HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 04 18 Minutes Work & CCI Session APPROVEDPlanning Commission Minutes Approved 5/2/23 Attested by S. Weaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 Work & CCI Session Meeting held in Jesse Maine Conference Room and via Zoom Chair Salazar called the Work Session of the Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Matt Salazar, Vice Chair Bergen, Andrew Buck, Seth Thompson, Steven Schmunk, Isaac Rhoads-Dey, and Alan Stout (arriving part-way into the work session) Absent: None Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planner; Sophie McGinley, Temporary Planner; Haley Campbell, Senior Planner; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney WORK SESSION ITEM(S) 1) Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project Staff: Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planner 45 minutes Chelsea Hartman / Staff: gave a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project (see PowerPoint Presentation) and responded to Commissioner questions. An open house for the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project is taking place on Thursday, May 4th: Thurston High School Library 5:30 pm -7:30 pm 333 58th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 ADJOURNMENT – 6:42 PM Chair Salazar called the Committee for Citizen Involvement Session of the Planning Commission to order at 6:43 P.M. Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Matt Salazar, Vice Chair Bergen, Andrew Buck, Seth Thompson, Steven Schmunk, Isaac Rhoads-Dey, and Alan Stout Absent: None Planning Commission Minutes Approved 5/2/23 Attested by S. Weaver 2 Chair Salazar: introduced the new Commissioners Rhoads-Dey and Stout to the Commission. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE: Led by Commissioner Salazar APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Approved • March 21st, 2023 REGULAR SESSION ITEM(S) 1) Draft Community Involvement Strategy for Parking under CFEC Rules Staff: Sophie McGinley, Temporary Planner 30 Minutes Sophie McGinley / Staff: gave a presentation on the Draft Community Involvement Strategy for Parking under the CFEC Rules that included edits from the Communications Team. Commissioner Buck: moved to approve the Community Involvement Strategy for Parking under the CFEC rules as presented in tonight’s meeting. Commissioner Schmunk: seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Buck – Aye Thompson – Aye Schmunk – Yes Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Motion carries 7:0 Absent none 2) Draft Community Involvement Strategy for Stormwater Requirements Staff: Haley Campbell, Senior Planner 30 minutes Haley Campbell / Staff: gave a presentation about the Draft Community Involvement Strategy for Stormwater Requirements that included edits from the Communications Team. Commissioner Stout: moved to adopt the Community Involvement Strategy for Stormwater Requirements as presented in tonight’s meeting. Planning Commission Minutes Approved 5/2/23 Attested by S. Weaver 3 Commissioner Thompson: seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Buck – Aye Thompson – Aye Schmunk – Yes Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Motion carries 7:0 Absent none BUSINESS FROM THE AUIDENCE – None REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION – None BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION - None BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson / Staff: informed the Commission that there will be a work session on May 2nd, which will present a long-range plan for natural resources in the UGB expansion area. Lane County has delayed their deliberations on the Metro Plan Amendment to allow the sanitary sewer line extension to the Goshen Short Mountain Landfill. It appears that the Commission may have more time to consider the amendment. The Commission will be informed once the schedule for deliberations has been determined. ADJOURNMENT – 7:38 PM