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Application Applicant 6/30/2023
City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application i RINGFIELD Application Type_-,,.,(App1icant: check one) Historical Review Type I - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: _FX Historical Review Type II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: ❑ Historical Review Type III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) A licant Name: ALAN & THERESA HERNRIED Phone: (541) 790-9818 Company: Fax: Address: 922 B STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 A _plicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: ALAN &THERESA HERNRIIED Phone: (541) 790-9818 Company: Fax: Address: 922 B STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: FTAX LOT NOS : 17-03-35-13-13500 Property Address: 922 B STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED. Si natures: Please si n and Qrint Xour name and date in thea proDriate box on the next -. -. - Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: a e. Case No.: Y.Date: Reviewed b Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: Postage Fee: TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: _SV Revised 10.10.13kl 1 of 7 Historical Review Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2 Historical Review Application Form A Brief Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposal. One (1) Copy of the Deed to show ownership. In Addition: ❑ Type I - Minor Alterations -Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. z [Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. Exterior elevation drawings of the new and/or modified structure. 7Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. 4❑ Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type II - Major Alterations - Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. ❑ Exterior elevation drawings of the new structure, addition, alteration or area to be demolished drawn to scale. ❑ Existing type of fagade materials. ❑ Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. ❑ Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type III - Twelve (12) Copies of the Required Information: Revised 10.10.13k1 6 of 7 Proposed Window Replacement 922 B Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Submitted by Alan &Theresa Hernried 922 B Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Table of Contents Item 1. Table of Contents Page 1 2. Statement of Need and Scope of Project 2 3. Proof of Ownership 7 1 Statement of Need and Scope of the Project Background The owner's main bedroom and main bathroom are located on the second floor of the home. The bathroom is at the back of the house and its window looks out to the back yard (See Fig. 1 pp 3). Currently, the main bathroom is unusable due to the following: 1) An inoperable shower with cracked floor, 2) An inoperable sink, 3) Separating linoleum floor tiles throughout, 4) Poor ventilation throughout which causes creation of mold, 5) Poor and insufficient lighting throughout, 6) No storage for supplies and linens and, 7) Few accessibility features for aging in place. Proposed Solution In consultation with a registered Contractor, David Zarzycki Construction, Inc., the owners have addressed the above issues to optimize the space, allow for required plumbing, and to keep the historic nature of the home by using classic materials and fixtures (see Fig. 2 pp. 4). Need for Historic Commission Review To achieve this design, the existing double hung wood window in the current bathroom must be replaced with a fixed, fiberglass, paintable window. This type of window is specifically required for use in a shower (see Fig. 3 pp 5). It should be noted that the replacement window proposed here will not affect the home's exterior trim nor siding. The composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities will substantially correspond to the existing window and will retain its essential character and form. In addition, the replacement window is in the exact same location as the existing window (the North, back, side of the home) and the window is only visible from one specific location - on 9t'' Street between C and B streets (see Fig 4 pp 6). Figure 2 - Proposed Bathroom Layout 4 2i�ki i- g A i -- Z. ItIt M ,per MLID < 0to LU to W 0; /� V "' � 1 ik f Y e L' Figure 2 - Proposed Bathroom Layout 4 3' Y1Q, '. " TP '..y Ij w ani•: � � ` " ' ;+ ' QltYt _.• �M1:`.�-•.�? k6- Xv, Figure 3 - New Window (will be painted to match existing) Proof of Ownership 07,0j .202,? To O&W 2023 READ PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT LANE COUNTY 126 E. 6TH AVE. EUGENF, OR 97401 (541) 08244321 ty or /at-cc6iiNT # ~ 0305399 Ctrjrtj'rr:rd .OR 97411 PROPERTY Cts- 101 TAXCODEAREW 01E604 ACRIFS- 0" mAp a 1rAx;Lor. . 0.0"6.11-13 hiMW=FA Y?rl1U$T ma$T SI'R "Opa ±, OR 07477 VALUES AS OF 0Wl*M REAL. MARKET VALUE tAND STRUCTUM TOTAL 0610 SPWK ASSEMO VALUE X19 REAL #AKT VALUE ASSOS `i VALUG r,AV VEE 1"S V"R 115.1117 $01"1 371.6" 430" 467,441 oit&26 0 a 437,041 61b.636 X1.544 26'8,160 4 0 +r60.6+4Q 208,180 1AS7 YEARNS TAX 4,rrZ+4.45 $a#4 bm* 10r p1epUmatko of tA%IIS mWk$d vAh r) CURRENT TAX BY ©ISI ICT $0V%l ! 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