HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 03 03 RS Minutes 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020 7:00 p.m. Regular Session Council Chambers Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Sherwood, Vice Chair Gill, Tim Vohs, Grace Bergen, Sophie McGinley, Andrew Landen, Michael Koivula Absent: None Staff: Sandy Belson, Planning Manager; Tom Boyatt, Community Development Director; Mark Rust, Senior Planner; Melissa Carino, Senior Planner; Brenda Jones, Management Specialist; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Sherwood called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:02 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Chair Sherwood. Business from the Audience - None Public Hearing •Zoning Map Amendment from High Density Residential to Mixed Use Residential of an 8.53 Acre Vacant Parcel Located Northeast of Main Street and 48th Street Intersection (Map 17-02- 32-41 TL 400). Kristina Kraaz / Staff: explained the quasi-judicial hearing process (ORS 197.763 and Springfield Development Code 5.1.500). Chair Sherwood: opened the Public Hearing and called for the Commissioners to announce their potential conflict of interest. Commissioners were called to declare their potential conflict of interest or ex parte contact: None. The public was called upon to declare, if there were challenges to the Commissioners’ impartiality or objections to the Planning Commission’s jurisdiction concerning the matter of the public hearing: None. Melissa Carino / Staff: gave a presentation on the Zoning Map Amendment From High Density Residential to Mixed Use Residential of an 8.53 Acre Vacant Parcel Located Northeast of Main Street and 48th Street Intersection. Testimony from the Applicant Carl Muller / Agent for Homes for Good / 846 A Street, Springfield, OR: The representative for the applicant pointed out that the Springfield Staff explained the Zoning Map Amendment in a comprehensive fashion and the three approval criteria have been met: 1. The refinement plan amendment was approved; 2. The Metro Plan diagram is consistent with the refinement plan and its Draft Planning Commission Minutes 2 text and policies; 3. The utilities required are present at the site as well. The applicant relies on their application for the rest of their testimony. Public Testimony • In Favor – None • Neutral – None • In opposition • Joan Graves, 4889 Beaver Street, Springfield, OR 97478: What is the definition of high density? If the zone change will allow apartments, she is against it. If the zone change would allow homes, she is for it. 48th Street is in need of dire repairs. There is also a lot of congestion around 52nd street and she wanted to know, if other streets will be opened to alleviate this. She also wanted to know, if there has been an environmental study done on the geese and cows around that property. Melissa Carino / Staff: informed the Public Hearing participants that the criteria have been met for approval of the zoning map amendment. There is a request to downgrade the zoning to medium density residential from high density residential. Staff have received concerns from the public about the environmental impact of the zoning change. When Staff prepares the site plan review, they will be contacting the Oregon Department of Wildlife to inquire, if they have any concerns about the zoning change. Staff is currently unaware of which streets, if any, will be opened or closed due to the change in zoning. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: informed the Commission that the current designation is high density residential and will remain so, if the application is denied. This designation allows for residential development, multi-family dwellings with a density range of 28 – 42 dwelling units per acre. medium density residential allows for 14 – 28 units per acre. The mixed-use residential usage mentioned at the beginning of the Staff Report lists a mix of medium and high residential use with commercial use as well. Rebuttal from the Applicant: The applicant did not provide a rebuttal. Questions from the Planning Commission or public – None Commissioner Koivula moved to close the public hearing and written record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Vohs. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Landen moved to adopt the order as presented in attachment 2 to the agenda item summary as case #811-19-244-TYP3 and to approve the findings as presented in the Staff report conclusions as well as the supplemental findings. Commissioner Bergen seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously. Report of Council Action • Commissioner McGinley reported on the January 27th City Council meeting. Draft Planning Commission Minutes 3 • Commissioner Landen reported on the February 10th City Council meeting. • Commissioner Gill reported on the February 24th City Council meeting. Business from the Planning Commission – None Business from the Development and Public Works Department. • Tom Boyatt reported that the City Council approved the multi-staff proposal to hire additional staff during their February 17th meeting. Four positions will be added to the Operations Department, which is funded by Oregon House Bill 2017. ADJOURNMENT – 7:54 pm