HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 04 01 CCICity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN, INVOLVEMENT HELD TUESDAY, April 1, 2014 The City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., with Greg James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Greg James, Vice Chair Nick Nelson, Commissioners Johnny Kirschenmann, Stacy Salladay, Denise Bean, Steve Moe and TimVohs. Also present were Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Assistant City Attorney Lauren King, and Management Support Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT None STAFF REPORT 1. Survey Review for Charter Amendment to Allow for Councilor Compensation – The Springfield Mayor and Council are volunteers. The Springfield Charter states: “No Councilor or Mayor may receive compensation for serving in that capacity. The Council may prescribe a plan for reimbursing Mayor and City Council for expenses they incur in serving the City.” Amending the Charter to provide compensation for the Mayor and Council requires a public vote affirming such an amendment. On March 4, 2014 the CCI discussed a City Council instruction to develop a strategy to obtain public opinion about Mayor/Council compensation for service as an elected official of Springfield. At the conclusion of its meeting, the CCI appointed a subgroup of its membership and gave them the task of preparing a draft online survey that would serve to gauge the community’s interest in moving forward with a ballot measure to change the City Charter, allowing the Springfield Mayor and Council to receive compensation. The subgroup met on March 17 and produced Attachment 1, Draft Survey, for review. In addition to evaluating the contents of the survey, the CCI is asked to discuss and endorse options for moving forward, including: releasing the survey to all city boards and commissions via email, and to the community at-large via the city’s social media sites, websites and email lists. Commissioner Vohs asked if the City Manager has funds to promote this topic and the cost of the doing the survey. Neil responded that he doesn’t believe this will cost anything, that he has a meeting with a reporter and has a large social media and the local media, if funds are needed this is something that the City Manager’s office would pick up. There was some discussion regarding question #2; it was decided that they would leave the question open ended Commissioner Bean said that this could be posted on the ______ Commissioner James asked if Question #7 which talks about the cost of compensation, he would recommend that this question be moved up and frames the question a little more Commissioner Kirschenmann liked Commissioner James asked that they reframe the last paragraph ……… Commissioner Salladay responded as flipping that City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes April 1, 2014 Page 2 Neil responded that this was a concern of Commissioner Salladay, so it was decided that they would remove the last paragraph and work some of the Reimbursement into one of the other questions If this will move forward and the interview happens tomorrow Listen to recording to get the rest of the meeting notes………………. GET A COPY OF WHAT NEIL HANDED OUT TO THE CCI 2. Springfield Franklin Boulevard Public Outreach Plan – Senior Planner David Reesor introduced Ellen Timaage who will be helping with this outreach plan. Staff seeks Planning Commission input, acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), on the Franklin Public Outreach Plan. The objective of the public outreach process outlined in the attached Plan is to keep people informed as the project moves forward, particularly those directly affected. The CCI is asked to review, comment and approve the Franklin Blvd. Public Outreach Plan. Upgrading Franklin Blvd. to full urban standards in Glenwood has been a City priority for many years. Franklin Blvd. Phase 1 construction funding is now in the Draft 2015-2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and staff, with significant consultant assistance, is carefully navigating the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) process that must precede right of way acquisition and construction. Recent work has focused on developing the required environmental baseline reports covering things like endangered species, historic and cultural resources and environmental justice, and then using that information and Council’s desire to minimize impacts to properties to develop project design. This has been an iterative process, and has achieved a measure of success in systematically reducing the project’s NEPA and business impacts. Input from the general public, businesses, property owners and other stakeholders has been an important part of getting to this point in the Project. In October 2014, City and consultant staff met face to face with potentially impacted business and property owners within the Project Area to gather employment information and to establish personal communication between the City and these interested parties. Most recently, City and consultant staff have met face to face again with potentially impacted business and property owners immediately adjacent to Franklin Blvd. to discuss the proposed project “envelope” for the reconstruction of Franklin. This was first reviewed by the City Council during the February 24th, 2014 work session. The next step with be to go before the __________ Springfield’s Goal 1 Citizen Involvement program requires input from the CCI on forming this type of Project Outreach Plan. Staff requests the Planning Commission, acting as the CCI, to review, comment and approve the Franklin Blvd. Public Outreach Plan. Additional design phase public outreach tasks will likely be added to this Plan and will be brought back before the CCI for review and approval prior to implementation. Commissioner Moe added that during this time that none_______________________________________ Dave continued that the biggest part of this is to make sure that the community knows what is goin to happen and where they are in the process. Ms. Timage added Commissioner Salladay asked what kind of comments have they been getting when talking to these owners and renters Commissioner Moes when to the map and showed an example of property he owns and what the impact is to him. Dave Reesor continued Commissioner Moe City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes April 1, 2014 Page 3 Commissioner Salladay added that it’s good that the City is starting so early and making sure they have a face to face meeting with each property owner Commissioner James added that phased construction would be something like two years? David Reesor went to the map on the TV Screen to orient the Commission as to what they are looking at. (BE SURE TO GET A COPY OF DAVID PRESENTATION FOR THE RECORD) The reason the City is starting this now isn’t because they have the funding, but they want to start now on the design because it will take so long Commissioner Bean asked what the different colors mean Commissioner Vohs asked is the black line is a final line, this understanding from a conversation with Tom Boyatt is that this is the most they would take, which this line could shrink. David agrees that this is the concept Commissioner Salladay asked Commissioner Vohs asked what the status of the jurisdictional transfer between the State and the City of Springfield. David responded that they are on the tail end of the conversation and they are working on the final plan of transfer. Commissioner Vohs sked about the regulations that are in place to date would those regulations stay in place? Dave responded that is why the City wants jurisdiction so the City can be a little more flexible with the plan. Commissioner Moe added Commissioner Salladay asked what staffs thoughts are on how the community will embrace the thought of three additional roundabouts. Dave responded that they have spoken to most of the property owners with an exception of a few there is support from the property owners. Dave also added that when they ………………….. people do have concerns about roundabouts but as we go through the design....... Dave asked if the commission has any other questions or concerns with the information presented so far? Commissioner James expressed that ……………it’s important to get to the property owners as well as those leasing property. Commissioner Bean said another voice to reach are those that commute Franklin Blvd. Ms. Timeage added that one of the group they gave …. Commissioner James asked How does LTD and EMX fold into this David responded that LTD is now applying for a Grant that will …….it goes hand n hand , the city will be working closely with LTD who is a major stake holder in the Cities process. Timage asked that if any of the commissioners has any questions or concerns to contact both herself and David in hopes that they can use these ideas to work through this process. David is really happy to have Ellen Timage on board Commissioner Bean asked if there has been any pushback with property owners putting up signs that say “NO Build” David responded that most of the comments they have received has been mostly positive. Commissioner Salladay asked if staff is looking at planning landscape that will slow the traffic City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes April 1, 2014 Page 4 David responded that studies show…………… her believes that when they get into the design this will be a topic of discussion. Commissioner James would like to piggy back onto Commissioner Salladay’s comments in reference to Pioneer Parkway, he believes that it has to be done in a way that visibility are ……………… David will pass along all the comments and concerns from the Commission and invite them to be involved throughout the process. Commissioner Vohs reminded everyone that the first hurtle is the NEPA. David added that that is the case and then gave a time line as to where they are in the process. David responded……………Commissioner Vohs added that the reason he brought this backup is because………………………Ellen added ……………. Ellen would like to add everyone on the Commission to the intetested parties list. David asked or a head nod for the public outreach program. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist