HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 09 20 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, September 20, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Nelson, Vice Chair James, Commissioners Vohs, Moe, Dunn, Koivula and Landen.. Also present were, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT None • Springfield Chair Nelson opened the Regular Session PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Nick Nelson. CITY ATTORNEY • Mary Bridget Smith outlined the Legislative Hearing and what is and is not allowed ADJUSTMENT TO THE REGULAR SESSION AGENDA • None BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE • None CITY ATTORNEY • None LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING 1. AMENDMENT OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE STANDARDS, SECTION 5.15 MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, SPECIFICALLY SECTIONS 5.15-100- PURPOSE AND 5.15-110- APPLICABILITY; EXPANDING THE SIZE AND TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR MINISTERIAL PROCESSING IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, CASE TYP416-00002 STAFF PRESENTATION • Current Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan presenting case no. TYP416-00002. The Director of Development and Public Works initiates this request pursuant to City Council’s direction to assist the Development Advisory City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2016 Page 2 Committee (DAC) and bring forth Development Code revisions recommended by the DAC to improve the efficiency, and thereby the competitiveness, of Springfield’s development review procedures. After consideration of ministerial and quasi-judicial review procedures in the course of their work the DAC recommends the attached code revisions for Planning Commission and City Council review and consideration. Specifically, the proposed Development Code text amendments would double the size of development sites eligible for consideration under the MDS standards and expand the Applicability standards at Section 5.15- 110(A)(3)(a-d) to include all Commercial, Industrial, Medium and High Density Residential Zoning Districts in the list of zones where qualifying projects may submit for ministerial review procedures. If the proposed Development Code text amendments are adopted, developers may request to submit developments approximately one acre in size under ministerial review procedures. The proposal under review is to amend Sections 5.15-100, specifically Section 5.15-105(D) to enlarge the sites eligible for consideration from 5,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet of new impervious or gross floor area under Minor MDS review procedures and from 25,000 square feet to 50,000 square feet of new impervious or gross floor area under Major MDS review procedures; and expand the Applicability standards at Section 5.15- 110(A)(3)(a-d) to include all Commercial, Industrial, Medium and High Density Residential Zoning Districts to the list of eligible zones. Sections 5.15-110(A)(3)(a-d) will continue to provide the applicability, location and public notice standards within the applicable zoning districts with minor revisions. This proposal for minor changes to the existing MDS standards only streamlines the review process for minor or simple development proposals and does not reduce any development or public notice standards. However, the minor revisions proposed may have significant efficiencies in terms of cost and timing for the development community. In accordance with SDC 5.6-110, amendments of the Development Code text are reviewed under Type IV procedure as a legislative action. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) is the acknowledged implementation ordinance for the City of Springfield. The Minimum Development Standards, SDC Section 5.15, are an existing set of ministerial review regulations for simple development projects that can demonstrate compliance with basic development standards without the exercise of legal discretion on the reviewer’s part. The Springfield Development Code and its development review provisions are periodically reviewed, updated or revised to meet changing circumstances and conditions in the City of Springfield. The DAC is an ad hoc committee of the City Council appointed to review development standards and recommend revisions with the stated goal of improving the efficiency, and thereby the competitiveness, of Springfield’s development review procedures. The DAC recommended the attached MDS revisions for Planning Commission and City Council review and consideration. These minor code changes may yield significant efficiencies to the development community if more expansions, simple re-developments and fully served vacant sites are processed under ministerial timelines. TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT None TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSAL: None TESTIMONY IN OPPOSITION OF THE PROPOSAL: • None TESTIMONY NEITHER IN SUPPORT OF NOR OPPOSED TO THE PROPOSAL: • None City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2016 Page 3 QUESTIONS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: • Commissioner James because of the changes and the size of changes does staff see any issue from DLCD approving this change. Jim responded that it is his opinion that there should not be any issues. SUMMATION FROM STAFF • Jim added that this process was initiated CLOSE OR CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING • Commissioner James motioned to close the public hearing and seconded by Commissioner Dunn 7:0:0 • Commissioner Vohs made a motion to close the written record seconded by Commissioner Moe 7:0:0 COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Koivula in the work session the commission was reassured by Jim Donovan that ………… MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. MOTION: Commissioner James Moves to forward a recommendation of approval for TYP416-00002, Director’s proposal to amend Section 5.15-100 Purpose; and 5.15-110 Applicability, Springfield Development Code, expanding the sizwe and type of development project eligible for ministerial processing in the City of Springfield. Seconded by Commissioner Landen. 7:0:0 REPORTS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL • .Commissioner Koivula attended the September 19, 2016 City Council Meeting. INFORMATION FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR • None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Nick Nelson Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist