HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 05 06 CCICity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN, INVOLVEMENT HELD TUESDAY, May 6, 2014 The City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., with Greg James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Greg James, Vice Chair Nick Nelson, Commissioners Johnny Kirschenmann, Stacy Salladay, Denise Bean, Steve Moe and TimVohs. Also present were Current Development Manager Greg Mott, Neil Laudati Community Relations Manager, City Attorney Lauren King, and Management Support Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT None STAFF REPORT 1. Survey Results on Charter Amendment to Allow for Councilor Compensation - In 2013, a small sub-committee made up of members of the City Council, the City Attorney’s Office and the City Manager’s Office met on several occasions to review the need for an update of the City Charter to allow for a reasonable monthly compensation. After discussion and reviewing council compensation from across the state, the sub-committee recommended a $300 per month stipend for each councilor and a $500 per month stipend for the Mayor. The issue was then forwarded by the City Council to the Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) for review and direction. Following your meeting on March 4, 2014 a small subgroup was tasked with formulating an online survey that would serve to gauge the community’s interest in moving forward with a ballot measure to change the City Charter, allowing the Springfield Mayor and Council to receive compensation. The subgroup met on March 17 and produced the survey, which was approved by the CCI. Using a service called Survey Monkey; the survey was released on April 3, to all city boards and commissions via email and to the community at-large via the city’s social media sites, websites and email lists. Local media outlets also covered the survey and provided information on how to participate. The survey closed on April 18. Over the course of two weeks, 282 people took the survey, with 76-percent of those surveyed in favor of supporting a charter amendment. The unedited responses, along with all public comments, can be found on Attachment 1. A public hearing is scheduled for May 20. Councilor Moe doesn’t think there will be any opposition; it will resonate better with the citizens because it’s coming from the CCI and not the Council itself. Councilor James asked how was the other committees and commissioners contacted and is there a way to aggregate who Neil responded that anyone who is on a City mailing list received the survey, and the City General email list, but really Commissioner Bean said that the comments she has received were all over the board and those she spoke to were disappointed that while doing the survey there was nowhere for them to just day “no”. Commissioner James asked how are we going to proposed to bring this forward, wants to make sure that the Council can’t give themselves an increase. Commissioner James asked City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes June 5, 2012 Page 2 Commissioner Vohs responded that he’s not in favor of this or the CPI his preference would be that it comes back for review every so often. Not the council not the budget Denise Stacy Tim Greg, the PC is more removed from the CCI Greg Mott responded that the CCI is the Planning Commissioner Greg James said that tying it to the CPI keeps it separated from the Budget Committee, City Council, and/or brings it back to the voters for an increase which, he does not recommend. Tim Greg added that whatever the recommendation is the CCI needs to keep it simple Lauren responded that she will need to look if it will even be possible to separate the budget committee; she believes this could be problematic. Greg Mott added as stated in the AIS, Denise added that the comments that the compensation should be closer to what Eugene have, with that said this is not Eugene. Greg James Greg Mott asked Neil Laudati if the Councilors recommended the amount of compensation, Neil responded, “yes” Greg Mott Denise Tim also asked if the compensation will continue through long absences and during the long winter/summer breaks?\ Neil responded that they would handle the long absences as they do now, they would get a perdium of the time worked, the winter/summer breaks would not be treated any different because they still do work even thought there might not be any meetings. Johnny when we have this set her believes that the CCI should be the group that evaluates this every three (3) years. Greg James Neil reminded the CCI that they have already met their obligation by what was set for what they needed. The compensation Greg James Neil added that the Council will be pleasantly surprised of the work completed on this project, since Denise will not be here for the Public Hearing. The public hearing will be the CCI not the Planning Commission. City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes June 5, 2012 Page 3 Greg asked if everyone was comfortable with the level of compensation. Steve does not believe it is adequate compensation for the amount of work they do. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James Planning Commission Chair Attest: ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist