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Application APPLICANT 5/4/2023
City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SITE PLAN REVIEW — TYPE 2 UPRINOPIR LO , plicatio Type o Site Plan Review Completeness Check Site Plan Review Submittal ❑ Final Site Plan Submittal Required Project Information (Applicant: Complete this Section) Applicant Name: LRAPA c/o Steve Dietrich Phone:541-736-1056 x216 Company: LRAPA Email: stevedietrich@Irapa.org Address:1010 Main Street, Springfield OR 97477 Applicant's Rep:Jed Truett Phone; 541-302-9830 company: Metro Planning Email: jed@melroplanning,com Address: 846 A St, Springfield OR Property Owner: "Same as applicant" Phone: Company: Email: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-41 TAX LOT NO (s): 5200 Property Address (if applicable): 1010 Main Street, Springfield OR 97477 Size of Property:.46 acres o Acres � s , Pt Units Per Acre:. _ Proposed Project Name: LRAPA Site Review for Landscape and Parking Improvements Proposal: Parking lot improvements for the LRAPA facility Existing Use: CC New Impervious Area (Sq. Ft.): Associated Applications: Placard: Case No: Date: Reviewed By: Application Fee: $ Tech Fee: $ Notice Fee: $ TOTAL FEE: $ I PROJECT NO: ___ Owner Signature(s) I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Steven A. plemch Date: 51dn023 Signature Steven A. eletich Print Owner[ Lance Giles Date: 5/412023 Signature lance Giles Print Type 2 — Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist Please Note: • All the following items MUST be submitted. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why In the attached narrative. • When application or appeal materials are over 20 pages in length, an applicant must provide an identical electronic version and hard copy of the submitted materials. V Site Plan Review Application Form Application Fee - Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. VAn electronic copy of all application materials (USB drive or other) submitted at the time of application (If total submittal package is over 20 pages). 11 ww Proof of ownership, e.g., deed or other recorded document Concurrent applications where a proposal involves more than one (1) application `\\\p State or Federal Permit Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an i� application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a cgpy of the application upon request. Me -completed Attached Stormwater Scoping Sheet One (1) Hard Copy of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: is Application materials must be submitted as required below in additlon to the requirements in SDC 5.1.220, Application Submittal Standards. Applications that do not include all the necessary information may be deemed incomplete in accordance with SDC 5.1.225, Acceptance of Application. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough Information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents • The City's Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or in part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be Interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. {General Requirements. See SDC 5.17.115(A). i:v prepared it// a de,�,,n P-ee^ fwoq, i;r✓ • it !fie grate cE Orerc^ v.he:s rr dsc- - try suite la -w, 9. "') as an a ard-irr 0—,d sia i ar other qualified pr':fps§in�;Ni ty --e e�Srr, be drown to ^.Cale with trt_ 1x°:e 're v/jam r: try pfvr6, er�d the x -de sure appropriatfily for tree .fix ihr,kr<J 1-6, s,:"4Frl': srr3s rP f If we Para re': — to the apprural VAndards; Include a north arrow Prod date f r,Ke z.-G;,r reN.icce; Provide the ph y5ical address f t?: sup;, /ri-`I, f W,,P :aeJe, a:sd the CC&T-.-y assessors tai map and Ivt number; 1 Provide the names and address! ref a!; p=ryrr f.'stee -as cimr�-s ori de rF*,sE recently recorded deed; Provide the name, address, email address, arJ tQYp r-ne nuarter of anY perscr+ assisted in preparing the application ma' e, cr W-7_ ; ar4 Show the size of the property and development area in acres or sgegz feel- U Existing Conditions Flan. (SDC 5.17.115(6)). The aPpviiation must iridRrde en E65t-,o site conditions plan that shoves, for the entire propertf and the sUrruund'mg property to a distance of 150 feet from the subject property boundaries: The property boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; Topographic contour lines at ane -foot intervals for slopes equal to or less Aran tae percent and at two -foot intervals for slopes greater than ten percErt; The location and width of all public and private streets, drives, sicevalks, palsarays, rights-of-way, and easements; clip Potential natural hazard areas, including areas mapped by the City, County, or State 1� as having a potential for geologic hazards; Soil types and water table Information as mapped and sped5ed in the Sods Survey of lane County; 1 A Resource areas, including wetlands on the City's Local %Vedands Inventory, streams, rel / surface mines, and wildlife habitat identified by the City or any natural resource regulatory agencies as requiring protection; The name, location, dimensions, direction of Flow, and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their riparian areas; The 100 -year floodplain and noodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the 1 latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map 11 Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; QP The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3.200 and delineated on the r1 Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department; [: Features, including existing structures, pavement, large rock outcroppings, drainage / ways, canals and ditches; A The location, size and species of trees and other vegetation having a caliper (diameter) of six inches or greater at four feet above grade; and Locally or federally designated historic and cultural resources ✓J Proposed Site Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(C)). Cf/ The proposed development site, Including boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; Existing site features, including trees, identified on the site analysis map, if any, which are proposed to be retained, removed, or modified by the proposed development; The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, utilities, pavement, and other improvements on the site and adjacent to the site for a distance of 150 feet; Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings; Q/ Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading, and delivery; and ,411 Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating, street furniture, and similar improvements go-iltinty and Improvement Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(D)). The application must include a utility and improvement plant that shows: b The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed development site including the right-of-way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status; U Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, streetlights, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and slmllar public facilities; The location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails; fQ The location and size of existing nd proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site Including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and communications connections including cable, internet, `s and television cable, etc.; The peep "g connection points of the proposed utilities; and The location and size of exi nd proposed easement and public dedications ❑ Landscape Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(E)). a' Existing and proposed building and pavement outlines; The location and dimensions of existing and proposed terraces, retaining walls, decks, patios, shelters, and play areas; le Existing and proposed abutting street right-of-way landscaping; jr/ Screening as specified in SDC 4.4.110; yi Plantings, either existing or proposed, used in erosion control and stormwater treatment facilities; Details of a permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted as specified In SDC 4.4.100; Street trees as specified in SDC 4.2.140; 7e A specifications list for all landscaping materials to be used; Id A planting schedule containing the location, size, and species of the existing and proposed plant materials (at time of planting); y- The anticipated size of all proposed plants at two years, or at maturity, whichever is first; and 0/ A description of planting methods as specified in SDC 4,4.100 1p,D Access, Circulation, Parking, and Lighting Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(F)). 0 The location, dimensions and number of typical, compact, and disabled parking spaces; Including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping; L) The location and dimensions of all site circulation for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles including entrances and exits to the site, and loading and service areas; Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways and driveways proposed to be closed; * On-site lighting Including the location, orientation, and maximum height of all proposed exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached. c For lighting, the type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and the type of illumination, the wattage, luminous area, and a photometric test report for each light source; o The location, type, number, and dimensions of all bicycle parking spaces; u The amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use; u The location of off-street loading areas; Existing and proposed transit facilities; n A copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application, where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and u A Traffic Impact Study prepared by an Oregon Licensed Traffic Engineer when required by and as specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4). Grading, Paving, and Stormwater Management Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(G)). .I iY O Stormwater management system for the entire development area; ❑ The roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; Cl The pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; rI The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainage ways to be retained; and ❑ The existing and proposed elevations, site grades, and contours {I� Phased Development Plan, The application must include a Phased Development Plan if 1N phasing is proposed. The plan must indicate any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as specified in SDC 5.17.115. Phasing must progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases and accommodates other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The Approval Authority may require the applicant to enter into an agreement for phased developments, and may require bonding or other assurances for improvements, in accordance with SDC 5.15.135, Bonding and Assurances for Development. Q/Narrative. The application must include a written letter, narrative, or report documenting how the proposal is in compliance with the applicable approval criteria contained in SDC 5.17.125, Site Plan Review Approval Standards. Deed Restrictions. The application must submit copies of all existing and proposed restrictions or covenants. ���t►�7 Additional Information. The Director may require an applicant to submit additional information at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal. At the applicant's 1 expense, additional studies, reports, or exhibits prepared by qualified professionals may be required to address specific site features or concerns to demonstrate compliance with approval standards. Additional information may include, but is not limited to the following items: ❑ Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved; A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Oregon -licensed engineer, if the required Site Assessment specified in SDC 5.17.120 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. Septic Systems. If the properties are not served by the City sewer system In accordance `• with SDC 4.3.105, the application must include documentation from the Department of Environmental Quality or its agent that indicates that. the proposed development will be in compliance with all applicable requirements for sanitary septic systems when such systems exist on the properties affected by the development. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1.210: The following information may be submitted or may be required to be submitted for the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the applicable approval standards. ��Preliminary Title Report. A Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 90 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Traffic Impact Study. A developermay be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. Multiple Unit Hol Standards. Materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 4.7.380, Multiple Unit Housing Standards (if applicable). Riparian Area Protection Report. Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW. Geotechnical Report. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high-water table, or if required by the City Engineer. Overlay District. Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives. Additional Information. Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. yree_Felllng_RCLmit. If five or more qualifying trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19.100, Wetland Delineation. A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Department of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property. Federal or State Permits. The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP), Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development in accordance with Springfield Municipal Code 8.418. to Discretionary Use or Variance. Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or .�y Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 must be provided. Annexation. An Annexation application must be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7.100, where a development is proposed outside of the City limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer. II DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ,lA STORMWATEK SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE 5,H 726.37.53 FAX 541 720 1021 rrwrespnnghelU-0rpov SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ------------ (Area below this Onefillerl an by dppllcoali ----_ - (Please relarn In Cl o -or" Akfiaehent r✓ City of Sp"agf"Id Occe/apnnaa and Public I rarks; for :736-1021, Phone r 73(.1036), email: nvceachern3spriog(rdd-angor Project Name: Applicar Assassors Parcel tk Date: Land Use(s): Phone N: Project Size (Acres): Fax k: Approx. Impervious Area: Email: (Include a copy of ,Asseaxar•s map): Drainage Proposal (Public uunnection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Almeh additional shoots) ifileeessaryl Proposed Slonmvater Best Management Practices: (41 va ininrmn, an the front and bpck oftivs r),set shall be sahm.11,d D-ahulgc Swdv True (FDSPM Section'103 2)e (Note UI -I mal, he substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study — (use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Leve l Dc ve lopm e nt St lldy — (u se Un it l l ydmgrap h Me lhod for rale lau ons) ❑ Pull Drainage Development Study -- (use Unit I l)drograph Method fur calcidelians) F,nviroamental Cunsideralions: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Flillsidc Development: _ ❑ WellandiRiparian: _ — _ _❑ PloochvaylFloodplain: ❑ Soil Type. ❑ Other Jurisdictions Dmmistream Analvsis: U NIA ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elecatiun: ❑ Mnnhulcl.lunctiun to take analysis to: Return to Clay(on McEachern @ City of Springfield, email: cmccoetlom@springlield-o ,gov, FAX: (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS er omr a1 ur.Onh r Rwed upon the infvnnnUan pr ra ided tar !heft."! uflins sheet, rhe fnflou b, ,,"''reals a nrinimunr of uhal is needed for rvr oppli wic,n m be roe/dere forsubrulnal nigh resp,,, to d,W ...go, Hereto,, dus• f si shouNnot he used b, Reu of the Spriagleld D,, /,,sown! Code (SDC) or the Cil) "s Engineering Design?!anonI ContIninnce i,hh (hese regnlremenrs does not conswu a she npprenl; Addinenol sire rlkc(lc irJoruuniort mryy He requiterI Aute hpnrr acnping shed suhrninn(crrorreennrrileledfarnr his been signrd in Ilre.rpnuc prnyided bele,. ❑donut 1l,sign Send. Ns/Watcr Oma lily (EDS PN Cha P ler 3) Rcy'd AVA r' All net building rooftop (NER) impervious surfaces shall be p,c-trialed (e.q, n alti-c hmnbned ealehbasin Witil filtration media) for stonn,aturqualny. Additionally,aminimumof50°raefthe NDRimpenioussurfaceshallbetrealedby vegetated methods. n Where required, vegetative stormonter design shall be consistent with design standards(EDSMI Section 3.02), set forth In Chaptcr 2 of the Eugcnc Stonnwalcr Management Manna,. Ej For new N'DR impervious arca less than 15,000 square feel, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stonnsvai or Management Manual (Scc2.4.I ) r� L.i U Ifostanmvaler treatment swale is proposed, submit calculation'specifi0al'ons for.sizing, velocity, lloty, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with Oily of Springfield or Eugene's Star noaler Management Manual. u ®� Water Quality calculations us required in Section 3.03.1 ofthc EDSPhI. 1:11 I— 1 All buildingroo0opmounted equipment, or other hind containing equipment located outside orlhe building,shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. General Study Requirements (EDSPAI Sue( or 4.03) ® ❑I� Draindgv study pi ,pond by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed In the state of Oregon. ^ t l LI A complete drainage study, as required in MUNI Sectio 4.03.1, including a hydrological study amp. ^ I 0 Calculations showing system capacity far a 2 -year storm event and ovc,fio. effects of a 25 -year, storm event. The time of concentration (To) shall be detennined using a 10 minute start tune for developed basins. Review_ of Downstream System (EDSP\I Section 4.II3.4.C) F]❑ A do,nslream drainage analysis as described in EDSRNI Section 03AC. On -sac drainage shall be govemed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Cc do (OPSC). Elevations ofthe I1GL and flow lines for built city and private systems where applicable. E Design of Soon Systems(EDSPAI Section 4.04). ❑^ nP Plow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes cloudy indicated In, flue plant set. ] u Alinimum pipe cover shall be 10 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall he sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib land without failure of the pipe structure. Ll ❑ Munning's"a" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table I -I ofthe EDSP. All slomt pipes shall be designed to ... r.: e..e � .4.;— .... i ...u..nv of rbree (1) feet nor second at 0.5 nice full hosed can Table A-1 as well. ❑ n Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing hmv site drains. ❑ F] Privalc slormvater casconents shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stormwatar flows from one properly to another. n❑ Drywclls shall not receive rtmoff fmni any surface ado being treated by one or more RRIPs, with the exception of resideminl building roofs(EDSP Section 3.03A.A). Additional pnvisians apply to this as required by the DEQ. Rudcto the website: 7Rp'tlo'sn¢ denstatcor slwnluic,mc.hlrn for more information. ❑ Detention ponds shall he designed to limit tarot to pre -development rates for the 2lhmugh 25 )ear sfonn events. -This for'nr shall he iudaded ns no nflrrdrnrcut, inside IGe front cover, t joie srorunvarer snal3. ' IMPORTANT: ENGINFF.R PLf IS'E1fliAD RM.OIYAND SIGN! As the engineer of record. I hereby certify the abu,e required items arc complete and included with the sohmiued stomn"t , study and plan scl. Signature Perm Version 5: Ante 2015 a46 A STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97472 15411302-9630 WWW METROPIANNING.00M DETAILS: NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SITE REVIEW FOR PARKING LOT/LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS May 4, 2023 Applicant: LRAPA, c/o Lance Guiles, 1010 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Owner: Same as applicant Agent: led Truett, AIC$ Metro Planning, Inc., 846 A Street, Spfd, OR 97477 Map/TL: 17-03-3541, TL 5200. Exhibit C. Site Address: 1010 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Zoning: Community Commercial (CC). Exhibit D. Size: .46 acres -I--. Exhibits C and D. Services: Fire: Pleasant Hill RFPD Police: Springfield WateriSewer: Urban