HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01 20 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, January 20, 2016 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner Nelson presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Vohs, Vice Chair Nelson, Commissioners James, Moe, Dunn, Koivula and Vohs. Also present were, DPW Director Anette Spickard, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Ji Donovan, Senior Planner Andy Limbird, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT Commissioner Landen- Excused • Springfield Chair Nelson opened the Regular Session PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Nick Nelson Minutes Approval: • None DECLARATION OF CONFLICT • Presented by Mary Bridget Smith, City Attorney QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – 1. Moderate Visibility Cellular Tower, Land Services NW LLC on Behalf of Verizon Wireless LLC: Journal No. TYP315-00005 and TYP215-00032- STAFF REPORT Andrew Limbird Senior Planner presented the subject site Commissioner Koivula asked if this area has access for the Fire Department. Andy responded that SUB has a key to make entrance to this area. The fire department did not require this for this application. TESTIMONY FROM THE APPLICANT • Ed Fournier, Land Service Northwest LLC on behalf of Verizon Wireless; PO Box _______________ Mr. Fournier present a summary of the application material. The intent is to add additional cellular …………. Ed asked the Commissioner to turn their attention to the location on the map presented to the Commissioners Ina an attempt City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 20, 2016 Page 2 Slide 3 maps that show the coverage if the cells were turned off. Slide 4 is a map provided by Andy that is in his staff report Slide 5 WTS Components ▪ 100’ mono-pine faux tree tower- with added branches above to resemble a natural crown. ▪ 12 panel style antennas ▪ Associated ▪ ▪ Not using a standard monopole design, but a non-pine faux tree design ▪ Minimum height necessary for signal objective ▪ Natural tree crown, dense be once design ▪ ▪ ▪ Commissioner Koivula, the trees that are in the slides presented, will these trees be maintained with a warranty. Applicant responded that Andy added that during the process of this application, that ..with minimal or no maintenance that will be necessary. Commissioner James asked with compartison of the last cell tower, branch spacing was an issue. He remembers that that tree was a red wood, the tree that you are presenting is a douglas fir. The applicant responded that this is the same tree. Commissioner James asked what the similarities are, the applicant responded that they are both mono-pines. \ Andy Added that the vendor or supplier for the Jasper ORad design was…... the tree being proposed tonight is a different manufacturer and that might be why they appear differentlu. TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE NUETRAL • None SUMMATION FROM STAFF • Staff agrees with the applicant and recommend approval of the discretionary Use and Site Plan Application. REBUTTAL FROM THE APPLICANT • None CLOSE OF THE HEARING • Hearing was closed by Commissioner Moe motioned that the Public Hearing and Record be closed. Sewconded by Commissioner Vohs 6:0:1 absent PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION • Commissioner James commented that after the last Cell Tower hearing that he is a little sensitive to the appearance of this mono-pine compared to the appearance of this mono-pine. He knows that by code this application mets all the requirements. He is concerned about eh frequency of this mono-pine and is concerned for the health of the children • Commissioner City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 20, 2016 Page 3 MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. James moves to approve TYP315-00005 2nd Commissioner Dunn 6:0:1 absent Second Commissioner Dunn moves 2nd by Commissioner Vohs 6:1 a\bsent IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER Kirschenmann WITH A SECOND BY COMMISSIONER Moe TO APPROVAL. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST 2 RECUSED. 5:0:2absent BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION ▪ Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Update and Liaison Selection- Emma Newman presented the staf report Commissioner Koivula asked about when and where this committee would be meeting Commissioner James added that he at one time was a liaison for the committee in the past and added that this is an excellent committee and encourages any of the commissioners would be a worth wild committee Commissioner James nominated to appoint Commissioner Landen this nomination was seconded by Chair Nelson 6:0:1 absent. This confirmation will need to be confirmed with the Nominated Commissioner. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR None City Attorney Marty Bridget Smith introduced there new Attorney Kristina Kraaz. Kristina Kraaz gave a short back ground on her experience with Springfield and her education. Kudos from Commissioner Koivula and James Commissioner Koivula gave a brief overview for the November 9th ________________ meeting ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 20, 2016 Page 4 Brenda Jones Planning Secretary