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Application APPLICANT 5/18/2023 (4)
Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan 317 30th Street Branch Engineering Project #22-226 For Pat Bloom Countryside Partners Springfield, LLC 2571 California Park Dr., Suite 130 Chico CC: John Anderson The Satre Group 375 West 4`h Ave., Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 (541)686-4540 EN"GINEERING= Since 197 civil - transportation structural - geotechnical SURVEYING www.BranchEngineerin9.com TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 2023 PROJECT: Brentwood Estates TO: Pat Bloom Countryside Partners Springfield, LLC 2571 California Park Dr., Suite 130 Chico CC: John Anderson The Satre Group 375 West 4"Ave, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 CC: City of Eugene ranch ENGINEERING - FROM: Nathan Patterson, P.E. Principal RE: Stormwater Operations & Maintenance for Brentwood Estates BEI Project* 22-226 This stormwater management operations and maintenance plan was prepared for the new construction associated with the Brentwood Estates parking lot project located at 317 30' street in Springfield. City of Springfield regulations requires a stormwater management system operations and maintenance plan The stormwater management system includes a conveyance system consisting of pipes, cleanouts, and three stormwater planters. The stormwater planter operation and maintenance logs and schedules have been included in the appendices. Appendices include the following items: APPENDIX A • Notice of Operations and Maintenance Plan Legal Description and Deed APPENDIX B: O FORM 0 & M OPERATIONS & MAINFENANCE PLAN O Proposed Conditions Site Map APPENDIX C: O Stormwater Planter Operations & Maintenance Plan O Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD SALEM-KDZEA 310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p- 541.746.0637 1 1. 541.746.0389 1 w .branchengineenng.com Operations & Maintenance Plan (22-226) May 17, 2023 The following are instructions for these documents DOCUMENT INSTRUCTIONS Appendix A- Notice of Operations & Maintenance Plan The Notice of O&M Plan identifies the property as having stormwater management facilities on the property and identifies the financial method used to cover future operations and maintenance. The Notice of O&M Plan must be completed and recorded at Lane County Deeds and Records. Signatures on the Notice shall be notarized. The Notice may be submitted in person or walled, along with payment of the applicable fees, to the County Recorder's Office, Lane County Leeds and Records, 125 E 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, http://www.co.lane.or.us/AT-PropRec/default.htm. The property description on the Notice must be a full legal description of the property and may not be a tax lot number. Legal descriptions may be obtained from the county assessor's office. This Notice shall be printed on legal -sized (8 3i x 14) paper to facilitate the recording process. If printed on smaller paper, additional recording fees may apply. Appendix B- Form O&M: Operations & Maintenance Plan The completed Form must identify the owner's name, address, and phone number, the site address, financial method used to cover future operation and maintenance, and parties responsible for inspecting and maintaining the facility. The Form O&M does not need to be recorded. A copy of the stormwater management site plan shall be attached to the Form O&M. The plan, approved as part of the permit for development, must show the location of the facility on the site, the sources of runoff entering the facility, and the ultimate stormwater destination. Appendix C- Stormwater Management Facility Inspection and Maintenance Log Stormwater management facility inspection and maintenance logs must be kept on file by facility owners. Logs should note all inspection dates, the facility components that were inspected and any maintenance or repairs made. The facility -specific O&M plans can serve as a checklist for what should be included in the log (e.g. the facility elements that need to be inspected, frequency of inspection, conditions that indicate maintenance is needed, etc.) BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX A NOTICE OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN ATTACHMENT A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND DEED Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System The undersigned owner(s), is hereby given notice that stormwater runoff from the "Property' described below requires stormwater management facilities to be located, designed, and constructed in compliance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design and Procedures Manual. Said facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Agreement (O&M Agreement) on file with the City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Department. (Property Owner/Developer) acknowledges and agrees to maintain private stonnwater treatment facilities listed in this document. The maintenance of the stomnwater facilities listed in this document is required as part of the Development Agreement with the City of Springfield. This facility will be operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements stated in this document and in the latest edition of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3. The City reserves the right to enter and inspect any stow nwater facility located on the "Property' to ensure the facilities are operating as designed. Failure of the responsible party to inspect and maintain the facilities can result in an adverse impact to the public stomnwater system and the quality of receiving waters. The requirement to operate and maintain the stonnwater treatment facilities in accordance with the approved site development agreement and the site O&M Agreement is binding on all current and future owners of the property. The Agreement and its O&M Plan may be modified under written consent of new owners with written approval by and re -filing with the City. The O&M Agreement and O&M Plan for facilities constructed pursuant to this notice are available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 Fifth St, Springfield Oregon, or call (541)-736-3753, between the hours of S a.m. and 5 IT m., Monday through Friday. The Subject premises, is legally described as follows: (Tax lot minter cannot be usedto describe the property. Legal rkscriphons may be obtatredfronn the conolly assessor's office). SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE By signing below, the signer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan and in any documents attached. This instrument is intended to be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In Witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this instrument on this day of 20 Owner(s): Signature Print Name STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by , owner(s) of the above described premises. ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by as of Notary Public for Oregon RETURN TO: CITYOF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 owner(s) of the above described My Commission Expires RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR RECORDING STICKER "Avoid $20 nonstanda orc (font too small)... Print this form on Legal size paper." Appendix 3A-1 RevontTltD Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Exhibit A Legal Description Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002069738, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: A unit of land located in the West 1/2 of Section 31, Township t7 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said unit of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "PLS 655" marking the Southeast corner of Lot 12, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069738, Lane Ceunty Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon; thence along the Southerly projection of the Easterly boundary of said Lot 12, South 00° 32'30" West 220.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "ROBERTS SURV. INC..'; thence parallel with and 220 feet Southerly of the Southerly boundary of said For 12, North 891 41' 13" West 300.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "ROBERTS SURV. INC.", said iron rcbar and cap being located on the Easterly boundary of Lot 13, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION; thence along the Easterly boundary of said Lot 13, North 00° 32' 30" East 220.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "PLS 655" marking the Northeast corner of said Lot 13; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 12, South 890 41' 13" East 300.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. 4 - STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Produced using RLID (www.rlid.org) on 05/12/2023 at 7:36 AM Lane County Clerk 2021-060336 Lane County Deeds & Records 09/17/2021 10:05:19 AM RPR -DEED CII Stn=8 CASHIER 12 4pages After recording remm to� $20 00 $11 00 $1000 $61 00 $102.00 Andrew Y. Parks Amutd Gallagher P.C. 800 Willan,eue Seel. son, Son) Fugenc, Orc(,afn 97401 Until a change is requested, mail all lax statements to: 123 W. 6i' Street, Suite 130 Chico, CA 95925 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERS SPRINGFIELD, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company ('Grantor"), conveys and warrants to COUNTRYSIDE BRENTWOOD LLC, a Delaware liutited liability company (`Grantee'), the real propern� described on the attached E.hibit A, free of encumbrances except those of record. O Q- The true considcralion for this conveyance is Io change vesting. BETORL Sl(3NN(. OR V( IU'TIAG TI IIS NA JRtNIFNI', II PFISON IRANSIA RR1NG ITE TITJJ': SHOUIJJ IN01 J1 I ABOUT 1-1 11, PI'.l(SON'S RIGHTS, If AN), UNDER ORS 1953M, 195301 AND 195 305 TO 195.336 AND SI (TIONV S TO I I L.I I.APTI!R L OkF(;ON l AV. S 2007, SF.(.T1ON5 2 TO 9 AND lJ 1C, CHAPTCR 855, OR1{GON 1. AW'520119ANDSI1C'll(e,vS210',(HVPIIRS,ORI(UNIAIX-52010-THIS (V INSTR17A1T-NT DORS NOT :UJ.OAGtSll OI' TW', PROPEMY DES(RIBI D IN IMS INsIRITNIF.N'l IN VIOLATION 01 AIJ ABILI LAND ISP. LAWS :AND RL(;L jTJONS, BI IORL SIGNING OR A( CE THIS INSTRLNIEN-1, I It, PP.RSOA VCQI:IRING PIU, TIT] TO TI Ili PItOPI'JOA SHOULD CI IR(K V ITI I TI IT WPROPItI:A1 If (IT)' OR (OI RT)' PLANNIVG DITARI'NIFNT TOA'TRIIW TD \TTHF?, UNIT 012 LAND 131 ;INC TItANSlil 101)ISV 1, AAAIIJ t1IS'L\BJ,JSI 1ED LOT OR PARCEL, 15 DEFINED IN ORS 92,010 OR215.010, TO XTRIF'T ri II APPROA'I-D I SI J OP nFI 1.0'FOR1)\R(I1,'1'0 DETERMINE. N ANY LIMITS ON 1,A\AM 135 V; AINS] I ARh11',G OR FORISsI' PRA( IR LS,.AS DITIN b:I] IN OILS 30930, AND TO JNQUIRF.ABOIT TI TJ f IZIGIITS OI NJ (4 BORING PROPLRPI MNERs,IF:ANY, I MNDJ ROBS 0 195.300, 195.301 AND 195305 '10 195.336 AVD SECTIONS 5 TO 11, (A LA mm 424, OREGON LAW'S 2007, Z SI'(. TONS 2'10 9 :AND F, CII,AP'rI A xs, ORI (.ON L,)AFS 2002. AND S6('I'IONS 2'10 7, C Tf,PTR 8, m O1tL'GON LAWS 2010. F= DATED: September Vr, 2021 0 ZSignature pages follow. a c Ml Ll I - STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Produced using RLID (wwvd.rlid.org) on 05/12/2023 at 7:36 AM Signature pages to Statutory W'arrann Dccdl GRANTOR: COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERS SPRINGFIELD, LLC, an Oregon limited liabilm, company H}: Name: We ley D. Hill Title: %lanagcc 2 -STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Produced using RLID (W ..rlid.org) on 05/12/2023 at 7:36 AM [Norarc pages to Statutory Warranty Deed] A notary public or otter officer comofeitng this cer8ficate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the dick rnent to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, aecoacy, of validity of thm document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF eur -12F ) OnJ61r-S-4Se 5 , 2021 , before me, _��rae!<iA G V3t� , a notary public, personally appeared WESLEY D. HILL, as Manager of COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERS SPRINGFIELD, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, who proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -PA-TRI-CIA L. BL00M COMM. #2272656 z rc Notary Public -California o z Butte County Signature: (Seal) M1 Comm. Ex kes Dee. 23, 2022 v 3 - STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Produced using RLID (wwvd.rlid.org) on 05/12/2023 at 7:36 AM Exhibit A Legal Description Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002069738, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: A unit of land located in the West 1/2 of Section 31, Township t7 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said unit of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "PLS 655" marking the Southeast corner of Lot 12, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded September 9, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069738, Lane Ceunty Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon; thence along the Southerly projection of the Easterly boundary of said Lot 12, South 00° 32'30" West 220.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "ROBERTS SURV. INC..'; thence parallel with and 220 feet Southerly of the Southerly boundary of said For 12, North 891 41' 13" West 300.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "ROBERTS SURV. INC.", said iron rcbar and cap being located on the Easterly boundary of Lot 13, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION; thence along the Easterly boundary of said Lot 13, North 00° 32' 30" East 220.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped "PLS 655" marking the Northeast corner of said Lot 13; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 12, South 890 41' 13" East 300.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. 4 - STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Produced using RLID (www.rlid.org) on 05/12/2023 at 7:36 AM APPENDIX B FORM O & M PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE MAP Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number: Owner's Name: Phone No.: Mailing Address: City State Zip Site Address: 317 30th St City Springfield State OR Zip 97478 Site Map and Tax lot No.: 17-02-31-00-04700 (Or ofimh daemnew with addfionallot igbravrtion ifthe fmility crosses mm thmi ore lot) Type of Facility(ies) Stormwater Planter Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. 8 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The stormwater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are arequired condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the fa.cility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 56 Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hoots of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financiallyresponsible party (circle one): Property Owner Homeowner Association Other (describe) 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no.(_)_ Emergency/after-hours contact phone no ( ) Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: Appendix 3A-2 aerorrz&ra Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 m ------------- -------------- sM^� +.r rcYrc�l��� •�Y•�•�•��r•� 475.00 ® 1�� •�•••�•••�•••��� �� . . . . . c\ 475.00 W W W W W W W W W W 1 ,• W W W W W W W\ W W W W W W W W W W W '''Ippp -I 1 W W W W W W W W\ W W W W W W W W W W _ _- I�1{ �• W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W� _ 475.00 \ 47J:OO W W W W W W W W W \ W W W W W W W W \`�� IO�y \ •' W W W W W W W W W W W\ W W W W—W W\ W - \\ � d W W W W W W W W W W W �• W W W W W \ -- LA \ / \ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Wa. _— ____♦♦♦ ILL -_-_-_-_-_- W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ------- -- .. , ------ ---- W W W �s --- = - --- - =- ---------------------------------------------------__-__•- ----- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---- ----- - --------- - - --- - -- -------- - __=-- [,I—L=,)j ----- -- - - -- ------------- -- 41 SEE PAHANG PLN FOR PLWONG SCHEME AND COVERAGE 6° 6" PAWNS PFR PLAN DENSE GRADED HMAC 3" PEA PAWNS PFR RANT '�y .. -Ts� ®®8d T . •• '. 314„-(0) CRUSHED ROCK, GRAVEL CAP SUBGR40E PLWIER WN! 1 TOP OF ROCK STORAGE EL: 472.00' —T °y. 4” SCH 40 PERF PIPE PA �- `� ENCASED WITH 4" OF 1 TER F8, MINIMUM � GEOTEXNLE FABRIC 12" 3/4. OPEN CRUSHED TOP SOIL 24" 1-f'," - 3:" ROCK, WRAPPED IN OPEN GRADED GEOTEKhLE FABRIC. AGGRE(ATE BOTTOM OF ROCK >> STORAGE EL: 470.00' N�OPIPEC! 70\�,, j/\�/�\/�\//i\//�\ NOTE OPEN 24' GR4 - %i —� O'✓ERFLOW STRUCTURE G47E COMPACTED SUBGR40E Um)ERDPmQCT TO ALTERNATIVE TO FRENCH DRAIN MAY BE EZ -FLOW MANUFACTURED Ol4RFLOW STRUCTURE PRODUCT. SUBMIT PRODUCT FOR APPROVAL OPLANTER, SECTION A -A SCALE N.T.S. copyright 02021 Branch Engineering, Inc. OROCK STORAGE, SECTION B -B SCALE: N.T.S. OFRENCH DRAIN SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 100 ELEVATION CONTOUR designer. FENCE X ------- 61 EDGE OF PAVEMENT — PERF— —(E)SD— STORMWATER LINE —(E)WW— WASTEWATER LINE (E)OHW OVERHEAD WIRES -(E)G— NATURAL GAS LINE — — SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ® STORM MANHOLE © WASTEWATER MANHOLE .0, POWER POLE ® TRANSFORMER NM WATER METER WATER VALVE .6 FIRE HYDRANT Fil TELEPHONE RISER .15' UNKNOWN VAULT 191 UNKNOWN UTILITY BOX E) GAS VALVE L SIGN CONCRETE .0' W Z ~O W •a U rn z m m V) WIDE EASEMENT -/ 27' W W W W W . W\ W 4 W W W W W W W W f \ W ----- • = _°- W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W• __ 'A' W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W/ $ -__ —_ • _- W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 1 -- -.4' =_ __ -t - 475.00 W W W W W W W W W W/W W W\W W W y'q�6W W I =_ _ ____ W W W W W W W W W W -- --- == === -$ W W W W W W W W /W W W W W W W W W W W ------ W W W W W W W /W W W W W W W W W W W 1711-71 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W• __ _ __ _ _-I may./W .4 W W W W W W W W W W 1 ,• W W W W W W W\ W W W W W W W W W W W '''Ippp -I 1 W W W W W W W W\ W W W W W W W W W W _ _- I�1{ �• W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W� _ 475.00 \ 47J:OO W W W W W W W W W \ W W W W W W W W \`�� IO�y \ •' W W W W W W W W W W W\ W W W W—W W\ W - \\ � d W W W W W W W W W W W �• W W W W W \ -- LA \ / \ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Wa. _— ____♦♦♦ ILL -_-_-_-_-_- W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ------- -- .. , ------ ---- W W W �s --- = - --- - =- ---------------------------------------------------__-__•- ----- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---- ----- - --------- - - --- - -- -------- - __=-- [,I—L=,)j ----- -- - - -- ------------- -- 41 SEE PAHANG PLN FOR PLWONG SCHEME AND COVERAGE 6° 6" PAWNS PFR PLAN DENSE GRADED HMAC 3" PEA PAWNS PFR RANT '�y .. -Ts� ®®8d T . •• '. 314„-(0) CRUSHED ROCK, GRAVEL CAP SUBGR40E PLWIER WN! 1 TOP OF ROCK STORAGE EL: 472.00' —T °y. 4” SCH 40 PERF PIPE PA �- `� ENCASED WITH 4" OF 1 TER F8, MINIMUM � GEOTEXNLE FABRIC 12" 3/4. OPEN CRUSHED TOP SOIL 24" 1-f'," - 3:" ROCK, WRAPPED IN OPEN GRADED GEOTEKhLE FABRIC. AGGRE(ATE BOTTOM OF ROCK >> STORAGE EL: 470.00' N�OPIPEC! 70\�,, j/\�/�\/�\//i\//�\ NOTE OPEN 24' GR4 - %i —� O'✓ERFLOW STRUCTURE G47E COMPACTED SUBGR40E Um)ERDPmQCT TO ALTERNATIVE TO FRENCH DRAIN MAY BE EZ -FLOW MANUFACTURED Ol4RFLOW STRUCTURE PRODUCT. SUBMIT PRODUCT FOR APPROVAL OPLANTER, SECTION A -A SCALE N.T.S. copyright 02021 Branch Engineering, Inc. OROCK STORAGE, SECTION B -B SCALE: N.T.S. OFRENCH DRAIN SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND EXISTING 4" STORM 3:1 MAX SLOPE BETWEEN ROCK AND CATCH POINT I 1' CLEAN (5R FINES) 2 1/2°-1" WASHED ROCK CONNECT INLET PIPE TO 8" J PERF. PIPE ALONG BOTTOM OF LEVEL SPREADER i Y N OLEVEL SPREADER SCALE: N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 IN FEET ) PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 100 ELEVATION CONTOUR designer. FENCE X ------- 61 EDGE OF PAVEMENT — PERF— —(E)SD— STORMWATER LINE —(E)WW— WASTEWATER LINE (E)OHW OVERHEAD WIRES -(E)G— NATURAL GAS LINE — — SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ® STORM MANHOLE © WASTEWATER MANHOLE .0, POWER POLE ® TRANSFORMER NM WATER METER D4 WATER VALVE .6 FIRE HYDRANT Fil TELEPHONE RISER IT -11 UNKNOWN VAULT 191 UNKNOWN UTILITY BOX E) GAS VALVE L SIGN CONCRETE .0' 4" STORM 3:1 MAX SLOPE BETWEEN ROCK AND CATCH POINT I 1' CLEAN (5R FINES) 2 1/2°-1" WASHED ROCK CONNECT INLET PIPE TO 8" J PERF. PIPE ALONG BOTTOM OF LEVEL SPREADER i Y N OLEVEL SPREADER SCALE: N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 IN FEET ) PROPOSED 18" O.C. 100 ELEVATION CONTOUR designer. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2" x 6" CEDAR ------- 61 STORMWATER LINE — PERF— PERFORATED PIPE ROCK AND CATCH POINT WASTEWATER LINE BIW— W WATER LINE FIRE LINE W DUAL CHAMBER CATCH BASIN • SURFACE DRAIN ® WATER METER w DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY VAULT CLEAN OUT O ROOF DOWNSPOUT LIGHT POLE O CONCRETE 0 0 LANDSCAPING � ROCK STORAGE L STORM PLANTER 2" GRADE 18" O.C. BOARD NOTCHES 2- designer. NP 2" x 6" CEDAR 2" GRADE BOARD 51 MAX SLOPE BETWEEN ROCK AND CATCH POINT ELEV� 474.30' TURF REINFORCEMENT MATTING 3' MIN. FASTEN GRADE BOARD TO EVERY SUPPORT POST WITH (2) 4" 0, 44" SIMPSON SDS SCREWS ENSURE WASH ROCK IS INSTALLED UNDERNEATH GRADE BOARD TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT. 4X4" CEDAR SUPPORT POST. 1' MIN. EMBEDDED OR AS NEEDED TO SUPPORT GRADE BOARD. LAND USE SUBMITTAL. NOT FOR BUILDING PERMIT Branch ENGINEERING= SIR,, 1977 civil • transportation structural • geotechnical SURVEYING 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 p: 541.746.0637 www.BranchEngineering.com revisions date: MAY 11, 2023 drawn by W designer. NP project no. 22-226 a W z O `LJ O W W nf� � 0 L N r W Z ~O W U rn z m m V) revisions date: MAY 11, 2023 drawn by KJS designer. NP project no. 22-226 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SITE PLAN sheet S1 APPENDIX C Stormwater Planter Operations and Maintenance Plan Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log Stormwater Planters Operations and Maintenance Plan Stormwater Planters are designed to allow runoff to filter through layers of topsoil (thus capturing pollutants) and then either infiltrate into the native soils (infiltration planter) or be collected in apipe to be discharged off-site (flow-through planter). The planter is sized to accept runoff and temporarily store the water in a reservoir on top of the soil. The flow-through planter is designed with an impervious bottom or is placed on an impervious surface. Water should drain through the planter within 3A hours after a storm event. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability. These inspections shall occur, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 49 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: Downspout from rooftop or sheet flow from paving allows unimpeded stornawater flow to the planter. • Debris shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than every 6 months) and upon discovery. • Damaged pipe shall be repaired upon discovery. Splash Blocks prevent splashing against adjacent structures and convey water without disrupting media. • Any deficiencies in structure such as cracking, rolling, and failure shall be repaired. Planter Reservoir receives and detains storm water prior to infiltration. Water should drain from reservoir within 3-4 hours of storm event. • Sources of clogging shall be identified and corrected to prevent short circuiting. • Topsoil