HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 5/22/2023Completeness Check
Development and Public Works Department
Conference Room 616 & Zoom
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
DPW Conference Room 616 and Zoom
Completeness Check Mtg (Site Plan Review) #811 -23 -000096 -PRE 811 -23 -000098 -PRO]
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: 1804
Address: Marcola Road, west of 2V Street
Existing Use: vacant
Applicant has submitted plans for development of neighborhood convenience store and coffee
shop with drive through
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 10:00 — 11:00 via Zoom and Conference Rm 616
811 -23 -000096 -PRE Completeness Check Meeting
17-02-30-00 TL 1804
Marcola Rd., west of 28`h St.
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
Marcola Meadows Commercial
Site Plan Review Application
Submitted to: City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Applicant/Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
27375 SW Parkway Avenue
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Applicant's Consultant: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC
12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100
Tualatin, OR 97062
Contact: Marie Holladay
Email: holladaym@akseng.com
Phone: (503) 563-6151
Site Location: North of Marcola Road and west of 28th Street
Lane County Assessors Map: 17023000; Tax Lot 1804
Property Size: *0.89 acres
Springfield Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
AVC! Marcola Commercial- Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
Commercial Site Plan Review -City of Springfield Page 1
I. Executive Summary
This application involves a site plan review for a property (Tax Lot 1804 of Lane County Assessor's Map
17023000) inside the City of Springfield. The subject property is a ±0.89 -acre site, designated Community
Commercial (CC) zoning district, and located northwest of the intersection of Marcola Road and 28'
Street. This project will introduce a neighborhood convenience store and coffee shop to serve the local
area, consistent with the commercial phase of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan (Springfield Local Case
No. 811-20-000225-TYP3). This ideal service location will provide walkable amenities to nearby residents
and is compatible with the land use pattern of the area by contributing to the commercial corridor along
Marcola Road. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the commercial site is planned to feature
the following improvements:
• A new commercial building including:
o ±4,000 square feet of retail convenience store space
o ±2,000 square feet of coffee shop establishment with a drive-through
• Over 15 percent site landscaping
• Stormwater infiltration planters designed to reduce the rate of runoff and provide pollution
• Interior recycling and trash enclosure, site lighting, fire hydrant, etc.
• On-site vehicle and covered bicycle parking for patrons
• Interconnected pedestrian circulation system
• Full range of underground franchise utilities, municipal water, and sanitary sewer service
• Shared access to Marcola Road, with school, commercial, and multifamily residential phases, as
approved in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
D. Site Description/Setting
The subject property is located northwest of the Marcola Road and 28th Street intersection and is within
the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. The ±0.89 -acre site is Tax Lot 1804 of Lane County Assessor's Map
17023000 and is zoned CC district. The property is flat, void of structures, and currently exists as a grassy
field with a graveled driveway on Marcola Road.
North: The site abuts the Marcola Place Apartment site, designated R-2 district (Medium Density
Residential). The property's northern boundary abuts the multifamily site's southern property
line, near areas of existing/planned fencing, landscaping, and circulation.
Past: The abutting ±1.17 -acre property is envisioned as a professional medical office site and is
designated CC district. The property benefits from a joint access driveway shared with the
surrounding subject commercial site and the multifamily residential site.
South: The abutting properties to the south, across Marcola Road, are designated R-1 district (Low
Density Residential) and are generally developed as detached single-family dwellings.
West: The site abuts a ±15 -acre property intended for a future elementary school, within the Marcola
Meadows Master Plan. The abutting property is designated Public Land & Open Space (PLO)
district and also shares a joint access driveway with the subject property, multifamily residential
site, and additional commercial site on Marcola Road.
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Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 2
111. Applicable Review Criteria
This application for Site Plan Review is consistent with relevant standards and satisfies the applicable
approval criteria within the Springfield Development Code (SDC). This application includes the City
application forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City staff to review and
determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence supports the City's approval of
the application.
3.2.300 — Commercial Districts
3.2.315 Commercial Use Categories.
(A) Retail Sales and Service. The code provides for 3 types of retail sales and
service ss. The 3 types include automobile dependent uses; automobile
oriented u and non -automobile dependent or oriented uses. The
distinctions are specified below.
(1) Automobile -Dependent Use. Uses where automobiles and/or other
motor vehicles are served by the use and the use would not exist
without them, such as vehicle repair, gas station, car wash, or auto
and truck sales.
(2) Antomobile-Orieated Use. Uses where automobiles and/or other
motor vehicles are an integral part ofthe use, such as drive -up, drive-
, and drive-through Facilities.
(3) Nov-Antomobile Dependent or Oriented Use. Retail sales and
service s that do not qualify as automobile dependent or
automobile oriented.
(B) Eating and Drinking Esmbhshment. Eating and drinking establishment uses
include but are not hrnited to: restaurants, cafes, and similar types ofland uses
that prepare and serve edible goods for consumption by the customer
including beverage service.
3.2.320 Permitted Uses.
(A) The land uses listed in Table 3.2.320 are permitted in each of the applicable
districts, subject to Site Plan Review approval and the provisions of this
Response; The site is zoned CC district. As previously mentioned, a new ±15,000 -square -foot building
is planned on-site, anticipated to include ±4,000 square feet of retail space and ±2,000
square feet of a coffee shop with drive-through service. The uses are permitted on-site in
accordance with applicable design standards discussed later in this narrative. The criteria
are met.
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Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 3
T.bl� 3.1.310 Permitted U�cs
Land Use
Commercial District
Com dal
Retail Sales and Services automobile oriented
Eating and Drinking Establishments with drive -through)
Response; The site is zoned CC district. As previously mentioned, a new ±15,000 -square -foot building
is planned on-site, anticipated to include ±4,000 square feet of retail space and ±2,000
square feet of a coffee shop with drive-through service. The uses are permitted on-site in
accordance with applicable design standards discussed later in this narrative. The criteria
are met.
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Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 3
3.2.325 Development Standards.
In addition to applicable provisions contained elsewhere in this code, the development
standards fisted in this section apply to all development in commercial districts. In
cases of conflicts in this section between the general standards and the area -specific
standards, the area -specific standards apply.
(A) Lot Area, Dimensions, and Coverage. The following Table 3.2.325(A) sets
forth the commercial district lot area, lot dimension, and coverage standards.
Table 3.2.325(A) Commercial District LotArca,
Development Standard
Dimension, and Coverage Standards
Minimum lot/parcel size
6,000 square feet
Individual lease s Pace size
Minimum frontage, e (A)(1) below
50 feet
Panhandle lot/parcel minimum fionmgc,
both single and double panhandles
40 feet
Maximum lot/parcel coverage
Limited only by requirements of other
sections of this code
Minimum landscaping
Minimum landscaping area established by
standards in other sections ofthis code
Maximum parking, loading, and vehicular
circulation area coverage
Lot/parcel coverage established by
I standards in other sections ofthis code
Response: This application does not involve adjustment of property boundaries. As demonstrated
on the Existing Conditions Plan (Exhibit A), the site is ±0.89 acres (±38,560 square feet)
and meets the minimum lot size for the CC district. Additionally, the property has
approximately 188 feet of frontageon Marcola Road and is not configured as a panhandle
lot. As such, the lot -dimensional standards above are met.
(I) The frontage standard does not apply when the following are mer.
(a) The lots/parcels have been approved as part of a Master
Plan, Sire Plan, Subdivision, or Partition application; and
(b) Access has been guaranteed via a private street or driveway
by an irrevocable joint use/access agreement as specified in
SDC 4.2.120(A).
Response: As discussed above and illustrated on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the 50 -foot
minimum frontage standard is met.
(B) Setbacks
(I) Setbacks provide separation between commercial and non-
commercial uses for fire protection/security, building .maintenance,
sunlight and air circulation, noise buffering, and visual separation.
AR developments .oust meet applicable fire and building code
standards, which may require greater setbacks than those fisted in
this section (e.g., for combustible materials, etc.).
(2) Required setbacks are measured from the special street setback in
SDC 4.2.105(N), where applicable.
Response: The subject site has frontage along Marcola Road, functionally classified as a Major
Collector facility within the Springfield TSP. According to Table 4.2.1A, a 36 -foot special
street setback applies to Marcola Road. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the
required setback is provided, and the criteria are met.
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(3) The following setback standards apply to all structures, except as
otherwise provided by this section.
(a) Building Setback.
(i) AR commercial districts (NC, CC, MRC, and GO).
A. The minimum building setback is 10 feet.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the planned building is setback at least 10
feet from the property boundaries. The criterion is met.
(b) parking, Driveway, or Outdoor Storage Setback
(i) Neighborhood Commercial. The minimum yard
setback for parking, driveway, or outdoor storage is
7 feet from any property line.
(ii) Other commercial districts (CC, MRC, and GO).
The minimum yard setback for parking, driveway,
or outdoor storage is 5 feet from any property line.
Response: The subject site is zoned CC district. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the
planned parking and storage areas are setback at least 5 feet from the property
boundaries. The criteria are met, as applicable.
(c) Setback Exceptions.
(i) There are no setbacks required for buildings in the
Downtown Exception Area.
(i) Architectural extensions may extend into any 5 -foot
or larger setback by no more than 2 feet
Table 3.2.325(B) summarizes the above setback
standards, subject to the exceptions above.
Table 3.2.325(B) Setback Standards
Development Standard CC
Setback for building To—f; c
Setback for parking driveway, or outdoor storage 5 feet
Response: The subject site is designated with CC district and is not within the Downtown Exception
Area. It is understood architectural extensions may extend 2 feet into the required
setbacks. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the planned building complies
with the setbacks above. The criteria are met, as applicable.
(C) Height.
(I) The following building height standards are intended to promote
land use compatibility and flexibility for commercial development at
an appropriate community scale.
(a) Buildings and structures in the Neighborhood Commercial
District are limited to the maximum height of20 feet.
(b) Buildings and structures in the Community Commercial,
Major Retail Commercial, and General Office Districts have
maximumno height' except when abutting aresidential
district. When abutting a residential district the following
height standards apply:
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The height of a structure must not exceed the height
permitted in the adjacent R-1 or R-2 residential land use
district for a distance of 50 feet. For the adjacent R-1 zone
the applicable height limit is 35 feet and R-2 zone the
applicable height irnit-is 50 feet.
(2) Incidental equipment, as defined in SDC 6.1.110 may exceed the
height standard.
Table 3.2.325(C) summarizes the above height standards.
Development Standard CC
Maximum Height No maximum height, except when abutting residential
districts. When directly abutting an R -I or R-2 district,
the height of a structure must not exceed the height
permitted in the adjacent R-1 or R-2 residential land use
district for a distance of 50 feet from the property fine.
Response: The subject site is zoned CC district and is adjacent to land designated R-2 district, with a
height limitation of 50 feet. The structure is not planned to exceed 50 feet in height within
50 feet of the site's northern property line. However, this application does not involve
building construction; compliance with pertinent height standards will be reviewed at the
time of the building permit submittal. The criteria above are met, as applicable.
4.2.100 —Infrastructure Standards—Transportation
4.2.105 Public Streets.
(B) An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to
identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed
mitigation measures. A TIS is required ifany ofthe following criteria are met.
(1) Peak Hour Threshold. Ifa change inland use orintensification ofan
existing use generates 100 or more trips during any peak hour a
determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of the
Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, a
ITS must be performed by a registered professional engineer.
(2) Average Daily Traffic Threshold. If a change in land use or
intensification ofan existing use generates 1,000 or more trips per day
as determined by procedures contained in the most recent edition of
the Institute ofTransportation Engineers Trip Generation Manua! a
ITS must be performed by a registered professional engineer.
(3) Variance and Known Issues Threshold. The Director maydetermine
that a ITS is necessary to support a request for a Variance from the
transportation provisions of this code or where traffic safety, street
capacity, future planned Facility, or multimodal concerns may be
associated with the proposed development
(4) The nature and extent ofthe TIS scope is determined by the Director
based upon a trip distribution and assignment prepared by the
applicant. At a minimum, locations impacted by more than 20 trips
during the identified peak hour must be included in the trip
distribution and assignment.
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(5) The Director may modify ITS requirements consistent with
applicable local and regional transportation system plans and the
intent of this code when existing conditions make their strict
application impractical or inconsistent with accepted site planning
or transportation planning principles.
Response: The Marcola Meadows Master Plan transportation documentation prepared by Lancaster
Mobley (Exhibit F) demonstrates that the worst-case scenario for the subject site is a 16 -
fueling position gas station with a market, generating a total of 224 evening peak hour
trips and 3,286 total weekday trips. When using Exhibit F's worst-case scenario as baseline
values, the subject site could generate 323 evening peak hour trips and 4,285 total
weekday trips without meeting the threshold of SDC 4.2-105. B(1) and (2).
According to the ITE Trip Generator a ±2,000sf coffee shop with drive-through window
(ITE code 937) generates 87 weekday PM peak hour trips, and 1,067 weekday daily trips.
A±4,000sf convenience store (ITE code 851) generates 214 weekday PM peak hour trips,
and 3,049 weekday trips. Therefore, based on the cumulative uses, the commercial
building would generate 301 peak hour trips and 4,116 weekday trips. Therefore, the
transportation system will accommodate the planned capacity generated by the project,
is not anticipated to cause traffic impacts or needed mitigation measures, and is in line
with the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. For further information, please see Exhibit F.
The criteria are met.
4.2.120 Site Access and Driveway Standards.
(A) Site Access and Driveways —General.
(I) All developed lots or parcels are entitled to I approved driveway
access provided by either direct access to a:
(a) Public street or alley along the frontage of the property; or
(5) As determined by the Director, sites with abutting parking areas
within the same land use district may be required to provide driveway
connections or pedestrian connections internal to the sites and joint
access agreements to provide efficient connectivity and preserve
public street functions and capacity.
(B) Driveways must take access from lower classification streets when
development sites abut more than 1 street and streets are of differing
classification as identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan
except as allowed under this subsection.
(I) Driveway access to or from a higher classification street may be
permitted through a Type 2 approval process if no reasonable
alternative street access exists or where heavy use of local streets is
inappropriate due to traffic impacts in residential areas, as follows:
(a) Where a proposed development abuts an existing o
proposed arterial or collector street' the development design
and off-street improvements must minimize the traffic
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(b) Additional improvements or design .modifications necessary
to resolve identified transportation conflicts may be required
on a case by case basis.
(2) For single dwelling units, duplexes, and .piddle housing, no more
than I driveway per lot or parcel is permitted along the frontage that
abuts an existing or proposed arterial or collector street. Where more
than 1 dwelling unit takes access from the existing or proposed
arterial or collector street, driveways .may be combined o
consolidated consistent with the standards in SDC Tables 4.2.2
through 4.2.5.
(C) Driveways must be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and
egress as specified in SDC Tables 4.2.2 through 4.2.5, the City's $ngineering
Design S=dards and Procedures Mmual, and the Development & Public
Works Standard Construction Specifications.
(1) Existing driveways may be expanded up m the maximum
dimensions permitted in SDC Tables 4.2.2 through 4.2.5 through a
Type I approval process, provided that the driveway expansion does
not require removal or relocation of any existing street trees, street
fighting, or underground or above ground ndfi des and provided that
the applicant obtains any applicable permit required to construct
improvements in the public right -of --away.
(2) Driveway widths and throat depths may be varied outside of the
standards in Tables 4.2.2 through 4.2.5 through a Type 2 approval
process if no other reasonable alternative exists to accommodate on-
site development needs, if traffic safety is not impacted, and if the
variance does not conflict with frontage improvements such as street
trees, street lighting, and ndfity pedestals.
(3) Off-street vehicle parking is restricted to approved driveways and
parking lots, and is not otherwise allowed between the street and
primary building, consistent with Springfield Municipal Code
Section 5.002(11).
Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) and responses to SDC 4.2 demonstrate this application
is in compliance with the applicable transportation infrastructure standards related to
public streets, site access, sidewalks, street trees, lighting, etc. As shown on the Existing
Conditions Plan (Exhibit A), the property's frontage along Marcola Road has been
improved in accordance with City standards. The subject improvements were approved
and installed as part of the Marcola Meadows South Side Public Improvement Plans (City
Project Number P31068).
Additionally, this Site Plan Review application is for an approved commercial phase of the
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. The anticipated trip generation from the planned
commercial retail building is lower than the worst-case scenario for the site documented
in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Transportation Impact Study (TIS) prepared
by Lancaster -Mobley in November 2020. For additional information, please see the
Transportation Documentation (Exhibit F). Therefore, the transportation infrastructure
standards are met.
4.2.130 Vision Clearance Area.
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(A) AR lots or parcels must maintain a Vision Clearance Area in provide sight
dismnce for approaching traffic. Vision clearance areas must be shown on Site
Plans for applicable land use applications.
(B) No screens, plantings, or other physical obstructions are permitted between
21/. and 8 feet above the established height ofthe curb in the Vision Clearance
Items associated with utilities or publicly -owned structures—for example,
poles, and signs, and existing street trees—may be permitted.
(C) The Vision Clearance Area must be in the shape of a triangle. Two sides of
the triangle must be property fines or a property fine and edge ofdriveway for
a distance specified in this subsection. Where the property lines or driveway
edge have rounded corners, they are .measured by extending them in a straight
line to a point ofintersecfion. The third side ofthe triangle is a fine across the
corner of the lot or parcel joining the non intersecting ends of the other 2
sides. The folloaaing measurements establish the Vision Clearance Area:
Response: Vision clearance areas are planned to be maintained. Screens, plantings, and other
physical obstructions are not planned to exceed 8 feet in vision clearance areas. The
criteria are met.
4.2.135 Sidewalks.
(A) Sidewalks and planter strips abutting public streets must be located wholly
within the public street right -of -away. Alternatively, the applicant may propose
a design that does not meet this standard, subject to Director approval
through a Type 2 approval process. In approving an alternative, the Director
may require alternative setbacks or driveway paving requirements that reflect
the altered position and location ofthe sidewalk.
(B) Sidewalks must be designed, constructed, replaced, or repaired as specified
n the Engineering Design Standards and Pmcedures Manual, the
Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications, and the
Springfield Municipal Code.
(C) Concrete sidewalks must be provided according to SDC 4.2.105(C), Table
4.2.1, and the following criteria:
(I) Sidewalks .oust conform to the existing or planned streetgrades.
(2) Sidewalks .oust conform to current ADA standards.
(3) Sidewalks must be separated from the curb by the planting strip.
Alternatively, sidewalks may be proposed to not meet this standard
when necessary for connectivity, safety, or to comply with street
design requirements subject to approval by the Director.
(4) New sidewalk width and type must be consistent aaith existing
sidewalk design in the same block, but must physically transition to
comply with current sidewalk standards. When replacing damaged
sidewalk, new sidewalk must be located in the same position as the
existing sidewalk.
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Measurement along each properM fine
20 feet
15 feet
10 feet
Response: Vision clearance areas are planned to be maintained. Screens, plantings, and other
physical obstructions are not planned to exceed 8 feet in vision clearance areas. The
criteria are met.
4.2.135 Sidewalks.
(A) Sidewalks and planter strips abutting public streets must be located wholly
within the public street right -of -away. Alternatively, the applicant may propose
a design that does not meet this standard, subject to Director approval
through a Type 2 approval process. In approving an alternative, the Director
may require alternative setbacks or driveway paving requirements that reflect
the altered position and location ofthe sidewalk.
(B) Sidewalks must be designed, constructed, replaced, or repaired as specified
n the Engineering Design Standards and Pmcedures Manual, the
Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications, and the
Springfield Municipal Code.
(C) Concrete sidewalks must be provided according to SDC 4.2.105(C), Table
4.2.1, and the following criteria:
(I) Sidewalks .oust conform to the existing or planned streetgrades.
(2) Sidewalks .oust conform to current ADA standards.
(3) Sidewalks must be separated from the curb by the planting strip.
Alternatively, sidewalks may be proposed to not meet this standard
when necessary for connectivity, safety, or to comply with street
design requirements subject to approval by the Director.
(4) New sidewalk width and type must be consistent aaith existing
sidewalk design in the same block, but must physically transition to
comply with current sidewalk standards. When replacing damaged
sidewalk, new sidewalk must be located in the same position as the
existing sidewalk.
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(5) Facilities including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters,
valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire
hydrants, signs, and bus stops must not be located avithin the
sidewalk, and must be removed or relocated prior to the construction
or reconstruction of the sidewalk. Alternatively, the City Engineer
may approve an alternative design to this standard if atleast 5 feet of
unobstructed width on arterial class streets and 4 feet on all other
streets will remain around the facility.
(D) Planter strips are required as part of sidewalk construction. Planter strips
mustbe at least4'G feet wide (as measured from the back of curb to the edge
of the sidewalk) and at least 4'G feet long. Planter strips must have approved
landscaping consisting of street trees and ground c r allowed per
the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Tree wells set in
concrete or sidewalk areas must be a minimum of4 feet by 4 feet. Concrete,
asphalt, or other impermeable pavement are not allowed to substitute for
landscaping within planter strips.
Planter strips less than 41/2 feet wide may be permitted when necessary for
connectivity, safety, or to comply with street design requirements, subject to
approval by the Director.
(E) Maintenance of sidewalks is the continuing obligation of the abutting
property owner. (6443; 6412)
4.2.140 StreetTrees.
Street trees are those trees required avithin the public right -of -away. The primary
purpose of street trees is to create a streetscape that benefits from the aesthetic and
environmental qualities of an extensive tree canopy along the public street system.
Street trees are attractive amenities that improve the appearance of the community,
provide shade and visual interest, and enhance the pedestrian environment Street
trees also improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff, and moderate the micro-
chmate impacts of heat absorbed by paved surfaces. Street trees maybe located within
a planter strip or within individual tree wells in a sidewalk, round -about, or median.
In order to meet streenrce requi re ents where theis no planter strip and streettrees
cannotbe planted within the public rightof--way, trees must be planted in the required
frnt yard or street side yard setback of private property as specified in the applicable
land use district.
(A) New Street Trees. New street trees must be a minimum of 2 inch (dbh)
caliper. New street trees must be selected from the City Street Tree List
contained in Appendix 6A, Approved Street Tree List' in the Engineering
Design Standards and Pmcedures Manualand installed as specified in
Chapter 6 of the Engineedng Design Standards and Frocedums Manual.
(B) Existing StreetTrees.
(C) Street Tree Maintenance Responsibility.
(I) Maintenance of street trees in the public right-of-way is performed
by the City.
(2) Maintenance of street trees on private property must be performed
by the property owner.
(3) Removal of street trees on private or public property does not
constitute .maintenance. (6443; 6412;6211)
4.2.145 Lighting Standards.
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Lighting design and placement for streets, paths, and accessways must conform m the
following design standards and the Development & Public Works Standard
Construction Specifications. This section does not apply to on-site fighting standards
that are regulated by Section 4.5.100.
(A) Lighting must be included with all new developments or redevelopment
Existing fighting .oust be upgraded to current standards with all new
developments or redevelopment The developer is responsible for fighting
material and installation costs.
(B) Design Standards.
(1) Lighting must comply with Illuminating Engineering Society,
American National Standards Practice for Roadway Lighting — RP -
8 -14 and applicable National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and
National Electrical Code (NEC) standards.
(2) Intersections must be illuminated to a level equal to the sum of the
average required illuminance of the 2 intersecting streets.
(3) Mid -block crosswalks must have 2 times the illumination required
for the street.
(4) Decorative poles with City -approved LED fixtures and fighting
controls must be used on all streets within the Nodal Development
Overlay District and where any refinement plan or plan district
requires decorative lighting. The developer may request to install
decorative poles on streets, paths, and accessways in any other zone
as part of an underlying Type 2 or Type 3 application, which approval
is at the discretion of the Approval Authority.
(5) City -approved LED fixtures and fighting controls must be used when
fighting is required along multi -use paths and access voys.
(6) Roadway style poles and "cobra head" fixtures with City -approved
LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used along streets in all
other locations.
(7) When roadway style poles are used on arterial and collector streets in
any zone other than residential, they must be steel or aluminum.
When roadway style poles are used on local and collector streets in
residential zones, they must be fiberglass, steel, or aluminum.
(8) Where lot fromages are 80 feet or less, poles must be located at
property fines unless approved by the Director.
(9) The weak point illumination must not be less than 0.1 foot candles.
(10) Roadway style light poles set behind sidewalks must have 8 -foot arias
length. Roadway style light poles set between curb and sidewalk or
where no sidewalk exists .oust have 6 -foot arias length.
(11) Light pole handholes must be used instead of junction boxes.
However, junction boxes for street fighting may be utilized for street
crossings or where necessary to comply with electrical code
standards cited above.
(12) Pole Height.
(a) Light,, on arterial and collector street,, outside of a
residential zone most have a 35 -foot fixture mounting
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(b) Lights on local streets with a curb -m -curb width of28 feet or
greater and collectors within residential zones must have a
30 -foot fixture mounting height
(c) Lights on local sneers with a curb -to -curb width ofless than
28 feet roust have a 20 -foot fixture mounting height.
(d) Decorative light poles must be 12 feet tall. Alternatively, 16 -
foot tall decorative poles may be used if approved by the
Director when the required illumination levels cannot be
achieved with 12 -foot tall decorative poles.
(e) Lighting on local streets must be installed on the sane side
of the street and on the side of the street first constructed.
Alternatively, where necessary to be consistent with the
existing fighting design and placement the Director may
approve an alternative to this standard through a Type 2
(f) Light poles must not be placed on the outside ofcurves with
less than a 1,000 -foot radius. (6443; 6412)
Response: As demonstrated on the Existing Conditions Plan (Exhibit A), sidewalks, street trees,
streetlights, and other improvements described in SDC 4.2, above, currently exist along
the property's Marcola Road frontage. The subject improvements were approved and
installed as part of the Marcola Meadows South Side Public Improvements Plan (City
Project Number P31068). Therefore, the transportation infrastructure standards above
are met.
4.4.100 —Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards
4.4.105 Landscaping.
(A) These regulations ensure that new development complies with the
landscaping provisions of this code and any applicable Refinement Plans,
Plan Districts, Master Plans, and Conceptual Development Plans; i
adequately screened from less intensive developrmenq considers the effects of
vegetation on public facilities; retains significant clusters of natural trees and
shrubs wherever possible; .minimizes run-off, facilitates energy conservation
and crime prevention; and improves the appearance of the City to create a
desirable place to live and work.
(B) Three types oflandscaping may be required:
(1) Landscaping standards for private property as specified in this
section and other sections ofthis code.
(2) Street trees in the public right-of-way as specified in SDC 4.2.140.
(3) Curbside planter strips in the public right-of-way as specified in
SDC 4.2.135.
Response: Landscaping is planned to be provided on-site as shown on the Preliminary Landscape
Plan (Exhibit A). As demonstrated, approximately 19 percent of the total site area is
planned to be landscaped in accordance with this section, including the required setbacks
and parking lot planters. Curbside planters are planned to be planted in accordance with
SDC 4.2.135. As shown on the Existing Conditions Plan (Exhibit A), street trees currently
exist along the property's frontage as specified in SDC 4.2.140. Therefore, the criteria are
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(C) Materials and ins collation costs of required planting and irrigation, other than
what is required by the Minimum Development Standards, SDC 5.15.100,
must not exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including
the cost ofparking facilities.
(D) The following areas of a lot/parcel roust be landscaped, unless otherwise
specified in this code:
(I) AR required setback areas and any additional planting areas as
specified in the appropriate zoning district
(2) Parking lot planting areas required in this section.
Response: As demonstrated on the Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A), required setback areas
and parking lot planters are landscaped in accordance with the requirements of this
(E) Atleast 65 percent ofeach required planting area must be covered with living
plant materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant
materials must be distributed throughout the required planting area. The
planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required planting area is as
(I) A minimum oft trees, not less than 6 feet in height, that are at least
a2 inch (dbh) caliper (at the time ofplandng, notincluding root ball);
(2) Ten shrubs, 5 gallons or larger.
(3) Lawn and/or groundcover may be substituted for up to 25 percent of
the living plant material requirement' unless trees or shrubbery are
required for screening. This substitution is only allowed when the
applicant has demonstrated that there is provisions for ongoing
maintenance ofthe landscape areas.
These standards do not apply to single unit detached dwellings and .piddle
housing in the R -I District.
Response: The Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A) demonstrates compliance with the planting
criteria above.
(F) Parking lot planting areas must include 1 canopy tree at least 2 inches (dbh)
n caliper that meets City street tree standards as may be permitted by
the 8ngineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and at least 4
shrubs, 5 gallon or larger, for each 100 square feeeofplandng area. Shrubs that
abut public right-of-way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot
must not exceed 2.5 feetin height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas must
(I) Patting and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable land
use district, and
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A), parking and driveway setback
areas are planned to be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(2) Five percent of the interior ofa parking lot' exclusive of any required
parking setbacks, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between
the street aide ofa building and an arterial or collector street and are
visible from any street.
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Response: The Preliminary Site Plan (Exhibit A) demonstrates there are only eight parking spaces
planned between Marcola Road and the building; as such, the standard above is not
applicable. The Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A) demonstrates approximately 17
percent of the total site area is planned to be landscaped, including the parking setbacks,
islands, and other required areas in accordance with the SDC.
(G) All new required planting areas must be provided with a permanent irrigation
system which can include a drip irrigation system. Areas planted with
noninvesive drought tolerant species or plant communities are exempt from
this standard.
Response: A permanent irrigation system will be provided on-site. The criterion is met.
(H) Landscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same property are
exempted from planting requirements ifthe arcais notvisible from any pubfic
right-of-way or adjacent property.
Response: The provision above is understood. Areas visible from public right-of-way (ROW) and
adjacent properties are planned to be landscaped, as illustrated on the Preliminary
Landscape Plan (Exhibit A).
4.4.110 Screening.
(A) Unless otherwise specified in this code, screening is required:
(1) Where commercial and industrial districts abut residential districts
and no approved screening exists;
(B) Screening .oust be vegetative, earthen, and/or structural. Unless specified
elsewhere in this subsection, screening must be continuous to at least 6 feet
above ground level. The following standards apply:
(3) Structural Screening. A fence or masonry waR must be constructed to
provide a 100 percent sight -obscuring screen.
(a) No screen is avowed to exceed 4 feet in a residential district
front yard setback, and aR screening must comply with
vision clearance requirements ofSDC 4.2.130.
(b) Wherever a required screen in the form ofa fence is adjacent
to a residential or commercial district or an arterial o
collector street, it must be .made from a non-metallic
Any garbage and recycling receptacles or garbage and recycling area
which would otherwise be visible from a pubfic street, customer or
resident parking area, any public faulity, adjacent property, or any
residential district, .oust be screened from view as specified in
subsections (B)(1) and (3), above. All garbage and recycling
receptacles or materials .oust be contained within the screened area.
(c) When abutting a street, outdoor storage areas and storage
yards .oust be screened with a 5 -foot planting strip between
the storage and street as specified in SDC 4.4.100. (6443)
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Response: The subject site abuts the Marcola Place Apartments (Approved City File No. 811-21-
000276-TYP2) and as shown on the Approved Master Plan (Exhibit A), screening is
planned between the commercial and multifamily residential property. The Marcola Place
Apartments site plan demonstrated compliance with the above fencing criteria; the
structural screening is planned as a 6 -foot tall wooden fence along the multifamily site's
southern property boundary, which is shared with the subject site. As noted on the
Preliminary Site Plan (Exhibit A), privacy fencing is planned to be implemented along the
shared boundary. Additionally, the trash enclosure is planned to be screened from view
as illustrated on the Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A). The above criteria are met,
as applicable.
4.5.100 — On -Site Lighting Standards
4.5.110 Lighting Standards.
(A) Standards for Installation and Operation of Outdoor Lighting. Except as
exempt by subsection (C) of SDC 4.5.105 above, newoutdoor fighting fixtures
nstalled after July 1, 2022, are subject to the standards below. No provision of
this section is intended to preempt Springfield Municipal Code 8.200 et seq.,
Signs, or appficable State codes.
(1) AO outdoor fighting fixtures subject to this see don must be designed
as a full cut-off fixture or have a shielding method to direct light
emissions down onto the site and not shine direct i0umination or
glare onto adjacent properties.
(2) AO lighting for roadways, roadway signs, intersections, and
pedestrian ways must be designed or have an opaque shielding
method to directlight emissions downward and belowthe horizontal
plane of the fixture in the permanently installed position.
(3) The use of laser source fight or any similar high intensity fight for
outdoor advertising or entertainmentic prohibited.
(4) The operation of searchlights for advertising or promotional
purposes is prohibited.
(5) Outdoor lights at designated historic cites or within historic
neighborhoods that are consistent with the architectural style or era
of the building or property must be consistent with the provisions of
this section.
(6) Businesses and institutions with outdoor fighting, such as parking
lot lights, building lights, landscaping lights, and other similar
exterior fighting features, are encouraged to extinguish such fights at
the end of the working day, except for fights necessary for personal
and building safety.
(7) AO outdoor fighting used for pubfic or private sports stadiums, sports
recreation facilities, outdoor performance areas, and other
similar outdoor facilities must be extinguished within an hour after
conclusion ofthe final event of the day, except as exempted herein.
(8) Externally affixed neon fighting is prohibited except in the fo0oving
manner: As a trim element that surrounds windows, doors, o
building edges; when located on building Facades that face street
frontages or internal driveways within commercial chopping
complexes; such fighting .oust not be located more than 15 feet from
finished grade and .mist not be used to define a building moRine;
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and such lighting must not include flashing, intermittent or rotating
fights. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, all neon
fighting associated with signs must be in accordance with the
provisions of Springfield Municipal Code 8.200 et seq., Signs.
(9) The operation of outdoor lighting used for public or private sports
stadiums, sports areas,reation Facilities, outdoor performance
areas, and other similar outdoor fact ides must not occur later than
the conclusion of the final event of the day when maintenance such
as field grooming, irrigation, cleaning, and other similar
maintenance activities are required, to have the Facility ready for
operation the following morning. Eights during after -events
.maintenance .oust be kept at die minimum level practicable.
(B) On-site lighting must be the minimum illumination necessary in compliance
with the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America recommended
practices for a given application, including parking areas and vehicle sales
areas. Ali exterior fight fixtures .oust be shielded or recessed so that direct
glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property, and
directed downward and away from abutting properties; public rights-of-way;
and riparian zones, wetlands, and other protected areas identified in this code
on the same property.
(C) Height
(I) The height of a free standing exterior fight fixture must not exceed
25 feet or the height of the principal permitted structure, whichever
is less. Iv this cce, height is measured as the vertical distance
between the paved surface or finished grade and the bottom of the
fight fixture.
(2) The Director may allow an increase to the standard in subsection
(C)(1), above, through a Type 2 or Type 3 approval process when a
determination is made that personal security is an issue, special
security needs exist' or where vandalism or crime are possible. The
Director may consider specific site characteristics, level of vehicle
and pedestrian conflict, special security needs, and history o
likelihood of crimes in making the determination. Any approved
tv a must be the .minimum necessary to achieve the desired
(3) The height of a free standing exterior fight fixture within 50 feet of
any residential district, riparian zone, or wetland must not exceed 12
(4) The height restriction in subsection (C)(1), above does not apply to
lighting used to illuminate outdoor performance ar s , sport and
recreation Facilities, and playfields, unless these fight fixtures are
located within 50 feet of a residential district' in which case (C)(3)
above applies. (6443)
Response: The Preliminary Lighting Plan (Exhibit A) and Preliminary Lighting Details (Exhibit A)
demonstrates the exterior site is planned to be illuminated in accordance with the criteria
above and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America standards. As illustrated,
parking and circulation areas, walkways, building entrances, and other required outdoor
areas are adequately lit to ensure safety for employees and customers. Free standing
lighting is not planned to exceed 12 feet in height within 50 feet of the northern property
line. The criteria are met, as applicable.
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4.6.100 -Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle ParkingStandards
4.6.115 Motor Vehicle Parking -Parking Lot Design.
AR off-street parking areas shall comply with the following dimensional:
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Detailed Dimension Plan (Exhibit A), compact and standard
parking stalls comply with the dimensional standards above. Circulation aisles provide at
least 24 feet of width between parking rows for two-way travel. The criteria above are
met, as applicable.
4.6.120 Motor Vehicle Parking -Parking Lot Improvements.
AR parking a x must conform to the setback, clearance, planting, and
screening provisions this code and must be completed prior to occupancy. Required
parking spaces must be improved as follows:
(A) AR parking lots, bays, and spaces must have a durable, dust free surfacing of
Asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete, or other materials as approved
by the City Engineer. Permeable pavement meeting standards in
the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual may be allowed
by the City Engineer for parking areas and driveways. Parking lot surfacing
must not encroach upon the public right-of-way.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the parking areas comply with the required
5 -foot setback, vision clearance, planting and screening requirements. Parking and
circulation areas are planned to be surfaced in accordance with the SDC and the City's
Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The criteria are met.
(B) Stormwater management system improvements must be provided to manage
all on-site run-off. The stormwater management system improvements .oust
provide for the on-site collection of stormwater to eliminate sheet flow onto
sidewalks, public rights-of-way, and abutting private property. Ali stormwater
management system improvements must meet the standards in SDC 4.3.110,
and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapters 3
and 4.
Response: The Preliminary Composite Utility Plan (Exhibit A) illustrates that stormwater infiltration
planters are planned to manage stormwater on-site in accordance with the SDC and the
City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. For further information,
please see the Preliminary Stormwater Memorandum (Exhibit X). The criterion is met.
(C) Ali parking spaces fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, landscaped area,
structure must be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not
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Dimensional Feature (all dimensions in feet)
Parking Angle
1 45 60
Stall width, standard
Stall width, compact
Stall length, standard
Stall length, compact
Aisle width between stall lives
Bumper verhav 'cal
Crus -.isle, 1 -way
Cross -aisle, 2-vorry
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Detailed Dimension Plan (Exhibit A), compact and standard
parking stalls comply with the dimensional standards above. Circulation aisles provide at
least 24 feet of width between parking rows for two-way travel. The criteria above are
met, as applicable.
4.6.120 Motor Vehicle Parking -Parking Lot Improvements.
AR parking a x must conform to the setback, clearance, planting, and
screening provisions this code and must be completed prior to occupancy. Required
parking spaces must be improved as follows:
(A) AR parking lots, bays, and spaces must have a durable, dust free surfacing of
Asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete, or other materials as approved
by the City Engineer. Permeable pavement meeting standards in
the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual may be allowed
by the City Engineer for parking areas and driveways. Parking lot surfacing
must not encroach upon the public right-of-way.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the parking areas comply with the required
5 -foot setback, vision clearance, planting and screening requirements. Parking and
circulation areas are planned to be surfaced in accordance with the SDC and the City's
Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The criteria are met.
(B) Stormwater management system improvements must be provided to manage
all on-site run-off. The stormwater management system improvements .oust
provide for the on-site collection of stormwater to eliminate sheet flow onto
sidewalks, public rights-of-way, and abutting private property. Ali stormwater
management system improvements must meet the standards in SDC 4.3.110,
and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapters 3
and 4.
Response: The Preliminary Composite Utility Plan (Exhibit A) illustrates that stormwater infiltration
planters are planned to manage stormwater on-site in accordance with the SDC and the
City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. For further information,
please see the Preliminary Stormwater Memorandum (Exhibit X). The criterion is met.
(C) Ali parking spaces fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, landscaped area,
structure must be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not
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less than 6 inches in height to be set back from the font of the stall a
minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment Wheel bumpers must
be aminimum of6 feetin length. Curbs must be constructed in conformance
with the Standard Construction Specifications.
Alternatively, the sidewalk or landscaped area may be widened 2 feet beyond
the minimum dimension required to allow for vehicle encroachment A curb
not less than 6 inches in height must protect the widened sidewalks and
planter areas.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Detailed Site Plan (Exhibit A), wheel stops are planned to be
provided in necessary locations. The criterion is met.
(D) Backing into the public right-of-way, other than alleys is prohibited.
However, a parking areas ofless than 4 spaces on a lot/parcel in a residential
land use district may back into the public right-of-way.
Response: Parking spaces are planned with adequate maneuvering area on-site, as demonstrated on
the Preliminary Detailed Dimension Plan (Exhibit A).
(E) AR spaces must be permanently and clearly marked. Alternatively, the
applicant may propose unmarked spaces ifsupported by a report stamped by
an Oregon licensed engineer indicating that that the spaces should not be
marked for safety considerations. Old striping must not be visible after being
replaced by new striping.
Response: Adequate parking stall striping will be provided.
(F) Not more than 30 percent of the total parking spaces in a parking lot may be
designated for compact cars. Alternatively, a greater percentage may be
authorized by the Director ifa report stamped by an Oregon licensed engineer
indicates that greater than 30 percent ofthe total parking spaces is appropriate
for the use. AR compact spaces must be signed and/or the space painted with
whine lettering in 4 inch high letters with the letter "C," or with the word
Response: As noted on the Preliminary Site Plan (Exhibit A), there are only 5 compact stalls planned
on-site, amounting to 14 percent of the total stalls (i.e., less than 30 percent). The
criterion is met.
(G) The number, dimensions, and locations of parking spaces for people with
disabilities must be as specified in Chapter 11 of the Oregon Structural
Specialty Code.
Response: Accessible stalls are provided on-site in accordance with the October 2022 Oregon
Structural Specialty Code. The criterion is met.
4.6.125 Motor Vehicle Parking—Parking Space Requirements.
(A) Table 4.6.2 establishes minimum off-street parking standards according to
use, which apply to that use in any land use district
(B) The minimum parking standard for any use not specified in Table 4.6.2 is the
average peak period parking demand identified for that use in the current
version ofthe ITE Parking Manual, for the day(s) ofthe week with the highest
parking demand.
(C) The maximum off-street parking standard for any use that is not a residential
use is 125 percent of the minimum off-street parking standard. There is no
maximum off-so-eet parking standard for residential uses.
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(D) Parking standards esmbfished in Table 4.6.2 may be modified as provided in
SDC 4.6.110.
Table 4.6.2
Use Minimum Parking Standard
Commercial/Industrial Uses
Eatin, and drinkinE establishments 1 space for each 100 square feet of r cc floor area
Retail trade and services (including shopping I space for every 300 square feet ofgoss floor area
en rs
Response: This application involves review of a new commercial building planned to include±2,000
square feet of eating and drinking establishment area (i.e. coffee shop) and ±4,000 square
feet of retail service area (i.e. a neighborhood convenience store). As such, the
commercial uses reflected in Table 4.6.2 above, require 20 stalls and 13.3 stalls,
respectively. Therefore, minimum parking requirements amount to 33 stalls and
maximum parking allowed is 41 stalls (125 percent of the minimum parking required). As
illustrated on the Preliminary Site Plan (Exhibit A) there are 34 stalls planned on-site. The
criteria above are met.
Special Provisions
(B) Commercial Districts.
(1) Parking lots in the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District must
be designed so that a landscaped separator is in between every 7
spaces. A developmentin the NC district that requires more than 25
parking spaces must locate half of all the required spaces over 25
behind proposed buildings.
Response: The property is zoned CC district. Therefore, the criterion is not applicable.
(2) Parking lots must be used exclusively for the parking of vehicles.
However, parking spaces in excess of the number required by this
code may be used for temporary sales or display of merchandise
where the activity does not create a hazard for automobile o
pedestrian traffic or where otherwise allowed under this code or the
Springfield Municipal Code.
(3) A minimum of 4 off-street parking spaces is required for all sites in
commercial zoning districts that require parking, unless reduced
under SDC 4.6.110(M).
Response: The parking area is planned to be used exclusively for vehicle parking. It is understood
excess stalls may be used for certain purposes described above. As shown on the
Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the off-street parking area provides at least four stalls. The
criteria above are met.
4.6.130 Loading Areas—Purpose and Applicability.
(A) These regulations provide standards for the development ofloading areas.
(B) Unless exempted elsewhere in this code, all commercial and industrial
development requiring loading areas .oust comply with the loading area
provisions of this section. (6443)
4.6.135 Loading Areas—Facifity Design and Improvements.
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(A) All necessary loading areas for commercial and industrial development must
be located off-street and provided in addition to the required parking spaces.
(B) Vehicles in the loading area .oust not protrude into a public right -of --way or
sidewalk. When no other reasonable alternative exists, loading areas must be
located so that vehicles are not required to back or .maneuver in the public
right-of-way or internal travel aides.
(C) The minimum sizes required for commercial and industrial loading areas are
as follows:
(1) Two hundred fifty square feet for buildings of5,000 to 20,000 square
feet of gross floor area.
(D) The required loading area must not be less than 10 feet wide by 25 feet long
and have an unobstructed height of 14 feet
Response: This application involves review of anew commercial building, and therefore, the loading
area requirements of this section are applicable. As shown on the Preliminary Detailed
Dimension Plan (Exhibit A), the loading area accommodates at least 250 square feet, 10
feet width, and 25 feet length. The loading area is planned to have an unobstructed height
clearance. Therefore, the criteria above are met.
4.6.145 Bicycle Parldng—Facility Design.
(A) Required bicycle parking spaces and facilities must be a powder coated staple
or inverted -13 rack as shown in Figure 4.6-B. Alternatively, the required
bicycle parking spaces must fulfill the criteria for quality bicycle parking,
which are as follows:
(I) Supports the bicycle frame in a stable position without damage to
wheels, frames, or components and provides 2 points ofcontacq
(2) Aflows locking ofthe frame and 1 or both wheels with a U -lock;
(3) Is securely anchored to the ground or to a structure;
(4) Resists cutting, rusting, bending, or deformation, both from natural
causes and from human abuse;
(5) Powder coated or durable, non -scratching surface; and
(6) Works well for a variety of bicycle frame types (e.g., should work for
step -through frame as well as diamond frame, children's bicycles as
well as adult bicycles, recumbent as well as other styles of adaptive
(B) Required bicycle parking spaces and facilities must be constructed and
installed in accordance with SDC 4.6.150 and Figures 4.6-B and 4.6-C. Bicycle
parking must be provided at ground level unless an elevator with bicycle
wayfinding signage directs users to an approved bicycle storage area. Each
required bicycle parking space must allows bicycle to be placed in the space
without removing another bicycle from another space.
(C) Ali required long-term bicycle parking spaces must be sheltered from
precipitation, in conformance with (13)(3) below, and include fighting in
conformance with the fighting standards in SDC 4.5.100.
(D) Short-term bicycle parking must be sheltered as foflows:
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(1) If 10 or fewer short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, no
shelter is required for short-term bicycle parking.
(2) If more than 10 short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, at
least 50 percent of the short-term bicycle parking spaces in excess of
10 most be sheltered.
(3) Shelters must have a minimum 7 -foot overhead clearance and .oust
completely cover the bicycle parking rack and any bicycles that are
parked in the way the rack was designed to be used.
4.6.150 Bicycle Parking—Facility Improvements.
(A) Bicycle Parking Location and Security.
(I) Bicycle parking racks, shelters, or lockers must be securely anchored
to the ground or to a structure.
(2) Exterior long-term bicycle parking must be located within 200 feet
from the .rain building entrance, primary point of entry to the use,
or employee entrance.
(3) Exterior short-term bicycle parking muse
(a) Be located no further than 50 feet from the main building
entrance or primary point ofentry to the use, as determined
by the City, but not further away than the closest on-site
automobile parking space excluding designated accessible
parking spaces, whichever distance is less; and
(b) Be cleadyvisible from the main building entrance or primary
point ofentry to the use.
(4) Bicycle parking must be separated from motor vehicle parking by a
minimum distance of 5 feet or be separated by a barrier or curb
placed a minimum distance oft feet to prevent damage to parked
(5) Where bicycle parking facilities are not directly visible and obvious
from the public right-of-way, signs must be provided to direct
bicyclists m the bicycle parking. Directions to sheltered fdfltles
inside a structure may be signed or supplied by the employer, as
appropriate. Short-term parking must be available to the general
(6) Bicycle parking may be located inside a building on a floor, which
has an outdoor entrance open for use, and which does not require
stairs to access the space. Alternatively, the Director may allow,
through aland use decision process, bicycle parking on upper stories
within multi -story residential building when an elevator is provided.
(7) In order for bicycle parking and bicycle racks to be located to avoid
conflict with pedestrian movement and access, bicycle parking must
be located outside of the public right-of-way and public or private
sidewalk area. Paved access from bicycle parking spaces to the public
right -of --way must be provided by at -grade or ramp access with a
maximum slope of 8 to 12 percent. Paved pedestrian access must be
provided from the bicycle parking area to the building entrance.
Alternatively, bicycle parking may be located in the public sidewalk
or right-of-way where there is a minimum 5 feet between the parked
bicycle and the storefront and does not conflict with pedestrian
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4.6.155 Bicycle Parking—Number of Spaces Required.
