HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 09 06 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Wednesday, September 6, 2017 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Vice Chair Koivula, Commissioners James, Nelson, Vohs, Dunn, and Landen. Also present were, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, City Attorney Kristina A Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT • Commissioner James- Excused • Troy Sherwood – Excused PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Landen DECLARATION OF CONFLICT • Read by City Attorney Kristina Schmunk-Krazz into the record. Criteria of Approval: • Posted behind the Planning Commissioners QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – 1. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT – REZONE APPROXIMATELY 4.87 ACRES OF VACANT LAND FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO CORRECT A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE CURRENT ZONING AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION- Jo. No. 811-17-000049-TYP3 STAFF REPORT The property requested for Zoning Map Amendment is a linear, 4.87-acre parcel that runs south of Main Street near the intersection with South 48th Street to the convergence with the Booth-Kelly Road south of Daisy Street. The linear property represents an extension of the Weyerhaeuser haul road that provided dedicated log truck access to the wood products and paper manufacturing complex operated by International Paper and (formerly) Sierra Pine. The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to correct a plan/zone conflict between the current zoning of Heavy Industrial and the comprehensive plan designations of Community Commercial and Low Density Residential depicted in the adopted East Main Refinement Plan diagram. The Zoning Map amendment also would allow for surplus portions of the former haul road parcel to be incorporated into the Westwind Phase 2 residential subdivision, and for a developable commercial parcel to be created at the intersection of Main and City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 Wednesday Page 2 South 48th Streets. The linear property is vacant and not currently assigned a street address (Assessor’s Map 17- 02-32-00, Tax Lot 100). The public hearing for this application is scheduled for Wednesday September 6, 2017. Staff observes that the current zoning for the property (Heavy Industrial) is incongruous with the adjacent commercial and residential zoning in the immediate vicinity. Because the bulk of the property is identified as a future street and multi-use pathway corridor that extends south of Main Street and Daisy Street to the Booth-Kelly Road, the rezoning action would bring the property into conformity with the Refinement Plan diagram. For this reason, the request for Zoning Map Amendment can be reviewed on its own merits as a correction to a discrepancy between the current zoning and the adopted comprehensive plan designation. Portions of the former Weyerhaeuser haul road parcel are proposed for extension of South 48th Street to an intersection with Daisy Street, and installation of a multi-use pathway adjacent to the public street. A small portion of the former haul road between Aster Street and Daisy Street is proposed for transfer to Hayden Homes to facilitate construction of the Westwind Phase 2 subdivision (tentatively approved May 12, 2017, Case TYP217- 00012). The adopted East Main Refinement Plan designates the subject property for a combination of Mixed Use/Community Commercial (segment between Main Street and Aster Street) and Low Density Residential (the remaining segment south of Aster Street) as depicted in Figure 2 below. Because the current Heavy Industrial zoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan designation, a plan/zone conflict exists. The requested Zoning Map amendment would bring the property into conformity with the adopted Refinement Plan and allow for its use for planned residential, transportation, and recreational projects to serve the neighborhood and community. Staff advises that the scope of the Zoning Map amendment has been expanded from the applicant’s initial submittal, which only affected the segment between Aster Street and Daisy Street. Instead, staff is recommending that the full length of Tax Lot 100 from Main Street to the intersection with Booth-Kelly Road is rezoned to be consistent with the comprehensive plan designation. Listen to tape for the additional mention of the front and end pieces of this property that the city wants to cleanup so not to leave broken pieces of property that would be zone improper. Staff is recommending that the written record be left open for an additional 7 days, to acknowledge the late letter asking that the Commission defer adoption while looking at Goal 10. Supplement to Staff Report, page 5 entered into the record: Finding 6B: The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Residential Land and Housing Element, which was adopted as a Springfield-specific refinement of the Metro Plan, Residential Land and Housing Element, Finding 8, page 11, specifically provides that the owner of residentially planned land in the buildable land inventory are entitled to residential zoning that matches the plan designation. The portion of the subject property that is low density residential is already included within the City’s acknowledged residential buildable lands inventory. Therefore, the proposed rezoning will have no effect on the amount of buildable land, and is consistent with the Residential Land and Housing Element. TESTIMONY FROM THE APPLICANT • None TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED • None City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 Wednesday Page 3 TESTIMONY OF THOSE NUETRAL • None Testimony - SUMMATION FROM STAFF • Greg Mott – The PC had a work session on November 19, minutes were not completed. REBUTTAL FROM THE APPLICANT • None CLOSE OF THE HEARING • Hearing was closed by Commissioner Dunn and seconded by Nelson 5:0:2 absent PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Vohs Commissioner Koivula wanted to point out that the map showing the hall road would be good to include in the Commissions packet. He also asked ……………Andy responded that this is not necessarily Hayden Homes responsibility. Is there any need for additional ROW, Andy responded that no more is needed. Kristina reminded the Commissioners that the questions are not related to the Criteria of Approval and is only back ground information. Commissioner Landen asked a question…………….Kristina responded that …………….dedicate none or all of it, she believes that the commenter did not recognize that this is not a Plan …………….more land needed for LDR, ??? changing the zone has no effect on the Cities ……… Greg Mott added that Weyerhaeuser used this road which is zoned Heavy Industrial to transport their heavy logging equipment. This is no longer used for this activity. Commissioner Landen asked if the City owned any portion of this proposed property. Andy Limbird responded that a portion of the property will be used …………….. he also added that there will be three (3) property owners to ……… Commissioner Koivula, asked who would own the property that will be zoned …… Andy responded that this would be owned by the City of Springfield. Commissioner Landen made a motion to hold the written record open for an additional 7 days, seconded by Commissioner Vohs. 5:0:2 absent The Planning Commission will deliberate and vote on this item at their September 19, 2017 Public Hearing. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION: Andy Limbird attended the City Council meeting September 5, 2017 and gave the Planning Commission a brief update of the items discussed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 Wednesday Page 4 Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Michael Koivula Planning Commission Vice-Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist