HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 11 20 RS City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, November 20, 2018 The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in a regular session in the City Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., with Commissioner James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Koivula, Vice Chair Sherwood, Commissioners Vohs, Landen, Bergen, Gill and McGinley. Also present were, Interim Community Development Manager Sandy Belson, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz and Management Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT • None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Greg James LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING 1. Request for Amendments of the Springfield Development Code Regarding Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way; Jo# 811-18-000219-TYP4- Kristina Kraaz assistant City Attorney presented the topic of Small Wireless Facilities in the Publix Rights-of-Way. She started by presenting a PowerPoint presentation that was presented to her at a Conference o Shot clocks for permit approvals o Overview of the Proposed Code o Next Steps ▪ FCC Rules take effect on January 14, 2019 ▪ City Council hearing and deliberation tentatively set for January 7, 2019 o Criteria of Approval SDC 5.6-115 consistent with Metro Plan and _____________ City of Springfield Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 20, 2018 Page 2 TESTIMONY FROM THOSE IN SUPPORT • Alan Bar; Real Estate Manager Network Engineering with Verizon Wireless; 5430 NE 122nd Avenue; Portland, Oregon 97230; 425-599-9244; alan.bar@verizonwireless.com Listen to recording for testimony • George Granger; President – Oregon External Affairs; AT&T Services, Inc.; 819 SW Oak Street Suite 600; Portland, Oregon 97205; 510-326-8903; George.Granger.1@att.com Listen to recording for testimony TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED None TESTIMONY OF THOSE NEUTRAL None PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Sherwood page 13 of 24 decorative poles. In the presentation there were examples in the presentation, he would like to know why these poles would not be used Kristina explained why. Commissioner Sherwood, he knows there is a difference in---------- would a ------reasonable v. optimal Kristina Kraaz explained what she meant regarding reasonable v. optimal Commissioner Vohs, one small correction on page 1 of the Planning Commission recommendation, the year needs to be changed from 2018 to 2019. Kristina Kraaz offered her mark-up documents if the Commissioner’s decide that they would need this to make a decision. Other comments she received regarding to the broader subject, these would need Lane County recommendation. Other changes she received from AT&T and Verizon which have been submitted and are highlighted in gray in attachment B. Commissioner Sherwood asked a jurisdictional question. He wants to know if one of the poles is outside the city boundaries, staff would need to present this before the Lane County Planning Commission Kristina responded City of Springfield Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 20, 2018 Page 3 Commissioner Koivula has a problem with item number 7-------------he failed to see what the issue is with the distribution………….. how does this meet the distribution by Kristina Kraaz responded that what was articulated by FCC Commissioner Koivula regarding technology, the 5G is a higher frequency and _____ will this pertain to the Kristina does not have …..the FCC We are preempted by Commissioner Koivula and issue with Finding 7 are we complying with the spirit of Kristina Kraaz said that this only impacts the City who owns the ROW, they citizens will only be impacted only by what they see in the ROW. Commissioner Koivula asked if any of the other Commissioners agrees with him. Commissioner Sherwood responded that we------------the reason he agrees with Finding 7---------this finding is relevant Commissioner Gill------- Kristina Kraaz responded that the FCC order is on appeal SUMMATION FROM STAFF • REBUTTAL FROM THE APPLICANT • CLOSE OF THE HEARING • Commissioner Sherwood motioned to close the public hearing seconded by Commissioner Vohs PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION • Sandy Belson recommends that the changed of Findings should be changed November 20, 2018 strike first Council for ---------------January 7, 2019 The following paragraph. Keep the record open until January 7, 2019 Page 6 of 30 the third criteria change the date to January 7, 2019 City of Springfield Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 20, 2018 Page 4 Kristina asked that the date be changed……. MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND ORAL/WRITTEN TESTIMONY. MOTION: LISTYEN TO RECORDING Commissioner Sherwood moves the Springfield Planning Commission recommend to the City Council to Approve Journal #811-18-000219-TYP4, amendment to the Springfield Development Code section 4.3-145 regarding small wireless facilities in the public rights-of-way within the Springfield city limits, as proposed in Exhibit B to this Agenda item, because the amendments meet the applicable criteria of approval., Seconded by Commissioner Begen. 7-0-0 Motion carries REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION: • Commissioner Gill attended the November 19, 2018 City Council Meeting and gave a short presentation regarding that meeting. • Commissioner Koivula attended the _________ City Council Meeting and gave a short presentation regarding that meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION • Commissioner Vohs has a question regarding the rotation of the Planning Commissioners to attend the City Council Meetings o Commissioner McGinley responded that as the liaison she feels that there would not be undo strain if attending the o Commissioner Sherwood responded o Commissioner Vohs responded that that was not his understanding o Commissioner Landen o Commissioner Koivula would like to see the full rotation • Commissioner Vohs asked who would be responsible for the update to the Planning Commission if both the Liaison and another Commissioner attend the City Council Meeting o Commissioner Sherwood answered o Commissioner Vohs o Commissioner Landen o Commissioner Gill o • Commissioner Vohs asked if the Liaison would be renewed at the beginning of each year as we do for the PC Chair and Vice Chair. o Commissioner Bergen responded that this is how she remembers this topic • Commissioner Vohs also said that it would be his wish that the Commission place an infinise on making sure the Commission does the report. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS STAFF: • Sandy Belson spoke about Councilor Wylie • Sandy Belson also spoke about a WALKABLE group of 4 to 6 April 2019 ; Sandy added that a Planning Commissioner would also be on this group. • Commissioner Koivula added that Steve Moe is the new Councilor for Ward 2 City of Springfield Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 20, 2018 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Planning Secretary