HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06- RFP City of Springfield WebsiteAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: 6/20/2023 Regular Meeting Chris Sarrett / IT 541-726-3642 Consent Calendar SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Provide Financially CITY COUNCIL Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: RFP AWARD FOR RFP 3307 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WEBSITE ACTION Award RFP 3307 to Alpha Co Marketing & Media and authorize the City Manager REQUESTED: to sign contract 3307 for $96,870.00 for the first year, and an additional cost of $57,750.00 per year for 2 years of ongoing support, for a total cost of $212,370.00. ISSUE Fourteen responsive proposals were received in relation to the City Website RFP. STATEMENT: Contract award is now necessary to enable work to proceed. ATTACHMENTS: 1. RFP 3307 Contract for Services 2. Alpha Co RFP Response DISCUSSION/ Staff issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire a firm specializing in website FINANCIAL design services. The purpose of the contract is to hire a website design firm to IMPACT: design and implement a new City website. The services proposal includes review of the existing website, project management, design of a new website, website hosting, webmaster services, security, accessibility, and implementation of a new finished website. This contract and fees represent full implementation of the new website and 3 years of ongoing services. Alpha Co Marketing & Media (Alpha Co) was one of 14 responsive proposals opened on March 31 ", 2023. City staff reviewed the 14 proposals, interviewed the top 5 highest ranked proposals, and ultimately ranked Alpha Co as the top proposer. Staff recommends Council award the RFP and approve the City Manager to execute the contract consistent with Alpha Co's proposal. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CONTRACT FOR SERVICES Contract #3307 email purchasinq(cD-springfield-or.gov for contract #3307 Dated: June 5, 2023 Parties: City of Springfield AACITY" A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon 225 5t" Street Springfield, OR 97477 and Alpha Co Marketing & Media "Contractor" 2532 Hadley Cir Sugarland, TX 77478 Additional Contractor Information: a) Type of Entity: ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership ❑ Limited Liability Comp ❑ Corporation b) Address: 2532 Hadley Cir, Sugarland, TX 77478 c) Telephone: 832-341-6338 d) Fax No: e) If Applicable, Listed among the Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non - Procurement Programs found at: https://www.sam.gov/content/exclusions: ❑Yes ❑ No City Account Number(s) To Be Charged (Include Percentages): Account Number Percentae .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9.......................... 204-03100-7080-650189-P51060 100 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: i.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms, provisions, and conditions, in addition to the terms and conditions in any attached addenda: 1. Services to be Delivered. Contractor shall perform the Services and deliver to the City the Deliverables specified in Statement of Work. The Statement of Work includes the delivery schedule for the Deliverables and Services. Contractor will perform the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. 2. Payment by City. The maximum, not -to -exceed compensation payable to Contractor under this Contract, which includes any allowable expenses, is $96,870.00 for the first year plus an annual support cost of $57,750.00 per year after the first year, for a total of cost of $212,370.00 for 3 ?3719:11 REV JAN 2022 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 15 years. City will not pay Contractor any amount in excess of the not -to -exceed compensation of this Contract and will not pay for Services performed before the Effective Date or after the expiration or termination of this Contract. If the maximum compensation is increased by amendment of this Contract, the amendment must be fully effective before Contractor performs Services subject to the amendment. City will pay Contractor for only for completed Deliverables and Services performed according to the schedule and rates in Attachment 1. 3. Expenses. City will not pay or reimburse any expenses incurred by Contractor during the completion of the Services except as authorized in the Statement Work or elsewhere in this Contract. 4. Term. This Agreement is effective as of the date first set forth above and will continue until June 5, 2026, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or by mutual consent of the parties. 4.1. Nx Renewal. This Agreement may be extended for three (3) additional one-year terms upon mutual agreement of the parties in writing. 4.2. Nx Non -Appropriation. The obligation of the City to make payments beyond June 30, 2023 is subject to annual appropriation. To the extent that funds are appropriated to make those payments for a given fiscal year, the full faith and credit of the City is pledged to the payments for such fiscal year. The obligation of the City to make those payments is not secured by the unlimited taxing power of the City and is not a general obligation of the City, The City's obligation to make those payments in any year is subject to future appropriation of funds by the City Council for the fiscal year in which the payment is due. In the event that funds are not so appropriated, payments will not be made and this Agreement will be terminated as of the date noted in this subsection 4.2. 5. Invoice. City will pay Contractor's invoices on Net 30 day terms upon City acceptance of Services performed and Goods delivered as stated in section 7. Contractor must send invoices to: Accounts Payable - City of Springfield, 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 or email to apCa)springfield- or.gov. The invoice must reference this contract #3307 and approval code #232. 6. Overdue Charges. Contractor may assess overdue account charges to City on unpaid invoices only as stated in this section. Overdue account charges must be the same as the usual overdue account charges to the general clientele of the vendor. Overdue claims are only those claims that have not been paid within 45 days of: the date of the City's receipt of the invoice, the date of the initial billing statement if there is no invoice, or the date the claim is made certain by agreement of the parties or by operation of law. However, no overdue account charges will accrue on any purchases made by City during time of civil emergency or in the event of a natural disaster which prevents the timely payment of accounts. In such instances accounts shall be paid in as timely a manner as possible. The date of the check or automatic funds transfer in payment of the claims will be used to determine if the claim has been paid in a timely manner. It is a rebuttable presumption that the check was correctly dated. 7. Rejection of Deliverables. If City determines that a Deliverable does not have the characteristics or otherwise meet the acceptance criteria set forth in the Statement of Work in all material respects, City will notify Contractor in writing of City's rejection of the Deliverable(s), and describe in reasonable detail in such notice the City's basis for rejection of the Deliverable(s). Within 21 days of receiving notice of non-acceptance, the Contractor must modify or improve the Deliverables at Contractor's sole expense so that the Deliverable(s) meets the acceptance criteria in all material respects, notify the City in writing that it has completed such modifications or improvements, and re -tender the Deliverables to City. Within 21 days of Contractor's re -tender of the Deliverable(s), City will review the modified or improved Deliverable(s). Failure of the Deliverables to meet the acceptance criteria in all material respects after the second submission will constitute a default by Contractor. In the event of such default, Agency may either, (i) notify Contractor of such default and instruct Contractor to modify or improve the Deliverables as set ?3719:11 REV JAN 2022 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 15 forth in this Section, or (ii) notify Contractor of such default and pursue its remedies for default provided for by law or the terms of this Contract. 8. Contractor's Representations. Contractor represents that: 8.1. Contractor has the authority to enter into and perform according to this Contract, and that this Contract, when executed and delivered, is a valid and binding obligation of Contractor that is enforceable according to its terms; 8.2. Contractor has the skill and knowledge possessed by well-informed members of its industry, trade or profession and Contractor will apply that skill and knowledge with care and diligence and perform Services in a timely, professional, and skillful manner according to standards applicable to Contractor's industry, trade, or profession; and 8.3. Contractor is, and must be at all times during the term of this Contract, qualified, professionally competent, and duly licensed to perform Services. 9. Sourcing. Vendor was selected through Request for Proposal process (RFP #3307). 10. First Point of Contact. Alpha Co Marketing & Media - Juan Pablo Osorio, juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com PH 832-341-6338 City - Chris Sarrett, csarrett@springfield-or.gov - PH: 541.726.3642 11. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. 11.1. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, loss, and costs including attorney's fees and costs of defense, arising in whole or in part from the acts or omissions of Contractor, and Contractor's subcontractors, officers, agents, and employees, in performance of this contract. 11.2. In the event any such action or claim is brought against City, upon tender by City, Contractor will defend the same at Contractor's sole cost and expense, promptly satisfy any judgment adverse to City or to City and Contractor, jointly, and reimburse City for any loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney fees, suffered or incurred by City. City shall notify Contractor, within a reasonable time, of any claim, threat of claim or legal action. 11.3. Notwithstanding subsections 11.1 and 11.2, neither Contractor nor any attorney engaged by Contractor will defend any claim in the name of the City, nor purport to act as legal representative of the City, without the prior written consent of the City Attorney's Office. CITY may, at any time and at its election, assume its own defense and settlement of any claims. City reserves all rights to pursue any claims it may have against Contractor if the City elects to assume its own defense. 11.4. This Section 11 does not include indemnification by Contractor for losses, claims, or actions resulting from the sole negligence of City or its officers, agents, and employees, whether within the scope of the Contract or otherwise. 12. Insurance. 12.1. Required Coverages. Contractor must obtain at Contractor's expense, and require its first tier contractors and subcontractors, if any, to obtain the insurance specified in this section 12 prior to performing under this Contract, and must maintain it in full force and at its own expense throughout the duration of this Contract, as required by any extended reporting period or tail coverage requirements, and all warranty periods that apply. Contractor must obtain and require its first-tier contractors and subcontractors, if any, to obtain the following insurance from insurance companies or entities acceptable to City and authorized to transact the business of insurance and issue coverage in Oregon. Contractor acknowledges that insurance specified in this section does not limit indemnification responsibilities specified in section 11 Indemnification. WE REV JAN 2022 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 15 12.1.1. General Insurance. Commercial general liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage in a form and with coverage that are satisfactory to City. This insurance must include personal and advertising injury liability, products and completed operations, contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this Grant, and have no limitation of coverage to designated premises, project or operation. Coverage must be written on an occurrence basis in an amount of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. Annual aggregate limit may not be less than $3,000,000. 12.1.2. Automobile Liability Insurance. Automobile liability insurance covering Contractor's business use including coverage for all owned, non -owned, or hired vehicles with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage. This coverage may be written in combination with the commercial general liability insurance (with separate limits for commercial general liability and automobile liability). Use of personal automobile liability insurance coverage may be acceptable if Contractor provides evidence that the policy includes a business use endorsement. 12.1.3. Workers' Compensation. Contractor must provide and maintain workers' compensation coverage with limits not less than $500,000 for its employees, officers, agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers' compensation laws as defined in ORS 656.027 and ORS 701.035(5). If Contractor is exempt from coverage, a written statement signed by Contractor so stating the reason for exemption must be provided to the City. 12.2. Additional Coverages. 12.2.1. ❑ Professional Liability. Contractor shall maintain a professional liability insurance policy reflecting limits of not less than $2,000,000 for claims for professional acts, errors or omissions arising from the Work. The policy may be written on a "claims made" form. Contractor shall maintain the professional liability insurance coverage for at least one year after the completion of the work. The policy shall contain an endorsement entitling the City not less than 60 days prior written notice of cancellation of such policy 12.2.2. ❑ Cybersecurity. Contractor shall maintain in force during the duration of this agreement a cybersecurity policy with limits not less than $2,000,000. 12.3. Excess/Umbrella Insurance. A combination of primary and excess/umbrella insurance may be used to meet the required limits of insurance. 12.4. Additional Insured. All insurance, except for workers' compensation, professional liability, and network security and privacy liability (if applicable), required under this Contract must include an additional insured endorsement specifying the City and its officers, employees and agents as Additional Insureds, including additional insured status with respect to liability arising out of ongoing operations and completed operations, but only with respect to Contractor's activities to be performed under this Contract. Coverage must be primary and non-contributory with any other insurance and self-insurance. The Additional Insured endorsement with respect to liability arising out of Contractor's ongoing operations must be on ISO Form CG 20 10 07 04 or equivalent and the Additional Insured endorsement with respect to completed operations must be on ISO form CG 20 37 04 13 or equivalent. 12.5. Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor waives, and must require its first tier contractors and subcontractors waive, rights of subrogation which Contractor, Contractor's first tier contractors and subcontractors, if any, or any insurer of Contractor may acquire against the City by virtue of the payment of any loss. Contractor must obtain, and require its first tier contractors and subcontractors to obtain, any endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies regardless of whether or not the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the Contractor or the Contractor's insurer(s). 12.6. Tail Coverage. If any of the required insurance is on a claims made basis and does not include an extended reporting period of at least 24 months, Contractor must maintain, and require its first tier contractors and subcontractors, if any, maintain, either tail coverage or continuous claims made liability coverage, provided the effective date of the continuous claims made coverage is on or before the Effective Date of this Contract, for a minimum of 9:11 IVWVAPY1i!rzlyYa Attachment 1, Page 4 of 15 24 months following the later of (i) Contractor's completion and City's acceptance of all Goods and Services provided under this Contract, or, (ii) City or Contractor termination of this Contract, or, (iii) the expiration of all warranty periods provided under this Contract. 12.7. Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Evidence of the required insurance coverages issued by an insurance company satisfactory to the City shall be provided to the City by way of a City approved certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. 12.8. Notice of Cancellation or Material Change in Coverage. The certificate of insurance shall contain a requirement that the Insurance company notify the City 30 days prior to any cancellation or material change in coverage. If the approved insurance company will not provide this 30 day notice, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the City contract manager within two days after the Contractor becomes aware that their coverage has been canceled or has been materially changed. The Contractor shall either fax 541-726-3782 said notice or email it directly to City Finance Department at purchasing@springfield-or.gov. Regardless of what circumstances cause Contractor's insurance coverage to cease or be modified, it is the Contractor's responsibility to notify the City. Failure to maintain proper insurance or provide notice of cancellation or modification shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract. (Contractor initials) 12.9. Equipment and Material. Contractor shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own property, equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. 13. Independent Contractor Status, Tax duties and Liabilities. 13.1. Contractor will perform all Services as an independent contractor. Although City may (a) determine and modify the delivery schedule for Goods to be delivered and Services to be performed and (b) evaluate the quality of the completed performance, City cannot and will not control the means or manner of Contractor's performance. Contractor is responsible for determining the appropriate means and manner of performing any Services required under this Contract. Contractor is not an "officer," "employee," or "agent" of City as those terms are used in ORS 30.265. 13.2. Contractor shall be responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes, if any, applicable to any payments received pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to income tax, payroll tax, social security and self-employment tax. City will not withhold, pay, or in any other manner be responsible for payment of any taxes on behalf of Contractor. Contractor is not eligible for any social security, unemployment insurance, or workers' compensation benefits from compensation or payments paid to Contractor under this Contract. 14. Legal Representation. This Agreement was prepared by the City. Contractor has had the opportunity to have this Agreement reviewed by its own legal counsel prior to its execution. 15. Venue and Choice of Law. Venue for litigation concerning this Agreement rests exclusively with the court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Any dispute arising under this Agreement will be governed by the law of the State of Oregon. 16. Force Majeure. If Contractor is delayed by reason of weather, fire, riot, strikes, acts of God or other circumstances beyond Contractor's reasonable control, City may terminate this Agreement in writing to Contractor after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Contract. If City elects not to terminate the Contract, Contractor will be entitled to additional time to complete the Contract equal to that lost by an or all of the above causes. 17. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions will not be affected; the rights WE REV JAN 2022 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 15 and obligations of the parties will be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 18. Records & Data. 18.1. Access to Data. City and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 18.2. 0 Rights in Data. All original written material in whatever form, whether print or digital, prepared for City pursuant to this Agreement, is the exclusively the property of the City. The ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques developed during the course of this Agreement by Contractor personnel can be used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Material already in Contractor's possession, independently developed by Contractor outside the scope of this Agreement, or rightfully obtained by Contractor from third parties, belong to Contractor. This Agreement does not preclude Contractor from developing materials which are competitive, irrespective of their similarity to materials which might be delivered to the City pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor will not, however, use any written materials developed under this Agreement in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section. 19. Confidentiality. During the course of performance hereunder, Contractor or its agent, employees, or contractors, may receive confidential information. Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to inform each agent and employee performing services of the confidentiality obligation that pertains to such information. 19.1. Additional Provisions. Contractor must comply with the terms and conditions in the followed addenda, incorporated by reference, in the receipt and handling of confidential information: ❑ Confidential Information Addenda ❑ Business Associate Agreement (HIIPAA Compliance) Addenda 20. Waiver. Failure of City to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by City of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Agreement. 21. Amendments. The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever, without prior written approval of City. No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. 22. Termination. The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated by City, in whole or in part, whenever for any reason City shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of City. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of the work under the Agreement is terminated and the date on which such termination is effective. Upon delivery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination under this paragraph, the Contractor and City shall, by agreement, make an appropriate written modification to this Agreement governing completion of portions of the Contractor's work and payment therefore by CITY. 23. Assignment/Subcontract. Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights, or delegate responsibilities under this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of City. No such written approval shall relieve Contractor of any obligations of this Agreement, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of Contractor. WE REV JAN 2022 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 15 Contractor shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Agreement as if no such assignment had occurred. 24. Compliance with All Government Regulations. Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. This section includes, but is not limited to, compliance with all applicable requirements of Federal and State civil rights statutes, rules, and regulations, and all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 25. Attorney Fees. Except for defense costs and expenses pursuant to section 12, neither City nor Contractor is entitled to recover attorney's fees, court and investigative costs, or any other fees or expenses associated with pursuing a remedy for damages arising out of or relating to this Contract. 26. Construction of Agreement. This Contract shall not be construed more favorably to City due to the preparation of this Contract by City. The headings and subheadings in this Contract are for convenience, do not form a part of this Contract, and shall not be used in construing this Contract. 27. Entire Agreement. This Agreement signed by both parties is the parties' final and entire Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties, their agents and representatives. There are no representations, promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: CONTRACTOR: By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM Kr% "u-4, K rac DATE: SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE M Attachment 1, Page 7 of 15 IV: Rp_1i!rzlyYa City of Springfield Public Contract Addendum Required Contract Terms Under ORS 2796 — Goods, Services, and Personal Services Pursuant to Oregon law, this public contract includes the following terms and conditions, when applicable: 1. The contractor must make payment promptly, as due, to all persons supplying to the contractor labor or material for the performance of the work provided for in the contract. ORS 279B.220(1). 2. The contractor must pay all contributions or amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from the contractor or subcontractor incurred in the performance of the contract. ORS 279B.220(2). 3. That contractor must not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the state or a county, school district, municipality, municipal corporation or subdivision thereof, on account of any labor or material furnished. ORS 279B.220(3). 4. The contractor must pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees under ORS 316.167. ORS 279B.220(4). 5. If the agreement is for lawn and landscape maintenance, Contractor must salvage, recycle, compost or mulch yard waste material at an approved site, if feasible and cost-effective. ORS 27913.225. 6. The contractor must promptly, as due, make payment to any person, co -partnership, association or corporation furnishing medical, surgical and hospital care services or other needed care and attention, incident to sickness or injury, to the employees of the contractor, of all sums that the contractor agrees to pay for the services and all moneys and sums that the contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees under any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for the services. All employers shall comply with ORS 656.017. ORS 27913.230. 7. A person may not be employed for more than 10 hours in any one day, or 40 hours in any one week, except in cases of necessity, emergency or when the public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases, except in cases of contracts for personal services designated under ORS 279A.055, the employee shall be paid at least time and a half pay: a. For all overtime in excess of eight hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is five consecutive days; or b. For all overtime in excess of 10 hours in any one day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days, Monday through Friday; and c. For all work performed on Saturday and on any legal holiday specified in ORS 27913.020. 8. An employer must give notice in writing to employees who work on a public contract, either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract, or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees, of the number of hours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 2796.235(1)-(2). 9. If the agreement is for personal services, the contract shall contain a provision that the employee shall be paid at least time and a half for all overtime worked in excess of 40 hours in any one week, except for individuals under personal services contracts who are excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 U.S.C. 201-209 from receiving overtime. ORS 279B.235(3). 10. If the contract is for services, persons employed under contracts shall receive at least time and half pay for work performed on the legal holidays specified in a collective bargaining agreement or in ORS 279B.020(1)(b)(B)-(G) and for all time worked in excess of 10 hours in any one day or in excess of 40 hours in any one week, whichever is greater. Contractor shall give notice in writing to employees who work on a contract for services, either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract, or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees, of the number hours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 279B.235(5). Attachment 1, Page 8 of 15 {00023719:11 Statement of Work Alpha Co will begin work in June 2023. Estimated time to deliver the new city website is 20 weeks. Ongoing service will continue through the end of the first project year. An annual service fee as listed in the contract will be paid to continue service beyond the first project year. Alpha Co will include all of the following as part of the delivery of the finished website, plus additional ongoing website support after the website is completed and launched: 1. Project Management 1.1. Coordinate and manage weekly project team meetings 1.2. Coordinate and direct activities of subconsultant team meetings 2. Initial analysis and review of the existing city website 2.1. Collect relevant website data, documents, and other needed information 2.2. Review project objectives, issues, and features 2.3. Prepare an analysis of the current website noting areas of improvement to be implemented in the new website 3. Develop Initial Website Concept 3.1. Platform 3.2. Theme 3.2.1. Modern look and functionality 3.2.2. Intuitive navigation of 3 clicks to access most content from the home page 3.2.3. Efficient use of menus 3.2.4. Minimize whitespace 3.2.5. Look and function well for mobile devices and computers 3.3. Searching 3.3.1. Fully functional search tool built in 3.4. Test page 3.4.1. Provide a sample home page for review and approval of design concept 3.4.2. Respond to departmental feedback 3.4.3. Presentation to City Council for feedback 3.5. Employee Portal 3.5.1. Allows for an area for employees to log in with network credentials 4. Hosting 4.1. Identify a minimum of 3 potential hosting services with a comparison and recommendation 4.2. 99.9% uptime 4.3. 24/7 support 4.4. Ongoing training resources available 4.5. Separate testing, staging, and production environments 4.6. Data resides on US based data centers 4.7. No performance issues due to regular web traffic 4.8. Website metrics 4.8.1. Number of clicks and reporting, click throughs, what platforms users are accessing from, mobile versus computer, etc. 5. Content Management System 5.1. Content review process Attachment 1, Page 9 of 15 {00023719:1} 5.2. Ongoing and automatic Content Management System updates 5.3. Bulk management tools 5.3.1. Filtering media that isn't used and finding specific media 5.3.2. Audits to find dead links, typos, and other errors 5.4. Tools to organize pages 5.5. Bulk un -publish 5.6. Ability to locate duplicate information 6. Content Creation 6.1. Efficient editing interface 6.2. Implement the brand and common design elements with existing printed materials 6.3. Be uniquely Springfield, incorporating Springfield's identity 6.4. Navigation and site content is intuitive for the user 6.5. Screen reading and accessibility audits 6.6. Test links in editor 6.7. Training and support documentation 6.8. Fillable forms 6.8.1. Handle fillable forms completely through the site 6.8.2. Display, submission, and backend routing of fillable forms to the correct user group, department, email, or other end user 6.9. Style guide 6.9.1. Create a web style guide for use by all website content creators 6.9.2. Have guidelines to allow for consistent flow, tone, look, and feel for all areas of the website 7. Webmaster services 7.1. Ongoing training 7.2. Overall site management 7.3. Knowledge, updates, new tools and features, reports, ADA accessibility 7.4. 24/7 support 7.5. Technical expertise 8. Security 8.1. Use data encryption and secure web connections 8.2. Define security by individual user or role -based attributes and limit access based on a role -based access control model 8.2.1. Robust permissions control for different areas of the website 8.3. API integrations support rotating keys and only grant necessary privileges 8.4. No multi-user accounts 8.5. Ensure data security and no City data is shared with parties or entities without prior City agreement 8.6. Ensure city is notified of any compromise of city data by cloud service providers or third parties 9. Integrations 9.1. Calendar for public meetings 9.2. City social media accounts 9.3. Mitel phone system for employee directory 9.4. Others 10. ADA Accessibility 10.1. Text size, color, and alternative text for all photos and graphics 10.2. All electronic forms are accessible by screen reading software Attachment 1, Page 10 of 15 {00023719:1} 10.3. To the extent created or uploaded by the consultant, all PDF documents are created using the original editable source of Adobe Acrobat or equivalent 10.4. Photos with text are not used unless another link to an accessible PDF or text only document is with it 10.5. No document scanner will be used to create a PDF or TIF on any web page unless a text version of the document is also provided 11. Finished Website 11.1. Testing 11.1.1. Provide for a testing environment prior to go live for city users 11.1.2. Facilitate meetings with departmental representatives to ensure that the website is sufficient and ready 11.2. Training 11.2.1. Provide training for content creation, navigation and ongoing as needed 11.3. Go live 11.3.1. Presentation to City Council 11.3.2. Provide support through the go live period 11.4. Project wrap up Attachment 1, Page 11 of 15 {00023719:1} GREENE Kyle From: Juan Pablo Osorio <juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 4:01 PM To: GREENE Kyle Subject: Re: City of Springfield Website RFP Follow Up Flag: Follow up Due By: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 4:00 PM Flag Status: Flagged **� WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or nnPn attarhmantc iinlacc vnii knn�n� tha �nntPnt is cafe I** Hello Kyle, I hope you are doing well. Thank your email, and I would be happy to clarify these points. We will include ongoing support for the first year after launching the website. We aim to have the website developed within three to four months and then will provide ongoing support, training, and maintenance as we move forward. We would like to start work as soon as possible, once the board has approved. We are ready to start as soon as this month; nevertheless, we are gearing up for the begging of June, our team is eager to begin, and we have commenced our preliminary work. Here is a cost breakdown for the first year of maintenance and support: Service Hours per month Cost Training and Consultation 15 Hours $1,710.00 Hosting & Security $250.00 Updates and IT Support 10 Hours $1,150.00 Ticketing Support 15 Hours $1,710.00 Estimating 360 hours total for the year And the cost breakdown for maintenance and support for the following years after the first year: Service Ticketing support Ongoing Updates and IT Support Hosting & Security Ongoing Consultation and Training Hours per month Cost 10 Hours $1,170.00 15 Hours $1,755.00 $250.00 5 Hours $585.00 Technical and Professional Development 9 Hours $1,053.00 Total Monthly Cost $4,813.00 Estimating a total of 460 hours per year Please let me know if you have any other questions or need further information. 1 Attachment 1, Page 12 of 15 I would love to set up a meeting sometime next week or before the project starts to touch base and get some one on one time to get a chance to familiarize ourselves more and set up for a successful project. Please let me know some times that work for you. Best Regards, On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 12:05 GREENE Kyle <kgreene@sprinefield-or.gov> wrote: Juan Pablo - I have a few clarifying questions regarding your RFP proposal. Your fee proposal has a total first year cost of $96,870. That estimate includes everything to get the new website up and running. Since that states the total 1St year cost, I assume that includes ongoing support for the entire first year, is that correct? If so, how much support time will that get us in that first year? Then the additional $57,750 annual cost would be after the end of the first year, so years 1 to 2 as an example? Can you provide me with a fee breakdown of what is included in that annual cost? I am not seeing it in the proposal. Finally, I assume you will want to get started before July 1St. In the RFP it had an earlier start date that we will miss due to the additional time to do interviews. This is important for a budgeting standpoint on our end to know which fiscal year we will start the project in, as our fiscal year starts July 1. Is your plan to start as soon as possible? I may have some more questions later as I continue towards our council award meeting. Thank you, Kyle From: Juan Pablo Osorio<juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 10:21 AM To: GREENE Kyle <kgreene@springfield-or.gov> Cc: OBRINGER Neil <nobringer@springfield-or.gov> Subject: Re: City of Springfield Website RFP 2 Attachment 1, Page 13 of 15 **� WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 1** Hello Kyle, Thank you for your email. We are excited and honored to be working with you and the City of Springfield. We would like to confirm and accept that Alpha Co. is still interested in building the website under the terms of the contract that was stated in the RFP. We look forward to working with the City of Springfield and thank you for this opportunity. Please let us know if you need anything else from us. Best Regards, On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 11:29 GREENE Kyle <kgreene@springfield-or.gov> wrote: Juan Pablo - After much deliberation, the City of Springfield has decided to select Alpha Co for the Website RFP. Congratulations! As for next steps, the first item will be to get a tentative agreement from you on the terms of the contract and scope of work so we can move to the 7 -day protest period. This can just be a reply to this email stating Alpha Co. is still interested in building the website under the terms of the contract that was with the RFP. If we can get this soon, that will put us on track to take it to our City Council on June 5t" for award of the contract. Please respond as soon as you can so we can move forward. Thank you, Kyle 3 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 15 Juan Pablo Osorio CEO / Co -Founder MBE Certified HUB Certified VBE Certified Houston, TX 77478 T: 713-482-1879 C: 832-341-6338 W: www.Alphacomarketing.com Book Meeting: calendly.com/aIphaco 4 Attachment 1, Page 15 of 15 & -Alpha Co. MARKETING &MEDIA Prepared for: The City of Springfield RFP#: 32721 City of Springfield Website Prepared by: Alpha Company Marketing and Media, LLC Juan Pablo Osorio juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com 1832-341-6338 2532 Hadley Cir Sugarland, TX 77478 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 03 1 Cover Letter 1 04 1 Organizational Information 05 1 Project Approach 191 Fee Proposal 1 22 1 References and Additional Services 1 23 1 Appendix 461 Relevant Work Attachment 2, Page 2 of 52 --A COVER LETTER City of Springfield, Oregon, We are excited to submit our proposal for the website redesign services for the City of Springfield Oregon. Alpha Company Marketing and Media ( Alpha Co.) is a digital marketing agency that has over 10 years of experience in designing and developing websites that are user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Our company is analytically driven with proficiency in working with multifaceted organizations. We have built and developed over 200 websites for various clients including PepsiCo's Juntos Crecemos initiative that focused on providing websites for Hispanic -owned restaurants. As outlined in the Attachment 1 Statement of Work, our team will provide the City of Springfield with a website redesign and development that will enhance the user experience, improve functionality, and increase the site's traffic. Our proposed solution includes a comprehensive content strategy, a modern and responsive design, and advanced search engine optimization techniques that will increase the website's visibility. Alpha Co. will work alongside our strategic partners LUMI Marketing and Creative (LUMI), a digital marketing agency that will produce the website design. Together, the agencies will be able to support this project within the required timeline through their skilled labor, financial qualifications, robust infrastructure, and past performance that aligns precisely with what the City of Springfield is looking for, as will be described in detail in this proposal. Alpha Co. and LUMI have spent the last 10 years working with multiple clients with various stakeholders and processes. LUMI's work has spanned small businesses, start-ups, tourism, culture -focused organizations, and municipalities. Specifically, over the past two years, they have worked alongside the County of York Pennsylvania, and the York County Planning Commission to rebrand their Watershed Alliance of York and Welcoming Workplace initiatives, which focus on watershed protection and diversity, equity, and inclusion in York, PA. Additionally, they are currently working through York County government's rebranding. Together, we have incorporated many different elements into our website design and development process to have fine-tuned our method to meet our client's needs to build a website to their satisfaction, and are honored to do the same for the City of Springfield. We would like to confirm that we accept all terms and conditions of the Request for Proposals, including the Attachment 2 Sample Contract terms and conditions. Our team understands the importance of adhering to contractual obligations, and we are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet or exceed the expectations of our clients. Our organizations have no past, pending, or future litigations, ensuring that our clients can have complete confidence in our services. Our team is ready to begin work in April 2023, and we submit this proposal as a firm offer for a 90 -day period. We understand the importance of timely project completion and are committed to delivering the website redesign within the specified timeframe. Thank you for considering Alpha Co. as your partner for the website redesign project. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of Springfield and deliver an exceptional website that meets your needs. We believe Alpha Co. Marketing and Media and LUMI will be the best fit for the City of Springfield's website redesign and development as this is a core competency in our businesses. We will ensure the work is done correctly and efficiently with the best -provided value to the city's website's needs. We look forward to serving you and providing you with an efficient, easy-to-use, and updated modern web ite. Ju P b o Os io CE Co -Founder — Proposer Contact Person 832-341-6338, juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com Attachment 2, Page 3 of 52 PAGE 03 --A ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION Alpha Company Marketing and Media has extensive experience and expertise in auditing, consulting, developing, and supporting complex websites that are mobile ready for your users to utilize on various internet browsers. As part of the Alpha Co. approach to making client websites, we take into consideration personalized target audiences in a tailored and efficient manner. Our work in SEO has allowed us to help businesses and clients track and maintain their user engagement, while integrating tools like CRM, and Advance Analytics. We understand the scope for the City of Springfield to design, develop, and launch the city's website. Our company mission is to empower businesses and communities to connect and grow through digital commerce which we will implement in our website development for the City of Springfield. Website design and development is the core focus of Alpha Co. Marketing and Media. The first ever project Alpha Co. took on was to develop and publish a website for a medical office in Houston, TX. We provided Spanish and English content for the website along with SEO and analytics. Since then, our company has built a core competency around website designs, development, and integrations with over 75 website developments in the past year. Our most recent clients through PepsiCo's Juntos Crecemos have requested over 200 website builds where we are currently working with small business restaurant owners to create, redesign, build, and maintain their websites with additional trainings after website launch. Alpha Co. also has experience with the public sector, our project lead and partner, Graham Dunlap, has worked with Academic Works, a company that pairs colleges with available scholarships. Graham's expertise in technology and the public sector of contracts will help us communicate and map the website development process for the City of Springfield and its staff members. For further qualifications and sample work done by Alpha Co. refer to the Relevant Work Section. LUMI Marketing and Creative is a female -led, black -owned marketing agency for women -owned brands, black -owned businesses, and nonprofits, specializing in branding, website design, and content creation. We believe in collaboration, diverse perspectives, pushing the envelope, and clear-cut solutions. We're the ride - or -die creative team that will always empower you—and tell the truth about what will empower your brand. We bring our insight and unique POV to each and every project, as the seats at the LUMI table represent women from the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities. We know everything changes at lightning speed, and we're here to operate as an extension of your internal team. LUMI exists to illuminate brands by getting to the creative heart of what makes them unique in the world—and telling the story of why that matters. We go beyond design and focus on the alignment of your strategy with how people experience your brand. LUMI holds NMSDC, WBENC, and WOSB certifications. LUMI's work has spanned across small business, startups, tourism, culture -focused organizations and municipalities. Specifically, over the past two years, we've worked alongside the County of York Pennsylvania and the York County Planning Commission to rebrand their Watershed Alliance of York and Welcoming Workplace initiatives, which focus on watershed protection and diversity, equity and inclusion in York, PA. We are currently working through a full county -wide government rebrand set to launch in the Spring of 2023. For further qualifications and sample work done by LUMI refer to the Relevant Work Section. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 52 PAGE 04 --A APPROACH Proposed Project Team Members and Roles and Qualifications for Project Juan Pablo Osorio, Research & Implementation — Primary Contact Before Alpha Co had a name Juan Pablo had a whiteboard and a dream of helping lift himself and his community. A former Marine (Semper Fi!) Juan Pablo has since received his MBA from the University of Houston -Downtown, found Alpha Co. Marketing & Media, and chairs a local organization, Outreach in the Barrio, whose goal is to feed the homeless throughout Houston. Through his military experience as well as various business leadership development programs, Juan Pablo has developed strong leadership skills. With over 10+ years of entrepreneurial & digital marketing experience, he also possesses strong communication and people skills allowing him to manage teams effectively. Primary Role & Responsibility: Juan Pablo's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to ensure communication between the city's key staff and Alpha Co. Juan Pablo will also ensure all deliverables will be met within the timeline allotted and provide the best resources to allocate for this project scope. Mariano Iriondo, Research & Implementation Project Manager As the co-founder of Alpha Co., Mariano has over 4 years of experience overseeing all projects for Alpha Co and leading teams for deliverable completion. His experience with Fortune 500 companies such as Ford and SAP positions him to complete tasks with tight deadlines. Mariano has completed development for over 50 businesses and provides valuable insights on developing a plan for execution. Through his strong leadership. he will oversee the research team to ensure effective communication and timely delivery. Primary Role & Responsibility: Mariano's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to ensure all internal communication is made to the required teams. In doing so, Mariano will direct and oversee all Project Managers and each deliverable task. Graham Dunlap, Project Consultant With over 10 years of experience working with businesses to transform their sales & operations, Graham is passionate about what a modern approach to marketing can mean for businesses of any size. A lifetime Texan, Graham graduated from the University of Texas in 2012 with his bachelor's degree and from SMU in 2017 with his MBA. Prior to joining the Alpha Co.Marketing & Media team, Graham worked at an Education Technology Company helping to administer scholarships to students across the nation. Graham's experience with Fortune 500 companies like Merrill Lynch and his work within the public sector has given him unique experience with project managing complex projects with multiple deliverables and focuses. Graham will oversee assigned work for the research and implementation development teams and consult on the digital communications strategy. Primary Role & Responsibility: Graham's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to manage project service teams, oversee assigned work for each department, and ensure best practices are being met for communicating with the city. Graham will work on consulting on the project needs and digital communication strategy as he has prior experience in working with public entities. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 52 PAGE 05 --A APPROACH Tatiana Bauer, IT Department Manager Tatiana is a technology -driven and IT expert for Alpha Co. accounts. She has experience with high -demand professions such as dentistry and can leverage her work ethic to completion of tasks. She will manage and oversee all technology requests made by the city. Tatiana has provided our clients with relevant information and guidance on the steps to take next for their technology needs. Primary Role & Responsibility: Tatiana's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to oversee the website development progress and ensure all IT needs are being met for the city account. She will work on website integrations and security for the city's website. Shazid Mazid, Lead Website Developer Shazid has extensive website development and design experience through various companies. He sas worked with Alpha Co. on the majority of website development projects for the past 4 years. He has completed and published over 200 websites for Alpha Co. clients and PepsiCo. Juntos Crecemos project. Shazid provides quality and efficient work with strong internal communication skills for client satisfaction and will be the lead website developer for the city's account Primary Role & Responsibility: Shazid's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield will be as the Lead developer for the website project Work with developers to create the website for the city's website project. He will ensure top-quality of work in accordance with client requirements. Laureano Morreno, Analyst/Researcher Laureano has extensive experience with providing analytic and research information for websites and marketing projects. He is Alpha Co's key analyst in doing customer and industry research. Through his research, he provides insights and market analysis that guides websites and messaging development. With competitor research, stakeholder surveying, and industry trend research, Laureano provides the creative and strategic teams with context and facts to build their recommendations. Laureano has provided our clients with relevant information and guidance on the steps to take next for their marketing strategies. Primary Role & Responsibility: Laureano's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to provide insight and research on developing a comprehensive website design and development strategy. Laureano will bring key analytics and provide overall research for industry best practices. Camila Marchisio, Copy Writer/Researcher/Translator Camila has extensive experience with content development in English and Spanish. He conducts research and delivers research -based copy and messaging recommendations. Her expertise in both Spanish and English language ensures culturally relevant translations when developing bilingual and translated materials for various projects. Camila is our go -to for communicating clear and concise messaging as well as providing timely feedback and research for our clients. She has worked on several projects with Alpha Co and will ensure all deliverables are submitted on time. Primary Role & Responsibility: Camila's primary responsibility in working on the website for the City of Springfield is to maintain and manage contact with key staff. Camila will ensure all deliverables are given to proper team for timely completion. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 52 PAGE 06 --A APPROACH Breanna Shorten, Creative Director and CEO (Alpha Co. Strategic Partner- LUMI Marketing and Creative) Breanna has over 10 years of professional experience in branding, project management, production, and creative direction. She studied marketing and communications at Washington & Jefferson College and the University of Delaware. Bre began her professional career as a social media manager for an Indy Car racing team and as brand merchandiser and hospitality coordinator for international rock band touring nationally with the band for a year. In 2013 she was brought on board to transform YRK Magazine, a quarterly publication about downtown business, entrepreneurship and culture in her hometown of York, PA. In 2016, Breanna gained equity of the brand and transitioned the company to YRK Creative, a full-service agency. After successfully growing the agency over 3 years, Bre gained full ownership of YRK Creative in late 2019 and rebranded the company to LUMI Marketing & Creative. While Bre is typically in CEO mode running the business, her expertise in creative direction, styling, copy editing, and strategic planning are instrumental in executing each of our projects. Primary Role & Responsibility: Bre will be acting in the role of Creative Director for the city's website design. She will assist with the sitewide audit and industry research to help determine the best direction and aesthetic that will connect with your key target audiences. Additionally, she'll pull inspiration examples and collaborate with Becky and Jared on the overall design direction and functionality. Rebecca Daubert, Art Director & Graphic Designer (Alpha Co. Strategic Partner- LUMI Marketing and Creative) Rebecca (Becky) has 12 years of graphic design and marketing experience with local, international, and national brands. Her work with YRK Magazine—emphasizing highly visual typography and layout treatments —has been recognized by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMP) through its Hermes Creative Awards for creative excellence. Through LUMI Marketing & Creative, Becky has conceptualized, sketched, designed, and managed production for just about everything you can imagine. She also has directed and styled both photo and video shoots. She's known as our creative goddess and works her magic to bring brands to life. Primary Role & Responsibility: Becky will act as Art Director for the city's website, directing and collaborating with Jared to execute website design. She'll primarily be responsible for directing design and visual direction and ensuring brand consistency and implementation. Kate Knox, Project Manager & Digital Marketing Manager (Alpha Co. Strategic Partner- LUMI Marketing and Creative) Kate is responsible for developing and implementing digital marketing strategy campaigns. She's also responsible for getting the job done, which involves the creation, organization, execution and completion of projects. As the main point of contact for clients, Kate is the one that will be blowing up your email with communication. As our workflow wonder woman, she delegates projects to our internal team to ensure everyone stays on track and on budget. On occasion, she still dabbles with a dSLR camera to grab some behind the scenes or social media content. Prior to joining our team, Kate served as the director of marketing for a photography studio, focusing on e-commerce. There, she developed, designed, wrote, managed, and executed all digital marketing efforts. She also art directed and styled photography shoots. Unlike the usual creatines, Kate strives on organization and not procrastination! She brings close to fifteen years of industry experience to LUMI Marketing & Creative. Primary Role & Responsibility. Kate will organize and delegate all tasks related to website design of the city" website. She'll be the main point of contact between the LUMI and Alpha Co teams to ensure clear communication and job completion. Attachment 2, Page 7 of 52 PAGE 07 --A APPROACH Jared Hippensteel, Website Designer (Alpha Co. Strategic Partner- LUMI Marketing and Creative) Jared is a self -motivated front-end designer/developer with a passion for user -focused web development, design and strategy, new technologies, analytics, photography and marketing. Jared has spent time working at a search engine marketing firm as well as spent several years as the Director of Web and User Interface Design for a marketing firm in Central Pennsylvania working with a number of nationwide brands. These days, Jared is heavily involved with the development team as well as assisting on the marketing and strategy side of the projects to ensure all the pieces come together to make an award-winning experience! Primary Role & Responsibility: Jared's main role for this project will be to collaborate with the lead art director, creative director and Alpha Co. team to design a site that engages Springfield's key audiences. From site mapping, wireframes, and web page mockups, Jared will ensure visual aesthetic, brand presence and functionality work cohesively prior to the development phase. For further qualifications of key staff please view Appendix A for full resumes Attachment 2, Page 8 of 52 PAGE 08 ---A APPROACH Project Scope Approach Alpha Co. will work alongside LUMI to create a new website for The City of Springfield that provides a comprehensive digital platform that caters to the needs of the community. The website will be designed with a user-friendly interface, easy navigation, and a visually appealing design that highlights the city's history, culture, and current events. It will also serve as an informational hub that provides visitors with up-to-date news, emergency alerts, city services, and resources. Our aim is to create a website that promotes the city as a vibrant, diverse, and welcoming place to live, work, and visit, while also encouraging community engagement, fostering civic pride, and boosting economic growth. We hope that this website will become a valuable tool that facilitates communication between the city and its residents, businesses, and visitors, and helps to strengthen our community's identity and sense of belonging. Alpha Co. has extensive experience and understanding of WordPress websites and can migrate, create content, and develop a new website for the City of Springfield with an incorporation of a strong SEO strategy that will make it effortless for people looking to visit the city and navigate the website. Alpha Co. will construct a website development to grow with the city as it continues to expand into further developments. We will incorporate the following strategy: • Design, develop, and recommend best practices for the website. • Provide a robust and functional website that will grow with the city. • Create a fully functional website that adheres to all Federal and State Law Regulations. Below we outline our approach to providing a complete solution for the City of Springfield's website redesign. For a full timeline and breakdown please refer to Appendix B. Phase I: Research and Strategy Planning Phase • Research and Discovery • Current Website Evaluation and Recommendations • Content Evaluation and Recommendations • Website Design and Development Strategy Phase II: Development and Design Phase • Initial Website Concept and Theme o Style Guide • Content Creation • Hosting • Website Development with Automation in Content Management System (CMS) • Fillable Forms • Integrations with o Search Tools o Calendar o Social Media Accounts o Mitel • Security • Troubleshooting, Reporting, and Testing Phase III: Implementation Phase • Website Launch and Implementation • Training • Web Master Services • Ongoing support and updates Attachment 2, Page 9 of 52 PAGE 09 --A APPROACH Phase I: Concept and Design Phase: (Weeks 1 - 5) Week 1: Perform onboarding meetings We will work alongside the city to review, assess, and complete the scope of work along with issuing fill -form surveys of the current website impressions by focus groups. • Discovery meeting with the marketing team • Receive feedback from stakeholders and surveys o Identify, measure, and improve website key performance indicators Weeks 1 - 5: Research: • Review project objectives, issues, and features. o Create analytics reports around objectives to highlight the direction of the project. • Collect relevant website data such as analytics and tracking. • Run the website through Siteimprove and other tools such as SpyFu, & Ahrefs, and other software for website data analytics. • Compare size, reach, and ideal target audience. • Research Industry for best practices. • Evaluate site architecture and navigation. • Perform Website analyses: a. User Experience Design Research (UX) to create easy, efficient, relevant, and all-around pleasant experiences for the user. b. Conduct Customer Research • Identify the best and most relevant cities to the City of Springfield on industry practices for website and design to implement and make better for the city website - ideally compared to 5-6 city websites such as: o Brookings, OR: https://www.brookings.or.us/ o Hillsboro, OR: https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/ o San Jose, CA: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/ o Wax Haw, SC: waxhaw.com o Portland, ME: https://www.portlandmaine.gov/ We will prepare a presentation with an analysis of the current website with areas of improvement to implement in the new website concept. Once the analysis report has been curated, the Alpha Co. and LUMI teams will meet with the city's stakeholders to go over the plan and prepare for the execution of the website plan. We will gather the information from the meetings, research, and discovery to plan and execute an effective website design and strategy. Attachment 2, Page 10 of 52 PAGE 10 --A APPROACH Phase II: Development and Design (Weeks 5 - 15) Weeks 5 - 8: Develop Design Concepts: The LUMI Team will work with Alpha Co. to develop the initial Web Concept: • Identify the best platform for the website to be built - Alpha Co. recommends the use of WordPress as it is easy to modify and adjust for novice users. • LUMI will create the theme for the website based on the feedback received from the City Council and the research conducted. • The Theme and Design will include: o Modern look and functionality - use existing elements from the City of Springfield branding. o Intuitive navigation strategy with 3 -click access to content from the home page. o Efficient use of menus to ensure all relevant information is visible and easily accessible. o Minimization of whitespace - each page will have a design plan and wireframe that will be approved by the City Council team. o Look and function that works with all mobile devices and is compatible with all operating systems and browsers. o Search functionality will be a key element in design. The web pages will have a fully functional search tool built in and a design to support the integration. o Area for the employee portal integration that allows employees to log in with network credentials. • LUMI will provide the city test pages for review and approval. LUMI will complete the following tasks: o Provide a sample home page design for approval and review. o Adjust according to departmental feedback. o Present to the City Council for final feedback and delivery on the design for implementation. Weeks 8 - 15: Hosting, Content, and Style Guide Implementations: Hosting: • Alpha Co. will develop the website on the hosting platform that is approved by the City Council. The potential hosting services that the city may be interested in using are: o Cloudways: Cloudways is a cloud -based managed hosting platform that offers many benefits for website owners. Some of the benefits of using Cloudways for website hosting are: ■ Hosting uptime 99.99%. ■ Provides 24/7 support - ticketing and chat options. ■ Training online - webinars, video tutorials, and documentation. ■ Flexible scalability. ■ SSL certification for security. ■ Dedicated testing environments. ■ Data can be stored in data centers located in the US. o WPEngine: WPEnginge s a managed WordPress hosting platform that offers a range of features and benefits for website owners. Some of its key features include: ■ Hosting uptime above 99.99%. ■ Provides 24/7 support and training online. ■ High performance. ■ Automatic scalability. ■ Dedicated development environment. ■ Data can be in data centers located in the US. Attachment 2, Page 11 of 52 PAGE 11 --A APPROACH o SiteGround: SiteGround is a web hosting company that is known for its performance and security features. It offers shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting plans. Some of the key features of SiteGround include: ■ Hosting uptime of 99.99% ■ Free SSL certificate ■ Online tutorials ■ Automatic WordPress installation and updates ■ SuperCacher technology for improved site speed ■ Daily backups ■ Separate staging environments ■ 24/7 customer support HostGator: HostGator is another popular hosting provider that offers a range of hosting options, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Some of its key features include: ■ Hosting uptime guarantee of 99.99% - with credit for downtime ■ Unlimited storage and bandwidth ■ Free SSL certificate ■ 24/7 customer support ■ Virtual training library ■ Separate staging server ■ Free website migration ■ Automatic WordPress installation ■ Data can be stored in US -based data centers Based on our experience, we recommend the use of Cloudways. Alpha Co. uses Cloudways as its primary hosting option for its clients. We have found the services provided with this hosting platform to be reliable, secure, flexible, and cost-effective. We will build the new city website on the Cloudways hosting platform to ensure the website is built with the best system. Content Review on WordPress CMS: • Alpha Co. will review the current content for the city's website. We will utilize bulk management tools that will integrate into the WordPress website to filter media that isn't used and to find specific media as well as to audit to find dead links, typos, and other errors. We will also integrate tools to organize pages, to bulk un -publish, and provide the ability to locate duplicate information. We will use the following WordPress plugins to perform these tasks: o WP -Optimize offers several bulk management tools, including the ability to clean up the database, optimize images, and remove unnecessary data. It also includes a filtering feature that allows you to find specific media and unused media files. o Broken Link Checker scans your website for broken links, missing images, and other errors. It also provides auditing capabilities that help you identify typos and other issues. o Advanced Page Manager offers tools to help you organize your pages. It includes features like drag - and -drop sorting, inline editing, and bulk editing. o BulkPress allows you to bulk unpublish pages, posts, or custom post types. It's a helpful tool if you need to temporarily remove multiple pieces of content from your website. o Duplicate Page makes it easy to duplicate pages or posts. It's a helpful tool if you want to create a new page that's similar to an existing page or post. o Media Cleaner helps you identify and remove unused or unnecessary media files from your website. It offers filtering capabilities to help you find specific media files and free up space on your server. Attachment 2, Page 12 of 52 PAGE 12 --A APPROACH • Content Creation: o Alpha Co. with the support of LUMI is committed to providing efficient and intuitive content creation for the new website, with an emphasis on incorporating Springfield's unique identity. With an efficient editing interface and adherence to brand and design elements, the site will be user-friendly and accessible, with screen reading and accessibility audits, as well as testing of all links. In addition, Alpha Co. will incorporate training and support documentation, as well as fillable forms that can be automated and handled completely through the site and routed to the correct user group or department. LUMI will create a web style guide to ensure a consistent flow, tone, look, and feel across all areas of the website. We will take the following approach to content creation: ■ Editing Interface: An efficient editing interface, such as WordPress, for content creation in the city website development, will be user-friendly, intuitive, and flexible. It will allow content creators to easily add, edit, and manage content on the website, without requiring advanced technical knowledge or programming skills. Some of the key features of an efficient editing interface for website content creation include: • WYSIWYG Editor: The editing interface will have a "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) editor, such as Divi Builder, allowing content creators to view their content as it will appear on the website in real-time. This will help content creators to better visualize their content and make necessary edits. • Drag and Drop Functionality: The interface will include drag and drop functionality for easy placement of content elements such as images, videos, and text boxes. • Clear Formatting Controls: Formatting controls will be clear and easy to use, such as drop- down menus, sliders, or checkboxes. This allows content creators to apply formatting consistently across the site. • Preview Mode: A preview mode will help content creators see their content in context and make adjustments before publishing. • Collaborative Tools: The interface will allow multiple users to collaborate on content creation, with the ability to assign roles and permissions to each user. • Autosave: An autosave feature will be established to help prevent the loss of content in case of a technical error or accidental deletion. • Testing links: Alpha Co. will integrate a test -link plugin in our website development to ensure links are regularly being checked and identified for their functionality on the website. ■ Branding and Identity Integration -Style Guide: LUMI will integrate the established branding and identity of the City of Springfield into the website design for a consistent and cohesive user experience (UX). We will utilize these elements to establish a style guide for the content creators to have guidelines for a consistent flow, tone, look, and feel.The following are steps LUMI will take to implement the brand and common design elements with existing printed materials in the website design: • Use of the same color palette: The color palette used on the website will match the colors used in printed materials, including the brand's logo and other graphics. This will help create a consistent and recognizable look and feel across all platforms. • Use of the same fonts: Fonts used on the website will be consistent with those used in printed materials. Using the same font family, font size, and style throughout the website will help create a professional and cohesive look. • Incorporation of images and graphics: Images and graphics used on the website will be consistent with those used in printed materials. Using the same images and graphics will help reinforce the brand identity and create a consistent visual experience for users. • Utilize consistent messaging: The messaging used on the website will be consistent with that used in printed materials. The tone and language will align with the brand's values and be consistent across allottmnent 2, Page 13 of 52 PAGE 13 --A APPROACH • Utilize the same logo and tagline: The brand's logo and tagline will be prominently displayed on the website, as it is in printed materials. This will help create brand recognition and reinforce the brand's identity. • Uniquely Springfield: incorporate the identity of the City of Springfield throughout the design and development of the website. Our teams will work to highlight what makes Springfield special and unique such as cultural and traditional elements from the city that will be brought into the content of the website. ■ Navigation: Our navigation implementation strategy will be intuitive for the user in order for the success of the website. We will ensure the site is easy to navigate and understand in order to help users find the information they need quickly and efficiently, leading to a positive user experience. The following are some steps Alpha Co. will take to implement navigation and site content that is intuitive for the user: • Clear and Consistent Navigation: Navigation will be clear and easy to understand, with a logical and consistent structure throughout the site. This will be achieved through the use of clear labeling, dropdown menus, breadcrumbs, and other navigational aids. • Organized and Structured Content: Content on the site will be organized and structured, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy for users to scan and understand. Content will be grouped logically, with related information grouped together, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for. • User -Friendly Language: The language used on the site will be user-friendly and easy to understand. Technical jargon will be avoided or explained in simple terms, making it easier for all users to understand. ■ Screen Readings and Accessibility Audits: Providing screen reading and accessibility audits is an essential step in ensuring that the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. The following are steps Alpha Co. will take to provide screen reading and accessibility audits: • Conduct an Accessibility Audit: This audit will look at all aspects of the website, including design, code, and content, to identify any areas that are not accessible to users with disabilities. • Address Accessibility Issues: Once accessibility issues have been identified, Alpha Co. will work to address them. We will make adjustments to the design, code, or content of the site, as needed, to ensure that it is accessible to all users. • Test with Assistive Technologies: Alpha Co. will test the website using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to ensure that it is accessible to users with disabilities. This testing will be ongoing, to ensure that the site remains accessible as it evolves over time. ■ Training and Documentation: Providing training and support documentation is an essential step in ensuring that the city's website content creators can use the website's content management system (CMS) effectively. The following are steps Alpha Co. will take to provide training and support documentation: • User Guides/Playbook: Will be created to explain how to use the CMS, including how to create and edit content, manage media files, and use any plugins or extensions that are installed. • Video Tutorials: Used as an effective way to demonstrate how to use the CMS. These tutorials will be recorded on Loom and uploaded to an accessible video library. • Monthly Live Training: Alpha Co. will provide monthly training and support to content creators. These trainings will be held virtually and will allow content creators to ask questions and receive immediate feedback. Attachment 2, Page 14 of 52 PAGE 14 --A APPROACH ■ Fillable Forms: This will be an effective way to collect information from users. To provide fillable forms, handle them completely through the site, and route them to the correct user group, department, email, or other end users, Alpha Co. will follow these steps: • Form Builder Tool: Alpha Co. will integrate various form builders into the website development such as Gravity Forms, Wufoo, or Typeform. We will incorporate the best form builder tool based on the city's feedback and decision. • Build Form: Once a form builder tool is selected, Alpha Co. will use it to create forms by adding form fields, such as text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes. The form will be designed to be intuitive and easy to use for users following the style guide. • Configure Form Settings: After building the form, Alpha Co. will configure its settings, such as the email address to which form submissions should be sent, the page or post where the form should be displayed, and any confirmation or error messages that should be displayed to users. • Test Form: Before making the form live, Alpha Co. will test it to ensure that it works correctly. We will submit test data to the form and verify that the data is correctly submitted to the configured email address or database. • Backend Routing: Once the form is live, we will ensure that submissions are correctly routed to the correct user group, department, email, or other end users. This will be achieved by setting up automated email notifications, connecting the form to a database or CRM system, such as Zoho or Salesforce, or integrating it with other third -party tools. ■ Integrations: Alpha Co. will provide integrations such as a calendar for public meetings, city social media accounts, Mitel phone system for employee directory, and others, Alpha Co. will incorporate these steps: • Implementation of Appropriate Integration: Alpha Co. will choose third -party tools and services that are most appropriate for the website's needs. We will incorporate a calendar app for public meetings, a social media plugin for city social media accounts to automatically post on the website and for users to access the city's social media accounts, and integrate the Mitel system for the phone system for employee directories. • Configure Integration: Once the integration is chosen, Alpha Co. will configure it to work with the website. This will involve installing a plugin, entering API keys and other configuration details, and customizing the integration's settings to match the website's design and functionality. • Test Integration: After the integration is configured, Alpha Co. will test it to ensure that it works correctly. We will create test events on the public meeting calendar, post test content to the city's social media accounts, or search for employee contact information using the Mitel phone system integration. • User Support: To ensure that users can take advantage of the integrations, Alpha Co. will provide user support, such as documentation or help articles. This will help users understand how to use the integrations and take advantage of their features. ■ ADA Accessibility: Alpha Co. will leverage the use of plugins to create ADA -compliant content and to ensure the website will consistently meet the regulations set by WGAC standards. By following these steps, it will be possible to leverage plugins that provide ADA accessibility, text size, color, and alternative text for all photos and graphics, as well as ensure that all electronic forms and PDF documents are accessible to screen reading software and other assistive technologies. We will take the following approach to make the website ADA compliant: • Alpha Co. will identify the appropriate plugins that will be used to enhance the accessibility of the website. There are many plugins we have experience with, such as WP Accessibility, Accessible WordPress, and WP Accessibility Helper, among others. Attachment 2, Page 15 of 52 PAGE 15 --A APPROACH ■ Install and activate the chosen plugins on the website. The process of installing and activating the plugins may vary depending on the platform used to build the website. ■ Configure the plugins to provide the desired accessibility features, such as text size, color, and alternative text for all photos and graphics. ■ Test the website's accessibility using screen reading software and other accessibility tools to ensure that the plugins are working as intended. ■ Ensure that all electronic forms on the website are accessible by screen reading software. This can be achieved by using plugins or by following best practices for creating accessible forms. ■ When creating or uploading PDF documents, we will ensure that they are created using the original editable source of Adobe Acrobat or equivalent. This will ensure that the PDFs are accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies. ■ Alpha Co. will avoid using photos with text unless another link to an accessible PDF or text -only document is provided. This will ensure that users with visual impairments can access the content. ■ We will not use document scanners to create PDF or TIF files on any web page unless a text version of the document is also provided. This will ensure that users with visual impairments can access the content. Phase III: Implementation (Weeks 15 - 20) Webmaster Services: Alpha Co. will ensure that the website is well-managed, up-to-date, and accessible to all users through our ongoing webmaster services. This can help ensure the website's usability and user experience are optimized and increase traffic and engagement. We will utilize the following approach to ensure these tasks are met: • Ongoing Training: Alpha Co. will provide training to content creators for the city's website. We will provide online live monthly training for the duration of the initial year and provide complimentary access to the training library after the website has launched. We will also schedule on -demand training if requested by the city. • Overall Site Management: Alpha Co. will be responsible for the overall management of the website, ensuring that it is up-to-date, secure, and accessible. This will include tasks such as updating plugins, monitoring performance, optimizing the website for search engines, and implementing new features or functionality. • Knowledge of Updates, New Tools, and Features: Alpha Co. will keep the City of Springfield informed about updates, new tools, and features related to the website through monthly reports and quarterly meetings. • Reports: Alpha Co. will regularly generate reports on website performance, traffic, and user behavior. These reports will provide valuable insights into how the website is performing and where improvements can be made. • ADA Accessibility: Alpha Co. will ensure that the website is ADA compliant and accessible to people with disabilities by managing and maintaining the WordPress plugin integrated into the website development. • 2417 Support: Alpha Co. will be available to provide technical support and assistance to website users 24/7 through our ticketing system and helpline. We will respond promptly to inquiries, troubleshoot technical issues, and provide guidance and assistance to users. • Technical Expertise: Alpha Co. will provide technical expertise in web development, including coding languages, web design principles, and best practices for website management. Attachment 2, Page 16 of 52 PAGE 16 --A APPROACH • Security: Security is a critical component of web development, and Alpha Co. understands the importance of keeping user data and sensitive information safe and secure. To ensure the security of the City of Springfield" new website, Alpha Co. will implement robust security measures, such as using data encryption and secure web connections, defining security by individual user or role -based attributes, and implementing access controls to restrict access to sensitive data and features. Alpha Co. will also ensure that multi-user accounts are not used, support rotating keys and only grant necessary privileges, and notify the City in case of any compromise of City data by cloud service providers or third parties. By taking these steps, Alpha Co. will help to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information. We will take the following steps to address each security measure: • Data Encryption and Secure Web Connections: All data sent over the internet will be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. This will be achieved by using secure web connections, such as HTTPS, SSL or TLS, and by encrypting data at rest. • Define Security by Individual User: Alpha Co. will define security by individual user or role -based attributes to ensure that users have access to only the data and features that they need to perform their jobs. This will be achieved by implementing a role -based access control (RBAC) model that limits access based on a user's job function or level of authority. • Robust Permissions Control: Alpha Co. will implement robust permission controls for different areas of the website to prevent unauthorized access. This can be achieved by implementing access controls, such as user authentication and authorization, to restrict access to sensitive data and features. • API Integrations Support Rotating Keys: The website will use APIs, which will support rotating keys and only grant necessary privileges to prevent unauthorized access. This will help to reduce the risk of data breaches and protect user data. • No Multi-user Accounts: To improve security, Alpha Co. will ensure that multi-user accounts are not used and that each user has their own unique login credentials. This will help to prevent unauthorized access and improve accountability. • Ensure Data Security: We will ensure that data security is maintained and that no City data is shared with parties or entities without a prior City agreement. This will help to protect sensitive data and ensure that it is only used for authorized purposes. • Ensure City is Notified of Data Breach: To ensure timely response to data breaches or other security incidents Alpha Co. will ensure that the City is notified of any compromise of City data by cloud service providers or third parties. This will help to ensure that appropriate action is taken to protect City data and prevent future incidents. Finalization of Website: To deliver a finished website, content creation will provide testing, training, go live support, and a project wrap up. First, Alpha Co. will create a testing environment for the city users to ensure the website is functioning correctly and all features are working as intended. Alpha Co. will facilitate meetings with departmental representatives to ensure that the website meets the city's requirements and is ready for go live. Next, Alpha Co. will provide training for content creation, navigation, and ongoing support as needed to ensure that the city staff can effectively manage and update the website. After testing and training, Alpha Co. will coordinate with the City Council to present the website and obtain final approval for go live. During the go live period, Alpha Co. will provide support to ensure that everything is working smoothly and any issues that arise are promptly addressed. Finally, Alpha Co. will conduct a project wrap-up to ensure that all the requirements have been met and provide any necessary documentation, training materials, and ongoing support. With these steps, Alpha Co. will deliver a finished website that meets the city's needs and is ready to serve the community. Attachment 2, Page 17 of 52 PAGE 17 --A APPROACH Alpha Co. understands the importance of a successful project wrap-up. To ensure that the City of Springfield's new website is complete, we will provide the necessary documentation, training materials, and ongoing support to ensure the city staff can maintain and update the website. Our teams will also conduct a comprehensive review of the final website to ensure that all project requirements have been met and that the website meets the highest standards of quality and performance. We will work closely with the city staff to address any issues that may arise during the initial use of the website and provide ongoing support as needed to ensure the website remains up-to-date and fully functional. We are excited about the opportunity to work with the City of Springfield on this project and look forward to delivering a website that reflects the unique character of the city while meeting the needs of the community. We are confident that our team has the skills, expertise, and experience necessary to deliver a successful project wrap-up, and we are honored to be considered for this work. Attachment 2, Page 18 of 52 PAGE 18 --A FEE PROPOSAL CLIENT: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - WEBSITE REDESIGN COST CATEGORY DESCRIPTION COST BREAKDOWN FEE: Creative3 employee)= DISCOVERY, RESEARCH & AUDIT $1or(1 $130 10= $1,300 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Art Director/Designer (1 employee)= RESEARCH AND CREATIVE DIRECTION- $130*10= $1,300 $7,560 STRATEGY PLANNING ART DIRECTION Digital Marketing Manager/Project MARKETING STRATEGY OUTLINE Manager(1 employee)= $115*16= $1,840 Web Designer(1 employee)= $130*24= $3,120 SITE MAPPING 1$130 Creative Director(1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT employee)=$130*10= $1,300 ART DIRECTION Art Director/Designer(1 employee)= CREATIVE DIRECTION *30= $3,900 DESIGN MESSAGING Digital Marketing Manager/Project Manager(1 employee)= $115*20= $14,650 $2,300 Web Designer(1 employee)= 130 x 55= $7,150 Project Lead (1 employee)= $117* PROJECT MANAGEMENT 85 = $9,945 WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT Project Manager (3 employees) $ CONTENT CREATION 115*40*3= $13,800 WEBSITE TESTING Website developer(1 employee)-- mployee)=DEVELOPMENT $38,245 DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATIONS 120* 75= $9,000 ADA COMPLIANCY Copy writer (2 employees) SECURITY $110*25*2= $5,500 WEBSITE LAUNCH AND Digital Strategist (1 employee)= IMPLEMENTATION $117* 60 = $7,020 HOSTING AND SITE Project Manager (3 employees) $ MAINTENANCE 115*20*3= $6,900 IMPLEMENTATION ANALYTICS Website developer(1 employee)= $120* 45= $5,400 SECURITY MONITORING IT Support (5 employees) $27,195 CONTENT PUBLISHING $105*15*5= $7,875 WEEKLY REPORTING MONTHLY REPORTING CONSULTATIVE MEETINGS CALL TRACKING UPDATES AND MANAGEMENTS LIVE VIDEO CONSULTATION Project Lead (1 employee)= $117* TRAINING, TRAINING LIBRARY 10 = $1,170 TRAINING & WEB MASTER ACCESS, TICKET SUPPORT SYSTEM, Project Manager (3 employees) $ $9,220 ' SERVICES 115*10*3= $3,450 ONGOING UPDATES AND Training representative (2 MANAGEMENTS employees) $115*20*2= $4,600 TOTAL COST FOR PROJECT $96,870 FOR 1ST YEAR ANNUAL SUPPORT COST $57,750 Attachment 2, Page 19 of 52 PAGE 19 --A KEY STAFF AND HOURS PROPOSED KEY STAFF AND HOURS FOR ALPHA CO. Job Title Project Lead Digital Strategi Project Manag Web DevelopE Copy Writer IT Support Training Represen- Total PROPOSED KEY STAFF AND HOURS FOR LUMI Job Tit Creative Dii Art Director/E Digital Marl Manager/Projec Web Desi Total Attachment 2, Page 20 of 52 PAGE 20 --A SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE HOURLY RATES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR ALPHA CO. MARKETING AND MEDIA LABOR CATEGORY RATE PROJECT LEAD $117 PROJECT MANAGER $115 DIGITAL STRATEGIST $117 WEBSITE DEVELOPER $120 RESEARCH ANALYST $115 COPY WRITER $110 IT SUPPORT $105 HOURLY RATES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR LUMI MARKETING AND CREATIVE LABOR CATEGORY RATE PROJECT MANAGER $115 ART AND CREATIVE DESIGNER $130 WEBSITE DESIGNER $130 CREATIVE RESEARCHER $130 Attachment 2, Page 21 of 52 PAGE 21 --A REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES REFERENCES Reference 1: Figure 8, Debora Guadarrama, Digital Marketing Director, debora@figure8.delivery 212-888-7700, Address: 157 East 86th Street #437, New York, New York 10028 Reference 2: Abogado Aly, Sameh Aly, Founder, Sameh@alylawfirm.com (713) 299-4257 Address: 5950 Gulf Fwy #200, Houston, TX 77023, Reference 3: Practice Potential, Jennifer Lopez, Marketing Manager, 281-387-8456, jlopez@networkengage.com Address: Houston, TX Reference 4: AIM To Empower, Lisa Taylor, Founder, lisa.r.taylor@me.com Address: 515 Harrisburg Ave Lancaster, PA 17603 Reference 5: Community Connections for Children, Christy Renjilian, Executive Director, 717-968-8398, crenjilian@childcareconsultants.org Address: 29 N. Duke St. York, PA 17401 ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Alpha Co. can provide additional services to the city by offering SEO integration and other digital marketing services for the city website. By optimizing the websites and online presence for search engines, the city can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help them attract more tourism, generate more community engagement, and ultimately increase users. In addition to SEO, Alpha Co can offer a range of other digital marketing services, such as social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising. By combining these services with SEO, Alpha Co. can help the city create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that can deliver measurable results. Overall, by providing these additional services to the city, Alpha Co. can help the local community thrive in today's competitive digital landscape and contribute to the overall growth. Attachment 2, Page 22 of 52 PAGE 22 --A APPENDIX APPENDIX A: RESUMES Juan Pablo Osorio Alpha Co. CEO — Principal Contact Summary: A digital Media -Savvy, business professional with a master's in business administration and 6+ years of military experience. Offering digital marketing expertise, strong leadership and communication skills, and proven success in developing and executing high -impact, integrated business teams. Known for getting the job done and problem -solving in complex situations. Providing clients and employers experience and leadership in project management, enhancement of sales and business development strategies, and marketing plans. Motivated leader with extensive English and Spanish digital marketing experience. Contact: juanpablo@alphacomarketing.com Education: University of Houston -Downtown, Davies College of Business Master of Business Administration - 2020 Bachelor of Business Administration - 2016 Top Skills: Relationship Management Bilingual Marketing Development (English/Spanish) Process Improvement Data Analysis Leading High -impact Teams Languages: English Spanish Experience: Alpha Company Marketing and Media Jan. 2019 — Present CEO/Co-Founder • Lead and operate executive and operative teams for business development • Manage and organize a team of 25 for marketing business to manage client accounts • Uphold messaging, e-mails, and promotional multimedia tools, keeping communication with clients • Conduct marketing research, and analyze data reports and objectives for increases in social media coverage • Film, produce, and revise over 50 promotional videos for businesses identifying new market and audience reach; photograph and edit 100+ product photos for 5+ business websites and flyers Outreach in the Barrio Mar. 2018 - Present Board Member • Work with a non-profit organization to lead and organize feeding and distribution of care packages to over 150 homeless individuals living in Downtown, Houston on a bi-weekly basis • Promote the growth of start-up organizations by delivering valuable footage which reaches 5,000 individuals online through social media livestream within 24 hours Attachment 2, Page 23 of 52 PAGE 23 --A APPENDIX • Plan and host bi-weekly meetings with 5 board members to discuss analytics of growth in impact and execution of organizational outreach • Recommend innovative business and social media processes to improve organizational operations Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dec. 2017 — June 2020 Communications Partner • Collaborate with communications department, as well as city leaders, to design and edit media content, highlighting Hispanic economic and civic interests reaching over 3 million people in online exposure • Managed social media outlets, tracking campaigns and analytics and redesigning strategies to improve reach by 5% increase monthly • Broadcast HHCC events, press releases, and promotional messaging; supervise organization and audience relationships • Develop and interpret data analysis reports on website traffic and Social Media Channels pinpointing online best practices • Cooperate with 9 staff members by contributing insight on new ideas, direction, and venues for marketing and communication campaigns in weekly meetings Free Lance Work Marketing Manager/Multi-Media Producer Freelance Content Marketer Jan. 2012 — Jan. 2019 • Designed and implemented integrated marketing strategy; focused on product marketing, content marketing, search marketing, customer acquisition and customer marketing • Organize client brands and construct reports on social media channels such as Twitter, SoundCloud, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Web analytics boosting average influence by 25% Military Career United States Marine Corps (Honorable Discharge) June 2006- May 2011 • Infantry Team Lead -Mission Chief: • Planned and executed mission goals with oversight of operations on base during overseas operations. • Oversaw and led 4 platoons of 60 Marine Corp Reserves with responsibility for • combat operations in pre -deployment training and troop readiness. • Created and sustained essential communications links between chain of command and local civilians in support of intelligence operations and community relations. Business Organizational Programs Bunker Labs Ambassador June 2021 — Present • Plan and execute seminars for veteran business owners • Build community member confidence in their business industries • Lead cohort and organize virtual and in-person meetings • Attended meetings and gained knowledge of working with public entities • Gathered information on how to execute and grow a business • Presented marketing knowledge to other cohort members Attachment 2, Page 24 of 52 PAGE 24 --A APPENDIX NMSDC — EYE Program Small Business Member August 2022 — Present Houston - Interagency Mentor Protege Program Protege May 2022 — July 2022 • Attended meetings and gained insight to government sector • Worked in teams to draft and present mock proposal — won second place • Provided valuable insight and leadership towards proposal writing LCISD Project LEAD Instructor Oct. 2021 — Nov. 2021, Oct. 2022 — Nov. 2022 • Teach and present computer courses to adults that want to build computer skills • Provided support for adult students to better understand how to work with programs such as PowerPoint, Excel, and Word • Helped adult students use taught skills to build resumes Elevate Together Grant Recipient October 2022 EYE Program Pitch Grant Recipient November 2022 Attachment 2, Page 25 of 52 PAGE 25 --A APPENDIX Mariano Iriondo Alpha Co. Digital Strategist - Senior Project Manager Summary: Tech -Savvy digital strategist with extensive experience on how to build and lead a team. Currently working with a small business on digital marketing and managing over 200 client websites. My main expertise in working towards building an effective and tailor-made digital marketing strategy for businesses. Top Skills Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel Business Management Languages English Spanish Education UHD Marilyn Davies College of Business, Houston, TX M.B.A., Marketing and Sales • (2018 - 2018) Universidad Argentina de la Empresa Certified Public Accountant - (2014 - 2018) Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management • (2014 - 2017) Universidad de Buenos Aires Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. (2010 - 2015) Contact: Miriondo@alphacomarketing.com Experience Alpha Company Marketing and Media Lead Digital Strategist January 2021 - Current Houston, Texas, United States • Overlook project management over 25 staff • Manage and maintain employee relationships • Discuss and plan forecasts and project goals • Work closely with executive board to decide and create company goals Accounting and Financial Analyst August 2020 - Current Houston, Texas, United States • Analyze and assess financial statements and books • Create balance sheets and maintain P&L statement • Oversee budgeting and spending for the company Sales Representative February 2019 - February 2020 Houston, Texas Area • Meet and engage with prospect clients • Follow-up with clients and schedule meetings • Research and strategize for potential business opportunities Attachment 2, Page 26 of 52 PAGE 26 --A APPENDIX Ford Motor Company Marketing Analyst June 2015 - October 2017 • Managed $10 million budget for marketing and ad spend • Lead and worked with various third -party vendors to ensure completion of tasks • Created ad and marketing campaigns SAP International Finance Analyst September 2014 - February 2015 • Built coding for financial analysis Worked closely with board to ensure financial budgeting was being met Ensured timely completion of tasks Attachment 2, Page 27 of 52 PAGE 27 --A APPENDIX Graham Dunlap Alpha Co. VP of Sales Summary Experienced entrepreneur with a passion for helping small and medium-sized businesses accelerate their growth through Digital Marketing. I believe whole-heartedly in micro niche marketing to help meet your consumer where they live and drive them through your door. Extensive experience in start-ups, culture building, sales training, digital marketing, online branding, business development, and organic growth strategies for your business. Contact: graham.dunlap@alphacomarketing.com Education Southern Methodist University Master of Business Administration, MBA (2015 - 2017) University of Texas at Austin Bachelor's Degree • (2009 - 2012) Top Skills Marketing Strategy Enterprise Technology Sales Small Business Marketing Experience Alpha Co. Marketing & Media- VP of Sales - Partner June 2019 - Present (3 years 3 months) Houston, Texas, United States • Worked closely with executive team to build and manage client list • Built and led sales teams to develop top performing sales leaders • Gave expert consultation for business development and growth • Maintained and managed client relationships for over 50 accounts • Sourced clients such as PepsiCo and doctors' offices • Created effective and comprehensive sales processes Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Financial Advisor December 2017 - May 2019 (1 year 6 months) • Worked closely with clients in investment advise • Built customer relationships AcademicWorks Regional Director of Sales January 2011 - January 2015 (4 years 1 month) Austin, Texas Area • Worked in government procurement for Academic Works to source and close public solicitations • Closed largest contract in company history • Built company portfolios of various colleges and universities across the US such as UCLA, USC, SCU, and their sister campuses • Worked with large enterprise government organizations in sole source technology projects • Ensured communication between government entity and company was executed smoothly and effectively Attachment 2, Page 28 of 52 PAGE 28 --A APPENDIX Shazidul Mazid Alpha Co. Lead Website Developer Summary Experienced and dedicated professional with over 10 years of experience in service operation, affiliate marketing and website building. Detail -oriented and goal -focused professional that can successfully deliver exceptional customer to all clients. Demonstrated ability to achieve targeted goals, meet customer expectation, and excel in challenging situations. Capable of problem solving, utilization of critical thinking skills. Served as a mentor to other employees while demonstrating a team -focus that illustrates cohesiveness. Contact: shazid@alphacomarketing.com Education Bachelor of Business Administration American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB), 2010 Major: Marketing Patuakhali Govt. College Patuakhali, Bangladesh, 2005 Group: Science Online Certification Courses Leading Teams, 2016 Institution: University of Michigan Excel for Data Analysis and Visualization, 2015 Institution: Microsoft Digital Branding & Engagement, 2015 Institution: Curtin University Australia Experience Alpha Co. Marketing and Media 1st March 2018 — Present (4 years +) Website Developer • Create websites using standard CMS with HTML/CSS practices. • Work closely with designer and content writer team to produce the website • Maintain constant communication with other colleagues in the business to develop and deploy their content — and ensuring there is a clear establishment of what can be created within allotted timeframe • Research different software programs, maintaining software documentation • Maintain and expand/enhance website once built • Implement contingency plans in case the website goes down • Train and communicate team of website developers Rentracks Bangladesh (Subsidiary of Rentracks Japan) 1st October 2019 — 31st January 2021) (2 years) Manager, Business Development • Implement initiatives that enhance affiliate productivity, create new growth opportunities, and increase ROI • Work with Affiliate Executives to find the best solutions for affiliate partners and manage affiliate relations, communication, and recruitment. Train team of Affiliate Executives to ensure their knowledge is up to date and accurate. • Manage the affiliate budget, including commission and budget spend Attachment 2, Page 29 of 52 PAGE 29 --A APPENDIX • Initiate new campaign ideas, incentives, and bonuses for the affiliate scheme • Develop the affiliate marketing strategy with the aim of recruiting new affiliate partners and delivering sales volume • Aggressively drive sales and program efficiencies. • Motivate affiliates to provide maximum exposure and revenues. • Run well -conceived marketing tests to help optimize affiliate sales and retention. • Track & analyze metrics to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the program(s) • Deliver affiliate marketing reports to senior management in Japan Foodpanda Bangladesh 3rd July 2018 — 31st January 2019 Manager, Service Operation • Single point contact person to manage the Service Operations Specialized in Training and Operating CRM Tools like Zendesk, Zopim, Salesforce, Hurrier and freshchat, VICI dial, interactive data visualization Tools like tableau, shyftplan etc • Improved customer service quality results by studying, evaluating, and re -designing processes; establishing and communicating service metrics; monitoring and analyzing results; implementing changes. • Met customer service financial objectives by forecasting requirements; preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions. • Accomplished customer service human resource objectives by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring. • Worked closely with the global team and stakeholders to accomplish the organization objectives and report to regional head in Asia Pacific accordingly. • Implemented and developed SOP and training module for complaint sample handling, strategic planning and build knowledge level. • Accomplished information systems and organization mission by completing related results as needed Edison Group 1st January 2018 — 2nd July 2018 Assistant Manager, CS Operation • Ensured customer satisfaction by providing reliable, prompt, and friendly service. All the center functions - front, technical and commercial - be coordinated and reported to regions and head office both way through this position. • Able to follow up with Daily Activity report, QC report, productivity report, bounce rate and Faulty return with back up & full set stock report. • Ensured the Center with all logistic & administration support. • Closely guided and supervised all employees within the center and ensured all information dissemination to either or respective employees & make them understand and follow • Processed policy making to ease customer dealing and better customer experience. • Maintained critical and repeated visit customer log, handle them, and follow up regularly. • Acquired data from primary or secondary data sources to analyze results and trends and report accordingly. • Regular visit to channel partners to maintain strong relationship and collect insights. Attachment 2, Page 30 of 52 PAGE 30 --A APPENDIX Edison Group 4th April 2016 — 31st December 2017 Senior Executive, CS Operation • Responsible to ensure customer satisfaction by providing reliable, prompt, and friendly service. All the center functions - front, technical and commercial - coordinated and reported to regions and head office both way through this position. • Able to follow up with Daily Activity report, QC report, productivity report, bounce rate and Faulty return with back up & full set stock report. • Ensured the Center with all logistic & administration support. • Closely guided and supervised all employees within the center and • Ensured all information dissemination to either or respective employees to help them understand and follow processes and policy making to ease customer dealing and better customer experience. • Maintained critical and repeated visit customer log Grameenphone Ltd 14th May 2009 - 3rd April 2016 Executive, Customer Service, Commercial Division • Provide one-stop quality Customer Service over phone to ensure positive customer experience. • Proactively made aware/inform customers regarding our products/service • Sales through inbound and outbound contacts. • Captured customer insights and escalate critical issues / complaints and provide timely feedback • Maintained targeted KPI on a regular basis • Served customers with care and played significant role in customer satisfaction, retention, and acquisition. Enhance Grameenphone's brand image. Achievements • Ranked 4th best service center globally in global benchmark report of Delivery Hero Professional And Personal Skills • Serving as "Coordinator" of all center's activities under HUB operation • Got awarded for "TAT (Turn Around Time)" achievement • Serving as 'Team Captain' from last quarter of 2014 to 2015 • 'Customer Centric Agent' 2014 • Top NPS scorer in entire contact center, 2014 • Worked for 'CSP launch project' 2014 • Member of Talent Pool 2011 program • Employee of the month, July 2010 • MS Office, WordPress, Shopify, html, CSS and other digital web development tools • Contact Center operational applications • Windows Troubleshooting • Committed, self -motivated • Excellent interpersonal communication skills • Ability to work under pressure • Leadership • Adaptability • Positive attitude towards challenges Attachment 2, Page 31 of 52 PAGE 31 --A APPENDIX Tatiana Bauer Alpha Co. Lead IT Support Manager Dynamic, eager to learn, and passionate about technology. I seek to develop myself in this area by joining a work team. My professional goal is to acquire and enhance my skills and knowledge to contribute to the solution of the challenges that arise. Contact: tatiana.bauer@alphacomarketing.com Top Skills IT technical support Leadership skills Website development and design Languages English Spanish Education Bachelor of Systems student National University of La Plata First year Graduated from Dentistry National University of La Plata Experience Alpha Co. Marketing & Media IT Support Manager May 2022 - Present • Create, maintain, and update of WordPress websites • Integrate and monitor of analytics systems • Server Administration • Manage IT department and communicate with executive board of updates • Ensure all websites are assigned to proper team members and are delivered on time • Communicate with client of website processes and building Contents Ushuaia Writer of Health Articles Feb 2022 — Present • Create health articles for magazines • Literature reviews Estudio Duda Accounting Assistant Jul 2021— Jul 2022 • Administrative tasks • Payment of taxes • Labor services Adolfo M. Bollini Hospital Orthodontics and Functional Orthopedics Resident Feb 2018 — Dec 2020 General dentist in Diag Dental Office Mar 2016 — Dec 2017 Attachment 2, Page 32 of 52 PAGE 32 --A APPENDIX Camila Marchisio Alpha Co. Project Manager Summary A proficient, organized, and responsible project manager with experience in various fields. Capability of finding profitable experience for any kind of task or work and leverage this as one of my biggest strengths. Currently studying Technic -Scientific and Literary Translation in English. Contact: camila.marchisio@alphacomarketing.com Top Skills Administrative Tasks Report and Data Analysis Marketing Strategies Communication Data Entry Experience Education Universidad del Salvador — Lecturer in Translations ( August 2019 — February 2022) Universidad del Salvador — Scientific -Literary Translations in English -Spanish Modern Languages ( March 2016 — February 2022) Alpha Co. Marketing and Media Project Manager/ Copywriter May 2022 - Present • Manage more than 5 client accounts. Meet with the clients and gather feedback, thoughts, ideas, or improvements and provide deliverables to the respective department. • Follow-up process and service that is provided to each account, ensuring all deliverables are on time and with all the needed specifications • Create reports, such as - Leads, Conversions, Costs, Calls, SEO Performance, and many more. • Translate content from English to Spanish for websites, create Social Media posts and Website Blogs, and prepare Keyword Research to improve the SEO Ranking for websites. • Participate in company Internal Marketing Committee, to perform improvements and redesigns to branding. Administrative Assistant English Learning Studio English Second Language Teacher March 2019 - Dec 2021 (2 years 10 months) • Manage and create lecture material for classes • Lead and taught groups of 15 students in English language Administrative Assistant Sept. 2017 — April 2018 Attachment 2, Page 33 of 52 PAGE 33 --A APPENDIX Laureano Morreno Project Manager Summary: Organized and driven project manager with strong communication skills and experience. I am currently overseeing 100 small business accounts in my current position at Alpha Co. Marketing and Media. I manage a team of project managers and ensure all tasks were complete. I have extensive experience in translation and have expertise in how to manage and lead a team. Top Skills Bilingual Expert Organizational skills Leadership of multidisciplinary teams Languages Spanish (Native or Bilingual) English (Professional Working) Education Universidad Abierta Interamericana Bachelor of Marketing, Business, Management, Sales and Marketing. (April 2022 — Dec. 2025) Coderhouse Feb. 2022 - May 2022 Certification course — digital ads and administrative marketing Barolome Mitre Day School Bachelor's in economic and administration (March 2014 — Nov. 2019) Contact: agustina.alvarezrossi@alphacomarketing.com Experience Alpha Co. Marketing & Media August 2021 - Present (1 year 1 month) Project Manager • Ideate, plan, and overview that every single task is done on time. • Supervise more than 35 accounts and several project managers to improve client's overall online presence and SEO rankings. • Plan and execute project deliverables to ensure quality of work • Work closely with executive board to improve process development • Manage client relationships to ensure client needs are met efficiently and effectively Attachment 2, Page 34 of 52 PAGE 34 --A APPENDIX Breanna Shorten CEO/ Creative Director & Owner - LUMI Marketing and Creative Summary LUMI is an all -female marketing agency for women -owned brands, black -owned businesses, and regional and national nonprofits. LUMI specializes in branding, messaging, content creation and website development. While typically in CEO mode growing the business, Bre's expertise in creative direction, messaging, and strategic planning are paramount to our creative process. LUMI Marketing and Creative is a wholly woman and minority owned small business with WBENC, WOSB, and NMSDC certifications. Contact: bre@lumicreates.com Education University of Delaware Communication and Media Studies - (2012 - 2013) Washington & Jefferson College Communication • (2011 - 2012) York Suburban Sr High School • (2007 - 2011) Top Skills Branding Messaging Development Strategic Planning Event Planning Marketing Experience LUMI Marketing & Creative CEO, Creative Director & Owner March 2016 - Present (7 years) York, Pennsylvania Area United States • Built and led sales teams to develop top performing design team • Gave expert consultation for business development and growth for dozens of businesses • Built client relationships including County of York, YCEA, Downtown Inc, Explore York, York College • Created effective and comprehensive branding and marketing strategies 3Story Properties Partner 2019 - Present (4 years) • 3Story Properties owns and manages the 12 residential and commercial properties located at 17-19 W Market St in the heart of Downtown York, PA. YRK Magazine 8 years 7 months Publisher September 2018 - Present (4 years 6 months) Executive Editor August 2014 - August 2018 (4 years 1 month) York, Pennsylvania • Owns, publishes, creative directs, and oversees the custom-designed, visually driven, ad -based publication centered around local business and creatives. • YRK is a recruitment & retention tool with a focus on rebranding York PA, as an attractive place to live, work, and play through stories of redevelopment, and the ever-growing arts and culture scene. Think Loud Touring Band Merchandiser May 2013 - October 2013 (6 months) York PA • Served as band merchandiser & hospitality coordinator for the band LIVE for the national Summerland Tour 2013. Attachment 2, Page 35 of 52 PAGE 35 --A APPENDIX Kate Knox Project Manager - LUMI Marketing and Creative Summary I get the job done. Most of these jobs include the creation, organization, execution and completion of creative or marketing projects. I delegate projects to my internal team and external freelancers to ensure we're on track and on budget. I'm also the main point of contact for clients, so I'm always blowing up a client's email. I dabble in art direction, photoshoot styling and direction, social media photography (using a dSLR or an iPhone), blog and website writing, Wordpress website edits, and the occasional graphic design project (using Adobe programs or Canva). Contact: Kate@lumicreates.com Education Pennsylvania College of Art and Design Certification, Digital Design Web • (2007 - 2008) Kutztown University of Pennsylvania BS, Art Education • (1999 - 2003) Top Skills Leadership Time Management Canva Certifications Social Media and Marketing Communications Digital Design Print Experience LUMI Marketing & Creative - Project Manager & Digital Marketing Manager September 2017 - Present (5 years 6 months) Kate Designs Freelance Graphic Designer & Photographer 2008 - 2018 (10 years) Owner. • Worked with local clients to create branding, advertisements and social media content. Wedding, portrait and retail photography. Get The Picture Corporation 14 years Director of Marketing and Sales 2015 - September 2017 (2 years) Director of Creative Services & Corporate Communications 2014 - 2015 (1 year) Director of Creative Services 2012 - 2014 (2 years) Lancaster, Pennsylvania Area Senior Operations Manager & Senior Graphic Designer 2003 - 2013 (10 years) SKUpics Studios 5 years Director of Marketing and Sales 2015 - September 2017 (2 years) Director of Creative Services & Corporate Communications 2014 - 2015 (1 year) Director of Creative Services 2012 - 2014 (2 years) SKUpics Studios is an accomplished professional photography studio that is proud to have offered and offers the following services: • Onsite photography of over 230,000 products for a major industrial supplier. Provided product photography both onsite and in our studio facilities for a Fortune Global 500 company. • Provided photographs of a company's physical plant and processing equipment. • Multiple venue product photography for a Fortune 500 company. • Provide imaging for listings on AnAdeal nth'syrRa�w36taifE52 PAGE 36 --A APPENDIX • Provide 360 imaging for companies listing on Home Depot and Lowe's websites. • Headshots for the executives of a Fortune 500 company. Cecil County Public Schools High School Art Teacher February 2003 - June 2003 (5 months) • Taught the following classes: Advanced Ceramics/Sculpture, Drawing/Painting, Foundations of Art Attachment 2, Page 37 of 52 PAGE 37 --A APPENDIX Rebecca Daubert Creative Operations Manager & Lead Designer at LUMI Summary Rebecca (Becky) has 12 years of graphic design and marketing experience with local, international, and national brands. Her work with YRK Magazine—emphasizing highly visual typography and layout treatments—has been recognized by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMP) through its Hermes Creative Awards for creative excellence. Through LUMI Marketing & Creative, Becky has conceptualized, sketched, designed, and managed production for just about everything you can imagine. She also has directed and styled both photo and video shoots. She's known as our creative goddess and works her magic to bring brands to life. Contact: Becky@yrkcreative.com Education The Art Institute of York Associate Degree, Specialized TechnologyDigital Arts (2007 - 2012) The Art Institute of York Bachelor of Science, Graphic Design (2007 - 2012) Top Skills Adobe Creative Suite Typography Layout Experience LUMI Marketing & Creative Art Director & Lead Designer May 2016 - Present (6 years 10 months) YRK Magazine Production Editor & Designer July 2014 - Present (8 years 8 months) CON Inc. Graphic Designer Internship September 2014 - December 2014 (4 months) Auntie Anne's, Inc. Creative Intern October 2013 - June 2014 (9 months) • Creates promotional materials for in-store use. Designs various marketing pieces such as lobby posters and social media ads. • Responsible for conceptual thinking and design for new products. Researches imagery for use in conjuncture with company branding. Ahold Page Designer August 2013 - October 2013 (3 months) Carlisle, PA • Design and build pages for the weekly circulars utilizing database of content and images, Quark Xpress, Photoshop and Illustrator Software • Create circular layouts and templates in Quark to be used by other operators Communicate clearly with proofreaders, supervisors and other operators to maintain consistency, clear up discrepancies and correct errors • Design page to fit layout created by designers, making adjustments to fit the actual number of items to be featured • Locate photographic artwork in database and/or external sources and import art into ads, saving art files in proper format to be filed for future use. • Create versions for all price zones to accommodate special pricing and/ or promotions in appropriate zones Attachment 2, Page 38 of 52 PAGE 38 --A APPENDIX • Manage color tags to minimize plate costs Page 1 of 3 and maximize use of common color • Complete version coding chart for page to be used by print vendor, identifying color variations • Color correct images as required and create clipping paths around new photography • Create simple illustrations and design devices to brighten headlines, highlight special offers, coupons, etc. • Create map illustrations for store locations for grand openings • Create mock-ups of circulars to be reviewed by senior management • Manage digital files according to company Attachment 2, Page 39 of 52 PAGE 39 --A APPENDIX Jared Hippensteel Web Designer at LUMI Summary Jared is a self -motivated front-end designer/developer with a passion for user -focused web development, design and strategy, new technologies, analytics, photography and marketing. Jared has spent time working at a search engine marketing firm as well as spent a number of years as the Director of Web and User Interface Design for a marketing firm in Central Pennsylvania working with a number of nationwide brands. These days, Jared is heavily involved with the development team as well as assisting on the marketing and strategy side of the projects to ensure all of the pieces come together to make an award-winning experience! Education Art Institute of York -PA Associates of Specialized Technology, Digital Arts • (2006 - 2008) Top Skills Wordpress Dreamweaver Web Design Flash Experience Visual Impact Group - USA Director of Development May 2015 - Present (7 years 10 months) York, PA Synapse Marketing Solutions Director of Front -End Development and UI Design April 2010 - May 2015 (5 years 2 months) Lancaster, PA One Sky Media Internet Services and Website Design Web Designer March 2008 - April 2010 (2 years 2 months) Lititz, PA • Held this position as a Web Designer that assisted in design and conceptual work, website development and production, photography, SEO & link -building campaigns, website traffic analysis reporting, SEM and flash banner ad development. Attachment 2, Page 40 of 52 PAGE 40 -A APPENDIX APPENDIX B: PROPOSED TIMELINE The City of Springfield Website Redesign Project Schedule Alpha Company Marketing and Media I LUMI Creative and Marketing Project Start Date 05/15/2023 Project Lead Juan Osorio Concept Phase WBS Deliverable Lead Key Staff Start End Conduct 1 -hour Juan discovery Session with LUMI & Osorio, Breanna 1.1 Springfield Team for deliverables, Alpha Shorten, Mariano Mon Fri workflow, and Co. Iriondo, Graham 5/15/23 5/19/23 information sharing systems Dunlap Becky Daubert, Audit 2 existing webiste pages LUMI Jared Fri 5/19/23 Mon 5/29/23 Hippensteel Develop list of suggestions for redesign and development for project Kate Knox, Mon 2.1 LUMI Thu 6/01/23 must haves and Breanna Shorten 5/29/23 UX for business owners and site visitors Review functionality, UX, and overall Kate Knox, Becky 2.2 presentation of similar directory LUMI Thu 6/01/23 Mon 6/05/23 Daubert platforms for design inspiration Review Springfield branding materials 2.3 and content to discover points of LUMI Breanna Shorten Mon Fri 6/09/23 brand 6/05/23 integration for city website Attacnment 2, Nage 41 of 52 PAGE 41 --A APPENDIX PAGE 42 Create test 3 pages and mockups based LUMI Jared Hippensteel Fri Tue on R&A phase 6/09/23 6/13/23 Develop site map outline with Mon 3.1 LUMI Jared Hippensteel Tue 6/13/23 overall UI and site 6/19/23 organization Client 3.2 provide feedback 72 hours LUMI Kate Knox Mon Fri 6/23/23 after receiving deliverable 6/19/23 Turnaround 3.3 edits after receiving client LUMI Kate Knox Fri 6/23/23 Mon feedback within 72 Hours 6/26/23 Monthly LUMI & Mariano Iriondo, 3.4 Status Report given to The Alpha Kate Knox, Mon Tue 6/27/23 City of Springfield Co. Graham Dunlap 6/26/23 Development and Design Becky Daubert, Wireframing and Design Tue Tue 4 Mockups LUMI Jared 6/27/23 7/11/23 Hippensteel Develop wireframes and site mockup of each page 4.1 showcasing overall look LUMI Jared Hippensteel Tue 7/11/23 Mon and feel with 7/17/23 Springfield branding with mobile page mock ups 2 rounds of edits after 4.2 feedback is received for LUMI Jared Hippensteel Mon Wed each draft - 72 hour turn 7/17/23 7/19/23 around from client 72 Breanna Shorten, 4.2.2 hour edit turn around LUMI Jared Wed 7/19/23 Mon based on client feedback Hippensteel 7/24/23 PAGE 42 -A APPENDIX Attachment 2, Page 43 of 52 PAGE 43 Monthly Status 4.2.3 Report given to The City of LUMI Laureano Morreno Mon Wed Springfield 7/24/23 7/26/23 Hosting Shazid Majid, Alpha Mon 4.3 platforms and Content Tatiana Bauer, Wed 7/26/23 Creation Co Camila Marchisio 7/31/23 Create Alpha Mariano Iriondo, Wed 5 page templates and Mon 7/31/23 Co. Camila Marchisio 8/09/23 content blocks Present LUMI & Mariano Iriondo, page template wireframes Mon 5.1 Alpha Kate Knox, Graham Wed 8/09/23 for key page to The City of Co. Dunlap8/14/23 Springfield for Reivew Update page template wireframes Alpha Shazid Majid, Thu 5.2 based on The City of Co. Tatiana Bauer Mon 8/14/23 8/24/23 Springfield feedback Monthly LUMI & Laureano Morreno, Mariano Iriondo, Fri 5.3 Status Report given to The Alpha Thu 8/24/23 City of Springfield Co. Kate Knox, Juan 8/25/23 Osorio Website Development and Testing Test Website Alpha Fri Tue 6 Shazid Majid Speed and Usability Co. 8/25/23 8/29/23 Build out an inventory web page the city will use for 6.1.1 reference that contains Alpo. a Shazid Majid Tue 8/29/23 Mon each 9/04/23 modular content type and the supporting code. Modify Alpha Shazid Majid, Tue 6.2 website as needed Co. Tatiana Bauer Mon 9/04/23 9/05/23 Attachment 2, Page 43 of 52 PAGE 43 --A APPENDIX Attachment 2, Page 44 of 52 PAGE 44 Perform thorough vendor and user Alpha Tue Mon 6.3 Shazid Majid testing within staging Co. 9/05/23 9/11/23 environment Perform thorough vendor and user testing after site launch to Alpha Wed 6.4 Shazid Majid Mon 9/11 /23 ensure the site is Co. 9/13/23 functioning properly and meeting expectations. Transition a Ado 6.5 site from staging Shazid Majid Wed 9/13/23 environment to public view. o. 23 9/18/23 Troubleshoot a Ado Thu 6.6 and resolve any related Shazid Majid Mon 9/18/23 problems. o. 9/21/23 Present live website to The City of Alpha Laureano Morreno, Thu 9/21/23 Fri 6.7 Springfield for completion Co. Mariano Iriondo, 9/22/23 and finalization Juan Osorio Website Implementation Present new website to stakeholders. Presentation must include Juan Osorio, Breanna topics on accessing and Alpha Shorten, Fri Mon 7 navigating the CMS and Co. Mariano Iriondo, 9/22/23 9/25/23 how to make standard site Graham Dunlap changes below the administrator level Laurenano Train Alpha Morreno, Mariano Mon 7.1 web administrators Co. Iriondo, Graham Mon 9/25/23 10/02/23 Dunlap Attachment 2, Page 44 of 52 PAGE 44 --A APPENDIX Attachment 2, Page 45 of 52 PAGE 45 Troubleshoot Alpha Mariano Iriondo, Mon Thu 7.2 and resolve any related Co. Shazid Majid 10/02/23 10/05/23 problems. Finalize and hand off website to Alpha Juan O Breanna Shorten, Short Mon 7.3 The City of Springfield and Co. & Thu 10/05/23 Mariano Iriondo, 10/09/23 provide ongoing LUMI Graham Dunlap support Attachment 2, Page 45 of 52 PAGE 45 -A RELEVANT WORK WEBSITES DESIGNED AND DEVELOPED FOR HISPANIC OWNED RESTAURANT IN PEPSICO'S JUNTOS CRECEOMS BY ALPHA CO. SAMPLE 1: WWW.ZINGOTACOS.COM/ CATERING CONTACT US ABOUT r COrtler Now� SAMPLE 2: LANEWYORKINA.COM/ HOME ABOUT US CATERING VISIT US 'LORI= ON -DEMAND ORUIERS PALI_TA CLASS ® Q Attachment 2, Page 46 of 52 PAGE 46 --A RELEVANT WORK SAMPLE 3: WWW.SCRATCHOLNEY.COM/ HOME ABOUT US BOOK CATERING CONTACT Order Online SAMPLE 4: NACHOSMEXFOOD.COM MENU CATERING ABOUT US GALLERY CONTACTUS SERVINCUPTRUE, AUTNENTICNOMEMADE MEXICANFOOD Attachment 2, Page 47 of 52 PAGE 47 --A RELEVANT WORK WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT BY ALPHA CO. FOR MEDICAL OFFICE: DRNASHCARES. COM/ PROGRESSIVE PAIN 8, REHABILITATION About Pain Relief Conditions Treated Innovative Treatments In The Media For Patients Join Us Patient Portal Contact 1.1 Regenerative Medicine Pain Management WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT BY ALPHA CO. FOR DENTAL OFFICE: SNOWTREEDENTAL.COM/ More than Beautiful Smiles Get the care you need, from Local Dental Professionals =4.. 40ow Attachment 2, Page 48 of 52 PAGE 48 --A RELEVANT WORK LUMI WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT A.I.M. TO EMPOWER V TO VIEW WEBSITE CLICK HERE THE SCENARIO A.I.M. To Empower needed a website that could reach their many audiences' needs. THE RESULT The A.I.M. To Empower newly designed website includes a password protected portion for volunteers, a resource center for partnerships to use as a digital reference during the pandemic, and a blog where volunteers can share their experiences. With the right resources in place and a strong brand presence, AIM to Empower can further their mission and impact more lives through their transformative services. THE DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE 1 year; Website Mockups, Website DevelopmaMtachpyaMt2,f.Itg39--ofi62 PAGE 49 --A RELEVANT WORK WERSITE RESKIN COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS FOR CHILDREN V TO VIEW WEBSITE CLICK HERE THE SCENARIO After LUMI assisted with a new name and created a new brand toolkit and logo, Community Connections for Children needed to update their website to match their new branding. THE RESULT The new website is a reflection of their more colorful, new logo and new name. The goal was to make their site more colorful and update the stock photography to correctly reflect the audiences and children they serve. THE DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE 3 months; Website Peskin Design Mockups, Website Development, Stock Photography, Copywriting A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOUR 2023 Attachment 2, Page 50 of 52 PAGE 50 --A RELEVANT WORK WERSITE RE.SKIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVOCATES V CHECKOUT OUR FULL AHA CASE STUDY HERE V TO VIEW WEBSITE CLICK HERE THE SCENARIO After serving York County for 50 years, it was time to rename and rebrand York Area Housing Group to better reflect the renewed commitment of the organization to provide quality, affordable housing. This also required a reskin of their Word press website. THE RESULT Recently, Affordable Housing Advocates received $500,000 in funding,just broke ground on a new home ownership opportunity, and purchased a dozen homes so that section 8 voucher holders were able to keep their homes! THE DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE 4 months; Website Peskin Design Mockups, Peskin Website Development ADVOCATES' OPENING DOORS, �rYIpYbUui�LtUP� _ � o LEiM1 L 11" I MUSING OPTIONS Affordable Housing Advocates offers a variety of affordable housing options. Applicants undergo a thorough selection process. While most of our options are apartments, as you will see under Growing Affordable Housing, we also develop homes for sale. Visit the sites below to learn more about our housing options. WERSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT ENNVISION COACHING V TO VIEW WEBSITE CLICK HERE THE SCENARIO Ennvision coaching needed a website that could provide information about the founder and her services. THE RESULT The Ennvision newly designed website is simple and straightforward. The goal was to use it as a place to link out to providing free consultations and gather visitor contact information. With the right resources in place, Ennvision can further their impact on others using their enneagram and embodiment practices. THE DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE 4 months; Website Mockups, Website Development, Copywriting, Art Direction Attachment 2, Page 51 of 52 PAGE 51 --A RELEVANT WORK YOUR VITALITY JOURNEY WEBSITE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT VITALITY MEDICAL THE SCENARIO v €; Vitality Medical needed a unique website that wasn't a typical medical website and that could reach their target audiences' needs. THE RESULT With the right resources in place and a strong brand presence, Vitality Medical can further their mission and change the stereotype of "aging gracefully" to "aging optimally." THE DELIVERABLES & TIMELINE 6 months; Website Design Mockups, Website Development, Copywriting, Art Direction Attachment 2, Page 52 of 52 PAGE 52