Schools: Springfield Access: A Street and 10" Street. Exhibit D BACKGROUND AND PROPOSAL: The proposal is for parking lot improvements to the LRAPA facility at 1010 Main Street. Springfield. The site was once used as a drive-through. The drive-through lane, which contains no parking, still exists and is of no value to the existing LRAPA use. The existing parking lot is cracked and in need of surface repair. LRAPA intends to remove the drive-through lane and replace the area with landscaping. In addition, the existing parking lot area will be repaired, which will largely consist of surface repairs nuay be needed. Landscaping will be updated and improved, which will largely consist of replacing overgrown and unhealthy material with new plams. Trees of concern (not in public right of way) will be removed. Thu applicant will also replace the damaged public sidewalk. LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 2 of 2 While the applicant believes that the proposal qualifies for Minimum Development Standard (MDS) review under SDO 5.15.100, City staff has requested Site Plan Review (SR) under SDO 5.17.100. See email correspondence, Exhibit J. Specifically, staff asserts that the applicant must address SDC 5.17.110(C), and the proper mechanism to do this is Site Review. Specifically, staff cites SDO 5AZI10(C), "Existing lawfidly developed sites that do not conform to the current standards of this code are only required to meet current standards on the portions of the site affected by the proposed alteration or expansion. Any alterations to the site Hurst meet current code standards." [cmphasisaddcd] If applicable, this provision makes clear that current standards need only be met for the portions of the site affected by the proposal. Staff concedes that the proposal does not result in the addition or replacement of impervious service, so parking lot improvement standards are not triggered. As such, the only standards applicable arc landscaping standards. This understanding is reflected in the narrative below. Given the limited nature of the proposal, it is difficult to tell which approval standards apply as new uses and new structures are not proposed. If additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us. II. CRITERIA: The criteria for Site Plan Review are found in SDO 5.17.100, et.al. A. SDO 5.17.115 Submittal Standards: "Application materials nnrst be submitted as required below in addition to the requirements in SDC 5.1.215, Application Requirements. Applications that do not include all the necessary information raay be deemed incomplete in accordance with SDC 5.1.220, Acceptance of Application. (A) General Requirements. All plans submitted under this section: must: (1) Be prepared by a design professional, licensed in the state of Oregon, when required by State lav, such as: (a) Engineer; LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 3 of 2 (b) Architect,- rchitect;(c) (c) Landscape architect; (d) Land surveyor; or (e) Other qualified professional as determined by the Director. (2) Be drawn to scale with the scale indicated on the plans, and the scale sized appropriately for the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan related to the approval standards; (3) Include a north arrow and date of preparation and/or revision; (4) Provide thephysical address of the subjectproperty, if applicable, and the County assessor's tax wrap and lot number; (5) Provide the names and addresses of all persons listed as owners an the most recently recorded deed; (6) Provide the name, address, email address, and telephone number of any person that assisted in preparing the application materials or plan; fund (7) .Show the .size of the property and development area in acres or square feet. RESPONSE: These elements have been included, See Site Plan, Exhibit Al. (B) Existing Site Conditions Plan. The application i n Nt hichule an existing site conditions plan that shows, for the entire property and the surrounding property to a distance of 150 feetfroun the subject property boundaries: (1) The property boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; (2) Topographic tartar lines at 7 foot intervalsfor shapes equal to or less than 10 percent and at 2 -foot intervals,for slopes greater than 10 percent; (3) The location and width ofalipublic and private .sheets, drives, sidewalks, pathways, rights-of-way, and easements; (4) Potential natural hazard areas, including areas wrapped by the ChjtS County, or State as having a putential.forgealogic hazards; (5) Soil types and water table inj'ornnaion as mapped and specified in the Soils Survry ey of Lane County; LR -APA: SR Pemait May 4, 2023 Pagc 4 of 2 (6) Resource areas, including wetlands at, the City's Local Wetlands Inventory, streams, soeOuce mines, and wildlife habitat identified by the City or any natural resource regulatory agencies as requiring protection; (7) The name, location, dimensions, direction of flonv, and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the {rater Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their riparian areas; (8) The 100 -year floodplain and floodwgv boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of blap Revision; (9) The Titre of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3.200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department, (10) Features, including existing structures, pavement, large rock outcroppings, drainage ways, annals and ditches; (11) The location, size and species of trees and other vegetation having a caliper (diameter) of 6 inches or greater at 4 feet above grade; and (12) Locally or federally designated historic and cultural resources. RESPONSF: 'these elements have been included. See Site Plan, Exhibit A2. (C) Proposed Site Plan. The application must include a site plan that shows: (1) The. proposed development site, including boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; (2) Existing site features, including trees, identified on the site analysis amp, if any, which are proposed to be retained, removed, or nuadifued by the proposed development; (3) The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, utilities, pavement, and other improvements on the site and adjacent to the site for a distance of 150 feet,• (4) Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings; (5) Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading, and delivery; and (6) Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating, street furniture, and similar improvements. LRAPA: SR Per[nil May 4, 2023 Page 5 of 2 RESPONSE: Because the proposal is limited, most of these elements are not relevant. However, relevant elements have been included. See Site Plan, Exhibit A3. (D) Utility and Improvement Plan. The application most include a utility and improvementplan that shows: (1) The mane and location aj all existing and proposed public mrd private streets within or on lire boundary of the proposed development site including the right-of-way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status; (2) Locations of existing and required traffic control devices, fire lrvdra ts, streetlights, prover poles, transforvners, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities; (3) The location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed .sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails; (4) The location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary server mains, stornnrvater nna agement systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and conanunications connections including cable, interne(, and television cable, etc.; (5) The prnpnsed connection points of flee proposed utilities; and (6) The location and size of existing and proposed easement and public dedications. RESPONSE: Utilities are not affected by the proposal. Relevant information is shown on the Site Plan. (E) Landscape Plan. The application nnsst include a landscape plan that shores; (1) Existing and proposed building and povennent outlines; (2) The location and dimensions of existing mrd proposed terraces, retaining walls, decks, patios, shelters, and pday areas; (3) Existing acrd proposed abutting street right-of-way landscaping; (4) Screening us specified in SDC 4.4.110; (5) Plantings, either existing or proposed, used in erosion control and stornnvaler treatmentfacilities; LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 6 of 2 (6) Details of a permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted as specified in SDC 4.4.100; (7) Street trees as specified in SDC 4.2.140; (8) A specifications list for all landscaping nutterials to be used; (9) A planting schedule containing the location, sue, and species of the existing and proposed plant materials (at time ofplanting); (10) The anticipated size of « ll proposed plants at 2 years, or at maturity, whichever is first; and (11) A description of planting methods as specified in SDC 4.4.10Q RESPONSE: These elements have been included. See Site Plan, Exhibit A. (F) Access, Circulation, Parking, and Lighting Plan. The application mast include at Access, Circulation, Parking, and Lighting that shores: (1) The location, dimensions and number of typical, compact, and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel brrnrpers, directional signs acrd striping; (2) The location and dimensions of rill site circulation fir vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles including entrances and exits to the site, and loading and service areas; (3) Access to sheets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed drivervays and driveways proposed to be closed; (4) On-site fighting including the location, orientation, and rnmrinnun height of all proposed exterior light fixtures, both free .standing and attached. (5) For lighting, the type and extent of shielding, incfiding cut-off angles and the type of itluminatlon, the wattage, huninnas area, and a phounnetric test report for each light source; (6) The location!, type, number, and dimensions of all bicycle parking spaces; (7) Tire atnou t ofgross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use,, (8) The location of off-street loading areas; LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 7 of 2 (9) Existing and proposed transit facilities; (10) A copy of a Right-of-WayApproach Permit application, where the property has f o tuge on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and (11) A Traffic Impost Seudy prepared by an Oregon Licensed Traffic Engineer when required by and as specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4). RESPONSE: The proposal does not affect access, circulation, parking or lighting. The revised parking area, after landscaping upgrades, is shown. See Site Plan, Exhibit A. (G) Grading, Paving, and Stornnvater Management Plan. The application taut include a grading, paving, and stormwater management plan that shores: (1) The stormwater management system for the entire development area; (2) The roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; (3) Tire pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; (4) The size and location of storannater management.systenns components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention panels; stormwater qualify measures; and natural drainage ways to be retained; and (5) , Tire existing and proposed elevations, site grades, and contours. RESPONSE: The proposal does not affect grading, paving or stormwater. The revised parking arca, after landscaping upgrades, is shown. See Site Plan, Exhibit A. (H) Phased Development Plan. The application must include a Phased Development Plan ifphasing is proposed. The plan must indicate aty proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as specified in SDC 5.17.115. Phasing must progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity bebveen the various phases and accommodates other required public improvements, including bat not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The Approval Authority map require the applicant to anter into an agreement for phased developments, and may require bonding or other assurances for improvements, in accordance with SDC., Bonding and Assrnrances for Development. RESPONSE: No phase development is proposed. LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 8 of 2 (1) Nurrative. Tire application roust include a written letter, narrative, or report documenting how the proposal is in compliance with the applicable approval criteria contained in SDC 5.17.125, Site Platt Review Approval Standards. RESPONSE: This letter is submitted as the narrative in support of the proposal and establishes that each criterion is met. (I) Deed Restrictions. The application muu.st include .submit copies of all existing and proposed restrictions or covenants. RESPONSE: No deed restrictions are proposed. There are no known deed restrictions. (X) Additional Information. The Director may require an applicant to submit additional information at the time afSite Plan Review application submittal At the applicant's expense, additional studies, reports, or exhibits prepared by qualified professionals rngy be required to address specific site features or concerns to demonstrate compliance with approval standards. Additional information pray include, but is not limited to, the following items: (1) Evidence that arty required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved, - (2) A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Oregon -licensed engineer, if the required Site Assessment specified in SDC S.1 7.720 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils andlor a high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. RESPONSE: There are no identified wetlands on the subject property. Exhibit H. Landslide Susceptibility is low, and there are no historic landslides or landslide deposits in the area. Exhibit L The site is 100""% Malabon Urban Land Complex (76) soil type. That type is not hydric or unstable. Exhibit G. (L) Septic Systems. If the properties are not served by the City sever system in accordance with SDC 4.3.105, the application must include docanentatiom from the Department of Environmental Quality or its agent that indicates that the proposed development will be in compliance with all applicable reguirenents for sanitary septic systems when such systems exist on the prope ties affected by the development. (6443) RESPONSE: The site is served by City sewer. B. SDO 5.17.125 Approval Standards (A) The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or deny a proposed Site Plan Re ie , application based on the following standards: LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 9 of 2 (1) The proposed haul use is a permitted use or is allayed as a discretionary use in the land use district. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. (2) If a use is allowed as a discretionmy use, in addition to meeting the standards belav, a Discretionary Use application must be approved in conformance with the standards in SDC 5.9.100. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. (3) The propnsal complies with the .standards of the laud use district of fire subject property; RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. (4) The proposal complies with any applicable approver! master plan, master facilities plan, refinement platy and/or special planned district. RESPONSE: The applicant is nut proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. (5) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.1, Infrastructure Standards-Trrrnsportatiovr RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping ofan existing land use. Transportation infrastructure is not affected. Per SDO 5.17.1 10(C), because transportation is not affected by the proposal, it need not be addressed. (6) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.3, hrfrvrstrmeture Standards -Utilities. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the par king lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. The utility infrastructure is not affected. Per SDO 5.17.110(C), because utilities are notaffected by the proposal, it need not be addressed. (7) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.4, Landscaping, Screening, and Fence Standards. RESPONSE: See Suction C, below. LRAPA: SRPermit May 4, 2023 Page 10 of 2 (8) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.5, Orr -Site Lighting Standards. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. Lighting is not affected. Per SDO 5.17.110(C), because lighting is not affected by the proposal, it need not be addressed. (9) The proposal complies with tie applicable sections of SDC 4.6, Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing a new land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. Other than the topcoat and repair, vehicle parking is not affected. Loading and bicycle puking are not affected. Per SDO 5.17.110(C), because parking, loading and bicycle parking is not affected by the proposal, it need not be addressed. (10) Tire proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.7, Specific Development Standards. RESPONSE: The applicant is not proposing anew land use. The applicant is repairing the parking lot and modifying the landscaping of an existing land use. Specific Development Standards are not triggered. (11) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.8, Temporary Use Standards. RESPONSE: A temporary use is not proposed C. SDO 4.4.105 Landscaoine (A) These regulations ensure that j0developrnent complies with the landscaping provisions of this code and any applicable RefinemetU Plans, Plan Districts, Master Plans, and Conceptual Development Plans; is adequately screened frau less intensive development; considers the effects of vegetation on public facilities; retains significant clusters of natural trees and shrubs wherever possible; mininnizes run-off; facilitates energy conservation and cringe prevention; and improves the appearance of the City to create a desirable place to live and work. (B) Three types of landscaping uEy be required.- (1) equired:(l) Landscaping standards for private property as specified in this section and other sections of this code. (2) Street trees in the public rightof-way as specified in SDC 4.2.140 LRAPA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 11 of 2 (3) Curbside planner strips in the public right-of-way as specified in SDC 4.2.135. RESPONSE: The proposal does not affect street trees or propose curbside planter. (C) Materials and installation costs of required planting and irrigation, other than what is required by the Alinimun, Development Standards, SDC 5.15.100, least not exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including fire cost of parking facilities. RESPONSE: No new development is proposed. (D) The following areas of a loilparcel mast be landscaper/, unless othernise specified in this code: (1) All required setback areas and any additional planing areas cis specified it: file appropriate zoning district. (2) Parking lot planting areas required in this section. RESPONSE: No new development is proposed. landscaped areas are shown on the site plan (E) At least 65 percent of each required planting area mast be covered with living plant materials within 5 years of the abate of installation. The living plant materials mist be distributed throughout Nie required plaraing area. The planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required plating area is as.follows: (1) A mininamt of 2 bees, not less than 6 feet in height, that are at least a 2 inch (dbh) caliper (tit the time of planting, not including root bull); and (2) Ten shrubs, 5 gallons or larger. (3) Lawn card/or groutdcover may be substihted for up to 25 percent of the living plant material requirement, unless trees or shrubbery are required for screening. This substitution is only allowed when the applicant has demonstrated that there is provisions for ongoing maintenance of the landscape areas. These standards do not apply to single unit detached dwellings and middle housing he the R-1 District. RESPONSE: Plantings are shown on Exhibit A. (F) Parking lotplanting areas latest include- 1 canopv tree at least l inches (dbh) in caliper that meets City street tree standards as only be permitted by the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Alan al and at least 4 shrubs, 5galloi or larger, for LR-APA: SR Permit May 4, 2023 Page 12 of 2 each 700 square feet ofplasting area. Shrubs that abut public right-of-wqr, or that is placed in the interior of any parking Int must not exceed 2.5 feet in height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas must include; (7) Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable land use district; and (2) Five percent of the interior of a parking lot, exclusive of ally required parking setbacks, 7f 24 or more parking spaces are located between: tire sheet side of a building and an arterial or collector street and are visible front nay street. (3) See also SDC 4.7.380 or 4.7.385 for multiple unit housing design standards. RESPONSE: No new development is proposed. No additional parking area is proposed. Plantings arc shown on Exhibit A. (G) All new required planting areas must be provided with a permanent irrigation .system which can include a drip irrigation system Areas planted with noninvasive drought tolerant species implant coaounities are exennpt from this standard. RESPONSE: RESPONSE: No new development is proposed. No additional parking arca is proposed. Plantings, with irrigation, are shown on Exhibit A. (H) Landscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same property are exempted f-on planting requirements if the area is not visible from ally public right-of- way or adjacent property. RESPONSE: Plantings are shown on Exhibit A. (I) Planting Installation Standards. (1) Existing landscaping to be retained nnu.st be provided with protection which will remain through the construction process. The plants to be saved and the method of protection trust be noted on rite Landscape Plan. (2) Existing trees to be retained or private property must not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a landscape architect certifies that affected frees will not have at least a 90 percent chance of survival over a 5-year period. Trees to be retained most be provident with protection with at least a 3-foot-tall temporaryfence barrier around Ute drip line and include protection around the tree to prevent abrasion to the tree. The trees to be retained and the method ofprotectiou mast be included on the Landscape Plan. (3) The Landscape Plan mast include specifications for topsoil, including depth and organic tuner requirements, to ensure the health and vitality of required plating. LRAPA. SR Per nit May 4, 2023 Page 13 of 2 Where planting areas have been excavated the replacement of topsoil must be provider! for and indicated on the Landscape Plan. All waste material trust be removed frau required planing areas prior to the application of topsoil. (a) Inspection may be made by the Director prior to planting to verify proper rough grade and installation of irrigation systems. (b) Plant materials and soil preparation may be in.speeted prior to or in conjunction with the occupancy inspection to ensure shut placement, quantity, size, and variety conform to the approver! Planting Plan and the requirements of this section. Nursery togs identifying variety and species mast remain ou plant specimens until the Find Building Inspection by the Building Official or the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. RESPONSE: Installation standards shall be complied with. This can be made a condition of approval. D. SDO 4.4.110 Screening (A) Unless othaunise speetfed in this code, screening is required: (1) Where commercial and industrial districts abut residential districts and no approved screening exists; (2) For outdoor mechanical devices and minor and mnjur public./ acilities; (3) For outdoor storage yards and areas in non-residential districts abutting residential districts along their cannon property line; (4) For garbage and recycling receptacles and areas; (5) For automobile wrecking and salvage yards; and (6) For multiple unit housing. (B) Screening must be vegetative, earthen, an Nor structural. Unlessspecified elsewhere in this subsection, screening mast be continuous to at least 6 feet above ground level. The following standards apply: (1) Vegetative Screening. Evergreen shrubs must be planted to form a continuous hedge. When immediate screening is necessary, a sight-obscuring fence must be installed in place of, or in conjunction with the shrubs. The 6-foot height standard speci/led in subsection (B), above oust occur within 4 years of planing. LRAPA: SR Pennit May 4, 2023 Pagc 1.4 of 2 For mulliple unit housing, Are vegetative screening standards.specified in SDC 4.7.380(4) or 4.7.385(D) apply. (2) Earthen Screening. Earthen berets may be used to screen either visual or noise impacts. A berth must he combined with evergreen plantings or a fence inform an attractive sight and anise buffer. The macinutrm height of a berm is 6 feet along local streets and 8, feet along colleclor and arterial streets or railroad rights-of-way. Alternatively, a different height is allowed if a licensed acousticnt engineer determines a lover or higher freight must be utilized. Height is measured fron the base of the berm to the rap of tine berm and does not include additional fences or landscaping. The exterior face of the berar must he constructed as an earthen slope. The interior face of the berm may be constructed as an earthen slope or retained by a structure (wall at terrace) that meets the building code. The maxinnmm slope is 1:3. The crest area uurst be a udninsum of 4 feet wide. The slopes must be protected by trees, shrubs and groundcover to prevent erosion. Berms must be irrigated as specified in SDC 4.4.105. No part of a herrn is allowed to encroach into an easement. The tae of a berar over 3 ,feet in height most be set back at least 5 feel froaa any property line, unless when abutting public right-of-way where the setback of the toe of the berm may be at a zero setback from the property line. Berms must not interfere with tine drainage patterns of the property. (3) Structural Screening. A fence or masonry will/ must be constructed to provide a 100 percent.sight-obscuring screen. (a) tVo screen is allowed to exceed 4.feet in a residential district front yard setback, and all screening must comply n✓ith vision clearance requirements of SDC 4.2.130. (b) Wherever a required screen is the form of a fence is adjacent to a residential or commercial district or an arterial or collector street, it nn st be inade from a nmr- tnetallic material. Any garbage and recycling receptacles or garbage and recycling area which mould otherwise be visible from republic street, customer or resident poking area, any pnbhc facility, adjacent property, or any residential district, oust be screened from view as specified in subsections (B)(1) and (3), above. All garbage and recycling receptacles or materials must be contained within the screened area. (c) When abutting a street, outdoor storage areas and storage, yards guest he screened with a 5 -foot planting strip between the storage and street as specified in SDC 4.4.100. RESPONSE: No new development is proposed. No additional screening is requirec LRAPA: SR Penni[ May 4, 2023 Page 15 of 2 111. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK The project does not increase impervious surface, thus does not add any stonnwater to the system. A plan is not required. IV. CONCLUSION Based on the above, the proposal can be approved. V. EXHIBITS A: Site Plans B: Location C: A&T map D: RLID printouts E: Zoning diagram F: Aeial G: Soils diagram and information H: Natural Resources diagram I: Landslide diagram 7: Staff correspondence K PDC L: Deed � � rvowao'aiaiaerviaas ♦aaais rvrvry oim Q i AON39tl N011031021d iiltl ltlN0103213Ntl1 @ Z ELI _ILIJ��! 7T� F 1 I I i -i l - 1 j � a SKIS 1Yw9a` E� � .I a i9 verC- a 4s N9 — Y U R swLy r _ i � 64 19 a o � F mQ J Kws KVNs _. 4 y, 0 3' Bd mill p Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on li9/2023 at 11.06AM using RLID (teww.rlid.org) Page 1 of 5 Detailed Property Report io , Deeeriprion � mmM. SISI gr ill ORyq Tg0y9 � P pr�0 ePoll LRAPA Dl MapTusher. 9 -oSzoo Reg Air t n r9)9 SIC N/A NIA I mto Msi-Sf M j Tnx AmonntA o316885 field' Springfield, OR 9/4P �I Tax ae,.r, enrage o. 16 a I� -11,,ed tarot acreage* o.q6 F/A j P/A auto. m alm.`aewcl's,.I`oi� .ShreLType SI ekoim. IN exGala ..dee.,o �an� .aroH.r+p Map 8 Taxlm n q-03-35-41-05200 _I T1uilClty SPfingfiell Slane Business mt'ormatmn Met filde Rusinesses atI his Adrh ess 'I here are B baearsres asseolared IvRh this address. GIch on ar, of the link below to open Ne full bosin xa report. e Air Pollution Cotnonfin Line hledsn Hoagh,ENS Divenor e Lttn ry ane External Air RmtAe. Mxrlln gad, Beer Director •Fnrinel'irld Rwnine .,triage Sooaa inloCmup/Cwcoment DiNsiuq lfryr586tF. LTndq Omuhy VBfi81.'/, mmVJn(oHRAaor.rom l iv/rA1R4Gov jImP[ encs la u., NS41Lex Fo A onnt Building Part Cot Floor Number I'a 11TnL Sq FI 618x io , Deeeriprion � Lf, I.c�11 xt�{.u�"A1 UseI2N Deeeriprion LRAPA it A" e Year Balli r9)9 Fire ReArtanl Sq R in, {�{—Woo ttaG 1 � ri`rt v��• P1 Msi-Sf M a ood Joist Sq N Nx �. IN >iril Business mt'ormatmn Met filde Rusinesses atI his Adrh ess 'I here are B baearsres asseolared IvRh this address. GIch on ar, of the link below to open Ne full bosin xa report. e Air Pollution Cotnonfin Line hledsn Hoagh,ENS Divenor e Lttn ry ane External Air RmtAe. Mxrlln gad, Beer Director •Fnrinel'irld Rwnine .,triage Sooaa inloCmup/Cwcoment DiNsiuq lfryr586tF. LTndq Omuhy VBfi81.'/, mmVJn(oHRAaor.rom l iv/rA1R4Gov jImP[ encs la u., NS41Lex Fo A onnt Building Part Cot Floor Number 1 Sq FI 618x io , Deeeriprion Office Building Fireproof Steel Sq Per UseI2N Deeeriprion LRAPA Reinforced Conerele Sq FI u Year Balli r9)9 Fire ReArtanl Sq R in, Effective Yerr Built 1979 a ood Joist Sq N Nx Grade5 Pole Frame Sq Ft INCH II, Wit Ft a Pre engineered Steel Sq Fr o Cranniverrial APPrais IC drooersara.eao.... Il 1 NO uAddress lnC m..Iini tot llmSl Spr a Id OR p7u,1599 House Dio Suffix F/A Pre-dielum al P/A 1; 1, At .ShreLType SI Iunit type/I F/A _I T1uilClty SPfingfiell Slane Ou AIP Cnele 97999 2ip 1 V 98Y9 EXHIBIT D Prnduccd by Mclm Plnnuing Lte. on IiW2023 al 11:06AM using RLID (www,Flid.org) Page 2 c f 5 Land Use al To e k -Rel t d rotations USPS C Mrulel is Geraccal Faidial Ch.ioctrristir,s p Geographic Coordinates TnxbtCh ridcrialica Code DeseriyWrrr Ioavrp-Moil City LlmRs 9ynny,aeld X4260837 1'8))16 ISwtevmn2" Urban Emwlh Rooalcry EVroq mist latitude 44^464 Longitude t,aico YcorAnnc-A 1909 Fire P [ tiro Povider C g vie Soic fi ld FSre Ann,allunM Ilnk nnry n/]uIn ^Loin, Appnie,1. ad.1 Aeroge ngfi Luning A urlsdlation Springfield ApP i, Twlel S J full an egnSN SpringfiC d plan llu ig nLLlion Me., Fhn slap Parent Zone, CC Commonily Cbmmsuse Eugum Nughbali I N/A LTD Rids Scti Yes Sidra An' a C,Ix114a Amu Nu &rvir I IU:Ju F[,Ia data not am➢able o Land Use well dal, not ae,Pable General Land Use Inndas nn, tt„ray ]al, iinl avaaanle Code Description H'wlnrir Properly.\,me. N'A damaotavii hole datanotavailable Gly H3loeic In ndmzi0.9 No Conrmunce Fumbcr glyC ttaliannl 11 Lslorlel Register?No Deemed Land! Use Code DeseriyWrrr dab not available Jalu1,itidlable S -vi c Providers Fire P [ tiro Povider C g vie Soic fi ld FSre .Ambulance Pmrider Eugeee Spnegfield FSre .Wnbulanco Diseict EC .Ambulanco a_,MC, Area East/Cenlrl LTD Sorviw Moa? Yes LTD Rids Scti Yes &rvir I IU:Ju FERIA Aced Hazard Zone Code Description X Aieas datumined m be onside af5o0-yrac 09rd. FIRM Me, Number gruy.Cu42F Conrmunce Fumbcr glyC Post-FIRW Date data not available Panel PrintM> Yea Soils Soil Nap Unit# Sail Type Description 'X ofiu[Ial Ag(I..Hyin, % Ti \I alabon-Urban Land Complex t00% to Sell n ds No.., S,o I D t r9 t Sp gheld Ele ry c Boal 5059 T, five,r])o Rios �.N Middl I 549 Ila Il iJilt9elh I 66c S,Ta,fi,ld ..._Cod _.. Puliliu:d Di,lewlr .. ._ _ Men— Precinct 2940 Slate ce,ors,inti, Dialect, Emerald PUD Beaty Zane N A Cky Council Ward S3 Stale liepresentalib'e Cedric Hayden Hs,,a PUD Board Zone N/A City Councilor Kori Rodlcy Slate Senate District 4 Central Lincoln PCD gourd Zane N/A CrumyCommialoner D'umict2 (Springfield] Stale Senator Plwd Pmsaoski Soni WalerCons-Dist/Zone Upper LSillamettc;z Counly Commissioner Darid Loveall C,,sn Il WsD,Control District So F3VFE Gmmissinner N/A Gf.Iba nl Arne y Ione RSUliuu rd'/vie S Catecea firafcrood. Cs.Tu,data have beenCoifontic-rep t To ratan Census dam ploose vista -mus.eou.1 stu run.m I11-1 1 "'Ll” armnd'd.ora. Liens.. _ _.. .. __ _.. ..... _.. ._. . _. Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 1/9/2023 at 11:06ANI using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page of5 NonePl.lu lsplayslie dby ColtaSCG ❑ gatd Sp fldLeLtydo dAddtonal Len. be foundmDeed dR.ords Building Der ted a Please heck the Said, ofD 1—min Sv an rand Use Applications RLID d ex A ol oulain a y [.Me,, apukolion data for dn,,.nsd ki on Iselin- 1113 d selin-11131 l containan, p ation data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements &Tax Receipts Art. 1 3iM1%Ag view [ac statementlsl for=_ Tax Repaint, Receipt Date Aman out Received Tox Diseunnt Inlrresl AS, di-11A .... in.ou 6u.uu $o.00 Sony Snnn Gan. wn.wlum Count' Auensnient 1111 trannWn ._.. .__.. _. _.._...... Ouver/To payer "n " arour Add City/9[ [ /Z p Um Russians] Ai r Prit 1, urerote til 9lrtgbeld, OR 9747 T Party Name Address City/State/Zip Lane Regional At, Pollution m Main St Springfield, OR y7477 nWawu'w Wue Count' Aeseanteilland lYaelion Account$tam6 _.._. .._._. ...._ _..._. .._.. ...._..... Stator Anlve Account C [Tax Yen, A¢ ountStatus Mount, ounc 11—al Amsvn ml PmR.dm N/A Ualasocea:Izne'.'an' a anot and T.ixatior. General Tax Account lnf rmation '[or"nuo, dniea, r, fire Acre, N/A Pmlwdy CLis. oni- Cnmmeroal,lmpmved Slaliel¢nI CLi. 9,,-URce-one to those slay Ncrgblrorhwd 81902- Iluwnluwn SprimGeld Category land and lmpmscmuds mtaraa..e: w..wamy�eee�ao,xanaraoFcn Tocau 1 P Ran,anSo.tia fSubdivision Data Subd mn ryp, N/A S l l cion Man, N/A sn1x11 1 NimiLer N A Phase N/A Lol%rmd/Un,LI 'IL o52ao in"ohnR an Foher N/A o�.n ani' mneconnry AF.a:�,U.nta�w'm.nu�n Dtevaluessbom are the values unified in Gctobervolem a value change has hezn Vrceeaedon the prope,ry. Urechaagas Statically scrr an a result o[appeals, Nuiul el—end amltml Proprrry.'rholvx sbmvn Is sic amoum cerAaed In UCWLer.'rldc'e IIre Ld unmmil idlna for IFeyennudlcLed and doee not $ndudeany. dlsmpnts offered, payments code, interest noun, or p,,vioaa years nw in,. It also does no, retie.. avv valve cFanges. Real mark tb 1 (R6N1 - Tota Assciscilt look 95u l}. XUE ,. LAW Imoroa'tinent ]'ot51 Pmduced by Metro Planning Inc_ on 1/9/2023 at 11:06AM using RLID (www.dfd-org) 6ny9 ss bn4]ss 3 Pagc 4,,f 5 _. -_ bvi .� 5 69 6 4 aE5E1�69 1 .. Rtl 73,591 SdO -- _6 s at s31� 4-5 39+ b 99, — 0 6-3Y 5I 6� el i Y{i ] b 9 3 5 9 —$ 911Y� $tea 4�1! 5 !ice _I _ S799 3 s O 53a40o01 �6 97I -553�a5 ! — �1 - 5 i°17 2 9 4 39s! y1 vim, 5 S'."! -i�3 �3 3x If—,-- 3_ s — s 5 __ -.4M 59625411 --7E 73999Tt x'1 99 51 S o ` O 4MV ImpfO'/lmen[Velue 5331 - `3 `iF69 1 b9 ac V9bz $33 9S.� 53 % 00{1 .�b4,W` �`96z g31".11311999, 86496/3 s ao 9��! T13 94111s°°o1l s°ob .. 09 _ �.'.Fq.}F g •a, ii 76 341 _ $5941Y.}'y .00031 _ __a]3 n4 n4n1 6ny9 ss bn4]ss 3 94�" ~ _ _. -_ bvi s0.0e s °.me, 3 ]90134$ 1 R 3 1 - $4 1+_ - -- _6 s at s31� 4-5 39+ b 99, 95=r.394 -$344 .. - s49, "' + 53a40o01 �6 97I -553�a5 sl4rztmb RMV and Assessed Value (1995 - 2022) '�. LI FMV,.d m. 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'Lux Gude •1rcn (I ery C'adel lur wnxnl Ineyes^ W99 Penog D,trim, tor ICA m999 CJy nl,Prng6eld Lane Community C°Ilege Lao, County Inn, edunafinn se.9ea nnmlel "'m,fieldF mmmlcOm-alopmonl Agenry xpollgrldd.scl (I D'O 119 Upper Willamette Sail 3 Water Nillaoalaue Park& 2eceu-1 Die, I Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 1/9/2023 at 11 06A using ALIT) (www.rhd.org) Page 5 .1`5 '*VOTE Isae C-1A...s ,at and aivaGmir C11hewilling R.I. uncurncntntaY sell re[erence the pcioryear's rates and details anvil — rerebe the —I repo. from Lane County. aaaawne. Ur.¢CppWy Msaemmt md'IYnUon sale: s a..aramP cnarrse� 4.SI Data v al. PA D.. x - 1- iAjj6,wW 99P fi0946 . 212711995 L996 hoe . G9-5 J,99�,456 vdlahlc- " - dad t vaablc- __.. '_dad ta_lable_. dam i i W date r lable /La re Coure, Cu d h cavada5le ' o:u:wr:e: w,=�aa ru.e,.mere aaar.:auoa Produced by Metre Planning Inc. ou 1/912023.1, 11:02AM using RLID Qvww.rlid.otg) Site A cess -- loin NTniii St Spling DR 974Ti-4 i9 ��— u g tava�labla Map &Tnxlotp 17-03-5,5-41-n5zoo S[C N/A Tax Arenmax na,feR3 Property Crooner Taxpayer Lane Regional Air Pollution Lane Regional Air Pollution roto blain St mm Night St Springfield, OR97477 Springfield, OR 974,7 Neighborhood Codes to /Do,vnto Sp ingheld B.mdavy / land Use Data Mapper) Taxlet n.46/2o,n38 Acreage / Sq Ft lucorparated City Spriagheld Gmfts Utbaa Gro,ath SPR Bom,dary Censm Tract/Block 3302/3 School Codc Name School District 19 Sorindiald hirramtary School 5059 Two Riven Dos Rios Mlddlc School 549 Hamlin Hgh Sehoal 56o SmeineGeld Subdilision Name N/A Zoning Pmrenr/Overlay CC Int/'Tract/Unit TL oSzoo Land Use 6r1e Bank -Related Fiaations Phase N/A Pmpedy Cless zoi Conunurelal, Iniprorcd Rceoiding Nmi N/A Statistical Class 432 Office.- one to three story Page 1 of 1 Property Values & Taxes -Let Value (ILMI') TotaiAsses�lse sozz - _ _ eYit z pt6q ibsR 9 [ zozz Taxablclarc � zoezTax zoze Ta CodeA ea 90 .. _— _ —_ ..._�.. __......_._.. .... ___. � ¢u.nn o1999 hyo Most Recent Sales/Ortumnship Transfers Date Price Ovantor(Fast listed) Cra t (171"t luted) Dust a ent# Dnage o8/ta/93 544o,euo Bateman, GlenW data ant available ,998-63946 il i -/e7/95 5355,oao Selanco datanot available ,995-7456, 1` )'his repor[ez[raatsa mmunly uud formulwnfro U D luiledPrnperly Aeporl (DPR). sr JIM" Aion9fnnar sr �jp `�' R " 51 •H F1 OI1JI:E I s. ar r ar E sr y o� ar o sr b G n Im EXHIBIT E Tz Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential _ High Density Residential Mixed Use Residential Residential M.U. (Glenwood) Neighborhood Commercial - Community Commercial Major Retail Commercial ZONING --j%j Mixed Use Commercial Commercial M.U. (Glenwood) a Mixed Use LMI & CC to Campus Industrial Light -Medium Industrial _ Heavy Industrial Special Heavy Industrial <fi45s3 Employment M.U. (Glenwood) — Booth -Kelly Mixed Use — General Office Office Mixed Use (Glenwood) - Medical Services ® Quarry & Mine Operations — Public Land & Open Space — Agriculture -Urban Holding Area ]I 955 300 -' 3800 ...[:[ [ 2 .I .. _.... _. 1..: azod -: caaa i vaoo 300 :: tool ;-,qau #�o� t fare Cauntyc mtE3a bW Mil YJ�HAJOMLht St3[E Uf OtEQjbfj�Stat tff Omgon DOT State of Oregon GEOEsnCanada-#sn HERE Garrm :' N�REMENi P; U�CiS EYiL US i Soils CouMy,OrWn EXHIBITG EXHIBIT H 147 i, ury 00 >lodvvaa 0747 • \kry HipL 1035 .__.__..�... _.._..„.._�_..� 3500 3fi U0 3]OU t�� Ocala3 Zvvm 7 1400 I O Class t SVeams Cil �, II�� I u Nativvk •,. SII �, ';. --- I ❑Y DFIX\f Panels a [ Flood Hazed 1142 % I� IGaN7ic 5WCNma(pOivQ ,,, 1013 Ia 73 5100 1010 • 5000°7� ton 1[ 1 ❑ Hiamsic swc0ue5 (p01yg®) ... 1877 aoob1 ii 3072 • 103 10)3 I LOMA 1072 ... • 1073 j� �•b1 I0 I�PmeutialOmunAvmm (juaGry Limned eUeaa ,,, 1[ _ 1073 i 0 I � Wdlamene Gremrvay ai ,,, EXHIBIT H my � c. 'i I❑ tfisbsi<Lavdslidee 2006 2010 un.0 amo ]roo � - EXHIBITI I U LandaGde Depocim I U SLMO Release I i I ❑ mdse Derailed Landslide Smdiee O Landslide Ssuceptihility mgh Lav roll aoie Vlod<rae b w�Hi66 ou ol1 a 4000 4 IUII - I lois• lar r i,l.. Oa -inlay Zonea fon +nn e amt r! Zoning&Plam�ing o'ax ic — � i I slope inn om V Ah Phoras& Images EXHIBITI Icim@metroglanning.com From: RUST Mark <mmst@spnngfield-or.gov> Sent; Thursday, December 08, 2022 }50 PM To; kimfNmetroplanning.com Cc: LARSON Andrew: LIMBIRD AncFew, Subject: RE: LRAPA 22-07G parking lot project Kim, Thank you for the additional information. A few points to hopefully help answer your questions. Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires Site Plan for new development on vacant sites and redevelopment.. (SPC 5.17.110(A)(ll(a)). The term "development" is defined in SDC 6.1.110 as "Any hmnamnrade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, a change in use; construction, installation or change of a structure; subdivision and partition; establishment or termination of a right of access; storage of materials, equipment, or vehicles on the land; drilling and site alteration due to land surface mining, filling, grading, dredging, paving, excavation or clearing of trees and vegetation.., " The term "redevelopment" is also defined in 6.1.110 as "A project that entails construction actmnaes, occurs on a previously developed site and results in the addition or replacement of impervious surface. Redevelopment does not include: Maintenance activities; Construction Activities conducted to ameliorate a public health or safely emergency or natural disaster; and/or Construction Activities within an existing footprint to repair or replace a site or a structure damaged by a public health or safety emergency or natural disaster." The term "grading' is defined as "Any stripping, cutting, filling, stockpiling of earth or land, including the land in its cut or filled condition." So, in trying to figure out If Site Plan is required we need to assess if the above definitions are met. From my take at this point the phrase "development on vacant sites' is not applicable due to it riot being a vacant site. Then looking at redevelopment, does the work "result in the addition or replacement of impervious surface"? it doesn't sound like it, just removal of impervious surface and replacement with pervious (landscaping). Lastly, the SDC 5.17.1101C) states in part that "Existing lawfully developed sites that do not conform to the current standards... Any alteration to the site must meet current code standards". So does the site meet current standards? Will the alterations meet current code? The Site Plan process is how we would assess this. Specifically, the proposal to remove the trees along the western properly frontage would not be allowed, unless replaced with new street trees. Also the other land scaped areas, what will the new landscaping look like? Will it meet the current code standards. Let me know your thoughts. Mark Rust, ATCP Planning Manager, Current Planning and Code Enforcement Development & Public Works Department Community Development Division Comprehensive Planning City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street EXHIBITJ Springfield, OR 97477 offiro; (S11) 726-3659 - 711 Foley mrustfoasorinaField�or _o_y Lel me know,tyou need any of this ronnnunlcatlon in a diftcrcnt format, and I'll do my best to get you what you need. For more information please see the City's ac,:essf Aity page: htl U://t`/s"yw.5pringflCld-o r, gov/accessibilily.latoil From: kim@melroplanning.com <kim@metroplanning.com> Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 12'. S9 P0.9 To: RUST Mark <mrust0sprmgfield-or,gov> Subject: RE: LRAPA 22-076 parking lot project *`I WARNING: This email originated frons outside of your organization. Please do not click an links or nnI•n :,I l:Irintu -nte Hotel. vnu know the cmafent is safes Ls Ili, Mark Sorry for the long delay. See attached preliminary site plan from Dave Dougherty. As you can see, we're doing very little to the site: removing a few trees, relandscaping existing landscape areas, removing some of the excess asphalt that was associated with the old drive-through and replacing it with landscaping, and then a final topcoat of the existing parking lot. Thanks for your help an this. Kim Metro Planning, Inc 846 A Street Springfield, OR 97477 (5411302-9830 Please do nor reed, mpy or dme ml lata this Comm n mawon Un loss yoo nm the mended adores.... Thu o mI cam mum., Con may mniar con hid a oval nmim pnvdep, Inlo>mahon mtended only for tho Id ...... II You have,¢ .m,,d Ihn Pma.l m P+ror, Dlw se c111 mmedmtely a 54 1 'YA 0095 Plso, please hairy me by u mail. ThanYyoe From: RUST Mark <mrusl@snrinzfieldur kov> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2022 10:28 AM To: k' @metroolar ing com LARSON Andrew <a Iarsor (asgnn fic�or,gov> Subject: RE: LRAPA 22-076 parking lot project Kim, I just tried calling (I didn't leave a message). I would like to talk through this. Do you have a preliminary site plan and/or description of the entire scope of the project that you could send me? I want to make sure that we are responding with accurate answers based on all of the correct facts. Thanks. Mark Rust, AICP Planning Manager, Current Planning and Code Enforcement Development & Public Works Department Community Development Division Comprehensive Planning City of Springfield 225 1 fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 office: (541) 726-3654 - 711 Relay ml u6lGDspTinnhcldor oov Let n1e know if you need any of this communication in a different furinal, and I'll do my Ill to get you what you need. For more information please see the City's accessibility page: rite/Lww spring0ehbnrgrkicessibllity.html From: kin ,antelrn nlannino rnm <ki iPmetrolJlannioP Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 2:18 PM To: LARSON Andrewal <arson �n;fickl 0, r.0v RUST Mark onnurCsftnn fLcic-I or_a5n> Subject: FW: LRAPA 22-076 parking lot project Hi, Mark and Drew: 1 don't think I've heard back on the below questions -Would appreciate your input. Thank you, Kim Metro Planning, Inc 846 A Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541)302-9830 Plegia: do not rrad, copy or d3semlir le Iho mmmumaatmin unless you are rhe mrended addresseeflus a n,nn m.mnnn midi on nay conlala 1o1fldent.11 mv- ,,oleged mlormanon imcndci only for the rddretsee. If ypv have receal 0m emnll an error, aleas> call Immed'i x15.11 954 0095 alyu, phase nomy m^ by c mall. Thank you From: Un metric, ITinx com <kim �me[ruolannink Com? Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 11:12 AM TO:'LARSON Andrew' <alarson s uinefield-a r.eov�; men {�;prinpficldor.¢nv Subject: RE: LRAPA 22076 parking lot project Hi, Mark and Drew: Just so that I am clear, which will help me in interpreting these sections in the future: The use of the site is as an office building. I believe the SDC has a use table: a list of allowed uses in a zone. How does the removal of landscaping area qualify as a change of use, an addition of use or an expansion of use? Are you saying that if no expansion or reduction to the landscaping area were proposed, and we were just proposing to swap out plants or reorganize existing plants within the existing area, that SR would be required? How does relocating the existing trash enclosure qualify as a change of use an addition of use or an expansion ofuse? "Surface repair of parking lots does not trigger SPR, but the removal of impervious area does." Can you provide me a code citation for this? Thank you Kim From: LAR50N Andrew <alarson Ja ringfleld-oryov> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 9.10 AM To: kinn@pLetrpplannim.mm, RUST Mark<nnust[s_prugt is Id u, iPow Subject RE. LRAPA parking lot project Good morning Kim, I appreciate your work and analysis of the code, however, SDC 3.2.320.A states that Site Plan Review (SPR) is required. So we must first evaluate the SPR applicability section to determine if the proposal requires SPR or if it can qualify as an MDS. SDC 5, 17.110(A)(c))iv) states that SPR is required for additions, expansion, and changes of use, regardless of size or intervening uses that are located within 50 feet of property in a residential land use district or residentially designated land. The LRAPA site is located within 50' of a residential land use district, therefor the MDS process cannot be used. I spoke with Mr, Mark Rust as well and we agree that the removal and addition of landscaping trigger SPR. Additionally, this appears to impact the existing trash enclosure area which will required to be relocated on site. Surface repair of parking lots does not trigger SPR, but the removal of impervious area does. The new fee schedule for a SPR of this magnitude is comparable to the fee for an MDS; both process require professionals to prepare the site plans and related documents. Site Plan Review less that 500 sq, ft. or less of new impervious surface: Completeness Check: $449.00 Tentative Review: $1,899. 90 Final Site Plan: $169.68 Total: $2,518.48 Drew Larson Planner II city of Springfield Office: 541-736-1003 From: kimPmetroolanninR.com <klmemetroolannine.com> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 2:36 PM To: LARSON Andrew<alaesnnta�sprinKfield-or.p_o_v>; RUST Mark <mrustf<-ilsurinLfiel L-oLMov_> Subject: LRAPA parking lot project Hi, Drew (and Mark): I'm helping LRAPA with their proposal to repair their parking lot. It looks like you and Dave Dougherty have been emailing back and forth. There was mention that Site Review might be required, but after reviewing the code, it seems the proposal should fall under MDS review. Please see attached memo for hackgmund and a complete analysis. I would appreciate your feedback. Thank you, Kim Metro Planning, Inc 846 A Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541302-9830 Please do not read, copy or d,Stemmam ion commwocabon oNess you me the .tended ado, eccee. lha e nnAmmnnnl[a bon reaymn;um ronM1denlial and/or prlvdeUd NlOrmalloe r ntOndcd only lar the add re9eo If on have re<vly. d lhn o ad rn elror, please <alI inrf,dUlely at 54 1.95<W9SAlan, plea 5talmebye - read thankyoo Real Property Tax Lot Record Lane County Assessment and Taxation Print Date: Jan 9, 2023 In preparation of these records, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular but without limiting anything here, Lane County disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of this information. The information and data included on Lane County servers have been compiled by Lane County staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice to the User. Lane County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. The legal descriptions contained herein are for lax lot purposes only. Included in this report: 1. A listing of documents affecting ownership and/or property boundary changes. 2. The scanned tax lot record Image and any legal description changes made since Map & Tax Lot 1703354105200 Current Parcel/Account Current TCA Status Active 0316883 01999 Document # Type Date Effective Year Tax Lot Acres Description Card 0.00 Comments: EXHIBIT N OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES 1,S OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON --- 17103-3j5.4.1 # 9946 316 883 Oodc 19-00 OLD NUMBER 5200 9. I.A... 3W W.M Rec RE F. ,,,, LEGAL DESCRIPTION page - 3 Deco ,T Eo „.., RE A11.. \nco.rec{ } dl ���t�,a aid Beginning at the lntersec Lion of the Coot line 1972 553/68606 of 10th Street with the relocated north line of Main 1976 R601/319 8 Street as filed in Registered Title Instrument No. 3167daLd d February 12, 1929> all in the City of 1977 8236319 ie,Lane County�regoii; run thence 1978 R898/18768 .80°37100"E. 151.97' along said nortline Street; thence_ 14R5W4k IK.e21 o£ Mn N.00D08100"E. 144.23' parallel with 1995 WD 'R21z9/Q 014ozN`r the said ast line of 10th Street to the alley running 1998Wa -2445-'z IF 3,4q 4((o east and vest between Main and "A" Streets described in Registerel Title Instrument No. 38246, Lane Colmty, Oregon Re ordsa thence - N.89 4310011W. 150.00' along said all to the Gait line of 10th Street; thence 8.00°08100"W. 120.20' along the east line of 1)th Street to the point of beginning. \nco.rec{ } dl ���t�,a aid OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON - OLD NUMBER MAP AM 1 YO. LOT NO. 6ECTION TOWNSHIP S. I RANGE W.M ACCOUNT NUMBER RECORD noEnT EACH NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION MCxES NVXBER COEED VP9E TO T.I.Twl9 POINT unlxo r e 199946�- OFFICK.RECOR F ESCRIPTIONS QF REAL PP:OFERTIES/�/-au OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LANE COoP TY. OREGON ' 5200 IAd W¢ DL¢Y P4 O CCRES YEAR p a[rvcc O rvls nmlvm ANO. iSECiIOM 35 ITOWN¢XIPJJS. RwNOEE_pa W.�3�W. M. YOL EN REA mrvG I DISTANCE BCA a�nG .—E P LF.., Sue. East 90 ft. South 150 ft. NIV'ly i 90 ft. North 120 ft. South - 129.30 ft. S.800371E.I 30.43 ft. North West 1944 133.85 ft 30,.00 ft I Begin at a point 192.9 ft. N of a 'paint 94.57 ft. S.40 401E, from a���} dt which is 105.2 ft. N of the Sr,1o4 ii©rj of the Paul Brattain D.L:Cin Tp. 17 S, R 3 V+', 1Vt&; th Ithence tthe 1dcKe e�i.way; thence more or 1 sslong the Highway to a point MO fi"t. S of the place of begin} !ning; %hence Ito the place of beginning. I Except the following: Beginning at a point on the S Ijne! Iof that certain alley dedicatedy 'Registered Title lnntrume t-938246 in, the office of Registr" I Tftles for! jLane County, Oregon wrkvch said point! !is 60 ft. E ofdg � which is 192.91 Ift. N of a oi�i� ch is 97,54 ft. point which is 7(75.2 Ift. N�7.(9Fthe SW corner of the Paul �Bratftivn D.L.C. 163, Tp. 11 S, R 3 W,I Wil; thence 60 ft, from and parallel with Tenth Street in Springfield, Oregon, to thel McKenzie Highway, and also known-FYs iMain Street; thence --0Y 1'� ialong N line of said streAand high -I way to a point direc$1yv Sf a line 90 ft. E o£ and pg4s 1 with E line lof aforesaid �+�+�i reet; than non cnoo more or les 9Figrt. F, from and paral el with t�' zhe of Tenth Street, to 5. line t e aforesaid alley, designated in sai Registered Title Instrument #382461 thence P I Ion the 6 lime of said alloy to the :;place of beginning. .. p I Beginnin4 sLj}�-�� e0etlj'u'jPs Nor tk: lite ePo? 11 atreet intersectc, the Fest line.QQ_1S}�t�.Sxect in ... ! ;Cont i yont'�. OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES�' OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON gpno TA. Loi oe [o R[cO Ro ACRES vEwR C 31¢ HF33 — I NO. 1 SeCilox 35 ITow of Xlv 17 S. RAxcE E._Ow W. J W. M.Pot. Ho[ RE M.Iry InG BeAPw. DISTAN Buamc REv[ [ ow LEwL S... VI51oM I 'S80°37' E IN0°08' E 1965 S89°43' W S000w W 4S I. #9947 cancelled & consolidated here.' I Beginning at the intersection of theIR136 East line of 10th St, with the re- 17342E located North line of Main Street asI733AE recorded in Registered Title Instr. ' i 31679, dated Feb. 12, 1929; all 314 3302 the City of Springfield, L rhnty,73303 Oregon; run thence ,v - 7330L 151.97 ft. along said North line y�y�. Main St.; .17330E 144.23 ft., parallel with theEast line of 173301 10th St. to the ais running East'` 118-A I and West be ain and A Streets''. 8964 as descr in R.T. Instr.38246, --• LCoD , nee " 150.00 JjC"alo @iIaid alley to the East line of! jQp� 10th St., thence _2(�bOft..,along the East line of 10th St. to SII ..the point of begiinning, in Lane County Oregon. 10 7 � field, Lanfftounty, uregon, and running then �INorth £t, more or less,,ppn East line of said I - 1120.2 10th Street, So the South line of th6 alley running ;fast end !nest oetween said Main StreetVN nd "A" Street, running thence 'East 60.0 ft on the South line %1q said alley, thence` South 1£8.77 £t' more or Hess, paralwith the ' East lin6;iof said 10W Street, to the North #ne of said lain Street, II 1 thence �WIly and qq .NIly 60.61 ft more or less` eJongithe North line of said Main S et, to the place of beginning. t lil I 'S80°37' E IN0°08' E 1965 S89°43' W S000w W 4S I. #9947 cancelled & consolidated here.' I Beginning at the intersection of theIR136 East line of 10th St, with the re- 17342E located North line of Main Street asI733AE recorded in Registered Title Instr. ' i 31679, dated Feb. 12, 1929; all 314 3302 the City of Springfield, L rhnty,73303 Oregon; run thence ,v - 7330L 151.97 ft. along said North line y�y�. Main St.; .17330E 144.23 ft., parallel with theEast line of 173301 10th St. to the ais running East'` 118-A I and West be ain and A Streets''. 8964 as descr in R.T. Instr.38246, --• LCoD , nee " 150.00 JjC"alo @iIaid alley to the East line of! jQp� 10th St., thence _2(�bOft..,along the East line of 10th St. to SII ..the point of begiinning, in Lane County Oregon. 10 7 � 1 17 03 35 41 5000,5200 WPP 10-98995 146991 evfeuiwavuxn oleo 'ca) RNOWALL A BY TRESEPRESENTS TI f .... ._... ..... _. ,. GAYLEN N BATFMMJ end M,1_R,GAFEP L BATFYAN h elfe dledgranfa, icr the d fan hareinalh,r stated,d hereby hard, beg ll andur—y W LANE REGIONAL AIR. . POLLVl'ION AUTHORITY a req_,.a1 air guaLity_undtrol authority foremasts, wiledgentle,nd undo anam ebhelm,a, Warrs diand en Ahym all aways Chefeaminn afth. o my aen edgMreditamsn6 end eppa ofCon o, e,eunto ..fellow" i. any rvey eppede(alnQ, aihmfwd an the County em at _L?f!.g_..._....___....... _..._, Slate of Omgon, dexrl6ed es fd(aws, W. it: See Exhibit "A" Attached Parcel I is subject to a deed of trust dated December 27, 1995, recorded Detester 29, 1995, Reception No. 95-74562, Real No. 2126, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, granted by Gaylen W. Ratelen and Margaret L. Bateman to U.S. Rare, of Nashillgtm, N.A. Trustee, and United States Netienal Bahl, of Oregon, Beneficiary. Grantors herein agree to pay and porters, the terms and provlsicha of this deed of twat and the prcmisecr note secured thereby and hold Grantee free and harmless therefrae. >' MUG.12'99UGIREC WIMUG.12'9E110IPFUN0 2206.12'90901A&T FUND r,,A" hersho.,� an'nt' eneeselIml ed.1.151Nn TO Nave —11h.."Poemme unto the grandee endghret,e'a hairym�andaunigns Alorever. nd lhe&anfmherebyeov ants toandwidh fha grWaeend Qrenha'e heve,eumesaom ens awgns lhutthe'rel properly is free from an ronAlsorre ereetsd or aullared thereon by greater and Pod gmnfor will warrant and ddend the Owns end every Part end parcel thereof aiaiat the leand On—ad demands of an Persona claiming by, through, or under the grantor. 44 000.W The fora and annual rcneideeatfon 1wid for this (roads,, sW.d in toms of dollars, is d.._.__.._..._ ............... mRo Owv the arNed aemidealkm mnshis of or iadudae other property of War given or promised which A tea I- salFdere g t whine the r entrat. notanrA, Me olA,ellse ehiue M. I ..I and.aw ORa 9].050.) In hall he pa a s deed, wham the ail app w .It, i fh prr <d 1.O du Plural Ord all Qrammaf wl ehangeI shell be meds en ehae Pols deed shod( apply equally to po I d ro frd.nAuge In Wdnesa WMred, the Qrenfor hasexecula, thn fnatr !fl .. .... dvYd. AY9usA... ... 19 @? inn rnrpoade grnnfop it has,ewed he name to be s,Qaedendrf ea deny, ofhx y- dfrceror ofM1er permn duly authorind thereto by order of ha board of dincfors. 111m IISIBSdflli YlLLNN,IIN4VUFEGFRIEPALPEflIY GESLBB DIHI 'C'a enBateZZ.,, an INSImINENf INVpW10l Ai WPIIGlF l4NGUGF VNSxNG PF mM10 S y BfWAE51GVINGOFPLCE'FINGIHISIHSIPYYFNLiNf PF0.9]xpfANlWl6iFF DREW TIERBPEMYSIWGW LN&%Vr1lNIHFPPPPAPgAECIYCP WJNry .... .. � /i IG LFP,MA1EN1 i0VFBlfl PPPANEA G6f5 NlBN RaFm.11NF PHY /(✓�/ fL{Gl_ LAIN�NG 'ASNIS AWINSTiPP1AINA 0PipIESI %NLiICE6 d5 EfFlNEA IN ...._ ....... MaCgar L. Bd Susan �� 9TATEOR OREGON, Coun, of .... Lae _ _ 1 Th'almhumenf waseeknow)Ny dbef n August 12 ._ 19 _9B by Galen W, Bateman and Pfar9aret L Sat ertan ..._..... ...... ......_._ ..._.___.. TM1ia instrument wmecknowledgedlxfora me ana....._. ... ._...._..._.___._._........, 19......., af.. _ _ _ ___ .... __ _. N]ImY sehc W 1 .. //g . NNuwR'IwFXflFf5MF1q 1:a (UUVV Nolery Public for Oregm My comneissfo.. vs,dpas ........... .... ..... ,........ ,... STATE OF OREGON, las. Count, of ....... _.......... _.-._...... .. 1 1 rectify that he, within iatammt mea received lei rerard on the........_day .1--,................._,.._........... ..., f9...._.., at .ua an.eu.o hook/rod/volumvA'o..._........_... on page ucvwina we _._........__.......and/s,fien o.....iota. mend/minolFlm/re<eplicn No..............., Reaordd Duds of aid County. Witness nW band and sed of LEunly dhxed, . 9863946 PAECEL Iv Beginning at a point at the intersection of the East line of 10th Street with the relocated Korth line of Main Street, dated Patent, 12, 1929, a ectled in Reception No. 31679, in the City of Springfield, Lane County Craft Dead Records; rlNning thence South 80' 37' Bast along the said Horth line of Main Street, 151.97 feet? thence North 01 OB' East 144.23 left parallel with said East line of loth Street to the alley rmning Bast and West between Main and ^A• Streets, as described in Reception No. 38246, Lane County Oregon Decd Records; theme South 89" 43' West along Said alley 150 feet to the East line of 10th Street; thence South 00 OE' Meat along the Cast line of 10th Street 120.2 feet to the Point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARC Begiming at B point en the South line of that certain alley mounb, East and West betNeenNein and "A" Steam. I. Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, width said alley is described in that Certain Deed from Paul Hadley am Pearl Hadley, his wife, to Town of Springfield, a mtiailrl corporation in Lane County, Oregon, filed November 20, 1937, Registered Title Instrument No. 30246, Lane County Oregon Records, which said beginning point AS 150 feet East Of a point on the East line of 10th Strcct that is 192.9 feet North of a point that is 99.57 feet South a0. 40' East from a Point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of. the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; rmming thence East along the South line of said alley 75 feet' thence South parallel with the Cast line of 10th Street, a distant, Of 150 feet, more of lees, to the North line of Main Street; thea[. Nast along the Horth line Of in Street. a distance of 75 feet, m s leas, to a point due South of the place of beglxming; thence North parallel With the Cast line of loth street, a distance of 118 feet, more or lees, to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Stale of 0regca County aI Lane—ss. I, IM1e Cas Emb, Ie assbnho said mH.mao use Pana d(a, stand Wlkin mnn: nun t wss named lm remA at MAW 12PI 1:32 Reel 24528 Lax CcwIt' CI'm LRaO,Jv La na C.."Cl/leM/1 0 gy' Lawry Clevk 6