HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 09 07 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Wednesday, September 7, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Vohs, Vice Chair Nelson, Commissioners James, Moe, Dunn, Koivula and Vohs. Also present were, DPW Director Anette Spickard, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Ji Donovan, Senior Planner Andy Limbird, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT None • Springfield Chair Nelson opened the Regular Session PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Nick Nelson. CITY ATTORNEY Mary Bridget Smith outlined the Legislative Hearing and what is and is not allowed ADJUSTMENT TO THE REGULAR SESSION AGENDA None BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None CITY ATTORNEY Mary Bridget Smith outlined the Legislative Hearing and what is and is not allowed LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING 1. Add Public Land and Open Space (PLO) to the list of Zoning districts where stealth, low visibility, and moderate visibility wireless telecommunications system facilities are allowable (Section 4.3-145, Table 4.3-1); and add a footnote to table 4.3-1 specifying that moderate visibility wireless telecommunications system facilities within the PLO zoning district are allowable only within the Springfield City Limits,- TYP416-00001- STAFF PRESENTATION Senior Planner Andy Limbird presented his staff report regarding TYP416-00001. City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016 Page 2 The City has received a request for a Development Code text amendment from a private party on behalf of Verizon Wireless. The proposed text amendment to the Wireless Telecommunications System Facilities section would apply to all properties that are zoned Public Land and Open Space (PLO) within the City limits (Attachment 3). In accordance with SDC 5.6-105.B & C, an amendment to the City’s Development Code can be initiated by a citizen, and such amendments are only allowed twice each calendar year: on or before January 5th and July 5th. The application was submitted on July 1, 2016 and is the only citizen- initiated application to amend the City’s development filed since January 5, 2016. The Planning Commission public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) is scheduled for September 7, 2016. The applicant is proposing to amend Section 4.3-145, Table 4.3-1 of the SDC to move Public Land and Open Space from the list of zoning districts where stealth and low visibility wireless telecommunications system (WTS) facilities are allowable to the list of zoning districts where stealth, low visibility, and moderate visibility WTS facilities are allowable. The proposed text amendment would move Public Land and Open Space from the third (bottom) row of Table 4.3-1 to the second (middle) row of the table (Attachment 2). A footnote to Table 4.3-1 also would be added to specify that moderate visibility WTS facilities within the PLO District would be allowable only inside the City limits. In accordance with SDC 5.6-110, amendment of the Development Code text is reviewed under Type IV procedure as a legislative action. Commissioner Moe asked why the UGB was not included in this request. Andy responded that APPLICANT PRESENTATION E. Michael Conner’s; Hathaway, Koback, Conners, LLP representing Verizon Wireless, 520 SW Yamhill Street, Suite 235; Portland, Oregon 97204 PowerPoint Presentation submitted to Springfield Planning Commission • Springfield Development Code Amendment- Verizon Wireless; Case TYP416-00001; City of Springfield, Oregon • Proposed Code Amendment o Amend Springfield Development Code (SDC) Table 4.3.1 to allow for Moderate Visibility Wireless Telecommunications System (WTS) Facilities on Public Land/Open Space (PLO) zoned properties. • Current SDC Table 4.3-1 • Definition of Low Visibility & Stealth WTS o Low Visibility & Stealth WTS are limited to a WTS facility that is collocated on an existing tower, building or structure. o No WTS towers allowed. • Amended SDC Table 4.3-1 • Definition of Moderate Visibility WTS o Panel- shaped antennas not exceeding 8 feet in length or height that are flush-mounted to an existing building façade or other existing structure on at least one edge, or extend a maximum of 24 inches from the building façade or other structure at any edge, do no exceed the height of the building or other City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016 Page 3 structure, and are designed to blend with the color, texture, and design of the existing building or structure, with equipment cabinets that are screened from view. o WTS facilities that are camouflaged, including\, but not limited to, faux trees, flag poles, and light poles: provided, that the equipment building, shelter or cabinet for the facility is screened or camouflaged. • Moderate Visibility WTS still Required to Satisfy rigorous Standards o WTS, Site Plan & Discretionary Use Review. o Demonstrate need for WTS facility. o Demonstrate collocation not available. o Demonstrate less intrusive site not available. o Must be camouflaged. • Why Verizon Proposing Code Amendment o Immediate need- fill coverage & capacity gap in NW part of City. o Lack of properties zoned to allow WTS towers. o PLO zoned properties are good candidates for Moderate Visibility WTS towers. o Typical for local jurisdictions to allow or encourage WTS towers in PLO zone. • Verizon Upgrading & Expanding Network o Wireless data traffic increasing exponentially and projected to increase by 650% by 2018. o Population and development growth in cities is creating coverage gaps. o Significant increase indoor usage – requires stronger signal levels. o Existing Network beyond capacity • Applicant displayed figures Before and After regarding the immediate need – Harvest Site • Harvest Site- 3200 Vitus Lane o PLO Zone o Higher elevation o Existing water tower & other utilities o Numerous tall trees for screening • Applicant displayed visuals of the type of facilities that use Faux Facilities and also some Photo Simulation from a close up and far way distance. • Lack of Alternative Sites o No existing towers or building to collocate o All properties in search area zoned residential & PLO • Applicant displayed a map that showed the Lack of Properties Zone to Allow WTS Towers, which is a map that show large area’s that may be area’s to locate to accommodate the uses needed. • PLO Zone properties – Good Candidates o Spread throughout the City o Larger properties- greater setbacks o Many have large trees and vegetation for screening o Many have existing utility uses • Applicant displayed map: City has existing WTS Towers on PLO Zones- Map that shows the past practices and three locations; 1. Thurston High School; 2. McCaw Communications Kelly Butte Park; and 3. Crown Castle Springfield Memorial Park. City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016 Page 4 • Typical for Local Jurisdictions to Allow or Encourage WTS Towers in PLO Zones o Bend o Roseburg o Medford o Lebanon o Florence o Portland • Demonstrated Compliance with Amendments Criteria o Metro Plan ▪ Orderly & efficient extension of key urban facilities & services o State Statues ▪ ORS Chapter 759- secure & maintain high quality telecommunication services. o Statewide Planning Goals Commissioner Koivula made note that the applicants map was incorrect with the location of the Thurston High School and ____________ locations on his map. Demonstrated Compliance with Amendment Criteria o Metro Plan ▪ Orderly & nefficient extentions o State Statues o Statewide Planning Goals Conclusion TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSAL: None TESTIMONY IN OPPOSITION OF THE PROPOSAL: • None TESTIMONY NEITHER IN SUPPORT OF NOR OPPOSED TO THE PROPOSAL: • None QUESTIONS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: • None SUMMATION FROM STAFF • Andy added that ….this would open th door for applications but would not propose that they would all be approved, this would be determined by the applicant and there submitted applicantion. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING, EXTEMTIONS OF WRITTEN RECORD, OR BOTH: None CLOSE OR CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING • Commissioner James motioned to close the public hearing and seconded by Commissioner Landon 7:0:0 City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016 Page 5 • Commissioner James made a motion to close the written record seconded by Commissioner Landon 7:0:0 COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner James MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. MOTION: Commissioner Landen Moves to forward a recommendation of approval for TYP416-000001, Verizon Wireless’s application for development code amendments to Table 4.3-1 in Section 4.3-145 allowing Moderate Visibility Wireless Telecommunications System (WTS) facilities in the Public Land and Open Space Zoning District within Springfield City limits. Seconded by Commissioner Koivula. 7:0:0 REPORTS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Commissioner Vohs presented Councils Actions from the September 6, 2016 City Council Meeting Commissioner Koivula presented Councils Actions from the Meetings during the Summer Recess. INFORMATION FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR Anette Spickatrdf ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Nick Nelson Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Planning Secretary