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Application Applicant 8/1/2023
DocuSign Envelope ID: BFA18D41-E82&45F8-B57C-A9241FAS M3 City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Initiation Meeting (DIM) Prospective Mike Gansen ADDlicant Name: SPRINGFIE D Phone: Company: Gansen Construction E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 26208, Eugene, OR 97402 Prospective John Schmidt Applicant's Re .. Phone: 541-686-4540 company: The Satre Group I E-mail: John@satregroup.com Address: 375 W 4th, Ste 201, Eugene, OR 97401 Property Owner: Sycan B Corp Phone: Com pan : Sycan B Corp. E-mail: Address: 840 Beltline RD, Ste. 202, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22-13 TAX LOT NOS :20801 Property Address: N/A Size of Property: 2.34 Acres 0 Square Feet ❑ Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Annexation, subdivision for Middle Housing with associated drive, parking and amenities. Existing Use: Vacant, previous parcel served as railroad right of way. # of Lots Parcels: 1 Avg. Lot Parcel Size: 2.34 ac sf Densit : du/acre Prospective Applicant: nmusg�w: M.11vl. aaJASUik Date: 7/28/2023 Signature Mike Gansen Print Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) 1 -23 -000173 -PRE Case No.: 81Date: 8/1/23 Reviewed b KN Application Fee: $ 678 Technical Fee: $0 Posta a Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: 678 PROJECT NUMBER: 811-23-000175-PROJ Revised 07/20/22 smI of 4 D wSign Envelope ID: BFA18D41-E82&45F8-B57C-A9241FAS M3 Development Initiation Meeting Process The purpose of a Development Initiation Meeting is to give an applicant the opportunity to discuss a development proposal with the development review staff of the City. The discussion can be general or specific, depending on the details provided with the application. A Development Initiation Meeting provides information to an applicant related to the current development conditions and standards of the City. The Development Initiation Meeting is not a land use decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may change over time as development conditions or standards change. 1. Applicant Submits a Development Initiation Meeting Application • The application must conform to the Development Initiation Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 3 of this application packet. • Development Initiation Meetings are typically scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Tuesday time slot is 11:00 am and the Thursday time slot is 1:30 pm. • We strive to conduct the Development Initiation Meetings between three to four weeks of receiving the application. • The applicant's proposal is circulated to the relevant staff and referral agencies in preparation for the meeting. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Development Initiation Meeting • The applicant and any design team should attend the Development Initiation Meeting. • The meeting is scheduled for one hour. • Staff attending the meeting will be prepared to discuss the issues raised in the submittal by the applicant. Other issues raised during the meeting may also be discussed. • The meeting is informal and the City will issue no staff report. Revised 07/20/22 sm2 of 4 D wSign Envelope ID: BFA18D41-E82&45F8-B57C-A9241FAS M3 Development Initiation Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist 0 Application Fee - Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. The applicable application fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. 0 Development Initiation Meeting Application Form 0 Five (5) Questions - List specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. If more than five questions are asked or multiple part questions are presented staff may not be able to address all relevant concerns. Prioritizing the five questions is recommended. One (1) Copy and one (1) digital copy of the Proposed Plan - Suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12.120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17.120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. 0 Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11"x 17" El Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' North arrow Date of preparation Q Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions El Approximate location, number, and dimensions of proposed lots n How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height Revised 07/20/22 sm3 of 4 D wSign Envelope IO: BFA18041-E82&45F8-B57C-A9241FAS M3 Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces E] Parking and circulation plan Revised 8/4/22 MEM July 31, 2023 Sycan B Property- Gansen Development Issues Meeting Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Map 17-03-22-13, Lot 20801 I. THE PROJECT The objective is to redevelop the property with a subdivision as part of middle housing. The current approach is duplex units with associated private drive, parking, and amenities. Outlined below is a brief description of the project and the property, followed by issues and questions. In advance, the applicant and its development team thank staff for their assistance. Site Context The property is located west of Game Farm Road, Southwest of Raleighwood Avenue, northeast of Pheasant Blvd., and has frontage off the north area of Pheasant Blvd. and frontage off Game Farm Road. The site is comprised of two tax lots, (Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 2100) in the north corner is a residential lot with a single- family residence and (Map 17-03-22-13 Lot 20801) the long strip of land is a remnant portion of railroad right of way. The site is approximately 2.54 acres in size combined. Abutting the property to the north and south are single-family residential. To the northwest boundary of Lot 2100 and 20801 is Community Commercial within the City. To the east boundary of Lot 20801, across Game Farm Road, is Mixed Use Commercial zoned property within the City. QUESTIONS 1. Land Use. a Zoning. The two parcels are currently zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) and are not annexed into the City. The LRD zone lists duplexes as permitted use, with required code standard at SDC 3.2.245. The zoning has a density range from 6 units per net acre minimum to no maximum. The project is proposing 22 units on the 2.54 -acre site while maintaining the existing home with modifications on lot 2100 which is 9 units per acre, which is over the required 6 units per acre minimum. Q: Does staff concur with this? b. Lot Coverage. The proposed duplex unit lots vary in size but average 8,200 S.F. The combined duplex unit buildings with attached garages are 1,760 S.F. This equates to a lot coverage of 21 %. Q: Does staff concur with this? c. Parking. The project must ensure a minimum of one parking space per unit, which requires 22 parking spaces. The proposed units at this time are duplexes, attached at the one car garage. Each unit will have a one car garage space and two open parking spaces, for extra parking and guest parking. Due to the property width, no "on -street" parking can FW PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 I I Ph..: 541.686A540 www.satragrcup.wo I I 1 tIMAN CT 99r CARDINAL WY SF poi 'PP,I,l h 000 q 9 prR 6 9L �<0 F oD e h9t IAMOU 11N AVE QUESTIONS 1. Land Use. a Zoning. The two parcels are currently zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) and are not annexed into the City. The LRD zone lists duplexes as permitted use, with required code standard at SDC 3.2.245. The zoning has a density range from 6 units per net acre minimum to no maximum. The project is proposing 22 units on the 2.54 -acre site while maintaining the existing home with modifications on lot 2100 which is 9 units per acre, which is over the required 6 units per acre minimum. Q: Does staff concur with this? b. Lot Coverage. The proposed duplex unit lots vary in size but average 8,200 S.F. The combined duplex unit buildings with attached garages are 1,760 S.F. This equates to a lot coverage of 21 %. Q: Does staff concur with this? c. Parking. The project must ensure a minimum of one parking space per unit, which requires 22 parking spaces. The proposed units at this time are duplexes, attached at the one car garage. Each unit will have a one car garage space and two open parking spaces, for extra parking and guest parking. Due to the property width, no "on -street" parking can FW PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 I I Ph..: 541.686A540 www.satragrcup.wo I I 1 Sycan 8 Property - Garen Development Iniiatim Meeting —Questions Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 2 or 3 be accommodated, and the shared drive will remain clear for fire access (see emergency services question). There are also 6 extra spaces throughout the property for guests and deliveries. Q: Does staff concur with the applicant's understanding of the "oli-street" parking spaces? With no actual "on -street" parking, is the proposed 72 parking spaces within code requirements? d. Land Use Application(s). Considering that the main objective is to develop the old railroad property into housing, with associated parking and amenities, the applicant believes that Annexation, Middle Housing Subdivision, and a Site Plan Review are the required applications. If Duplexes are the proposed type of housing, they could be on their own lots (two units attached on one lot with average lot size of 8,200 S.F.) or divided to be a single-family attached unit, with each side of the unit on its own lot (the property line would bisect the garages with average lot size of 4,100 S.F.). Q: Does staff still concur with this path forward and the type of housing? 