HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 11 01 Minutes Work & Regular Session W_PPPlanning Commission Minutes Approved 12.06.22 Attested by S.Weaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 Work & Regular Session Meeting held in Council Chambers and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Matt Salazar, Vice Chair Grace Bergen, Michael Koivula, Seth Thompson, and Steven Schmunk Excused Absence: Andrew Buck, Kuri Gill Staff: Sandy Belson, Planning Manager; Monica Sather, Senior Planner; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Salazar called the meeting of the Planning Commission Work Session to order at 6:00 pm. 1) Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project: Confirm Direction Staff: Monica Sather, Senior Planner 50 Minutes Staff / Monica Sather gave a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project. Commissioner Schmunk: Is the Plan Map going to be multi-dimensional and online only? Also, would a different software other than Map Spring be better for displaying this information? Staff / Monica Sather: There will be a PDF map as well as an interactive map. Map Spring has the ability to display multiple layers of information and it is a tool that can meet the project needs. Staff / Kristina Kraaz: explained that the current Metro Plan Diagram is in an 11x17 PDF document form only. It does not have the property-specific scale or online, multi-layered technology of Map Spring. This is the issue the City is trying to address with the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification. Commissioner Koivula: Does Map Spring allow for providing hyperlinks to site-specific information? Staff / Monica Sather: It is possible to provide hyperlinks to site-specific information, but there are considerations with how much more information can be provided beyond plan designation, zoning, etc. She will ask the GIS team about it and get back to the Commissioners with that information. Planning Commission Minutes Approved 12.06.22 Attested by S.Weaver 2 Commissioner Bergen: would like to see all possible information available listed for each of the properties. An example of this would be that each property owner could see the key documents to reference that regulate how a property can be developed. Commissioner Gill: It’s important to make refinement plans, zoning, and overlay information available to the public – perhaps having PDFs and a printed map posted in City Hall to show the community the work that has been done and make the information more broadly accessible. Chair Salazar: Accessibility is key to this plan. Showing all refinement plan designations on a PDF map could be confusing with too much information. The staff recommendation to show the detailed refinement plan designations in an interactive map while also creating a PDF map that simplifies the designations into one legend is simpler and a good compromise. Also supports staff recommended approaches for the other key policy questions presented during the work session. Commissioner Thompson: supports simplicity and staff recommendation for showing refinement plan information as well as staff recommended approaches for the other key policy questions presented during the work session. Commissioner Koivula: suggested that the Project Advisory Committee give the Planning Commission their recommendations. Staff / Monica Sather: The role of both the Technical Resource Group and Project Advisory Committee is not to make a formal recommendation but to bring up the pros and cons to the various elements and to establish key takeaways. The Project Advisory Committee’s notes can be found on the project’s webpage. She will confirm that they are all available. Commissioner Schmunk: What is meant by flexibility with clear parameters? Staff / Monica Sather: Complete flexibility would create a confusing and unclear situation with regard to what a property’s plan designation is or what is part of the City’s buildable lands inventory. Medium flexibility could entail establishing numeric limits as to how much one could move a plan designation line. Staff needs to establish what is reasonable in this area and what situations to allow flexibility for, such as property line adjustments, land divisions, or large master planned sites. There would be a maximum limit which would need to comply with the State guidelines and plan documents. Commissioner Gill: support staff recommended approaches for the key policy questions presented during the work session. ADJOURNMENT – 7:13 P.M. Planning Commission Minutes Approved 12.06.22 Attested by S.Weaver 3 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Regular Session City Council Chambers and via Zoom Chair Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm. Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Matt Salazar, Vice Chair Grace Bergen, Kuri Gill, Michael Koivula, Andrew Buck, Seth Thompson, and Steven Schmunk Absent – None Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Vice Chair Bergen Approval of the Minutes – Approved • September 20th, 2022 Business from the Audience – None Report of Council Action - None Business from the Planning Commission Commissioner Koivula: reminded the Commissioners that they can find the City Council meetings attendance schedule for reporting council action in Springfield Oregon Speaks in the tab at the bottom “For Planning Commissioners”. Commissioner Bergen: The Oregon Realtor’s Association hosts an annual Oregon Housing Summit. The 2023 Summit will take place on January 19th, virtually. The Oregon Bankers’, the Oregon Realtors’ and the Oregon Homebuilders’ Associations come together and discuss housing factors and supply, availabilities, and prices in Oregon. If anyone is interested in joining the Summit, Commissioner Bergen will be sending the registration information to staff, which will pass this along to all interested parties. Business from the Development and Public Works Department Planning Commission Minutes Approved 12.06.22 Attested by S.Weaver 4 Staff / Sandy Belson: informed the Commissioners that there are four U of O graduate students in attendance tonight from the Planning, Public Policy, and Management department. We also have a new Senior Planner, Chelsea Hartman, who will be taking on Monica Sather’s role during her leave. The Current Planning Department recently hired Tom Sievers as a Senior Planner to replace Melissa Carino. He also acts as the Staff Liaison to the Historic Commission. In Comprehensive Planning, Drew Larson has accepted a position as Planner II – Transportation, which is a new position to support the Transportation Planning and the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities rulemaking. His former position has been filled by Jessica Shull. We are still recruiting for a Senior Transportation Planner position to fill the vacancy left by Emma Newman’s resignation. ADJOURNMENT – 7:23 P.M. Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project Planning Commission Work Session November 1, 2022 Project Overview & Updates Project Purpose Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram 1 Project Purpose 2 Project Purpose Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram 3 Project Purpose Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram Adds greater certainty to Plan designations for properties in Springfield’s land use jurisdiction 3 Project Purpose Is factual Interprets existing information Clarifies Develops better research tools 4 Why it Matters & Why Now 5 Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory Housing Capacity Analysis by December 2025 Why it Matters & Why Now 5 Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory Housing Capacity Analysis by December 2025 Why it Matters & Why Now Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory Housing Capacity Analysis by December 2025 5 Progress & Look Ahead Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Through ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt 2023 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments 2023 Community Engagement Plan Project Webpage Project Advisory Committee (Broader Community) Recruitment & Selection Technical Resource Group (Partner Agencies) 6 Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Through ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt 2023 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments 2023 Project Advisory Committee & Technical Resource Group Meetings Map Research Direct Outreach to Property Owners Confirm Approach with Planning Commission & City Council 7 Progress & Look Ahead Questions & Options Process Primary Mapping Questions & Options Or Should the Comprehensive Plan Map designate public rights-of-way? 8 • Some major streets shown on the Metro Plan Diagram • Otherwise appears all public rights-of-way are designated • No guiding Metro Plan text that speaks to this topic Option 2*Option 1 Process Primary Mapping Questions & Options Or 9 Should the Comprehensive Plan Map designate public rights-of-way?Designate Do not designate *Staff recommendation Should the Comprehensive Plan Map display information about neighborhood refinement plans? If so, how? 10 Mapping Questions & Options • Need to know the refinement plan designation for certain land use approvals • Refinement plan designation takes precedence over Metro Plan designation • Implications for property research and finding maps 3 for interactive map; part of 4 for PDF map (Mixed Use, Open Space); do not amend refinement plansShow refinement plan designations but simplify designation names in legend & amend text Should the Comprehensive Plan Map display information about neighborhood refinement plans? If so, how? 11 Mapping Questions & Options Option 1 Option 2 Metro Plan designations for all properties on the map Option 3 Show refinement plan designations on map with detail Option 4 Hybrid ¾* Blank spaces (“holes”) in refinement plan boundaries, Metro designations outside *Staff recommendation Process Primary 12 Mapping Questions & Options • Represented inconsistently throughout Springfield • No longer a required component of the State’s Transportation Planning Rule • Continue to serve a local purpose of identifying and achieving multimodal transportation options Should the Comprehensive Plan Map show Nodal Development? If so, how? 13 Mapping Questions & Options Should the Comprehensive Plan Map show Nodal Development? If so, how? Option 2 Option 3* Represent all as base designations Represent all as overlays Represent as previously adopted (some overlays, some base) Option 1 *Staff recommendation Process Primary Should some areas on the Comprehensive Plan Map have flexible designation boundaries? If so, in what cases? 14 Mapping Questions & Options • Current boundary between two designations (colors) is 300-ft. wide • Consider implications for properties with more than one plan designation 15 Mapping Questions & Options Should some areas on the Comprehensive Plan Map have flexible designation boundaries? If so, in what cases? Option 1 Option 2* Option 3 Set the boundaries (lines) between designations so they are fixed Allow some flexibility with clear parameters Keep the boundaries entirely flexible *Staff recommendation Discussion