HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 05 05 RS Minutes Planning Commission Minutes 1 Springfield Planning Commission May 5th, 2020 7:00 p.m. Regular Session Council Chambers Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Sherwood, Vice Chair Gill, Tim Vohs, Grace Bergen, Sophie McGinley, Andrew Landen, Michael Koivula Absent: None Staff: Sandy Belson, Planning Manager; Drew Larson, Planner; Brenda Jones, Management Specialist; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Sherwood called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:02 p.m. Business from the Audience - None Public Hearing • Request to Grant Major Variance to Lot Size and Dimensions for Low-Density Residential Lots of Tentatively Approved Subdivision Located on the West Fairview Road, Case 811-20-000030-TYP3 Staff: Drew Larson, Planner 45 Minutes Kristina Kraaz / Staff: explained the quasi-judicial hearing process (ORS 197.763 and Springfield Development Code 5.1.500). Chair Sherwood: opened the Public Hearing and called for the Commissioners to announce their potential conflict of interest. Commissioners were called to declare the potential conflict of interest or ex parte contact: Sherwood: No potential conflict of interest or ex parte contact. Gill: None Vohs: None Landen: None Bergen: Potential conflict of interest as practicing realtor in the community. Koivula: visited the site on Google Maps. Other than that, none. McGinley: has independent knowledge of the project since Metro Planning was her former employer and she sat in on the presubmittal meeting. The only additional information she received outside of the Staff report was Springfield Planning’s request that the East / West Street be extended. The public was called upon to declare, if there were challenges to the Commissioners’ impartiality or objections to the Planning Commission’s jurisdiction concerning the matter of the Public Hearing: None. Planning Commission Minutes 2 Drew Larson / Staff: gave a presentation on the request to grant major variance to lot size and dimensions for low-density residential lots of tentatively approved subdivision located on the West Fairview Road. Testimony from the Applicant Jed Truett, Metro Planning, 846 A Street, Springfield, OR 97477: made himself available for questions from the Commission and the public. Public Testimony • In Favor – None • Neutral – None • In opposition Cindy Burke, 1035 W. Fairview Drive, Springfield, OR 97477. Is in opposition to the item. There are not enough parking spaces and traffic would increase significantly. If a sidewalk would be created, it would go directly up to her garage. This would bring down property values. Drew Larson / Staff: All aspects of the proposal were evaluated by the Eugene Springfield Fire Marshall’s office, the engineering and transportation planners and their conclusion was that the narrower road would be adequate for the subdivision. Commissioner Koivula: wanted it know, if the Commissioners would be allowed to consider reducing the densities of the individual lots. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: informed the Commission that State law does not allow for the density of the lots to be reduced, if they were within the allowable density range. It would be possible to reduce the number of lots but not the density in a particular lot. The Commission can deny an application, if the density is higher than the allowable range of density for a particular lot. Questions from the Planning Commission or Public – None Commissioner Koivula moved to close the public hearing and written record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bergen. Roll call vote: Sherwood: Aye Gill: Aye Vohs: Aye Landen: Aye Bergen: Aye Koivula: Aye McGinley: Aye 7 / 0 / 0 Motion approved unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes 3 Commissioner Koivula: expressed his displeasure that the Commission only has the option to approve or deny applications as submitted, which limits the deliberative powers of the Commission. Commissioner Sherwood: asked Staff about the effective size of lot 2. Does the reduction of depth of the lot have any effect on the criteria of the variance? Drew Larson / Staff: responded that the reduction of lot size will not prohibit development. Commissioner Bergen moved to adopt the Planning Commission Order in the agenda packet as in attachment 1 to approve the application with changes noted in the staff report. Commissioner Gill seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Sherwood: Aye Gill: Aye Vohs: Aye Landen: Aye Bergen: Aye Koivula: Aye McGinley: Aye 7 / 0 / Motion passes unanimously Report of Council Action • Commissioner Landen reported on the April 6th City Council meeting. • Commissioner Vohs reported on May 4th City Council meeting. Business from the Planning Commission Commissioner Koivula: received an email from Washington State University, which included an article about housing. There are two links to the Harvard University articles: The State of the Nation’s Housing Report and the Up for Growth Report, both of which are nationwide studies. The second report indicates that rent increases have a direct impact on homelessness numbers. Business from the Development and Public Works Department – None ADJOURNMENT – 7:54 pm