HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03 01 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, March 1, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Nelson, Vice Chair James, Commissioners Moe, Dunn, Koivula, Landen and Vohs. Also present were, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan; City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith; and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT All Present • Springfield Chair Nelson opened the Regular Session PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Denise Bean Criteria of Approval: Three (3) Criteria of approval: 1. 2. 3. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council on draft land use regulations for marijuana business activities including production, manufacturing, wholesale and retail sales. Jim Donovan presented the AIS to the Planning Commission. The City Council directed staff and the Planning Commission to develop draft land use regulations for the production, manufacturing wholesale and retail sales of marijuana for Council consideration and action early 2016. Staff has incorporated Planning commission feedback along with prior input from industry and medical access representative into the latest draft code language for Planning commission consideration. Greg Mott edits needed to the original AIS. Greg listed each change in depth with the Planning Commission Attachment 2 page 2 Schedule of Uses deleted “Laboratory Testing Facilities” to Processing Facility Page 4 Retail Marijuana Outlets to Page 5.B Page 6 Retail Marijuana Outlet to Page 10 Marijuana Business should be Marijuana __________ City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 1, 2016 Page 2 Marijuana Grow Site is defined for OLCC Retail Outlet should be Uppercase Jim wants to make the Commission aware of the mapping issues they have come across while preparing AIS packet for the City Councils Work Session March 7, 2016. Jim presented the Planning Commission with two (2) maps that represent (1) 500’ buffer and; (2) 1,000 buffer. TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • Casey Houlihan; 4016 SE Boise Street L___ 5; Portland, Oregon 97____ Casey Houlihan is representing Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association. Casey commented on what other communities are doing with 500’ v. 1,000’ buffers and how pleased he is that the City is looking at …… He would like to see the Planning Commission and the City Council that will ….and grandfathers those that are already in business. Come of the concerns regarding retail…. Off-site disposal of waste being thrown away in normal garbage. He would like to see a regulation that requires the waste to be disposed in……. He would also like to see comingle He would like to reiterate that he is in favor of the code amendments TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE NEUTRAL • Nicholas Saulsberry; 4016 Alexander Loop Apt. 2301; Portland, Oregon 974__ re: Meg’s Marijuana Nicholas Saulsberry supports the SDC Amendments Regulated out of business He is in strong support of the amendments to the Springfield Development Code One of the items Casey brought up regarding the waste. He also has not had any issue with anyone going through their trash PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner James asked Jim if he could point out in the code where it discussion trash. Jim pointed out 4.7-177.C.3. Staff has looked at this in an overall issue where it is needed not only for Commissioner Vohs asked about the maps that Jim presented. Jim pointed out that the buffers the maps represent…… as you go up in acreage. Goes to 30 Commissioner Landen, did PC discuss the waste topic. Jim responded that this was not something that staff discussed with the Planning Commission. He went on to discuss what the owners could do to make the waste unusable that is ……….Jim also responded that the Planning Commission could re-work the language as needed by the Commission City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 1, 2016 Page 3 Commissioner Koivula has question regarding street and the use of normal street, collector streets. It appears that we would be cutting off businesses that would otherwise not have issues. Jim answered that the Collector and _____ , can clarify this question prior to going before Council. Most of Springfield’s Industrial …..Jim cited code section……..”subject to A.3 collector and/or arterial. Staff can support the idea that this should be limited to Industrial areas. Koivula said that this would correct his concern. Jim asked if the C Commissioner Koivula also wanted to know why we went with 500’ buffer when the Planning Commission discussed the 250’ buffer. He doesn’t see why the Park setback would be an issue. Jim remembers that the discussion in the work sessions where they discussed the setback for the park and open space…….most of the park properties are protected in the MRO………..we have existing parks, future parks that have a level of protection for the Parks and Open Space….. Jim will be presenting the plan before the Willamalane Park and Recreation Board next week. Commissioner James reminded the Commission that he is on the Willamalane Park and Rec board and wanted to make sure that everyone understands that he does not have a conflict of interest when discussing this topic. He communicated that Bob Keefer, Park Director…… Greg thinks that some level of buffer is needed for the parks and would support what staff is recommending. He would like to see what concerns the staff at Willamalane has Commissioner James also asked currently there are some grow processes happening adjacent to some of the retail sales, is this true? He would like some clarity on this subject. Is this about wanting to be able to grow and distribute from the same property. Commercial zoned property is able to …….what is the actual question………… Jim responded that first of all he wanted to thank…………he took two things away from tonight’s testimony……………………and the suggested separation ……..they also discussed retail traffic to excessive ……there will not be any accessory sales\...........he would politely disagree regarding this point. Non-conforming uses are to protect………..we do not have any ………they will be able to sale to the ………this is the basic principal law……… Mary Bridget Smith wanted to make sure that the questions submitted by ______________ Question regarding mixed uses in Glenwood……….at the beginning point……….Jim believes that the code amendments address the concerns that Commissioner Koivula had, Commissioner Koivula responded that all of his concerns have been addressed. SUMMATION FROM STAFF Jim wanted to thank the Planning Commission for all the work that they _and also the community and property owners for all of their work. CLOSE OF THE HEARING Commissioner Moe recommended close of the hearing and seconded by Commissioner James. 7:0:0 Commissioner James point of order City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 1, 2016 Page 4 PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Greg Mott, wanted the Planning Commission to consider the items that were brought up during the hearing, and reminded the Commission that they should address these concerns prior to Commissioner James heard making waste…. Would like staff to take a look at the item that was presented tonight to make sure we have at least have the discussion to make sure we answer the question. Commissioner Dunn agrees with Commissioner James and wants to make sure that we are not applying condition on one form of use and not single out just this business. James would like staff to bring back Jim asked if the Planning Commission wants this presented back to the Planning Commission or into the AIS for City Council recommendation. Commissioner James responded that to the City Council would be fine. Commissioner Landed wants item # _________ to be completely stricken out. page 5 of 11 item 3 MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. MOTION: Commissioner Vohs moves the Springfield Planning Commission recommend with Modification relating to the City Council adopt the amendment to the Springfield Development Code for marijuana business activities including production, manufacturing, wholesaling & retail sales, seconded by Commissioner Moe 7:0:0 Motion passes CDAC Planning Commission appointed to the CDAC. Commission Vohs commented that he is willing to participate for another year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ____________________________ Nick Nelson Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist