HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 08 16 AIS_Project Advisory Committee Bylaws_Comp Plan MapAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 8/16/2022 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Monica Sather/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-736-1038 Estimated Time: 5 Minutes COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT (CCI) Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP CLARIFICATION PROJECT: PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt − or not adopt − the bylaws of the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project’s Project Advisory Committee as presented in Attachment 1. ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield’s Citizen Involvement Program charges the Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) with adoption of bylaws for project-based advisory committees that support land use planning projects. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1: Final Project Advisory Committee Bylaws with Changes Shown DISCUSSION: The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) appointed by the CCI for the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project held its first meeting on July 26, 2022. One item on the PAC’s agenda was discussion and potential approval of its draft bylaws. The version of the draft bylaws presented by staff at the July 26 PAC meeting differed from the earliest draft of the bylaws approved by the CCI on March 1, 2022. Staff made changes between then and the PAC’s July meeting primarily to: • Further clarify responsibilities of staff • Outline a process for PAC members to receive and communicate information before, during, and after meetings • Better-reflect the role of the PAC for consistency with materials previously presented to the CCI The PAC had no additional changes at its meeting and approved the bylaws. Attachment 1 highlights where changes occurred since March 2022 in legislative format (underline or strikethrough). Project Advisory Committee Bylaws APPROVED JULY 26, 2022 ROLE The role of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide the Project Core Team (staff) with support necessary to create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for Springfield by: • Establishing a forum to identify, discuss, and resolve issues and concerns • Providing data and information, as requested • Reviewing and providing feedback on draft work products in a timely manner The PAC members’ input will reflect their interests, expertise, and perspectives. Staff on tThe Project Core Team will consider this input within the context of the project purpose and relevant adopted plans and policies. MEMBERSHIP & REPRESENTATION The PAC is comprised of community members appointed by the Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement. PAC members represent a range of interests. PAC membership is for the duration of the Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project. While some PAC members reflect particular interest areas and can bring expertise about specific topics based on work or other experience, members participate as individuals who seek the best solutions for the community as a whole. PAC members are encouraged to communicate with their networks regarding the PAC's work, and to report concerns and questions back to the PAC and project staff. COMMUNICATION & MEETING STRUCTURE • All emails and other forms of communication (text messages, social media, etc.) regarding PAC business are considered public record. As such, they are subject to review upon request. • Communications (verbal or electronic) about PAC business with other PAC members outside of meetings should be avoided to comply with public meeting laws. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 4 7/26/2022 Page 2 of 4 • Communication with staff is encouraged to help answer questions or address concerns. • PAC meetings will be scheduled as needed but will attempt to follow the target schedule reviewed at the first PAC meeting. • Meeting agendas (with supporting materials as needed) and theThe proceedings of the previous all meetings will be summarized by project staff and made available to all PAC members at least one week in advance of the next scheduled meeting. At that meeting, staff will ask the PAC to approve the meeting notes as presented or approve the meeting notes with changes. Approved notes will then be made available to the public. • PAC members may revisit topics discussed at a previous meeting. Each meeting will allow time for addressing any remaining ideas/questions. • PAC meetings will be open to the public for observation. Notice of upcoming PAC meetings will be posted available on the City’s event calendar and be shared with the project’s interested parties list and media. • PAC meetings will be recorded. PROTOCOLS As members of the PAC, we agree to the following protocols for working together: MEETING PREPARATION & PARTICIPATION We agree to: • Attend all meetings and/or notify the Committee fFacilitator (Jacob Callister, Lane Council of Governments) if we haveof an unavoidable conflict that requires us to be late or absent. If absent from a meeting, PAC members may choose to: o Before the meeting to be missed: Provide written or verbal comments to project staff if desired. o After the missed meeting: ▪ If absent from a meeting, Ragree to read materials and get briefed listen to the meeting recording to hear on the information presented, deliberations, and outcomes of the meeting. ▪ Follow up with questions to staff. PAC members may provide written or verbal comments to project staff on materials discussed at the missed meeting. • If able to attend, prepare for meetings by reading materials in advance; • Arrive on time (whether virtually, or by phone, or in-person); • Missing two consecutive meetings (extenuating circumstances notwithstanding) maywill result in project staff forwarding the PAC member’s attendance record to the Committee for Citizen Involvement for action. MEETING CONDUCT During meetings, we agree to: • Listen carefully and respectfully, seeking to understand each other • Actively participate in the discussion by contributing perspectives and asking questions Attachment 1, Page 2 of 4 7/26/2022 Page 3 of 4 • “Share the air” – letting others speak once before speaking again • Focus on the subject at hand and help the group stick to the agenda When referring to the past, link it productively to current discussion • Put cell phones on silent mode, avoid side conversations, and be courteous and judicious with the use of other electronic devices PROVIDING COMMITTEE INPUT TO PROJECT TEAM • We will strive to make any make group-based input by consensus by listening to others’ perspectives, understanding that our input is strengthened by high levels of agreement. Consensus is achieved when all members can accept and will support the input. However, we understand that Committee-wide (i.e., unanimous) consensus is not required to move forward with meetings or products of the project. • We will provide input to staff on specific questions and on the draft map, but we are not expected to vote and will not provide a formal recommendation to Springfield’s appointed and elected officials.If it is clear consensus cannot be reached, then a simple majority of the members present will be required for any formal input to be represented as a PAC recommendation to the Project Core Team. If this level of agreement cannot be reached, then there will be no recommendation from the Committee. The final list of any recommendations or other input may include some discussion of the opinions of PAC members that were not in the majority. • A majority of members – 5 of 8 – attending will constitute a quorum at that meeting. • Although we will not use alternates or proxies, we will consider written comments from our fellow PAC members when they are unable to attend. • Input to the Project Core Team will be respected as final to avoid backtracking, unless the committee PAC as a whole agrees there is sufficient new information to reconsider a previous input. EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Outside of PAC meetings, members agree to: • Support the group process in communications with others and with each other • Speak about their own experience in the group as individuals, but not to speak for the group. Inquiries requiring a collective response from the PAC should be referred to the City Project Manager (Monica Sather) and/or Committee Facilitator (Jacob Callister) • Contact staff regarding suggestions to help future meetings and activities work more effectively EXPECTATIONS OF PROJECT CORE TEAM (STAFF) • Schedule PAC meetings. • Give as much lead-time as possible to alert/remind PAC members of upcoming meetings and work to keep members informed of key updates between meetings. • Distribute meeting agendas and meeting materials by e-mail at least one week in advance of meetings. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 4 7/26/2022 Page 4 of 4 • PPrinted materials will be provide printed materialsd to PAC members upon request. Requests for printed materials will go to staff at least three business days prior to the meeting to allow time for printing and coordination to distribute. • Ensure mMeetings will incorporate as many opportunities for PAC discussion as possible for PAC members to interact meaningfully within the scheduled meeting time and project schedule. • Respond to PAC members’ questions between meetings as needed. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 4