HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01 20 WSCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD WEDNESDAY, January 20, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Vohs, Vice Chair Nelson, Commissioners James, Moe, Landen, Dunn, Koivula and Vohs. Also present were, DPW Director Anette Spickard, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan, Senior Planner Andy Limbird, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT • Commissioner Landen- Excused WORK SESSION STAFF REPORT 1. Proposed Springfield Development Code Amendments – Draft Land Ise Regulations for Recreational Marijuana Activities including: Production, Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Sales- Jim Donovan Planning Supervisor presented the draft code proposal incorporating the discussion from previous work session. The working document contains code language and concepts developed to address the changing regime of state statutes regulating recreational and medical marijuana uses. The document considers Council directions and Planning Commission work session discussions to date. While a full staff report with standard code changes findings, work session, public hearing and a recommendation to City Council is forthcoming, this document attempts to identify general consensus on code proposals and highlight code sections where adoptions for PC consideration many still exist. The intent of this document is to provide a basis to move the code package forward in that public process. Commissioner Koivula asked about the tears, he is wondering if the City will adopt the tearing concept. Jim responded that on Industrial he wouldn’t want to suggest .the dual systems that allow different grows. Commissioner James added that he appreciates what Jim has done and likes where he has started, understanding that this is a great place to start. City of Springfield Planning Work Session Minutes January 20,, 2016 Page 2 Jim added that ………..the city will be involved with some stuff but not all State Licensed Processing Facilities Commissioner James asked at some point the Commissioner will take this to the citizen in a public meeting. Jim answered that this will be taken to the public arena, this will give the public their opportunity to give their comments regarding these changes. Commissioner Koivula asked if about the “No outdoor storage of any materials shall occur at a wholesale marijuana distribution facility. He asked Jim if this is overly tight. Jim responded that he will address this in the next staff report Jim continued with the State Licensed Wholesale Facilities- Jim reminded the commission about a previous conversation with the Planning Commissioners, drawing there attention to Attachment 1 page 10 of 10 (G) Planning Review. And added that we will be adding definitions and terms of word. Jim added that we still need to send a 35 day notice to DLCD which would put us which would take us to March 1, 2016 for a Public Hearing. Commissioner James asked if the Commissioner would have an additional Work Session prior to the Public Hearing just to go over the changes Commissioner Moe asked if this would only be in the Springfield City Limits, would the UGB be added to these conditions. Jim responded that these businesses in Glenwood are open and doing business. Jim responded that he is aware and will get additional information Commissioner Koivula asked if Jim could bring mapping showing Glenwood and where these types of business will and won’t be allowed in Glenwood. Jim answered that yes we can do this, and added what is and is not allowed in Glenwood……………. Chair Nelson asked for any additional questions, seeing none. Works session adjourned ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Tim Vohs City of Springfield Planning Work Session Minutes January 20,, 2016 Page 3 Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist