HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 12 20 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, December 20, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Vohs, Vice Chair Nelson, Commissioners James, Vohs, Dunn, Koivula and Sherwood. Also present were, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Senior Planner Andy Limbird, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT Commissioner Landen- Excused • Springfield Chair Nelson opened the Regular Session PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Denise Bean DECLARATION OF CONFLICT Criteria of Approval: Read by Greg Mott QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – 1. High Visibility Cellular Tower Application- Skyway Towers LLC on Behalf of T-Mobile Wireless, Cases TYP316-0003 Discretionary Use and TYP216-00050 Site Plan Review- The applicant has submitted Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review applications for a new wireless telecommunication tower facility within an existing equipment storage yard at 2037 Laura Street. The proposed cellular tower is a standard monopole design with top-mounted antenna array, which is classified as a “High Visibility” wireless telecommunication facility requiring Planning Commission approval. Section 4.3-145.F of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) provides Discretionary Use standards for approving the cellular tower placement. Upon referral the City Council declined to conduct the hearing on this proposal. STAFF REPORT Andy Limbird Senior Planner presented the subject site: The proposed monopole tower facility is located at the northeast corner of an industrial property that abuts the western edge of Pioneer Parkway West north of the intersection with Q Street. The subject property is vacant and has been used for storage of construction equipment and machinery. The subject site is zoned mixed use Light- Medium Industrial/Community Commercial (LMI/CC) in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan diagram. Properties in the immediate vicinity are zoned for mixed use commercial, industrial, and residential. The subject property and abutting properties are industrial in nature and staff has applied the provisions of the LMI district to the site. High Visibility cellular tower facilities are allowable in the Light Medium Industrial district subject to Discretionary Use approval. City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 20, 2016 Page 2 The proposed cellular tower is just west of the southbound travel lanes of Pioneer Parkway West and adjacent to the EWEB waterline that runs across north Springfield. There are existing residential dwellings in the vicinity of the subject site on the east side of Pioneer Parkway and to the west on Scotts Glen Drive. The nearest residentially- zoned property is about 190 feet east of the proposed tower site. Skyway Towers, on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless, has provided evidence of a substantial capacity and coverage gap in the mid-Springfield area (Attachment 3), particularly with modern data streaming demands. According to the applicant’s submittal, two of the T-Mobile cellular facilities currently providing coverage for this area of Springfield (a tower located near Gateway Mall and a tower on Quarry Hill) are exceeding capacity. Therefore, the proposed cellular tower facility would allow the wireless provider to improve service capacity in the area. The applicant may need to remove some of the vegetation for connecting the cell tower to services, the applicant will re-plant vegetation once the cell tower has been installed. All other towers in the area are over capacity and information provided to the applicant shows that they are in need of connectivity…………. The view from Shady Lane show that … Staff has identified through the development code ……..zoning shows……effectively this creates a larger setback that is required by the development code. Condition 1: The WTS facility is approved with a waiver to the building height limitations applicable to the criteria to the eastern 50 feet of the subject property. A 150-foot tall WTS tower is thereby allowable with a 30-foot setback from the eastern property line where a 50-foot setback otherwise would be required in accordance with SDC 3.2-420. Condition 2: The applicant shall use neutral, non-reflective colors for the monopole tower, ground-mounted equipment, and related appurtenances. The selected colors and materials shall minimize the visibility of the facilities to the greatest extent practicable. Condition 3: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan (Case TYP216-00050). The applicant shall submit photo simulations of the monopole tower, ground-mounted equipment, and related appurtenances that accurately depicted the colors and materials to be used for the project. Condition 4: The Final Site Plan (Case TYP216-00050) shall include a plan sheet detailing the location, size, and type of required safety and warning signs to be installed at the WTS facility. Any required signage shall comply with the provisions of SDC 4.3-145.F.20. Staff has prepared a staff report and recommendation based on the review criteria found in SDC Section 4.3-145.F and SDC Section 5.9-120 (Attachment 1). The findings presented by staff provide a substantive basis for conditionally approving a high visibility wireless telecommunication facility at the subject property. Staff has also prepared a staff report with recommended conditions of approval for the Site Plan Review application, which is based on the review criteria found in SDC Section 5.17-125 (Attachment 2). Commissioner Koivula asked if there Andy access for this location. Andy responded that there would not be any access for this property. This is a high speed corridor and to keep it safe for the citizens. Greg added that the access to these properties are regulated by the City Council Commissioner Vohs asked about a prior application in the area. Andy responded that he believes that this application has not moved forward to date, but that Andy would look and see if there are other Cells in the area and how far away they are. Commissioner Landen, ne believes that this is one of the largest cells in the tower. Andy responded that this is a High Visibility Cell Tower which is allowable in High Density Zoning. Commissioner Landen also asked about storm water connectivity, Andy responded that this is not City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 20, 2016 Page 3 Commissioner James asked if there is a generator for this property. Andy responded that there will not be a generator on site. TESTIMONY FROM THE APPLICANT • Cory 1067 The two towers closest to the proposed tower are both T-Mobile sites. There is a gap in service and this would help overlap the service. The color of the tower will not be white but more of a dull gray. The applicant will do whatever they can to not disturb the arbevida. There might be a truck on sight twice a month for maintenance. They try there hardest to keep these looking new. Commissioner Koivula, did a little research throughout the City and found that……………………what he found that the mobile towers are accesability Applicant responded Commissioner Nelson asked why they are not looking at smaller visibility v. High Visibility. The applicant responded that they are looking at the cost and what type of tower can they have that will hold more than one to two cell carriers. Commissioner Nelson asked if they looked at the tower on Pheasant and locating on that site. The applicant responded that they look at where the center of the coverage gap and try to locate as close as they can. TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED • Jeneen Walter Robillard: 352 Scotts Glen; Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-513-8850 She understands that the Planning Commission cannot stop a development like this but would hope that the Commission would help with making sure that the Health She and her neighbor would like to start a petition to stop the tower from being built within 300’. She works at the hospital and has changed service from T-Mobile because of the gap in service, but because there is low income housing close to the property where the cell tower Commissioner James asked if she is asking for the Commission to extend the record and to hold the record open. Jeneen replied that yes she would like to request the record open, to give them time to go through and talk to the neighbors and educate them on what the health issues might be by having a cell tower within 300’. Commissioner Landen wanted to draw attention to the FAA regulation v. health issues. City Attorney Kristina Schmunk Krazz read the FAA regulation and what the standards are applied….. The Springfield Development Code Jeneen, asked that the Commission allow her to have more time to ……… • Suzanna Fenner; 328 Scotts Glen; Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-915-4585 Her daughter is a lawyer, she thinks the planning commission is really wrong, they are not thinking about there citizens. In Europe the cell towers are 300 meters which is 800 feet, not the 300 feet. You need to take care of your people, where are your heads. TESTIMONY OF THOSE NUETRAL • None SUMMATION FROM STAFF • Andy added that the City sent this City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 20, 2016 Page 4 REBUTTAL FROM THE APPLICANT • Cory added that they have followed the criteria of approval that is in the Springfield Development Code. CLOSE OF THE HEARING • Hearing was closed by Commissioner ____________ PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION • MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. Discretionary Use for Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless High Visibility WTS, TYP316-00003 • Move to approve TYP316-00003, Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s application for a high visibility wireless telecommunications system facility at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; because the application meets the applicable criteria in the Springfield Development Code. o Move to approve TYP316-00003, Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s application for a high visibility wireless telecommunications system facility at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; with the conditions of approval [contained in the Staff Report and Findings] [except for/in addition to the condition that…] • Move to deny TYP316-00003, Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s application for a high visibility wireless telecommunications system facility at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; because the application does not meet the applicable criteria. Site Plan Review TYP216-00050 • Move to approve TYP216-00050 Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s Site Plan Approval at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; because the application meets the standards of criteria in the Springfield Development Code. o Move to approve TYP216-00050 Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s Site Plan Approval at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; with the conditions of approval [contained in the Staff Report and Findings] [except for/in addition to the condition that…] • Move to deny TYP216-00050 Skyway Towers LLC on behalf of T-Mobile Wireless’s Site Plan Approval at 2037 Laura Street; Map 17-03-27-10, Tax Lot 2200; because the application does not meet the standards of criteria in the Springfield Development Code. Motion to close the public hearing by Greg James and 2nd by Tim Vohs Motion to extend the written record until January 5, 2017 seconded by Koivula Listen to motion IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER Kirschenmann WITH A SECOND BY COMMISSIONER Moe TO APPROVAL. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST 2 RECUSED. 5:0:2absent City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 20, 2016 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Nick Nelson Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist