HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 10 19 Planning Commission Minutes WS & RSPlanning Commission Minutes – October 19th, 2021 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 Work & Regular Session Meeting held virtually via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Sophie McGinley, Vice Chair Andrew Landen, Kuri Gill, Andrew Buck, Matthew Salazar, Grace Bergen, and Michael Koivula Absent: None Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Mark Rust, Current Planning Manager; Arva Hussain, Assistant Planner, Brenda Jones, Management Support Specialist; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Vice Chair Landen called the meeting of the Planning Commission Work Session to order at 6:00 P.M. WORK SESSION ITEM(S) 1. Development Code Update Project – Draft Code Sections Staff: Mark Rust, Current Planning Supervisor 60 Minutes Kristina Kraaz, City Attorney, read a brief statement regarding potential conflicts of interest. Potential Conflicts of Interest: • Koivula: owns residential property in Springfield and has a potential conflict of interest. • McGinley: has no potential conflict of interest. • Gill: owns residential property in Springfield and has a potential conflict of interest. • Buck: owns residential property in Springfield and he writes-up personal and commercial insurance policies in Springfield. He has a potential conflict of interest. • Salazar: owns residential property in Springfield and he works for a real estate developer in Springfield. This is a potential conflict of interest. • Landen: owns residential property in Springfield and has a potential conflict of interest. • Bergen: owns residential property in Springfield and is a realtor in Springfield. This is a potential conflict of interest. Mark Rust / Staff: reported on the Development Code Update Project, especially focusing on the larger Development Code Update Plan as approved in the Community Engagement Plan as well as its objects (see agenda packet). Planning Commission Minutes – October 19th, 2021 2 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Regular Session Meeting held virtually via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Andrew Landen, Kuri Gill, Andrew Buck, Matthew Salazar, Grace Bergen, and Michael Koivula Excused Absence: Chair Sophie McGinley Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Michael Liebler, Transportation Engineer; Brenda Jones, Management Support Specialist; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Vice Chair Landen called the meeting of the Planning Commission Regular Session to order at 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLENGIANCE was led by Vice Chair Landen. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE REGULAR SEESION AGENDA – None BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM(S) 1. Request for Type II Discretionary Use Permit and Site Plan Modification for a Proposed Sports Stadium (Baseball Field) Located at 326 Centennial Boulevard, Case No. 811-21- 000168-TYP2 (Disc. Use) & 811-21-000169-TYP3 (Site Plan). Staff: Andy Limbird, Senior Planner 30 Minutes Kristina Kraaz / Staff: read the Quasi-Judicial Statement of Rights into the record. Conflicts of Interest: • Koivula: No conflict of interest. His wife made public comment on the application, but he has not spoken with her about it. He has independent knowledge of the application since he did a little online research. • Gill: read articles on the application which included position statements for and against it, but she believes this will not influence her decision. • Buck: confirmed that he had no exparte contact or conflict of interest, but he does have a family member who works as a teacher at a different school. In addition, the general manager of one of the baseball teams that could play there just joined the Rotary Club he belongs to. He has not spoken with this individual about the application. He does not believe this will influence his decision in this matter. • Salazar: went to the Springfield Drifter’s website and saw renderings of the proposed structure, which were not included in the packet, but this will not influence his decision. Planning Commission Minutes – October 19th, 2021 3 • Landen: has no conflict of interest, exparte contact or independent knowledge. • Bergen: has no conflict of interest, exparte contact or independent knowledge. Andy Limbird / Staff: gave a presentation on the Type II Discretionary Use Permit and Site Plan Modification for a proposed Sports Stadium (baseball field) located at 326 Centennial Blvd, Hamlin Middle School (see PowerPoint Presentation). The Permit focusses on the associated facilities i.e., the spectator seating, the restroom and the team changing room building, the sound system, and the use by teams not affiliated to the Hamlin Middle School as well as the Site Plan. Commissioner Buck moved to close the public hearing and written record. Commissioner Salazar seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Landen – Aye Salazar – Aye Buck – Aye Gill – Aye Bergen – Aye Koivula – Yes Motion Passed: 6:0:1 Absent Vice Chair Landen: moved to adopt the order approving the Discretionary Application that is in the Agenda Packet as attachment 1 for this item. Commissioner Salazar seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Landen – Aye Salazar – Aye Buck – Aye Gill – Aye Bergen – Aye Koivula – No Motion Passed: 5:1:1 Absent. Commissioner Salazar moved to adopt the Site Plan Modification that is in the Agenda Packet as Attachment 2 for this Item. Commissioner Bergen seconded the motion. Landen – Aye Salazar – Aye Planning Commission Minutes – October 19th, 2021 4 Buck – Aye Gill – Aye Bergen – Aye Koivula – No Motion passed: 5:1:1 Absent 2. Floodplain Overlay District Code Updates Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager 30 Minutes Sandy Bergen / Staff: presented on the Floodplain Overlay District Updates. She confirmed that the questions noted in the Memo in the Packet such as the under- and aboveground storage tanks in the Overlay District were covered under the Fire Code, which require secondary containment and how the connections are made. Commissioner Gill moved to adopt the order that is in the Agenda Packet as Attachment 3 for this Item with the changes displayed by Sandy Belson in red. Commissioner Koivula seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Landen – Aye Salazar – Aye Buck – Aye Gill – Aye Bergen – Aye Koivula – Yes Motion passed: 6:0:1 Absent REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION • Commissioner Salazar reported on the City Council Work & SEDA Sessions on October 11th, 2019. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Appointment of the Planning Commission Liaison for the Technical Recommending Committee, which will recommend to SEDA selection for a developer for the Glenwood property. Commissioner Koivula nominated Commissioner Salazar to act as Liaison on the Technical Recommending Committee. Commissioner Salazar accepted the nomination. Planning Commission Minutes – October 19th, 2021 5 Roll Call Vote Landen – Aye Buck – Aye Gill – Aye Bergen – Aye Koivula – Yes Salazar – Abstention Motion passed: 5:0:1 Abstain BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson: informed the Commission that there are no Regular Sessions scheduled for the rest of 2019. It is possible that one could arise. The November 2nd Meeting will have a Work Session on the Main Street Safety Project at the 6 pm and a one hour session at 7 pm on the Development Code Update Project. The November 16th Meeting will have a final two-hour session on the Development Code Update Project, which will finalize the Draft Public Hearing recommendation for Council. There is currently no Work Session scheduled for December. There will be a joint Public Hearing with the Lane County Planning Commission on January 4th on the amendments coming out of the Development Code Update. ADJOURNMENT – 8:31 pm