may need to be amended with sand or replaced all together to achieve a satisfactory infiltration rate. Filter Media consisting of sand, gravel and topsoil shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the planter. The planter shall be excavated and cleaned, and gravel or soil shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. • Holes that are not consistent with the design and allow water to flow directly through the planter to the ground shall be plugged. • Sediment accumulation shall be hand removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4 inches thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. • Litter and debris shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than quarterly) and upon discovery. Planter shall contain filter media and vegetation. • Structural deficiencies in the planter including rot, cracks, and failure shall be repaired. Overflow Pipe safely conveys flow exceeding reservoir capacity to an approved stormwater receiving system • Overflow pipe shall be cleared of sediment and debris when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Damaged pipe shall be repaired or replaced upon discovery. Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. • Mulch shall be replenished at least annually. • Vegetation, large shrubs or trees that limit access or interfere with planter operation shall be pruned or removed. • Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed if build up is damaging vegetation. • Nuisance or prohibited vegetation shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. • Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when planter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within a specific timeframe, e.g., 3 months, or Appendix 3A-4 Page 13 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 imme diately if required to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. Debris and Litter shall be removed to ensure storrawater infiltration and to prevent clogging of overflow drains and interference with plant growth. Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminate storrawater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining storrawater planters shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Access to the storrawater planter shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles, if applicable. • Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the storrawater planter shall be removed. • Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e.g., due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in the storrawater planter. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. • If a complaint is received or an inspection reveals that a storrawater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, the property owner/owners or their designee may be required to eliminate the infestation at the City inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non -chemical methods and secondly, only those chemical methods specifically approved by the City's inspector. Acceptable methods include but are not limited to the following: i. Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting boxes. ii. Alterations of pond water levels approximately every four days in order to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. iii. Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with fish or other predatory species. iv. If non -chemical methods have proved unsuccessful, contact the City inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengensis var. israchensis or other approved larvicides. These materials may only be used with City inspector approval if evidence can be provided that these materials will not migrate off-site or enter the public storrawater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applied by a licensed individual or contractor. • Holes in the ground located in and around the storrawater planter shall be filled and compacted. Appendix 3A-4 Page 14 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Ins ection Time: Inspected By: Approximate Date/Time of Last Rainfall: Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (Oil sheen, smell, turbidity, etc.): Sediment accumulation and record of sediment removal: Condition of vegetation (Height, survival rates, invasive species present, etc.) and record of replacement and management (mowing, weeding, etc.): Condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, irrigation facilities, and side slopes. Record damaged items and replacement activities: Presence of insects or vectors. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: Appendix 3A-3 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012