HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Planner 6/3/2021,l 2 3 4 5 6 7I I {0 11 OHIGINAL RENEWAL APPLrcAilON FOR THREE YEAR VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES f this is a renewal, do not complete the fee infiormation. Use the attached billing lht to calculate your feee. The bllling llst MUST be subrnitted with yor renewal applica{on. $ $ TOTAL = $TEMFORARY PI.ATES DATE DEALER $ 1,1E7.00 rorAl $Addlflonrl platec 12'x 6'_ or 7" x Additional Locafons @$350.00 lre! CER]IFEATE FEE ADDMONAL PI.AIES IITE FEE HENEWAL PTATES ([wo sizes, standard ard vnall, available) Orlginal Certificate (lncludes one plate).... (Supplemental Apdication Form 735372 requircd for eactr locatftm) 9't 478 coRPonAnoN lu,ti,E), AODRESS locATroN {srFEEr ArD HuueEn) Emrnett M. Smith It oorporatim, Id lh..t to t,ndor YrtLrr h.tsh€Bs b krcorporafied lndlvldual Partnershlp LLG I /we prlmarlly sell:[ ruewVehicles n Used Vehicles I / we arc a franchlse dealer:fl ves No lf 'Yes," name the makes ) I / we sell NEty RECREATIONAL VEHICLES:Yes I ruo (STBEET AND NUIIBER)lcrY cd)E LOCATION APPROVAL (lfranswal ryrq-ulre9 only f dealer b chsnghg buelness loca$onl Cartlficafion d local zoning. ORS 822.005 requles a vehlde deabr ertlfrcate, unless exempt untter ORS 8?2,.015, forany person who: (a) Buys, sells, brok6rs, trades or exdrnges vehicles elther outdght or by means of any cortdidonal sele, bailment b*e, secudty lnt€rBEt, consagnmGnt or otherufte: OR (b) Disphys a new or us€d vehid€, taibr, or semitailer for salo; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehide to seB the vehide or as{s as any type of agent fur a petson intereeted in bugng a vehlda to buy a vehide. THE CERTIFICA'IION BELOW lS TO 3E COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. The approval below slrould bo based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under applicabh ordinances, al the location of the business given on Une 3. Rrrsuant to ORS 822.025, applicant shall meet requlrernenb belop. As he zoilrg offidal fa he iuffiic{hn ultere ttb hlshxs b bcabd, I velfi by my s&nature Sut tp locatftm of ttb budness as $ated m $h ryptcaton oqnph wih any hrd uae odiunces of ha jutisdicfim pr*nnt to ORS 822.025. r-elemo{e NuiiaERf crw or'ield PRINT NAME SIGNATURE e DATE x Check box if restrictions on the location approval arc in an attached letter ftom the zoning authority. V Filaoe stannp or seal hene V ffiHB-,NGFrEtD x X { DMV SUPPIEMEIIIT LS o F F I c E U s E 54 1-337-07 B2 r]-ngfield Emmettrs Car Finder 385 54th Street ZIP OODE CHECK ORGANEANON WPE: 1I couNwor, \I n 1003 Planner June 3, 2A2t 6t3t2021 4.7 -165 Home Occupations Print EHAP]E& A DEVELOPMENT S],ANDA8Qs Section 4,7-100 Spsgf,Epeyelep3cn!.Stenda1dt 4,7 -165 Home Occupations A home occJpation is a lawful activity carried on within a dwelling or accessory sBucture by a member or members of the family who occupy the dwelling. A home occupation is permitted provided that: A. The primary use of the building is a dwelling; B, The occupaUon is a secondary use that dms not significantly affect the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood; and C. Compliance with the following standards shall occur at all times: 1. There shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than a residential dwelling. 2. There shall be no outside storage of materials visible from public property or adjacent private property, 3. Mechanical equipment unless compatible with residential purposes, shall be prohibited. 4. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the home occupation. 5. The home occupation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or utilize on-street parking of nearby properties. 6. If the proposed home occupation requires any modification to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typically found in a residential district, the proposed home occupation is considered inappropriate and prohibited. 7. No merchandise, other than what is produced on-site shall be sold to the public from premises. 8. The use or storage of heavy equipment or heavy vehicles shall not be permitted. Heavy equipment and heavy vehicles shall include, but not be limited to, the use of: semi-trucks, trucG and trackers, back hoes, bob cats, refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, commercial buses, farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. 9. Any home occupation, which requires more than 1 vehicle for its operation shall be prohibited. The 1 vehicle permitted is limited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 10. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatdr center where employees or subcontractors repoft to the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 11. Customer access to home occupations is limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m L2. The applicant shall sign an agreement with the City acknowledging any applicable standards listed in Subsections 1. through 11., above. qcode. u s/codesi/spri ngfi elddevelopmenU 1t2 'ot3t2021 4.7 -165 Home Occupations The following uses are prohibited as a home occupation: 1. Automobile repair, including, but not limited to: tun+ups, alignments, body-fender work, painting, detailing and upholstering; Health salons, gyms/ dance studios, aerobic exercise studios, karate and judo instruction; Medical and dental offices; Mortician, hearse seruices; Tow truck services; Veterinary uses (including care, groorning and boarding); 7. Wholesale distribution taking up more than the equivalent of 210 percent of the primary residence; 8. Gun dealerships involving and storage of guns for sale or customers visiting the residence. E. Any home occupation: 1. ln violation of the provisions of this Code shall be subject to civil infraction citation process of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997, Article 5.15.1. Any proposed home occupation, or component thereof, not specifically identified in the Springfield Development Code shall be prohibited unless authorhed by the Springfield Planning Commission as the result of an application for Formal Interpretation, 2. Which has been approved by the Planning Commission shall be subject to revocation by the Planning Commission if the home occupation is found to k 1n violation of the approval standards. The revocation shall be sent to the applicant ln writing. The home occupation shallcease within 30 days of the receipt of the revocation notice. The revocation decision may be appealed to the City Council as specified in Section 5.3-100. D. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. View the mobile version. qcode.us/codes/springfi eld4evelopmenV 2t2