HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 05 03 WSCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD TUESDAY, May 3, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Nelson, Vice Chair James, Commissioners, Moe, Landen, Dunn, Koivula and Vohs. Also present were, DPW Director Anette Spickard, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan, Senior Planner Andy Limbird, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT • None WORK SESSION STAFF REPORT 1. Downtown District Design Standards- TYP 414-00001 Linda Pauly opened the work session by explaining Council directed staff to pursue concurrent amendments to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and Engineering Design Standards Manual (EDSPM) to implement and enable the new development and streetscape design envisioned in the adopted Downtown District Urban Design Plan adopted in 2010. Linda introduced Marcy McInelly with UrbsWorks who will be presenting the work that they have been tasked with. Marcy presented her PowerPoint presentation to the Planning Commission and answered questions they had. • Commissioner Vohs asked Marcy why we have height restraints at all, her understands why they may need restrictions surrounding Washburn Historic District, but why is it needed elsewhere. • Commissioner James asked how tall the Royal Building on Main street. Marcy responded that it is 90’(check the recording for the height they answered with) • Commissioner Landen asked about the restaurants and sidewalk café’s • Commissioner Vohs asked about how they would accommodate the issues that happen on and through alleys.. Marcy responded that this is a valued issue but is something that can be solved. • Commissioner Landen referring to mixed use, bike use on main street. Marcy responded that the best use of the area next to the curb would be for parking cars, but since main street has so many different uses, there goal is to slow traffic down enough that these spaces can be shared use spaces. City of Springfield Planning Work Session Minutes May 3, 2016 Page 2 • Commissioner James reviewed the information and thanked Marcy for the great work they have done with this plan. He is very pleased with the amount of work that has been accomplished for this stretch of Springfield that he is very pleased with the work that has been completed. Marcy added that if we can plan spaces for bicycles and other small modes of transportation then you’re doing something right. • Commissioner Koivula he didn’t notice that there was any renderings that showed any redevelopment that the separation of bicycles and cars needs to happen, this should happen on any new streets that are planned, even putting the bicycles on sidewalks. • Commissioner Nelson asked if there has been any thought of using the Alleyways. Marcy responded that its really unsafe to put bicycles……… • Commissioner Vohs is just really happy that this amount of design has been done with this plan and would like to see future plan done as well. • Commissioner James asked when the second phase of this plan would be completed. Linda responded that this would be sometime this fall. • ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Tim Vohs Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist