HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 05 17 AIS Springfield School Zoning Map Amendment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/17/2022 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Melissa Cariño, DPW Staff Phone No: 541.744.4068 Estimated Time: 30 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: AMENDMENT TO THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 1.1 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WESTERN PORTION OF 525 MILL STREET (WESTERN PORTION OF ASSESSOR’S MAP 17-03-35-23, TAX LOT 4500). FROM PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE (PLO) TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and deliberations, and approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for Zoning Map Amendment from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to High Density Residential (HDR), consistent with the plan designation in the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan. ISSUE STATEMENT: The applicant and current property owner does not plan to utilize the building on the subject site and is helping the future property owner/developer rezone the property to facilitate future high density residential development. The applicant requests to change the subject site’s zoning from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to High Density Residential (HDR) to facilitate future residential development. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: PC Order - Zoning Map Amendment 811-22-000084-TYP3 Exhibit A: Zoning Change Area Map and Legal Description Exhibit B: Staff Report and Findings Attachment 2: Current Zoning Diagram Attachment 3: Proposed Zoning Diagram Attachment 4: Application Submittal Attachment 5: Revised Applicant Narrative DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The subject site is the western portion of the property addressed as 525 Mill Street, which is owned by the Springfield School District. The subject site is approximately 1.1 acres and is identified as a portion of Tax Assessor’s Map 17-03- 35-23, Tax Lot 4500. The applicant is requesting the zone change to accommodate and facilitate future residential development. The subject portion of the property is currently designated High Density Residential (HDR) on the Metro Plan diagram, but it is currently zoned as Public Land & Open Space (PLO). Because the applicant does not plan to utilize the building onsite in the future, they are requesting to rezone the property to High Density Residential (HDR), consistent with the Metro Plan designation, to help facilitate future residential development by the future property owner and their developer. The Planning Commission is requested to use this opportunity to review all materials submitted into record, to listen to any testimony during the public hearing, to conduct deliberations, and to vote on adopting the Final Order based on the totality. The Planning Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or deny a Zoning Map Amendment based upon approval criteria Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.22-115C. The Planning Commission’s decision is final unless appealed to the Springfield City Council as provided in SDC 5.3-120. BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON FINAL ORDER FOR: AMENDMENT TO THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 1.1 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WESTERN PORTION OF 525 MILL STREET (WESTERN PORTION OF ASSESSOR’S MAP 17-03-35-23, TAX LOT 4500) FROM PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE (PLO) TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) ] 811-20-000084-TYP3 ] ] ] NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Rezone approximately 1.1acres of land located on the westernmost portion of the property located at 525 Mill Street (Map 17-03-35-23, Tax Lot 4500) from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to High Density Residential (HDR). The subject property is more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Order. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing has been provided, pursuant to SDC 5.2-115. On May 17, 2022, the Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing and conducted deliberations on the proposed Zoning Map Amendment. The staff report, written comments, and testimony of those who spoke at the public hearing were entered into the record. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the proposed Zoning Map amendment is consistent with the criteria of SDC 5.22-115. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the Staff Report and Findings, attached hereto as Exhibit B. ORDER/RECOMMENDATION It is ORDERED by the Springfield Planning Commission that Case Number 811-22-000084-TYP3, Zoning Map Amendment, be approved. This ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on May 17, 2022. ____________________________ ____________________ Planning Commission Chairperson Date ATTEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment 1, Page 1 of 10 ZONING CHANGE AREA Exhibit A, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR WESTERN PORTION OF 17-03-35-23-04500 SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands known as Lots 2 and 3 of Block A of Kelly’s Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book W, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records being a portion of those lands as described and conveyed in Book 31, Page 582 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records filed February 5, 1892. ALSO: That portion of the vacated East-West alley described in Ordinance No. 3390, recorded August 20, 1976, Reception No. 7643324. In the Lane County Oregon Deed Records running through said Block A described above adjoining and coincident with said Lots 2 and 3. ALSO: That portion of E Street as vacated by Ordinance 234 and described in Section 1 of said ordinance as approved and passed on May 11, 1911 by the Springfield City Council adjoining and coincident with Lot 2 described above. ALSO: The West 10.00 feet of Lots 1 and 4 of said Block A of Kelly’s Addition including the adjoining and coincident vacated alley and street rights of way as previously described. ALSO: That tract shown as School Lot lying westerly of Block A of Kelly’s Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book W, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, being bound on the south by D Street, bound on the west by Mill Street, and bound on the north by E Street, including that portion of said E Street having been vacated by Ordinance 234 and described in Section 1 of said ordinance as approved and passed on May 11, 1911 by the Springfield City Council adjoining and coincident with said School Lot. Exhibit A, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 10 1 Staff Report and Recommended Findings Planning Commission Zoning Map Amendment Request (Springfield School District 19) Public Hearing Date: May 17, 2022 Case Number: 811-22-000084-TYP3 Applicant: Springfield School District 19 Property Owner: Springfield School District 19 Site: An approximate 1.1-acre portion of a property located at 525 Mill Street (Assessor’s Map 17-03-35-23, Western portion of Tax Lot 4500). _________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUEST The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a public hearing then deliberate and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Zoning Map Amendment from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to High Density Residential (HDR). SITE INFORMATION / BACKGROUND This application was submitted to the City and deemed complete on March 24, 2022. The Zoning Map Amendment is requested for an approximately 1.1-acre portion of property located at 525 Mill Street and is identified as the western portion of Tax Lot 4500 on Assessor’s Map 17-03-35-23. There is an existing building on the subject portion of the property, and it has street frontage along D Street (to the south), E Street (to the north), and Mill Street (to the west). The proposed Zoning Map Amendment aims to facilitate future development of multi-unit residential dwellings on this portion of the tax lot. The property is currently split-zoned where the eastern end is zoned High Density Residential (HDR) and the remaining portion is zoned Public Land & Open Space (PLO). The portion requested for rezone is the westernmost portion of the property, and if the request is approved, the middle portion of the property will remain PLO, sandwiched by HDR zoning of both the easternmost and westernmost portions of the property. The property is generally surrounded by High Density Residential (HDR) zoning with a few properties zoned Neighborhood Commercial to the north and west of the subject site. There are no natural features or hazards located on this property such as wetlands, floodways, or proximity to drinking water wellheads. The subject site is the former site of Goshen Elementary School and, most recently served as the Springfield School District administrative offices before they relocated to 640 A Street. Both the elementary school and administrative offices are permitted uses in the Public Land & Open Space (PLO) zoning district. In accordance with Section 3.2- 705 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC), establishment of the PLO District includes: (1) Government uses; (2) Educational uses; and (3) Parks and open space. The PLO district shall also be permitted on properties designated other than Public and Semi-Public as specified in the Metro Plan, a refinement plan, or plan district. The property is located in the East Kelly Butte neighborhood area, which has an adopted Refinement Plan. The East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan diagram designates the subject site as High Density Residential (HDR), as such the request to rezone the property is consistent with the plan designation. In accordance with SDC 3.2-205.D, the High Density Residential (HDR) land district: (1) Establishes sites for residential development where primarily multi-unit dwellings are permitted and the density range is 28 to 42 dwelling units per net acre, and (2) Provides for a limited range of neighborhood uses that provide services for residents, such as the former school did. The proposed change of zoning from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to High Density Residential (HDR) is consistent with and does not affect the plan designation and is a Type III Zoning Map amendment. Exhibit B, Page 1 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 10 2 On May 5, 2022, a representative for the applicant, Branch Engineering, submitted a revised written narrative. The original narrative incorrectly included the following sentence: “While the school building still exists on the tax lot, it is not located on the legal lots proposed for zone change.” Please refer to the revised submitted applicant narrative where this sentence has been removed (Attachment #5 of the Planning Commission’s Agenda Item Summary (AIS) packet). Notification and Written Comments The City provided the required 35-day minimum notice to the state’s Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on April 1, 2022, which is 46 days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for May 17, 2022. Notification was sent to all property owners and residents within 300 feet of the subject site on April 20, 2022. Staff also posted notices on the subject site and the City’s website on April 29, 2022. Notices were also posted at two locations (Public Notice Board, Digital Display) within City Hall on May 2, 2022. Newspaper notice of the public hearing was published in the legal notices section of The Register Guard on May 8, 2022. City staff received no written comments. The May 17, 2022, Planning Commission public hearing will be conducted as a hybrid in-person and online meeting via Zoom. Members of the public are able to provide testimony to the Planning Commission prior to the meeting and can join the online meeting remotely using the Zoom app or by telephone, or attend the meeting in- person at City Council Chambers. Details regarding how to join the online meeting and in-person meeting were provided in the notification letter mailed to adjacent residents and property owners, in the posted public hearing notices, in the Planning Commission meeting agenda, and posted on the City’s website. Written Comments On Monday, May 9th, Jonathan P. Hegele, a neighborhood resident, commented under this application on the online platform, SpringfieldOregonSpeaks.org. He writes, “Clearly, the motivation for ANY real estate development is money, money and more money! Why is this progress? It isn't! The map of the Springfield Public Schools property is absolutely surrounded by high density apartment buildings and some houses. It would be better if it were ALL houses. I suggest that the City of Springfield BUY the property and turn it into a City Park. There is too much apartment building density as it is. Lane County could help by zoning more rural areas for residential houses instead of anti-development zoning such as timber and agricultural. Thank you.” Staff Response Mr. Hegele’s comments do not address the Zoning Map Amendment criteria listed in SDC 5.22-115.C. Along with the Metro Plan designation of High Density Residential (HDR), the Springfield Development Code (SDC) establishes that HDR zoning districts as sites where primarily multi-unit dwellings are permitted, and the density range is 28 to 42 dwelling units per net acre. The nearby apartment buildings are in conformance with this designation and zoning district while some, if not all, homes in HDR zoning would be considered a non-conforming use. The plans to facilitate high density residential development or redevelopment at the subject site helps meet the demand for more housing stock to serve the Springfield community and greater Lane County. Furthermore, the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan, which applies to the subject site, notes that the area is in proximity to three existing Willamalane parks: Island Park, Meadow Park, and Kelly Butte Park. Finding #6 of the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan’s Public Facilities and Services element notes that the area is adequately served by parks and no additional property need be purchased for park land. Exhibit B, Page 2 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 10 3 Criteria of Approval Section 5.22-100 of the SDC contains the criteria of approval for Zoning Map amendments. The Criteria of Zoning Map amendment approval criteria are as follows: SDC 5.22-115 APPLICABLE CRITERIA C. Zoning Map amendment criteria of approval: 1. Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; 2. Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans, and functional plans; and 3. The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services, and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. 4. Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: a. Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5.14-100; and b. Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Proposed Findings In Support of Zone Change Approval Criterion: Zoning Map amendment criteria of approval: 1. Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; Applicant’s Narrative: “The site falls within an area designated as High Density Residential by the 2004 Metro Plan Diagram. Changing the site’s zoning from Parks and Open Spaces to HDR would allow the site to match its surrounding properties and facilitate future development appropriate for its zoning.” Finding: The applicant’s findings in the italicized narrative above and in the subsections below are accurate. The subject property is designated High Density Residential (HDR) on the adopted Metro Plan diagram, and the proposed rezoning is consistent with the land use designation. Finding: The proposed zone change is consistent with provisions of the Metro Plan whereby zoning can be monitored and adjusted as necessary to meet current urban land use demands. The requested change from Public Land & Open Space (PLO) to HDR is consistent with provisions of the Metro Plan and the City’s Development Code. The rezoning action would also facilitate future review and approval of residential development plans for the subject western portion of the property. The HDR district establishes sites where primarily multi-unit dwellings are permitted at the density range of 28-42 dwelling units per net acre. Finding: The adopted Metro Plan is the principal policy document that creates the broad framework for land use planning within the City of Springfield. The adoption of Springfield Ordinance #6268 in June 2011 included the new Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan - Residential Land Use and Housing Element. The policies and implementation actions of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan - Residential Land Use and Housing Element are intended to refine and update the goals, objectives and policies of the Metro Plan’s Residential Land Use and Housing Element. Therefore, both plans are applicable to this zoning map amendment request, and the rezone must be consistent with both the Metro Plan and the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. The following findings in this section identify and show compliance with the applicable Metro Plan policies. Exhibit B, Page 3 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 10 4 Finding: The goal of the Metro Plan – Residential Land Use and Housing Element is to “[p]rovide viable residential communities so all residents can choose sound, affordable housing that meets individual needs.” Finding: Policy A.2 of the Metro Plan states, “Residentially designated land within the UGB should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicable plans and policies[.]” This zone change is consistent with Policy A.2. See Attachments 2 and 3 of the Planning Commission’s Agenda Item Summary (AIS) packet for current and proposed zoning of the subject site. Finding: In accordance with Policy H.4 of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan – Residential Land Use and Housing Element, the City is to continue to identify and remove regulatory barriers to siting and constructing higher density housing types in the existing medium and high-density residential districts. The subject property is designated for high density housing form(s), and in this case, the regulatory barrier is a property zoning that does not match the comprehensive plan designation. The proposed rezoning action would remove a barrier to development or redevelopment of the site with high density residential uses. Finding: In accordance with Urbanization Goal UG-1, Policy 2 of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element the City is to continue to support and facilitate redevelopment and efficient urbanization through City-initiated area-specific refinement planning and zoning amendments consistent with the policies of this Plan. Consistent with Policy 2, the proposed rezoning facilitates redevelopment of a site that is within the existing urban fabric, has direct access to City services and utilities, is located near a frequent transit corridor, and would provide needed housing for the community. Finding: The proposed rezoning does not require a comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. Conclusion: Rezoning the subject property from PLO to HDR is consistent with provisions of the adopted Metro Plan, the Springfield Comprehensive Plan – Residential Land Use and Housing Element, and the Springfield Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element. 2. Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans, and functional plans; Applicant’s Narrative: “According to the All Refinement Plans map located on the City of Springfield’s website, the site falls under the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan and is listed as a High Density Residential area. No additional rulings apply for East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan. The current Zoning Map lists the western ¾ of the site as Public Lands and Open Spaces, with the easternmost third being High Density Residential. The surrounding properties west of Pioneer Parkway are zoned High Density Residential, except for tax lots 6900, 7000 and 290, which are zoned Neighborhood Commercial. East of Pioneer Parkway, the lots surrounding the site are zoned Medium Density Residential. Changing the zoning of the lot would make the site consistent with the surrounding properties.” Finding: There are no applicable Conceptual Development Plans for the subject property. Finding: The subject property is located in the East Kelly Butte neighborhood, which has a City-adopted Refinement Plan. The East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan and Diagram designate the subject property as High Density Residential, consistent with the Metro Plan designation. The proposed high density residential zoning is consistent with the High Density Residential plan designation. Finding: The Public Facilities and Services Plan and the 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) are functional plans applicable to the subject site. However, there are no policies in either of these plans that Exhibit B, Page 4 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 10 5 are applicable criteria of approval for this proposed Zoning Map Amendment. Therefore, the applicant’s proposal meets this criterion of approval. Conclusion: The rezone request for the western portion of the subject property from PLO to HDR is consistent with the provisions of the City’s applicable refinement and functional plans. 3. The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services, and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Applicant’s Narrative: “Since the site is located in a high-density residential area and already features a school district building, public facilities, services and transportation are already available for use. Springfield Utility Board provides power and water to the area, and the existing building on the lot already uses water, power, and sewer. Overhead wires are available for connection along Mill Street. Sidewalks border the tax lot along Mill St, D St, E St, and Pioneer Parkway West. Two LTD bus stations are located on Pioneer Parkway East and West between E and F Streets, and Springfield Station is 0.5 miles to the south of the site. The tax lot is within the Springfield School District 19, being served by Two Rivers-Dos Rios Elementary School, Hamlin Middle School, and Springfield High School. The area is served by Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Meadow Park is located 0.2 miles to the north, Island Park is located 0.2 miles to the southwest, and Kelly Butte Park and Overlook is located 0.6 miles to the northwest.” Finding: The subject site has frontage on Mill Street, D Street, and E Street. The tax lot also fronts Pioneer Parkway West, a minor arterial street. These streets provide street access and connectivity within a developed urban transportation network. Streets serving the subject site have been mostly improved to City standards in accordance with SDC 4.3-105; however, Mill Street and E Street do not yet have any bicycle facilities, which are required to meet City standards for major collector streets. Two Springfield Transportation System Plan Ped-Bike (PB) projects are planned for this vicinity. Mill Street, classified as a major collector, is funded and scheduled to be reconstructed by the City to include bicycle facilities under PB-20, which includes rehabilitation to both the sanitary sewer system and improved stormwater facilities. The other project, PB-21, focuses on adding crosswalks and signage where Pioneer Parkway (minor arterial street) intersects with D Street (local street) & E Street (major collector street). This project has not yet been funded. No other near-term or long-term improvements for these three streets are identified for the year 2035 horizon. The subject rezoning application will not impact either of these planned projects. Finding: Current access to the subject portion of the property is through existing driveways located on both D and E Streets. With development (or redevelopment) on the subject site that requires Site Plan Review, any new or changes to existing driveway access will be reviewed by the City’s Transportation Engineer during the process (SDC 5.17-100). In accordance with the Findings under Criterion #4 below, no further transportation analysis is required for this rezone request because the City’s Transportation System Plan already accounted for the High Density Residential (HDR) designation of the property. Finding: Standard utilities are currently available along the existing property frontages on Mill Street and D Street. City Engineering staff have reviewed the current rezone proposal and found that existing facilities can be extended to serve the subject site at the time of development pursuant to SDC 4.3-120: 1. Sanitary Sewer – There is an existing 20” trunk line in Mill Street with a manhole located approximately mid-block to this property, which is suitable and already available for service Exhibit B, Page 5 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 8 of 10 6 installation to this property. There is also a 12” main located in D Street with an existing 8” service line to the existing building on the subject site. Any or all these service connections can be used to provide sanitary sewer service to this location with sufficient capacity for any anticipated development permitted in High Density Residential zoning districts either before and after the Mill Street reconstruction and rehabilitation. 2. Stormwater – The subject site has two existing catch basins along its Mill Street frontage. Once connected, these catch basins can serve the site’s development for stormwater mitigation without any additional excavation of Mill Street. These catch basins drain to the existing 12” main in Mill Street via 8” service lines. Because the service main and lines have limited capacity, any development/redevelopment on the subject site will need to limit stormwater runoff to existing levels or increase on-site capacity for the increased runoff. This will remain the case before and after the Mill Street reconstruction and rehabilitation. 3. Electric and Water – Both Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Water and Electric Divisions found that there are adequate and available transformers and water mains along Mill Street to serve high density residential development on the subject site. 4. Standard Utilities – Other utilities such as telephone land lines, CATV, or natural gas are typically extended to developable properties within standard public and private utility easements at the time of development. Finding: Any future modifications or redevelopment of the subject site with permitted residential uses would be subject to the land use approval processes outlined in SDC 3.2-210 (Schedule of Residential Uses) and 5.17-100 (Site Plan Review), or the standards and processes applicable at the time of application, if different. The applicable development review procedures will detail the design and configuration of the development area and associated dwellings, the location of utility connections, and conformance with the applicable criteria of approval for any proposed future development. Conclusion: Based on the above findings as well as the existing transportation and utility network serving the subject site, the proposed zoning change to HDR can be accommodated without required upgrades or extensions to public infrastructure. Future redevelopment of the site will be predicated on the applicant providing any necessary extensions or connections of public utilities and infrastructure to serve the development site. 4. Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: a. Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5.14-100; and b. Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Finding: The requested Zone Change is being undertaken as a quasi-judicial, site-specific change in compliance with provisions of the adopted Metro Plan and SDC 3.2-205.C. Because the proposed High Density Residential (HDR) zoning is consistent with the designation found on the Metro Plan diagram, a Comprehensive Plan amendment is not required or warranted. Therefore, the criterion to comply with SDC 5.14-100 is not applicable to this application, and the applicant did not provide narrative for this criterion. Finding: The Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, requires local governments to put in place mitigation measures as provided in the TPR whenever an amendment to a functional plan, an acknowledged comprehensive plan, or land use regulation (including a zone change) would “significantly affect” an existing or planned transportation facility. Exhibit B, Page 6 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 9 of 10 7 Finding: OAR 660-012-006-(9) provides that the “local government may find that an amendment to a zoning map does not significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility” if all the requirements in subsections (a)-(c) are met. Finding: OAR 660-012-0060-(9)(a) requires that the proposed zoning map amendment be consistent with the existing comprehensive plan map designation, and the map amendment does not change the comprehensive plan map. As found above, the proposal amends only the Springfield Zoning Map, and not the Metro Plan diagram or East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan diagram. The proposed HDR zoning is consistent with the plan designation of HDR. Finding: OAR 660-012-0060-(9)(b) requires that the local government has an acknowledged Transportation System Plan (TSP) and that the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the TSP. The Springfield 2035 TSP was acknowledged by the DLCD, and the proposed zone change is consistent with the TSP and does not affect TSP policies or projects. The City’s existing and planned transportation network anticipates buildout of residentially-designated areas at a range of densities that are consistent with their land use designation. Planned projects (PB-20 and PB-21) make improvements to the existing transportation system to meet City standards. Finding: OAR 660-012-0060-(9)(c) requires that the area subject to the proposed zoning map amendment is not subject to an exemption from the TPR standards pursuant to a prior UGB amendment or TSP amendment to account for urbanization of the area. The subject site is within the Springfield UGB and City limits, so this criterion is not applicable. Finding: Because the proposed zoning map amendment meets all the criteria of OAR 660-012-0060-(9)(a)- (c), the proposed amendment does not “significantly affect” an existing or planned transportation facility under OAR 660-012-0060(1), and therefore complies with the TPR and OAR 660-012-0060. Conclusion: Based on the above findings, the subject application proposal to change the zoning to HDR will not significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility. Therefore, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with OAR 660-012-0060 and SDC 5.22-115C.4.b, and no additional mitigation is required under the TPR. Conclusion: Based on the above-listed criteria, City staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposal because it meets the applicable stated criteria for Zoning Map Amendments listed in SDC 5.22-115. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SDC 5.22-120 allows for the Approval Authority to attach conditions of approval to a Zone Change request to ensure the application fully meets the criteria of approval. The specific language from the code section is cited below if there are any recommended conditions. 5.22-120 CONDITIONS The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary in order to allow the Zoning Map amendment to be granted. No recommended conditions of approval. The Planning Commission may choose to apply conditions of approval as necessary to comply with the Zoning Map Amendment criteria. Exhibit B, Page 7 of 7 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 10 CURRENT ZONING FOR PROPERTY REQUESTING ZONING MAP AMEMENDMENT APPROX. 1.1-ACRE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AT 525 MILL STREET (ASSESSOR’S MAP 17-03-35-23, TAX LOT 4500) ZONING MAP LEGEND Public Land & Open Space High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial SITE Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 PROPOSED ZONING FOR PROPERTY REQUESTING ZONING MAP AMEMENDMENT APPROX. 1.1-ACRE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AT 525 MILL STREET (ASSESSOR’S MAP 17-03-35-23, TAX LOT 4500) ZONING MAP LEGEND Public Land & Open Space High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial SITE Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1 City of Springfleld Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Zoning Map Amendment, Type III SPW GFIFLDL Edited 7/192007 bjones Applicant Name: I Brett Yancey Phone 541-747-3331 Company: Springfield School District 19 Fax: Address: 640 A St, Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant Signature: M, Property Owner: Springfield Sch001 District 19 Phone 541-747- 3331 Company: Springfield School District 19 Fax: 640 A St, Springfield, OR 97477Address: Owner Signature: 7Iftheapplicantisotherthantheowner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to ad in his or her behalf ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17- 03-35-23 TAX LOT NO(S): 4500 Property Address: 525 Mill St, Springfield OR Area of Request S uare Feet: Acres: 1.14 Existing Use(s) of Property: The property is the former site of Goshen Elementary School. The building still exists on the tax lot, but is not on the portion of the legal lots proposed Description of for zone amendment. The Proposal: The site is currently zoned as Public Lands. This application Proposes to change the zoning to High Density Residential, which will match the surrounding properties, in order to facilitate future development of the site. Required Property Information (City In take Staff., complete this section) Received by: Case No.: Date (initials) Postage Total Application Fee: Fee: Fee: Edited 7/192007 bjones Attachment 4, Page 1 of 7 Zoning Map Amendment Submittal Requirements Checklist 1. The application fee - Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate application and postage fee. A copy of the Fee Schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. 2. Deed - A copy of the deed to show ownership. 3. Vicinity Map - A map of the property and the surrounding vicinity which includes the existing zoning and plan designations. One copy must be reduced to 8 Yz" by11" which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 4. Findings - Before the Planning Commission can approve a Zone/Overlay DistrictChangeRequest, there must be information submitted by the applicant which adequately supports the request. The Criteria the Planning Commission will consider in making their decision is listed below. If insufficient or unclear data is submitted by the applicant, there is a good chance that the request will be denied or delayed. It is recommended that you hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare your findings. Criteria of Approval (Quasi-iudicial) SDC 12.030 requires that in reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission or Hearings Official map approve, approve with conditions or deny a quasi- judicial Zoning Map amendment based upon approval criteria (a) -(c), below. a)Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram; b)Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Attachment 4, Page 2 of 7 Branch ENGINEE RING- Sinci,1977 Much 8, 2022 ZONE AMENDMENT APPLICATION FINDINGS 525 MILL STREET Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-094 This report is to accompany the Zone Amendment Application for a portion of the property located at 525 Mill St. in Springfield (TM 17-03-35- 23, TL 4500). The application proposes to change the zoning of an approximately 1.14 -acre portion of the tax lot on the western side (Please see the Vicinity Map submitted with this application for details). The area is currently zoned Public Lands and Open Space, and is proposed to be changed to High Density Residential to match the surrounding properties and allow for future development. The site was originally owned by the Springfield School District and housed the Goshen Elementary School. In 2018, the School District requested to adjust legal lot lines in the Kelly's Addition to Springfield Plat and planned to sell the westernmost lots. These legal lots are still currently zoned as Public Land and Open Space. "bile the school building still exists on the tax lot, it is not located on the legal lots proposed for zone change. The legal description of the portion pertaining to this request is included for reference. Criteria of Approval a) Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and Metro Plan Diagram: The site falls within an area designated as High Density Residential by the 2004 Metro Plan Diagram. Changing the site's zoning from Parks and Open Spaces to HDR would allow the site to match its surrounding properties and facilitate future development appropriate for its zoning. b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and Functional Plans: According to the All Refinement Plans map located on the City of Springfi"eld's website, the site falls under the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan and is listed as a High Density Residential area. No additional rulings apply for East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan. EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD ALBANY 310 SQL Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p: 541.746.0637 1 K^ A'w.b ran the ng ineen ng.mmAttachment 4, Page 3 of 7 Written Statement 525 Mill Street PLA March 1, 2022 The current zoning Map lists the western % of the site as Public Lands and Open Spaces, with the easternmost third being High Density Residential. The surrounding properties west of Pioneer Parkway are zoned High Density Residential, except for tax lots 6900, 7000 and 290, which are zoned Neighborhood Commercial. East of Pioneer Parkway, the lots surrounding the site are zoned Medium Density Residential. Changing the zoning of the lot would make the site consistent with the surrounding properties. c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Since the site is located in a high-density residential area and already features a school district building, public facilities, services and transportation are already available for use. Springfield Utility Board provides power and water to the area, and the existing building on the lot already uses water, power and sewer. Overhead wires are available for connection along Mill St. Sidewalks border the tax lot along Mill St, D St, E St and Pioneer Parkway West. Two LTD bus stations are located on Pioneer Parkway East and West between E and F streets, and Springfield Station is 0.5 miles to the south of the site. The tax lot is within the Springfield School District 19, being served by Two Rivers- Dos Rios Elementary School, Hamlin Middle School and Springfield High School. The area is served by Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Meadow Park is located 0.2 miles to the north, Island Park is located 0.2 miles to the southwest, and Kelly Butte Park and Overlook is located 0.6 miles to the northwest. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Daniel Nelson, PLS., Project Manager Branch Engineering, Inc. Branch Engineering, Inc. Attachment 4, Page 4 of 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR WESTERN PORTION OF 17-03-35- 23-4500 SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands know as Lots 2 and 3 of Block A of Kelly's Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book W, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records being a portion of those lands as described and conveyed in Book 31, Page 582 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records filed February 5, 1892. ALSO: That portion of the vacated East-West alley described in Ordinance No. 3390, recorded August 20, 1976, Reception No. 7643324, in the Lane County Oregon Deed Records running through said Block A described above adjoining and coincident with said Lots 2 and 3. ALSO: That portion of E Street as vacated by Ordinance 234 and described in Section 1 of said ordinance as approved and passed on May 11, 1911 by the Springfield City Council adjoining and coincident with Lot 2 described above. ALSO: The West 10.00 feet ofLots 1 and 4 of said Block A of Kelly's Addition including the adjoining and coincident vacated alley and street rights of way as previously described. ALSO: That tract shown as School Lot lying westerly of Block A of Kelly's Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book W, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, being bound on the south by D Street, bound on the west by Mill Street, and bound on the north by E Street, including that portion of said E Street having been vacated by Ordinance 234 and described in Section 1 of said ordinance as approved and passed on May 11, 1911 by the Springfield City Council adjoining and coincident with said School Lot. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DIGITALLY SIGNED OREGON MAY 12, 2011 DANIEL ADAM NELSON 84832L5 RENEWAL :121312022 Attachment 4, Page 5 of 7 anch GINEERING- 310 5th Sweet S,i,9O,ld. OR 97977 wZ1, b0, 7ff Fit 541 74fi.Ofi37 i Bean chEn 9 1 nearing.mm 0 Ly50D eyr f. 42 , 4' 4i` i CURRENT PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED PUBLIC LWOS @OPEN SPACE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 7M 17-03- 35-23, TL 4500 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 MARCH 3, 2022 WEST N WD ST VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CURRENTLY ZONED HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DCURRENTLY ZONED NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DJ CURRENTLY ZONED MEDIUMDENSITYRESIDENTAL 100 b 200 PROJECT No. 22-094 wZ1, b0, 7ff Fit i 0 LEGEND CURRENT PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED PUBLIC LWOS @OPEN SPACE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CURRENTLY ZONED HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DCURRENTLY ZONED NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DJ CURRENTLY ZONED MEDIUMDENSITYRESIDENTAL 100 b 200 PROJECT No. 22-094 Attachment 4, Page 6 of 7 kARR,ANTV DEEP. GT7ro2 FOR VALUE MI WILLIAM BQPD'end SvW B. BOID, ' tuisbavd and wife i I clu:eeCdra/d o'ea grevto s, hbar,.K all sad anus, unto SC OOL DISIRICS NO. 19, Lene.0... nl, Oregon hard. ecemd to me grdhtew. the following described real ptvperty, with tenement,, hereditatnote sed aDp.rtaegaa to it: LOt 7, Bloak 5 of MLLI'S ADDMCK to Springfield, ce platted r and recxded in Book "W', Page 10, Lane County rt egde Deed Reeads, in Lane County, Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aid premfeea ente aid Grantees, their hdra end eeeigae foaver. And the acid C homes hereby ...t that the, are lawfully deed W fee eimpie of d prendas; that they an free Iron all taambrenae,except eaaemants, reservattona and restriction. 40 of mord, K'. and that they wilt wen t end defend the above gamed premia, egeiaet aB heed.1 ddvre what - e aoever, unapt es dove stated. . C1N-=A___-(a) 1 r t _.._..ranid OF OROGON, Canty of Lane, ee. PersoaeBy appeared the above ansa i 00 WILLW BOBD end SMM E. BOID, Af :, husband and wife the foreoiW Ieet7nmeet to be SYei"lenta an and dad. Befsgpy uS1 ol a ? he g§ g Ya.g bi s algin D See riI . A11 11 = 'a a. ffwmm mom Attachment 4, Page 7 of 7 EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD ALBANY 310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 | p: 541.746.0637 | www.branchengineering.com March 8, 2022 ZONE AMENDMENT APPLICATION FINDINGS 525 MILL STREET Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-094 This report is to accompany the Zone Amendment Application for a portion of the property located at 525 Mill St. in Springfield (TM 17-03-35-23, TL 4500). The application proposes to change the zoning of an approximately 1.14-acre portion of the tax lot on the western side (Please see the Vicinity Map submitted with this application for details). The area is currently zoned Public Lands and Open Space, and is proposed to be changed to High Density Residential to match the surrounding properties and allow for future development. The site was originally owned by the Springfield School District and housed the Goshen Elementary School. In 2018, the School District requested to adjust legal lot lines in the Kelly’s Addition to Springfield Plat and planned to sell the westernmost lots. These legal lots are still currently zoned as Public Land and Open Space. The legal description of the portion pertaining to this request is included for reference. Criteria of Approval a) Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and Metro Plan Diagram: The site falls within an area designated as High Density Residential by the 2004 Metro Plan Diagram. Changing the site’s zoning from Parks and Open Spaces to HDR would allow the site to match its surrounding properties and facilitate future development appropriate for its zoning. b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and Functional Plans: According to the All Refinement Plans map located on the City of Springfield’s website, the site falls under the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan and is listed as a High Density Residential area. No additional rulings apply for East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan. Attachment 5, Page 1 of 2 Written Statement 525 Mill Street PLA March 1, 2022 Branch Engineering, Inc. 2 The current Zoning Map lists the western ¾ of the site as Public Lands and Open Spaces, with the easternmost third being High Density Residential. The surrounding properties west of Pioneer Parkway are zoned High Density Residential, except for tax lots 6900, 7000 and 290, which are zoned Neighborhood Commercial. East of Pioneer Parkway, the lots surrounding the site are zoned Medium Density Residential. Changing the zoning of the lot would make the site consistent with the surrounding properties. c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Since the site is located in a high-density residential area and already features a school district building, public facilities, services and transportation are already available for use. Springfield Utility Board provides power and water to the area, and the existing building on the lot already uses water, power and sewer. Overhead wires are available for connection along Mill St. Sidewalks border the tax lot along Mill St, D St, E St and Pioneer Parkway West. Two LTD bus stations are located on Pioneer Parkway East and West between E and F streets, and Springfield Station is 0.5 miles to the south of the site. The tax lot is within the Springfield School District 19, being served by Two Rivers- Dos Rios Elementary School, Hamlin Middle School and Springfield High School. The area is served by Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Meadow Park is located 0.2 miles to the north, Island Park is located 0.2 miles to the southwest, and Kelly Butte Park and Overlook is located 0.6 miles to the northwest. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Daniel Nelson, PLS., Project Manager Branch Engineering, Inc. Attachment 5, Page 2 of 2