HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 03 01 Planning Commission Minutes W_PPMinutes of the Planning Commission March 1st, 2022 Meeting Approved 7/19/22 Attested by sweaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission in its role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes for Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 Meeting held on-line via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Andy Landen, Vice-Chair Matt Salazar, Michael Koivula, Kuri Gill, Sophie McGinley, and Andrew Buck Excused absence – Grace Bergen Council Liaison: Councilor Pitts Staff: Tom Boyatt, Community Development Director; Sandy Belson, Interim Planning Manager; Mark Rust, Current Planning Supervisor; Monica Sather, Senior Planner; Shannon Morris, Planning Commission Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Loralyn Spiro, Lead Communications Coordinator; Katie Carroll and Arva Hussein, Part-time Planners Lane Council of Governments: Jake Callister Chair Landen called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN (CEP): Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project Monica Sather: reported that the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development awarded grant funds for this project last Fall. The Lane Council of Governments helped provide the materials for the Committee for Citizen Involvement’s (CCI’s) consideration during these deliberations (See PowerPoint presentation). The intent of this project is to replace the portion of the Metro Plan Diagram east of Interstate 5 and have this map become Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan Map. This map will be property- specific to the extent possible. New text accompanying the map (a future Land Use Chapter) is outside the scope of this project. should remain untouched, if possible. Action is sought by the CCI to approve the draft Community Engagement Plan Map as well as to approve the draft Bylaws for the future Project Advisory Committee as presented or approve them with revisions. The map will replace the Metro Plan Diagram which is the map that the City of Springfield currently uses. It is foreseen that the CCI or Planning Commission will receive updates or be involved in Tasks 2, 3, and 5 (see PowerPoint diagram). • Task 2: (This evening) engage the CCI with their deliberations of the Community Engagement Plan and draft Project Advisory Committee Bylaws. The project will have its own webpage, a technical resource group with partner agencies as well as Project Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will comprise five or more selected members that will meet 2-4 times during this phase. Minutes of the Planning Commission March 1st, 2022 Meeting Approved 7/19/22 Attested by sweaver 2 • Task 3: involves meetings of the Project Advisory Committee and Technical Resource Group; direction from appointed and elected officials as to direct outreach to property owners; as well as updating the webpage and e-updates. • Task 4: involves continued work with the property owners and committees as well as sharing the draft map with the community at large. • Task 5: will involve the standard City protocols for notice of a public hearing on a proposed plan amendment, which include posting notices in City Hall, the community newspaper, and Springfield Oregon Speaks. We will continue to meet the needs of the community by posting a Spanish translation and making sure the color coding is distinctive enough for the community to decern the differences. Suggestions from the Commission: • A general statement that the City is planning outreach to community organizations including a couple of examples would be sufficient. • Have diverse voices represented on the Advisory Committee if possible. It would be beneficial to have the Advisory Committee larger rather than smaller. It could have alternates, if not full membership for all. This would allow for a functioning committee, even if members leave. • The committee could reach out to the NGOs as well for membership. Other groups that would add to the benefit of the Committee are renter associations, environmental groups, low-income and affordable housing advocates, as well as the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community. Commissioner Salazar moved to approve the Community Engagement Plan and the draft Project Advisory Committee Bylaws in the Agenda Item for this packet as Attachments 1 and 2. Commissioner Buck: Seconded. Sandy Belson: Point of clarification. The motion was made based on the packet provided to the Commissioners and there is one modification suggested during the deliberations. Commissioner Gill wanted to add text specifying that staff would actively reach out to specific types of organizations and stakeholders (Springfield Chamber of Commerce, Springfield Board of Realtors, the Arc of Lane County- which also has ties to the Spanish-speaking community), and staff should weigh in on Commissioner Koivula’s suggestion to add a list of types of NGOs. Commissioner Koivula: offered changes in a friendly amendment motion. The CCI could move forward with the motion with those inclusions recommended and not need a rewrite of the CEP specifically before cosnidering it for a motion. Sandy Belson: Two amendments were encapsulated: Minutes of the Planning Commission March 1st, 2022 Meeting Approved 7/19/22 Attested by sweaver 3 • Add: During broader outreach process, will perform specific outreach to community organizations and ask them to pass information to their constituents with reference to the examples given but don’t need to specify the entire list and stick only to that. • Add: In recruiting the Project Advisory Committee, broaden invitation to local Non- Governmental Organizations – renters, Renters Association, environmental groups; BIPOC community; low income and affordable housing advocates. Commissioner Salazar: I move that we amend my previous motion with the language as stated by Sandy Belson. Commissioner Buck: Seconded. Commissioner Landen: 6 in favor / 1 absent. The motion carries. ______________________________________________________________ Chair Landen called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Regular Meeting Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Andy Landen, Vice-Chair Matt Salazar, Michael Koivula, Grace Bergen, Kuri Gill, Sophie McGinley, and Andrew Buck Staff: Tom Boyatt, Community Development Director; Sandy Belson, Interim Planning Manager; Mark Rust, Current Planning Supervisor; Andy Limbird, Senior Planner; Shannon Morris, Planning Commission Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Business from the Audience None Item 1. Catholic Community Services Zone Change Springfield Planning Commission Potential Conflicts of Interests: • Chair Landen – No ex parte contact or conflict of interest. • Vice Chair Salazar –Independent knowledge of facts. I drove by the site in question. This would not factor in my decision of this item. • Commissioner Koivula – Served on the Community Development Committee and voted on the expansion of the Catholic Community Services building. That is knowledge that is not included in the packet. This will not impact his decision on this item. • Commissioner Gill – No ex parte contact or conflict of interest. • Commissioner Bergen – No ex parte contact or conflict of interest. • Commissioner McGinley – No ex parte contact or conflict of interest. • Commissioner Buck – No ex parte contact or conflict of interest. Minutes of the Planning Commission March 1st, 2022 Meeting Approved 7/19/22 Attested by sweaver 4 Andy Limbird: A summary of the public-hearing testimony has been provided in the revised Staff report. Staff included in highlighting the amended sections for rapid review. At the request of the Commission, staff provided additional information about how the decision to rezone the property was arrived at, which comprised of discussions between staff and the applicant prior to the submittal of the rezoning application. This discussion was documented in the revised packet. There was discussion around the impacts of expected Development Code amendments on the potential for redevelopment of the property under the new zoning. Andy explained that some uses would be allowed without public notice. The expected Code amendments are not changing the types of uses that would be allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Commissioner Salazar moved to adopt the order approving the zoning map amendment that is in the packet as attachment 6 for this item. Commissioner Bergen: Seconded. Chair Landen: The vote was unanimous in favor. The motion carries. Development Code Update Mark Rust: (See PowerPoint presentation) The supplemental recommendation is attached to the packet that was sent out prior to receiving a couple of comments and suggestions from two of the Commissioners. Some of the recent suggestions have been incorporated in the slides for your consideration. There are six topics: 1. Retention of existing Structures 2. Incentivize density 3. Home Ownership 4. Efficient Use of Lot 5. Density Bonus 6. Retention of Trees The Commissioners deliberated on the six topics. Commissioner McGinley left the meeting at about 7:45 pm and rejoined about 8:25. Amendments with consolidated language for the motion were compiled during the deliberations. Topic 5 Density Bonus was eliminated at the Commission’s request. Commissioner Salazar: I move to adopt the Supplemental Recommendations in the agenda as attachment 1 of this item with the changes before us on the word document compiled by Kristina Kraaz. Minutes of the Planning Commission March 1st, 2022 Meeting Approved 7/19/22 Attested by sweaver 5 Commissioner Koivula: Seconded. Chair Landen: The vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carries. Business from the Planning Commission Commissioner McGinley–noted that the Climate Friendly Equitable Communities rules are posted and LCDC will hold public hearing on March 31/Apr 1. Business from the Development and Public Works Sandy Belson: There is currently no agenda item for the next scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 15th. There was so much public comment on the Main Street Safety Plan that staff needed more time before they send the Commission a packet for deliberation. The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th. Meeting adjourned – 8:40PM. Springfield Development Code Update Project Planning Commission March 1, 2022 Purpose •The purpose of the Development Code Update project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s home town feel now and in the future. 2 Objectives 1.Quick review of development applications 2.Easy to understand, clear, and user-friendly format 3.Straight forward processing path 4.Supports/furthers economic development 5.Beautiful city, encourage investment, and improve image 6.Complies with mandatory regulatory requirements 7.Implement the City’s adopted policies 3 WE ARE HERE 4 Supplemental Recommendation Retention of existing structures 1.Consider additional strategies to discourage demolition/promote rehabilitation of existing single-unit dwellings when redeveloping a site with middle housing. 2.Explore and adopt options to support retention/promote rehabilitation of existing structures through code language, incentive programs, grants, loans, and other creative options. Incentivize density 1.Consider ways to incentivize high density housing developments to locate closer to green space areas or to provide additional green space, such as through land banking. 5 Supplemental Recommendation Home Ownership 1.Continue to promote homeownership, including ownership opportunities for middle housing units and other “work-force” housing. 2.Explore options that support homeownership, including retention of ownership and new ownership through efforts such as but not limited to: code language, incentive programs, grants, System Development Charge waivers or discounts; down payment assistance loan or grant programs; pre-approved housing plans sourced from local architects and other creative options. Efficient Use of Lot Area 1.Through future changes to the City’s stormwater system standards and policies, prioritize efficient use of lot area for single unit dwellings, middle housing, and other types of residential development, when developing lot coverage or impervious surface coverage standards. 6 Supplemental Recommendation Density Bonus 1.Consider providing incentives for income qualified or subsidized housing such as but not limited to: density bonus; reduced parking; height limit increase; and lot coverage increase. Retention of trees 1.Consider ways to incentivize permanent retention of existing trees and shrubs and setbacks from steep slopes, wetlands and other sensitive natural areas as part of a middle or multi unit development. Consider for instance, allowance for greater height, lesser parking, lesser setbacks, etc., in exchange for permanent protection of these natural areas, trees and shrubs. 7 DISCUSSION/ QUESTIONS 8 Access to greenspace •The topic of access to greenspace is not specifically within the scope of the Development Code Update Project, which looks to implement existing policies except as necessary to implement new statutes around middle housing. •The Willamalane Parks and Recreation District has the primary responsibility for planning recreational access to open space and green space in Springfield. •The Commission may consider a recommendation to the City to examine code changes or other programs to incentivize access to greenspace outside of the Development Code Update Project. 10 Incentivize home ownership •The proposed code updates facilitate greater opportunities for homeownership of middle housing through the proposed Middle Housing Land Division process in SDC 5.12.200, which implements the requirements of SB 458 (2021). •The City Council identified a number of strategies, outside of the Development Code Update Project, to promote opportunities for homeownership in Springfield, as part of its most recent Housing Strategy. •Strategies to increase affordability and homeownership opportunities will need to be considered as part of the City’s upcoming housing capacity analysis update required under HB 2003. 11 12 Solar Access Protection •Existing Solar Access Protection standards in SDC 5.18- 100 are proposed to be kept. •The Solar Development Standards in SDC 3.2-225 are not proposed in the new code. 13 70 Committee for Citizen Involvement March 1, 2022 Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… ▪Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram 1 Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… ▪Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram (Example) Snapshot of Metro Plan Diagram To something property-specific 1 Create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield that… ▪Replaces the “broad brush” graphics of the Metro Plan Diagram ▪Adds greater certainty to Plan designations for properties in Springfield’s land use jurisdiction (Example) 1 Is factual Interprets existing information Clarifies Develops better research tools 2 ▪Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan ▪Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses ▪Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: ▪Residential Buildable Lands Inventory ▪Housing Needs (Capacity) Analysis by December 2025 ▪And more 3 ▪Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan ▪Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses ▪Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: ▪Residential Buildable Lands Inventory ▪Housing Needs (Capacity) Analysis by December 2025 ▪And more 3 ▪Becomes part of the Land Use Element of Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan ▪Streamlines property research and provides better certainty about Springfield’s planned land uses ▪Is the beginning step toward determining Springfield’s: ▪Residential Buildable Lands Inventory ▪Housing Needs (Capacity) Analysis by December 2025 ▪And more 3 Primary Primary? S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage (Updates Ongoing) TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 4 Primary Primary? S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage (Updates Ongoing) TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 4 Primary Primary? S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage (Updates Ongoing) TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 4 Process Primary Or 1.Designate public rights-of-way? 5 Process Primary 1. 2.How do we handle overlays? 6 3.How do we treat neighborhood refinement plans? Process Primary 1. 2. 7 Primary Primary? S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage (Updates Ongoing) TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 8 Primary Primary? S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage (Updates Ongoing) TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 8 Process Primary S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J WORK PLAN TASK 1: PROJECT KICKOFF TASK 2: ESTABLISH BASIS FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.1 - Community Engagement Plan (CEP) 2.2 - CEP at Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) 2.3 - Recruit Project Advisory Committee Members 2.4 - CCI Appoints Project Advisory Committee 2.5 - Project Branding 2.6 - Create Project Webpage TASK 3: MAP ANALYSIS & DRAFT MATERIALS TASK 4: MAP ITERATION & ADOPTION PREPARATION TASK 5: ADOPTION PROCESS 2021 2022 2023 C C C 9 Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt Summer -Fall ‘22 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments Winter ’22 – June ‘23 Community Engagement Plan Project Webpage Project Advisory Committee (Broader Community) Recruitment & Selection Technical Resource Group (Partner Agencies) 10 Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt Summer -Fall ‘22 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments Winter ’22 – June ‘23 Project Advisory Committee & Technical Resource Group Meetings Webpage & E-Updates Direct Outreach to Property Owners Direction from Appointed & Elected Officials 10 Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt Summer -Fall ‘22 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments Winter ’22 – June ‘23 Share Draft Map: Continue Work with Property Owners & Committee(s) ▪Interactive property lookup tool ▪Printed version ▪Staff available at City Hall (in-person, phone) ▪Drop-ins around Springfield ▪Virtual meetings 10 Process Primary Task 2: Basis for Community Engagement Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 3: Map Analysis & Draft Materials Winter - Spring ‘22 Task 4: Map Iteration & Prepare to Adopt Summer -Fall ‘22 Task 5: Adopt Plan Amendments Winter ’22 – June ‘23 Provide Notice of Work Sessions & Hearings Make Materials Available Continue to Meet Needs of Public 10 QUESTIONS •DISCUSSION •ACTION