) I 1.-0„ C C (TYP.) 3/16"L11DETAIL"B" 24"MIN. CLEANOUT 3/16" I C-90045°BENDS 1/4" PLATE (TYP.) I SIDESAND BOTTOM I - CALCULATED LE.OUT I I AS SHOWN ON PLANS PIPE MATER IAL AS SHOWN IN PLANS. 2'-0 1/2" SQ. ELEVATION GENERALNOTES: 1. BASIN SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY WELDED. SIDES AND BOTTOM SHALL BE BUTT WELDED OR MEMBERS MAYBE OVERSIZED AND FILLET WELDED. 2. ASPHALT COAT OR GALVANIZE ALL SURFACED OF CATCH BASIN. 3. BREAK SHARP CORNERS AFTER WELDINGS. 4. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SHALL BE PAINTED BLACK AND SECURED TO THE BASINS USING BOLD OR APPROVED FASTENERS. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SUBMIT METHOD FOR REVIEW BY ENGINEER. C 5. CONTRACTOR MAY SUBMIT FOR ALTERNATE SUMP CATCH BASIN. 1 TYPICAL TRAPPED STYLE CATCH BASIN 26.3 NOT TO SCALE i-1 ASPHALT SECTION. 4" THICK CONCRETE SANITARY CLEAN OUT AND COVER, P-15, PRIME AND PANT FLAT BLACK. 8" PIPNG IS FREE OF C.O. COVERSUCH THAT LOADING ISNOT TRANSMITTED TO PIPING. COMBINATION, TYP NOTE: SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR GREASE TRAP DETAIL CLEAN-OUT OUTSIDE OF BUILDING NOT TO SCALE 4 3" OUTLET DIAM. 6" 1 1/8" 3/4" I I 11 1/2" 1 MEMBRANE 6" 10 1/2' COLLAR � K AC OR CONCRETE PAVING OR OTHER SURFACING ro 4: e FI -11_ MIN - n T CLASS 3000 pECIFIE CONCRETE CONCRETE 4" IN PAVED AREAS ONLY THREADED PLUG 171/8" MIN CAST IRON FRAME NOTE: 3/4" INSTALL 2'x2'x4" CONCRETE 4° PAD IN UNPAVED AREA. MIN 4" 5/� � 4.. 2 yg: MIN 1/2" 9 7/8" NOTE: a' ALL CLEANOUT MATERIAL TO BE SAME AS CARRIER PIPE. 4" CONCRETE :o- 1 CAP J— 6.1 CLEANOUTcoMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE ROCK STANDARD CLEANOUT NOT TO SCALE NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 140N OR EQUAL OVERLAP EDGES 4" MINIMUM 4" RIGID PERFORATED PIPE ENCASED WITH FILTER SOCK 6" MIN SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR a BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 1" CRUSHED CLEAN < <. DRAIN ROCK A 6" FOOTING a SEE STRUCPORM LANS ~ I�DRAIN 2" 6" 6" BACKWATER CHECK VALVE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAILS FOOTINGM/ALL DRAIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE r51 FOOTINGMALL DRAIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 3 FINISH GRADE STANDARD CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER 1 TYPICAL MANHOLE STEPS CAP BOTTOM OF PVC "CROSS" AND DRILL 3.25" DIAMETER HOLE 12" INLET THROUGH CENTER OF CAP. ORIFICE TO BE SET 12" BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPES AS NOTED ON PLANS. PLAN NOTES: 1. ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C-478 AND APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STANDARD MANHOLE DETAIL ON PLANS. 2. INLET AND OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER AS NOTED ON PLANS 3. ALL OUTLETS SHALL HAVE FLOW CONTROL DEVICE. ANCHOR TO WALL WITH STAINLESS STEEL RISER CLAMP OR STAINLESS STEEL BAND AND STAINLESS STEEL EXPANSION ANCHORS MIN. 2 PLACES. STEEL BAND TO BE MIN. OF 2" WIDE EL 12" PIPE OUTLET EL: 1410.67'K A EL: 1408.67' OUTLET FLOW CONTROL E o00� 0 Wpo o 6 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 N.T.S. *hDOWL - y2' SELF TAPPING CONCRETE 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 ANCHORTAINLESSSTEEL-12 OR EQUAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 J4"X1 Yz' STAINLESS STEEL BOLT. 971-280-8641 D FLAT TOP RUBBER GASKETf I} CIVIL'S PROJECT # I I NON -ADHESIVE PRINTED FOR MEMBRANE 6" 1 COLLAR � MIN. I I 1 TYPICAL MANHOLE STEPS CAP BOTTOM OF PVC "CROSS" AND DRILL 3.25" DIAMETER HOLE 12" INLET THROUGH CENTER OF CAP. ORIFICE TO BE SET 12" BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPES AS NOTED ON PLANS. PLAN NOTES: 1. ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C-478 AND APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STANDARD MANHOLE DETAIL ON PLANS. 2. INLET AND OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER AS NOTED ON PLANS 3. ALL OUTLETS SHALL HAVE FLOW CONTROL DEVICE. ANCHOR TO WALL WITH STAINLESS STEEL RISER CLAMP OR STAINLESS STEEL BAND AND STAINLESS STEEL EXPANSION ANCHORS MIN. 2 PLACES. STEEL BAND TO BE MIN. OF 2" WIDE EL 12" PIPE OUTLET EL: 1410.67'K A EL: 1408.67' OUTLET FLOW CONTROL E o00� 0 Wpo o 6 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 N.T.S. *hDOWL - y2' SELF TAPPING CONCRETE 309 SW STH AVENUE, #700 ANCHORTAINLESSSTEEL-12 OR EQUAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 J4"X1 Yz' STAINLESS STEEL BOLT. 971-280-8641 D FLAT TOP RUBBER GASKETf I} CIVIL'S PROJECT # --- // CLAMP DETAIL PRINTED FOR (cNps��l LID WITH SUBURBAN FRAME DATE A H JUNE 2023 12"TYP' DRAWN BY PROVIDE 3/4"-0 FOR A AG SHEAR GATE WITH CONTROL ROD': 6'SCHEDULE 40 PVC WITH MINIMUM OF 6"AROUND d�PlB files Proiuxd la aLavenmed PrgW ATTACHED TO TOP STEP WIRE SCREEN FOR RODENTS -SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET Oexpress OUTLET FLOW CONTROL PLASTIC PIPE "CROSS" OR o APPROVED EQUAL. SIZE OF "CROSS" TO MATCH o STORM DETAILS 1 OUTLET DIAMETER AS SHOVMI ON PLANS INLET PLrnv PLM OUTLET EL: 1410.67' SHEET NUMBER EL: 1410.67' ta. o C6.3 — U EL: 140867 SECTION B -B B a 5"MINIMUM 60" CAP BOTTOM OF PVC'T"AND DRILL 3.25" DIAMETER HOLE THROUGH CENTER OF CAP. ORIFICE TO BE SET '.ri•.:a'r's'!'::'a'j'1,i�5..b.i�j.TYf[ • ' � :'i:y'i " 24" BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPE AS NOTED ON PLANS. s FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL C6.3 NOTTOSCALE NON -SHRINK GROUT STANDARD MANHOLE GRADE RING 14" MIN. WATERTIGHT PIPE PLUG PER PLUMBING CODE CIVIL'S PROJECT # 5'x c' DOWNSPOUT OPTION'W- SMALLER BUILDINGS EXTERIOR PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS RESCREEN DATE A H JUNE 2023 FOR RODENTS DRAWN BY PROVIDE 3/4"-0 FOR A AG LU 6'SCHEDULE 40 PVC WITH MINIMUM OF 6"AROUND d�PlB files Proiuxd la aLavenmed PrgW U WIRE SCREEN FOR RODENTS -SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET CLEANOUT wV ASSEMBLY BODY r6i1 BACKWATER CHECK VALVE NO 10 SCALE E E SEE NOTE #1 1% MINIMUM SLOPE STORM SEWER PIPE (SIZE VARIES) 45 BEND SEE NOTE #2 SEE GRADING PLAN FOR LOCATION (SCH 40 PVC) TO WITHIN 5' FROM BUILDING, REMAINDER TO BUILDING & HOOKUP IS TENANT RESPONSIBILITY NOTES: 1. FOR ALL DEPTHS OF COVER LESS THAN TWO 2 FEET PIPE MUST BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. FOR DEPTHS OF COVER GREATER THAN TWO (2) FEET, FLEXIBLE PIPE MAY 8E USED. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALLOWABLE PIPE TYPES. 2. A WATERTIGHT CONNECTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED WITH ANY TRANSITION FROM SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE TO ANY OTHER PIPE TYPE. 3. TH E DOWNSPOUT COLLECTOR DRAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE THE DOWNSPOUTS ARE INSTALLED ON THE BUILDING. SREWORK CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK INCLUDING THE RODENT SCREEN. BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONNECTION AT THE POINT OF THE RODENT SCREEN. n BUILDING DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION NOT TO SCALE 1 LU c Q Q J � Off z LL W Uj J LL0 B r \n V N FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS UJ DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG LU immi mn°wmzdmsna'.ereadinai d�PlB files Proiuxd la aLavenmed PrgW U v^d ee rePmd«ed ma"v amr wiw Oexpress vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm a+Mr¢ed Pra«I rept«aaafiws. SHEET o STORM DETAILS 1 U [if SHEET NUMBER o C6.3 — U C C i-1 In ACCESS COVER STORMFILTER CARTRIDGE PERMANENT POOL ELEVATION CARTRIDGE SUPPORT FLOW KIT CATCHBASIN FOOT LYS. OF 4) 4 2'1" _I- 2'4" INSIDE RIM INSIDE RIM 4.­�B. OUTSIDE RIM PLAN VIEW 4'4%^ 2'0" X3'4" B VANED INLET GRATE (SOLID COVER OPTIONAL) OPTIONAL SLOPED LID M FILTRATION BAYINLET LsL�\ INLET STUB (OPTIONAL) CLEANOUT B, 1- ACCESS PLUG ON WEIR WALL SECTION A -A StormFilter ALL SNOUTS AND TRAPS FOR CATCH CONCRETE COMAS BASINS AND WATER QUALITY OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION AND DEBAR TO MEET STRUCTURES SHALL BE AS 18 DEEP HS201F APPLICABLE BY .) -1 SURFACE CANNOT 1 60" MIN/84" MAX CONTRACTOR lL .I INC. A 53 MT. ARCHER RD. z i6]'gpmis! Ym 2gpmAX SEE DETAIL 100 IgpMsf ry0N 225 1819 , (860) 434-0277, (860) 434-3195 NOTES: VANED INLET GRATE (SOLID COVER OPTIONAL) OPTIONAL SLOPED LID M FILTRATION BAYINLET LsL�\ INLET STUB (OPTIONAL) CLEANOUT B, 1- ACCESS PLUG ON WEIR WALL SECTION A -A StormFilter ALL SNOUTS AND TRAPS FOR CATCH MIN 0.20 FT ABOVE BASINS AND WATER QUALITY OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION 1 } STRUCTURES SHALL BE AS 18 DEEP DEBRIS ON MANUFACTURED BY: SURFACE CANNOT 1 60" MIN/84" MAX I SUMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS, INC. � 53 MT. ARCHER RD. - i6]'gpmis! EWE, CT 06371 2gpmAX SEE DETAIL 100 IgpMsf CARTRIDGE FLOW DATE(gpm) 225 1819 a. (860) 434-0277, (860) 434-3195 NOTES: ]5 1, ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF FAX TOLL FREE: (800) 504-8008, ASTM C-470 AND APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STC. MANHOLE DRAWING PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY (888) 354-7585 1.8 2, INLET AND OUTLET PIPE NOT TO EXCEED 13" DIA, 1.8 WEB SITE: WWW.BMPINC.COM 10' 1-D' SUMP VOLUME AVAILABLE PER DEPTH OF OR PRE -APPROVED EQUAL. SUMP OUTLET PIPE SIZE AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 36" MINIMUM 60" MAXIMUM SEE DETAIL #260 INLET 5. ANCHORING HARDWARE FOR THE HOOD SHALL BE EMBEDDED INTO 72" M.H.= 84.8 CF 141.3 OF CONCRETE; ANCHORING INTO GROUT IS NOT AUTHORIZED. FLOW 6 -THE SURFACE OF THE STRUCTURE WHERE THE HOOD IS MOUNTED SHALL PROVIDE SPECIAL DETAIL FOR VOLUME 2 MANHOLE ACCESS POINTS REQUIRED ANTI -SIPHON VENT PLAN (EXTEND ABOVE HOOD MIN. 3" TO MAX. 24") WATERTIGHT SEAL SEE DRAWING #030 PIPE TYPE. SIZE, AND CONNECTON PER PLAN, AS APPROVED OUTLET .Vusaccx" _ VY FLOW 0 v s . j'e.. INLET INVERT ELEVATION DETAIL MIN 0.20 FT ABOVE CARTRIDGE HEIGHT OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION 1 } OIL &FLOATABLE 18 DEEP DEBRIS ON 3.05' SURFACE CANNOT 1 60" MIN/84" MAX I SUMP EXIT PIPE 36" MIN � 60" MAX - i6]'gpmis! MANHOLE STEP 2gpmAX SEE DETAIL 100 IgpMsf CARTRIDGE FLOW DATE(gpm) 225 1819 1125 J, NOTES: ]5 1, ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 12.53 ASTM C-470 AND APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STC. MANHOLE DRAWING PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY NO. 010. 1.8 2, INLET AND OUTLET PIPE NOT TO EXCEED 13" DIA, 1.8 3 PROVIDE SPECIAL DETAIL FOR SNOUT, EXCEEDING 18" DIA 10' 1-D' SUMP VOLUME AVAILABLE PER DEPTH OF 4. THE SIZE AND POSITION OF THE HOOD SHALL BE DETERMINED 6Y THE SUMP OUTLET PIPE SIZE AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 36" MINIMUM 60" MAXIMUM FLANGE 60" M.H.= 58.9 CF 98.1 CF 5. ANCHORING HARDWARE FOR THE HOOD SHALL BE EMBEDDED INTO 72" M.H.= 84.8 CF 141.3 OF CONCRETE; ANCHORING INTO GROUT IS NOT AUTHORIZED. 84" MA - 1154 OF 192 4 OF 6 -THE SURFACE OF THE STRUCTURE WHERE THE HOOD IS MOUNTED SHALL PROVIDE SPECIAL DETAIL FOR VOLUME BE FINISHED SMOOTH AND FREE OF LOOSE MATERIAL. REQUIREMENTS EXCEEDING 192.4 CF 7. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. _ SUMP VOLUME REQUIREMENTS 8, ALL MANHOLE FLAT TOPS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-478 AND ARE 20 CF/1.0 CFS OF INFLOW DESIGNED TO MEET H-20 TRAFFIC LOADING 58,9 CF MINIMUM REQUIRED WATER QUALITY 3 ALL HOODS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A MINIMUM 10', WATERTIGHT ACCESS MANHOLE (SNOUT) A 4 KI STORMFILTER STEEL CATCHBASIN DESIGN NOTES DETAIL STORMFILTER TREATMENT CAPACITY IS A FUNCTION OF THE CARTRIDGE SELECTION AND THE NUMBER OF CARTRIDGES. 1 CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN HAS A MAX MUM OF ONE CARTRIDGE. SYSTEM IS SHOWN WITH A27' CARTRIDGE, AND IS ALSO AVAIIABLE WITH AN 18" CARTRIDGE. STORMFILTER CATCHBASIN CONFIGURATIONS ARE AVAILABLE WITH A DRY INLET BAY FOR VECTOR CONTROL. PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY PER TABLE BELOW. IF THE SITE CONDITIONS EXCEED PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY, AN UPSTREAM BYPASS STRUCTURE IS REQUIRED. CARTRIDGE SELECTION CARTRIDGE HEIGHT 27' 18" XXX 18 DEEP RECOMMENDED HYDRAULIC DROP (H) 3.05' 2.3' RIM ELEVATION 3.3' SPECIFIC FLOW DATE GpWNI 2gpMsf i6]'gpmisf igpmisf 2gpmisl i6]'gpmis! igpmisf 2gpmAX 1.67'gpMsf IgpMsf CARTRIDGE FLOW DATE(gpm) 225 1819 1125 15 1253 ]5 15 12.53 75 PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY 10 1.8 1.8 INLET PERMANENT POOL LEVEL (A) 10' 1-D' 2'' OVERALL STRUCTURE HEIGHT DS 1. 11 3-9" FLANGE 4'-9" ' 1.67 gpMN SPECIFIC FLOW RATE IS APPROVED WITH PHOSPHOSORBu (PSORB) MEDIA ONLY GENERAL NOTES 1. CONFECT! TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. FOR SITE SPECIFIC DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STORMFILTER CATCHBASIN STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC REPRESENTATIVE. ww ..w hEScom 3. STORMFILTER CATCHBASIN WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. 4. INLET SHOULD NOT BE LOWER THAN OUTLET. INLET (IF APPLICABLE) AND OUTLET PIPING TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR, 5. MANUFACTURER TO APPLY A SURFACE BEAD WELD IN THE SHAPE OF THE LETTER "O" ABOVE THE OUTLET PIPE STUB ON THE EXTERIOR SURFACE OF THE STEEL SFCB. 6, STORMFILTER CATCHBASIN EQUIPPED WITH 41NCH (APPROXIMATE) LONG STUBS FOR INLET (IF APPLICABLE) AND OUTLET PIPING. STANDARD OUTLET STUB IS 81NCHES IN DIAMETER. MAXIMUM OUTLET STUB IS 15 INCHES IN DIAMETER. CONNECTION TO COLLECTION PIPING CAN BE MADE USING FLEXIBLE COUPLING BY CONTRACTOR. 7. STEEL STRUCTURE TO BE MANUFACTURED OF 114 INCH STEEL PLATE. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 LOAD RATING. TO MEET HS20 LOAD RATING ON STRUCTURE, A CONCRETE COLLAR IS REQUIRED. WHEN REQUIRED, CONCRETE COLLAR WITH t4 REINFORCING BARS TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. 8. FILTER CARTRIDGES SHALL BE MEDIA -FILLED, PASSIVE, SIPHON ACTUATED, RADIAL FLOW, AND SELF CLEANING. RADIAL MEDIA DEPTH SHALL BE ]-INCHES. FILTER MEDIA CONTACT TIME SHALL BE AT LEAST 36 SECONDS. 9. SPECIFIC FLOW RATE IS EQUAL TO THE FILTER TREATMENT CAPACITY Qpm) DIVIDED BY THE FILTER CONTACT SURFACE AREA (sq M. INSTALLATION NOTES A. ANY SUB -BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, ANDIOR ANTI FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD. B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SET THE CATCHBASIN (LIFTING CLUTCHES PROVIDED). C. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO PROTECT CARTRIDGES FROM CONSTRUCTIONRELATEDEROSION RUNOFF. FLOATABLES BAFFLE PERMANENT LIFTING EYE POOL EL VATION � (TYP. OF 4) WEIR WALL FILTRATION BAY 5 INLET 1 FLOW V i INLET STUB J/ \ OUTLET STUB (OPTIONAL) OUTLET PIPE FROMOW FROM FLOWKIT 2'-0" CATCHBASIN FOOT `INSIDE' (TYP.OF 4) SECTION B -B C� NTECK ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC 1 -CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN STORMFILTER DATA DETAIL INSTALLATION DETAIL WATER OFLOW RATE (IXs) PEAK FLOWW RATE <1 cfs X.XX X.%X RETURN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW(yrs) XXX CARTRIDGE HEIGHT (27', 1B", 18" DEEP) CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE pm XX X% MEDIA TYPE PERLITE, ZPG, PSORB X%%XX RIM ELEVATION XXX.XX' DRAWN BY DRILLEANCHOR STAINLESS BOLT HOLE SHIELD PIPE DATA: LE IDIAMETER INLET STUB XXX.X)C XX" OUTLET STUB XXXXX' XX" J10" OPENING CONFIGURATION OUTLET OUTLET INLET a2 v INLET INLET INLET BOLT SLOPED LID YES\NO SOLID COVER YESWO NOTESISPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: STORM DETAILS 2 1 CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN STORMFILTER STANDARD DETAIL CONFIGURATION DETAIL INSTALLATION DETAIL (HIDDEN) DETAIL A 1" PVC ANT -SIPHON CO DATE PIPE ADAPTER JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY DRILLEANCHOR STAINLESS BOLT HOLE SHIELD JLG REMOVABLE InlamaloncWarc anldlsdr ngarMinal \\ WATERTIGHT ACCESS PORT EXPANSION CONE (NARROW END OUT) J10" OPENING vMMnwv alwm ftm BOLT DE B (SEE DETAIL A) STORM DETAILS 2 FOAM GASKET W/ \Try/AIILL PSA BACKING `11 1. ALL HOODS AND TRAPS FOR CATCH BASINS AND WATER QUALITY STRUCTURES SHEET NUMBER (TRIM TO LENGTH) MOUNTING / WATERTIGHT C6.4 FLANGE L MOUNTING FLANGE -OUTLET PIPE CIVIL'S PROJECT # (HIDDEN) PRINTED FOR FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JLG SNOUT OIL -WATER -DEBRIS SEPARATOR InlamaloncWarc anldlsdr ngarMinal ddPla fil_ proiuxd la aLave nmed prq W ANCHOR W/ y^ be apr«Wcadlnammamr tW Oexpress vMMnwv alwm ftm BOLT OTES (SEE DETAIL A) STORM DETAILS 2 1. ALL HOODS AND TRAPS FOR CATCH BASINS AND WATER QUALITY STRUCTURES SHEET NUMBER - - SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY BEST MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS, INC. OR WATERTIGHT C6.4 PRE -APPROVED EQUAL. SEAL SEE 2 ALL HOODS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A GLASS REINFORCED RESIN DRAWING 030 COMPOSITE WITH ISO GEL COAT EXTERIOR FINISH WITH A MINIMUM 0.125" _ LAMINATE THICKNESS. 18" 3 ALL HOODS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A MINIMUM 10', WATERTIGHT ACCESS PORT, A MOUNTING FLANGE, AND AN ANTI -SIPHON VENT AS DRAWN. (SEE CONFIGURATION DETAIL) GASKET 4. THE SIZE AND POSITION OF THE HOOD SHALL BE DETERMINED BY OUTLET PIPE COMPRESSED SIZE AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. BETWEEN HOOD AND STRUCTURE 5. THE BOTTOM OF THE HOOD SHALL EXTEND DOWNWARD A DISTANCE OF 18" SEE DETAIL B) ( FROM I.E. OUT, 6. THE ANTI -SIPHON VENT SHALL EXTEND ABOVE HOOD BY MINIMUM OF 3" AND A MAXIMUM OF 24ACCORDING TO STRUCTURE CONFIGURATION. 7. THE SURFACE OF THE STRUCTJRE WHERE THE HOOD IS MOUNTED SHALL BE FINISHED SMOOTH AND FREE OF LODGE MATERIAL. BEST MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS, INC. 53 MT. ARCHER RD. 0. THE HOOD SHALL BE SECURELY ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE WALL WITH EWE, CT 06371 STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS AND OIL -RESISTANT GASKET. TOLL FREE: (800) 504-8008 (888) 354-]585 WEB SITE: WWW.BMPINC.COM 9. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE INSTALLED INTO THE CONCRETE OF THE STRUCTURE'S WALL (NOT WITHIN GROUT) WHEN ORDERING, SPECIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IN WHICH THE HOOD WILL BE ATTACHED IS 10INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH MANUFACTJRER FLAT OR ROUND. SUPPLIED INSTALLATION KIT. KIT SHALL INCLUDE: A. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS B. PVC ANTI -SIPHON VENT PIPE AND ADAPTER C OIL -RESISTANT CRUSHED CELL FOAM GASKET WITH PSA BACKING D- 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS E ANCHOR SHIELDS WATER QUALITY MANHOLE (SNOUT) B 3 26 K STANDARD FRAME AND COVER SET FRAME IN NON -SHRINK GROUT GRADE RINGS, 2" MIN./12" MAX. INSTALL MASTIC GASKET AND FINISH WITH WATER TIGHT GROUT MANHOLE 36" STEP ECCENTRIC CONE MANHOLE RING S VARIABLE (1' - 4') 48" MINIMUM - SLOPE 1"/FT 12" MAX,. rPIPE O.D. 100TH FINISH CHANNEL TO <: 3/4VERTICAL IGHT OF PIPE -A' • •-a• . 8a MINIMUM• +. NOTES: 8" MINIMUM J 1. ALL PRECAST MANHOLE RINGS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-478 WITH CAST IN PLACE STEPS. 2. BASE CONCRETE SHALL BE 3,000 PSI MIN. (28 DAY STRENGTH), 2-4 IN. SUMP. FLOW LINES AND INSIDE SURFACES SHALL BE TROWLED SMOOTH AND UNIFORM AT TIME OF POUR. 3. IN OVER -EXCAVATED AREAS, PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT USING 3/4"-O AGGREGATE ROCK OVER OVER UNDISTURBED NATIVE MATERIAL AND COMPACTED USING HAND TAMPER. 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED WITH PRE FORMED GASKETS SUCH AS KENT -SEAL NO. 2, RAM -NECK, OR APPROVED EQUAL CONFORMING TO FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SS-SO0210. 5. ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLE SHALL BE WATERTIGHT. 6. COMPACT AGGREGATE BASE FOR MANHOLES TO A MINIMUM OF 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION BASED ON THE MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST METHOD (ASTM D 1557). 48" O PRIVATE SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE E 1 C A ■ W® 000 0 �all- p of o p o Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 IA ED 01 10yf 1_ , AW EEE AQ ERE C Q J � Ca z 22" DIA. BEEHIVE GRATE 0 NEENAH MODEL 2560 SERIES OR APPROVED EQUALBOLT RIM ELEV SHALL BE W IN PLACE USING VANDAL SET ELE BELOW ' Q PROOF S.S. BOLTS Q GUTTER ELEV. 12" LU Uj LU LL F - V 18" GROW B -MEDIUM i onn 3" SEPARflTION\-\APER \ ��� \��\�/ 12" OUTLET PIPE d ---------- 22"ROUND FSR# 04987 12" DRAIN REVISION SCHEDULE ROCK Q 18" SUMP _ NO. DATE DESCRIPTION IN BEDDING (NOTE 3) 6" SMOOTH WALLED PERFORATED HDPE (FOLLOW GRADE OF PLANTER), HOLES LOCATED UP PIPE TO BE WRAPPED WITH SOCK BEEHIVE OVERFLOW INLET NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO WIDEN EXCAVATION AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN COMPACTION WTH COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. 2. 10 GA. STEEL PLATE, BITUMINOUS COATED BASIN AS MANUFACTURED BY GIBSON STEEL, GRATEMASTER OR AS APPROVED BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE. 3. BEDDING SHALL BE 6" OF COMPACTED j"-0 CRUSHED ROCK BASE MATERIAL. 1 CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14801.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY JLG LL) InlamaloncWarc anldlsdr ngarMinal ddPla fil_ proiuxd la aLave nmed prq W U y^ be apr«Wcadlnammamr tW Oexpress vMMnwv alwm ftm au1Ma¢ed prg«Irepres.Y -S. SHEET Z STORM DETAILS 2 SHEET NUMBER H o C6.4 - U C C GRADE STANDARD V TILE AND LID INSTALLA770M PER WI.16 T� L� 4 REQ'D STAINLESS STEEL NUTS & BOLTS TYP. 18 19 17 4 3 21 19 18 I COMPACTED MINUS Zi T No. EDI 1 NI 516-2000 U) U)1 2 U):0 NI wI �I1 519-2000 2"x " BRASS NIPPLE 3 S.U.B CUSTOMER -INSTALL 3M DIRECT BURY SPLICE KIT PER MANUFACTURERS INSMUC17ONS TYP. ALL BELOW GRADE WIRE SPLICE LOCATIONS REFER TO MATERIAL LIST AND NOTES ON BACK SCALE: N.T.S. WATER DIVISION DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN BY: LSB CONSTRUCTION: 2" x 1 - 1/2" METER W1,06 ENGINEERING: SPRINGFIELDUTB.1rYBOARD ji INSTALLATION REMSED:OB 19 2022 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD Backflow Assembly Installation Requirements WATERDIVISION 202S.18TH STREET Commercial Fire Service SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PH: 541-72fi-239fi (Larger than 2" Double Check Detector Assembly) FAX: 541-747-7348 PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION: A backflow assembly is plumbing equipment the customer has installed on their water Y w service that prevents unwanted substances from entering the public water supply and degrading water quality. Without proper backflow protection your plumbing system could endanger the health of others in the community who are using It the public water supply. N COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: These properties consist of three types of water services, Commercial, Industrial and Public. Commercial water services also include mixed-use/multi tenant properties (including those with stand-alone o vending carts) and Multi -Family Housing (more than 4 (four) units). V N INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. A Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) shall be installed on private property at a location immediately OA B adjacent to the water service connection. No branch lines, outlets or connections are permitted between the owater service connection and the DCDA. N W 2. Fire systems containing anti -freeze compounds or any other chemicals shall be isolated using a Reduced o Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA). An RPDA is required to be installed when an auxiliarywater supply is used W for the purpose of augmenting the fire system in any capacity. N 3. For full flow metered services, please call the Water Division for the type of backflow assembly to install. N 4. Backflow assemblies are required to be installed aboveground 5. RPBA and DCVAs are required to be installed in a way that provides freeze protection. For outdoor locations in w nS an enclosure, a bore -sighted drain to daylight (finished grade), is required. Enclosures shall be kept free of any N N debris, shall not contain loose fill materials of any kind, and shall not have objects that interfere with these W installation requirements. � 6. All clearances around the backflow assembly apply to outside, in -building, vertical and horizontal installations. p Backflow assemblies shall be readily accessible with adequate room for testing and maintenance. Clearances O_ maybe waived (excluding ground clearances) for an enclosure, if the enclosure can be removed for backflow 3 assembly testing and maintenance access. a a7. Backflow assemblies shall be tested by a Certified Backflow Assembly Tester at the time of installation (at least wannually, after repairs or relocation, and/or after a backflow incident) with the passing test results submitted to a the Water Division within 10 (ten) days of testing. Upon receipt of the passing test report the Water Division O shall inspect and verify the installation. LL U Backflow assemblies and the installation of these assemblies shall be in combined accordance with the rules and requirements of SUB Policy,the A Water Divisions Cross Connection Control(CCC)Program Manual, Oregon Administrative Rules(OARs) and Oregon Plumbing Spedalty Codes U (OPSC). 0 Refer to the attached Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) standard drawings (W2.02). DO For complete backflow assembly installation requirements please referto SUB'S CCC Program Manual available on SUB's U website at: N http://www.subutil.com/water/cross-connection-control-and-backflow-protection/ r 0 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUIREMENTS: ofSpringfield lumbin � typlumbing permit is required for backflow assembly a installation. In cooperation with the City's Plumbing Inspector, the Water Division is asking that upon installation of an assembly, a copy of the initial test report be attached to the backflow assembly. This test report will be collected by the Plumbing Inspector prior to approval of the installation. If the assembly is in an exposed location, please place the test reoort in a sealed olastic bae for orotection. 4 M CPFITINITATION NOTF- THE SPEGFICA71ON REFERENCE(S), IF PRONDED, IN THIS STANDARD ARE FOR INFORMA77ONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ANY INSTALLATION PERFORMED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARD. DISK METER SHOWN FOR CLARITY. TURBINE AND OMNI METERS INSTALL NTH THE SAME MATERIAL LIST. • PART NO. FOR SUB INTERNAL USE ONLY NOTE: THE REFERENCES PROVIDED IN THIS STANDARD ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLYAND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE. IT IS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILTYTO ENSURE THAT ANY INSTALLATION PERFORMED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE CROSS -CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM STANDARDS. HT OF WAY/PROPERTY/EASEMENT LINE BY-PASS ARRANGEMENT WITH DETECTOR METER & ASSEMBLY 1 —� 1 24 MIN WATERT VALVE 12" MIN I ------- OVERHEAD I VIEW SUB I CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY I RESPONSIBILITY / 1 1 3" MIN I t I I I I ° „�= 1 MIN —� 12"MIN WATER I =PT( VALVE I - I T E I ASSEMBLY SUPPORTS PROFILE 1 VIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER CONNECTION INSTALLATION CLEARANCES FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER - Section XI No. UAN. PA T No. PAR 1 1 516-2000 2 METER BOX 2 1 519-2000 2"x " BRASS NIPPLE 3 1 519-2000 2" x 12" BRASS NIPPLE 4 2 519-2002 METER FLANGE - 2" MF x 2" RIP 5 1 546-0200 2" SQ. NUT GATE VALVE 6 LF 567-0200 2" POLY PIPE 7 2 574-0200 2" FUSION COUPLING (1 -AS REQUIRED) 8 2 574-0210 ADAPTER 9 1 74-2 BEND 10 1 591- 20 x 2" SERVICE SADDLE 11 1 597-6000 910VALVE BXLID 12 1 597-6010 1 VALVE BOX 13 1 597-6020 SELF CENTERING VALVE COVER VC212 14 1 598-01 112" METER 15 LF NONSTOCK L TEWIRE 16 2 NONSTOCK 1 6" METER GASKET 17 2 NONSTOCK 2" METER GASKET 18 4 NONSTOCK 2112" STAINLESS STEEL NUT&BOLT 4 NONSTOCK^,1112" TAINLE TEELB LT LF NONST K "VALVE TILE L122 2 NONSTOCK METER FLANGE - 16" MF x 2" MF 1 NONSTOCK 2" BRASS STREET ELL 1 NONSTOCK 2"SCHEDULE80 PVCTHREADEDCAP • PART NO. FOR SUB INTERNAL USE ONLY NOTE: THE REFERENCES PROVIDED IN THIS STANDARD ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLYAND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE. IT IS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILTYTO ENSURE THAT ANY INSTALLATION PERFORMED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE CROSS -CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM STANDARDS. HT OF WAY/PROPERTY/EASEMENT LINE BY-PASS ARRANGEMENT WITH DETECTOR METER & ASSEMBLY 1 —� 1 24 MIN WATERT VALVE 12" MIN I ------- OVERHEAD I VIEW SUB I CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY I RESPONSIBILITY / 1 1 3" MIN I t I I I I ° „�= 1 MIN —� 12"MIN WATER I =PT( VALVE I - I T E I ASSEMBLY SUPPORTS PROFILE 1 VIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER CONNECTION INSTALLATION CLEARANCES FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER - Section XI Pre -Installation Cross Connection Control Requirements - Section XII Location of Backflow Assembly - Section XIII Backflow Assembly Installation Guidelines - Section XIV Post -Installation Cross Connection Control Requirements Sections XI - XIV, in addition to the complete Cross Connection Control Program Requirements, are available at: 3 DOUBLE CHECKW2e02 DETECTOR ASSEMBLY I RFVICFn•R /9 /9n F 6000 PSI CONCRETE HICHIEARLY (CRUSH ROCK REWIRED) a/ `16' MIN OVERLAP TIP. VAI VF Rny DI AN vires 14 BAR 16'/ TYP. v " 14 BAR 16'/ 11P. COMPACTED _ J MINUS TYR —6' MODEL 910 VALVE BOX _8' ASTM 3034 PPS PIPE VALVE BOX RISER PER STD. DWG. W1.16 STANDARD METER BOX 5' ALL SIDES • COMPACTED MINUS i\ ---_--- ti M 14 BAR CONT. TPP 16' MIN OVERLAP oir na»y:a:rr�arovar \6000 PSI CONCRETE HIGHItARLY (CRUSH ROCK REQUIRED) aµ RAFTFR RnY CFfTInIN FACING FRONT SCALE: N.T.S. WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN BY: LSB Wla16e1 CONSTRUCTION: VALVE LID AND METER V ENGINEERING: sPRwcF>rJ.nuTluTvaoARD BOX CONCRETE COLLARS REMSED:03-18-2021 L4.. 6"THREADED PIPE NIPPLE 90" BEND (MJxMJ) PRECAST CONCRETE PIER BLOCK PER LENGTH OF FDC LINE REQUIRED VOLUME OF ROCK 050 LF ill CY 50-100 LF 1 CY 100-175 LF 1 1/2 CY 6"x2 -WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (2-1/2" SIAMESE PORTS) INSTALL LOCKING KNOX PLUG MODEL 3043 (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ON FDC INLET CONNECTIONS. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS SHALL BE DESIGNATED BY A SIGN HAVING RAISED LETTERS AT LEAST 1 INCH IN SIZE CAST ON A PLATE OR FITTING, READING FOR SERVICE DESIGNATED: I.E. "AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER" OR "STANDPIPE" OR 'TEST CONNECTION" ETC. PROVIDE BOLLARD PROTECTION PER OFC. BOLLARDS ARE PLACED TO PROVIDE 36" CLEAR PER OFC REQUIREMENTS. 2'x2'x4" THICK CONCRETE COLLAR BURIED 4" MINIMUM UNDERGROUND 4" MINIMUM COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE _ MIN WIDTH =2' _ I� MAX WIDTH = 5' �I VERTICAL BALL DRIP VALVE FLOW TO _BUILDING CHECK VALVE TO BE LOCATED INSIDE BUILDING 'THIS TABLE ASSUMES A 40% POROSITY IN THE 1"- 1 J" DRAIN ROCK SIZED PER TABLE ROCK USED. SHOULD THE POROSITY OF THE ROCK BELOW AND COMPLETELY WRAPPED IN BE LESS THAN 40%, CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T OR MIRAFI THE ROCK PROVIDED CAN CONTAIN THE ENTIRE 140N FABRIC (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DISCHARGE FROM THE FDC LINE DRAINING TO IT. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION RISER (FDC) DETAIL NOT TO SCALE i. 1 1 C 0 000 ad,,- 0 � Q o 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 thDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 UJ /� a. ^Q NFr� C In Q IIIIIIIIIIJ `6 V ' Lu 0 UJ J LL0 B V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CO DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY AG LU immimao"cwairea a"ris nad"r ara"ai d�PlB files Proiuxd la aLavenmed PrgW U vee rePmd,red"aro arar wiw Oexpress vnlMna vaGalwmaY bm aidmrned Pry«irePr«exafi.�s«ire�re:wau.�s. SHEET O STORM & SANITARY DETAILS SHEET NUMBER o C6.5 — U C ■-3 C! TRENCH WIDTH SURFACE BY OTHERS RESTORATION 1 T' BRASS COUPLING VARIES LL SEE BACK OF SID. FOR 1 4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 0 PARTS DETAIL L LIVE DISTRIBUTION 1111 = SYSTEM TYP. w 2' BLOW -OFF SEE TYP. CONNECTION CCINFIGI PARTS DETAIL ON BACK IRATION 1 STREET SIDE DEVELOPEMENT SIDE (SUB CONSTRUCTED) ATF• (CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED) CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 2 INSTALLATIONS MAY ACCOMMODATE LAY LENGTH OF CONNEC77NG ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 2 WATER UNE (BY SUB) SHALL CONNECTION POINTS WITH PRIOR SUB WATER APPROVAL A l �'2 ANDNOTESONRArK g`> © WATER 12' 7YP. LU o LINE N -- il J IN nFVFI (TRFn GR(TI INn NOTFC- RAVFn RnAn 1. TYPICAL BACKFILL IN THE PIPE ZONE AND AREA 4 ABOVE IS -Y4 - 0 AGGREGATE. 2. TYPICAL COMPAC77ON REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER UNE TRENCHES IS 95X MAX. DENSITY (MODIFIED T-180 PROCTOR) UNLESS OTHERWISE REWIRED. QMECHANICAL COMPACTION NOT NECESSARY FOR PIPE BEDDING. OHAND COMPAC71ON ONLY IN PIPE HAUNCHES NON -VIBRATORY MECHANICAL COMPAC77ON (I.E. JUMPING JACK) IN 2 SEPARATE LIFTS. © IST UFT TO SPRINGUNE OF PIPE, 2ND UFT TO TOP OF PIPE FINAL PIPE ZONE UFT. 12' UFT FOR JUMPING JACK, OR 18' LIFT FOR HOE -PACK AND ANY WBRATORY COMPAC77ON METHOD. OROCK, SELECT NA 71W, OR IMPORTED FILL (AS APPROVED BY SUB WATER) IN 12' LIFTS TO FINISHED GRADE AS NEEDED. CONTROL DENSITY FILL (COF) AS REQUIRED. SCALE: N.T.S. WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN BY: LSB Wla17a1 CONSTRUCTION: TYPICAL TRENCH ■r ENGINEERING: sPRmcrev.O UTAaTY BOARD COMPACTION ZONES REMSED:07-28-2021 STREET SIDE (SUB CONSTRUCTED) DEVELOPEMENT SIDE (CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED) 1 I 6' MINIMUM I I I 16' MAXIMUM PI r I_ 1 �-HEI—I J ry I I q_14 19 No. GATE VALVE, OP77ON - A 1 T' BRASS COUPLING 2 LL SEE BACK OF SID. FOR 1 4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 0 PARTS DETAIL L LIVE DISTRIBUTION 1111 = SYSTEM TYP. w 2' BLOW -OFF SEE TYP. CONNECTION CCINFIGI PARTS DETAIL ON BACK IRATION 1 STREET SIDE DEVELOPEMENT SIDE (SUB CONSTRUCTED) ATF• (CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED) CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 2 INSTALLATIONS MAY ACCOMMODATE LAY LENGTH OF CONNEC77NG ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 2 WATER UNE (BY SUB) SHALL CONNECTION POINTS WITH PRIOR SUB WATER APPROVAL A DEVELOPEMENT SIDE (CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED) 1 I 6' MINIMUM I I I 16' MAXIMUM PI r I_ 1 �-HEI—I J ry I I q_14 19 EXISTING LIVE -- 1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TYP. flTNI NI FfTIlT NI flTNI CIGI IRATE (1 NI � ALL PROPOSED CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 2 INSTALLATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY SUB PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. I I _ z_ 3 � I � 01 L i_L =1 WE a 6' MIN. BUTTERFLY.VALYE OPTION - B SEE BACK OF STD. FOR PARTS DETAIL WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBEI CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING W1.29 MAINS -LAND DIVISIONS REVISED.04-20-20 W3 WA7ER NATIVE SOIL MINIMUM 12' SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND OTHER DUCTS NO DUCTS MAY BE PLACED ABOVE WATERLINE 12' 12' MIN. MIN. IINDEVFI (TRFD GRCHIND 12' TRENCH WIDTH 12' SCALE: N.T.S. DRAWN BY: LSB CONSTRUCTION: %'-O' CRUSHED AGGREGATE WATER 12' 12' MIN. MIN. GRAVFI ROAD No. GATE VALVE, OP77ON - A 1 T' BRASS COUPLING 2 LL SEE BACK OF SID. FOR 1 4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 0 PARTS DETAIL L LIVE DISTRIBUTION 1111 = SYSTEM TYP. w 2' BLOW -OFF SEE TYP. CONNECTION CCINFIGI PARTS DETAIL ON BACK IRATION 1 STREET SIDE DEVELOPEMENT SIDE (SUB CONSTRUCTED) ATF• (CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED) CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 2 INSTALLATIONS MAY ACCOMMODATE LAY LENGTH OF CONNEC77NG ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 2 WATER UNE (BY SUB) SHALL CONNECTION POINTS WITH PRIOR SUB WATER APPROVAL NOT EXCEED 16' TOTAL LENGTH REFER TO MATERIAL LIST ANDNOTESONRArK EXISTING LIVE -- 1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TYP. flTNI NI FfTIlT NI flTNI CIGI IRATE (1 NI � ALL PROPOSED CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 2 INSTALLATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY SUB PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. I I _ z_ 3 � I � 01 L i_L =1 WE a 6' MIN. BUTTERFLY.VALYE OPTION - B SEE BACK OF STD. FOR PARTS DETAIL WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBEI CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING W1.29 MAINS -LAND DIVISIONS REVISED.04-20-20 W3 WA7ER NATIVE SOIL MINIMUM 12' SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND OTHER DUCTS NO DUCTS MAY BE PLACED ABOVE WATERLINE 12' 12' MIN. MIN. IINDEVFI (TRFD GRCHIND 12' TRENCH WIDTH 12' SCALE: N.T.S. DRAWN BY: LSB CONSTRUCTION: %'-O' CRUSHED AGGREGATE WATER 12' 12' MIN. MIN. GRAVFI ROAD 12' 12' MIN MIN. RAVED ROAD i N07E• 3' CONDUIT IS REWIRED 12• 12' FOR ALL LONG SERVICES MIN. MIN. 1' AND SMALLER. REFER To WSC S% DWG. W1.00 WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING I DRAWIWNG NUMBER TYPICAL TRENCH SECTIONS "" IN annanI REVISED:07-28-2021 THE SPECIFICATION REFERENCE(S), IF PROVIDED, IN THIS STANDARD ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ANY INSTALLA7701V PERFORMED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE STANDARD CONS7RUC77ON SPECIRCADONS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARD. 1. SUB WATER CREWS WILL PERFORM ALL CONNEC71ONS TO THE EXIS7ENG WATER DISTRIBU710N SYSTEM AS WELL AS ALL WATER WORK REQUIRED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2. THE TEMPORARY BLOW -OFF SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL, PLUMB, AND AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE SUB PROVIDED CONNEC77ON POINT FOR 7HE PROJECT TO FACILITATE THE SUB 77E -IN W17HOUT SIGNIFICANT RE -WORK OF THE PIPING. IF ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CONNEC77ON POINTS IS UNAVOIDABLE, CONNEC77ON CONFIGURATION 2 SHALL BE USED WITH SUB WATER APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. J IF THE CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WATER INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRES BUTTERFLY VALVES (OPTION - B, 12' AND LARGER MAIN LINES) A 3 -FOOT MINIMUM, 18 -FOOT MAXIMUM, PIPE LENGTH IS REWIRED ON THE BLOW -OFF SIDE OF THE VALVE TO ACCOMMODATE THE BUTTERFLY VALVE OPERA710N. 4. ANY REQUIRED BACKFLOW DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO SUB WATERS BACKFLOW PREVEN77ON PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS No. PART 1 T' BRASS COUPLING 2 X" x 2" CAP (AS REQUIRED) 3 GATE VALVE 4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 5 X" x 2" Ml PLUG (AS REQUIRED) 6 2" POLY PIPE 1111 !sqI I® 12' 12' MIN MIN. RAVED ROAD i N07E• 3' CONDUIT IS REWIRED 12• 12' FOR ALL LONG SERVICES MIN. MIN. 1' AND SMALLER. REFER To WSC S% DWG. W1.00 WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING I DRAWIWNG NUMBER TYPICAL TRENCH SECTIONS "" IN annanI REVISED:07-28-2021 THE SPECIFICATION REFERENCE(S), IF PROVIDED, IN THIS STANDARD ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE COMPLETE IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ANY INSTALLA7701V PERFORMED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE STANDARD CONS7RUC77ON SPECIRCADONS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARD. 1. SUB WATER CREWS WILL PERFORM ALL CONNEC71ONS TO THE EXIS7ENG WATER DISTRIBU710N SYSTEM AS WELL AS ALL WATER WORK REQUIRED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2. THE TEMPORARY BLOW -OFF SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL, PLUMB, AND AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE SUB PROVIDED CONNEC77ON POINT FOR 7HE PROJECT TO FACILITATE THE SUB 77E -IN W17HOUT SIGNIFICANT RE -WORK OF THE PIPING. IF ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CONNEC77ON POINTS IS UNAVOIDABLE, CONNEC77ON CONFIGURATION 2 SHALL BE USED WITH SUB WATER APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. J IF THE CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WATER INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRES BUTTERFLY VALVES (OPTION - B, 12' AND LARGER MAIN LINES) A 3 -FOOT MINIMUM, 18 -FOOT MAXIMUM, PIPE LENGTH IS REWIRED ON THE BLOW -OFF SIDE OF THE VALVE TO ACCOMMODATE THE BUTTERFLY VALVE OPERA710N. 4. ANY REQUIRED BACKFLOW DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO SUB WATERS BACKFLOW PREVEN77ON PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS No. PART No. PART 1 T' BRASS COUPLING 2 X" x 2" CAP (AS REQUIRED) 3 GATE VALVE 4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 5 X" x 2" Ml PLUG (AS REQUIRED) 6 2" POLY PIPE No. PART 7 2" FUSION COUPLING S 2" FUSION ADAPTER 9 ' BEND 10 Mj RESTRAINT 11 Mj KIT 12 PV THREADED PLUG J WN. VALVE RLE, LID, AND SEE GENER INSERT PER STD. NOTE /3 DWG. WI.16 M. J �2" BLOW -OFF SAME PARTS AS MJ PLUG & VALVE (LEFT) WATER MAIN SIZE WATER MAIN SIZE OR LARGER TYP. 10' OR LESS TIP. M I PLUG & CATE VALVE PIPE & CAP OPTION — A OPTION — B PROFILE VIEW 7" RI nuU_nwRl nFT��� PLAN VIEW CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTED 3 V% INTERMEDIATE PLACEMENT OF SPACERS WATER MAIN PER \ MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFlCAIIDNS \ + P0 OPIIONAL CONDUIT CARRIERSPACER ryp, PER WSC REQUEST (SPACER RUBBER END SEAL W\STAINLESS SIEEL CLAMP BANDS TIP. ANGLES TO BE CONSTANT AROUND EN77RE CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE. NUMBER OF SPACERS PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS 1. CASING MATERIAL, SIZE AND ADD177ONAL CARRIERS SHALL BE AT THE SOLE DISCRE77ON OF SPRINGFIELD URLITY BOARD. 2. CASING SHALL BE INSTALLED SYMMETRICAL ABOUT WATER MAIN CENIERUNE (TIP.). PIPE CASING SHALL BE LAID TRUE TO UNE AND GRADE WITH NO BENDS OR CHANGES IN GRADE FOR THE FULL LENGTH OF THE CASING. 3 SPRINGFIELD UITUTY BOARD APPROVED CASING SPACERS AND END SEALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICAIIONS 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN THE CASING ARE REQUIRED 70 BE WELOMENT RING (DUC7ILE IRON) OR FUSED (HDPE). GASKET TYPE RESTRAINING SYS7EMS MALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE CASING. 5. A MINIMUM OF THREE SPACERS IS REWIRED PER FULL JOINT OF PIPE SCALE: N.T.S. WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN BY: LSB CASING W1e25 CONSTRUCTION: ENGINEERING: sRRINGRffiLDUTn.DYBOARD INSTALLATION REMSED:03-23-2021 E 1 1 ni E o00O 0 0 0 ° 00 OA 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 C B *hDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 U^j I.i Q In Q J � �z 0 W 0 �a Uj J rQ V 0 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS __ DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY � AG LU Inlamaloncaraneda,ri.ane,ad Inm aPla files pnWu l maw naed PrgW U my yna be rept ed In any manna wunma O adMa¢edpraml===*1 z SHEET STORM & o SANITARY DETAILS U 2 ry SHEET NUMBER H o C6.6 — U 1111 + P0 OPIIONAL CONDUIT CARRIERSPACER ryp, PER WSC REQUEST (SPACER RUBBER END SEAL W\STAINLESS SIEEL CLAMP BANDS TIP. ANGLES TO BE CONSTANT AROUND EN77RE CIRCUMFERENCE OF PIPE. NUMBER OF SPACERS PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS 1. CASING MATERIAL, SIZE AND ADD177ONAL CARRIERS SHALL BE AT THE SOLE DISCRE77ON OF SPRINGFIELD URLITY BOARD. 2. CASING SHALL BE INSTALLED SYMMETRICAL ABOUT WATER MAIN CENIERUNE (TIP.). PIPE CASING SHALL BE LAID TRUE TO UNE AND GRADE WITH NO BENDS OR CHANGES IN GRADE FOR THE FULL LENGTH OF THE CASING. 3 SPRINGFIELD UITUTY BOARD APPROVED CASING SPACERS AND END SEALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICAIIONS 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN THE CASING ARE REQUIRED 70 BE WELOMENT RING (DUC7ILE IRON) OR FUSED (HDPE). GASKET TYPE RESTRAINING SYS7EMS MALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE CASING. 5. A MINIMUM OF THREE SPACERS IS REWIRED PER FULL JOINT OF PIPE SCALE: N.T.S. WATER DIVISION STANDARD DRAWING DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN BY: LSB CASING W1e25 CONSTRUCTION: ENGINEERING: sRRINGRffiLDUTn.DYBOARD INSTALLATION REMSED:03-23-2021 E 1 1 ni E o00O 0 0 0 ° 00 OA 0 Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 0 C B *hDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 U^j I.i Q In Q J � �z 0 W 0 �a Uj J rQ V 0 FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS __ DATE A H JUNE 2023 Z DRAWN BY � AG LU Inlamaloncaraneda,ri.ane,ad Inm aPla files pnWu l maw naed PrgW U my yna be rept ed In any manna wunma O adMa¢edpraml===*1 z SHEET STORM & o SANITARY DETAILS U 2 ry SHEET NUMBER H o C6.6 — U Exhibit C Plan Set (Landscaping) 4 E \ /2 C I 3 I RANDY PAPE BELTLINE (MINOR ARTERIAL) �s---�--� --05_ — as i 5 WIDE PARKING VEGETATIVEEXISTING PROPERTY o ' SCREENING, TI HT (TYP) LINE (TYP) in LEASE LINE (TYP) �� •.•.• I • \ �( LL.I STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN 1 (TYP) _ — _�-- J .e -LJ_ • I I 4 O,I Qa EXISTING PROPERTYy1LINE (TYP) o I-o'�ooil ovoo• —=0 e11L� 7w'AOOd Kor.�.9i'e o. ooi ADO --TI/ 00 �q ,oma a e.e a .04004000.0 �y 00 •O+p o Wit"'' 6 —---�r.•=-�e.-vsM��,�,eeoseeoeeceesoe_�� 'yepofi',-�0�, �o IMI e c —J �Ri�i11Ra �, a Vi, ,I 1,0,00 I +II6oi# N°0 .J +'�s�2f T T 0 11 1 STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN 3 (TYP) SS INSTALL �® ss IN GROUI Oi ! — ..�e//J,-aoj�� ,J 1O re mOi00 n0_00 O>OOr.l�aooa��o sD � I EXISTING PROPERTY I LINE (TVP) 3 I I III I I 'I I 3 I 41 5' WIDE PARKING VEGETATIVE SCREENING, TI HT (TYP) I EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (TYP) I I I I y I I13' WIDE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (TYP) I i i I I I N I I I � � s � I I I i i � } I i 55 I � ss I I KRUSE i WAY rl � I , r I in I I I I I LL I I y r OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 I -a LANDSCAPE PLANT & MATERIALS LEGEND 1 TREES ITEM M CITY. MATURE SIZE (H X W) / COMMENTS ACER GRISEUM M 2 20'H X 12'W/ UPRIGHT PAPERBARK MAPLE O a W/ W Wb�A W ACER RUBRUM'BOWHALL' 2" CAL. / B&B 12 W W BOWHALL RED MAPLE m F. l E FO E FO E E ACER RUBRUMTRANKSRED' 2" CAL. / B&B 6 96 SS E LEASE LINE (TVP) FO E E AS SHOWN SLENDER HINOKI FASLSE CYPRESS 3-6" O.C. Ss 2" CAL. / B&B 12 50'H X 30'W/ UPRIGHT BRANCHING v AS SHOWN s Z H X 4'W I EVERGREEN I� 2" CAL. / B&B 14 30'H X 20'W/ COLUMNAR a AS SHOWN 0 PINUS PONDEROSA' WILLAMETTE VALLEY' 6' HT / B&B 6 50'+ H X 25'W/ EVERGREEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY PONDEROSA PINE B O STEWARTIA PSEUDOCAMELLIA 2" CAL. / B&B 2 30'H X 20'W/ OVAL SHAPE JAPANESE STEWARTIA AS SHOWN 3H X 3'W EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AS NOTED TI OC CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT IN PLACE O PENNISETUM A. 'HAMELN' 2 GAL CONT 44 30" H X Z W LANDSCAPE CODE SUMMARY HAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS 2'-0" OC LEASE AREA: TAX LOT 1703222001300 = 79,555 SF (1.83 AC) FULL SUN / DROUGHT TOLERANT 0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD c c c c ^\ \ 3H X 3'W ZONING BASE: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) CH 3.2.200.- \ \c c 3-10" O.C. PARKING SETBACK- CC ZONING = 5' MIN / ^� \ ^ ^ p ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS'ARP' 5 GAL ^ 3H X 3' W / EVERGREEN ZONING OVERLAY: GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN ARP ROSEMARY 3-0" O.C. COMMERCIAL ELEMENT i LANDSCAPE COVERAGE VVI 3 YRS =75% INTERIOR PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE = 7.5% MIN 1 GAL \ / I A PARKING VEGETATIVE SCREENING =TIITT SH RUBS EARLY BIRD GOLD BLACK EYED SUSAN AS SHOWN YELLOW FLOWERS SPRING TO FALL GROUNDCOVERS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: AS PART OF THE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCESS FOR ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW PARKING LOT AREA = 24,547 SF DEVELOPMENT, ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE AT RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CITY. INTERIOR PARKING LANDSCAPE REQ = 1,841 SF OR 7.5% LEAST 75 PERCENT COVERED WTH LIVING PLANT CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI'MASS.' INTERIOR PARKING LANDSCAPE = 5,326 SF OR 21% MATERIALS VVITHIN 3 YEARS OF THE DATE OF 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR 952-001-0090. YOU MAY INTERIOR PARKING TREES- 1/100 SF = 23 TREES @ 2" CAL (19 TREES REO) INSTALLATION. OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. INTERIOR PARKING SHRUBS - 4/100 SF = 119 SHRUBS Q 5 GAL (74 SHRUBS REO) HEMEROCALLIS'HAPPY RETURNS' 1 GAL 55 PLANTS 18" H X 18" W (NOTE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON 30% HAPPY RETURNS DAYLILY ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH A UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS (503) 232-1987.) YELLOW FLOWER TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA PROPOSED = 16,904 SF FULLY AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND SYSTEM CAPABLE OF NARCISSUS 'DUTCH MASTER' TOTAL TREES - 2/1,000 SF = 54 TREES @ 2" CAL (34 TREES REO) DELIVERING 100% COVERAGE OF ALL EXISTING AND 20" H X 6" W/ BULB BULB MIX TOTAL SHRUBS - 10/1,000 SF = 485 SHRUBS Q 5 GAL (168 SHRUBS REO) PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL. 9" O.C. 4 3 sD � I EXISTING PROPERTY I LINE (TVP) 3 I I III I I 'I I 3 I 41 5' WIDE PARKING VEGETATIVE SCREENING, TI HT (TYP) I EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (TYP) I I I I y I I13' WIDE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (TYP) I i i I I I N I I I � � s � I I I i i � } I i 55 I � ss I I KRUSE i WAY rl � I , r I in I I I I I LL I I y r OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER 1-800-332-2344 I -a LANDSCAPE PLANT & MATERIALS LEGEND 1 TREES ITEM SIZE CITY. MATURE SIZE (H X W) / COMMENTS ACER GRISEUM 2" CAL. / B&B 2 20'H X 12'W/ UPRIGHT PAPERBARK MAPLE AS SHOWN 107 EXFOLIATED BARK ACER RUBRUM'BOWHALL' 2" CAL. / B&B 12 40'H X 15'W/ COLUMNAR BOWHALL RED MAPLE AS SHOWN ACER RUBRUMTRANKSRED' 2" CAL. / B&B 6 45'H X 35'W/ UPRIGHT BRANCHING RED SUNSET MAPLE AS SHOWN SLENDER HINOKI FASLSE CYPRESS 3-6" O.C. ALNUS RUBRA 2" CAL. / B&B 12 50'H X 30'W/ UPRIGHT BRANCHING RED ALDER AS SHOWN 144 Z H X 4'W I EVERGREEN CARPINUS BETULUS TRANS FONTAINE' 2" CAL. / B&B 14 30'H X 20'W/ COLUMNAR FRANS FONTAINE EUROPEAN HORNBEAM AS SHOWN a PINUS PONDEROSA' WILLAMETTE VALLEY' 6' HT / B&B 6 50'+ H X 25'W/ EVERGREEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY PONDEROSA PINE AS SHOWN OREGON GRAPE HOLLY STEWARTIA PSEUDOCAMELLIA 2" CAL. / B&B 2 30'H X 20'W/ OVAL SHAPE JAPANESE STEWARTIA AS SHOWN 3H X 3'W EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AS NOTED TI OC CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT IN PLACE Wa0u1�eaWowWaia11Ha01ia:i_u■i WII* 1. STORMWATER FACILITY PLANTING LEGENDS, NOTES & DETAILS: SEE SHEET 1-1.1. 2. INSTALLATION DETAILS, NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS: SEE SHEETS 11.5 - 1-1.9. PLANT MATERIALS & INSTALLATION SHALL MEET CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 3. MULCH: ALL PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT FOR STORM FACILITIES SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3" MIN DEPTH BARK MULCH, FRESH FIR MEDIUM GRIND. 4. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO THE SITE SHALL MEET THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE AMERICAN NURSERYMAN'S SPECIFICATION ASSOCIATION STANDARDS FOR ALL SPECIFIED BALLED & BURLAPPED AND CONTAINER SIZES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE. PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS THAT ARE NOT APPROVED IN WRITING, OR DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 6. IRRIGATION: SEE SHEET 1-2.0. IRRIGATION SHALL BEA FULLY AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND SYSTEM INCLUDING ET BASED CONTROLLER, FLOW SENSOR & MASTER VALVE. ALL PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED (MAY TO OCTOBER) & MAINTAINED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) FULL GROWING SEASON AFTER THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. TREES SHALL BE WATERED AT A RATE OF 15 GALLONS PER TREE ONCE PER WEEK, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS AT A RATE OF 1" PER WEEK OR AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN VIGOROUS HEALTHY GROWTH. 7. MAINTENANCE: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERIOD BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMPLETION OF ALL PLANTING OPERATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT ALL PUNCH LIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR. MAINTAIN TREES, SHRUBS, LAWNS AND OTHER PLANTS WEEKLY UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OR 90 DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE, WHICHEVER IS LONGER. MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, FERTILIZING, MULCHING, PRUNING, CULTIVATION, WEEDING, WATERING, &APPLICATION OF APPROPRIATE INSECTICIDES & FUNGICIDES NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLANTS & LAWNS FREE OF INSECTS & DISEASE. A. RE -SET SETTLED PLANTS TO PROPER GRADE & POSITION. RESTORE PLANTING SAUCER & ADJACENT MATERIAL & REMOVE DEAD MATERIAL. B. REPAIR STAKES & GUY WIRES AS REQUIRED. C. CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER DEFICIENCIES BECOME APPARENT & WEATHER & SEASON PERMIT. D. WATER TREES, PLANTS & GROUNDCOVER BEDS WITHIN THE FIRST 24 HOURS OF INITIAL PLANTING & NOT LESS THAN TWICE PER WEEK UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 2 1 1 30 0 30 siiiiiiiiiim SCALE IN FEET ■ W® E o00� 0 0 9 foo �Q oo Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 �DOWL 1 •m 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 06 r P NE TI J; y� OREGON d 05/11/07 �� s��E bm�� EXPIRES 05/31/2024 LU c Q J � laz ^^ ' V ' LU a0 Uj J LL0 B �Q'^) 2 V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT q 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHRUBS & ACCENTS ITEM SIZE CITY. MATURE SIZE (H X W) / COMMENTS ©+ ABELIA X'EDWARD GOUCHER' 5 GAL 107 SH X &W / EVERGREEN OPxPresz vnlMmvaGB seN Mm PINKABELIA 41 O.C. z0 LANDSCAPE CHAMAECYPARIS OBTUSA'GRACILIS' 4 5 HT. / 7 GAL 23 10'H X 5' W / COLUMNAR EVERGREEN D SLENDER HINOKI FASLSE CYPRESS 3-6" O.C. Q CISTUSXPULVERULENTUS 'SUNSET 2 GAL. 144 Z H X 4'W I EVERGREEN MAGENTA ROCK ROSE 3-0" O.C. a MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM 5 GAL 14'1 OC 174 SH X 4'W / EVERGREEN OREGON GRAPE HOLLY Q• MISCANTHUS SINENSIS'LITTLE KITTEN' 2 GAL. 76 3H X 3'W LITTLE KITTEN MAIDEN GRASS TI OC O PENNISETUM A. 'HAMELN' 2 GAL CONT 44 30" H X Z W HAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS 2'-0" OC FULL SUN / DROUGHT TOLERANT 0 ROSA 'RADRAZZ' 5 GAL / 3 CANES 82 3H X 3'W KNOCKOUT ROSE 3-10" O.C. 0 ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS'ARP' 5 GAL 99 3H X 3' W / EVERGREEN ARP ROSEMARY 3-0" O.C. OO RUDBECKIA FULGIDA'EARLY BIRD GOLD' 1 GAL 55 Z H X Z W / PERENNIAL EARLY BIRD GOLD BLACK EYED SUSAN AS SHOWN YELLOW FLOWERS SPRING TO FALL GROUNDCOVERS ITEM SIZE CITY. MATURE SIZE (H X W) 7 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI'MASS.' 1 GAL. 8,942 SF 9" H X T W / EVERGREEN KINNIKINICK ZI O.C. 2,593 PLANTS HEMEROCALLIS'HAPPY RETURNS' 1 GAL 55 PLANTS 18" H X 18" W 30% HAPPY RETURNS DAYLILY 18" O.C. YELLOW FLOWER NARCISSUS 'DUTCH MASTER' BULBS 218 BULBS 20" H X 6" W/ BULB BULB MIX 30% DUTCH MASTER TRUMPET DAFFODIL 9" O.C. YELLOW FLOWERS - SPRING COLCHICUM GIGANTEUM'THE GIANT BULBS 180 BULBS 8" H X 6" W/ BULB 356 SF 25% GIANT AUTUMN CROCUS 9' O.C. PURPLE FLOWERS - FALL VIOLA X WITTROCKIANA'CROWN GOLDEN' 4" POT 54 PLANTS 8" X 10" /WINTER ANNUAL 15% CROWN GOLDEN PANSY 9" O.C. CLEAR GOLDEN FLOWERS DECORATIVE ROCKBAND @ BUILDING TI X 6" 60 SF WASHED RIVER ROCK, SIZE 2" - 3" VALLEY LANDSCAPE CENTER 1.25 CY INSTALL OVER MIRAFI 140N NON -WOVEN SURE -LOC STEEL EDGING 1/4" X 5" X 16' 48 LF GEO-TEXTILE, TUALATIN, 503-692-0606 15" STEEL STAKES, COLOR BLACK Wa0u1�eaWowWaia11Ha01ia:i_u■i WII* 1. STORMWATER FACILITY PLANTING LEGENDS, NOTES & DETAILS: SEE SHEET 1-1.1. 2. INSTALLATION DETAILS, NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS: SEE SHEETS 11.5 - 1-1.9. PLANT MATERIALS & INSTALLATION SHALL MEET CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 3. MULCH: ALL PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT FOR STORM FACILITIES SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3" MIN DEPTH BARK MULCH, FRESH FIR MEDIUM GRIND. 4. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO THE SITE SHALL MEET THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE AMERICAN NURSERYMAN'S SPECIFICATION ASSOCIATION STANDARDS FOR ALL SPECIFIED BALLED & BURLAPPED AND CONTAINER SIZES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS PRIOR TO PURCHASE. PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS THAT ARE NOT APPROVED IN WRITING, OR DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 6. IRRIGATION: SEE SHEET 1-2.0. IRRIGATION SHALL BEA FULLY AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND SYSTEM INCLUDING ET BASED CONTROLLER, FLOW SENSOR & MASTER VALVE. ALL PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED (MAY TO OCTOBER) & MAINTAINED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) FULL GROWING SEASON AFTER THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. TREES SHALL BE WATERED AT A RATE OF 15 GALLONS PER TREE ONCE PER WEEK, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS AT A RATE OF 1" PER WEEK OR AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN VIGOROUS HEALTHY GROWTH. 7. MAINTENANCE: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERIOD BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMPLETION OF ALL PLANTING OPERATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT ALL PUNCH LIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR. MAINTAIN TREES, SHRUBS, LAWNS AND OTHER PLANTS WEEKLY UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OR 90 DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE, WHICHEVER IS LONGER. MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, FERTILIZING, MULCHING, PRUNING, CULTIVATION, WEEDING, WATERING, &APPLICATION OF APPROPRIATE INSECTICIDES & FUNGICIDES NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLANTS & LAWNS FREE OF INSECTS & DISEASE. A. RE -SET SETTLED PLANTS TO PROPER GRADE & POSITION. RESTORE PLANTING SAUCER & ADJACENT MATERIAL & REMOVE DEAD MATERIAL. B. REPAIR STAKES & GUY WIRES AS REQUIRED. C. CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER DEFICIENCIES BECOME APPARENT & WEATHER & SEASON PERMIT. D. WATER TREES, PLANTS & GROUNDCOVER BEDS WITHIN THE FIRST 24 HOURS OF INITIAL PLANTING & NOT LESS THAN TWICE PER WEEK UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 2 1 1 30 0 30 siiiiiiiiiim SCALE IN FEET ■ W® E o00� 0 0 9 foo �Q oo Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 �DOWL 1 •m 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 06 r P NE TI J; y� OREGON d 05/11/07 �� s��E bm�� EXPIRES 05/31/2024 LU c Q J � laz ^^ ' V ' LU a0 Uj J LL0 B �Q'^) 2 V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT q 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DO DATE H JUNE 2023 A Z DRAWN BY PEG LU InM almcWarci m Nin dnlWW a in DdigiI fikroLxi l n p&cnm mne PrgW c-)mYndb innraW inwymm whN OPxPresz vnlMmvaGB seN Mm a1M ; =--t rep reseNMi�es. SHEET z0 LANDSCAPE F_ PLAN U D Of SHEET NUMBER 60 DO o L1.0 E I •] C B 0 4 ,A1101N IT, UJ/_lI=1:a:L'11ki[H_1N1]=1kif■UWAki119IT, /_lI=1N/_1*4 STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN 2 PLANT MATERIALS: GROUNDCOVERS GROUNDCOVERS ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE QTY. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI 1 GAL. CONT. 791 SF 6" H X 12" W / ZONE B / EVERGREEN 100/100 SF KINNIKINICK 100/ 100 SF 791 PLANTS NATIVE 50% JUNCUS PATENS RUSH/SEDGEMIX 100/100 SF 1,739 SF NATIVE 36"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 50% JUNCUS PATENS 1 GAL CONT / 24" HT 869 36" H /ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 371 50%CAREX OBNUPTA 1GALCONT/24"HT 870 48"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 50%CAREX OBNUPTA 1GALCONT/24"HT 437 48"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 2,530 TOTAL STORMWATER STORMWATER FACILITIES (CITY OF EUGENE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL/: GROWING MEDIUM = 24" MIN DEPTH, SEE DRAINAGE REPORT & SPECS BELOW GROWING MEDIUM STORMWATER FACILITIES = RAIN GARDENS STORMWATER FACILITIES TOTAL AREA = 2,530 SF TOTAL AREA TOTAL GROUNDCOVER (100 / 100 SF) = 2,530 PLANTS (2,530 PLANTS REQ) STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN 2 PLANT MATERIALS: GROUNDCOVERS GROUNDCOVERS ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE RUSH/SEDGEMIX 100/100 SF 742 SF NATIVE 50% JUNCUS PATENS 1GALCONT/24"HT 371 36"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 50%CAREX OBNUPTA 1GALCONT/24"HT 371 48"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 742 TOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES (CITY OF EUGENE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL/: GROWING MEDIUM = 24" MIN DEPTH, SEE DRAINAGE REPORT & SPECS BELOW STORMWATER FACILITIES = RAIN GARDENS TOTAL AREA = 742 SF TOTAL GROUNDCOVER (100 / 100 SF) = 742 PLANTS (742 PLANTS REO) STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN 3 PLANT MATERIALS: �At01NLTA l►tyI_'llI=1;aaIFA •111=1;aI»_1►11iLTA /eVAI=1NFi1I� GROUNDCOVERS GROUNDCOVERS ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE ITEM SIZE CITY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE 50% JUNCUS PATENS 1 GAL CONT / 24" HT 503 36" H /ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 50%CAREX OBNUPTA ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI 1 GAL. CONT. 1,128 SF 6" H X 12" W/ ZONE B / EVERGREEN 1,006 TOTAL KINNIKINICK 100/ 100 SF 1,128 PLANTS NATIVE = 24" MIN DEPTH, SEE DRAINAGE REPORT & SPECS BELOW RUSH/SEDGEMIX 100/100SF 874 SF NATIVE TOTAL AREA 50% JUNCUS PATENS 1 GAL CONT / 24" HT 437 36" H /ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 100 SF) = 1,006 PLANTS (1,006 PLANTS REO) 50%CAREX OBNUPTA 1GALCONT/24"HT 437 48"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN z0 STORMWATER 2,002 TOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES (CITY OF EUGENE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL/: LEGENDS, NOTES & GROWING MEDIUM = 24" MIN DEPTH, SEE DRAINAGE REPORT & SPECS BELOW STORMWATER FACILITIES = RAIN GARDENS SHEET NUMBER TOTAL AREA = 2,002 SF GO TOTAL GROUNDCOVER (100 / 100 SF) = 2,002 PLANTS (2,002 PLANTS REO) �At01NLTA l►tyI_'llI=1;aaIFA •111=1;aI»_1►11iLTA /eVAI=1NFi1I� GROUNDCOVERS CIVIL'S PROJECT # ITEM SIZE QTY. POTENTIAL HEIGHT / PLANTING ZONE RUSH/SEDGEMIX 100/100 SF 1,006 SF NATIVE 50% JUNCUS PATENS 1 GAL CONT / 24" HT 503 36" H /ZONE A/ EVERGREEN 50%CAREX OBNUPTA 1GALCONT/24"HT 503 48"H/ZONE A/ EVERGREEN H A Z 1,006 TOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES (CITY OF EUGENE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL/: GROWING MEDIUM = 24" MIN DEPTH, SEE DRAINAGE REPORT & SPECS BELOW STORMWATER FACILITIES =PLANTERS TOTAL AREA = 1,006 SF TOTAL GROUNDCOVER (100 / 100 SF) = 1,006 PLANTS (1,006 PLANTS REO) GROWING MEDIUM SPECIFICATION FOR VEGETATED STORMWATER SYSTEMS TOPSOIL - FURNISH TOPSOIL CONTAINING NO SUBSTANCE DETRIMENTAL TO THE GROWTH OF PLANTS AND THAT IS FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS AND NUISANCE PLANTS. UNSUITABLE TOPSOIL, OR TOPSOIL PLACED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN AREAS TO BE PLANTED, MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE REPLACED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. STORMWATER FACILITY BLENDED SOIL - FOLLOW THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR STORMWATER FACILITY BLENDED SOIL. FURNISH IMPORTED BLENDED SOIL FOR VEGETATED STORMWATER FACILITIES CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING: (1) GENERAL COMPOSITION - USE A BLENDED MATERIAL INCORPORATING LOAMY SOIL, SAND, AND COMPOST THAT IS 50 PERCENT MINIMUM COMPOST BY VOLUME AND MEETS THE OTHER CRITERIA IN THIS SPECIFICATION. THE LOAMY SOIL MUST BE SUBSOIL TAKEN FROM AT LEAST ONE (1) FOOT BELOW GRADE TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR CONTAMINANTS SUCH AS WEED SEEDS. A. ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BLENDED MATERIAL: PARTICLE GRADATION -- A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE BLENDED SAND AND SOIL, NOT INCLUDING COMPOST, SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM C 117/C 136, AASHTO T 11IT 27, ASTM D 79280 1140, OR ASTM D 6913. SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 1 INCH 100 #4 85-100 #10 50-100 #40 20-60 # 100 10-40 # 200 10-20 ACIDITY - ACIDITY - THE PH (POWER OF HYDROGEN) OF THE BLENDED MATERIAL SHALL BE TESTED AND HAVE A PH BETWEEN SIX (6) TO EIGHT (8). (2) BLENDED MATERIAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • LOOSE AND EASILY BROKEN INTO SMALL PIECES. • WELL MIXED AND HOMOGENOUS. • FREE OF WOOD PIECES, PLASTIC, AND OTHER FOREIGN MATTER. • HAVE NO VISIBLE FREE WATER. (3) COMPOST - THE COMPOST SHALL BE DERIVED FROM PLANT MATERIAL AND PROVIDED BY A MEMBER OF THE US COMPOSTING COUNCIL SEAL OF TESTING ASSURANCE (STA) PROGRAM. SEE WWW.COMPOSTINGCOUNCIL.ORG FOR A LIST OF LOCAL PROVIDERS. THE COMPOST SHALL BE THE RESULT OF THE BIOLOGICAL DEGRADATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF PLANT- DERIVED MATERIALS UNDER CONDITIONS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE AEROBIC DECOMPOSITION. THE MATERIAL SHALL BE WELL COMPOSTED, FREE OF VIABLE WEED SEEDS, AND STABLE WITH REGARD TO OXYGEN CONSUMPTION AND CARBON DIOXIDE GENERATION. THE COMPOST SHALL HAVE NO VISIBLE FREE WATER AND PRODUCE NO DUST WHEN HANDLED. IT SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, AS REPORTED BY THE US COMPOSTING COUNCIL STA COMPOST TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PROVIDED BY THE VENDOR. • 100 PERCENT OF THE MATERIAL MUST PASS THROUGH A 1/2 -INCH SCREEN. • THE PH OF THE MATERIAL SHALL BE BETWEEN SIX (6) MIN AND 8.5 MAX. 4 3 III 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic, equipment staging, and foot traffic in proposed infiltration auras prior to, during, and after construction. 2. Dimensions: a. Depth of min garden: 6' minimum and 12" maximum 0. Flat bottom width: 2' min. c. Side slopes of Rain Garden: 3:1 maximum. 3. Setbacks: a. Infiltmoon min gardens must be 1D' fmm foundations and 5' from property lines. Filtration Rain Garden do not require a setback With an approved waterproof liner. 4. Overflow: a. Overflows are required unless sized to fully infiltrate the food control design sloml. b. Inlet elevation must allow for T of freeboard, minimum. 5. Piping: Minimum 3' pipe required for up to 1,500 sq ft of impervious area, otherwise 4" min. Piping material, slopes and installation shall follow the Uniform Plumbing Cotle. IR 6. Drain rock: a. Size: 3/4"-2-112" washed L. Depth: 12" Minimum 7. Drain rock later shall be separated form the growing medium and the surround sails by a geotextile filter fabric. 8. Growing medium: a.24"minimum b. Imported topsoil or amended native topsoil. Vegetation: Follow landscape plans otherwise refer to plant list In SWMMAppendix F. Number of plantings per 100sf of facility area: a. 100 Ground Covers, OR b. 80 Ground Covers, 2 Large Shrubs 4 Small Shrubs and 1 tress (deciduous or evergreen) 10. Install washed pea gravel or river rock to transition from inlets and splash pad to growing medium. CITY OF FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN Ir I sca 1111 -N's EUGENE, OREGON ..E ar N's DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETAILS 4 ENGINEERING DIVISION • MANUFACTURED INERT MATERIAL (PLASTIC, CONCRETE, CERAMICS, METAL, ETC.) SHALL BE LESS THAN 1.0 PERCENT BY WEIGHT. • THE ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT SHALL BE BETWEEN 30 AND 70 PERCENT (DRY WEIGHT BASIS). • SOLUBLE SALT CONTENT SHALL BE LESS THAN 6.0 MMHOS/CM. • MATURITY INDICATOR SHALL BE GREATER THAN 80 PERCENT FOR GERMINATION AND VIGOR. • STABILITY SHALL BE'STABLE'TO'VERY STABLE. • CARBON/NITROGEN (CM) RATIO SHALL BE LESS THAN 25:1. • TRACE METALS TEST RESULT = "PASS." (4) SUBMITTALS -AT LEAST 14 CALENDAR WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: A. DOCUMENTATION FOR THE TWO (2) ANALYSES DESCRIBED ABOVE - AN ACCREDITED LABORATORY WITH CURRENT CERTIFICATION MAINTAINED SHALL PERFORM PARTICLE GRADATION WITH CALCULATED COEFFICIENT OF UNIFORMITY AND PH. THE DATE OF THE ANALYSES SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 90 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE SUBMITTAL. THE REPORT SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: • NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE LABORATORY. • PHONE CONTACT AND E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE LABORATORY. • TEST DATA, INCLUDING THE DATE AND NAME OF THE TEST PROCEDURE. B. A COMPOST TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FROM THE COMPOST VENDOR - THE ANALYSIS AND REPORT MUST CONFORM TO THE SAMPLING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF THE US COMPOSTING COUNCIL SEAL OF TESTING ASSURANCE (STA) PROGRAM. THE ANALYSIS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND REPORTED BY AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT STA PROGRAM LABORATORY AND BE NO MORE THAN 90 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE SUBMITTAL. C. TWO (2) FIVE (5) -GALLON BUCKETS OF THE BLENDED MATERIAL OR AS REQUESTED BYTHE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. D. THE LOCATION AND NAME OF THE SOURCE OF THE LOAMY SOIL. STORMWATER FACILITY BLENDED SOIL CONSTRUCTION: (1) STORMWATER BLENDED SOIL PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINANTS - THE MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM ALL SOURCES OF CONTAMINATION, INCLUDING WEED SEEDS, WHILE AT THE SUPPLIER, IN CONVEYANCE, AND AT THE PROJECT SITE. (2) STORMWATER BLENDED SOIL PROTECTION AT THE SITE - PROTECT INSTALLED STORMWATER FACILITY BLENDED SOIL FROM FOOT OR EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC AND SURFACE WATER RUNOFF. INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCING OR WALKWAYS AS NEEDED TO KEEP WORKERS, PEDESTRIANS, AND EQUIPMENT OUT OF THE INSTALLATION AREA. DO NOT STORE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ON TOP OF THE INSTALLATION AREA. (3) STORMWATER BLENDED SOIL HAULING AND PLACEMENT - HAULING AND PLACEMENT OF THE BLENDED STORMWATER SOIL WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WHEN THE WEATHER IS TOO WET OR THE GROUND IS FROZEN OR SATURATED AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. (4) STORMWATER BLENDED SOIL PLACEMENT - PLACE BLENDED STORMWATER SOIL IN LOOSE LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED EIGHT (8) INCHES. COMPACT EACH LIFT WITH A WATERFILLED LANDSCAPE ROLLER. DO NOT MECHANICALLY COMPACT. (5) STORMWATER BLENDED SOIL EROSION CONTROL - TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE REQUIRED UNTIL PERMANENT STABILIZATION MEASURES ARE FUNCTIONAL. 3 2 OVERFLOW z° 12" 24" OVERFLOW TO APPROVED DISCHARGE POINT 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic, equipment staging, and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas poor to, during, and after construction. 2. Dimensions: a. Width of planter: 24" minimum. F. Depth of planter 6" minimum tram lop of growing medium to overflow elevation. c. Slope of planter: 0.5% or less. 3. Setbacks: a. Infiltration planters must be 10' from foundations and 5' from property lines. In. Filtration planters do not require a setback with an approved waterproof liner. 4. Overflow a. Overflows are required to an approved discharge paint when using the Simplifed Method In. Overflows are not required when sized to fully infiltrate the flood Control event using the Presumptive Method. e Minimum 2" freeboard from overflow elevation to one tap of the planter walls. S. Piping: Minimum 3" pipe required for up to 1,500 sq ft of impervious area, otherwise 4' min. Piping material, slopes and installation shall follow the Uniform Plumbing Code. OVERFLOW ELEVATION PIPE TO RUN OF PLANTER 1 DOWNSPOUT OR OTHER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM RAVEL OR SPLASH BLOCK STRUCTURAL WALLS FILTER FABRIC Y4" TO 2-1/2" WASHED DRAIN ROCK SUB—GRADE OR EXISTING SOIL B. Drain rock: a. Size: 3/4"to 2-1/P diameter open graded o Depth: 12" Minimum a Length and Width: Full length and width of facility 7. Drain rock layer shall be separated from the growing medium by a geolextile filter fabric 8. Growing medium a. 24"minimum b. Import topsoil or amended native topsoil 9. Vegetation: Follow landscape plans otherwise refer to plant list in SWMM Appendix F. Minimum container size is 1 gallon. # of plantings per I 00 of facility area: a. 100 Ground Covers, OR b. 80 Ground Covers and 4 Small Shrubs, OR c. 60 Ground Covers and 12 Small Shrubs 10. Planterwalls: a. Material shall be stone, brick, concrete, wood, or other durable material (no chemically Vested wood). b. Walls shall be included on building plans here incorporated into foundations or other permitted structures.. 11. Waterproof liner (where required): Shall be 30 mil PVC or equivalent. 12. Install washed pea gravel or river rock to transition from inlet or splash pad to growing medium. CITY OF FILTRATION PLANTERri ere EUGENE, OREGON oNnwN av sNG DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETAILS 4 ENGINEERING DIVISION 1 E o00� 0 0 9 �o� ao oo Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 IV 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 06 •^`4�r31S /, Cn F N$ TT � `y . OREGON 05/11/07 �1 sn�E bm�� EXPIRES 05/31/2024 AW Jnr Q IL C Q J � 06z LL >.o W Q J Uj LU ILL0 B '^�)) IX IL V`V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CIVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (A DATE H A Z JUNE 2023 DRAWN BY WIRT LU Inramaim canes m his drn n, sdmA U digxw fikn R xii iex&L remetl KqW mare%omn Wceim m WNUI O¢%Prem n hour t. aunornea pqe ren-Maric. "istep ri SHEET z0 STORMWATER F_ LEGENDS, NOTES & C:) DETAILS SHEET NUMBER GO GO L1.1 _0 GROUNDCOVER PLANT: REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIES EOC. _ . [T ? PACING HARDSCAPE ELEMENT I '.- CURB/SIDEWALK + 12S ACINGI I° °'J°I F.� 11 - II °. O.C. SPACING I I r +IFFJ. LL -_J GROUNDCOVER PLANT: REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIES 3" BARK MULCH LAYER. TOP OF BARK MULCH SHALL BE 1" BELOW ADJACENT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. FINISH_ 'K -+� 1" LIP TOPSOIL \ _�HARDSCAPE ELEMENT GRADE CURB/SIDEWALK DEPTH OF TOPSOIL: AMEND TOPSOIL PER LAB ANALYSIS AND TRANSITIONAL - - - - - - - TOPSOIL NOTES PRIOR TO ADDING FERTILIZER. SOIL LAYER - - - - - - SCARIFY SUBGRADE, TILL N A LAYER OF D AMENDED TOPSOIL AND RE -COMPACT. L EXISTING SUBGRADE [11 GROUNDCOVER SPACING / PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE A NUMBER IN THE BASE BID FOR FURNISHING & INSTALLING AMENDED TOPSOIL IN ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS AS SPECIFIED BELOW UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AMENDED TOPSOIL SHALL INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY FERTILIZERS, ORGANIC ANO INORGANIC AMENDMENTS, BASED ON INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND SOILS LAB RECOMMENDATION. • SCARIFY ALL PLANTING AREA SUBGRADE TO A DEPTH OF 6'. TILL IN A LAVER OF AMENDED TOPSOIL INTO SCARIFIED SUBGRADE AND RE -COMPACT TO CREATE A MINIMUM 4" THICK TRANSITIONAL LAVER. • INSTALL A MINIMUM 6" LAVER OF AMENDED TOPSOIL IN ALL SEED GRASS AREAS. • INSTALL A MINIMUM 1T' LAVER OF AMENDED TOPSOIL IN ALL BUFFER & PERIMETER PLANTING AREAS. • INSTALL A MINIMUM 18" LAVER OF AMENDED TOPSOIL IN ALL PARKING LOT ISLANDS. • INSTALL GROWING MEDIUM IN STORMWATER FACILITIES TO THE DEPTHS INDICATED ON THE CIVIL PUNS AND JURISDICTIONAL STANDARD DETAILS. 2. UPON BEING AWARDED THE CONTRACT, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH A STATE LICENSED SOIL LABORATORY AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY AND AVAILABILITY OF THE EXISTING SITE TOPSOIL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEND THE TOPSOIL TO A SOIL LABORATORY FOR ANALYSIS STATING THAT THE TOPSOIL BE ANALYZED FOR A LANDSCAPE CROP. AFTER RECEIVING RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SOILS EXPERT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COPY TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AT MICH TIME A DECISION WILL BE MADE BY THE OWNER AS TO C WHETHER OR NOT THE EXISTING ON-SITE STOCKPILE WILL BE USED FOR THE PROJECT. 3. IF THE EXISTING TOPSOIL IS TO BE USED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD THE RECOMMENDED AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS AS STATED IN THE SOILS ANALYSIS ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS LISTED IN NOTE #6 AND 1117. 4. IN THE EVENT THE EXISTING ON-SITE TOPSOIL IS OF POOR QUALITY AS DETERMINED BY THE SOIL ANALYSIS) OR IS UNAVAILABLE FOR USE, THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THE NUMBER FOR IMPORTING AMENDED TOPSOIL WILL BE ADDED TO THE SIGNED CONTRACT AGREEMENT. 5. IF AMENDED IMPORTED TOPSOIL IS TO BE USED, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THE CONTRACT MODIFIED ACCORDINGLY. TOPSOIL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM NATURALLY WELL -DRAINED SITES WHERE TOPSOIL OCCURS AT LEAST 4 INCHES DEEP. DO NOT OBTAIN FROM BOGS OR MARSHES. IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D 5268, WITH A PH RANGE OF 5.5 TO 7.0, FREE OF STONES 1 INCH OR LARGER IN ANY DIMENSION, AND ANY OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS (ROCKS, STICKS, RUBBISH, SOD) HARMFUL TO PUNT GROWTH. AN ADDITIONAL SOILS ANALYSIS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE IMPORTED TOPSOIL. 5 TOPSOIL NOTES 1. ALL CEMENT TREATED LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE: EXCAVATED A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW BOTTOM OF TREATMENT AREA, DEBRIS REMOVED FROM SITE, BACKFILLED WITH TOPSOIL TO ORIGINAL GRADE PRIOR TO ADDING SPECIFIED AMENDED SOIL PER PLANS, NO ADDITIONAL COST TO CONTRACT. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH OWNER AND UTILITY COMPANIES LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE ACTUAL FIELD LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR NOT. CONTRACTOR B SHALL CALL UTILITY PROTECTION SERVICE 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE FINISH SURFACE GRADES TOPSOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH. DO NOT START ANY WORK UNTIL UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. VERIFY LIMITS OF WORK BEFORE STARTING. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ALL DAMAGES TO EXISTING CONDITIONS AND INCONSISTENCIES WITH PLANS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5. PLANT MASSES SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN 3" BARK MULCH LAVER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. BED EDGE SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 1 T' AND NO MORE THAN 18" FROM OUTER EDGE OF PLANT MATERIAL BRANCHING. WHERE GROUNDCOVER OCCURS, PLANT TO LIMITS OF AREA AS SHOWN IN PLANS. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AND REMOVE ROCKS FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO PLANTING, TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH AND CONTINUAL SURFACE, FREE OF IRREGULARITIES (BUMPS OR DEPRESSIONS) & EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL OR DEBRIS. 9. QUANTITIES ARE INTENDED TO ASSIST CONTRACTOR IN EVALUATING THEIR OWN TAKE OFFS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BID QUANTITIES AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE NUMBER IN THE PLANT LEGEND AND THE QUANTITY OF GRAPHIC SYMBOLS SHOWN, THE GRAPHIC SYMBOL QUANTITY SHALL GOVERN. 10. COORDINATE PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH INSTALLATION OF STORMWATER FACILITIES, UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT REMOVE ANY TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 12. WHERE PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS OCCUR UNDER EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITIES OR CROWD EXISTING TREES, NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO ADJUST TREE LOCATIONS. A 8 GENERAL PLANTING NOTES SHRUB: REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIES SHRUB ROOTBALL Y BARK MULCH LAYER FINISH TOPSOIL GRADE TOPSOIL: AMEND TOPSOIL PER LAB ANALYSIS AND TOPSOIL NOTES PRIOR TO ADDING FERTILIZER. SCARIFY SUBGRADE, TILL N A LAYER OF AMENDED TOPSOIL AND RE -COMPACT. EXISTING SUBGRADE REMOVE CONTAINER FROM PLANT AND SCORE ROOTBALLS TO LOOSEN ANY ROOT BOUND MATERIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 6. AMENDED IMPORTED TOPSOIL SHALL INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY FERTILIZER AND AMENDMENTS PER THE SOIL ANALYSIS RECOMMENDATIONS. TOPSOIL ANALYSIS SHALL STATE ORGANIC MATTER, INORGANIC MATTER (SILT, CLAY AND SAND), DELETERIOUS MATERIAL, PH, MINERAL AND PLANT -NUTRIENT CONTENT. IN ADDITION, THE REPORT SHALL ALSO STATE RECOMMENDED QUANTITIES (BY PERCENTAGE OF WEIGHT "I.E. 2 LBS OF 15-15-15 PER 1000SF) OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASH, NUTRIENTS AND ANY LIMESTONE, ALUMINUM SULFATE, OR OTHER SOIL AMENDMENTS TO BE ADDED TO PRODUCE A SATISFACTORY AMENDED TOPSOIL. FURNISH REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND WRITTEN APPROVAL 30 DAYS PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. 7. IN ADDITION TO THE SOILS ANALYSIS RECOMMENDATIONS, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD 1 PART (2" LAVER) OF APPROVED CERTIFIED COMPOST MATERIAL TO 2 PARTS AMENDED TOPSOIL. SUBMIT CUT SHEET OF CERTIFIED COMPOST TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO MIXING. 8. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL, SCARIFY AND LOOSEN SUBGRADE OF PUNTING BED AREA TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6INCHES. REMOVE STONES LARGER THAN 1" IN ANY DIMENSION AND STICKS, ROOTS, RUBBISH AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS. REMOVE WEEDS FROM EXISTING SUBGRADE AND TREAT WITH NECESSARY HERBICIDE TO PREVENT WEED GROWTH. SPREAD HALF OF THE AMENDED TOPSOIL MIXTURE AND WORK INTO TOP OF LOOSENED SUBGRADE TO CREATE A TRANSITION LAVER. PLACE REMAINING HALF OF THE PUNTING SOIL MIXTURE TO THE DEPTH REQUIRED TO MEET THICKNESS, GRADES AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN, AFTER LIGHT ROLLING AND NATURAL SETTLEMENT. 9. WITHIN TREE WELLS & PUNTER ISLANDS, REMOVE EXISTING SOIL AND OTHER DEBRIS, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" AND REPLACE WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL. ADD ADDITIONAL SOIL AS REQUIRED PER DETAILS AND NOTES. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHIPPING TICKETS FOR IMPORTED TOP SOIL AND COMPOST MATERIAL 60 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOR REVIEW AND WRITTEN APPROVAL. M TRE ROOTE DEPI 4" 18"M TREE INSTALLATION STEPS: 1. VIRILE TREE IS OUT OF THE HOLE: REMOVE VIRE BASKET COMPLETELY. LOOSEN TWINE FROM FOOTBALL AND REMOVE COMPLETELY. PLACE TREE IN HOLE. UNFOLD BURLAP AND CUT AWAY AT LEAST 3/4 OF BURLAP. BACKFILL TREE FOOTBALL W/ APPROVED AMENDED TOPSOIL. DECIDUOUS TREE: REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIES (2) T' WOODEN STAKE, DRIVEN A MINIMUM OF 18" INTO EXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE SOIL. ADJUSTABLE PLASTIC CHAIN LOCK TREE FOOTBALL 3" BARK MULCH LAVER FINISH TOPSOIL GRADE TOPSOIL: AMEND TOPSOIL PER LAB ANALYSIS AND TOPSOIL NOTES PRIOR TO ADDING COMPOST AND FERTILIZER. SCARIFY SUBGRADE, TILL IN A LAVER OF AMMENDED TOPSOIL AND RECOMPACT. EXISTING SUBGRADE 3j TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL SUPPLY DOWL WITH THE FOLLOWING SUBMITTAL ITEMS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND THE START OF WORK: 1. LIST OF PLANT SPECIES, QUANTITIES FROM THE SUPPLYING NURSERV(S), AND CONFIRMATION THAT MATERIAL HAS BEEN SECURED. 2. NURSERY PHOTOS OF ACTUAL PLANTS INTENDED FOR USE, PRIOR TO PURCHASE. 3. PLASTIC TREE TIE AND WOODEN STAKE MATERIAL DATA SHEETS. 4. BARK MULCH: • 1 QUART PHYSICAL MULCH SAMPLE FOR EACH MULCH SOURCE. • MATERIALS DATA SHEET FROM MULCH SUPPLIER. 5. COMPOST: • 1 QUART PHYSICAL SOIL SAMPLE FOR EACH COMPOST SOURCE. • LAB ANALYSIS FROM CERTIFIED SOIL TESTING LAB FOR (ALL) INTENDED STOCKPILE(S). 6. TOPSOIL: • 1 QUART PHYSICAL SOIL SAMPLE FOR EACH TOPSOIL SOURCE. • LAB ANALYSIS FROM CERTIFIED SOIL TESTING LAB FOR (ALL) INTENDED STOCKPILE(S). TEST SOIL(S) AS A LANDSCAPE CROP. • ANALYSIS MUST INCLUDE: MACRO AND MICRO -NUTRIENT LEVELS, PH, SOIL CLASSIFICATION: %SAND SILT CLAY),AND SOILS LAB TECHNICIAN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENT. ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL ITEMS: • SHIPPING TICKETS FOR TOPSOIL: PROVIDE TO DOWL AT THE COMPLETION OF TOPSOIL PLACEMENT. • AS -BUILT DRAWINGS. PROVIDE TO DOWL AT THE COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. MULCH TOPSOIL 1" TOP OF BARK MULCH TO BE 1" BELOW BACK OF CURB. i NOTE "A": LANDSCAPE MOUNDING HEIGHT VARIES BASED ON PLANTER WIDTH AS FOLLOWS: INSIDE PLANTER WIDTH MOUNDING HEIGHT 261 SUBMITTAL 13. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERIOD BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMPLETION OF ALL PLANTING 10'-20' NOTIFY NWRRITNG,Vs1-IEN' CONDITIONS DETRIMENTAL TO PLANT GROWTH In OPERATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT ALL PUNCH LIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BY THE H A Z ARE ENCOUNTERED, SUCH AS RUBBLE FILL, POOR PLANTING SOIL, ADVERSE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS, DRAWN BY CONTRACTOR. MAINTAIN TREES, SHRUBS, LAWNS AND OTHER PLANTS UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OR 90 WRI OR OBSTRUCTIONS, PRIOR TO PLANTING. idrm•uc•o�mi••a••iN: a•dna>nanai DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE WHICHEVER IS LONGER. 21. PLANTING RESTRICTIONS- PLANTING ISNOT PERMITTED DURING THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, UNLESS 14. REMOVE EXISTING WEEDS FROM PROJECT SITE PRIOR TO THE ADDITION OF ORGANIC AMENDMENTS aW baize! M4M rNres W Mrves. SHEET OTHERWISE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: PLANTING DETAILS & AND FERTILIZER. A. COLD WEATHER: LESS THAN 32 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT 15. BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING SHALL CONTAIN: ONE PART FINE GRADE B. HOT WEATHER: GREATER THAN 90 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT COMPOST TO FOUR PARTS TOPSOIL BY VOLUME. INCORPORATE ANY SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZERS AND AMENDMENTS PER SOIL LAB ANALYSIS RECOMMENDATIONS. C. WET WEATHER: SATURATED SOIL OR STANDING WATER 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS FROM THE D. WINDY WEATHER: WIND VELOCITIES GREATER THAN 20 M.P.H. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 90 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS WITHOUT PRIOR 22. DO NOT LOCATE TREES IN EASEMENTS. WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE 23. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN ON SITE AND ANY REQUIRED TREE PROTECTION REJECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. THESE ITEMS MAY BE MEASURES. REQUIRED TO BE REPLACED WITH PLANT MATERIALS THAT ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS. 24. ALL PLANTS MUST COMPLY TO THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. THOSE THAT DO NOT 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SECURE ALL PLANT MATERIAL IN THE SIZE SPECIFIED ON WILL BE REJECTED. CALIPER TREES MUST BRANCH AT 5' MIN. HT. PLAN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. IN THE EVENT THE PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE SIZE SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, AND THE LANDSCAPE 25. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO WRITTEN A INSTALL) AVAILABLE E TOINCREASE FINALIZING BIDS. THE LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE ADHERED TO THROUGHOUT THE .E.4"PESTIMATE TR E T 2.5"NEX CONTAINER SIZE PLANT (I.E. 4" POT TO ONE GALLON CONTAINER, Z' CALIPER TREE T02.5" CALIPER). CONTAINERARCHITECT, SIZE ONE GALLON CO TRINE , Z' CA CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO STABILIZE 26. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING EXISTING TREES FROM DAMAGE DURING ALL SLOPES 31 OR GREATER AND PREVENT EROSION OR MOVEMENT OF SOIL FROM SLOPES. THIS CONSTRUCTION. ALL TREE PROTECTION DEVICES TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE START OF LAND COULD INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EROSION CONTROL FABRIC, COMPOST BLANKET WITH DISTURBANCE, AND MAINTAINED UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPING. ALL TREE PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE TACKIFIER, STAKING, NETTING, AND STRAW WATTLES. SUBMIT METHOD OF SLOPE STABILIZATION TO PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENTATION. ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING TO BE INSPECTED DAILY, AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND WRITTEN APPROVAL 30 DAYS PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION. REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS NEEDED. NO PARKING, STORAGE OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE TO OCCUR WITHIN TREE PROTECTION AREAS. 19. PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN WRITING IF THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE PLANT MATERIAL IDENTIFIED ON THE PLAN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR THE 27 ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE CLEANED OF CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS (IE. CONCRETE, ROCK, RUBBLE, SITE OR MAV DIE. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS MAYBE GRANTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR BUILDING MATERIALS, ETC) PRIOR TO ADDING AND SPREADING OF THE TOPSOIL. TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. IF NOTIFICATION IS NOT GIVEN TO THE LANDSCAPE 28. PLANTING AREA SUBGRADE TO BE HELD DOWN THE APPROPRIATE ELEVATION TO ACCOUNT FOR ARCHITECT, ALL PLANTING WHICH FAILS TO GROW (EXCEPT FOR DEFECTS RESULTING FROM LACK OF TOPSOIL DEPTH AND MOUNDING. ADEQUATE MAINTENANCE AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER, NEGLECT OR VANDALISM) SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. MULCH TOPSOIL 1" TOP OF BARK MULCH TO BE 1" BELOW BACK OF CURB. i NOTE "A": LANDSCAPE MOUNDING HEIGHT VARIES BASED ON PLANTER WIDTH AS FOLLOWS: INSIDE PLANTER WIDTH MOUNDING HEIGHT 3'-4' 3" 5'-9' 6" 10'-20' 9" VARIES - SEE NOTE'A' ABOVE 41 SOIL MOUNDING: ISLANDS AND PERIMETER NOT TO SCALE EXTERIOR BUILDING WALL OR CONCRETE WALK STEEL EDGING, SET 1/2" MAX ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. SECURE W/ 5 STAKES PER SECTION & 2 EACH JOINT. PLANT MATERIALS OR LAWN 6" LAYER DECORATIVE ROCK 18" OR ROCK SURFACING •�����• I•AND -BOTTOM OF ROCK LAYER.1TOPSOIL EXISTING SUBGRADE 7) DECORATIVE ROCK BORDER/ SURFACINGNOT TO SCALE 7PRIOR BEGINNING CONTRACTOR THE SUBGRADE, GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS, VERIFY ELEVATIONS, UTILITY LOCATIONS, AND OBSERVE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE DONE. NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OF ANY UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. WORK SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL SUCH CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED AND ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 30. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED SIGNED SET OF PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 31. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH ANSI Z60.1 THE "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK"AND THE ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. 32. EXISTING GRASS AREAS IN PROPOSED PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE KILLED AND REMOVED. HAND RAKE TO REMOVE ALL ROCKS AND DEBRIS LARGER THAN 1 INCH IN DIAMETER, PRIOR TO ADDING TOPSOIL AND PLANTING SHRUBS. SOIL TO BE TESTED TO DETERMINE FERTILIZER AND LIME REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO LAYING SOD. 33. SOD TO BE DELIVERED FRESH (CUT LESS THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVING ON SITE), LAID IMMEDIATELY, ROLLED, AND WATERED THOROUGHLY IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. EDGE OF SOD AT PLANTING BEDS ARE TO BEV" TRENCHED. 34. ANY EXISTING GRASS AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FULLY REMOVED, REGRADED AND REPLACED. ALL TIRE MARKS AND INDENTIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED. 35. WATER THOROUGHLY TWICE IN FIRST 24 HOURS AND APPLY MULCH IMMEDIATELY. 36. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL PLANTS INSTALLED FOR ONE (1) FULL YEAR FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE ALIVE AND AT A VIGOROUS RATE OF GROWTH AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. ANY PLANT THAT IS DETERMINED DEAD, IN AN UNHEALTHY, UNSIGHTLY CONDITION, LOST ITS SHAPE DUE TO DEAD BRANCHES, OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OF POOR, NON -VIGOROUS GROWTH, SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO OWNER. 37. REMOVE STAKES AND GUYING FROM ALL TREES AFTER ONE YEAR FROM PLANTING. 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 E000000 o D opo °O�o Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 7 *kDOWL 309 SW 6TH AVENUE, #700 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 971-280-8641 4�GISTF,h,�� 06 t W E I 9 OREGON' �s 05/11/07ti� EXPIRES 05/31/2024 W A EEE Aa E`EE� r.. QZ Q J W MOC z W 0 J WW LILL ^ ■ V B z Q w a V FSR# 04987 REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION L1.5 CAVIL'S PROJECT # 14841.01 PRINTED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS In DATE H A Z JUNE 2023 DRAWN BY WRI LU idrm•uc•o�mi••a••iN: a•dna>nanai () dad flespWceifm abaw mxnei pygal mY^y bereproLxiin anY mums WlFal OByres witlmmwbB casW han aW baize! M4M rNres W Mrves. SHEET z0 PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES L1.5 Exhibit D Drainage Report DRAINAGE REPORT Chick-Fil-A — Gateway & Randy Pape 2322.14841.01 Prepared for: Chick -fl -A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349 Prepared by: 4OOWL 309 SW 6'h Avenue, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 Drainage Report I Chick-Fil-A — Gateway & Randy Pape EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Chick-Fil-A (CFA)—Gateway & Randy Pape development will construct anew fast food restaurant located southwest of the comer of Gateway Street & Randy Pape Beltline in Springfield, Oregon. The site will be developed with a drive through, parking areas, and landscaping. New sanitary, water and storm drain utilities will be constructed to service the development. The purpose of this report is to describe the stormwater management strategy being proposed for the CFA development. The design follows the standards and regulations developed by The City of Springfield as described in the Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012). The City of Springfield defers to The City of Eugene's stormwater standards for the sizing of water quality facilities. The City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual (2014) describes that 1.4 inches of rainfall over 24 -hours must be mitigated by proposed stormwater facilities to meet pollution reduction requirements. Stormwater planters and raingardens have been proposed to mitigate runoff from the site for water quality. These have been sized following City of Eugene's approved methodology, referred to as 'The Presumptive Approach'. Proposed conveyance pipes have been sized for the 25 -year, 24-hour stormwater event. Runoff from the development has been designed to release into the public stormwater main in Gateway Street. DESIGNER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this Stormwater Report for Chick-Fil-A— Gateway & Randy Pape has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets minimum standards of City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012) and normal standards of engineering practice. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the jurisdiction does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities designed by me. AL BOWL Pagel Drainage Report I Chick-Fil-A — Gateway & Randy Pape I1F_3-l4:91l0111l�kI:Wks` 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW.....................................................................................1 Table 2: 1.1 Project Overview....................................................................................................1 Table 3: 1.2 Location.................................................................................................................1 Table 4: 1.3 Regulatory Requirements.......................................................................................1 Table 5: 1.4 Purpose..................................................................................................................2 2.0 HYDRAULIC AND HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS ......................................... 2 Table 7: 2.1 Hydrologic Method.................................................................................................2 Table 8: 2.2 Design Storm.........................................................................................................2 3.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS.......................................................................3 3.1 Land Cover and Topography..................................................................................3 3.2 Climate...................................................................................................................3 3.3 Site Geology and Soil Characteristics....................................................................3 3.4 Hydrology...............................................................................................................4 4.0 POST -DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS...................................................4 4.1 Curve Number........................................................................................................4 4.2 Time of Concentration............................................................................................5 4.3 Hydrology...............................................................................................................5 5.0 WATER QUALITY..............................................................................................5 5.1 Design Guidelines..................................................................................................5 5.2 Stormwater Planters...............................................................................................5 5.3 Stormwater Rain Gardens......................................................................................6 6.0 WATER QUANTITY...........................................................................................6 6.1 Detention Requirement..........................................................................................6 6.2 Facility Design........................................................................................................7 7.0 CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS.............................................................................7 7.1 Design Guidelines..................................................................................................7 7.2 System Capacity....................................................................................................7 7.3 Downstream Analysis.............................................................................................7 8.0 SUMMARY............................................................................................................7 FIGURES Figure1: Vicinity Map..................................................................................................................1 TABLES Table 1: Springfield Storm Data..................................................................................................2 Table 2: Eugene Storm Data.......................................................................................................3 Table 3: Soil Characteristics........................................................................................................3 Table 4: Existing Basin Areas.....................................................................................................4 Table 5: Pre -Developed Basin Areas..........................................................................................4 Table 6: Post -Developed Basin Areas.........................................................................................5 Table 7: Stormwater Planter Design Summary ............................................................................6 Table 8: Stormwater Rain Garden Design Summary ...................................................................6 AL 1OWL Page 11 Drainage Report I Chick-Fil-A — Gateway & Randy Pape APPENDICES Appendix A: Site Basin Maps Appendix B: Soil Report Appendix C: Stormwater Input and Calculations Appendix D: Civil Stormwater Plans Appendix E: Conveyance Calculations Appendix F: Excerpts from Geotechnical Report Appendix G: Correspondence AL pOWL Page 111 Drainage Report I Chick-Fil-A — Gateway & Randy Pape 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Project Overview The proposed Chick-Fil-A (CFA) Gateway & Randy Pape project will construct a fast-food service restaurant with associated drive through, parking, landscaping, and utilities. The project is on a property that has been subdivided to allow for development to the west and south by other tenants, these will be improved by others and have not been included in the design of the proposed stormwater facilities. 1.2 Location The project site resides on one lot and is located at 3350 Gateway Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (See Figure 1: Vicinity Map). The lot to be used for this project is Taxlot No. 1703222001600. Figure 1: Vicinity Map peed i p _ 4 n Aee Project Location � AM1nEN wl 'K KMrM1Cn two 5 Y v S . Ke yuyaen Grupe way y L;L 2U51 EnEpp^"eis�� as 1.3 Regulatory Requirements The site is within the jurisdictional boundary of City of Springfield and must comply with the Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012). The stormwater standards require water quality and quantity management for all re -developments. Additional details of the specific treatment, detention, and conveyance requirements are outlined in Section 5, 6, and 7. fkDOWL Pagel 1.4 Purpose The purpose of this report is to describe the water quality and quantity facilities being proposed as part of the project and to show that the design follows the standards and regulations developed by City of Springfield. 2.0 HYDRAULIC AND HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS The hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the project follows'The Presumptive Approach', as described by City of Eugene. The City of Springfield has chosen to utilize portions of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual (2014) to address water quality and LIDA system sizing requirements. 2.1 Hydrologic Method The City of Eugene prescribes two methodologies for sizing stormwater planters and raingardens, the'Simplified Approach' and the'Presumptive Approach'. The Presumptive Approach has been selected for this project. The City publishes an Excel worksheet that conforms to The Presumptive Approach. The methodology used in the worksheet is based upon the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and Technical Release No. 55 (TR -55) Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. This worksheet was used to size the stormwater planters and raingardens proposed onsite. The SCS method is based on the curve number (CN) approach and uses the Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) equations for computing runoff losses and precipitation excess. The SCS method converts the incremental runoff depths into instantaneous hydrographs, which are then routed through an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the basin time of concentration. Detailed descriptions of the site conditions and design assumptions used for the Pre -developed and Post -developed are outlined in Section 3 and 4. 2.2 Design Storm The design storm to be used within the City is a Type IA, 24-hour duration, based upon the rainfall depths reported on page 4-6 of the City of Springfield's Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012). These values will be used for the water quantity portion of the design. Table 1: Springfield Storm Data shows the total precipitation depths that were applied using the Type IA distribution to determine the runoff rates from the contributing drainage area. Table 1: Springfield Storm Data 2 -yr 5 -yr 100 -yr 3.30 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.20 Due to the City of Springfield adopting the City of Eugene's standard LIDA facilities, a'pollution reduction', or water quality storm, event of period will be utilized for sizing the proposed rain gardens and planters. This value comes from Table C-1 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (2014). Recurrence Interval 24 -Hour Rainfall Depth (yrs) (in) 3.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing conditions are defined as the conditions that existed prior to the current development. The following sections outline the current topography, climate in the vicinity of the project site, site geology and soil characteristics, site hydrology, as well as assumptions related to the pre - development condition. 3.1 Land Cover and Topography The current site is developed and occupied by Guest House Inn, a motel with associated parking and landscaping. The existing onsite basin is 81.6% impervious. The existing site has slopes of approximately 1-5%, draining to catch basins throughout the site. A pre -developed curve number of 74 has been selected, assuming 'grassland' in good condition with a hydrologic soil group rating of'C', per Table 2-2a of the USDA Urban Hydrology forSmall Watesheds: TR -55 manual. 3.2 Climate The site is located in Lane County, Oregon. The area experiences distinct seasonal characteristics with gradual changes between seasons. Average daily temperatures range from 40"F to 68"F. Average annual rainfall recorded in this area is 46 inches. 3.3 Site Geology and Soil Characteristics The underlying soil types are classified by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon and are identified in Table 2: Soil Characteristics. See Appendix B: Soil Report for additional information. Table 3: Soil Characteristics Coburg -Urban Land Complex C 26.3 Malabon-Urban Land Complex C 73.7 Group C soils have a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. There is a geotechnical report by Terracon dated January 7, 2022 with an Addendum dated August 5, 2022. An infiltration rate ranging from 0 to 2 inches per hour was found during investigations on the site. See Appendix F: Excerpts from Geotechnical Report. 3.4 Time of Concentration A time of concentration of 28.8 minutes has been calculated for the assumed pre -development condition. The pre -developed drainage path was taken to be 400 feet long, with an average slope of 0.50%. See Appendix C: Stormwater Input and Calculations. 3.5 Hydrology The existing condition for the site appears to flow into catch basins throughout the site and release into an existing facility west of the site. It is undetermined whether this facility outlets into the public system in the public right of way to the north. The site is located in a greater drainage area that releases to Dodson Slough. Dodson Slough is listed as impaired for dissolved oxygen and Escherichia colitis (bacterium), but does not have any listed TMDL restrictions. Table 4: Existing Basin Areas lists the existing basin area, Table 5: Pre -Developed Basin Areas lists the pre -developed basin areas. See Appendix A: Site Basin Maps for the location and extent of each basin. Table 4: Existing Basin Areas Impervious Pervious Total Site Condition At Area Area Onsite Drainage Area' 1.388 0.439 1.827 1, 'Onsite Drainage Area'consistsoa#amasthffitl htoexistirgdt mwaterfacllly. Table 5: Pre -Developed Basin Areas Impervious Pervious Total Site Condition Area I Area Area Onsite Drainage Area' 0.000 1.827 1.827 1, 'Onsde Drainage Ama'ro istsoallareasth&dmintoexistirgstw waters ibly. 4.0 POST -DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS 4.1 Curve Number Runoff curve number calculations were completed using TR -55 methodology. The stormwater calculations have been completed with the assumption that all pervious areas have soils that are Hydrologic Soil Group 'C', see Appendix B: Soil Report for additional information. Using Table 2-2a of TR -55, a pervious curve number of 74 was used, assuming 'open space' in good condition. Impervious surfaces were assumed to have a curve number of 98. A composite curve number has been calculated for each drainage sub -basin on the site, these have been calculated in the water quality spreadsheets in Appendix C: Stormwater Inputs and Calculation; 4.2 Time of Concentration A time of concentration of 5.0 minutes has been assumed for all basins under post -development conditions. This has been used to calculate peak runoff rates for the proposed flow control and water quality methodologies. 4.3 Hydrology The proposed on-site development area is split into five sub -basins. All of the proposed basins are delineated by the drainage path they take from points across the site to their respective stormwater mitigation facilities. The proposed stormwater facilities include a combination of rain gardens and planters. Each facility has been designed with an underdrain and emergency overflow riser to ensurewater quality and quantity performance standards can be met. The facilities have been designed to filter the water quality storm event through the growing media, while allowing excess flows to overflow into the emergency overflow riser. All flows leaving the facilities will exit the site via a connection into the public stormwater system in Gateway Street. Table 6: Post -Developed Basin Areas has been provided to summarize the proposed basin delineation and associated land use coverages. Table 6: Post -Developed Basin Areas Basin 1 0.463 1 0.142 1 0.605 Basin 2 0.150 0.037 0.186 Basin 3 0.320 0.048 0.368 Basin 4 0.376 0.171 0.547 Basin 5 0.120 0.000 0.120 Total 1 1.429 1 0.397 1 1.827 5.0 WATER QUALITY 5.1 Design Guidelines The water quality facilities were designed per Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual (2014) to facilitate the treatment of all stormwater runoff from the proposed development. Per Section 1.7.2, stormwater facilities shall be designed to capture and treat runoff generated by 1.4 inches of rainfall over 24 hours for an NRCS Type 1A event. Because the facilities will route flows into the public system, they have additionally been sized to ensure that the 25 -year storm event, per Table 1: Springfield Storm Data, can pass through without causing indundation outside of each facility. 5.2 Stormwater Planters The site will utilize stormwater planters as a portion of the proposed water quality mitigation facilities. These have been designed per Section 2.3. 11 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (2014), utilizing The Presumptive Approach. The facilities will has inches of growing medium and will not implement an underground injection control (U component, per advisement by The City of Springfield during the pre -application conference dated June 9, 2022. The facilities will not have a subgrade infiltration rate of greater than 2 inches per hour and have therefore been sized as 'filtration' facilities, per Section 2.3.11. Each facility has been designed with an underdrain located below the growing medium, serving the purpose of routing treated runoff out and to the public connection. The facilities have been designed such that the rate at which flows filter through the growing medium and exit through the underdrain will not cause runoff to pass through the overflow during the water quality stormwater event. Additional flows will pass through the overflow riser to ensure that flooding outside of each facility does not occur. A summary of the stormwater planters is shown in Table 7: Stormwater Planter Design Summary below. Table 7: Stormwater Planter Design Summary 1, Minimum bdpnnt represents required suriam area d coverage to meet 'Pdbtion Reduction' and Destination' dandards 5.3 Stormwater Rain Gardens The site will additionally utilize stormwater rain gardens to achieve water quality mitigation for the site. These have been designed per Section 2.3.9 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (2014), utilizing The Presumptive Approach. The facilitieswill have 24 inches of growing medium, with an assumed drain down rate of 10 inches per hour, factored to 2.5 inches per hour. The facilities will not have a subgrade infiltration rate of greater than 2 inches per hour and have therefore been sized as 'filtration' facilities, per Section 2.3.9. A summary of the stormwater rain gardens is shown in Table 8: Stormwater Rain Garden Design Summary below. Table 8: Stormwater Rain Garden Design Summary Rain garden 1 Basin 131,595 12 2,450 2,530 Rain garden 2 Basin 2 8,121 12 650 742 Rain garden 3 Basin 4 23,823 12 1,300 2,002 1, Minimum bdpdnt represents required surfam area awvema ton t'Pdbtb ReduG ' anct Destlnatim' dandards. 6.0 WATER QUANTITY 6.1 Detention Requirement The project has been deemed as flow control exempt, per advisement by The City of during the pre -application conference dated June 9, 2022. The site has not been des any detention -specific facilities, and will not include engineered restriction devices. The City of Eugene includes flow -control calculations in the 'presumptive approach' spreadsheets that have been used to size the facilities for water quality, the facilities have been designed to meet the flow control requirements specified by the City of Eugene as a part of the water quality sizing. 6.2 Facility Design In accordance with the conveyance design, each facility has been designed such that the 25 - year, 24-hour stormwater event can pass through the soil media while maintaining one (1) foot of freeboard between the hydraulic grade line and the top of each facility. Each facility has been provided with an emergency overflow that is capable of conveying the 100 -yr, 24 -hr storm without allowing flood -water to flow through or inundate existing buildings. 7.0 CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS 7.1 Design Guidelines Per section 4.03.5 of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012), proposed conveyance pipes must be designed to convey the 25 -year, 24-hour design storm event. A manning's n value of 0.013 was used for all proposed pipe. 7.2 System Capacity A conveyance analysiswas completed and stormwater pipes sized such that the proposed conveyance systems can convey the 25 -year storm event while maintaining one (1) foot of freeboard between the hydraulic grade line and the top of each facility structure. Per section 4.03.5, the facilities were also designed to manage the 100 -year storm event while not allowing runoff to pass through or inundate existing structures. The proposed conveyance pipes onsite have been modeled in Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis (2022) to meet these requirements, see Technical Appendix C: Stormwater Input and Calculations. 7.3 Downstream Analysis Because this project will be redeveloping an existing site that has more impervious coverage than what is being proposed, the resultant peak flows entering the public system will be smaller than existing. Due to the decrease in flow, the project will not require a downstream analysis to prove the capacity of the receiving drainage main. 8.0 SUMMARY The proposed stormwater system design follows the standards and regulations developed by The City of Springfield and subsequently the water quality standards established by the City of Eugene. The site will provide water quality mitigation through proposed stormwater planters and rain gardens. These have been sized for a 1.4 inch over 24-hour stormwater event. The site was deemed to not require flow control by the City of Springfield, therefore no engineered restriction facilities have been proposed. As a part of the'presumptive' sizin meet the requirements of the City of Eugene, the facilities have been sized to meet th control standards established by the City of Eugene. The proposed conveyance pipes have been designed to convey the 25-year, 24-hour stormwater event while maintaining one (1) foot of freeboard, as well as to manage the 100- year, 24-hour event without inundating existing structures. A downstream analysis was not required for the project, conveyance capacity issues in the receiving drainage main are not anticipated. All facilities have been designed in accordance with the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (2012) and referenced Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual (2014) sections. APPENDIX A: SITE BASIN MAPS I IIII P.AD-E 6250 SF I )SS: 4,887 SF F&I t 11 ONSITE DRAINAGE AREA TOTAL: 1.827 AC (79,564 SF) El Ifni IMPERVIOUS: 1.429 AC (62,266 SF) 78.26% IPROPOSED BASIN 1: PERVIOUS=6,167 SF (0.142 AC) IMPERVIOUS=20,189 SF (0.463 AC) TOTAL=26,356 SF (0.605 AC) RAIN GARDEN=2,530 SF BASIN 2: PERVIOUS=1,608 SF (0.037 AC) IMPERVIOUS=6,513 SF (0.150 AC) - f lal RAIN GARDEN=742 SF BASIN 3: PERVIOUS=2,075 SF (0.048 AC) IMPERVIOUS=13,950 SF (0.320 AC) TOTAL=16,025 SF (0.368 AC) )SS: 4,887 SF F&I t 11 ONSITE DRAINAGE AREA TOTAL: 1.827 AC (79,564 SF) PROPOSED PERVIOUS: 0.397 AC (17,298 SF) 21.74% IMPERVIOUS: 1.429 AC (62,266 SF) 78.26% IPROPOSED BASIN 1: PERVIOUS=6,167 SF (0.142 AC) IMPERVIOUS=20,189 SF (0.463 AC) TOTAL=26,356 SF (0.605 AC) RAIN GARDEN=2,530 SF BASIN 2: PERVIOUS=1,608 SF (0.037 AC) IMPERVIOUS=6,513 SF (0.150 AC) TOTAL=8,121 SF (0.186 AC) RAIN GARDEN=742 SF BASIN 3: PERVIOUS=2,075 SF (0.048 AC) IMPERVIOUS=13,950 SF (0.320 AC) TOTAL=16,025 SF (0.368 AC) PLANTER=1,006 SF BASIN 4: PERVIOUS=7,448 SF (0.171 AC) IMPERVIOUS=16,375 SF (0.376 AC) TOTAL=23,823 SF (0.547 AC) RAIN GARDEN=2,002 SF BASIN 5: PERVIOUS=O SF (0.000 AC) IMPERVIOUS=5,239 SF (0.120 AC) TOTAL=5,239 SF (0.120 AC) V0 50 50 SCALE IN FEET PROJECT 14891-01 DATE +wmnnxi GATEWAY CHICK-FIL-A PROPOSED BASIN MAP EXHIBIT 1 as as as as r I / \ C :u — as as as as I _439-❑ I k I I \ N —I L� I \ I f� I i a 1 / \1 f i 3 EXISTING BASIN ^\ — I / I I \ I I \ 1 1 \ Tc – :26.9 mini — IV III, mm J I I \ 8E�-,438\ \ DOW I I I I I F I ONSITE DRAINAGE AREA TOTAL: 79,564 SF (1.827 AC) EXISTING PERVIOUS: 0.439 AC (19,124 SF) 24.04% EXISTING IMPERVIOUS: 1.388 AC (60,440 SF) 75.96% PRE -DEVELOPED PERVIOUS: 1.827 AC (79,564 SF) 100.00% PRE -DEVELOPED IMPERVIOUS: 0.000 AC (0 SF) 0.00% PRE -DEVELOPED DRAINAGE PATH: 100 FT SHEET FLOW, 0.50% SLOPE 160 FT SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW, 0.50% SLOPE I � I �I I n 50 0 50 SCALE IN FEET PROJECT 14841-01 DATE 04/012023 GATEWAY CHICK-FIL-A EXISTING BASIN MAP EXHIBIT 2 APPENDIX B: SOIL REPORT Hydrologic Soil Group�ane County Area, Oregon a X £ x M 3 3 ApSale: 1:1,030RPnlealon A powb- t(&Sx IV)9rH. w a Nrva a ss 33 m m � ANw prnJ',rcn: wm hHUv Cxxnrrmo�tlrata: NG584 5kena:IIIM Zme1W YJG539 C51Jr1 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 71MM22 3i Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 4 x N Hydrologic Sod Group—Lane County Area, Oregon LSDn Natural Resources Web Sod Survey 72N2D22 eal Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 4 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area at Were. (A09 ■ C The sal surveys that comprise your AOI ware mapped at Areaalntaest(AOII CID 1:20,090. ■ Soils ■ D blming: aSail Map may not be valid al Mile scale. Sail Rating Polygons O A G Not rated ornot available maps beyond the scale of mapping cause isunementof misunderstanding mie accuracy the detail of mapping and accuracyf soil 0 AID Water Feavtr placement,The lineplacem ent. The maps do not show the small areas Screams and Canals d contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed 0 B scale. Tmnspodaion 0 BIB .-.. Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map 0 O N Interstate Highways measurements. 0 CID IIS Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 D Web Soil Surveil Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:9B5]) 0 Not rated ornot available Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Soil Raring Lines Background projection, which preserves direction and shape but distods A distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more +�+ AIB accurate calculations of distance dreams are required, B This product is generated from the USDA4gRCS carded data as �y BID of Ne version date(s) listed below. N C Sod Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 19, Oct 27, 2021 y CID Sail map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales ,y D 1:5[),00D or larger. .. Not rated or not available Dates) genal images were photographed: Jun 12, 2019—tun Sal Rating Palms 19, 2019 ■ A The odhophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background ■ AID imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor ■ B shifting ofmap unit boundaries may be evident. BID LSDn Natural Resources Web Sod Survey 72N2D22 eal Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Sol Group—lane County Area, Oregon Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map lsul name Acres in A01 percent of AOI 32 Coburg-UNan land C 1.2 26.3% complex ]S Malabon-Urban land C 3.5 ]3.]% complex Totals for An. of Interest 4.7 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate ofwater infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained Orwell drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement Ofwater or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate Of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method. Dominant Condition LSM Natural Resources Web Sal Survey 7/20/2022 2allit Conservation SeMce Nalonal Cooperative Soil Survey page 3 of4 Hydrologic Sol Group—Lane County Area, Oregon Componert Percent Cuto//. None Specked Tie-break Rule: Higher LSM Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/20/2022 2� Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of4 APPENDIX C: STORMWATER INPUT AND CALCULATIONS Chaptee4 Estimating Ruvof[ Technical Release 66 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2a Runoffcurve numbers for urban areas li Curve numbers for ---------Coverdescription--------- _--hydrologic soil group Average percent Cover type and hydrologic condition impervious areas A B C D Fully developed urban areas (vegetation established) Open space (lawns, Parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.) W: Poor condition (grass cover < 60%) 68 79 86 88 Fair condition (gross cover 60% to 7696) 48 68 78 84 Good condition (grass cover> 7696) ......................................... 38 61 74 80 Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right-of-way)............................................................. 88 98 ® 88 Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding right -Of -way) . 88 98 98 88 Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) 83 89 92 83 Gravel (including right-of-way) . 76 86 89 81 Dirt (including rigbtof--way). 72 82 87 88 Western desert urban areas: Natural desert landscaping (pervious areas only) -V ..................... 63 77 86 88 Artificial desert landscaping (impervious weed harrier, desert shrub with 1- W 2 -inch sand or gravel mulch and basin borders) 86 96 96 86 Urban districts: Commercial and business 86 88 92 94 86 Industrial 72 81 88 81 83 Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less (town houses) 66 77 86 90 82 1/4 acre 38 61 76 83 87 1/3 acre 30 67 72 81 86 1/2 acre 26 64 70 80 86 1sure 20 61 68 79 84 2 acres 12 46 66 77 82 Developing urban areas Newly graded areas (pervious areas only, no vegetation) si 77 86 91 94 Idle lands (CN's are determined using cover types similar to those in table 2-2c). I Average mnoffcondition, and I,-0.28. a The average percent Impervious area shown was used to develop the composite CN's. Other assumptions areae follows: impervious meas me directly corrected to the drainage system, Impervious areas have aCN of 98, and pervious areas me considered equivalent W open store in good hydrologic condition. CN's for other combinations of conditions may be computed using figsae23 or 24. s CN's shown are equivalent to those of pasture Composite CN's may, be computed for other combinations of open space coverrype. Composite CN's for natwul desert landscaping should be computed using Rgues 23 or 2-4 based on the impervious area percentage (CN =98) and the pervious save CN. The pervious area CN's are assumed equivalent to desert elnub in poor hydrologic condition. Composite CN's to use for the design of temporary measures during grading and consomme should be computed using figure 28 or 2-0 based on the degree of development (impervious area percentage) and the CN's for the newly graded pervious aeae. (210 -VI -TR -M, Second Ed., Jrre 1986) 2-6 Chapters RethnaGng Ruvof[ Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2c Runoffcurve numbers for other agricultural lands gazing and generally mowed for hay Brush—brush-weed-gates ndxWm with brush Poor 48 Curve numbers for 77 Cover description the major element. v Fair hydrologic soil group ---- 56 70 Hydrologic Good 30 a Cover type condition A B C D Pasture, grassland, or range—continuous Poor 68 79 86 89 Range for grazing. v Fair 49 69 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow—continuous grass protected from — 30 58 71 78 gazing and generally mowed for hay Brush—brush-weed-gates ndxWm with brush Poor 48 67 77 83 the major element. v Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 30 a 48 65 73 Woods gores combination (orchard Poor 57 73 82 86 or tree farm). Y Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods.& Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 v 55 70 77 Farmsteads—buddings, lanes, driveways, — 59 74 82 86 I Average mnolfcondltion, and 1.=024. 3 Poor: <5006)ground cover or heavily grazed with no match. Fair: 50 to 75%growd cover and not heavily grand. Good: >75% growl rover and tightly or only wessionally grazed. 3 Poor: <5006 growl rover. Fair: 50 to 75% ground cover. Good. >75% ground cover. 4 Actual curvenumber is less then 80; use CN= 80 for mnoff computations. e CN'sshownwere computed for areas with 50% woods and 50% goes (pastwe)cover. Other combinations of conditions may be computed from the CN's for woods and pasture. a Poor: FoastlitWe smWitn,wdbrusliuedeAmyedbyheavygrazingortegWarbu ng. Fair: Woods are grazed but notburned, andsomeforest tittercovetuthe soil. Good.. Woods se, protected from grazing, and litter and brash adequately cover the soil. (210 -VI -TR -M, Second M., Jwe 1986) Z-7 Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: CFAGate,sw-14841 Date: 7/26/2022 Address: 3350 Gateway St, Permit Number: #pii##pX I Flood Control SpdnnFeld OR 97477 Catchmentl0: Basinl :r: ABP V. DOWL Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate d0.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum scil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoil/graving medium. loose' Yes" from the dropdoan boxes below next to the design standards requirements for Ihis facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination(DT) No �AnIMllo-arlonnallymucxolxsmauwmmry9prmn,�easereemRaRm� Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 31595 sgfi Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 6167 sgft Impervious Area CN= 98 Pervious Area CN= 74 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 37762 sfi Time of Concentration Post Development: min Weighted Average CN=j 94 Site Data -Pre Development (Data in this section is only used if Flow Control is required) Pre -Development CN= T4 Time of Concentration Pre -Developments 26.9 min Data Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= 10 in/hr (S -None 4) Destination Design= N/Ain/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate- 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate R iement Rainfall Depth Desi Stour Pdlulion Retluce. 1.4 inches WaterOuali Flan Control 3.6 inches I Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Flood Control Facility Type=l Filtration Rain Garden Facility Side Slopi Max. Ponding Depth in Stor.wer Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So EM1Y.'rWrSflk:rlS rl Facility Su Facility Surface Facility Bt Facility Bottom Ratio of FacilityArea to Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results cis Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=q2.3 Peak Facility Overflow Rate= OD00 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater "I Faci Itry =of Total Overflow Volume= of Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES JMeet. Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= 0.134 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rare= 0.144 cis Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Faci Itry= 9234 cf Total Overflow Volume= 3g?of Peak Off -Site Flow Rare Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 12.0 in Filtration Facility Undercirairn 0.142 cis Drawdown Time= 1.6hours Pre-Development Runoff Dara Peak Flow Rare a 0.160 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 4120 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? YES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow lessor equal to Pre-Development Flow? El YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= N/A cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rare= N/A cfs Total Runoff Volume to OS in Facility a N/A cf Total Overflow Volume= N/A cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= N/A in Drawdown Time= N/A hours N/A Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? fMeetN/A s Requirement of No Facility Flooding? N/A Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? EIiIY.'rYkSf R9rl-. JAI Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: CFAGate,sw-14841 Date: 7/26/2022 Address: 3350 Gateway St, Permit Number: #pii##pX I Flood Control SpdnnFeld OR 97477 Catchment ID: Basing :r: ABP V. DOWL Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of 0.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum scil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoil/graving medium. loose' Yes" from the dropdoan boxes below next to the design standards requirements for Ihis facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination(DT) No �AnIMllo-arlonnallymucxolxsmauwmmry mn,�easereemRaRm� Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 8121 sgfi Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 1608 sgft Impervious Area CN= 98 Pervious Area CN= 74 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 9729 sit Time of Concentration Post Development: min Weighted Average CN=j 94 Site Data -Pre Development (Data in this section is only used if Flow Control is required) Pre -Development CN= T4 Time of Concentration Pre -Developments 26.9 min Data Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= 10 in/hr (S -None 4) Destination Design=-in/hr at Design Soil Infiltration Re- 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate R iement Ratnfall Depth Desi Stour Pdlulion Retluce. 1.4 inches WaterOuali Flan Control 3.6 inches I Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Flood Control Facility Type=l Filtration Rain Garden Facility Side Slopi Max. Ponding Depth in Stor.wer Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So EM1Y.'rWrSflk:rlS rl Facility Su Facility Surface Facility Bt Facility Bottom Ratio of FacilityArea to Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=Icis Peak Facility Overflow Rate= DDDD cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater "I Faci Itry =of Total Overflow Volume= of Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES JMeets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= 0.189 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rare= 0.032 cis Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Faci Itry= 2375 cf Total Overflow Volume= ?4 of Peak Off -Site Flow Rare Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 12.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrairn D.D38 cis Drawdown Time= 1]hours Pre-Develo meM Runoff Date Peak Flow Rare- 0.041 cfs Total Runoff Volume= 1062 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? YES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow lessor equal to Pre-Development Flow? El YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results cfs Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=7", Peak Facility Overflow Rare= cfs Total Runoff Volume to OS in Facility =cf Total Overflow Volume= cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours _Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? .Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? EIiIY.'rYkSf R9rl-. JAI Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: CFAGate,sw-14841 Date: 7/26/2022 Address: 3350 Gateway St, Permit Number: #pii##pX I Flood Control SpdnnFeld OR 97477 Catchment ID: Basin :r: ABP V. DOWL Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of 0.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum scil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoil/graving medium. loose' Yes" from the dropdoan boxes below next to the design standards requirements for Ihis facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination(DT) No �AnIMllo-arlonnallymucxolxsmauwmmry0prmn,�easereemRaRm� Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 16025 sqft Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 2W5 sgft Impervious Area CN= 98 Pervious Area CN= 74 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 18100 sit Time of Concentration Post Development: min Weighted Average CN=j 95 Site Data -Pre Development (Data in this section is only used if Flow Control is required) Pre -Development CN= T4 Time of Concentration Pre -Developments 26.9 min Data Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= 10 in/hr (S -None 4) Destination Design=-in/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate- 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate R iement Ratnfall Depth Desi Stour Pdlulion Reduction 1.4 inches WaterOuali Flan Control 3.6 inches I Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Fbod Control Facility Type= Surf ace Width= Surface Length= Facility Side Slopes= Max. Ponding Depth in Stor.wer Facility- Depth of Growing Medium(Soil)s Filtration Stopnwater Planter Facility Surface Area 85ft Facility Surface Perimeter- 10ft Facility Bottom Area= Oto1 Facility Bo[ tom Perimeter- 12 in Basin Volume= 24 in Ratio of FacilityArea to Impervious Area= 852 sgft sgft cf 190ft 850 190ft 850,0 0,04T 4/1/202}11:31 PM Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results cfs Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=q1.1 Peak Facility Overflow Rate= OD00 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater "I Facility=cf Total Overflow Volume= of Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES JMeets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= 0.365 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rare= 0.066 cis Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 4610 cf Total Overflow Volume= 439 of Peak Off -Site Flow Rare Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 12.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrairn OD49 cis Drawdown Time= 2.7 hours Pre-Develo meM Runoff Date Peak Flow Rare = 0.077 cfs Total Runoff Volume= 1975 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? YES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow lessor equal to Pre-Development Flow? El YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results cfs Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=7", Peak Facility Overflow Rare= cfs Total Runoff Volume to OS in Facility =cf Total Overflow Volume= cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours _Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? .Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 4/1/202}11:31 PM Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: CFAGate,sw-14841 Date: 7/26/2022 Address: 3350 Gateway St, Permit Number: #pii##pX I Flood Control SpdnnFeld OR 97477 CatchmentlD: Basin4 :r: ABP V. DOWL Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) For infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate d0.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum scil infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoil/graving medium. loose' Yes" from the dropdoan boxes below next to the design standards requirements for Ihis facility. Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination(DT) No �AnIMllo-arlonnallymucxolxsmauwmmry0prmn,�easereemRaRm� Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 163]5 sgfi Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 7448 sgft Impervious Area CN= 98 Pervious Area CN= 74 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 23823 sit Time of Concentration Post Development: min Weighted Average CN= 90 Site Data -Pre Development (Data in this section is only used if Flow Control is required) Pre -Development CN= T4 Time of Concentration Pre -Developments 26.9 min Data Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= 10 in/hr (S -None 4) Destination Design=-in/hr at Design Soil Infiltration Re- 2.5 in /hr Soil Infiltration Rate R iement Rainfall Depth Desi Stour Pdlulion Retluce. 1.4 inches WaterOuali Flan Control 3.6 inches I Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Flood Control Facility Type=l Filtration Rain Garden Facility Side Slopi Max. Ponding Depth in Stor.wer Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So 4/5/202}2:3] PM Facility Su Facility Surface Facility Bt Facility Bottom Ratio of FacilityArea to Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= 0.083 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= DDDR cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 1251 cf Total Overflow Volume= 0cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 1.4 in Drawdown Time= 02 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES JMeets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility= 0.403 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rare= 00]9 cis Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 5125cf Total Overflow Volume= 268 cf Peak Off -Site Flow Rare Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 12.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrairn 0.075 cis Drawdown Time= 22 hours Pre-Develo meM Runoff Date Peak Flow Rare- 0.101 cfs Total Runoff Volume= 2599 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? YES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow lessor equal to Pre-Development Flow? El YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results cfs Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility=7", Peak Facility Overflow Rare= cfs Total Runoff Volume to OS in Facility =cf Total Overflow Volume= cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours _Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? .Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 4/5/202}2;3] PM APPENDIX D: CIVIL STORMWATER PLANS CHICK-FIL-A GATEWAY & RANDY PAPE VICINITY MAP r SCALE: NTS GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PROJECT BASIS OF BEARING AREA TERRACCN CONSUE ANTS SAF LAND SERVICES ATM: N]NY RIVERA ATM: MI' RE TOWLE PE ATM: RRISFOIRERT.HLCCR,PE =LRI�IAOIT19A'41 "A'—NO Lr 3H511SHAVENEMID5 F r r MONESMAVE H IwaLA I �Frc ']I PORTVN D, OREGON WX5 PORRAND,0REGOII07213 FORT IAND, OREGENGT325 RCNE14 EASS517 pINN1E. 187112..5 F10NC5.)] IDl RCNE(.a)30.SNM NRNEMOVOREMALCCM RCEN MOWlE®D]WL COM VICINITY MAP r SCALE: NTS GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF BEARING OJWL TERRACCN CONSUE ANTS SAF LAND SERVICES ATM: N]NY RIVERA ATM: MI' RE TOWLE PE ATM: RRISFOIRERT.HLCCR,PE =LRI�IAOIT19A'41 "A'—NO Lr 3H511SHAVENEMID5 7.SVV..lNGT.AVESVITE750 MONESMAVE OE BELLEVVE VA .4 PORTVN D, OREGON WX5 PORRAND,0REGOII07213 FORT IAND, OREGENGT325 RCNE14 EASS517 pINN1E. 187112..5 F10NC5.)] IDl RCNE(.a)30.SNM NRNEMOVOREMALCCM RCEN MOWlE®D]WL COM RRETORIERHA.0 TERRACCN. SITE LOCATION DATUMRI SITEDETAILSI NEI EI 4}Lf STOW DETAILS 1 F STORM DETA Ls2 NOF STORM B SAN TARY DETAILS CB STORMB SANITARY DETAILS 2 L10 IXBTNOSVRVEYMdJUMENTS ARETO L11 RE MorEcrED wawGcousraucrloN Lib FIAMIN3 DETA L88NJTE5 oR REPuceD IN AccoawucE uMM TREE B RMIT FROTECTINI SFECIFICATNNAS L17 oREcoN REVIseD srATMEs LIA NRFBGRASSESSFECIFCATNNAS 2m.1w2D3.1ss FIAMNGSPECIFCATNNAS 11.0 PROJECT TEAM DEVELOPER CHI WFILA ATM:STEVESW.. 15835 ALTCN PARRWAY, SUITE 358 IRON E CALIFORNIA M18 FHONa (,D4)3.5 STIEVESCIMMRT 9 EMCORRCE&I a 3350 GATEWAY STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 LAND USE CASE #811-23-600071-TYP2 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SITE MAP SCALE: NTS ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SURVEY VOREMALCIXAB OJWL TERRACCN CONSUE ANTS SAF LAND SERVICES ATM: N]NY RIVERA ATM: MI' RE TOWLE PE ATM: RRISFOIRERT.HLCCR,PE ATM: ORIS 9IERBY, FES 3H511SHAVENEMID5 7.SVV..lNGT.AVESVITE750 MONESMAVE Q \ BELLEVVE VA .4 PORTVN D, OREGON WX5 PORRAND,0REGOII07213 FORT IAND, OREGENGT325 RCNE14 EASS517 pINN1E. 187112..5 F10NC5.)] IDl RCNE(.a)30.SNM NRNEMOVOREMALCCM RCEN MOWlE®D]WL COM RRETORIERHA.0 TERRACCN. JEREDMEORAS SFUWDSLGA C8.1 SITEDETAILSI NEI RTEDEAILS3 4}Lf STOW DETAILS 1 F STORM DETA Ls2 NOF STORM B SAN TARY DETAILS CB STORMB SANITARY DETAILS 2 L10 LAN DVEAPE PLAN L11 STORMNATER LEARNS NOTES B DETAILS Lib FIAMIN3 DETA L88NJTE5 L18 TREE B RMIT FROTECTINI SFECIFICATNNAS L17 RAMNG.IL SFECIFCATNNAS LIA NRFBGRASSESSFECIFCATNNAS LiB FIAMNGSPECIFCATNNAS 11.0 IKKARRI NIRAN 11.6 IRROATNNIDETMLSBNETEB CIE IRROATIN1 DETAILS 11.7 IRRgOTI NI SPECIFCATCMS <r .: 7f yf �y �.............. B y � o i a I I I SITE MAP SCALE: NTS ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SURVEY VOREMALCIXAB OJWL TERRACCN CONSUE ANTS SAF LAND SERVICES ATM: N]NY RIVERA ATM: MI' RE TOWLE PE ATM: RRISFOIRERT.HLCCR,PE ATM: ORIS 9IERBY, FES 3H511SHAVENEMID5 7.SVV..lNGT.AVESVITE750 MONESMAVE IBY SVVSWOLLS FERRY RD, STE'%' BELLEVVE VA .4 PORTVN D, OREGON WX5 PORRAND,0REGOII07213 FORT IAND, OREGENGT325 RCNE14 EASS517 pINN1E. 187112..5 F10NC5.)] IDl RCNE(.a)30.SNM NRNEMOVOREMALCCM RCEN MOWlE®D]WL COM RRETORIERHA.0 TERRACCN. JEREDMEORAS SFUWDSLGA MET AND,OREGON MD' .1-SE.4I D i MAE e _ Yr1 W a a L Q Z z Yow aW UJ WLL = Hu R a� U all w FSR# 04987 RIVINONWHERILE SHEET LIST TABLE SHEETNUMBER SHEET TITLE CO COVERSNEEF CU.1 G N ERALNETES CID ER CEND BESCF C2 SITE FUN C1.1 DN4ISINI FUN C21 DRNE-TIRU FLAN .D GRADNGRAN C.1 GMDINGDEFA88 Ga STORM FUN Cha MRT'RMI C6.1 FIRE SAFETY PIAN NOD SITEDEAILSI C8.1 SITEDETAILSI NEI RTEDEAILS3 NO STOW DETAILS 1 C4 STORM DETA Ls2 NOF STORM B SAN TARY DETAILS CB STORMB SANITARY DETAILS 2 L10 LAN DVEAPE PLAN L11 STORMNATER LEARNS NOTES B DETAILS Lib FIAMIN3 DETA L88NJTE5 L18 TREE B RMIT FROTECTINI SFECIFICATNNAS L17 RAMNG.IL SFECIFCATNNAS LIA NRFBGRASSESSFECIFCATNNAS LiB FIAMNGSPECIFCATNNAS 11.0 IKKARRI NIRAN 11.6 IRROATNNIDETMLSBNETEB CIE IRROATIN1 DETAILS 11.7 IRRgOTI NI SPECIFCATCMS MET AND,OREGON MD' .1-SE.4I D i MAE e _ Yr1 W a a L Q Z z Yow aW UJ WLL = Hu R a� U all w FSR# 04987 RIVINONWHERILE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER // 1- RM2-23N u v\ d BEFORE 1� MET AND,OREGON MD' .1-SE.4I D i MAE e _ Yr1 W a a L Q Z z Yow aW UJ WLL = Hu R a� U all w FSR# 04987 RIVINONWHERILE a 9 2 MORS TEA FLAN C4.0 LEGEND GENERALNOTES: NOTIFICATION CENTER // 1 -80d332 -23N o (C BEFORE y�0 ALLOSOURN ORE LORREOUIRE— U3 FUJUESANOPTED BY ALONMASTORMLNE NOPAR ASEMENT FORTHEORE mxUTiunxmiESANONNTER is LEmLaal®!I xasE iry FEEL QQ STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 APPLITYPEROWOFSPRINGRELDREQUI SUORNICAPNIESSIN ENUS GROG°SEDTSTORMVTEREM.— a N:TAr L I AEW DDE OURS OUT TALL IF MONLE — STOW BUR ROOF DRAINROM BUILDING xv� wRewwvun ° xoERO xAo %°�,N.� LINE nE N xsTA L . UP IN RNMENNERFACILNY IS NSTALL I— SMONSTORRIA LINE 12 NOTAL OVERFLUMURNO BEEPRIVE GRATE SEE DENAL CLEANWT DATA CUSNI DATA RIM AN 04 SIR ARE AS EV0143— ELIF—as UN AS IFUS �., :=43 �- �� iIiim--M M a;.m EH„_AIANx MANHOLE DATA MANHOLE DATA US �aaes=a— E e:n_mEE EauT@INN 43280 RONw, .S. �NU a P a EINNN-, a T °UTAI a„E MORS TEA FLAN C4.0 OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER // 1 -80d332 -23N o (C BEFORE y�0 ALLOSOURN ORE LORREOUIRE— U3 FUJUESANOPTED BY NOPAR pMa®mYOO` OUNAN E.REn FORTHEORE mxUTiunxmiESANONNTER is LEmLaal®!I xasE iry FEEL MORS TEA FLAN C4.0 APPENDIX E: CONVEYANCE CALCULATIONS Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Sizing Subject: CFA Gateway Project No. 14841-01 By ABP Date 7/192023 Designer Notes: Values have been consolidated and formatted from conveyance model outputs. The model was generated in Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2022. The conveyance calculations were performed using a 25 -yr, 24 -hr runoff event. Element ID From (Inlet) Node To (Outlet) Node Length (ft) Inlet Invert Elevation (ft) Outlet Invert Elevation (ft) Average Slope (%) Pipe Diameter (in) Manning's Roughness Entrance Losses Exit/Bend Losses Peak Flow (cfs) Max Flow Velocity (fps) Travel Time (min) Design Flow Capacity (cfs) Max Flow / Design Flow Ratio Max Flow Depth /Total Depth Ratio Total Time Surcharged (min) Max Flow Depth (ft) Pipe -1 SDRD-02 Structure -(21) 43.10 435.00 432.80 5.10 6 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.14 1.40 0.51 1.27 0.11 0.59 0.00 0.30 Pipe -10 Structure -(40) Structure -(41) 108.80 432.41 431.86 0.51 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.59 1.56 1.30 1.56 0.38 0.66 0.00 0.55 Pipe -11 Structure -(41) Structure -(12) 1.67 431.86 431.85 0.60 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.59 1.16 0.03 1.70 0.35 0.88 0.00 0.74 Pipe -12 Structure -(12) Structure -(11) 16.40 431.85 431.76 0.55 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 1.89 3.32 0.08 2.64 0.72 0.68 0.00 0.68 Pipe -2 Structure -(21) Structure -(15) 7.58 432.80 432.76 0.53 10 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.76 2.57 0.05 1.59 0.48 0.54 0.00 0.45 Pipe -3 Structure -(15) Structure -(14) 116.01 432.76 432.18 0.50 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.76 2.48 0.78 1.55 0.49 0.56 0.00 0.47 Pipe -4 Structure -(14) Structure -(13) 39.83 432.18 431.98 0.50 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.76 1.94 0.36 1.55 0.49 0.71 0.00 0.59 Pipe -5 Structure -(13) Structure -(12) 26.90 431.98 431.85 0.48 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.76 1.58 0.33 1.52 0.50 0.83 0.00 0.69 Pipe -6 Structure -(30) Structure -(37) 64.33 433.58 433.26 0.50 10 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.20 1.94 0.56 0.85 0.23 0.33 0.00 0.22 Pipe -7 Structure -(37) Structure -(39) 122.02 433.26 432.65 0.50 10 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.19 1.28 1.75 0.85 0.23 0.45 0.00 0.30 Pipe -8 Structure -(29) Structure -(39) 23.24 432.77 432.65 0.52 12 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.40 1.98 0.23 0.87 0.46 0.56 0.00 0.37 Pipe -9 Structure -(39) Structure -(40) 48.43 432.65 432.41 0.50 10 0.013 0.2 0.4 0.59 2.53 0.30 1.54 0.38 0.44 0.00 0.37 I of Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Model Schematic 1 Of 1 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - version 13.9.133 (Build 0) xxx ......xxxxx -- Project Description xxx»»»»x»xxxxx File Name ................. 19891-COnveyance.SPF .xxxxx-xxx-xxxxx-xx Element Type Analysis Options »»xxxxx»»x» Maximum Elev. it Forded Area Flow Units ................ cfs Peak Rate Subbasin Hydrograph Method. SCS TR -55 Fact Or Time of Concentration...... SCS 1R-55 Structure Link Routing Method ....... Hydrodynamic 989.00 Storage Node Ex£iltration.. Constant rate, projected area Starting Date ............. AUG -12-2022 00:00:00 989.00 Ending Date ............... AUG -13-2022 00:00:00 989.00 Report Time Step .......... 00:05:00 989.00 Element a Count Numberoferain gages ..... 0 Number of subbasins ....... 5 Number of nodes ........... 13 Number of links ........... 12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Element Type Subbasin Summary Maximum Elev. it Forded Area Subbasin Total Peak Rate 935.00 Area Fact Or ID acres Structure Basin -1 0.61 989.00 Basin -2 0.19 989.00 Basin -3 0.37 989.00 Basin -9 0.55 989.00 Basin -5 0.12 989.00 Node eSummary Node ID Element Type Invert Elevation it Maximum Elev. it Forded Area SDM-02 JUNCTION 935.00 937.50 0.00 Structure - (12) JUNCTION 931.85 939.22 0.00 Struct ore - (13) JUNCTION 931.98 939.90 0.00 Structure - (19) JUNCTION 932.18 936.55 0.00 Structure - (15) JUNCTION 932.76 936.29 0.00 Structure - (21) JUNCTION 932.80 939.99 0.00 Structure - (29) JUNCTION 932.77 936.37 0.00 Structure - (30) JUNCTION 933.58 936.50 0.00 Structure - (37) JUNCTION 933.26 937.13 0.00 Structure - (39) JUNCTION 932.65 935.61 0.00 Structure - (90) JUNCTION 932.91 933.90 0.00 Structure - (91) JUNCTION 931.86 933.90 0.00 Structure - (11) OUTFALL 931.76 932.76 0.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis External Inflow 1 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr Link Summary LinkYYYYYYYY IO From Node To Node Element Type Length it Slope % Marring's Roughness Pipe -1 SDM-02 Structure - (21)CONDUIT 93.1 5.1099 0.0130 Pipe -10 Structure - (90)Structure - (91)CONDUIT 108.8 0.5055 0.0130 Pipe -11 Structure - (91)StIDcture - (12)CONDUIT 1.7 0.5988 0.0130 Pipe -12 Structure - (12)Structure - (11)CONDUIT 16.9 0.5988 0.0130 Pipe -2 Structure - (21)Structure - (15)CONDUIT 7.6 0.5277 0.0130 Pipe -3 Structure - (15)Structure - (19)CONDUIT 116.0 0.5000 0.0130 Pipe -9 Structure - (19)Structure - (13)CONDUIT 39.8 0.5021 0.0130 Pipe -5 Structure - (13)Structure - (12)CONDUIT 26.9 0.9833 0.0130 Pipe -6 Structure - (30)Structure - (37)CONDUIT 69.3 0.9979 0.0130 Pipe -7 Structure - (37)Structure - (39)CONDUIT 122.0 0.9999 0.0130 Pipe -8 Structure - (29)Structure - (39)CONDUIT 23.2 0.5169 0.0130 Pipe -9 Structure - (39)Structure - (90)CONDUIT 98.9 0.9956 0.0130 Cross Section Summary Link Shape Depth/ Width No. of Cross Full Flow Design ID Diameter Barrels Sectional Hydraulic Flow Area Radius Capacity ft ft ft' it cfs Pipe -1 CIRCULAR 0.50 0.50 1 0.20 0.13 1.27 Pipe -10 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.56 Pipe -11 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.70 Pipe -12 CIRCULAR 1.00 1.00 1 0.79 0.25 2.69 Pipe -2 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.59 Pipe -3 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.55 Pipe -9 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.55 Pipe -5 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.52 Pipe -6 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.85 Pipe -7 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.85 Pipe -8 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.87 Pipe -9 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.59 ..... Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre -£t inches Total Precipitation 0.730 ------- 9.782 Surface Runoff ........... 0.002 0.013 Continuity Error (a) ..... -0.001 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 2 ot7 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr .-..... volume volume Flow Routing COntinnity ..... acre -£t Mgallons External* Inflow*..... 0.000 0.000 External outflow ......... 0.602 0.196 Initial stored volume .... 0.000 0.000 Final Stored volume .... 0.001 0.000 Continuity Error (8) ..... 0.001 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx«»»»»»»».....— Composite Curve Number Computations Report xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr»»»»»xx»» Subbasin Basin -1 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.61 - 92.38 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.61 92.38 Subbasin Basin -2 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.19 - 93.25 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.19 93.25 Subbasin Basin -3 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.37 - 99.89 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.37 99.89 Subbasin Basin -9 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.55 - 90.50 Composite Area 5 Weighted CN 0.55 90.50 Subbasin Basin -5 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.12 - 98.00 Composite Area S Weighted ON 0.12 98.00 SCS TR -55 Time of Concentration Computations Report x x xxxxxxr a»»»»»axxxxr uuuu— uuuuxxxx Sheet Flow Equation Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 3 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr TO = (0.007 * ((n * Lf) -0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf'0. 4)) Where: TO = Time Of Concentration (hrs) Marning's Roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf-0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf-0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare s untitled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (SP0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) TO = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where TO = Time of Concentration (hrs) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf-0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp TO = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where TO = Time Of Concentration (hrs) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft°) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V - Velocity (ft/seC) Sf - Slope (ft/ft) n = Mannings Roughness SUDDdsrn basrn-1 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Subbasin Basin -2 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Subbasin Basin -3 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 4 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr Subbasin Basin -9 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Time of IO Subbasin Basin -5 Precip User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Subbasin Runoff Summary Subbasin Total Total Peak Weighted Time of IO Precip Runoff Runoff Curve Concentration in r P cfs Number mm days hh::ss Basin -1 9.80 3.99 0.63 92.380 0 00:05:00 Basin -2 9.80 9.03 0.20 93.250 0 00:05:00 Basin -3 9.80 9.21 0.90 99.890 0 00:05:00 Basin -9 9.80 3.79 0.53 90.500 0 00:05:00 Basin -5 9.80 9.56 0.19 98.000 0 00:05:00 .................. Node Depth Summary Node Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Total Total Retention ID Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Flooded Time Time Attained Attained Attained Volume Flooded If If If days hh:mm acre -in minutes hh:mmas SDM-02 0.05 0.11 935.11 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (12) 0.26 0.73 932.58 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (13) 0.18 0.65 932.63 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (19) 0.17 0.53 932.71 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (15) 0.16 0.91 933.17 0 07:56 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (21) 0.18 0.98 933.28 0 07:56 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (29) 0.13 0.36 933.13 0 07:56 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (30) 0.09 0.22 933.80 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (37) 0.09 0.22 933.98 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (39) 0.15 0.38 933.03 0 07:57 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (90) 0.19 0.36 932.77 0 07:57 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (91) 0.25 0.79 932.60 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (11) 0.23 0.63 932.39 0 08:00 0 0 0:00:00 Node Flow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Node Element Maximum Peak Time of Maximum Time of Peak ID Type Lateral Inflow Peak Inflow Flooding Flooding Inflow Occurrence Overflow Occurrence cfs cfs days hh:mm cfs days hh:mm SDM-02 JUNCTION 0.19 0.19 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (12) JUNCTION 0.53 1.89 0 08:00 0.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 5 ot7 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr Structure - (13) JUNCTION 0.00 0.76 0 07:59 0.00 Structure - (19) JUNCTION 0.00 0.76 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (15) JUNCTION 0.00 0.76 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (21) JUNCTION 0.63 0.76 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (29) JUNCTION 0.90 0.90 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (30) JUNCTION 0.20 0.20 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (37) JUNCTION 0.00 0.20 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (39) JUNCTION 0.00 0.59 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (90) JUNCTION 0.00 0.59 0 07:57 0.00 Structure - (91) JUNCTION 0.00 0.59 0 07:57 0.00 Structure - (11) OUTFALL 0.00 1.89 0 08:00 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Outfall Loading Summary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Outfall Node IO Flow Average Peak Frequency Flow Inflow (8) cfs cfs Structure - (11) 96.98 0.37 1.89 System 96.98 0.37 1.89 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Link Flow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Link IO Element Time of Maximum Length Peak Flow Oeaign Ratio of Ratio of Total Reported Type Peak Flow Velocity Factor during Flow Maximum Maximum Time Condition Occurrence Attained Analyaia Capacity /Oeaign Flow surcharged days hh:mm £t/aeC C£a C£a Flow Depth minutes Pipe -1 CONDUIT 0 07:55 1.90 1.00 0.19 1.27 0.11 0.59 0 Calculated Pipe -10 CONDUIT 0 07:57 1.56 1.00 0.59 1.56 0.38 0.66 0 Calculated Pipe -11 CONDUIT 0 08:00 1.16 1.00 0.59 1.70 0.35 0.88 0 Calculated Pipe -12 CONDUIT 0 08:00 3.32 1.00 1.89 2.69 0.72 0.68 0 Calculated Pipe -2 CONDUIT 0 07:55 2.57 1.00 0.76 1.59 0.98 0.59 0 Calculated Pipe -3 CONDUIT 0 07:56 2.98 1.00 0.76 1.55 0.99 0.56 0 Calculated Pipe -9 CONDUIT 0 07:59 1.99 1.00 0.76 1.55 0.99 0.71 0 Calculated Pipe -5 CONDUIT 0 08:00 1.58 1.00 0.76 1.52 0.50 0.83 0 Calculated Pipe -6 CONDUIT 0 07:56 1.99 1.00 0.20 0.85 0.23 0.33 0 Calculated Pipe -7 CONDUIT 0 08:00 1.28 1.00 0.19 0.85 0.23 0.95 0 Calculated Pipe -8 CONDUIT 0 07:55 1.98 1.00 0.90 0.87 0.96 0.56 0 Calculated Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 6 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 2 yr, 2Fhr Pipe -9 CONDUIT 0 07:57 2.53 1.00 0.59 1.59 0.38 0.99 0 Calculated «««««««««««««««« Highest Flow Instability Indexes »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» All links are stable. Analysis began on: Wed Jul 19 11:13:32 2023 Analysis ended on: Wed Jul 19 11:13:35 2023 Total elapsed time: 00:00:03 Autodesk Storm and Sanftary Anatysis 7 of Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - version 13.9.133 (Build 0) xxx ......xxxxx -- Project Description xxx»»»»x»xxxxx File Name ................. 19891-COnveyance.SPF .xxxxx-xxx-xxxxx-xx Element Type Analysis Options »»xxxxx»»x» Maximum Elev. it Forded Area Flow Units ................ cfs Peak Rate Subbasin Hydrograph Method. SCS TR -55 Fact Or Time of Concentration...... SCS 1R-55 Structure Link Routing Method ....... Hydrodynamic 989.00 Storage Node Ex£iltration.. Constant rate, projected area Starting Date ............. AUG -12-2022 00:00:00 989.00 Ending Date ............... AUG -13-2022 00:00:00 989.00 Report Time Step .......... 00:05:00 989.00 Element a Count Numberoferain gages ..... 0 Number of subbasins ....... 5 Number of nodes ........... 13 Number of links ........... 12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Element Type Subbasin Summary Maximum Elev. it Forded Area Subbasin Total Peak Rate 935.00 Area Fact Or ID acres Structure Basin -1 0.61 989.00 Basin -2 0.19 989.00 Basin -3 0.37 989.00 Basin -9 0.55 989.00 Basin -5 0.12 989.00 Node eSummary Node ID Element Type Invert Elevation it Maximum Elev. it Forded Area SDM-02 JUNCTION 935.00 937.50 0.00 Structure - (12) JUNCTION 931.85 939.22 0.00 Struct ore - (13) JUNCTION 931.98 939.90 0.00 Structure - (19) JUNCTION 932.18 936.55 0.00 Structure - (15) JUNCTION 932.76 936.29 0.00 Structure - (21) JUNCTION 932.80 939.99 0.00 Structure - (29) JUNCTION 932.77 936.37 0.00 Structure - (30) JUNCTION 933.58 936.50 0.00 Structure - (37) JUNCTION 933.26 937.13 0.00 Structure - (39) JUNCTION 932.65 935.61 0.00 Structure - (90) JUNCTION 932.91 933.90 0.00 Structure - (91) JUNCTION 931.86 933.90 0.00 Structure - (11) OUTFALL 931.76 932.76 0.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis External Inflow 1 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr Link Summary LinkYYYYYYYY IO From Node IO Node Element Type Length it Slope % Marring's Roughness Pipe -1 SDM-02 Structure - (21)CONDUIT 93.1 5.1099 0.0130 Pipe -10 Structure - (90)Structure - (91)CONDUIT 108.8 0.5055 0.0130 Pipe -11 Structure - (91)StIDcture - (12)CONDUIT 1.7 0.5988 0.0130 Pipe -12 Structure - (12)Structure - (11)CONDUIT 16.9 0.5988 0.0130 Pipe -2 Structure - (21)Structure - (15)CONDUIT 7.6 0.5277 0.0130 Pipe -3 Structure - (15)Structure - (19)CONDUIT 116.0 0.5000 0.0130 Pipe -9 Structure - (19)Structure - (13)CONDUIT 39.8 0.5021 0.0130 Pipe -5 Structure - (13)Structure - (12)CONDUIT 26.9 0.9833 0.0130 Pipe -6 Structure - (30)Structure - (37)CONDUIT 69.3 0.9979 0.0130 Pipe -7 Structure - (37)Structure - (39)CONDUIT 122.0 0.9999 0.0130 Pipe -8 Structure - (29)Structure - (39)CONDUIT 23.2 0.5169 0.0130 Pipe -9 Structure - (39)Structure - (90)CONDUIT 98.9 0.9956 0.0130 Cross Section Summary Link Shape Depth/ Width No. of Cross Full Flow Design ID Diameter Barrels Sectional Hydraulic Flow Area Radius Capacity ft ft ft' it cfs Pipe -1 CIRCULAR 0.50 0.50 1 0.20 0.13 1.27 Pipe -10 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.56 Pipe -11 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.70 Pipe -12 CIRCULAR 1.00 1.00 1 0.79 0.25 2.69 Pipe -2 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.59 Pipe -3 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.55 Pipe -9 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.55 Pipe -5 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.52 Pipe -6 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.85 Pipe -7 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.85 Pipe -8 CIRCULAR 0.67 0.67 1 0.35 0.17 0.87 Pipe -9 CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 1.59 ..... Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre -£t inches Total Precipitation 0.791 ------- 5.180 Surface Runoff ........... 0.002 0.019 Continuity Error (a) ..... -0.001 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 2 ot7 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr .-..... volume volume Flow Routing COntinnity ..... acre -£t Mgallons External* Inflow*..... 0.000 0.000 External outflow ......... 0.662 0.216 Initial stored volume .... 0.000 0.000 Final Stored volume .... 0.001 0.000 Continuity Error (8) ..... 0.000 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx«»»»»»»»» -- Composite Curve Number Computations Report xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr»»»»»xx xxxx Subbasin Basin -1 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.61 - 92.38 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.61 92.38 Subbasin Basin -2 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.19 - 93.25 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.19 93.25 Subbasin Basin -3 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.37 - 99.89 Composite Area 6 Weighted CN 0.37 99.89 Subbasin Basin -9 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.55 - 90.50 Composite Area 5 Weighted CN 0.55 90.50 Subbasin Basin -5 Area Soil Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group CN - 0.12 - 98.00 Composite Area S Weighted ON 0.12 98.00 SCS TR -55 Time of Concentration Computations Report x x xxxxxxr a»»»»»axxxxr uuuu— uuuuxxxx Sheet Flow Equation Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 3 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr TO = (0.007 * ((n * Lf) -0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf'0. 4)) Where: TO = Time Of Concentration (hrs) Marning's Roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf-0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf-0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare s untitled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (SP0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) TO = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where TO = Time of Concentration (hrs) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf-0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp TO = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where TO = Time Of Concentration (hrs) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft°) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V - Velocity (ft/seC) Sf - Slope (ft/ft) n = Mannings Roughness SUDDdsrn basrn-1 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Subbasin Basin -2 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Subbasin Basin -3 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 4 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr Subbasin Basin -9 User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Time of IO Subbasin Basin -5 Precip User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 xxxx.x. xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Subbasin Runoff Summary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Subbasin Total Total Peak Weighted Time of IO Precip Runoff Runoff Curve Concentration in r P cfs Number mm days hh::ss Basin -1 5.20 9.33 0.69 92.380 0 00:05:00 Basin -2 5.20 9.92 0.21 93.250 0 00:05:00 Basin -3 5.20 9.61 0.93 99.890 0 00:05:00 Basin -9 5.20 9.12 0.59 90.500 0 00:05:00 Basin -5 5.20 9.96 0.15 98.000 0 00:05:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Node Depth Summary Node Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Total Total Retention ID Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Flooded Time Time Attained Attained Attained Volume Flooded If If If days hh:mm acre -in minutes hh:mmas SDM-02 0.05 0.12 935.12 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (12) 0.27 0.79 932.69 0 07:59 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (13) 0.19 0.71 932.69 0 07:59 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (19) 0.18 0.59 932.77 0 07:58 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (15) 0.17 0.99 933.20 0 07:56 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (21) 0.19 0.51 933.31 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (29) 0.13 0.39 933.16 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (30) 0.09 0.29 933.82 0 07:55 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (37) 0.09 0.23 933.99 0 07:57 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (39) 0.15 0.90 933.05 0 07:56 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (90) 0.15 0.37 932.78 0 07:57 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (91) 0.26 0.79 932.65 0 07:59 0 0 0:00:00 Structure - (11) 0.29 0.67 932.93 0 07:59 0 0 0:00:00 ....xxxxxxxxxxxxx Node Flow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Node Element Maximum Peak Time of Maximum Time of Peak ID Type Lateral Inflow Peak Inflow Flooding Flooding Inflow Occurrence Overflow Occurrence cfs cfs days hh:mm cfs days hh:mm SDM-02 JUNCTION 0.15 0.15 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (12) JUNCTION 0.59 2.07 0 07:58 0.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Anatysis 5 ot7 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr Structure - (13) JUNCTION 0.00 0.89 0 07:58 0.00 Structure - (19) JUNCTION 0.00 0.89 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (15) JUNCTION 0.00 0.89 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (21) JUNCTION 0.69 0.89 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (29) JUNCTION 0.93 0.93 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (30) JUNCTION 0.21 0.21 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (37) JUNCTION 0.00 0.21 0 07:55 0.00 Structure - (39) JUNCTION 0.00 0.65 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (90) JUNCTION 0.00 0.65 0 07:56 0.00 Structure - (91) JUNCTION 0.00 0.65 0 07:57 0.00 Structure - (11) OUTFALL 0.00 2.07 0 07:59 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Outfall Loading Summary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Outfall Node IO Flow Average Peak Frequency Flow Inflow (8) cfs cfs Structure - (11) 97.30 0.90 2.07 System 97.30 0.90 2.07 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Link Flow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Link IO Element Time of Maximum Length Peak Flow Oeaign Ratio of Ratio of Total Reported Type Peak Flow Velocity Factor during Flow Maximum Maximum Time Condition Occurrence Attained Analyaia Capacity /Oeaign Flow surcharged days hh:mm £t/aeC C£a C£a Flow Depth minutes Pipe -1 CONDUIT 0 07:55 1.92 1.00 0.15 1.27 0.12 0.62 0 Calculated Pipe -10 CONDUIT 0 07:57 1.59 1.00 0.65 1.56 0.92 0.70 0 Calculated Pipe -11 CONDUIT 0 07:58 1.21 1.00 0.65 1.70 0.38 0.95 0 Calculated Pipe -12 CONDUIT 0 07:59 3.39 1.00 2.07 2.69 0.78 0.73 0 Calculated Pipe -2 CONDUIT 0 07:55 2.63 1.00 0.89 1.59 0.53 0.57 0 Calculated Pipe -3 CONDUIT 0 07:56 2.51 1.00 0.89 1.55 0.59 0.61 0 Calculated Pipe -9 CONDUIT 0 07:58 1.95 1.00 0.89 1.55 0.59 0.78 0 Calculated Pipe -5 CONDUIT 0 08:00 1.62 1.00 0.89 1.52 0.55 0.90 0 Calculated Pipe -6 CONDUIT 0 07:55 1.99 1.00 0.21 0.85 0.25 0.35 0 Calculated Pipe -7 CONDUIT 0 07:57 1.31 1.00 0.21 0.85 0.25 0.97 0 Calculated Pipe -8 CONDUIT 0 07:55 2.02 1.00 0.93 0.87 0.50 0.59 0 Calculated Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 6 of] Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Conveyance Model 100 -yr, 2Fhr Pipe -9 CONDUIT 0 07:56 2.59 1.00 0.65 1.59 0.92 0.97 0 Calculated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx«xxx -- Highest Fl.x Instability Indexes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All links are stable. Analysis began on: Wed Jul 19 11:18:39 2023 Analysis ended on: Wed Jul 19 11:18:92 2023 Total elapsed time: 00:00:03 Autodesk Storm and Sanftary Anatysis 7 of APPENDIX F: EXCERPTS FROM GEOTECHNICAL REPORT August 5, 2022 Chick-fil-A, Inc. 3350 Gateway Street Atlanta, Georgia 30349 Attn: Ms. Beth 1Mtt P:(404)765-7822 E: beth.witt@cfacorp.com 1 rerracon Re: Infiltration Testing Results Report Chick at Restaurant #04987 G 3350 Gateway Street Springfield, Lane County, Oregon or Terracon Project No. 82225063 Dear Ms. 1Mtt:III/ This letter presents the results of our additional subsurface expIDPEl1En and infiltration testing for the proposed Chick-fil-A Restaurant #04987 restaurant to be located at 3350 Gateway Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Our services were performed in accordance with Change Request #4 dated July 1, 2022, to our Master Services Agreement dated March 31, 2005. Terracon previously performed a geotechnical investigation at the siA, the results of which were presented in ourreport entitled "Geotechnical Engineering Report, Chick-fil-A Restaurant #04987, 3350 Gateway Street, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon," Terracon Project No. 82225063, dated June 16, 2022. INTRODUCTION r The design team requested we performesting at four locations at the project site and provided a marked up Conceptual Site Plan, prepared by Ware Malcomb, dated June 16, 2022, showing the proposed locati ns. Email communications indicated that the tests should be performed at 5 feet below nd surface (bgs). This addendum describes the additional subsurface explorations and p IVs results of our infiltration testing. SITE CONDITIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION Site conditions at the time of our infiltration testing appeared unchanged from those described in the referenced Geotechnical Engineering Report. As part of our supplemental infiltration testing scope of services for the proposed development, we advanceerfve additional drilled borings (IT -1, IT -2, IT -3, IT -3a, and IT -4) to depths ranging from approximately 3.7 to 10 feet bgs. Soils encountered during the exploration generally Terracon Consultants, Inc. 766 NE 55TH Avenue Portland, Oregon 97213 P 156316593281 F [5031659 1287 terracmwnn Infiltration Testing Results 1 �err�con Chick -fl -A, Inc. a Springfield, Lane County, Oregon August 5, 2022 a Terracon Project No. 82225063 consisted of up to %-foot of asphalt over %-foot of base rock. The base rock was underlain by native lean clay with sand (CL). These materials are consistent with GeoModel Layers 1 and 2, respectively, as described in the Geotechnical Characterization section of t eferenced geotechnical report. Boring logs showing the soils encountered are presented in achments sh at the end of this report. A map showing the site and boring locations are the attached Exploration Plan. Groundwater Conditions We observed our explorations while drilling and after comple the presence I of groundwater during the current and previous site investigatio oundwater was encoun din B-1 during our previous 2022 investigation and in IT -3a during the infiltration testing, as shown on the boring logs at the end of this report. Groundwater levels previously observed in on-site explorations during our eadier investigation are provided on the boring logs in Exploration Results section of the referenced geotechnical report and are summarized in the following table: Approximate Depth to pproximate Depth to Groundwater while Drilling Groundwater after Drilling (feet) (feet) B-1 7 9 IT -3a 5% 5h 1. Below ground surface(bgs) 2. To prevent heating sands below the groundwater table, waterwas injected into the advancing augers within explorations B-3, 3-4, P-1 and P-2. Therefore, groundwater levelswere not recorded in these explorations. Groundwater Iuctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on lKoring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. STORMWATER INFILTRATION Infiltration tests were performed in general accordance with the Encased Falling Head Test method as described in Appendix G of the 2014 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. The borings were advanced using a trailer -mounted solid -stem auger drill rig operated by our drilling subcontractor, Dan Fischer Excavating. Upon reaching the target infiltration depth, the auger was removed and a 6 -inch inner diameter PVC pipe was advanced approximately 2 to 3 inches into the soils at the infiltration test depth to create a seal with the surrounding soils. Then Responsive a Resourceful a Reliable Page 2 Infiltration Testing Results Chick -fl -A, Inc. a Springfield, Lane County, Oregon August 5, 2022 a Terracon Project No. 82225063 lrerracon a thin layer of open -graded gravel was placed in the bottom of the pipe to prevent scouring during placement of water for the testing. The test pipes were filled with 12 inches of water, and the soils were allowed to s r 2 hours. The water level was topped off as needed during the soaking period to maim water level. After the soaking period, we refilled the water level to 12 inches, and the drop in water level was recorded at 30 -minute intervals. Water levels were adjusted to provide a 12-incad following each reading. Measurements were taken with a tape measure and recorded to rest one- eighth of an inch for 90 minutes. Test results are presented at the end of this report, and are summarized in the following tW Infiltration Test Location Raw filtration Rate fo esign (does not inc ude safety or correction factors) 2 inches per hour IT -1 IT -2 2 inches per hour IT -3 0 inches paliakir IT -4 hes per GENERAL COMMENTS Our analysis and opinions are based upon our understanding of the project, the geotechnical conditions in the area, and the data obtained from our site exploration. Natural variationswill occur between exploration point locations or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. Terracon should be retained as the Geotechnical Engineer, where noted in this letter, to provide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. If variations appear, we can provide further evaluation and supplemental recommendations. If variations are noted in the absence of our observation a d testing services on-site, we should be immediately notified so that we can provide evaluatioi pplemental recommendations. SI,ance upon the services and ny work product is limited to our client, and is not intended for partiesAnyuse orreliance of the provided information bythird partiesisdone solelyattheirrisk.No warrantieseither expressorimpliedare intended ormade. Site safetyand cost'ng includingexcavation supportand dewateringrequirements/design are the onsibility of others. If changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, our conclusions and recommendations shall not be considered valid unless we review the changes and eitherverify or modify our conclusions in writing. Responsive a Resourceful a Reliable Page 3 EXPLORATION PLAN lrerracon Chick -fl -A #04987 • Springfield, OR GeoReport August 4, 2022 • Terracon Project No. 82225063 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY. AND IS AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES BY MIC ROSOFT BING MAPS APPENDIX G: CORRESPONDENCE Arren Padaett From: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-ocgov> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 20224:05 PM To: Arlen Padgett Subject: [EXT] RE: Planter Sizing in City of Springfield SRemal Sender - use ca@ion when clicking links anrt opening attachments Yes that would be correct, as long as the project and area fall within the parameters of that design per the Eugene manual. Almost all projects in the city right now use wither the presumptive or simplified approach and we approve that regularly. From: Arren Padgett <apadgett@dowl.com> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:59 PM To: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov> Subject: Planter Sizing in City of Springfield Good afternoon Clayton, I am trying to get some questions clarified for a project I am working on in City of Springfield. We are planning to design stormwater planters to provide the runoff mitigation for the site, and I am trying to figure out what design methodology I need to follow. I see that in Chapter 3.0 'Stormwater Quality" of the Springfield SWMM it says that the jurisdiction uses portions of Eugene's SWMM for stormwater treatment facilities. I want to know if I need to be following Eugene's Section 2.3.11 to size the facilities, and whether I need to be using their "Presumptive Approach" that utilizes Eugene's design runoff events (see attached). Thank you, Arren Padgett Water Resources Designer DOWL (971)280-8641 1 office (971)280-8652 1 direct dowl.com Arren Padaett From: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-ocgov> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 10:52 AM To: Arlen Padgett Subject: [EXT] RE: Downstream Analysis Clarification SRemal Sender - use ca@ion when clicking links anrt opening attachments Is this for the proposed chick fit a at the corner of gateway and beltline? If so, no downstream analysis is required for that site as the site is already 100% impervious (or so close it doesn't matter) and as long as your impervious area doesn't exceed the existing impervious area there will be no increase in flow and with the requirement to meet current stormwater quality treatment requirements there will, in fact, be a decrease in peak flow due to the nature of how quality control works so those things let me find that no downstream analysis is required. From: Arren Padgett <apadgett@dowl.com> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 9:17 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov> Subject: Downstream Analysis Clarification Good morning Clayton, I first want to say I really appreciate how fast you were with the turn around on my last question, that helped considerably with pushing our design forward. I have another question I would like to get clarified if possible. I am now addressing the Downstream Analysis requirement for our project, and I would like to knowwhat type of delivery the city typically likes to see for this. Theway I sit right now, I have very limited information about the existing stormwater main in Gateway Street and the drainage basin or flow capacity it currently experiences. Does the City typically provide as-builts / drainage studies / etc. for developers? Project information: Chick-Fil-A Gateway 3350 Gateway Street, Springfield, OR 98477 Thank you, Arren Padgett Water Resources Designer Ill (971) 2868641 office (971) 2868652 direct dowl.cc,m Exhibit E Operations & Maintenance Package OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Chick-fil-A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon 2322.14841.01 Prepared for: Chick -fl -A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349 Prepared by: C3WL 309 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 Operations and Main enance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Inspection and maintenance of the Chick -fl -A — Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon stormwater facilties are vital to ensuring that the proposed systems function as designed. Failure to upkeep these facilities can result in undesired, negative impacts to the development and the community. It is important that owners of stormwater facilities have a plan in place to inspect and maintain their systems. The purpose of this Operations and Maintenance Plan is to describe the recommended inspection and maintenance activities, as well as the frequency in which they should occur. This plan has been compiled in accordance with Section 3.03.1 of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Operations and Main enance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon Ir_1-14106700167z111:1z110: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................... 2 APPENDICES................................................................................................................. 2 1.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.............................................................3 1.1 Maintenance Checklists.........................................................................................3 1.2 Filtration Rain Garden and Infiltration Planter.........................................................3 2.0 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY.............................................................3 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Stormwater Plan Appendix 2: Filtration Rain Garden and Infiltration Planter Information & Maintenance Logs Appendix 3: Signed Operations & Maintenance Agreement Appendix 4: Landscape Plans Operations and Main enance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon 1.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE This Maintenance and Repair plan was written in accordance Section 3.03.1 of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual (EDSPM). See Appendix 1: Facility Map for locations of proposed facilities. 1.1 Maintenance Checklists The facilities will require inspection and maintenance to ensure they operate as designed. Maintenance guidelines and checklists have been included for the proposed facilities. This plan outlines the frequency of inspection/maintenance, the different drainage features to be inspected/maintained, the potential problems with the particular drainage features, different conditions to check for, and the actual conditions that should exist for the drainage features. The maintenance guidelines and checklists have been provided in the appendices of this document. The various storm system facilities are described below. 1.2 Filtration Rain Garden and Infiltration Planter Filtration Rain Gardens and Infiltration Planters are landscaped reservoirs used to treat stormwater runoff through vegetation and soil media. Stormwater enters the basin through piping or sheet flow. Water will temporarily pond within the basin prior to infiltrating through the soil media. Water should drain within 24 -hours. See Appendix 2 for additional information and Maintenance logs. 2.0 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY It is the sole responsibility of the property owner to ensure that the health and function of all privately owned stormwater facilities are maintained. Failure to do so may incur liability to the property owner for potential damages to neighboring properties and downstream impacts. It is recommended that owners of stormwater facilities take proactive measures to ensure that their systems function as designed, limiting opportunities for undesired negative impacts to the proposed development and the community. Operations and Maimenance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon APPENDIX 1: FACILITY MAP B, z RANDY PAPE BELTINE LEGEND -- — —R—a_—_—T—v¢---«—w—« GENORG n smORMOUTS Exe. SHOUIREoninwvwMar®neer _ __E °S z sipili dMWidFFWTBan faEEMmEMamM6A EASEMENT ov 8 TOPROSESSRUNNISCIAPPERIANAMARAND— ARAND uvaai. NMUHN wrtaaauiiert E \ p h 0STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 = I FILURAUON APPLITY f I NATALLertcrersewxexeroRANGAREExis •ATORMSEMBOLEANOUT i1 ` 1 l INSTALL BUD OP R IN FI aErtcmUEsartxaFlEro rtEWirtaEExAN FMa un ® ATORMcnim xsx 521p BUMrg[tn ROSS l F �.. u¢iarr OFIPR I ELDrirtano,auwiert x N Aflrfd Gttvgla I - FILTRATION RAIN ° OUT ortoo�E ,i MMxrertEAca 3N.9-MRR m 9' E ®a` GARDEN rtcx,icrtMxxEFcrtrtmF 9,• OPY INSTALLDERNARE Frta �ITE'DATTOPOF PEc�M,ix \ / ,icrtMxi aER FABE OLUPO OAD DABO. SUDEN uxoREDRAN _� I ,MiALL'""�M ,iort LINE�G o W L ft �MATALL .w�4nortMxxE o,ImTALLIMP USPARALLELTOG ERM rm'MxxOURATEDEaimE,oCED MRT,AND,ORERDIRMd s Y n6mN ED .1 D IS INSTALL -VP p�;1��2 �'� - = i • o�`M a .�, -- - o :.I —� LINE 11 EnxxEci cEM�a a,w M.NnrE 12 INSTALL VATO LLE LED ®as:. M INSTALLrF.,��.6EExEia„,Ea,MEim,E nEiaa _ O ,NF­ ew„I AFFE. IEI I %913 exOSAAA WBE/SS 0.n50 ��miYWE 4,187.1 IRREERRI „ CLEMIWT DATA CLFANCUT DATA :ANLu 04 A r I' DPOAD uF sn� EI T4s 4, PREF INIF —A' RAFE RAN SO e'M 07 13 Wf4­ SDR ­ =mu ®oanDPOAM EdSE=AVaEM� 0 ao�xi i E�m,n=aart P2 I INFILTRATION 'fpr �oI I MAN1oLE DATA MANROLE DATA N PLANTER ,4,rF I E aa4 ®MM LL o�ix�-ate �o� E-�E, oiS • E ®usx �• a�: °UTADD F02W RN.F.S. � o • ••!,� • •• a E °°�M`a FILTRATION RAIN LL � w C, FU4312 T F 2a,n ao w� �_ A Eoui°es a�eE p — —. UJ Lu T _SSR = aZO SIDI i 11 FSR# 04987 ,a°h I CM MII I , _RAPPOR PAR. — I IK USE o -o •l ” � i i+aol I OREGON • _ JI I'I -UTILITY 23N /FFORE Y� aa¢4 ATIONCENTEft te mrm 1G32 r _" A •_ AULDENTION ORE LAWNREEDUIRE­ TO IFTED BY DOE ORMM JUL ALL oxaEx E 'p •I I I Fortin EortemxuiiunxmiFcnnoxErt mONESULs�xESEED �ORMNATEA PLANY IOFUIRMLED mo^a UIR E,.Mvamn xm um �I SSAIDD,MFIMrt KALE IN FEEL C4.0 Operations and Maimenance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon APPENDIX 2: FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN AND INFILTRATION PLANTER MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Operations and Maintenance Specifications FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN & INFILTRATION PLANTER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS The above maintenance schedule is a guideline only. Routine maintenance should be scheduled based on the outcome of routine and visual inspections. 1. � 1.1 Routine inspection should be carried out at a min. of 5 times per annum. The purpose of the .owe+..���>:..� ..�.o......o.®�^••"` • �• �^o I/ Maintenance Log. orena.wsr. c $ dPopaiKAYPoYUOElAC The above maintenance schedule is a guideline only. Routine maintenance should be scheduled based on the outcome of routine and visual inspections. 1. Routinelns ection 1.1 Routine inspection should be carried out at a min. of 5 times per annum. The purpose of the inspection is to indicate when mowin /maintenance of the basin is required. 1.2 Inspections should consider items listed on the Vegetated Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Log. 2. Visual Inspection 2.1 The condition of the basin should be closely visually inspected monthly and documented in the Vegetated Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Log. -1- Operations and Maintenance Specifications 3. Routine Maintenance 3.1 Maintenance of the vegetated infiltration system involves routine inspections of the basin Filter media replacement is recommended when erosion is unattractive or it is not draining within 24 hours. profile to identify any areas of obvious increased sediment deposition or scouring. Based on 4.2 inspections there should be actions taken to remove dead or diseased vegetation, any litter 4.3 or foreign objects. Filter Media replacement should occur when necessary and any items from 5.5 the maintenance log that are noted are to be reported to the site manager. 4. Filter Media 5.1 4.1 Filter media replacement is recommended when erosion is unattractive or it is not draining within 24 hours. evident, the system looks 4.2 If erosion/gullies are evident fill, lightly compact and install flow spreader or replant area to disperse flow. 4.3 In the event of batter slippage stabilize slopes with plantings or geo-fabrics. 5.5 4.4 If ponding occurs, rake, till or amend soil to restore infiltration capacity. possible contamination of downstream water bodies may occur. 5. Structural Integrity 5.1 Repair any damage to the structure immediately if observed. 5.2 Repair significant scour or deposition if observed. 5.3 Repair and seal cracks, replace damaged structure section if repair is insufficient. 5.4 If poor drainage is observed then inspect the inlet/outlet pipes for blockage. Remove sediment and debris to maintain 50%conveyance capacity. 5.5 Replace any conveyance pipe if cracks are shown greater than 1 -in. 6. Weed and Vegetation Management 6.1 Ifweeds have been observed during routine inspection, theseweeds should be removed from the basin. Weeding generally involves manual removal of perennial species. 6.2 The aim is to remove the weed including the roots when the weeds are less than 3 months old, otherwise weeds infestation rapidly occurs and is difficult to control. 6.3 Herbicides should only be used as recommended in the Landscape Maintenance Plan as possible contamination of downstream water bodies may occur. 6.4 The weeds should be disposed offsite at appropriate waste management facility. 6.5 Replant appropriate plant species, where necessary, in areas that have been extensively weeded. 6.6 Remove or dispose of any dead or diseased vegetation within system and replant per Landscape Maintenance Plan. 6.7 Cut back tall grass to a minimum of 12 -in 1 to 2 times each year or as recommended in the Landscape Maintenance Plan. Remove cuttings from planter. 7. P 7.1 Spray flow-through planter with mosquito larvicide only when absolutely necessary. 7.2 Rodent holes on a dam or berm can pipewater. Destroy the rodents, preferably by trapping, and repair the dam or berm. If there is a presence of sinkholes consult a licensed professional. Check with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife before removing a game animal or far -bearer. Opendims and Maintenance Specifications B. Litter Management 9.1 Potentially high failure rates due to improper siting or lack of maintenance, which cause overflow into parkin area 8.1 Remove and dispose of litter than may be visible around the planter. 9. Safety 9.1 Potentially high failure rates due to improper siting or lack of maintenance, which cause overflow into parkin area 9.2 Depending on ground conditions a risk of groundwater contamination may exist 9.3 High potential for clogging and overflow due to significant loads of sediment and other pollutants -3- STORMWATER INFILTRATION PLANTER - MAINTENANCE LOG - Date/Time: Personnel: Facility Location & ID: System Type: Swale ❑ Planter ❑ Catch Basin ❑ Manhole ❑ Facility Inlet: Pipe/Inlet Damage: Erosion: Facility Outlet: Pipe/Outlet Damage: Erosion: Facility: Debris/Sedimentation Accumulation: Soil Media Performance/Quality: Vegetation Quality (height, survival rates, invasive species, etc): Side Slope Conditions: Infiltration/Drainage Time: Standing Water Level & Observations (smell, oil sheen, turbidity, etc.): Insects & Rodents Near Facility: Access to Facility: Facility Maintenance (check off if completed): ❑ Landscape Repair: ❑ Minor Facility Repairs: ❑ Trash and Debris Removal: ❑ Onsite Drainage Area Report: Excessive Amounts of Oil: ❑ Yes ❑ No Source: Sediment Accumulation on Pavement :❑Yes ❑No Source: Erosion of Landscaped Areas: ❑ Yes ❑ No Source: Items Needing Further Work: Additional Comments or Concerns: STORMWATER FILTRATION GARDEN - MAINTENANCE LOG - Date/Time: Personnel: Facility Location & ID: System Type: Swale ❑ Planter ❑ Catch Basin ❑ Manhole ❑ Facility Inlet: Pipe/Inlet Damage: Erosion: Facility Outlet: Pipe/Outlet Damage: Erosion: Facility: Debris/Sedimentation Accumulation: Soil Media Performance/Quality: Vegetation Quality (height, survival rates, invasive species, etc): Side Slope Conditions: Infiltration/Drainage Time: Standing Water Level & Observations (smell, oil sheen, turbidity, etc.): Insects & Rodents Near Facility: Access to Facility: Facility Maintenance (check off if completed): ❑ Landscape Repair: ❑ Minor Facility Repairs: ❑ Trash and Debris Removal: ❑ Onsite Drainage Area Report: Excessive Amounts of Oil: ❑ Yes ❑ No Source: Sediment Accumulation on Pavement :❑Yes ❑No Source: Erosion of Landscaped Areas: ❑ Yes ❑ No Source: Items Needing Further Work: Additional Comments or Concerns: i -i oxcivill Field Guide: Maintaining Rain Gardens, Swales and Stormwater Planters (2013) This document is available on the Oregon State University Stormwater Solutions website. hfto://eztension.oreoon state.ed u/stonnwater/sites/defau IUfiles/fieldau ide.odf Working group participants directly involved in creating this document include: Maria Cahill, Green Girl LDS Rob Emanuel, Clean Water Services Tony Gilbertson, Clean Water Services Core Harlan, Metro Dawn Hottenroth, Sherri Peterson, Henry Stevens, Environmental Services, City of Portland Corey Petersen, Pacific Landscape Management Damon Richardson, Pacific Sports Turf Gail Shaloum, Clackamas County Water Environment Services Candace Stoughton, East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Editing by East Multnomah Soil and Water Con servation District. Many thanks to those who reviewed the document and provided valuable feedback: David Alba, Oregon Tilth Benjamin Benninghof, Stephanie Rawson, Oregon Deptartment of Environmental Quality Erik Carr, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District William Fletcher, Oregon Department of Transportation Heather Kent, Metro Jeremy Person, City of Portland Barbara Priest, BPriest + Associates Laura Sloan, City of Portland Jamie Stamberger, City of Gresham TABLE OF CONTENTS Why is stormwater management important? ......................... I Inspections ............................................................................ a Types of Facilities ................................................................... I Maintenance Calendar ........................................................... 9 Trash and Debris .. ................................................................ 12 Erosion................................................................................. 13 Sediment.............................................................................. 14 Vegetation ............................................................................. 17 Before going to the site .......................................................... 3 Safety Equipment ................................................................... 4 Common WeedsArvasive Plants .......................................... 18 Plant ReplacementlMolsture Zones ................................ 21-22 Hazards .................................................................................. 5 Pruning ................................................................................. 23 Trash....................................................................................... 5 Spills....................................................................................... 5 Irrigation Systems ................................................................. 24 Structures............................................................................. 24 Take note! Throughout this document, the following • symbol is used to highlight issues of special concern. Appendix A: Maintenance Checklist .................................... 27 Appendix 13: Sample Maintenance Log ................................ 30 Appendix C: Resources ........................................................ 32 Appendix D: Jurisdiction contacts ....................................... 34 Appendix E 35 Why is Stormwater Management Important? Before our region was developed, forests and open spaces absorbed rainwater. As we built cities and towns and added hard surfaces (impervious surfaces), the amount and rate of rainwater mnalf (also known as stormwater) entering rivers and stormwater pipes increased significantly. That rainwater also picks up pollutants as it flows across impervious areas. If not properly managed, rainwater can carry pollutants to rivers, erode and flood river banks oroverload the stone sewer system. Sustainable stormwater facilities (i.e. Low Impact Development -LID) attempt to mimic the natural water cycle. They function to slow and reduce the amount of stormwater that enters riven: and pipes as well as filter pollutants to protect our infrastructure and watersheds. Many communities require developers to install stormwater facilities, like min gardens, swales and planters. Further, they require property owners to follow an Operations and Maintenance Plan to ensure that stormwater facilities continue to work over time. Types of Stormwater Facilities This field guide focuses on the three most common LID facilities used throughout the Portland metropolitan region. While maintenance guidance may apply to all types stormwater facilities, this manual specifically targets the following: rain gardens, swales, and stormwater planters. Rain Gardens A rain garden is a sunken, generally flat-bottomed garden bed that collects and treats stormwater ranoff from impervious surfaces. Swaim Svales are gently sloping depressions planted with dense vegetation or gross that treat stomrwater runoff from impervious surfaces. As the runoff flows along the length of the swale, the vegetation slows and filters the water and allows it to soak into the soil. In areas where it is not advisable to have stomnwater soak into the ground (poorly draining soils, steep slopes, limited space, contaminated soils, high groundwater levels, etc.) males may include a linarthat prevents water from soaking in. The runoff is then conveyed to a drywall, soakage trench or to the piped stomnwater system. Swales can include check dams to help slow and detain the flow. Stormwater planters Planters are structures or containers that contain a layer of gravel, soil, and vegetation. Stormwater slowly soaks into the soil and then either makes its way into the ground below (infiltration planter) or into an underdroin system (flow through planter) that flows to the local stomsvater pipes. Planters: come in many sizes and shapes, and are made of stone, concrete, brick, plastic lumber, or wood. Careful consideration should be given before using infiltration planters in areas with poorly draining soils or in locations near structures such as buildings or streets. J/ t �'_ •L:<6a��i��s. Before going to the site A little preparation before going to the site will ensure you have the information needed to propedy maintain the facility. Review the operations and maintenance plan, the as-built or design report Qocations of inlets/outlets, plantings, irrigation system, etc.), as well as past inspection and maintenance reports. Knowing what has occurred at the site in the past will help ensure you know what is likely to be needed when visiting the facility. Safety Equipmerrt Always use the appropriate safety equipmentwhen maintaining stormwater facilities. • Boots/Protective footwear • Eye protection • Hearing protection Always wear cut resistant gloves Wear a safety vest when working when working in facilities. near traffic or in parking lots. ,IA. Wear a hard hat when cutting branches overhead. 611101TM A first aid kit should be available to worker: in case they are inured on the fob. Use a mks to gather leaves, trash, etc. from the facility. �! J Use a grabber rather than hands to pick up trash whenever possible. Hazards There are a number of safety hazards that can occur in and around stormwater facilities. Trash Be sure to use gloves and grabbers to remove dangerous trash (needles, animal carcasses, etc.) and dispose of safely. Spills Chemical spills could easily introduce pollutants into facilities and the piped stormwater system. Workers should always have a spill kit on hand in orderto prevent any spills from reaching the facility, local water bodies, or stormwater inlets. Contains: • Kay litter (absorbent material to soak up the spilled substance) • Absorbent pad • Goves • Instructions on how to dean up a spit and contact information for agendes Mot need to be alertetl in the event of a spill Contact the local jurisriction spin control hotline for assistance with spills. • In additlon, contact Me Cregon rarargancy Response System 1-800-0.52-0311 to opal spas. Animals/Wildlife Animals found in stormwater facilities can pose a hazard to maintenance worker:. Use caution when working in and around a facility to reduce the likliehood of surprise encounters. • Do not handle animals orwildlife. • Call an animal control specialist to remove if they are negatively affecting the facility function or pose a hazard to workers. • Do not use poisons or othertoxic baits in a stormwater facility. • Contact Vector Control in your area for assistance on eradicating pests and vectors of disease. • Some wildlife species that may be found in a facility are protected in the state of Oregon. Contact Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to determine what species are protected by law. See Appendix C for a list of resources for managing hazards in stormwater facilities. Needles found in a facility could pose a serious health risk if workers are stabbed by a sharp object. Use grabbers and gloves to remove needles and dispose of them using methods approved for medical waste. Use grabbers, gloves and other protective equipment when removing dead animal carcass. • Double -bag the carcass before disposing it in an appropriate garbage facility. When re -fueling equipment in the field, to protect water quality and ensure worker safety, use the following procedures: Do not fuel the tank while engine is hot or running. • Conduct fueling operations over drip pans or other hard surfaces. • Keep away from stone drain inlets, the stomrwater system, and waterways. • Do not "top off" fuel tanks. • Keep clean absorbent materials on hand for minor spills. • Make sure portable fuel tanks are leak free and are secured during transit. See Appendix C for a list of resources for managing hazards in stonnwater facilities. To avoid injury, use caution when entering facilities with steep slopes. ®Poisonous Plants Danger! Use caution when removing these plants! Always use protective gear(gloves, long sleeves, boots, eye protection, etc.) when removing poisonous plants from a facility to prevent plant material from touching the skin. Contact with poison oak or the oils from the plant can cause a painful rash. • Use gloves and protective clothing when removing plants that can irritate the skin. • All protective clothing should be washed or disposed of after use to prevent exposure to the toxic plant sap at a later time. I� Poison hemlock is toxic and can cause death if eaten! It also has photo toxins that make human skin ultra -sensitive to UV light • If you suspect someone has eaten poison hemlock, have them seek medical treatment immediately. • Use gloves and protective clothing when removing the plant as it can irritate the skin. M� Giant hogweed sap makes human skin ultra - sensitive to UV light. Large, watery, burn -like rashes appear 15-20 hours after contact. If skin is exposed to the plant or sap, cover the area and wash it as soon as possible. Contact with the eyes can cause temporary and sometimes permanent blindness. Inspections All facilities need to be inspected and maintained seasonally to ensure they are functioning well and to determine what maintenance is needed. The local jurisdiction determines the frequency of required maintenance inspections, but you can always decide to inspect the facility on a more frequent basis. A! Refer to the site O&M Plan or contact the local jurisdiction for maintenance activities and schedule specific to the site. Make sure to document all inspections and maintenance activities in an inspection and maintenance log. The owner of the facility maintains the logs and copies may need to be submitted to the local jurisdiction. Take Photos Inspection documents should include photographs of the project site before and akar completing maintenance activities. See Appendices for more information on: • Appendix B: Sample inspection and maintenance log to track maintenance issues and the actions taken to remedy any problems. • Appendix O: Resources on photo documentation. • Appendix D: Contact information for Jurisdictions in the Portland metropolitan area. Maintenance Calendar Stonnwater facilities need maintenance throughout the year to do their job. Below is a calendar that offers general guidelines on the appropriate time of year to do each maintenance activity. ACTIVITY HOW OFTEN? WHEN? SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER NOTES INSPECTION AXar every major storm Any time (1 in. in 24 hrst' of year Remove TRASH and ev (ard aXarevery major storm; t in. in Any tim of year detsis (from hrs) (every visity the inlets and withi the facility( EROSION Problems EROS AXar every major storm (1 in. hrs)' Any time of year Remove As needed Weally, in Me accumulated (when sedmentreaches dry season SEDIMENT 2-3 in. in tl¢th, or.. from the base a year)' of [he facility Remove SEDIMENT Montmajor Corm;y (and I in. in every majorstorm;tin. in 24 Anytime of year and debts hrsj (every visit(' (from the Inlet.( Referto the vte O&M Ran w contact the bcdjunalblon to nebmrine the sb maintenance actwhirs and a mule. Maintenance Calendar Stonmwater facilities need maintenance throughout the yearto do their job. Below is a calendarthat offers general guidelines on the appropriate time of year to do each maintenance activity. At, II`Il t n1!V la-IrF% VVaac SPRING cllti b VEGETATION WATERplonts Water plants once a Sunman month or more until mon Me establishesi(re-set irrigation schedule seasonallyr Remove WEEDS As needed Spring, See Weeds Section (p.1 8-20) end Summar Appendix C for more information on end Fel ween monagemont. PLANT REPLACEMENT As needed; inspect at a Spring vegetation planted!in the fell (rather minimum, once per year' (March- linen the spring[ Wil have more time May) or to establish before the dry season. FeII(Oct- Novt PRUNING Trees and Shrubs As needed; inspect once Winter is See Pruning Section (p.23tfar mare per year' deal for information. Pruning trees/ shrubs. Rarertothe siteOW flan or contact the boor pmdictionto Cetemri. Me ske morlenarce activities and ss a ,ns. 10 Maintenance Calendar Stonnwater facilities need maintenance throughout the year to do their job. Below is a calendar that offers general guidelines on the appropriate time of year to do each maintenance activity. PRUNING Prune as needed to keep inlets Grasses and grass -like As needed; inspect once Spring plants per year -to preparefornew an d outlets clear or for secured!growth aesthetics. Fell Most grass -like natives do not of plants are require pruning unless clanked loco g inlets/ for aesthetics or when blocking cutlets inlets or outlets. IRRIGATION SYSTEM Check for leaks, breaks in As needed; at a Oaring Ere spring the system minimum, once per year' before Ere dry season begins Oran lines to prevent As needed; at Poll, belore fist heezentir. damage minimum, once per year' freeze STRUCTURES Inspect and maintain As needed; at a Poll, befare rainy STRUCTURES minimum,oncepayear' seasonbegins Rei the site C&M Ran or contact the bcdjunaticbon to ni smane the sits mainterencs actimbes act schenule. Trash and Debris Trash and debris can prevent runoff from entering a facility and can add pollutants. Remove all trash and other items that should not be in the facility. To ensure the safety of workers, use a rake or grabbers to remove debris and trash from the facility. Use puncture resistant gloves to remove trash only as a last resort. Wooden pallets Tp Grass clippings Dispose of trash in an appropriate Dispose of vegetation in solid waste bin. a yard debris bin or send to a composting facility. �s^ r 9' Leaf litter 12 Erosion Erosion often occurs in stormwater facilities when the vegetation is insufficient to hold the soil or if the structures in the facility have problems. Adding additional plants or repairing energy dissipaters (e.g. concrete basins, riprap, splash pads) and check dams are common fixes. Examples: Channel ization/erosi on in the flow path or on side slopes Erosion at inlet 13 FII erosion channels with approved topsoil or soil mix and apply erosion control matting where appropriate. Add weed free mulch/yard debris compost on slopes of facility to prevent future erosion issues until plants fill in.' ® NotaA jurisdictions 9lowMeuse of nulch n UDfedifies. Check with the local pirstliction before using nulch. Contact local jurisdiction for possible solutions to erosion issues. Sediment Sediment buildup can prevent runoff from entering a facility or increase the amount of time it takes the water to soak into the soil. Most jurisdictions in our region require facilities to drain within 24- 43 hours. Regularly removing sediment that has accumulated in the facility will allow water to flow through it as designed. It will also keep sediment out of the piped stormwater system. Examples: Inlet with basin full of sediment Removing debris and sediment from inlet of facility Forebay full of sediment Sediment has been removed and forebay is now clean Remove sediment from facility when it accumulates to a depth of 2-3 in. (or sooner) 14 Examples: Plants choked with sediment Step 1: Worker scraping sediment manually from the bottom of a swats. Sediment accumulated at bottom of facility. Step 2: Stop 3: Put sediment in a bucket or Loosen the soil surface wheel borrow and than dispose at the bottom of the swats of it in an appropriate manner. with a mks. In small facilities, remove sediment with a shovel. In larger facilities, machinery may be used to remove sediment, but always use caution to prevent compaction of the soil. 15 QIn general, sediment removal should occur during the dry season when it is not wet But, in some instances, sediment that is removed from the bottom of a facility will be wet and needs to be dewatered before disposal. This prevents pollutants from dripping onto the hard surfaces nearby and entering the stormwater system and local water bodies. DO NOT DRAIN WET SEDIMENT OUTSIDE THE FACILITY! For example:�"'""�' The sediment has been - scraped from the bottom of this facility and has been mounded in a pile in the inlet. Once the water has drained, the sediment can be removed and disposed of in an appropriate manner. To ensurecompliance with erosion control laws, do not place sediment outside the facility to drain. Sediment Disposal • Sediment from stormwater facilities should be disposed of in garbage bins along with other solid wastekrash. Contact your solid waste hauler for guidance on the weight restrictions for garbage/solid waste bins. • Sediment MAY NOT be added to yard debris bins. Questions? Call the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality at 503-229-5263 or 800-452-4011 and ask for the Solid Waste duty officer. Do not dispose of sediment Sediment can be disposed in yard debris bins. of in garbage bins. The recommendations on the handling and disposal of sediment are current as of the printing date of this document. Contact the local jurisdiction and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to determine if the regulations and guidance has changed. See Appendix C for contacts and resources on the disposal of sediment. Always visually inspect sediment ! before determining the appropriate disposal method. Note any onsite activities that may contaminate sediment (i.e., fueling, hazardous material storage/handling/disposal, auto maintenance). If sediment is off color, has an odor or sheen, have it tested to determine if it is hazardous. Contaminated sediment must be disposed of at a hazardous waste facility. 16 Vegetation Watering Plants As the plants in a stonnwater facility establish (a two to three year period akar planting), they will need watering during the summer dry season. In some cases a facility may need to be watered even after Water high exposure areas (surrounded by pavement, little shade, significant wind, etc.) through the summer, even afterthe plant establishment period. For example, this facility is surrounded by pavement and Trey need supplemental watering during the summer even after the plants are established. How much water is needed? How often to water? Deep, infrequent watering that moistens the top 12-18 inch root zone is recommended to keep plant alive and healthy and to promote deep roots. For the first three years, deeply water plants once a month (or more) in hot, dry weather. Small plants may need more frequent watering in hot weather. 17 the plants are established. Using native plants in stomrv+ater facilities is encouraged to reduce the need for supplemental watering atter plant establishment. Water vegetation when plants show signs of drought stress (drooping leaves, leaf drop, leaves brown and brittle). This facility has not been watered in months and some of the plants Trey not recover due to severe drought stress. After 3-5 years, plants should be well-established, deep rooted and drought tolerant. Watering plants then becomes an infrequent task — only needed when plants begin show signs of stress. Watering Tip Water in the moming or evening. Water evaporates during midday heat. Common Weeds/Invasive Plants Weeds and invasive plants can overtake desirable plants needed for stomrwater filtering and absorbtion. It is critical to remove any weeds and invasive plants from the facility so they don't spread when the facility overflows into the stormwater system. Mulch can be used to suppress weeds until the vegetation is established and fills the facility. (Check with the local jurisdiction to determine whether mulch may be used in LID facilities.) programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is generally the preferred approach p ��, ' for managing weeds and invasive plants. IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management. IPM Removing weeds by hand Himalayan blackberry Reed canary grass Scotch broom Knotweed fRubus armeniacus) (Phalaris arundinacea) (Cytisus scoparius) (Polygonum spp.) 18 Canada thistle (Cirsium amense) Red clover (rnfolium pretense) Purple loosestdfe (LytMum sa�icaial Nightshade (Sobnum dulcamara) Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Hairy vetch (Vioia vilbsa) 19 Yellow flag iris gds pseudacoms) Poison hemlock (Comm m mlatum LI English ivy Morning glory Bird's -foot trefoil (Hedera helix) (Con.Wb. sepium) (Lotus corniculatus L) Removing weeds from stormwater facilities 1. Remove weeds by hand. Pull and dig out roots. 2. If this is not possible, contact the local jurisdiction and follow their recommendation for weed removal and control. 3. Remove all weeds and vegetative debris from the facility and dispose of propedy. If weedy plant material is to be composted, send it to a high temperature/professional composting facility. This ensures weed seeds are destroyed. 4. Replace weeds with plants that are growing well in the facility. For more plant options, seethe Plant Replacement Section for a list of plants that are known to grow well in stormwater facilities. Because the use of herbicides can have negative impacts to water quality, it is important to use them only as necessary and with extreme caution. If using herbicides: • Check with local jurisdiction on herbicide restrictions and application requirements. • Always follow local Integrated Pest Management guidelines. • Only use herbicides approved for aquatic use. • Don't apply herbicides when there is standing water in a facility. • Only apply herbicides during dry weather and ideally before the weeds have gone to seed. • Don't apply herbicides below the high water mark. See Appendix C for more resources on weeds, invasive plants and integrated pest management. I Plarrt Replacemerrt Facilities work best with dense vegetation to absorb and filter runoff. Most jurisdictions expect 75-909/o plant coverage for established facilities. When additional plants are needed, consult the original planting plan for the facility (contact the facility owner or the local jurisdiction for the original plans). In addition, the local Jurisdiction can offer plant suggestions. Make sure to select the right plant for the right moisture zone. Examples: Dead plants in facility a .yll Install new plants to replace dead ones 21 Animal Damage? Wrap saplings in 3 ft diameter 14 gage steel wire cages fit snug to the ground. Moisture Zones (Top, Slope, Bottom) Always choose plants that can handle the moisture levels of the zone 7p where it will be planted. 164 Bottom -Soil around roots may be saturated after every rain event Slope- Soil around roots may be moist and become saturated only like during very large rain events. Top -Soil around roots is generally not saturated. The following is a list of plants that have proven to work well in rain gardens, swales and stormwater planters in the Portland metropolitan region (listed by moisture zone- Bottom, Slope, Top). Spreading rush (Juncus patens) Sough sedge (Cam abnupta) Slender rush (Juncus taiuis) Tufted hairgrass (Oescharl ceaspitow) 'not suitable in height restricted areas "not suitable in space limited areas Coastal strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) I Kinnickinnick (Amtostaphylos uvawrst Owairetltwig dogwood (Cornus sensor Kelsyii(2 R) Common Snowbeny (Symphoricarpos albus Ne M Swamp mse(Ross pisocapa)(3 ft)- I Tell Oregon grape(Mahonia aguifolium)(5 ft) Real twig dogwood (Cornus serviceaH20 by 25 ft)' Bitter cherry (I unus emarginata)(50 ft)' Pectic nin&ak(Physocarpus capitatus) Cascara (Rh amnus pursh iana)(30 ft)' (15 by 15 m'," Pacific crab apple (Malus fu sca)(30 ft)' Vine maple (Acer ciminatum)(15-20 ft)' See Appendix C for additional Resources for Selecting Plants. I Pruning Prune vegetation as needed to ensure the facility functions well. Vegetation should not pose a safety hazard or block visibility within transportation corridors. Examples: The grasses in the swale are flopping over and blocking the walkway. They need to be pruned. Vegetation clogging an inlet WWW11MM, - Plants pruned too severely Grasses pruned to 10 inches Vegetation removed; the inlet is now open. R Height Guidelines Overgrown trees and shrubs can create safety problems by blocking views of traffic signs, pedestrians and othervehicles. Vegetation needs to be pruned to allow for clear sightlines. To ensure safe passage for everyone, tree limbs must hang no lower than: • 7Y feet above a sidewalk • 11 feet above residential streets • 14 feet above main arterial streets. From: "Boning and Care of Young and Mature Trees", Portland Parks and Recreation. See Appendix C for additional re .. on Pruning. Irrigation System N a facility has an irrigation system, maintaining it regularly will ensure it works correctly during the drought season when the plants may need to be watered. A well maintained irrigation system will support healthy plant development and reduce unnecessary water use. General maintenance items on an irrigation system include: • Inspect the system components for breaks, leaks and blockages and repair them as needed. It is best to do anis while the system is running so leaks and other issues are easier to identify, • Grain the irrigation lines in preparation for the winter season. • Adjust the system to prevent overspray outside the facility. Structures Many of the structures in a facility can become damaged, vandalized, clogged or simply fail over time. All need to be inspected regularly and maintained if there is a problem. Examples of structural problems: Elbow detached from stand pipe Elbow re -attached to stand pipe Liner not attached to wall of facility; downspout pipes not connected to one another Not only is the street getting irrigated by this system, but the irrigation is running in the winter, a time when most landscapes in Oregon don't need irrigation. Liner attached to facility wall; splash block added to downspout to reduce erosion 24 When maintaining a facility, always determine whether it has a liner. R it does, use extra caution to ensure the • liner is not punctured during routine maintenance. Examples of structural problems: Stand pipe cover missing Stand pipe with basket cover n place These check dams have fallen apart and no longer slow down the flow of stomrvvater in the facility. Rebuild to slow and spread the flow. Overflow pipe placed too high; excess stomrvvater mnotlwill overflow outside the facility and could cause a public safety hazard. u Overflow pipe at correct height Qowerthan the outal) so stomnvater can ®cit the facility safely through the goose neck outlet pipe. This check dam is intact. It prevents erosion, improves filtration and allows water to soak into the ground. Examples of structural problems (continued): A check dam that has not been propedy installed can cause erosion Properly installed check dam problems in the facility. • Check tlan msteid In Nrs case seri and rock) has been hmchad into theswale. Problems: • Notch in Me center of the check tlam directs water to overflow in Me center • Check tlam material (in this case soil and rock) has NOT been tronchetl of the check tlam and not on the sides. into the swale. This can lead to erosion as Me water finds its way around or note ine hackecce dam, (araphicsaemtbm check ere mit • No notch in t fl center of the rhedc scemtletl to fumEi a as hadfit tlam tlam to direct flow away from sitles of spedlimb'ons See the failiry tlesgnplans Me swale. or mrRmt the IcmljudsiicOon firgtintlema on cmak dam instalksbon requsements) <MECI(aFM In this facility, the first check dam has Too xcx In this facility, all the check dams CXECRMNS been built too high and is preventing ouTncr are built at the correct height so omen waterfrom entering the middle cell the waterflows into each cell of the of the swats. Therefore, the facility swats for treatment. is not able to manage all the runoff it mEn ix�sr was designed to treat See Appenal fora checklist o/structural elements that need to be inspected and maintained in a facility. Q• All structural repairs need to be implemented by a qualified professional. Tasks that modify thefunction of the facility or that deviate from the approved plans may need to go through the plan review and permitting process with the local jurisdiction. Appendix A: Inspection/Maintenance Checklist* This checklist reflects the inspection and maintenance activities that are generally recommended for rain gardens, swales and stormwater planters. Before visiting the site Review the operations and maintenance plan. Review the as -built or design report Qocations of inlets/outlets, plantings, irrigation, etc.) Review past inspection and maintenance reports (historical problems, previous observations, etc.) Hazards Spills _ Record the nature and extent of any spills and the response if it has or could negatively affect stomnwater. Amlmels/Wlldllfe Record any indication of rodents, mosquitoes, other insects or pests. Fill holes and burrows in and around facility. Contact animal control specialist to remove or Imp animals if they are negatively affecting facility function. 27 Trash/Debris Remove bash, debris and other items and dispose of appropriately Erosion Fill erosion channels with approved topsoil or soil mix and stabilize using appropriate methods(erosion control matting, etc.). t Install or repair energy dissipater at inlet if erosion is occurring there. t Add/repair check dams (as appropriate). Re -construct check dams as needed to slow flows and spread stomnwater across full surface of facility. t In facilities where mulch is appropriate (e.g. exposed soils), add 2-4 inches mulch above high water mark to prevent erosion. (Check with local Jurisdiction on the use of mulch in facilities) _Sweep catchment area to prevent sediment from entering facility (as appropriate). Sediment Remove sediment from the surface of the facility when it reaches 2-3 inches in depth. Remove sediment from inlets (bench drains, curb cuts, area drains and pipes) so water is not prevented from entering facility. __ Rake areas of bare soil after removing sediment. ___ Replace any plants that may have been removed during sediment removal. (see Vegetation section) Refer to the site O&MPbn w commat the Iooal pmaicM'on to o mR ine the silo impectfon mamma o3 creckfist mquiad forthe fecifir you are wvrbrg on. t Coact the lacaljuri ictlon forpossible wbb'ons to erosion asuea Vegetation Watering N the facility has an irrigation system, adjust the irrigation schedule for each season. Inspect plantings during dry periods and look for signs of stress. Water plants as needed. Adjust irrigation system if there is evidence of overspray outside the facility. Common Weeds and Invasive Plants Remove weeds from the facility On facilities with liners, this includes volunteer trees that seed themselves into the facility whose roots could damage the underground plumbing and liner). To reduce future weeds, add 2-4 inches of mulch above the high water mark (Keeping mulch out of the wet zone prevents it from washing out of the facility and clogging outlets). Plant Replacement Note dead vegetation and determine the reason plant died (lack of water, wrong plant for location, disease, etc.). Replace dead vegetation with plants appropriate for the moisture zone and solar exposure. To choose replacement vegetation, see the original planting plan, contact the local Judsdiction, or see the Plant Replacement Section of the Field Guide for plants that work well in LID stormwater facilities. Pruning Add vegetation to cover large areas of exposed soil or in flow path to prevent erosion. When adding new vegetation to the facility, spread 2-4 inches of mulch above the high water mark to reduce competition from weeds (To prevent mulch from washing out of the facility and clogging outlets, do not add mulch to the wet zone of the facility). Protect vegetation if there is evidence of animal damage. Tim trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants as needed (follow height guidelines on p. 23 of the Field Guide). Out and remove grasses that are lying down (cut to a height of 10 inches). Tim plants to clear inlets and outlets. Clear a 12 inch area at the inlet & outlet. Remove pruned material and dispose of appropriately or compost outside the facility. Irrigation System Inspect the system components for breaks, leaks and blockages. Repair as needed. Drain the lines in preparation for the winter season. N Structures Note -document any structures that are damaged or broken. Pipes and Under Drains Clean out sediment from clogged pipes, trench drains, underdmins and outlets. Replace outlet covers, as appropriate. Attach screens on outlet stand pipes to prevent pests and debris from entering stone pipes. Jet clean or rotary cut debris/mots from under drains so the pipes can drain and standing water is not present during dry weather. Liners Re -attach liners to planter walls to protect building foundations. Repair and/or reposition downspout edensions and splash pads to direct stormwater away from building foundations. Cover wyceed liners with 2 to 4 inches of soil to prevent solar damage. F Check Dams Replace pipes, as appropriate. Repair check dams as needed. • Check dams need to spread the flow of stormwater across the entire surface of the facility (or through the notch in the middle) to prevent erosion. • Make sure the check dam is at the right height. A check dam that is too high can force water to flow back out of the facility. Appendix B: Sample Inspection and Maintenance Log* This mantenanw log reflects the types of nsp issi aid maintenance adivNes glat aregeneray recamtended for ran gardens, males and slannvaterplanters. Sm name Sm di Date(nnibr ) C.(names): Hours since lasts-- M of staff hours at the facility: What did! You see? Mat did you do? Can you access the facility easily? Foreign/dangerous aiec? My spilled! Materiel/spill potential? Mural undesirable actiWty? E'aeice blithe public entering mail tc9 Trasfnects? My MosMim Overgrown vegeal its? 'Refer to Me lam O&M Plan or commot the lacaljunsafiabon to netermfne Ma lam impecoon mainfenarrce lag requNed fortiie facffity mu, are Worlarg on. I 31 was did you see? what did you do? Desciplartsont(Ilrees,shubsgasmsetc.) tvge areas of bare soil) Weeds? Mat spades? (see WeedsMva- ves aecEm) How moth of fadlity covered in weeds'! Vegetation or debris obsVusing inle outsts? Erosion, undensuing, scouring? Hownmyinchesofxanulatedsedinent? How much of the surface.is covered by sedimi My unusual colons, colors, when an Me sail? Is Me fuslity fiowing and claiming As designed? Standing water? (Hours since lost nodall) InleVaaet(msdmg. cracked, miaalignel?) Pipes (doggeq damaged, etc.?) Any problems with other sVuclures?Qina, curb. check dorms, grates, face, atc.) Appendix C: Resources Photo documentation A good reference for choosing viewpoints and using photo documentation is The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) "Guide to Photo Point Monttorirg," found at htto://www.omoon.aov/OWEB/docs/Dubs/PhotoPoint Monitoring Doc Julv2007.Ddf?aa=t Hazards Toxic and Poisonous Plants AMA Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants (available for purchase online) Animal and Wildlife See the Stormwater Facility Operations & Maintenance: Best Practices Manual, MID://extension.oreaonstate.edu/stormwater/sites/ defaultRiles/bestoracticesmanual.Ddf for more detailed information on manaaina animals and wildlife in a facility. Organization: Phone: website: Oregon Beekeepers Assocatkin Me,//wwworsbaonyhtdoc&homeoho Portland Audubon Society 5D3-282-0304 htto'//eutlubonoortlend omFucc Clackamas office Oregon Department of Fish and wildlife 97"73-60DD Geclkaras ODHW otlice(use 8 east of Willamette Rvel hftsJ W ldfWs�b.Olas/ 5D3-621-3488 Sauvie eland ODFZN office (use if west of Willamette Rive) htlol/www.tltw.state.aus/ Clackamas County 503 55-8384 htto'//wwwdadkamasus/vector/ Multnomah County SD3-888-34&1 hftlNu hcousfieaM/Destoreverition-and-contd 32 Sediment Sediment Disposal Contact Meta or the Oregon Depratinent of Environmental Ouatlty an Me disposal of sediment. Metro Recycling and Solid Waste Hotlne 503-234-3000 hth,W woreaonmeto aov/ntlexdWao/'ndexdWao/bvweb/d-571 Oregon Department of Environmental Dusty Call 0 229-5283 or W04524011 and ask forthe Solid Wasteduty officer. Vegetation Weeds, Invasive Planta and Integrated Past Management • Far infoarci on early selection and rapid response (EDRFit weeds and recernnmtletl treatment methods, seethe Oregon DepsrMent of Agricullure EDRR website: htto'//oreaonaov/ODNJcL T/WEEDS/edrrshtnl • Weed management schedule, Clean Water Services IPM Plan, Appendix A hap '//bnvurl coMcesnvd • Grow Smart, Grow Safe: A Consumer Guide to lawn and Garden Projects htto //www Ihwmo ora/home'asas/ F • Integrated Pest Management State of Oregon or as approved by the local jurisdiction. Inca /N worenonaov/ODA/PEST/omshtml • OSU Extension. 2003 Pactlic Nathwest5 Least Wanted List: IWASNE WEED IDEMIFICATION AND MANAGEMEM EC 1583. • Clean Water Service, Nen-Native Invest., htto' M.tleenwa[ersery ces ora/Resdents/JonTheCvciMnYourYm 4nvasrves vatlereasox Selecting Planta Portland Plant tilt lith, fl. oordantlonl ne convbos4ndex ch7e-45131 Portland Green Street Rant list: Inca /N woortlmdonlineconvbes/nde ,dm'lc-07%28a=380500 Clean Water Services Design & Construction Standards, Appendix htto:/N wcleamx emewices.ora/PermkCente/DesionMdCanstruction/ DantICTable.asox Penning Pruning and Care of Young and Mature Trees, Portland Parks and Recreation httoLN.w.00rtlontlonl'necom/Dark indexcfm'la-17989]&c-39]12 trtemation al Society Arboriculture Pruning Standards Operations and Maimenance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon APPENDIX 3: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number: 811-2 3-000071-TYP 2 OwneYs Name:SVcan B Corp, LLC ATTN: Richard Boyles Phone No.: 541-284-0613 Mailing Address: 840 Beltline Rd. Ste. 202 City Springfield State OR Zip97477 Site Address: 3350 Gateway St City Springfield State OR Zip 97477 Site Map and Taxlot No.: Map 17-03-22-20, Tax Lot 1300 & 1600 (Or onmh dxurnent nvith adifitiond lot irforti r ion ifthe fm!4 crosses mm than ore lot) Type of Facility(ies) Chick-fil-A Restaurant Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. S 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The storrawater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are arequired condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the facility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 516 Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of S a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financiallyresponsible party (circle one): Property Owner Homeowner Association Other (describeChick-fil-A lac. ATT.: Steve Schwartz 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytimephonerm( 303 ) 519 -7206 Emergency/after-hourscontactphomno.( 303 ) 519 - 7206 Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: Chick-fil-A Inc ASSN, Steve Schwartz 105 Progress, Irvine, CA 92618 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: August 6 2023 By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Iw'- Filer Signature: SS(,UA�a6 Print Name: Steve Schwartz Appendix 3A-2 aerom&16 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Operations and Maimenance Plan I Chick -til -A Gateway & Randy Pape in Springfield, Oregon APPENDIX 4: LANDSCAPE PLANS MOR ARTFRiAy LMI=APEPL T&IMTEMAIALEGENG I0 _ ........®eE. s � _ ���� I • .o.,,.� .w. ,woo ..,..,....� MUSE a,.r........w.o..m...o....m�.n..rro...mnE WAY I �• ., a o I m.....e.�.... .aE mraoo..��»mw.....wr,a...,..�n.rs,a. e �...Vo... � ou e�(8J ....,....,..�... I u na•n`umeww.a amu. awmr ren.n m.aanEn o . _ w.w re�v..e.re. i urrmrm rr. rr. o�i.auru�aan�ramn mm.um® ..r.nmenn a.�ei m�oi.uiiw w.w.mr m �� �®ma. OR E� MOR ARTFRiAy LMI=APEPL T&IMTEMAIALEGENG I0 _ ........®eE. s � _ ���� I • .o.,,.� .w. ,woo ..,..,....� MUSE a,.r........w.o..m...o....m�.n..rro...mnE WAY I �• ., a o I m.....e.�.... .aE mraoo..��»mw.....wr,a...,..�n.rs,a. e �...Vo... � ou ....,....,..�... u na•n`umeww.a amu. awmr ren.n m.aanEn o . _ w.w re�v..e.re. urrmrm rr. rr. o�i.auru�aan�ramn mm.um® ..r.nmenn a.�ei m�oi.uiiw w.w.mr m �� �®ma. V E� unm.r.amrm�.ei.esrmi pTr� 5TORMWATER RAN GARDEN i PLANT MATEMAL3WAR: u .nu.nu " sm so •ra...« STORMWITSR RAN GARDEN 2 PLANT MATEMALS STORMWITE0. RYN GARDEN 3 PLANT MATEMAB: u s.u..�.... .a.e.r �r..ra...r STORMWATE0. PLAlTE0.I PLAT MATEMAB: �f'DOWL FSR#6198] L1.1 f0OWL L1.5 Exhibit F Sizing Form (SUB) jgiEw WATER DIVISION METER SIZING AND SELECTION FORM GENERAL INFORMATION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3350 Gateway St BUSINESS NAME: Chick-Fil-A DATE: July 12, 2023 SERVICE TYPE: Commercial CALCULATED METER SIZING FLOWS Peak Demand (pg. 3): 104GPM Average Daily Flows (pg. 5): EXISTING METER INFORMATION Meter Number: Meter Type: Meter Make/Model: Meter Size: Date/Test Results: Reason for Meter Change-Out: Downsizing What size meter did customer initially pay for? Did customer give authoization for changes? NEW METER SELECTION* Water Meter Make/Model: Omni C2 Meter Size: 1.5" Meter Flow Range: .5-160 *Refer to Manufacture Specifications Attachments 1. Water Meter Sizing Form page 2-3 2. Estimating Probable Peak Demand Graphs page 4 3. Usage Calculation Worksheet page 5 4, Table 4.4 Water Consumption Table page 6 5. Meter Selection Guidelines page 7 Additional Attachments Historical Meter Usage Records - Most Recent Test Report - Customer's Meter Sizing Form - Meter Service History Print Out -Ma Print Out- Photos SUBMITTED BY (Print): [I I --i v. DATE: -71L APPROVED BY (Sign): "" f DATE: � ) ZC1 S:\Engineering\_Projects\2023\23913 Chick -I'll -A development\23913 Chick-Fil-A sizing.xlsx Exhibit G Springfield Wellhead Protection Sign im Springfield's Wellhead Protection Area Help protect our drinking water Report all leaks or spills to: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE 911 Site operator: Springfield Utility Board 541-746-8451 NOTE: SIGNS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER DIVISION 541-726-2396 DRAWN BY EJN APPROVED KC REVISED 5/24/2016 WELLHEAD PROTECTION SIGN DATE 1/5/00 SCALE N/A DRAWING # FF11DE40