HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Packet Planner 6/20/2023Completeness Check
Development and Public Works Department
Conference Room 616 & Zoom
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
DPW Conference Room 616 and Zoom
Completeness Check Mtg (Partition Tentative) #811 -23 -000133 -PRE 811-23-000136-PROJ
Bedortha Holdings
Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-32 TL: 202
Address: 5842 Main Street
Existing Use: Vacant
Applicant has submitted plans for 2 parcel partition
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:00— 11:00 via Zoom and Conference Rm 616
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811 -23 -000133 -PRE Completeness Check Meeting
17-02-34-32 TL 202
5842 Main Street
Bedortha Holdings
DocbSign Envelope ID: 064189D4-9EB74EAC-BF71-2CFD78EF0150
City of Springfield av�
Development & Public Works Fifth
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Land Division Tentative Plan
Partition, Subdivision
Partition Tentative Pre -Submittal: X Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: •❑
Partition Tentative Submittal: ❑ Subdivision Tentativene
Submittal: ❑
completeRequired Project Information (Applicant.,
A licant Name: BEDORTHAHOLDINGS LLC Phon� 1 2� -`
tli (c-}
Address: 32115 COBURG BOTTOM LOOP RD, EUGENTE, OR 97408 ID�tR�c.l 6q. •Co/7-,\
Applicant's Pep.:
Address: 32115 COBURG BOTTOM LOOP RD, EUGENE, OR 97408
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-32
Property Address: 5842 MAIN ST, SPRINGFIELD OR 97478
Size of Property: 1.2 Acres ® Square Feet ❑
Proposed Name of Subdivision:
Description of If you are flli ng in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Pro oral: 2 parcel partition
Existing Use: Vacant
# Of Lots/Parcels: 2
Total acreage of parcels/ Parcel 1: 0.85ac,
allowable density: Parce12:0.33ac.
proposed #
Dwell Units
Si natures: Please si n and rint our name and date in thea
Associated Applications:
ro riate box on the next a e.
Pre -Sub Case No.:6I I -23 -I n ate: '
Reviewed b
Case No.:Date:
Reviewed by:
A 11 ti Fee:
Technical Fee: $
lPostage Fee: �l
Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10
June 13, 2023
TM 17-02-34-32, TL 202
Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 23-096
This application is for a two -parcel partition. The site lies east of 5V Street
between A Street and Main Street. It is primarily vacant, but a sanitary sewer main
crosses through the northerly portion and some drive aisles, parking spaces and
stormwater infrastructure are also present. The proposed parcel boundary is the
centerline of a drive aisle.
SDC 5.12.125(B) requires the zoning to be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram.
The site zoning is Neighborhood Commercial and the Metro Plan designation is Medium
Density Residential. Neighborhood Commercial zoning is consistent with the Medium
Density Residential designation since light commercial is permitted in R-2 (the zone
implementation of Medium Density Residential designation).
Several previous applications are relevant to the site. the most recent is SUB2008-
00007 which approved a three parcel partition on the site. Two Plat Pre -Submittal
Meetings were held for the plat associated with SUB2008-00007, but the plat never
recorded and the approval expired. The SUB2008-00007 Conditions of Approval are
acknowledged in this application as follows:
1. A permit was obtained (COM2008-01053) for installation of the sanitary sewer
laterals shown on the tentative plan approved previously. City records indicate
the permit expired without piping being installed and the owner records are
inconclusive. therefore, it is assumed at this time that no laterals were installed.
No laterals are proposed in this application. The sanitary sewer main crosses
both of the proposed parcels, giving each of them ready access without disruption
to other properties or public infrastructure.
2. A permit was obtained (COM2008-01053) for installation of the stormwater
laterals shown on the tentative plan approved previously. City records indicate
the permit expired without piping being installed and the owner records are
inconclusive. therefore, it is assumed at this time that no laterals were installed.
No laterals are proposed in this application. Each parcel has ready access to a
stormwater connection without disruption to other properties or public
infrastructure - Parcel 1 has a lateral available for connection to the existing swale
in the southern portion of the parcel and Parcel 2 has a lateral available for
connection to the existing public pipe system in A Street.
310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p- 541.746.0637 1 w .branchengineenng.mm
Written Statement
June 13, 2023
3. This easement is proposed in this application and will be included on the plat
which follows this approval.
4. During the previous Plat Pre -Submittal Meetings the city agreed that the 2-3" and
3-2" power conduits from a 3-phase power line in 5V Street were satisfactory for
establishing compliance with this condition. SUB Electric mapping indicates wires
have now been pulled through the conduits.
5. During the previous Plat Pre -Submittal Meetings the city agreed that the 1-4"
phone conduit, 1-2" cable conduit and 1-4" gas conduit from 5V Street were
satisfactory for establishing compliance with this condition.
6. During the previous Plat Pre -Submittal Meetings the city agreed that the 8" water
main within a PUE on the south side of A Street was satisfactory for establishing
compliance with this condition since each lot can make connection without
disturbance to private or other public facilities.
7. A copy of ODOT's Approach Permit is included in this submittal.
8. No vision clearance obstructions exist or are proposed.
Branch Engineering, Inc.
Page 2 42
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Staff Report & Decision
Project Name: Amigos III Partition
Project Proposal: Partition one parcel (1.19 acres) to c
three parcels
Case Number: SUB2008-00007
Project Location: South of A Street & North of Main St
17-02-34-32, TL 202
Zoning: General Office (GO)
Overlay District(s): N/A - -- - - -
Applicable Refinement Plan: N/A
Refinement Plan Designation: N/A
Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential
Pre -Submittal Meeting Date: August 31, 2007
Application Submittal Date: February 4, 2008
DRC Meeting Date: March 4, 2008
Decision Issued Date: March 18, 2008
Recommendation: Approval with Conditions -
Appeal Deadline Date: April 2, 2008
Associated Applications: PRE2007-00057, SUB 2006-00026 (Partition of Parent Lot), SUB2005-00042
(PLA), DRC2006-00028 (SPR for Internal Driveways)
Planner II
Land Use Planning
Molly Markarian
Transportation Planning Engineer
Gary McKenne
Public Works Engineer in Training
Utilities, Sanitary & Storm Sewer
Jesse Jones
Deputy Fire Marshal
Fire and Life Safety
Gilbert Gordon
Engineering Technician
SUB Electric Utilities
Tony Talbot
Civil Engineer
SUB Water Utilities -
Rebecca Tem lin
Applicant's Representative
Ron Thienes
James Branch, P.E., P.L.S.
Amigos III, LLC
Branch Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 25
310 Fifth Street
Walterville, OR 97489
Springfield, OR 97477
Case No. SUB2008-00007 1 of 11
This staff report and decision grants approval with conditions to the subject application, as of the date
of this decision. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion
of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes (see Appendix A)
unless specifically noted in this decision with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. The
plat, as well as the installation of public and private improvements, must conform to the approved
tentative plan or as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code
and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document in its entirety.
This application has been reviewed under the procedures listed in SDC 5.1-130, Type II Applications,
and SDC 5.12-100, Land Divisions — Partitions and Subdivisions. This application was accepted as
complete on February 4, 2008, and this decision is issued on the 43`d day of the 120 days permitted per
ORS 227.178.
Applications for Type II limited land use decisions require notification of property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the subject property and any applicable neighborhood association, allowing for a 14 -
day comment period on the application per SDC 5.1-130 The property owner, applicant,. if different,.. _..
and parties submitting written comments during the comment period have appeal rights and are mailed
a copy of this decision for consideration. In accordance with SDC 5.1-130, notice was mailed to the
property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the subject property on January 7, 2008.
No written comments were received during the comment period.
The subject property is a 1.19 acre, irregular-shaped lot on the south side of A Street between 58'
Street and 60' Place and is located inside the City limits. The property is relatively flat, and soils are
mapped as Salem -Urban Land Complex -119. Currently, the property is vacant. While property in the
vicinity of the site is zoned Public Land and Open Space, Low Density Residential, and Medium Density
Residential, the property is zoned General Office and designated Medium Density Residential. Land
immediately surrounding the property to the west is zoned Community Commercial while land to the
north and east of the site is zoned General Office.
SDC 5.12-125 states that an application shall be approved or approved with conditions upon
determination that the criteria listed in SDC 5.12-125 A. through J. have been satisfied and that if
conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the application shall be denied.
Criterion 1 SDC 5.12-125 A.)
The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions.
Finding: SDC 3.2-315 states that for lots/parcels in all commercial zoning districts, the minimum area
shall be 6,000 sq. ft., and the minimum street frontage shall be 50 ft.
Finding: The applicant proposes to create three parcels as follows:
Parcel Type
Street Frontage
Street Name
Street Type
1 9,869 sq. ft.
197 ft.
A Street
14,423 s . ff.
151 ft.
A Street
27,344 sq. ft.
50 ft.
Main Street
Finding: This application meets the requirements of SDC 3.2-315.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 1 (SDC 5.12-125 A.).
Case No. SUB2008-00007 2 of 11
Criterion 2 (SDC 5.12-125 B.)
The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan
District map, and Conceptual Development Plan.
Finding: The subject property is zoned General Office and is designated Medium Density Residential
by the Metro Plan diagram, and there is no applicable refinement plan. The General Office district is a
commercial district allowed within a residential designation and was "established to encourage
appropriate office development as a transition zone, providing a buffer between residential and more
intensive commercial development at the boundaries of a Community Commercial designation." The
subject property was rezoned to from Low Density Residential to General Office via Case No. 92-12-
223 to achieve consistency with the Metro Plan designation of Medium Density Residential. Therefore,
the zoning of the subject property is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. There are no applicable
Plan District maps or Conceptual Development Plans for this property, and no change to the zoning
designation or boundaries is proposed.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 2 (SDC 5.12-125 B.).
Criterion 3 (SDC 5.12-125 C.)
- Capacity requirements of publicandprivate facilities, including but not limited towaterand electricity,'
sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities, and streets and traffic safety controls shall not
be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of
development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public
Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues.
Finding: The Development Review Committee (DRC), including representatives from the City's
Development Services Department, Public Works Department, and Fire and Life Safety Department, as
well as the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) reviewed the application, and their comments have been
incorporated into the findings and conditions below.
Finding: Criterion 3 contains two categories of development standards with sub -sections. The
application as submitted complies with any applicable sub -sections of the development standards
unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conditions. The development standards relating to
Criterion 3 include but are not limited to the infrastructure standards discussed in SDC 4.1-100, 4.2-
100, and 4.3-100:
Infrastructure Standards—
Infrastructure Standards —
Public Streets
Sanitary Sewers
Private Streets
Stormwater Management
Block Length
Water Quality Protection
Site Access and Driveways
Utility Provider Coordination
Underground Placement of Utilities
Vision Clearance
Water Service and Fire Protection
Major Electrical Power Transmission Lines
Street Trees
Public Easements
Street Lighting
Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities
Pedestrian Trails
Case No. SUB2008-00007 3 of 71
Public Streets
Finding: Abutting the subject property to the north is A Street, a 37 -foot asphalt -paved two-way local
street within a 50 -foot right-of-way. The street is fully improved to urban standards with curb, gutter,
sidewalk, street trees, and street lighting.
Finding: Abutting the subject property to the south is Main Street, a variable width asphalt -paved five -
lane major arterial street. The street is fully improved to urban standards with curb, gutter, sidewalk,
street trees, and street lighting.
Finding: The proposed partition of vacant land will have no additional transportation system impacts.
Impacts from site development on the newly created parcels will be addressed during the Site Plan
Review process.
Finding: This application meets the requirements of SDC 4.2-105.
Sanitary Sewers
Finding: SDC 4.3-105 A. states that sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development
within the city limits and to connect developments to existing mains.
Finding: The applications indicates that Parcels 1, 2; -and -3 will be provided with sanitary sewer service
via six-inch laterals from the existing 15 -inch sanitary sewer main that runs through the north end of the
subject property.
Condition 1: Prior to plat approval, Parcels 1, 2, and 3 shall be serviced with private sanitary sewer
laterals from the 15 -inch sanitary sewer main in the north end of the subject property as depicted on the
tentative plan in accordance with SDC 4.3-105 A.
NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to install these private sanitary sewer laterals.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.3-105 A
Stormwater Manaaement
Finding: SDC 4.3-110 B. states that development approval shall only be granted where the Public
Works Director has determined that adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems
provisions, consistent with the EDSPM, have been made.
Finding: SDC 4.3-110 D. states that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved
stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge.
Finding: SDC 4.3-110 E. states that new developments are required to employ drainage management
practices that minimize the amount and, rate of surface run-off into receiving streams and that promote
water quality.
Finding: The application indicates that Parcel 2 can connect directly to the six-inch stormwater lateral
that runs through the north end of the subject property. The applicant has proposed connecting Parcel
1 to this existing lateral via a new six-inch stormwater lateral. The application indicates that Parcel 3
can conned directly to an existing six-inch stormwater lateral near the southeast corner of Parcel 3 that
discharges into a private stormwater treatment swale.
Condition 2: Prior to plat approval, Parcel 1 shall be serviced with a private stormwater lateral from
the existing stormwater lateral that extends through the north end of the subject property as depicted on
the tentative plan in accordance with SDC 4.3-110 B.
NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to install this private stormwater lateral.
Case No. SUB2008-00DD7 4 of 11
Finding: Given that Parcels 1 and 2 will be served by the existing six-inch stormwater lateral that
extends through the north end of the subject property, a private stormwater easement is required.
Condition 3: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall document on the plat and record a private
stormwater easement over the existing six-inch stormwater lateral that runs through the north end of
the subject property and is intended to serve both Parcels 1 and 2.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.3-110.
Utility Provider Coordination
Finding: SDC 4.3-120 states that all utility providersshallbe responsible for coordinating utility
installations with the City and the developer through the Development Review Committee or by
separate written correspondence and that the developer shall be responsible for the design, installation,
and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider.
Finding: The applicant's narrative states that utilities such as gas and power are available through A
Street and that laterals were provided for with the construction of A Street. However, no gas or power
lines are shown in A street on the plan set submitted with this application, nor are any laterals shown.
Finding. SUB has stated that only street crossings/conduits were installed at the time of the A Street
construction. SUB added that electric facilities have not been installed, and additional streettasphalt
cuts or bores may be necessary to serve the newly created parcels.
Condition 4: Prior to plat approval, theapplicantshall verify the location of existing power lines in A
Street, as well as the location of electric facilities that have been extended to all parcels. In addition, if
it does not already exist, electric service shall be provided to Parcels 1, 2, and 3 via the existing private
joint utility easement running north/south in the center of the subject property in accordance with SDC
4.3-120. Placement of such facilities shall be underground as conditioned in the Underground
Placement of Utilities section below.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.3-120.
Underground Placement of Utilities
Finding: SDC 4.3-125 states that wherever possible, all utility lines shall be placed underground.
Condition 5: Prior to plat approval, all required utility lines to serve Parcels 1, 2, and 3 shall be
installed underground.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.3-125.
Water Service and Fire Protection
Finding: SDC 4.3-130 states that each development area shall be provided with a water system having
sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development and
that fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshall and the
utility provider.
Finding: The applicant's narrative states that water is available through A Street and that laterals were
provided for with the construction of the street. However, no water line is shown in A street on the plan
set submitted with this application, nor are any water laterals shown. SUB has stated that an eight -inch
water line exists along the subject property's frontage along A Street.
Condition 6: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall verify the location of the existing water main in
A Street, as well as the location of water facilities that have been extended to all parcels. In addition, if
it does not already exist, water service shall be provided to Parcels 1, 2, and 3 via the existing private
Case No. SUB2008-00007 5 of t t
joint utility easement running north/south in the center of the subject property in accordance with SDC
4.3-130. All water service facilities shall be installed per SUB Water standards.
NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to install private water laterals.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.3-110.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 3 (SDC 5.12-125 C.) as conditioned herein.
Criterion 4 fSDC 5.12-125 D.)
The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction
standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations.
Finding: Criterion 4 contains four categories of development standards and requirements. As such,
the application must comply with the development standards of SDC Chapter 4 not addressed by
Criterion 3, as well as the development standards for the applicable zoning district not addressed by
Criterion 1. In addition, the application must comply with the requirements of any applicable overlay
district and/or refinement plan. The application as submitted complies with the applicable development
standards and requirements unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conditions. The
development standards and requirements relating to Criterion 4 include but are not limited to the
Chapter 4 — Development Standards
3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts
4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening, & Fence
3.2-310 Schedule of Use Categories
3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards
4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards
4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading, & Bicycle
Parking Standards
4.7-100 Specific Development Standards for
Certain Uses
4.8-100 Temporary Uses
Applicable Overlay District
Applicable Refinement Plan
No overlay districts apply to the subject property
No refinement plans apply to the subject property
Finding: All applicable private and public design standards, as well as the schedule of use categories
and base zone development standards, will be reviewed via the Site Plan Review process when this
vacant site is developed.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 4 (SDC 5.12-125 D.),
Criterion 5 fSDC 5.12-125 E.)
Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions;
areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the
WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands, rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas
of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-
760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal
Finding: The Metro Plan and any applicable refinement plans, Water Quality Limited Watercourses
Map, State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Natural Resources Map, Wellhead Protection
Zone Map, FEMA Maps, Willamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, and the list of Historic
Landmark sites have been consulted, and there are no features needing to be protected or preserved
on the subject property.
Case No SUB2008-00007 6 of 11
Finding: If any historic or archaeological artifacts are discovered during construction, ORS 97.740-
760, 358.905-955, and ORS 390.235-240 may apply. If any human remains are discovered during
construction, it is a Class C felony to proceed under ORS 97.745.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 5 (SDC 5.12-125 E.).
Criterion 6 (SDC 5.12-125 F.)
Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and
pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent
residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public
areas, minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable
regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways.
Finding: The DRC, including representatives from the City's Public Works Department, reviewed the
application, and their comments have been incorporated into the findings and conditions below.
Finding: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The
greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. Therefore, SDC 4.2-120
A.1. states that all developed parcels shall have an approved access to a public street or alley along
the frontage of the property, a private street that connects to the. public street system, or a public street
by an irrevocable joint use/access easement serving the subject property.
Finding: SDC 4.2-120 C. states that driveways shall be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular
ingress and egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5, the City's EDSPM, and the Public Works
Standard Construction Specifications.
Finding: The application indicates that existing access to the subject property is via a 24 -foot wide
asphalt -paved driveway onto A Street near the north property line, and the applicant has proposed
keeping this access for Parcels 1, 2, and 3. The application also indicates that there is access to the
subject property via a variable -width asphalt paved driveway onto Main Street near the south property
line, and the applicant has proposed keeping this access for Parcels 1, 2, and 3, as well.
Finding: The proposed parcels have adequate public street access available via the shared on-site
driveway network that connects to the adjoining public street system at multiple points. Previous land
use decisions, SU62004-00042, SUB2004-00066, and SUB2006-00026, limit the subject property's A
Street access to the existing driveway locations.
Finding: Existing facilities are sufficient to meet the requirements of SDC 4.2-120 A.1. and SDC 4.2-
120 C.
Finding: SDC 4.2-120 A.2. states that driveway access to designated State highways is subject to the
requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Highway Division.
Finding: Use of the existing private driveway onto Main Street located on proposed Parcel 3 by the
abutting tax lots 300 and 400 is allowed by ODOT approach permit #52338. The applicant has applied
for an ODOT access permit to allow the proposed three parcels to use this driveway for site access, as
well, but has not received approval yet.
Condition 7., Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall provide a copy of a new approved ODOT
access permit for the Main Street access.
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.2-120 A.2.
Finding: SDC 4.2-130 A. states that all parcels shall maintain a clear area at each access to a public
street and on each corner of property at the intersection of two streets in order to provide adequate
sight distance for approaching traffic.
Case No. SU9200M0007 7 of 11
Finding: SDC 4.2-130 B. states that no screen or other physical obstruction is permitted between two
and a half feet and eight feet above the established height of the curb in the triangular area. SDC 4.2-
130 C. states that the triangular area for driveways is ten feet along each property line. -
Condition 8: Vision clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC
Finding: As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4.2-130.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 6 (SDC 5.12-125 F.) as conditioned herein.
Criterion 7 ISDC 5.12-125 G.)
Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as
specified in this Code.
Finding: Approval of this partition is in the context of multiple land use proposals for adjacent land
owned by the applicant. This decision does not prevent development of the remainder of the
applicant's property in accordance with the provisions of the SDC.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 7 (SDC 5.12-125 G.).
Criterion 8 (SDC 5.12-125 H.1
Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this
Finding: Adjacent land is currently developed with commercial buildings or is vacant and has access to
public streets by way of direct frontage or access easements.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 8 (SDC 5.12-125 H.).
Criterion 9 (SDC 5.12-125 1.)
Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urbanizable area and
no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified in SDC 5.12-1251. 1. and 2.
shall also apply.
Finding: The subject property is located inside the city limits. Therefore, Criterion 9 is not applicable.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 9 (SDC 5.12-125 I.).
Criterion 10 (SDC 5.12-125 J.)
Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the approval
criteria in SDC 5.12-125 J. 1. through 7. apply.
Finding: The application does not propose the subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile
home park. Therefore, Criterion 10 is not applicable.
Conclusion: This application satisfies Criterion 10 (SDC 5.12-125 J.).
(VOTE: This summary of the conditions of approval is provided as a courtesy to the applicant. The
applicant should, however, carefully read the decision in its entirety to understand the basis for each
condition. In addition, as stated earlier, the applicant must comply with the entire decision, and the plat,
as well as the installation of public and private improvements, must conform to the approved tentative
plan or as conditioned herein.
Case No. SUB2008-00007 8 of I I
1. Prior to plat approval, Parcels 1, 2, and 3 shall be serviced with private sanitary sewer laterals
from the 15 -inch sanitary sewer main in the north of the subject property as depicted on the
tentative plan in accordance with SDC 4.3-105 A. NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to
install these private sanitary sewer laterals.
2. Prior to plat approval, Parcel 1 shall be serviced with a private stormwater lateral from the
existing stormwater lateral that extends through the subject property as depicted on the
tentative plan in accordance with SDC 4.3-110 B. NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to
install this private stormwater lateral.
3. Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall document on the plat and record a private stormwater
easement over the existing six-inch stormwater lateral that runs through the north of the subject
property and is intended to serve both Parcels 1 and 2.
4. Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall verify the location of existing power lines in A Street, as
well as the location of electric facilities that have been extended to all parcels. In addition, if it
does not already exist, electric service shall be provided to Parcels 1, 2, and 3 via the existing
private joint utility easement running north/south in the center of the subject property in
accordance with SDC 4.3-120. Placement of such facilities shall be underground as
conditioned in the Underground Placement of Utilities section below.
5. Prior to plat approval, all required utility lines to serve Parcels 1, 2, and 3 shall be installed
6. Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall verify the location of the existing water main in A
Street, as well as the location of water facilities that have been extended to all parcels. In
addition, if it does not already exist, water service shall be provided to Parcels 1, 2, and 3 via
the existing private joint utility easement running north/south in the center of the subject property
in accordance with SDC 4.3-130. All water service facilities shall be installed per SUB Water
standards. NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to install private water laterals.
7. Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall provide a copy of a new approved ODOT access
permit for the Main Street access.
S. Vision clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 4.2-
The application, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies with the ten criteria listed in SDC 5.12-
125 A. through J. The tentative plan approved as submitted and conditioned herein may not be
substantively changed during the platting process without an approved modification application in
accordance with SDC 5.12-145.
SDC 5.12-140 A. states that for partitions, a plat pre -submittal meeting shall be held within one year of
the tentative plan approval. Therefore, the applicant has up to one year from the date of this decision
to meet SDC standards and the conditions of approval contained herein and to submit a plat application
for pre -submittal. SDC 5.12-140 A. also states that the applicant shall submit the mylars and
application fee within 180 days of the pre -submittal meeting. If, however, the applicant has not
submitted the plat application within these timeframes, the tentative plan approval shall become mull
and void and re -submittal is required. Please refer to the plat application packet available at the
Development Services Department, as well as 5.12-135 through 5.12-150, for more detailed
information on the platting process.
Please note that the plat, as well as the installation of public and private improvements, must conform
to the approved tentative plan or as conditioned herein. In addition, please note that no individual
Case No. SUB2008-00007 9 of 11
parcels may be transferred and no building permits will be issued until the plat has been recorded at
Lane County and the applicant has submitted five (5) recorded, rolled paper copies of the plat and three
(3) copies of required documents to the Development Services Department.
The application, all documents, and supporting evidence are available for free inspection (copies are
available for a fee) at the Development Services Department.
This decision is considered a Director's Type II decision and as such, may be appealed to the
Planning Commission. SDC 5.3-115 states that only the property owner, applicant, if different, and
those persons who submitted written comments within the 14 -day comment period have standing to
appeal this decision. SDC 5.3-115 also states that an appeal application in accordance with 5.3-100
shall be filed with the Development Services Department within 15 calendar days of the Director's
decision (the date of this decision). In accordance with this policy and the Oregon Rules of Civil
Procedures, Rule 10(c), the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00pm on April 2, 2008.
Please call Molly Markarian in the Development Services Department Planning Division at 726-4611 or
email her at mmarkarian@ci.springfield.or.us if you have any questions.
Molly Markarian
Planner II
Urban Planning Section
Case No, SUB200M0007 10 of 11
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3 nom' �' BreucA Lo iueerm lue AMIGOS III LLC PARTITION
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Case No. SOBMOM0007 11 et 11
Appl No.:7596 Turn Movement: Left OUt[7 Right Out K1 Left In❑Right ln®
Permittee Information
Roger Laneiiers
Ami os 111 LLC,
23021 Brushline Court
Bend, OR 97701-0119
(541)728-0054 ( ) -
Prooertv Information
5850 Main street
Units of Measure:
Scrinerflaid OR 9'1478
23200.00 Sq. Ft
McKenzie 016
MlaPam: Eve,eng Statlan:
'.aa c: Fut': Puaiw,ma:x
6.50 282+65
L Private
Pr '- tt Qn:
Right.m Right -out approach serving
commercial developemeln
pmmitm op=te, mabtainand use an appraacb shall he b effect for m i¢dcfivim period oftimc mks&:
(a) revoked by ..al ..at
(b) Far failure m abide by dee corms and ee. iumr;
(c) A chaogc ofuse Deem& as set Imth in DAR 73 4 0514045;
(d)Safety ae opr-ti Problems exiss.s at forth b734-051;
Faame ache app5ca¢im comply ¢ithany oftbe icy& and conditions of the pamitahail be sn0icimtcaae krcam ]hm¢
ofthe permit and may result is removal ofihe IMRlry by rbc Lheges Deparseacnt afTmnaparhtian.
1 Pemit is maa,d&.bje.. the avisions of Orega¢Admb:s¢adve Rata 734051
Land Use
Land Use Description:
Units of Measure:
23200.00 Sq. Ft
4142.00 Sq. Ft.
Espresso Stand
2.00 wind.
- Met -
Tax Lot
T.e.1do Rance Section Tax Lot
Reasonfor Request: Changeofuse
Site ADT: 685
Plan View
See custom Drawing
Rad e3iR2):
pease Ist:(P1):
Paving len11P2):
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qam: Ln:
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This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized
representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation.
1020 Il
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CHAMPS-d_qptyermit_aprxkwas-w b Page 1 oft PMMA 1M1320110&24:30AM
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Application ld: 4404 Highway Number. 015 Milepum: 6.50 Reamntor Request: Improvement
Aoolicant Information
Mikael Shields
akhiser & hubbard
100 West 13th Avenue
P.O. Box 10347
Eugene OR 97440
P [S
(55 4116863478 [Sill 345-5303
Prooertv Information
A. -
representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation.
6M Main Street
SKiruifield OR 97478
sae ornwy nau wrmrr.
8.50 2852+65
395' East of 58th Street
Plan view
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Pon Themes
Ce w
Amigos 111, LLC
BOX 25
Wallerviile OR 97489 lane
Pnme'. F/.%
(541)726$795 ( ) -
e il:
Tax Lot Information
Towvskp Hoag¢ Seamon T.Ut
77 92 3432_300 S
This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized
representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation.
AU rizaa COOT Signature
'y 'C0,4-
CHAMPS- rLmlt,umft apprch use Pu,eloft FM d:09/15 5012798PM
Applicationld:4406 Highway Number: 015 MilePoint 6.50 PROVISIONS Reason for Request: Improvement
Applicant: Mikael Shields Company: SalzNser& hubbard
140.301 Construction Plans are approved in general only. The District Manager or representative may require field changes. When revisions are made in
the field, as -constructed drawings must be submitted to the District.
150.101 The permit and all specifications, details, typical drawings and standard drawings attached to the permit shall take precedence over all plans,
drawings and specifications produced by the Architect or Engineer representing the Applicant or Contractor.
150.201 Within 48 hours before beginning permit work and again after completing permit work, the Applicant (or agent) shall notify the District permitting
150.411 Applicant (or agent) shall have on the job site, at all times, a copy of the permit and all attachments. The permit shall be readily available for
150.501 The permitted work is located within the Oregon Utility Notification Center (OUNC) area. The OUNC is a utilities notification system to notify owners
of utilities about excavation work performed in the vicinity of their facilities. The utilftles notification system telephone number is 1-800-332-2344.
150.701 Maintain all existing highway signs. If any signs are damaged due to Contractor's operations, replace those signs before the and of that work shift -
Avoid operations whose methods, conditions, ortiming may injure people or damage properties. Damage includes staining surfaces with such
things as mud and asphalt. When damage occurs, the District Manager will determine if it is to be corrected by repair, replacement, or
compensatory payment. If compensatory payment is required, the District Manager will determine the amount
150.702 Do not park on state right-of-way unless permitted by the District Manager. Comply with ORS 810.230, 610.160.
150.703 Remove all dirt and debris from the highway at the end of each work shift or more frequently if a hazard to the traveling public exists or as directed
by the District Manager.
160.801 All areas of excavation shall be returned to "pre -construction" condition or better. Repair natural drainage so no water stands or collects in
excavated areas, when practical. Slopes shall be trimmed to blend with the adjacent terrain. Replace the vegetative cover to blend with the
adjacent natural growth,
200.021 The work area during construction or maintenance performed underthe permit provisions shall be protected in accordance with the current Manuel
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, US Department of Transportation, and the Oregon Department of Transportation
supplements thereto. Flaggers must have certification and must carry proof indicating their completion of an approved workzone traffic control
course. All traffic control devices shall be maintained according to the ATTSSA Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices handbook.
225.051 Submit the following in writing five days before the permitted activity.
- Proposed Traffic Control Plan (TCP) showing all Traffic Control Measures (TCM). Include the proposed order and duration of all TCM. Do not
start work on any stage of construction until all TCM are in place and the TCP is operating satisfactorily.
2.000 Applicant shall remove all existing approaches to Tax Lots 300 & 400 and replace with one single approach to serve both.
CHAMPS -dr tymv vmasb Page t of 1 Printed 0911MOS 0121:11 PM