HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 03 17 CCI MinutesSpringfield Planning Commission Committee for Citizen Involvement Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Committee for Citizen Involvement: Commissioner Sherwood (By Cell Phone), Kuri Gill, Grace Bergen (By Cell Phone), Tim Vohs, Andrew Landen, Michael Koivula. Absent: Commissioner Sophie McGinley Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Brenda Jones, Planning Commission Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Mark Rust, Senior Planner. Item: Development Code Update Project- Technical Advisory Committee Mark is requesting appointment to the Employment Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Mark presented the background for the Community Engagement Plan, which started with Residential development, we are now moving into the Employment Technical Advisory Committee. He listed the eight (8) categories he is looking for: Springfield Chamber of Commerce; Commercial Industrial Developer; Commercial/Industrial Contractor; Business Owner; Consultant (Land use, engineering, architect, etc.); Commercial Realtor; Commercial Appraiser, and Springfield Consumer. Mark has met with the City Council and they encouraged Mark to keep the recruitment process open since he did not receive an application for the Commercial Appraiser. On February 25, 2020 recruitment of TAC members started and included a media release, E-Update to interested parties, social media post, posting on City webpage, and direct appeals to prior participants code related projects and organizations/individuals with connections to desired interest groups. There have been 9 applications received. Mark believes that with nine people having applied for the TAC is an appropriate size for the group, being manageable and efficient given the tight timeline for this project. 1. Brue Berg (Business Owner and Springfield Consumer) 2. Philip Farrington (Springfield Chamber of Commerce Representative, Business owner representative) 3. Matthew Hilton (Commercial realtor) 4. Tim Hilton (Consultant, Springfield consumer) 5. Richard Hunsaker (Commercial/Industrial developer, Business Owner, Springfield consumer) 6. James McLaughlin (Consultant) 7. Tony Rodriquez (Commercial/Industrial Contractor) 8. Richard Satre (Consultant) 9. Dan Skotte (Commercial/ Industrial Contractor) Mark is requesting and recommending that the CCI appoint all those that applied for this TAC and to also to keep the recruitment open until the last position Commercial Appraiser has been filled. The CCI discussed the pros and cons of appointing now v. waiting until they receive additional applications. Motion 1: Commissioner Koivula motioned to approve the 9 applications and seconded by Commissioner Vohs with the addition to leave the application process open to get additional applications for the Springfield Consumer and Appraiser. Commissioner Sherwood agrees with Commissioner Bergen to keep all the categories open so we don’t run the risk of losing good applicants for this TAC. Commissioner Koivula withdrew his motion. Motion 2: Commissioner Vohs moved to leave the recruitment open for all categories, option 3. Commissioner Kuri read aloud Option 3. Approve all of the TAC members that have applied and extend the recruitment to fill the commercial appraiser category. Commissioner Kuri asked for a second, seeing none. Motion died. Motion 3: Commissioner Bergen moves to approve all applicants leaving the recruitment for all categories open Seconded by Commissioner Sherwood. Motion approved 6:0:1 (absent McGinley) Adjournment: 7:00 p.m. Recorded by: Brenda Jones