2. Utilities. a Stormwater. The parcel from west to east has no significant grade change with a small high point at the middle of the lot. There is an existing stormwater conveyance channel and city stormwater line located on the east side of Game Farm Road next to tax lot and map 17032200-03403. The intent is to provide stormwater treatment for impervious surfaces, which would include shared drives, sidewalks and parking to a stormwater planter/ Swale along the private drive with destination to the city stormwater line. And a soakage trench for the buildings with destination to the stormwater line. We are not sure of the flow elevations of the city storm line but the intent is to connect our destination to the city stormwater line unless soil supports infiltration. Q: Can staff private comment on our stormwater approach? b. Sanitary, Water, and Electric. The subdivisions north and south of the subject properties are assumed connected to public sewer. There is an existing 8 -inch sewer main within Game Farm Road to the southeast of lot 20801. From preliminary discussions with the city, we believe this sewer main is at a flow elevation that would allow for a gravity connection and can provide additional capacity to serve the proposed 22 duplex units. Water and electricity are also available to the site. Q: Does staff concur related to sanitary and can they provide comment on sanitary, water and electric utility extensions? 3. Access. a Vehicular connections. Vehicular access will be provided from the two local street connections via. a two-way shared drive. One connection will be from Game Farm Road approximately 93 feet north of the centerline intersection of Mallard Ave. with Game Farm Road. A second will be from the north lot 2100 to Pheasant Blvd. The shared drive will be within a shared used access and maintenance easement through each duplex lot and the existing lot 2100. The access will be maintained as 21 -foot -wide private drive. Q: Does staff concur with this vehicular connection? The Satre Gmup • 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) (Ml" 0 • w.mv.satrecrc Sycan B Property- Gansen Development Initiation Meeting —Questions Map 17-D3-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 3 a 3 4. Emergency Services. a Fire/ emergency vehicles. Vehicular access will be provided with a two-way 21 -foot -wide private drive with connections to public roads at each end ofthe project. The 21 -foot wide private drive is approximately 1,875 -feet in length and will be posted along its length with no parking signs. The entrances to the private drive at the public streets are configured to meet the minimum turning radiuses of 30 -feet and 50 -feet. The project tax lots are connected to allow for an access connection for both tax lots to each other and the two local streets. The duplex units will be constructed as residential structures with two-hour firewalls at the garage connections. Since the units are attached side to side no fire sprinkler systems are proposed at this time. The distance to an existing fire hydrant has not been evaluated and if required a newhydrant can be provided for the project if required. Due to the limited width of the property of 60 -feet, there is insufficient room to provide a code intermediate fire turn around but assume the proposed access width and connections would be sufficient. Q: Will fire/ emergency vehicle access requirements proposed be sufficient and are there any additional comments from staff? 5. Other Information. Q. Is there anything else that staff would like to share with the applicant, or believes the applicant should be aware of, with respect to this project? This concludes the applicant's Development Initiation Meeting questions. In advance the applicant wishes to express their appreciation of staff time and effort in preparing responses to these questions. Sincerely, V U" John Schmidt, ASLA Principal The Satre Group The Satre Group • 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 974101 • (541) e8"W • w.mv.satregrouocorn July 28, 2023 GANSEN LOT LUPA Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Map 17-03-22-13, Lot 20801 Land Use Plannina Analvsis The key to successful property development in Oregon is thorough research and analysis of prospective regulations and requirements. This is followed by the planning, design, and regulatory approval processes. Success comes by taking things one step at a time; each step providing clarity and focus for the next round of activity. The first step is research and analysis, where land use requirements are identified and a foundation for the next steps in the process is established. Presented below are the results of this initial land use analysis. This analysis is based on available public data. It documents known or discovered existing conditions and potentially applicable land use regulations. It is based on what is known at this time. Additional data may be discovered as the project progresses, resulting in modifications to what is presented herein. BACKGROUND A. Planning Context Local long-range land use is governed by the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), often supplemented with a more specific comprehensive plan, refinement plan, and/or a neighborhood plan, followed by site-specific zoning. Sometimes, zoning is comprised of base zoning and additional overlay zones. For the Gansen site, the Metro Plan, Springfield Comprehensive Plan, and the Gateway Refinement Plan all designate the subject property as Low Density Residential (LDR). The base zoning is Low Density Residential (R-1). There is no applicable overlay zone for the property. B. Physical Setting The two tax lots are located west of Game Farm Road, Southwest of Raleighwood Avenue, northeast of Pheasant Blvd., and has frontage off the north area of Pheasant Blvd. and frontage off Game Farm Road. Lot 2100) in the north corner is a residential lot with a single-family residence and (Map 17-03-22-13 Lot 20801) the long strip of land is a remnant portion of railroad right ofway. The site is approximately 2.54 acres in size combined. Abutting the property to the north and south are single-family residential. To the north of Lot 2100 is Community Commercial. To the east boundary, across Game Farm Road, is Mixed Use Commercial zoned property. CT •• yEIHA" 'yF CARDIN'L wrj F 01� S�Hl 000 i,Pr� 9V�0 9�F ¢F hsA AMOU a AVE ��u eon Springfield Zoning PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - 375'vNes[ Ott, Sune 201. Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541.681.,1540 WW.I n-regroupecm Ganser Lot Land Use Manning AnAyes Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 2 or 10 C. Development Objective The development objective is to create a long linear housing project along the old transit corridor with associated parking and amenities. Converting the old property into residential would require an Annexation, a Subdivision, and a Site Plan Review. Access from the lot may require a secondary entrance/exit at the north end of Pheasant Blvd. LAND USE ANALYSIS A. Regulatory Review The following plans, documents and database sources are included in this review: 1. Planning and Zoning. a. Aerial Photographs (Google Earth). b. Regional Land Information Database (RLID) - detailed property report, deeds, tax maps and other RLID database maps. c. Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). d. Springfield Comprehensive Plan. e. Gateway Refinement Plan. f. Springfield Zoning Map. 2. Transportation. a. The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) —street classification, planned roadway and bikeway projects. b. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (roadway network, roadway projects). c. Lane Transit District(LTD)—System Map. 3. Utilities. a. Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan. b. Springfield Wastewater Master Plan. c. Springfield Storm and Sanitary Infrastructure (existing infrastructure maps). d. Springfield Utility Board Water and Electric Infrastructure (existing infrastructure maps). 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. b. Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map. 5. Parks and Open Space. a. Wllamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan (projects map). 6. Title Reports. a. Tax Lot 20801 7. Development Standards. a. Springfield Development Code— Land Use Districts (Chapter 3), Development Standards (Chapter 4), and Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5). The Satre Group . 375 W 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97,101 .(541) 6864540...eeregreup.00m Ganser Lot Lard Use Planning Analysts Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 021 DD B. Findings 1. Planning and Zoning. a. Jurisdiction: b. Metro Plan: c. Refinement Plan: d. Base Zoning: e. Overlay Zoning: f. Map: g. Tax Lot: h. Acreage: City of Springfield Low Density Residential Low Density Residential R-1 none 17-03-22-12&17-0322-13 2100 & 20801 2.54 acres Tax Map Excerpt Regional Land Information Database (RUD) June 2023 Page 3 of 10 Transportation. a. TransPlan. The metro area adopted transportation plan, the Eugene -Springfield Transportation System Plan (TransPlan) does not include any projects adjacent to or directly affecting the subject property. Springfield 2035 Transportation E The City of Springfield's TSP designates Pheasant Blvd. as a Local Road and Game Farm Road as a Minor Arterial. There are no projects directly adjacent to the project. There are two future roadway improvement projects; R-8, a roadway street improvement including bicycle facilities and crosswalks on Mallard, and PB -3, which adds signage and bicycle stripping on Game Farm Road to Gateway Road. TSP Prcied Map Excerpt City of Springfield December 2022 STSP). I � c. Public Transit. Lane Transit District (LTD) provides transit service just to the east of the southern section of the lot on Riverbend Drive. The LTD line is the frequent travel service, the EmX, and is less than a quarter mile to the station. The Satre Group . 375 West 4'^ Avenue, Suite An, Eugene, OR 974101 . (541) 8864540.w.va.sstreumup.com Ganser Lot Land Use Manning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 3. Utilities. a. Stormwater. Public stormwater infrastructure is available from the subject site with facilities in Game Farm Road. The stormwater main is a 12 -inch and flows to the southeast. On the north section of the lot there is a catch -basin in Pheasant Blvd. adjacent to the single-family home on tax lot 2100. b. Wastewater. Wastewater infrastructure exists in Game Farm Road to the east of the southern section of the site. The line in Game Farm Road is an 8 -inch line. There are two clean outs in the road with the line that runs to the northeast and connect to the 24 -inch main line in Martian Luther King Jr Parkway. X411 --f IIiT�T•�U7.7t�iG1i Page 4 of 10 The subject property is within the Sports Way 10 -year Time of • ----- - _ , N=RnT�..._ Travel Zone (TOTZ). Any •+ eeL� +' redevelopment ofthe sitewould� - require a Drinking Water -- Protection application. r ............. . Wellhead Protection Areas Map Fxcapt Ciy of Spnngfield and Spnngfeld Ufiliy eoarrl January 2013 �,-- � The Satre Greup • 375 Wesi 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 •w.va.satregmup.com Ganser Lot Page 5 of 10 Land Use Planning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 July 28 2023 d. Water & Electric. Existing water and electric infrastructure exist adjacent to the subject site. 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. The Springfield Natural Resource Study Report does not identify any resources on the site. The site is not in any floodplain and has no identified National Inventoried Wetlands on or near the site. 5. Parks and Open Space a. Wllamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan. The V t in Comprehensive gELT�INE HWa' �U�\ Plan doesdoes not include any new projects abutting the subject property. The nearby project includes improvements to Lyle Gamebird Park. Fiatfle� The area around the property is Path an area that is underserved by existing parks. The closest parks Gamebird are Gamebird Park to the east of F- I the site and Robin Park to the Park south. Q Park and Recreation Projects Map Excapt LU Robin VWlannalane Park and Recreation Oiskid t— .7 r % October 2012 Parkt 6. Title Reports. A Preliminary Title Report, dated March 7, 2023, documented the existence of nine (9) exceptions. Exceptions 6 through 9 are pertinent to this land use analysis. Briefly these areas are as follows: Parcel 1 Tax Lot 2100 — Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions, and dedications as shown, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of First Addition to Game Bird Village, recorded in Reception No. F019 s021, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, (bit omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law) in Declaration recorded July 15, 1953, Reception No. 1953-008271, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Terms and Provisions of Public Utility Easement, recorded July 2, 2015, Reception No. 2015-032625, Lane County Deeds and Records. Parcel 2 Tax Lot 20801 9. Reservations, including the terms and provisions thereof, in deed from Southern Pacific Transportation Company, a Delaware corporation, to Kapka, Inc., a corporation, recorded September 15, 1988, Reception No. 1988-038542, Lane County Official Records. The Satre Group . 375 Weal 4^ Avenue, suite 201, Eugene, OR 97,101 .(541) 686-4540.wew.satn:gmup.com Ganser Lot Lard Use Planning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 6 of 10 7. Development Standards. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) governs all lands within Springfield's city limits and its urban services area (the UGB). The lot is within the UGB and the SDC will apply to the tax lot. All SDC Chapters apply, but three chapters, in particular, are detailed here - Land Use Districts (Chapter 3), Development Standards (Chapter 4), and Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5). As land use applications are prepared, a detailed review of the Code will be required. A brief overview of relevant sections follows. NOTE: Always refer to the full code when generating plans and completing applications. a. Land Use Districts (Chapter 3). With the property's R-1 zoning, the project will need to comply with SDC 3.2.200 Residential Districts. 3.2.210 Schedule of Use Categories o Duplex Housing - permitted with required code standard, SDC 3.2.245. o Triplex/Fourplex- permitted with required code standards, SDC 3.2.250 and 3.2.255. o Cottage Cluster- permitted with required code standards, SDC 3.2.250 and 3.2.265. 3.2.215 Density Standards o Duplex Housing —6 units per net acre minimum and no maximum. Minimum lot size 3,000 sq ft. o Triplex Housing - 6 units per net acre minimum and no maximum. Minimum lot size 5,000 sq ft. o Fourplex Housing - 6 units per net acre minimum and no maximum. Minimum lot size 7,000 sq ft. o Cottage Cluster- 4 units per net acre minimum and no maximum. Minimum lot size 5,000 sq ft. 3.2.220 Setbacks o Front Yards —18 feet for garage or carport; 10 feet to living area. o Side Yards -5 feet. o Rear Yard —10 feet for primary structure; 5 feet accessory dwelling unit. 3.2.225 Lot Coverage and Impervious Surfaces o (2) On lots or parcels of less than 4,500 square feet in size, the impervious surface area must not exceed 60 percent of the lot or parcel area. o (3) On lots or parcels of 4,500 square feet or larger in size, the lot coverage must not exceed 45 percent of the lot or parcel area. 3.2.230 Height o R-1 zone -35 feet. 3.2.245 Duplexes o Duplex or ADU Election. In instances where a development can meet the definition of a duplex and also meets the definition of a primary single unit dwelling with an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), the applicant must specify at the time of application whether the development is a duplex or a primary single unit dwelling with an ADU. The application will be reviewed according to the standards and criteria applicable to the applicant's election. o Standards Applicable to Duplexes. Clear and objective exceptions to public works standards granted to detached single -unit dwellings must also be granted to duplexes. The Satre Group . 375 Wet 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97,101 .(541) 6864540.w.va.satregmup.com Ganser Lot Land Use Manning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 7 or 10 3.2.250 Middle Housing o Review Procedures. Middle housing on lawfully created lots or parcels within the city limits may be approved under a Type 1 procedure concurrently with a building permit. The criteria for the Type 1 approval is consistent with the applicable standards for middle housing in the underlying land use district. o Sufficient Infrastructure. For all middle housing types (except duplexes) in the R- 1 district, applicants must demonstrate that sufficient infrastructure is provided or will be provided. The applicant must provide the information to demonstrate that sufficient infrastructure will be provided with the submittal of the development application for the proposed middle housing. Sufficient infrastructure must be provided prior to occupancy of the proposed middle housing. Sufficient infrastructure must meet the established service levels as specified below. - Sanitary Sewer. The subject property and any existing and proposed dwellings must be connected to sanitary sewers. The sanitary sewer must be designed and constructed in conformance with SDC 4.3.105, and Chapter 2 of the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. - Stormwater. The subject property and any existing and proposed dwellings must have a stormwater management system that is sufficient to detain, on the lot or parcel of origin, any increase in on-site surface water drainage, including roof drainage or other impervious surface drainage, to not increase flows from the lot or parcel above the flow levels that existed from the lot or parcel prior to the development of new middle housing. - Water. The subject property as well as any existing and proposed dwellings must be connected to a public water system. The public water system must be capable of meeting established service levels as determined by the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Documentation must be submitted from SUB with the development application demonstrating that the water system meets the established service levels or what improvements must be completed by the applicant prior to occupancy of the proposed middle housing to ensure established service levels are met. - Streets. The subject property must have access that meets the standards in SDC 4.2.120(A), and the fire apparatus access road standards as required by and in compliance with the Oregon Fire Code. • 3.2.255 Triplex and Fourplex o Entry Orientation o Window and Door Coverage o Garages and Off -Street Parking o Driveway Approach 3.2.260 Cottage Cluster Housing o Density and Lot Size. The net density and minimum lot size must be as provided in Table3.2.215. There are no minimum dimensions for individual cottage lots if divided as specified in SDC 5.12.100 or 5.12.200. o The maximum building footprint size for each dwelling unit is 900 square feet. For each dwelling unit, 200 square feet for an attached garage or carport is exempt from the 900 square foot maximum. o Setbacks — Front is 10 feet, side and rear is 5 feet. o Orientation. Cottages must be clustered around a common courtyard, meaning they abut the associated common courtyard or are directly connected to it by a pedestrian path, and must meet the following standards. The Satre Group . 375 W 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97,101 .(541) 6864540.w.va.satregmup.com Ganser Lot Land Use Manning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 8 of 10 Development Standards (Chapter 4). SDC Chapter 4, Development Standards, addresses general development standards that could apply, depending on a particular proposal, to any property in Springfield. The following Sections apply to the project. See the full text of the Code for specific requirements: 4.2.100 Infrastructure Standards — Transportation. 0 4.2.105 Public Streets. 0 4.2.110 Private Streets - Private streets are permitted within the development area of Manufactured Dwelling Parks, Multiple Unit Housing development, and singularly owned commercial and industrial developments. 0 4.2.120 Site Access and Driveways. 0 4.2.130 Vision Clearance. 0 4.2.135 Sidewalks 0 4.2.140 Street Trees 0 4.2.145 Lighting Standards 4.3.100 Infrastructure Standards- Utilities. 0 4.3.105 Sanitary Sewer. 0 4.3.110 Stonnwater Management. 0 4.3.115 Water Quality Protection. 0 4.3.120 Utility Provider Coordination. 4.4.100 Landscaping, Screening and Fencing. 0 4.4105 Landscaping 0 4.4.110 Screening 0 4.4.115 Fencing 4.5.100 On -Site Lighting Standards. 4.6-100 Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. 0 4.6.110 Motor Vehicle Parking General 4.6.125 Automobile Parking Space Requirements 0 Duplex Housing —1 Space per Dwelling Unit. 0 Triplex Housing — 1 space per Dwelling Unit. 0 Fourplex Housing —1 space per Dwelling Unit. 0 Cottage Cluster -1 space per unit 4.6.155 Bicycle Parking Number of Spaces Required 0 Middle Housing types -0 Space. 4.7.375 Architectural Design Standards The Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5). SDC Chapter 5, The Development Review Process and Applications contains requirements applicable to all land use applications within Springfield jurisdiction. Those applicable to the subject property include the following. 5.1.200 General Provisions. 0 5.1.210 Pre -Development Meetings. 5.12.100—Land Divisions. 5.12.200— Expedited and Middle Housing Land Divisions. 5.17.100 Site Plan Review. III. LAND USE APPLICATIONS—SPRINGFIELD Assuming the project retains the existing R-1 zoning, the proposed development of the site will require the development, submittal, and processing of a few land use applications. A. Annexation. 1. Current regulations require annexation of property into a city before property can be developed, including the provision of urban facilities and services. The Satre Group . 375 Wet 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97,101 .(541) 6864540.w.va.satregmup.com Ganser Lot Land Use Manning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 9 or 10 The Springfield Development Code addresses the purpose, applicability, and process by which property can be annexed to the city of Springfield. One of the Annexation criteria states: Fiscal impacts to the city, where applicable, have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement (SDC 5.7.125.B.13). Should an Annexation Agreement be needed, such a need is identified and discussed at the Development Issues Meeting. The applicant works with the city to generate the agreement prior to submittal of a complete annexation application (generally by the re- submittal step). Annexation Agreements are defined as (SDC 5.7.113). B. Middle Housing Land Divisions (SDC 5.12.200). 1. The Middle Housing Land Division is to implement requirements in ORS 197.360 to 197.380 for expedited land divisions in residential districts, and 2021 Oregon Laws Ch. 103 (S.B. 458) regarding middle housing land divisions. The Division is a Type II land use application as provided in SDC 5.12.205 to 5.12.235. C. Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17.100). 