HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Planner 2/7/2022Oregon DEQ Land Use Compatibility Statement
the apPlicantbeTbycomPleted1Section
1B. Project Name: 1r1"tWireless)rizon(VePartnershipllcoCeName:cantA.1 Appli Address: 693 36th stPhysicallnc.e:ItingConsuNamACOMMurakami,Contact Tessie City, State, ZiP: 5rr1nt1i"16,oR 97478
150RdSuitedress:Ad Meadows5200SWMailing
Tax Lot #: nOZlttZ01600 (Acct 0117000)
, State, ZiP: 13L. Oswego, OR 97035City
Telephone: 310.483.5343 Latitude: 44-03-08.42 N
Longitude: 122-58-27.51 W
Tax Account #:
*Generator lnfo: Manufacturer (Kohler), Model (4oREzG), Size (40 kw), Fueltype (Natural Gas), lnstall Date (1U13/2015)'
minimis" levels.
cts (attachorprovidedproduservicesandorfacilitYbusinessofthetypeincludetheDescribeproject,c
if necessary):nformationitionaladd powermergencyonreliesitbackup/efacilnnedunanmaitv,Assite.nicationscommucellulaWirelessVerizon the existing,ts n thisexistingForfacilityThe project,nouces products.facil physicalTheprodityoutagesutilitY "denduringactiveanythalessservicecellattoemissionskeephavetogeneratorspotentialwasexpectedthemergencygeneratorandinstalledwason-site generatorbackuppower
tO. Cfrect< the tYPe of DEQ perm it(s) or apProval(s ) being aPPlied for at this time.
flCtean Water State Revolving Fund Loan
n Wastewater/Sewer Construction Plan/
Specifications (includes review of plan
changes that require use of new land)
IWater Quality NPDES lndividual Permit
flW"t"t Quality WPCF lndividual Permit (for
onsite construction-installation permits use
the DEQ Onsite LUCS form)
f, Wutur. Quality NPDES Stormwater General
Permit (1200-A, 1200-C, 1200-CA,
1200-COLS, and 1200-2)
f, Wate, Quality General Permit (all general
permits, except 600, 700-PM, 1700-A, and
'1700-8 when they are mobile)
I Wut"r Quality 401 Certification for federal
permit or license
[lnir Quality Notice of Construction
[ rut Contaminant Discharge Permit
[ rur Quality Title V Permit
I nir Quality lndirect Source Permit
f] ParkinO ffraffic Circulation Plan
f SotiO Waste Land Disposalsite Permit
f SofiO Waste Treatment Facility Permit
f SotiO Waste Composting Facility Permit
(includes Anaerobic Digester)
l-l Conu"tsion Technology Facility Permit
I SotiO Waste Letter Authorization Permit
f SotiO Waste tr/aterial Recovery Facility Permit
! SotiO Waste Energy Recovery Facility Permit
f] SoriO Waste Transfer Station Permit
f Waste Tire Storage Site Permit
I-l pottution Control Bond Request
l-l Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage or
Disposal Permit
{This application is for:it Renewal Permit it lrlodification
2Section T beo completed orbycity placounty offi,cialnning
Cellco Partnershi (Verizon Wireless)
Applicant name:
p Project name Aster
lnstructions Written offindings forfact all local iodecis arens required writtenFor fromusesfindings reviousallowedp actions aretheoutrightby acceptablecomacknowledgedprehensiveplaDEQwilln,toreference writtentheaccept thetnspecificlanfindings offormp acriterirpolicies,or astand rds that rewe re lied u tnpon ethrendering decision with nonbased indicationor24. The I is located:{limitslnside lnside UGB Outside UGB28,Nam of the or coucity that hasnty lan d use ictionjurisd e(th legal entity forresponsible landth use decisions fororuseof
2C.isTh ts withinnotproject the jurisdiction of lanotherany used zoni or lah9,p nning entityThistsalsowithinerhofictiontheuselandor2D. ls the ?allowed under [I,easure 49 icableMeasure 49 is not a then check oneesifExpress; approved DLCD order #:
Conditi,donal;D Lpproved CDby
local ent decision or court ent docket or order #:
{have been met.13 notification
2E. ls the
a composting facility?
Senate B,il1462
2F ls the or use comactivity withpatible acknowl,your comedged prehensive n AS iredpla 6OARrequby 60-03 ?Please formthis tocomplete a dressd athe or eUS forctivity which eth licant ISapp .C1seekingapproval theon(see previoustftheorU)SE tois occurpageactivity in multiple en reSUphases,thatplease ad,dyou resses thepproval dphases escri lnbedc.1 orF,tt theexample,isapplicant's described 1projectin C aas ubdS andivision Lthe UCS thatndicates c lea andonlyringreaallowedgradingbutndoesotoutrightindicatethewhethersubdIVISISionwillapprovedDEQissuancedelaypermituntilforbdivisionfromnedlocaleofficial
The activity or use is specifically exempt by the acknowledged comprehensive plan; explain
Yes, the activity or use is pre-existing nonconforming use allowed outright by (provide reference for local ordinance):
outright by (provide reference for localordinance)Yes, the activity or use is allowed
Springfield Developent Code (SDC) 3.2-4LO
No, (complete below or attach findings for noncompliance
compatibility can be determined):
Relevant specific plan policies, criteria, or standards:
n and identify requirements the applicant must comply with before
Additional comments (attach additional information as needed)
Planning Official Signature:PlannerTitle:
Print Name: Andrew vialson D^t"' 02107 /zo2zTelephone #:54!-736-tOO6
lf necessary, depending upon city/county agreement on jurisdiction outside city limits but within UGB
Planninq Officialsiqnature: Title:
Telephone #:Print Name Date:
Alternative formats
DEQ can provide documents in an alternate format or in a language other than English upon request. Call DEQ at
800-452-401 1 or email deqinfo@deq.state.or.us.
order #:
the useYes,receivedactivity or that includes toapprovalpreliminary localrequirementsfully comply with requirements;
LI the is are attached.
2D.No,alloweduse underabove,are attached.activity or It/easure 49;findings
Provide the reasons for the decision: