HomeMy WebLinkAboutnew 2018 12 18 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, December 18, 2018 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, December 418 2018 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Vice Chair Sherwood, Commissioners Vohs, Landen, Bergen, Gill and McGinley. Also present were, Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Current Development Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT Commissioner Koivula- Excused PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Sherwood EXPLANATION OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING PROCEESS (ORS. 197.763) • Assistant City Attorney Kristina Schmunk-Krazz read the Explanation of Quasi-Judicial Hearing. OPENING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS • Vice Chair Sherwood Opened the Public Hearing COMMISSION MEMVERS DECLARATION OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTERESTL DISCLOSURE OF EX-PARTE CONTACT OR BIAS • There was none QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – 1. REQUEST FOR TYPE III SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR PROPOSED 12,735 FT2 EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUILDING LOCATED AT 4884 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD, CASE NO. 811-18-000208-TYP2 STAFF REPORT Senior Planner Andy Limbird presented his staff report before the Planning Commission. Commissioner Sherwood asked what the options would look like if some of the amenities were not installed prior to Andy answered that Commissioner Sherwood asked if Andy expectation of the applicant is to build some of these Andy answered that he is looking for the happy medium. City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018 Page 2 TESTIMONY FROM THE APPLICANT • Becky Wilts with SSW Engineering, Inc.; at 2350 Oakmont Way Suite 1405; Eugene, Oregon 97401 Ms. Wilts who is representing the applicant, Niles Hanson with Rosen Sunvisor System located at 4884 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene Oregon 97403. Ms. Wilts continued to explain why they would like to pause putting in the amenities until it is appropriate to do so when other property owners TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED • None TESTIMONY OF THOSE NUETRAL • None SUMMATION BY STAFF • Andy responded to the commission by suggesting that referral of these amenities Commissioner Sherwood asked if staff has a preference of what of the amenities makes more sense to staff Andy answered that Sherwood if that is the action that the city Andy requested REBUTTAL FROM THE APPLICANT • Niles Hanson; 8635 College View; Eugene, Oregon 97401 REQUEST FOR CONINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARINGM EXTENSION OF WRITTEN RECORD, OR BOTH • Hearing was closed by Commissioner McGinley motioned to close the Written Record and seconded by Commission Vohs CLOSE OF CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING; CLOSE OR EXTENDE WRITTEN RECORD • Commissioner Vohs and seconded by Commissioner Gill to close the Public Hearing PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION • Commissioner McGinley is not in favor of delaying the amenities • Commissioner Landen asked if the City has a way to pay for the amenities City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018 Page 3 o Andy explained about the history of annexation in the Glenwood area on Nugget Way. The city could requests to annex this portion • Commissioner Landen o Andy added that • Commissioner Sherwood asked if they could asks for certain amenities and then defer others o Kristina Kraaz explained what would happen if they • Commissioner McGinley asked staff how they would o Andy responded o Kristina responded • Commissioner McGinley is still not in favor of not having the property owners to place the amenities that are required • Commissioner Sherwood asked o Andy responded that the benches…………he understand the reluctance of the applicant to installing some of the amenities • Commissioner Gill added that she feels the building fits within that area…… it meets the intent of the ……..and wants to see the amenities installed, but understands the trash can issue • Commissioner Bergen asked if the motion can be either or or. • Commissioner Landen agrees with Commissioner Bergen’s suggested • Commissioner McGinley would still like to see the benches installed • Commissioner Sherwood reiterated that last conversations and say that they need to come to come sort of agreement. • Trash cans to be postponed o Contractual agreement • Andy explained what a contractual agreement would be used for and why. These types of agreements do not sunset. If they deposit the amount with the City these would sunset • Sandy added that the Commission should • Kristina clarified what the interpretation means • Andy • Kristina explained that • Commissioners modified the application for the amenities Break at 9:00 to 9:05 City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018 Page 4 Motion to open the record and the written record motion by Landen seconded Gill • Applicant Niles Hanson; 8635 College View; Eugene, Oregon 97401 readdressed the commission to give the applicant an opportunity to give more information. Commissioner Sherwood Andy answered Commissioner Sherwood’s question regarding the placement of the benched on asphalt v. concrete Commissioner Landen Close Landen and seconded Commission McGinley 6:0:0 MOTION TO APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS, OR DENY IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER McGinley TO APPROVE CASE 811-18-000208 TYP2, AN APPLICATION BUY ROSEN SUNVISOR SYSTEMS FOR A TYPE III TENTATIVE SITE PLAN APPROVAL AND MAJOR GLENWOOD RIVERFRONT MIXED USE PLAN DISTRICT MODIFICATION FOR A PROPOSED 12,735 SQUARE FOOT EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUILDING LOCATED AT 4884 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD, MAP 18-03-03-14 TAX LOTS 2000 & 2001, BECAUSE THE FINDINGS SHOW THE APPLICATION MEETS THE APPLICABLE CRITERIA OF APPROVAL WITH THE FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL NOTED IN THE STAFF REPORT in addition to finding WITH A SECOND BY COMMISSION Landen FOR APPROVAL THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST 2 RECUSED. 6:0:1absent ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018 Page 5 Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Planning Secretary