HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Applicant 3/10/2023 (2)LIMBI RD
Fitzpatrick, Terry <Terry@oregonurology'com >
rrijay, March 10, 2023 9:59 AM
MORRIS Shannon
nf,lo*pf*eness Check Meeting - Harlow Urology Center
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Shannon and Andrew,
We are going to participate in today's meeting only by Zoom' See you at 11
Terry FitzPatrick
Oregon UrologY lnstitute
Oregon SurgiCenter
2400 Harlman Lane
Springfield, OR97477
(541 ) 334-3350 x1214
terrv@oreqonuroloqv. com
From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>
Sent: Thursday, March 2,20231:11 PM
To: Fitzpatrick, Te rry <Terry@o regonurology.com>
Cc: LIM BIRD Andrew <alimbird@springfield-or.gov>
Subject: RE: Completeness Check Meeting - Harlow Urology Center
CAUTION i This is an EXTERNAL email. Do not open any attachments, click on any links, or provide information to the sender of
this email unless you recognize and trust the sender. Contact the Help Desk at 541-868-9383 for any questions.
Thank you, Terry
Shannon Morris
From: Fitzpatrick, Terry <Terrv@oregon u ro logv.co m>
Sent: Thursday, March 02,2023 12:54 PM
To: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov>
Cc: Ll M Bl RD Andrew <alimbird @sprinsfield-or.sov>
Subject: RE: Completeness Check Meeting - Harlow Urology Center
1 lr..r...r i.l[Ci\'gCi
l)lanner: A.L
{ wenNtNc This email o riginated from outside of Your orga nization. Ple ase do not cl ick on links or
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l,m confirming the March 10th meeting. Nathan patterson of Branch Engineering will be there in person and l'm not sure
if I willZoom in or meeting in person yet
Terry FitzPatrick
Oregon Urology lnstitute
Oregon SurgiCenter
2400 Hartman Lane
Springfield, OR97477
(541 ) 334-3350 x1214
terry@oreqonuroloqv. com
From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@sprinefi >
Sent: Thursday, March 2,2023 9:51 AM
To: Fitzpatrick, Terry <Te rry@o rego n u ro logv.com>
Cc: LIM BIRD Andrew <a limbird @sprinsfield-or.sov>
Subject: Completeness Check Meeting - Harlow Urology Center
CAUTION i This is an EXTERNAL email. Do not open any attachments, click on any links, or provide information to the sender of
this email unless you recognize and trust the sender. Contact the Help Desk at 541-868-9383 for any questions.
Good morning Terry,
This is confirmation that the completeness check meeting for the Harlow Urology Center LLC property will be held
Friday, March L0,2023 at 11:00 a.m. This will be a hybrid meeting. lf you or anyone on your team would like to attend in
person, please arrive at the development counter prior to your meeting time. To participate virtually, click the Zoom link
below using a computer or smart device. A phone number is provided for anyone who needs to call in using audio only.
Feel free to share this with anyone in your party that would benefit from attending. Andy Limbird will be the planner for
this project.
Current Planning Springfield is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Completeness Check Mtg 811-23-000037-PRE (Site Plan Review - Harlow Urology Center)
Time: Mar 10,202311:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Shannon Morris
Planning I Administrative Specialist
City of Springfield, OR
Please contact me if any material in this email is not accessible to you. l'll do my best to provide it in another format. For more
information please see the City's accessibility page: http://www.sprinsfield-or.sovlaccessibilitv.html
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