HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 07 01 CCI RSCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN, INVOLVEMENT HELD TUESDAY, July 1, 2014 The City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., with Greg James presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Greg James, Vice Chair Nick Nelson, Commissioners Johnny Kirschenmann, Stacy Salladay, Denise Bean, Steve Moe and TimVohs. Also present were Current Development Manager Greg Mott, City Attorney Lauren King, and Management Support Specialist Brenda Jones and members of the staff. ABSENT None STAFF REPORT 1. SPRINGFIELD DOWNTOWN DISTRICT DESIGN PROJECT CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PLAN- Neil Obringer Management Analyst, started the meeting by The Downtown Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) provides City planning advisory functions associated with the implementation of the Downtown Urban Design Plan and Implementation Strategy, including updates to the Downtown Refinement Plan and Springfield Development Code — consistent with the City’s Goal 1 Citizen Involvement program — and provides input on initiatives to improve the physical appearance, safety and vitality of Downtown. The goal of this recruitment was to fill five vacancies on the CAC for the following categories; (2) Designer, (1) General Public, (1) General Position; (2) ………………………………..(1) NEDCO Downtown Program Coordinator and (1) Springfield Downtown School representative. On May 7th 2013, the CCI approved the current roster of CAC categories. The committee vacancies were advertised through a City media release and email communications to a range of interested parties. Staff advertised the Designer positions through distribution to a variety of professional newsletters of local architecture/design organizations and to the list serves of relevant local university programs. In response to the request for applicants five applications were received; however there are no applicants within the pool to fill the Springfield Downtown School representative category. In filling these vacancies, committee members and staff are interested in seeking new members who have a passion for Springfield and who will bring new expertise and perspectives to the committee to assist with the Downtown plan implementation tasks the committee will be working on this year and next. The Project Team has reviewed all applications and finds that Julie and Kip are practicing architects who best fit the (2) vacant Designer categories on the CAC. The Project Team suggests appointing four new members at this time based on the applications received to date: Jim McHugh (NEDCO Downtown Program Coordinator), Aaron Rourke (General Public), Julie Romig (Designer), Kip Amend (Designer). These appointments will bring new expertise and community representation to the committee. Staff proposes to continue focused recruitment to fill the remaining Springfield Downtown School representative position. Mr. Amend and City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes July 1, 2014 Page 2 Greg James asked if Neil had spoken to Dr, Martin Springfield School District Superintendent also, Gary Weber school board member has resigned from the school district and might be interested in applying for the school district position. Applicant Richard Reed attended the meeting and is upset that he was not appointed to the committee…………. Stacy asked if she knows of citizens that might like to apply for those position that were not filled who should she have them speak to. Greg Mott Current Development Manager asked to remind the commission of how this group was started and why they set the group the way they did. The committee shouldn’t feel obligated to do anything other then what is before the CCI tonight. Stacy Salladay asked if someone really wants to be part of this group, wouldn’t it be possible to keep a list of applicants so maybe another group might be able to use them Commissioner James asked Greg Mott……………… Greg responded Johnny responded Commissioner Vohs Commissioner Kirschenmann added that as he read through all of the applications they were all well educated and James Nelson moves to approve the committee members as 2nd by Denise Bean 6:0:1 absent Recommendation to follow up with communication with Mr. Reed to see if he can fit into another group. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Brenda Jones ______________________ Greg James Planning Commission Chair Attest: City of Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement Minutes July 1, 2014 Page 3 ____________________ Brenda Jones Management Support Specialist