HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Internal Reviewers 1/18/2023MILLER Liz Sent: To: Cc: From:MCEACHERN Clayton Wednesday, January 18,2023 B:54 AM Dan Halverson; MILLER Liz John Schmidt RE: Kaitlin's House lf any trash container (rolly bin or dumpster) is stored outside it needs an overhead cover (meaning a built roof over the container) at a minimum. Since no underground site work is being done and this would consist of domestic (similar/same as a house would generate) type trash, not restaurant or other high intensity use, I can waive the sewer drain requirement. From: Dan Halverson <dan@satregroup.com> Sent: Wednesday, January \8,2023 8:11AM To: MILLER Liz <lmiller@springfield-or.gov> Cc: John Schmidt <john@satregroup.com>; MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov> Subiect: RE: Kaitlin's House **l WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. l* Thank You so much Liz, this is tremendous help. WE are beefing up the landscaping and if possible, would love to float a plan past you to see if we are on the right path. Let me know if that works with you. On the trash they are thinking that roll can will be enough, but we are thinking of a screening area for those and the mechanical that is near the parking lot. Just FYI: the drop in catch basin filter discussed at the Pre-SPR meeting has been installed and we will document that. Thank you all for your assistance. From: M ILLER Liz <lmiller@sprinsfield-or.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January L7,2023 4:02 PM To: Dan Halverson <dan@saIrcglo_up > Cc: John Schmidt <iohn@satregroup.com>; MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.sov> Subiect: RE: Kaitlin's House Hi Dan, l'm so glad you are involved and the project is going forward. Below are answers to the questions: Subject: 1 Dan Halverson Senior Planner The Satre Group Dtect (?A11315-7227 Trash enclosure: Planning has a requirEment for sight obscuring screening Uut in ailition Engineering may also have requirements such as cover, pavement and drainage. Clayton may have questions on food waste since this will be an overnight 3 to 7 day stay facility. He would be able to make a determination about additional requirements for the trash enclosure. Do you know if the previous use stored the garbage inside the facility? Narrative: The use was determined to be in a different category than medical office due to the locked overnight stays of 3to7days. ThedeterminationofapproveduseispartofthePlanningreviewandtheBuildingDivisionhadcomments related to occupancy. lt looks like the applicant had a good narrative relating to the use in the Pre-submittal Meeting so it would be good to include that again and in add in any other code items and also information about the status of the State of Oregon licensing as a detox facility. Lighting: lf only existing lighting is to be used (installed prior to July !, 20221no lighting plan or photometric plan is required. Please show where existing lighting is located and mark as existing. Any new lighting would need a photometric plan and would need to follow the code for lighting adjacent to residential property. Let me know if there are any other questions. Hopefully the review will go quick with minimal requirements for this use. &dttk dlsnr.r paralopnn* ond duf Ac Wo*t p ept<tncnt Aryof &pgrue 226 g $ttelr 6pgneu, a&e7477 64t-7262J0t lnillez @t ot inofzald-o+. o o y - From: Dan Halverson <dan@satregroup.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 77,2023 2:L7 pM To: M ILLER Liz <lm iller@sprinsfield-or.sov> Cc: John Schmidt <iohn@satregroup.com> Subject: Kaitlin's House x*l WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or o n attachments unless u know the content is safe.*,F Hi Liz, My name is Dan Halverson from the Satre Group. I am working on the submittal for Kaitlin's House, the project at 1600 H Street. They had a Pre-Application Site Review (Pre-22-000203) and had a long list of needed items for the Site Review submittal, and you were listed as the planner. We are working on the site plan, the landscape plan, and the written statement, and I had a couple of questions for you. They do not have a trash enclosure and have roller cans. lf we have a screened area for the cans will that work? We were thinking around the mechanical equipment somewhere also including an area for the cans. We can screen all of it together and put some landscaping around it. 2 Since this is an already built medicaloffice, I was wondering how in-depth you wanted me to get in the written statement. From the comments from the first meeting, it didn't sound like too many planning items were needed. We plan on fixing all the landscaping, especially around the eastern property line and we will have an existing conditions plan. I saw the lighting section in the comments, and I have not looked into the existing lights. They are boxed and I assume were approved previously. Do you think we need to get a photometric study for the existing lights?? We have been out there around dusk, and they seem to be operational and with the box they are shielded away from the residential area to the east. Let me know what you think, and I hope to get this back in this week or next. Let me know if you have any other concerns too. Dan Halverson Senior Planner The Satre Group Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 375 West 4h Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Office (541) 6864540 Dned (tA1\315-7227 Cetl (858) 652-8508 www.satreqroup.com 3