(A) The required minimum number of bicycle parking spaces for each principal
use is 4 spaces, unless otherwise specified in Table 4.6.3. Additional bicycle
parking spaces may be required at common use areas. When the number of
required spaces results in a fractional number, the total number of required
spaces will be rounded up to the nextwhole number. When application ofthe
long- and short-term bicycle parking percentages results in a fractional
number of long- and short-term spaces, the number of long -tern spaces
required will be rounded up to the nextwhole number, the remaining number
ofrequired spaces will be designated as short -tern bicycle parking.
(B) The following parking standards have been established according to use and
apply to that use in any laud use district.
Usc Minimum Parking Standard Long -and Short-term bicycle
parking percentages
Commercial/Industrial Uses
Eating a denking establishments 1 per 600 square feet offoor area 25% long term
General Retail I per for 3,000 square feet of foot 75% short term
Response: This application involves review of a new commercial building planned to include±2,000
square feet of eating and drinking establishment area (i.e. coffee shop) and±4,000 square
feet of retail service area (i.e. a neighborhood convenience store). As such, the
commercial uses reflected in Table 4.6.3 above, require ±3.3 and ±1.3 bicycle parking
spaces, respectively. Therefore, minimum bicycle parking requirements amount to
approximately 5 spaces. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), adequate covered,
long-term bike parking is provided near the northeast corner of the building—within 200
feet of the primary entrance. Additional short-term bicycle parking is also provided and
separated from vehicle parking by curbing to prevent damage. The criteria for bicycle
facility design, improvement, and number of spaces required are satisfied.
5.1.400 —Type 2 and 3 Procedures
5.1.415 Type2Application
(A) A Type 2 application involves the Director's interpretation and rou,orise of
discretion when evaluating approval standards. Uses or development
evaluated through this process are uses that are conditionally permitted or
allowed after Director review that may require the imposition of conditions, of
approval to ensure compliance with development and approval standards.
(B) A Type 2 decision is made by the Director after public notice, but without a
public hearing, unless appealed. A Type 2 application is reviewed according
to the procedures below, unless the Director determines that the application
should be reviewed as a Type 3 decision. A Type 2 decision may be appealed
according to SDC 5.1.800.
Response: This application involves commercial Site Plan Review and should be reviewed in
accordance with the Type 2 review process described above.
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Commercial Site Plan Review -City of Springfield Page 22
5.1.425 Mailed Notice ofApplicadon.
5.1.430 Contents of Mailed Notice.
Response: The criteria above do not require action by the Applicant. The provisions above are
understood and have been omitted for brevity.
5.1.435 Posted Notice of Application.
Notice of a Type 2 or Type 3 application must be posted on the subject property by
the applicant/property owner throughout the duration ofthe required public comment
period. The applicant must post I sign, approved by the Director, on the subject
property that is located within 10 feet of any abutting public way. Failure of
applicant/property owner to .maintain posting of the sign throughout the duration of
the required public comment period does not invalidate a land use approval.
Response: The provision is understood, and the Applicant plans to post a sign along the property's
frontage on Marcola Road that will remain throughout the duration of the comment
period. The criteria can be met.
5.1.445 Type 2 and 3 Review and Decision.
(A) Review and Decision. Upon determination of completeness required by
SDC 5.1.405, a Type 2 or 3 application will be reviewed according to the
following procedures:
(B) Final Decision. A decision on a Type 2 or 3 application is not final until the
Approval Authority issues a written decision, the decision or notice of the
decision has been mailed, and the appeal period to the next higher Approval
Authority within the City has expired.
(C) Appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Appeals of the
final City decision by the Hearings Officer or City Council may be appealed
to the Land Use Board of Appeals according to ORS 197.830, as further
described atSDC 5.1.800.
Response: The provisions above are understood; the Approval Authority for this application is the
Director or his designee and potential appeals are reviewed by the Planning Commission
(i.e. the next higher Approval Authority).
5.13.100 —Master Plans
5.13-134 Final Master Plan—Phasing Implementation
(A) No Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review applications (phasing
implementation) shall be submitted until the Memorandum of Final Master
Plan has been recorded, delineating the effective date, and returned to the
(B) The approved Final Master Plan shall be the basis for the evaluation of all
phases of proposed development' including Subdivision and/or Site Plan
Review applications.
(C) The approved Final Master Plan and all applicable conditions of approval
shall be addressed for each Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review application
AVC! Marcola Commercial —Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
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(phasing implementation) as part of application completeness during the Pre -
Submittal Mee ting application process, specified in SDC 5.1.120(C).
Response: This property is within the boundaries of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan that
was approved on February 17, 2021 (Local Case File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3). The
Memorandum of Final Master Plan has been recorded and returned to the City. The
applicable conditions of approval are addressed within Exhibit J. Additionally, the
approved Phasing Plan and Schedule is included as Exhibit H. Therefore, the criteria are
5.17.100 — Site Plan Review
5.17.110 Applicability.
(A) The Site Plan Review process is used for:
(1) The following categories of multiple unit housing, commercial,
public and c mi-pubfic, and industrial development o
including construction of impervious surfaces for parking lotsand
(a) New development on vacant sites and redevelopment'
0 Where a proposed development qualifies for a
Minimum Development Standards review in
accordance with SDC 5.15;
(i) Where .multiple unit housing qualifies for a Type 1
process as specified in SDC 4.7.380.
Response: This Site Plan Review application involves new improvements on a property zoned CC
district. Therefore, this section is applicable.
5.17.115 Submittal Standards.
Application .materials must be submitted as required below in addition to the
requirements in SDC 5.1.215, Application Requirements. Applications that do not
include all the necessary information may be deemed incomplete in accordance with
SDC 5.1.220, Acceptance ofApplicadon.
(A) General Requirements. All plans submitted under this section .oust
(B) Existing Site Conditions Plan. The application .oust include an existing site
conditions plan that chows, for the entire property and the surrounding
property to a distance ofl50 feet from the subject property boundaries:
(1) The property boundaries, dimensions, and gross area;
(2) Topographic contour fines at 1 -foot intervals for slopes equal to or
less than 10 percent and at 2 -foot intervals for slopes greater than 10
(3) The location and width of all public and private streets, drives,
sidewalks, pathways, rights-of-way, and easements;
(4) Potential names] hazard areas, including areas .napped by the City,
County, or State as having a potential for geologic hazards;
AVO Marcola Commercial—Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 24
Soil types and water ruble information as mapped and specified in
the Soils Survey of Lane County;
Resource areas, including wetlands on the City's Local Wetlands
Inventory, screams, surface .nines, and wildlife habitat identified by
the City or any natural resource regulatory agencies as requiring
The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow, and top of bank
of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited
Watercourse Map and their riparian areas;
The 100 -year floodplain and 0oodway boundaries on the site, as
specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or
FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map
The Time ofTravel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3.200 and delineated
on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development
Services Department
Features, including existing structures, pavement, large rock
outemppings, drainage ways, canals and ditches;
The location, size and species oftrees and other vegetation having a
caliper (diameter) of6 inches or greater at4 feet above grade; and
Locally or federally designated historic and cultural resources.
(C) Proposed Site Plan. The application must include a site plan that shows:
The proposed development site, including boundaries, dimensions,
and gross area;
Existing site features, including trees, identified on the site analysis
map, ifany, which are proposed to be retained, removed, or .modified
by the proposed development
(3) The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures,
utilities, pavement, and other improvements on the site and adjacent
to the site for a distance of 150 feet,
(4) Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings;
(5) Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading, and delivery;
(6) Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating,
street furniture, and similar improvements.
(D) UdEq and Improvement Plan. The application .oust include a utility and
improvement plan that shows:
(I) The name
and location of all existing and proposed public and
privatestreets within or on the boundary of the proposed
development site including the right-of-way and paving dimensions,
and the ownership and .maintenance status;
(2) Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire
hydrants, streetlights, pourer poles, transformers, neighborhood
mailbox units, and similar public facilities;
(3) The location, width, and construction .material of all existing and
proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and
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The location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and
adjacent to the site including sanitary sewermstor mwater
management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and
communications connections including cable, internet, and
television cable, etc.;
The proposed connection points ofthe proposed utilities; and
The location and size of existing and proposed easement and public
(E) Landscape Plan. The application mustinclude a landscape plan that shows:
Existing and proposed building and pavement outlines;
The location and dimensions of existing and proposed terraces,
retaining walls, decks, patios, shelters, and play areas;
Existing and proposed abutting street right-of-way landscaping;
Screening as specified in SDC 4.4.110;
Plantings, either existing or proposed, used in erosion control and
stormwater treatment firciities;
Details of a permanent irrigation system, unless specifically
exempted as specified in SDC 4.4.100;
Street trees as specified in SDC 4.2.140;
A specifications fist for all landscaping .materials to be used;
A planting schedule containing the location, size, and species of the
existing and proposed plant materials (at time of planting);
The anticipated size ofall proposed plants at2 years, or at .maturity,
whichever is first, and
A description ofplanting methods as specified in SDC 4.4.100.
(F) Access,
Circulation, Parking, and Lighting Plan. The application .oust
an Access, Circulation, Parking, and Lighting that shows:
The location, dimensions and number of typical, compact, and
disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel
bumpers, directional signs and striping;
The location and dimensions of all site circulation for vehicles,
pedestrians, and bicycles including entrances and exits to the site,
and loading and service areas;
Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the
location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways and
driveways proposed to be closed;
On-site lighting including the location, orientation, and .nazi...um
height of all proposed exterior light fixtures, both free standing and
For fighting, the type and extent of shielding, including cut-off
angles and the type ofillumination, the wattage, luminous area, and
a photometric test report for each fight source;
The location, type, number, and dimensions of all bicycle parking
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(7) The amount ofgross floor area applicable to the parking requirement
for the proposed use;
(8) The location ofoff-street loading areas;
(9) Existing and proposed transit Facilities;
(10) A copy of a Right -of -Way Approach Permit application, where the
property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transpormrion
(ODOT) Facility; and
(11) A Traffic Impact Study prepared by an Oregon Licensed Traffic
Engineer when required by and as specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4).
(G) Grading, Paving, and Storenwater Management Plan. The application must
include a grading, paving, and stormwater .management plan that shows:
(I) The stormwater management system for the entire development
(2) The roof drainage patterns and discharge locations;
(3) The pervious and impervious area drainage patterns;
(4) The size and location of stormwater management systems
components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins,
dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and
names] drainage ways to be retained; and
(5) The existing and proposed elevations, site grades, and contours
Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) contain the information and plan elements listed above,
as applicable. The necessary submittal requirements are satisfied.
(H) Phased Development Plan. The application must include a Phased
Development Plan if phasing is proposed. Theplan .oust indicate any
proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing
of each phase as specified in SDC 5.17.115. Phasing must progress in
sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases and
accommodates other required public improvements, including but not
limited to, sanitary sewer, stormavater management' water, and electricity.
The Approval Authority may require the applicant to enter into an agreement
for phased developments, and may require bonding or other assurances for
improvements, in accordance aaith SDC 5.15.135, Bonding and Assurances for
Response: This Site Plan Review application does not involve phased development.
(I) Narrative. The application must include a written letter, narrative, or report
documenting howthe proposal is in compliance with the applicable approval
criteria contained in SDC 5.17.125, Site Plan Review Approval Standards.
Response: This written narrative addresses the approval standards of SDC 5.17.125 and documents
how the criteria are met. The submittal requirement is met.
(J) Deed Restrictions. The application must include submit copies ofall existing
and proposed restrictions or covenants.
Response: Please see the Preliminary Property Ownership Information (Exhibit Q. The requirement
is met.
(E) Additional Information. The Director may require an applicant to submit
additional information at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal.
AVC Marcola Commercial— Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 27
At the applicavfs expense, additional studies, reports, or exhibits prepared
by qualified professionals may be required to address specific site features or
concerns to demonstrate compliance with approval standards. Additional
information may include, butts not limited to, the following items:
(1) Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied
for or approved;
(2) A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Oregon -licenced engineer, if
the required Site Assessment specified in SDC 5.17.120 indicates the
proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water
table as specified in the Soil, Survey ofLmm County.
Response: This application involves Site Plan Review for a property within the boundaries of the
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan that was approved on February 17, 2021 (Local Case
File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3). Additional reports and permits referenced in the submittal
requirements above are not applicable to this application.
(L) Septic Systems. If the properties are not served by the City sewer system in
accordance with SDC 4.3.105, the application must include documentation
from the Department ofEnvironmental Quality or its agent that indicates that
the proposed development will be in compliance with all applicable
requirements for sanitary septic systems when such systems exist on the
properties affected by the development.
Response: The subject site will be served by the public municipal sewer system. The submittal
requirement is not applicable.
5.17.120 Review.
(A) Pre -Application Options. Although voluntary, prospective applicants are
encouraged to request a Development Initiation Meering or Pre -Application
Meeting as specified in SDC 5.1.210.
(B) Site Plan Review applications are reviewed under the Type 2 procedure in
accordance with SDC 5.1.400.
(C) Required public improvements and any additional required land use permits
or approvals will be reviewed in accordance with this code.
Response: The review process above is understood.
5.17.125 Approval Standards.
(A) The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or deny a proposed Site
Plan Review application based on the following standards:
(I) The proposed land use
a permitted use or is allowed as a
discretionary use in the land use district.
Response: Pursuant to Table 3.2.320, commercial retail uses are permitted (subject to cited code
sections) in the CC district. The approval criterion is met.
(2) If a use is allowed as a discretionary use, in addition to meeting the
standards below, a Discretionary Use application must be approved
in conformance with the standards in SDC 5.9.100.
Response: This application does not involve a discretionary land use. The criterion is not applicable.
(3) The proposal complies with the standards of the land use district of
the subject property;
AVO Marcola Commercial —Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
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Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A), the site is designated CC district and
complies with the applicable land use district standards including lot dimensional
requirements, setbacks, access, site design, etc. Therefore, the approval criterion is met.
(4) The proposal compfiec acith any applicable approved master plan,
master facilities plan, refinement plan, and/or special planned
Response: As demonstrated in Exhibit 1, this project complies with the Marcola Meadows Final
Master Plan and relevant conditions of approval. The property is not subject to a master
facilities plan, refinement plan, conceptual development plan, or special planned district.
Therefore, the approval criterion is satisfied.
(5) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.2,
Infrastructure Standards -Transportation.
Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) and responses to SDC 4.2 demonstrate this application
is in compliance with the applicable transportation infrastructure standards related to
public streets, site access, sidewalks, street trees, lighting, etc. As shown on the Existing
Conditions Plan (Exhibit A), the property's frontage along Marcola Road has been
improved in accordance with City standards. The subject improvements were approved
and installed as part of the Marcola Meadows South Side Public Improvement Plans (City
Project Number P31068).
Additionally, this Site Plan Review application is for an approved commercial phase of the
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. The anticipated trip generation from the planned
commercial retail building is lower than the worst-case scenario for the site documented
in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Transportation Impact Study (TIS) prepared
by Lancaster Mobley in November 2020. For additional information, please see the
written responses to SDC 4.2 and the Transportation Documentation (Exhibit F).
Therefore, the transportation infrastructure standards are met.
(6) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.3,
Infrastructure Standards-Utifides.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) and described in this written document, the
necessary public and private improvements can be provided to serve the site in
accordance with the SDC. Further, this commercial site is a planned phase of the approved
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. As such, City staff have concluded adequate public
facilities (e.g. municipal water, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, franchise
utilities, etc.) are available to serve the site when in compliance with the approved Final
Master Plan. Therefore, adequate capacity of public and private facilities can be provided
to the subject site, and the criterion is met. For further information, please see the
Preliminary Composite Utility Plan (Exhibit A) and the Preliminary Stormwater Report
(Exhibit 1).
(7) The proposal compfiec with the applicable sections of SDC 4.4,
Landscaping, Screening, and Fence Standards.
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Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 29
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibit A), required landscaping and
screening is provided to serve the commercial site. For further information, please see
the detailed responses to SDC 4.4. The approval criterion is met.
(8) The proposal complies with the appficable sections of SDC 4.5, On -
Site Lighting Standards.
Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) demonstrate the exterior site (including parking and
circulation areas, walkways, building entrances, and other required areas) is planned to
be illuminated in accordance with SDC 4.5. The Preliminary Lighting Plan (Exhibit A) details
the required information including the location, orientation, and height of planned light
fixtures. The approval criterion is satisfied. Further, a complete photometric plan
containing test reports for each light source is deferred until Final Site Plan Review and/or
future Building Permit submittal.
(9) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.6,
Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit A) and discussed in the narrative response to
SDC Chapter 4.6, the required vehicle and bicycle parking stalls are provided to serve the
planned commercial building. Please see SDC Chapter 4.6 for further details on
compliance with applicable standards. The approval criterion is met.
(10) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.7,
Specific Development Standards.
Response: There are no specific development standards of SDC Chapter 4.7 that are applicable to
retail or eating and drinking establishments in the CC district. Therefore, the approval
criterion is not applicable to this application.
(11) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.8,
Temporary Use Standards.
Response: This application does not include temporary uses or standards associated with SDC
Chapter 4.8. The criterion is not relevant to approval of this application.
5.17.130 Final Site Plan.
(A) A Final Site Plan must be submitted to the Director within 90 days of the
writren decision and expiration of any appeal period.
(B) The Final Site Plan .oust include the same information as required for the
proposed site plan however must depict the proposal as approved and must
incorporate all conditions of approval that the decision requires to be shown
on the Final Site Plan. No building or engineering permits will be issued until
the Final Site Plan is approved.
(C) Submittal of a Final Sire Plan must include the following .material, where
(1) The original recorded copy ofanyrequired ImprovementAgreement.
(2) Where applicable, any required ODOT Right -of -Way Approach
Permit must be submitted prior to construction of improvements
with ODOT right -of --way.
(3) Where approved a copy of a recorded joint use access/parking
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(4) A copy ofany recorded private easement or other original easement
(D) The Final Site Plan becomes null and void if after 3 years from the date of
Final Site Plan acceptance by the Director if no building permit has been
issued, or if a building permit was issued but has expired without a new
building permit being issued within 3 years of the date of the Final Site Plan
Response: The Final site Plan process described above is understood.
IV. Conclusion
The required findings have been made and this written narrative and accompanying documentation
demonstrate that the application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City of Springfield
Development Code. The evidence in the record supports approval of the application and the City can rely
upon it for its approval of the application.
AVO Marcola Commercial— Marcola Meadows Master Plan May 2023
Commercial Site Plan Review —City of Springfield Page 31
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
W ok
Application Type
Site Plan Review Completeness Check
❑ Site Plan Review Submittal
❑ Final Site Plan Submittal
Required Project Information (Applicant:
Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Complete this Section)
Phone: Please contact Applicant's
Company: I&E Construction, Inc.
Email: consultant, below
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Applicant's Consultant: Marie Holladay
Phone: (503) 563-6151
Company: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC
Email: holladaym@aks-eng.com
Address: 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, OF
Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Phone: Please contact Applicant's
Company: I&E Construction, Inc.
Email: consultant, above
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 970
TAX LOT NO(S): 1804
Property Address (if applicable):
Size of Property: ±0.89 acres
n°O Sre$Ft.
Units Per Acre: N/A
Proposed Project Name: Marcola Meadows Commercial
Site plan review for a neighborhood convenience store and coffee shop with a drive-through.
Existing Use: Vacant land zoned community commercial
New Impervious Area (Sq. Ft.):
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff:
Associated Applications:
Complete This Section)
Case No:
Reviewed By:
Application Fee: ;
Tech Fee: ;
Notice Fee: ;
OR 53
PHONE: 541.726.3753
FAX. 541.726.1021
----------- — doss likerdZedwdbyAppheao--- ----------- — _—
(Please return to Clayton HkRahern @ City of5prn{gfield Development and Public Works; Fax # 736-1027, Phase # 736-1036),
entail. cmceachern@springfieldor.gov
Project Name: Marwla Place comrnemui
Lawreoce Parke, AKS Engineano, & Forestry
Assessors Parcel #: Ta. Lot t 80a: rax Mao 1702 W 00
Land Use(s): Tao
Phone #:
PIoject Size (Acres): 0.80 Acres
Fax #:
Approx. Impervious Area: 0.73 Acres
Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map):
This project will consist of private improvements associated with a new commercial building.
Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary:
Overflow (more than the 10 -year design storm) stormwater runoff will be conveyed to the existing
public right-of-way.
Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices:
Stormwater runoff from this project will be routed to LID stormwater planters and will be completely
infiltrated up to the 10 -year design storm.
—(Areabelowthishnetilledoutbythe City andRetaraedto the Applicant)— —
(At a nuninum5 all boxes checked by the City on the front and backofthis sheet shill be submitted
or —mapplicafion to be conWietefor subndtial, although other requiretnents ntay be necessQ .
Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.21: (Note, UH may be substituted for Rational Method)
❑ Small Site Study—(use Rational Method for calculations)
❑ Mid -Level Development Study —(use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations)
❑ Full DIainage Development Study — (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations)
Environmental Considerations:
❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Hillside Development:
❑ Wedand/Riparian: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain:
❑ Soil Type: ❑ Other Jurisdictions
Downstream Analysis:
❑ N/A
❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation:
❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation:
❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to:
Return to Clayton McEachern @ City of Springfield, email: cmceachem@spring(ield-or,gov, FAX (541) 736-1021
COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS o oro aio:r oar:
* Bared upon the infornuHion provi&don the froid ofthir sheet, the following represents a nunimmnt of what is neea'ed for an
application to be complete for subnutial with respect to drainage; however, this list should oat be used in lieu oftle Springfield
Development Co& (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design A"und.. Compharee with these requirenents does trot constitute site
approval, Additional site specific information nay, be required Note: Upon scopn{gsheet submittal, ensure completed form has been
signed in the space provided below:
Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3
Req'd N/A
❑ ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration
media) for stonnwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by
vegetated methods.
❑ Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth
in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stonnweter Management Manual.
❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach maybe followed as specked
by the Eugene Stommater Management Manual (Sec2.4.1).
❑ If a stmtnwater treatment Swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes,
bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual.
❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM.
❑ All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall
Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon.
A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map.
Calculations shaving system capacity for a 2 -year storm event and overflow effects of a 25 -year storm event
The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins.
Review of Downstream System (EDSPM[ Section 4.03.4.C)
A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the
Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC).
Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable.
Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04).
Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set.
Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or
the website: httn://www.deo.state.ormshvo/uic/iiahhn for more information.
proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 90,000 lb load
Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events.
without failure of the pipe structure.
Manning's "n" values forpipes shall be consistentwith Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to
*Shirform shalt be umchuted air an attachmen5 imide B¢ frontcnver, ofthe storm"Ver sturty.
As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above re =d7 itgm5 are complete and includedwith the submitted stommater study
and plan set. Signature Date 04/14/2023
Focus Version 5: June 2015
Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing howsite
Private stormwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private siommater flows from one property to
Drywells shall not receive mnoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of
residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03AA). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to
the website: httn://www.deo.state.ormshvo/uic/iiahhn for more information.
Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events.
*Shirform shalt be umchuted air an attachmen5 imide B¢ frontcnver, ofthe storm"Ver sturty.
As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above re =d7 itgm5 are complete and includedwith the submitted stommater study
and plan set. Signature Date 04/14/2023
Focus Version 5: June 2015
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Exhibit J: Findings for Compliance with the
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
(Local Case No.811-20-000225-TYP3, Decision Issued February
17, 2021)
Applicant's Response
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
monitoring the TIS improvement thresholds associated vvith number of
dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips, as applicable, for full
construction of V Street through to its intersection with Marcelo Road.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full
Understood. Please see the
construction of the Pierce Ditch at the time ofcoRector street extension
recorded Phasing Plan and
southward to an intersection with Marcelo Road m address the
Schedule within Exhibit H.
threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips a
determined by the applicanes TIS.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide fr full
Understood. Please see the
construction of Pierce Parkway between 31•' Street and V Strecy
recorded Phasing Plan and
including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch concurrently with
Schedule within Exhibit H.
construction of Phase 3. Alternatively, full construction of Pierce
Parkway between 31 -Street and V Street, including the crossing of the
Pierce Ditch, shall be completed prior to Phase 3 if required to address
the threshold number of dwelfing units and/or peak vehicle trips as
determined by the Applicant's Pierce Parkway Connection Trigger
Analysis Memorandum dared January 26 2021.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full
Understood. Please see the
construction of V Street between the intersection with Marcelo Road to
recorded Phasing Plan and
the Pierce Ditch crossing concurrently with construction of the Church
Schedule within Exhibit H.
Phase or with construction of the School Phase, whichever comes first.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule and phasing
Understood. Please see the
boundarymap shall provide for full construction of Street concurrently
recorded Phasing Plan and
vvith Phase 2C (or equivalent, if phase is renumbered) to the back of
Schedule within Exhibit H.
curb on the south side of the street or m the curb return tangency fine at
the intersections, with the exception of the segment between 30'^ Place
and 31a Street which shall be constructed to an interim standard as
depicted in the applicant's submitted conceptual design dated January
26, 2021. Final completion of the V Street segment between 30's Place
and 31•' Street shall occur prior to or concurrent with construction of
Phase 3.
The modified Final Master Plan sheers PO -03 and PO -IOC shall clearly
Understood. Please see the
shown single, shared driveway access located on the boundary between
recorded Final Master Plan.
the southeastern edge of the public school site and the adjoining
neighborhood commercial site and multi -unit residential site.
The applicanes modified Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide
Understood. Please see the
for full construction of the public sanitary sewer system acresary to
recorded Phasing Plan and
serve each successive development phase, regardless of the order of
Schedule within Exhibit H.
phase construction.
The Final Master Plan shall provide a representative cross-section detail
Understood. Please see the
of the Pierce Ditch channel for the segment between 31 -Street and V
recorded Final Master Plan.
Street that chows a minimum 10 -foot separation distance between
adjacent residential property lines and the northern rep -of -bank and
adjacent multi -unit residential and institutional property lines. The
Grant pathway shall be included vvithin the 20 -foot separation area that
vs parallel with the southern edge of the Pierce Ditch, as generally
depicted on the applicanes Master Plan SheetPO-03.
The segments of Pierce Ditch to be improved and dedicated within
Understood. Please see the
Phases 3 S, 4 and the Church Phase shall be shown and described in the
recorded Phasing Plan and
.modified phasing plan and table.
Schedule within Exhibit H.
The segments ofthe Pierce Ditch shown within Phases 3 & 4 shall be
Understood. There is no
reviewed and approved at the time oftentative subdivision approval fir
further action required by
the applicable residential phase.The segment of the Pierce Ditch shown
the Applicant at this time.
widen the Church Phase shall be reviewed and approved at the time of
Site Plan Review. Improvements to the Pierce Ditch shall include but
not be limited to removal ofinvasive vegetation and Sow obstructions,
removal of silt and debris, and replanting with suitable vegetation
including trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants. Construction of the
Pierce Ditch improvements shall be done through the City's PIP
The Final Master Plan shall provide for installation of a water quelq
Understood. There is no
manhole upstream ofthe neighborhood -scale infiltration ponds serving
further action required by
Phases 32 4, and 5. The manholes must be sized per the manufacturer's
the Applicant at this time.
recommendations for the expected Sow to be treated at that manhole
location at full buildout and must meet the requirements for
pretreatment as determined by the Washington Scute
Technology/Assessment Protocol — Ecol TAPE t
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
secondary fire apparatus access to Phases 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with
recorded Phasing Plan and
the requirements of the Springfield Fire Code.
Schedule within Exhibit H.
The Final Master Plan and modified phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
installation of fire hydrants that meet the spacing, distribution, and
recorded Final Master Plan.
coverage requirements ofthe Springfield Fire Code.
The Final Master Plan shall provide for fire apparatus access to all
Understood. Please see the
single -unit detached lots that meets the 150 -foot distance from the
recorded Final Master Plan.
furthest point of the building as required by Section 503.1.1 of the
Springfield Fire Code. Alternatively, the Final Master Plan shall provide
for building sprinklering for all single -unit detached lots that do not
meet the 150 -foot distance fire apparatus access requirements of SFC
The Final Master Plan shall provide for underground electrical system
Understood. Please see the
connection(s) between Phases IC (or renumbered equivalent) and/or
recorded Final Master Plan.
Phase 5 and the EWER ri ht-of-wa .
Prior to approval of the tentative subdivision plans for Phases 3-5, or
Understood. There is no
prior to approval of a site plan review for the Muld-unit Residential
further action required by
Phase, School Phase, or Church Phase, as applicable, the applicant shall
the Applicant at this time.
prepare and submit certified wetland delineation report for the subject
phase. The review and approval of required wetland mitigation
measures and determination of wedand setbacks shall be completed
through the tentative subdivision plan and/or site plan review process
for each development phase.
The Final Master Plan diagram and phasing plan shall be revised to
Understood. Please see the
eliminate gaps in the alphanumeric subdivision phase sequencing in
recorded Phasing Plan and
accordance with Lane County Surveyor's office requirements.
Schedule within Exhibit H.
The applicant shall record the modified Final Master Plan document,
The Final Master Plan is
revised plans and phasing schedule, and conditions of approval against
recorded as Instrument No.
the parcels comprising the Master Plan area at Lane County Deeds &
Records and provide evidence thereofto the City.
The modified Final Master Plan document, revised plans, phasing
schedule, and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-
20-000225-TYP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded a
Document N2O18-038501 and the modified Master Plan Phasing
Schedule recorded as Document $12020-0712,48.