HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-2023 Communication Packet
Photo Credit: David N. Jones
Public Information Program ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Capital Improvement Program ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Statement of Revenues and Expenses ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Schedule of Cash Reserves ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Budget vs. Actual Revenues and Expenditures ................................................................................................................................. 9
Operations – Flow and Process Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Operations – Permit Summary .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Daily Monitoring Report .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Operations and Maintenance – Budget Report .............................................................................................................................. 13
Equipment Repairs and Preventive Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 14
Pretreatment Program ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Capital Improvement Program
Planning Phase
If you have questions regarding any planning project, please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625 or Todd
Miller at 541.736.7137
Aeration Improvements Engineering Services – Project P80100
This phased project will start by evaluating the existing aeration system and recommend improvements.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$1,286,692 $831,034 65% $455,658
Current Month Activities:
Contract with Brown & Caldwell has expired as of May 1st.
Contract closeout paperwork and payments are being processed.
Comprehensive Facilities Plan Update – Project P80101
Project Description: This will be the first MWMC Comprehensive Facilities Plan Update since the 2004 MWMC
Facilities Plan. In coordination with the MWMC’s new NPDES permit issued in November 2022 work began to
scope project tasks and sign work agreements. The goal of a new MWMC Facilities Plan is to build on the
previous planning efforts to develop a practical and cost-effective set of capital improvements necessary to
meet community needs and evolving environmental standards for all facilities for the next 20-plus years.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$2,600,000 $178,487 7% $2,421,513
Current Month Activities:
MWMC staff is working with Jacobs Engineering Group to finalize Task Order 1.1, which incorporates
Task Order 1 early deliverables and encompasses the entire project outlining what needs to be
evaluated and how it will be evaluated on a planned schedule.
Project work progressing including providing Jacobs requested facility and process data, community
engagement plan development, and identifying equipment and processes to include in on site
condition assessment.
On-Call Engineering Services & Disaster Mitigation – Multiple Project Numbers
The on-call professional service agreement(s) will support projects such as P80109 Resiliency Follow-Up, P80064
Glenwood Pump Station Upgrades, P80101 MWMC Facility Plan Update, & P80115 Electrical
Switchgear/Transformer Replacement.
Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$2,050,000 $102,903 5% $1,947,097
Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$3,700,000 $190,633 5% $3,509,367
Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$2,600,000 $178,487 7% $2,421,513
Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$20,000,000 $10,239 0% $19,989,761
Current Month Activities:
On-call consultant contracts as of April 30, 2023:
o Carollo Engineers: Task Order #1 (revised 10/31/22 not to exceed $149,952) and $134,137.52
P80064 & P80109: Carollo provided the results from the pump tests at the Glenwood
pump station. MWMC is now gathering data from the City of Springfield’s new Master
Plan efforts and the City of Eugene regarding future modeled peak wastewater flows
going into the pump station to design additional pumps that meet the anticipated flow
o Brown and Caldwell: Task Order #1 (revised 7/11/22 not to exceed $154,523) and $130,477.23
P80109: Task Order #1 consultant work is completed related to earthquake pre-
planning information near Owosso Bridge, Willakenzie pump station, and Headworks at
the treatment plant.
o West Yost Associates: $0 spent.
Staff plans to follow-up with West Yost in May 2023.
o Jacobs Engineering Group:
P80101: Task Order #1.0 ($32,984.41 spent of $150,000 per Resolution 21-01) signed on
12/23/22 for MWMC Facilities Planning work (P80101). Received MWMC approval on
4/14/23 to finalize Jacobs Task Order #1.1 for Facilities Planning added work.
P80115: Task Order #2.0 ($0 spent of $227,848 per Resolution 23-02) signed on 3/23/23
regarding design consultant work for the replacement of MWMC existing switchgear
and transformers (P80115).
Design and Bid Phase
If you have questions regarding any design project, please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625.
Recycled Water Demonstration Projects – Project P80099
This project provides for the development, design, construction, permitting, and implementation of recycled
water demonstration site needs beyond the production and distribution of Class A recycled water for use. This
project is principally for partner user agreements, community engagement, and interpretation elements but it
may entail onsite upgrades and retrofits to allow the use of recycled water in partnership with end-users and
point of delivery plumbing and controls.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$410,000 $74,845 18% $335,155
Current Month Activities:
April 26 project site tour: Regional staff met with DEQ representatives about Clean Water State
Revolving Fund (CWSRF) federal cross-cutting regulatory requirements and loan principal forgiveness
opportunities for green projects and PFAS treatment technology.
Ongoing efforts to advance recycled water funding and implementation assistance with Oregon ACWA,
DEQ, NACWA, and WateReuse Association.
Class A Disinfection Facilities – Project P80098
Provides disinfection, storage, and distribution facilities needed to bring tertiary filtered effluent to Class A
standards on a consistent and reliable basis for initial demonstration of recycled water uses on- and off-site of
the MWMC treatment site. The project includes the design, bidding, construction, and permitting of Class A
recycled water disinfection facilities.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$8,000,000 $1,243,422 16% $6,756,578
Current Month Activities:
The 100 % design submittal is finalized. Project scheduled for bidding in early 2024.
Tertiary filters media replacement scheduled by Mid-July. Further testing of tertiary filters to proceed by
end of July.
Administration Building Improvements – Project P80104
This project will address the Administration/Operations Building workspace needs at the Water Pollution
Control Facility (WPCF). It is a follow up to the 2018-2019 construction of the P80085 new laboratory building
and expansion of the existing maintenance building. In 2019, the P80096 Resiliency Planning study
recommended evaluating MWMC options for building space including: a) constructing a new MWMC building
for immediate occupancy/use after a major natural disaster, or b) upgrade the existing building for immediate
occupancy post-earthquake.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$7,600,000 $967,731 13% $6,632,269
Current Month Activities:
Jacobs Engineering delivered 60% design package March 24, 20023 and conducted a project workshop
April 19, 2023, to review comments.
Further discussions around the 60% estimate continues and some effort has been expended looking at
potential options to reduce scope to meet budget.
Work on how best to handle the single access point for potable water during construction was done
and will be worked on as we move towards 90% design.
Aeration System Upgrades – Project P80113
In 2020 and 2021, Brown and Caldwell evaluated the existing aeration systems and provided recommendations
in January 2022 via project P80100. The P80113 project will implement the design and construction of
additional upgrades/changes to the existing aeration systems by year 2026. Upgrades to the westerly existing
aeration basins are anticipated after year 2031.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$5,000,000 $288,332 6% $4,711,668
Current Month Activities:
Brown & Caldwell has completed the Basis of design report (10% design) and staff have submitted
review comments. A 10% design workshop was held in late March.
30 percent design is moving forward. Any changes to the Basis of Design Report from staff input 10%
workshop will be incorporated in the 30 percent design. 30% Design submittal is scheduled for staff
review in Mid-June.
Electrical Switchgear and Transformer Replacement – Project P80115
The main electrical switchgear at the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) and Willakenzie Pump Station
(WPS) were installed in 1983 during construction of the regional facilities. The purpose of the equipment is to
take utility power and provide it to various process areas with the use of switches. There is a main breaker to
safely isolate the facility from the utility grid (EWEB), as well as protect the utility from electrical faults at the site.
This project will upgrade the existing switchgear and medium voltage transformers.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$20,000,000 $10,239 0% $19,989,761
Current Month Activities:
The project conducted the Kickoff meeting and discussion on alternatives for replacement of the
existing Switchgears and Transformers.
Weekly design meeting and review of past medium voltage electrical records have begun.
Jacobs Engineering and plant staff toured the Eaton manufacturing facility and example recent
installations at Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to see options for enclosing the
switchgear inside of structure.
Construction Phase
If you have any questions regarding any construction project, please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625.
Water Quality Trading Program – Project P80112
The MWMC Water Quality Trading Program secures regulatory credits for enhancing water quality through
watershed restoration. The program fulfills the Schedule C Compliance Schedule requirement to secure 200
million kilocalories per day of thermal load credits by November 1, 2027. The credit generation meets the
objectives of the MWMC Water Quality Trading Plan under the MWMC NPDES permit, which defines the MWMC
eligible trading area in the upper Willamette basin. The program is implemented principally through the
MWMC’s membership in the Pure Water Partners collaborative via the MWMC’s contractor-provided Credit
Program Manager services and MWMC’s IGA with EWEB. Water quality trading credits comprise the MWMC’s
primary strategy for thermal load limit compliance and may provide ancillary future water quality or carbon
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$13,000,000 $756,982 6% $12,243,018
Current Month Activities:
Receipt of March 31, 2023, annual site monitoring and verification reports from The Freshwater Trust for
reporting year 2022. Total credits registered for the MWMC for the five pilot projects initiated pre-Water
Quality Trading Plan amount to approximately 32 million kilocalories per day (Mkcal/day) out of the
MWMC’s obligation to secure 200 Mkcal/day by October 2027.
Poplar Harvest Management Services – Project P80083
Project Description: This project develops a long-term poplar management strategy for the Biocycle Farm
through refinement of poplar harvest and planting practices and identification of wood products markets best
aligned with the highest and best use of Biocycle Farm poplar. The project ensures the timely harvest of the
initial plantings in each MU within the regulatory 12-year rotation limit and subsequent replanting.
Budget Expended Balance
Remaining Dollar & Percentage
$2,000,000 $1,770,481 89% $229,519
Current Month Activities:
Northwest Youth Corps completed planting the north section of MU3 and Precision Bloom Services
completed planting the south section of MU3.
Final LRAPA permitting for Valley Environmental, LLC to produce biochar from poplar wood waste
at the Biocycle Farm, including land within and outside of the UGB. The project is postponed until
June or July due to protected species impacting the project timeline.
Development of tentative agreements with City of Springfield, 9Wood, and BRING on producing
finish-milled MWMC poplar boards for use in the Springfield city hall council chambers remodel and
for demonstration and sale at BRING’s retail yard.
Operations – Permit Summary
Average Effluent
cBOD**, mg/L
Average % cBOD
Average Effluent
TSS***, mg/L
Average % TSS
Average Effluent
Ammonia, mg/L
Value 6 96% 8.2 94% 13
** cBOD = carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand
*** TSS = total suspended solids