HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 12 Resolution of Necessity S 28thAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: 5/1/2023 Regular Meeting Kristi Krueger/DPW 541-726-4584 5 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Maintain and Improve CITY COUNCIL Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY: S. 28TH STREET. PAVING PROJECT (P21155). ACTION Adopt/not adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION EXERCISING THE REQUESTED: POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN AND AUTHORIZING A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO ORS 223.005, ORS 223.105 and ORS 35.600-625 CONCERNING ACQUISTION OF RIGHT OF WAY NECESSARY FOR THE S.28TH STREET PAVING PROJECT (P21155). ISSUE The City of Springfield in partnership with Lane County and ODOT is in the STATEMENT: process of designing the S.28' Street Paving project and is requesting the Council adopt a resolution authorizing right-of-way acquisition needed for the project as required by law in order to move forward with the project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. S.28r' St. Resolution of Necessity and Exhibit A DISCUSSION/ This Resolution of Necessity was previously approved by the City Council on FINANCIAL February 21, 2023 (2023-06). The maps showing the impacted properties have IMPACT: been revised requiring reapproval by the City Council. The City of Springfield in partnership with Lane County and ODOT is in the process of designing the S.28' Street Paving project and is presenting this Resolution of Necessity pursuant to state law. The goal is to successfully negotiate with the property owners and come to an agreement to acquire property, temporary construction easements, and permanent easements needed for the project. The purpose of the Resolution of Necessity is to allow the City to proceed with condemnation proceedings in those cases where agreement on public acquisition cannot be reached. Staff does not expect the acquisition process to get to this point and will work with the City Attorney's office to make every attempt to reach agreement before proceeding with condemnation. The right-of-way process is in the critical path of the project schedules to begin construction of these projects in 2024. Adopting the Resolution of Necessity currently aids in keeping the projects on schedule. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION EXERCISING THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN AND AUTHORIZING A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO ORS 223.005, ORS 223.105 AND ORS 35.600-625 CONCERNING ACQUISTION RIGHT OF WAY NECESSARY FOR THE S. 28TH STREET PAVING PROJECT (Project No. P21155) WHEREAS, the City of Springfield may exercise the power of eminent domain pursuant to Springfield City Charter, Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 35, and the law of the State of Oregon, generally, when the exercise of such power is deemed necessary by the governing body to accomplish public purposes for which the City of Springfield has responsibility; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has the responsibility of providing safe transportation routes for commerce, convenience and to adequately serve the traveling public; WHEREAS, the project known as the S. 28th Street Paving Project adopted through the City of Springfield Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years FY23-27 by the Common Council of the City of Springfield on January 18, 2022, has been planned in accordance with appropriate engineering standards for the construction, maintenance or improvement of said transportation infrastructure such that property damage is minimized, transportation promoted, travel safeguarded; WHEREAS, to accomplish the project or projects set forth above, it is necessary to acquire permanent road right of way, temporary construction easements, and permanent easements for various properties along the project corridor shown in "Exhibit A" attached to this Resolution and, by this reference incorporated herein; NOW, THEREFORE, based on the above findings, the Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: The foregoing statements of authority and need are, in fact, the case. The project for which the property is required and is being acquired are necessary in the public interest, and the same have been planned, designed, located, and will be constructed in a manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. Section 2: The power of eminent domain is hereby exercised with respect to acquiring the easement interest in property described in Exhibit A. Each is acquired subject to payment of just compensation and subject to procedural requirements of Oregon law. {00027126:11 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 12 Section 3: The City of Springfield's staff, attorneys and consultants are authorized and requested to attempt to agree with the owner and other persons in interest as to the compensation to be paid for each acquisition, and, in the event that no satisfactory agreement can be reached, to commence and prosecute such condemnation proceedings as may be necessary to finally determine just compensation or any other issue appropriate to be determined by a court in connection with the acquisition. This authorization is not intended to expand the jurisdiction of any court to decide matters determined above or determinable by the City of Springfield. Section 4: If the City of Springfield and the owners or persons in interest as to the compensation paid for each acquisition as described in Exhibit A agree on the amount of just compensation, the City Manager is authorized to negotiate and execute acquisition agreements for those properties. Section 5: The City of Springfield expressly reserves its jurisdiction to determine the necessity or propriety of any acquisition, its quantity, quality, or locality and to change or abandon any acquisition. Section 6: The Common Council further declares that the real property interests described in Exhibit A shall be used by the City of Springfield for public purposes at the earliest possible date and, in any event, no later than ten years from the date this Resolution is adopted by the Council. Section 7: This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this day of , 2023, by a vote of for and against. ATTEST: City Recorder {00027126:11 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 12 Exhibit A Page 1 of 10 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH 28T'H STREET A variable width strip of land located in the I Briggs DLC No 39, Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West and Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; the centerline and widths in feet being described as follows: Beginning at Centerline Station L0+75.00, said Centerline Station being North 89° 57'21" West, 20.00 feet of a 2-1/2" Brass Cap marking the Southwest Comer of County Survey No. 518 as filed in the Lane County, Oregon Surveyors Office, in the I Briggs DLC No 39, Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 00°2'39" East, 2,025.26 feet to Centerline Station L21+00.26; thence North 00°6'52" East, 1,99174 feet to Centerline Station L40+92.00, said Centerline Station being North 89° 53'07" West, 20.00 feet of a 1/2" Iron Rod marking the Southwest Comer of County Survey No. 11637, as filed in the Lane County, Oregon Surveyors Office, in the I Briggs DLC No 83, Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. The widths in feet of the strips of land herein described are as follows: STATION TO STATION L 9+91.00 P.O.T. L 10+43.58 P.O.T. L 10+43.54 P.O.T. L 11+79.16 P.O.T. L 12+99.16 P.O.T L 14+37.31 P.O.T L 14+38.61 P.O.T. L 15+55.00 P.O.T L 11+60.00 P.O.T. L 11+79.16 P.O.T. L 12+99.16 P.O.T L 14+37.31 P.O.T. L 14+38.61 P.O.T L 15+55.00 P.O.T. L 21+65.00 P.O.T L 11+81.00 P.O.T. WIDTH ON WESTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE 22.00 feet 30.00 feet 22.00 feet 30.00 feet 30.00 feet in a straight line to 23.00 feet 23.00 feet 43.00 feet WIDTH ON EASTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE 49.00 feet Excluding the existing right of way of South 28'x' Street, County Road Number 568. This strip of land to which this description applies contains a total of 15,265 SF (0.35 acres), more or less, included within the following properties: Owner Charles W. Harral City of Springfield City of Springfield City of Springfield Springfield School Dist. Tax Map and Lot No. 18-03-01-00-00100 18-03-01-00-00200 18-03-01-00-00201 18-03-01-00-00206 18-02-06-00-00100 Acquisition Area (+/-) 14,230 SF (0.33 acres) 142 SF 241 SF 106 SF REGISTERED 607 SF PROFFSSIONA This description is based on Oregon Coordinate Reference System (OCRS), Eugene Zone, NAD83 (CORS2011), Epoch 2010.00 Page 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1558 281 Street - jas/abl - 6/14/2022 360289961 18 -03 -01 -00 -00100;18-03-01-00-00200;18-03-01-00-00201;18-03-01-00-00206; 18-02-06-00-00100 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 12 LAND ` JULY 12, 2005 JEREM W IRIAN SHERER *1284 RENEWS: Exhibit A Page 2 of 10 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 12 EXHIBIT B PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET ROW Fi/e No. 1558-02 18-03-01-00-00200 C17Y OF SPR/NGRELD SITE- ADDR.• VACANT23. 007 PERM ROW - (14 +38,61, = 142 SF -30,007 X14+37.31, 14+00 I LO hogN 30' cc mO�p 00�0� C ovnl \4 `V. � dol (12+99.16, 22.007 13+00 W NTS ti PROPOSED Cl) n ~ ROWS o^ WN W I 0 N REGISTERED I ooh moo° II = PRO ESSIONAL o=pt C4 o O LA D SURVEYOR doo;2Q b Z 2°' z°' REGON p�hW v C J LY 12, 2005 J EM ADRIAN SHERER 61284 [1.1+8-1.00,49.007 (11+79.14-22.00) 12+00 PROPOSED ROW RENEWS: 6/30/2022 (11+60,00,49.00J LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 120' 3040 NORTH DELTA oh 30' EUGENE, OR 97408 IOVN CZ) a 11+00 moWo Imo �o I po�o� p�l0h Il�y�� VZp�C�i [10+43.54,-30.007 °o 0 rn [10+43.58,-22.007 OHO h h o W= o PROPOSED ROW y 10+00 �plU�� z ! y 3 (9+91.00, -22.007 20' 20' i PRINT SCHEDULE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2//2 22 SOUTH 28TH 6/1414/20022 abl bl DUST MITIGATION PROJECT COUNTY ROAD LEGAL NO. 568 Peggy A. Keppler, P.E., P.L.S. Daniel M. Hurley, P.E. COUNTY ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NO. 360289961 PAGE 1 OF 3 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 12 Exhibit A Page 3 of 10 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 12 EXHIBIT B PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET 1 +00 WI I O C / Z y " I 1 +00 — J Rl C h O D y N � m NTS �pZ� II^� � =a3�� vepp0 Q4 cc a a� / REGISTERED PRO SSIONAL 1 +00 LAND URVEYOR jU I F— / W FE EGON AU4Y 12, 2005 y JEMY ADRIAN SHERER = 61284 N RENEWS: 6/30/2022 PROPOSED ROW I LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING 1 +oo - o= AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES y 3040 NORTH DELTA 20' 20' EUGENE, OR 97408 [15155.00, -43. 00y (15+55.00, -23.00' I PROPOSED ROW 1 00 (14+85.67, 23.00J ROW Fi/e No. 1 5B-03 18-02-06-00-01100 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE ADOR.• VACANT ROW Fi/e No. 1558- 18-03-01-00-00200 C/TY OF SPRINGF/ELD SITE ADDR: VACANT �'� PERM ROW 23 14+38.61 142 SF = -30.001 (14+37.31. PRINT SCHEDULE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2//2 22 SOUTH 28TH 6/1414/20022 abl bl DUST MITIGATION PROJECT COUNTY ROAD LEGAL NO. 568 Peggy A. Keppler, P.E., P.L.S. Daniel M. Hurley, P.E. COUNTY ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NO. 360289961 PAGE 2 OF 3 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 12 EXHIBIT B Exhibit A Page 4 of 10 PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET 23+00 I CO "0 Zo O o"e'o cc I o�oo 22+00 Z y o O ti�o� (21165.00, -20.00' 20' O w o 0 a 2 NTS (21165.00, -4300' N W o cry O z i N rn 2 +00 O N O REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL 00 �� LAND hURVEYOR Q �IQho oro II 20' 20' )EGON 5 JU 12, 2005 JER DRI gAN SHERER 2 +00 v000 RENEWS: 6/30/2022 PROPOSED ROW o� LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING / AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3040 NORTH DELTA EUGENE, OR 97408 1 +00 W �I N N O 0 O z PRINT SCHEDULE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2/10/2022 ps SOUTH 2 8TH 6/14/2022 abl DUST MITIGATION PROJECT COUNTY ROAD LEGAL NO. 568 Peggy A. Keppler, P.E., P.L.S. Daniel M. Hurley, P.E. COUNTY ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NO. 360289961 PAGE 3 OF 3 Exhibit A Page 5 of 10 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SOUTH 28TH STREET A variable width strip of land located in the I Briggs DLC No 39, Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West and Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; the centerline and widths in feet being described as follows: Beginning at Centerline Station L0+75.00, said Centerline Station being North 89° 57' 21" West, 20.00 feet of a 2-1/2" Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of County Survey No. 518 as filed in the Lane County, Oregon Surveyors Office, in the I Briggs DLC No 39, Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 00°2'39" East, 2,025.26 feet to Centerline Station L21+00.26; thence North 00°6'52" East, 1,99174 feet to Centerline Station L40+92.00, said Centerline Station being North 89° 53'07" West, 20.00 feet of a 1/2" Iron Rod marking the Southwest Corner of County Survey No. 11637, as filed in the Lane County, Oregon Surveyors Office, in the I Briggs DLC No 83, Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. The widths in feet of the strips of land herein described are as follows: STATION TO STATION L 11+17.20 P.O.T. L 11+55.00 P.O.T. L 11+86.00 P.O.T. L 14+46.04 P.O.T. L15+06.04 P.O.T. L 16+16.43 P.O.T. L 16+91.43 P.O.T. L 21+24.03 P.O.T. L 21+99.03 P.O.T. L 23+24.77 P.O.T. L 9+91.00 P.O.T. L 11+79.16 P.O.T. L 12+27.77 P.O.T. L 12+75.00 P.O.T. L 14+35.08 P.O.T. L 14+33.97 P.O.T. L 14+57.00 P.O.T. L 15+13.00 P.O.T. L 15+42.00 P.O.T. L 11+55.00 P.O.T. L 11+86.00 P.O.T. L 12+04.00 P.O.T. L 15+06.04 P.O.T. L 16+16.43 P.O.T. L 16+91.43 P.O.T. L 21+24.17 P.O.T. L 21+99.03 P.O.T. L 23+24.92 P.O.T. L 23+54.11 P.O.T. L 11+79.18 P.O.T. L 12+27.77 P.O.T. L 12+75.00 P.O.T. L 14+35.08 P.O.T. L14+33.97 P.O.T. L14+57.00 P.O.T. 1-15+13.00 P.O.T. L15+42.38 P.O.T. L 15+55.00 P.O.T. WIDTH ON WESTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE 35.00 feet 42.00 feet 28.00 feet 42.00 feet 42.00 feet on a straight line to 48.00 feet 48.00 feet 27.00 feet 42.00 feet 42.00 feet on a straight line to 48.00 feet WIDTH ON EASTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE 25.00 feet 54.00 feet 25.00 feet 45.00 feet 28.00 feet 43.71 feet 28.00 feet 45.83 feet 28.00 feet 29.50 feet Page I of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1558 28" Street - jas/abl - 6/15/2021 360289961 18-03-01-00-00100; 18-03-01-00-00200; 18-03-01-00-00201; 18-03-01-00-00205; UPRR 18-02-06-00-00100; 18-02-06-00-01100; 18-02-06-00-01003; 18-02-06-00-01004; 18-02-06-00-01200 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 12 STATION TO STATION L 15+55.00 P.O.T. L 21+65.00 P.O.T. L 21+69.00 P.O.T. L 22+46.00 P.O.T. L 22+81.00 P.O.T. L 20+98.12 P.O.T. L 21+69.00 P.O.T. L 22+46.00 P.O.T. L 22+81.00 P.O.T. L 23+31.91 P.O.T. WIDTH ON WESTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE 48.00 feet 43.00 feet 23.00 feet 38.00 feet 25.00 feet Excluding the existing right of way of South 28`h Street, County Road Number 568 Exhibit A Page 6 of 10 WIDTH ON EASTERLY SIDE OF C/LINE This strip of land to which this description applies contains a total of 21,893 SF (0.50 acres), more or less, included within the following properties: Owner Charles W. Harral City of Springfield City of Springfield JDL Investments Inc City of Springfield Union Pacific Railroad Springfield School Dist City of Springfield Industrial Properties Tax Man and Lot No. 18-03-01-00-00100 18-03-01-00-00200 18-03-01-00-00201 18-03-01-00-00205 18-03-01-00-00206 Not Tax Lotted 18-02-06-00-00100 18-02-06-00-01100 18-02-06-00-01003; 01004; 01200 Acquisition Area 4,869 SF 624 SF 1,637 SF 2,323 SF 683 SF 275 SF 724 SF 1,501 SF 9,257 SF This description is based on Oregon Coordinate Reference System (OCRS), Eugene Zone, NAD83 (CORS2011), Epoch 2010.00 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND.SURVEYOR JUL 12, 2005 Pt-AQRIAN SHERER 6`1284. RENEWS: Page 2 of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1558 28" Street — jas/abl — 6/15/2021 360289961 18 -03 -01 -00 -00100;18-03-01-00-00200;18-03-01-00-00201;18-03-01-00-00205; UPRR 18-02-06-00-00100; 18-02-06-00-01100; 18-02-06-00-01003. 18-02-06-00-01004; 18-02-06-00-01200 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 1 L Exhibit A Page 7 of 10 EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET -42.007 (g4+35.08, 14+00 I Lo v�jOZ�N .•. Q n~njy��0 ho=NN 30' cc aa2ti mOjQW Z U�Ooo Q 3��hW • I O aa2ocn ~ O � [12199.16, -42.007 13+00 ib ti [12+75.00, -42.007 W co I N p=0�O ►� (12+27.78, -28.007 ° ° a . II O Z (12+27.77, -42.007 o o W.... � 1 �\ 20' 20' PROPOSED TOE U� ... (12,04.00,15.007 N75 X11+86.00, 54.007 (11+79.16, -42007. 19 -,nn• -I w� �oVN� o°oWNVN ooh oZQQ PROPOSED ME (Width 5) [9+91.00,-35.007 111+55.00, 54.007 30' 1 20' .1 PROPOSED ME (11+17.10,15.007 11+00 REGISTERED PROkFESSIONAL LA4101 SURVEYOR OREGON ULY 12, 2005 RE Y ADRIAN SHERER 61284 ��o°'o RENEWS: 6/30/2022 I LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES y 3040 NORTH DELTA EUGENE, OR 97408 10+00 20' 20' Attachment 1 Page 9 of 12 Exhibit A Page 8 of 10 EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET W � I C4 O " O NTS y .z REGISTERED 00 18+00 — ���o PR ESSIONAL '0 �,��� � LANfA SURVEYOR �oZNQ; 0 o ro n ,1 "•"• � REGON 12 L�J 5 EM ADRIAN SH ERER 61284 (16191.43 28.007 RENEWS: 6/30/2022 PROPOSED TCE (width 52-1� 1 +00 [16+91.4 43.71 LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING `, AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES �► 3040 NORTH DELTA W -:-: EUGENE, OR 97408 ./FE y .. PROPOSED TCE (Width 23.71) [164-16.43 28.007 1 +00 — PROPOSED TCE (Width 52 20' I 20, [15155.00, -48.007 f (154-42.38, -42.007 (15113.00, -42.007 114+85.64, -2700) ROW File No. 1558-02 [14+5700,-27007 18-03-01-00-00200 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE ADDR.• VACANT [14+5700,-4B.007 TCE AREA = 624 S,[14+33,97, -48.007 X9,4+3 007 f...:. PROPOSED TCE (Width 8) .'� [15+0604, 45.007 15-00 ROW File No. 1558-03 18-02-06-00-01100 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE ADDR.- VACANT TCE AREA = 1,501 SF PROPOSED TCE [-14+4604,45.007 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 12 Exhibit A Page 9 of 10 EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ACQUISITION SOUTH 28TH STREET SOUTH "f" STREET 20 I 21'(23,54.11, 29.507 ROW F1e No. 1558— Union Pacific Rai/road — -- S/TE ADDR. No site address (23,31.91, 25.007 l23*24.92, 29.SOJ TOE AREA = 275 SF 23,24.92, 28.007 123+00 [22+81.00,-38,007 122,46.00, -38.007 : p a�N Cr. 2+00 [21,99.03, 45.837 o c o Z tiyZocn 20 121+6900,-23.00Y [21+65.00,43.007 N W ".'. M cpc o PROPOSED ME Z II - -. - . [21,24.03, 45.837 N •- [20,98.12, -48.007 /21+00 = • • [21,01.23, 28.007 p - - REGISTERED y y PRFfESSIONAL p 0 IO�NQ ho�h� i eh o opZro �� O�Zh4�i PROPOSED ME (Width 59 20' NTS LAN SURVEYOR " c o OREGON J LY 12, 2005 EM ADRIAN SHERER vao° 61284 RENEWS: 6/30/2022 �aow� LANE COUNTY ENGINEERING M� AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3040 NORTH DELTA EUGENE, OR 97408 PROPOSED TOE (Width 8) Attachment 1 Page 11 of 12 11LI Exhibit A Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 12