1. Site Plan Review is a Type II land use application that provides a process to regulate the manner in which land is used and developed, ensuring compliance with various public policies and objectives. In Springfield, Site Plan Review is required for most new developments, additions, or expansions. It is a Planning Director decision and includes public notice, but no public hearing. D. Final Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17.135). 1. The Final Site Plan submittal incorporates all approval conditions from the Site Plan Review decision into a revised set of plans. Upon approval of Final Site Plan review, the city executes a Development Agreement which is then signed by the applicant. IV. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PRELIMINARY SITE PLANS To complement this Land Use Planning Analysis an existing conditions, plan and preliminary site plan have been generated to provide a graphic illustration of the planning and zoning information presented herein along with proposed site improvements. The plans are included herewith. V. ATTACHED INFORMATION A fair amount of information was collected during the regulatory review activity of the land use analysis. Of that, some are in narrative format, some are in graphic format. Of that, which was deemed most pertinent to the findings and analysis in the Land Use Analysis, a copy is included in Attachment A to this memorandum. 1. Planning and Zoning. a. Google Earth —Aerial Photograph of Project Area. b. Eugene -Springfield Metro Plan Map. c. Springfield Base Zoning Map. 2. Utilities. a. City of Springfield — Existing Wastewater Infrastructure Map. b. City of Springfield — Existing Stormwater Infrastructure Map. 3. Preliminary Site Plan. a. Existing Conditions Plan. VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The above information represents a brief outline of known and discovered applicable planning, zoning, and site development requirements for the contemplated development of the subject property. It is recommended that a pre -application meeting for Springfield (a Development Initiation Meeting) be The Satre Group . 375 W 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, &gene, OR 97,101 .(541) 6864540.w.va.satregmup.com Ganser Lot Land Use Manning Analysis Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 Page 10 of 10 scheduled and undertaken to clarify and/or confirm the findings herein. We hope this initial land use analysis proves helpful. Our office is available to discuss these findings, provide additional graphics upon request, or assist with additional project needs'. Sincerely, John Schmidt, ASLA, Principal The Satre Group The information presented herein is the professional opinion of the primary author based on interpretation of applicable land use codes within a particular jurisdiction. it is limited to the information as interpreted to the best of our abilities and is not warranted beyond this opinion. Opinions in no way represent or imply information, decisions, opportunities, potentialities, or outcomes not in control ofthe author. The Satre Group . 375 West 4^ Avenue, suite 201, &gene, OR 974101 . (541) 8864540.www.satregreup.com +rs I �4 Google Aerial Photo }Yr a. W_ Overlays: ® Mixed Use Areas ElNodal Development Area 11 Willamette Greenway Metroplan Map Excerpt ElLow Density Residential Medium Density Residential ■ High Density Residential ■ Nodal Development ■ Commercial ■ Major Retail Center ■ Heavy Industrial ® Special Heavy Industrial 171 Light Medium Industrial ® Campus Industrial :�• University Research Government & Education Parks and Open Space Natural Resource Sand and Gravel Agriculture Forest Land 1A Y V Rural Residential r © Rural Commercial Rural Industrial Airport Reserve BRIDGE 13D Urban Growth Boundary .' • .' Metro Plan BoundaryJ� Railroads ^� Rivers and Ponds Overlays: ® Mixed Use Areas ElNodal Development Area 11 Willamette Greenway Metroplan Map Excerpt ElLow Density Residential Medium Density Residential ■ High Density Residential ■ Nodal Development ■ Commercial ■ Major Retail Center ■ Heavy Industrial ® Special Heavy Industrial 171 Light Medium Industrial ® Campus Industrial :�• University Research Government & Education Parks and Open Space Natural Resource Sand and Gravel Agriculture Forest Land 1A Y V Rural Residential r © Rural Commercial Rural Industrial Airport Reserve BRIDGE 13D Springfield Zoning Map �JC HULAS ply i ETHAN CT I CARDINAL WY U} l' } Cr �� Zoning k. Low Density Residential Campus Industrial IAMOU V Medium Density Residential — High Density Residential Mixed Use Residential — Ras. Mixed Use (Glenwood) Light -Medium Industrial = Heavy Industrial — Neighborhood Commercial — Community Commercial Employment M.U. 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