HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 4/20/2023C CAPITAL ENGINEERING & CONSUL9NG. LLC OREGON UROLOGY INSTITUTE Radiation Center Addition 1457 G Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Permit Number: STORMWATER DRAINAGE STUDY Original Report Date: March 29, 2023 Revised Report Date: April 14, 2023 CAPITAL Engineering & Consulting, LLC 1430 Willamette Street #325 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Design Engineer: Andrea Stancliff, P.E. OREGON UROLOGY INSTITUTE RADIATION CENTER ADDITION CAPITAL Springfield, Oregon 97477 Stormwater Manaeement Svstem Studv - Table of Contents Report Sections: Section A - Project Description Page 1 Section B - Existing Conditions/Existing Stormwater Management System Page 1 Section C- Existing Conditions/Existing Site Soils and Topography Pagel Section D - Proposed Stormwater Management Improvements Page 2 Section E - Water Quality Analysis Page 2 Section F - Flow Control Analysis Page 3 Section G - Operations and Maintenance Plan Page 3 Appendices: Appendix A — Stormwater Management Plan Appendix B — City of Springfield Scoping Sheet Appendix C- Pre and Post Development Calculations Appendix D — Operations and Maintenance Plan Appendix E— Geotechnical Site Investigation Report '^ Oregon Urology Institute— Radiation Center Addition //.■ Stormwater Management System Study \v April 14, 2023 Section A - Project Description Oregon Urology Institute is proposing to construct a 1,443 square foot addition to their Radiation Center located at 1457 G Street in Springfield, Oregon. Renovations include landscaping work, the addition of a Filtration Stormwater Planter and some concrete replacement work, with a total of 1,693 square feet of new impervious area. See the Table below for a breakdown of the new impervious areas. Post Dew:lopmant Impervious Area Surface Type AMO (51) AMO (0c) %Total Concrete 249 0.01 14.7% Roofs 1,443 0.03 85.3% Totals: 1,693 0A4 100% The project area currently consists of one tax lot (17-03-36-22-06800), with a total area of 33,560 square feet (0.77 acres). The project site is located south of G Street, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of 14th and G streets and currently contains an 8,275 square foot building, with associated parking, access drives and pedestrian walkways. Section B - Existing Stormwater Management System The area on Tax Lot 6800 houses the Radiation Center building, with associated parking, access drives and pedestrian walkways, is generally flat, sloping gently to the north towards G Street. Stormwater runoff currently sheet flows across asphalt and concrete areas and into two Water Quality Swales, one along the north property line and the other along the west boundary. From there, runoff flows into two dual discharge Catch Basins, with 3 -inch piping being daylighted into the back of existing curb to the south of G Street. In addition, several area drains in landscaped areas arranged around the site connect into this system. Section C - Existing Site Soils and Topography According to the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), the site contains 100.0% Coburg -Urban Land Complex (32). These hydric soils are within Hydrologic Group C. Site topography is relatively level, with elevations between 444.15- and 445.00 -feet. A geotechnical site investigation had been previously performed for the project site by K&A Engineering, Inc. on 9/19/2006. The investigation found 1 -foot of asphalt and crushed rock over 8 -feet of brown stiff moderately plastic silt over very dense poorly graded sandy gravels. Groundwaterwas encountered at 12 -feet below the existing ground surface. Infiltration testing was completed on April 11, 2023 by Columbia West Engineering, Inc. using the Page 1 of 3 CAPITAL Engineering &Consulting Oregon DBE/ESB/WBE #9193 1430 Willamette Street #325 www.capltalenglneering.co Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-510-4225# C Oregon Urology Institute— Radiation Center Addition Stormwater Management System Study April 14, 2023 Simplified Method, as outlined in Appendix C of the City of Eugene's 2014 Stormwater Management Manual. The results of the infiltration test, located in the vicinity of the proposed stormwater facility and at 4 -feet below grade, found an infiltration rate of 0.0 inches per hour (in/hr). Details can be found in the Columbia West Engineering Technical Memorandum, attached in Appendix E. Based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the site is located outside the floodplain. According to the city of Springfield Wellhead Protection Area Map, the site is located in the 10 -year Zone of Concentration area. Section D - Proposed Stormwater Management Improvements The requirements for water quality and flow control were determined using development standards from the City of Springfield, a completed project specific Stormwater Scoping Sheet, and discussions with City staff. The completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet is attached in Appendix B. Stormwater from the new radiation addition will be hard piped over to a new 289 square foot Filtration Rain Garden. Surrounding landscaped areas will sheet flow into this vegetated facility. Per discussions with City staff, since there is no underground City stormwater system to the south of C Street and due to high seasonal groundwater elevations and poor soils, overflow from the new Filtration Rain Garden will be conveyed to the existing on-site storm piping, which daylights through the existing curb on the south side of C Street. Sizing of the Filtration Rain Garden was determined using development standards from the City of Eugene (COE) and discussions with City staff. The Presumptive Approach, COE version 2.1 worksheet, was used for the water quality analysis and flow control sizing for the stormwater management facility. The proposed development includes 1,693 square feet of impervious surfaces including the addition roof and concrete repair areas. Due to the poor existing soils and discussions with City staff, an infiltration rate of 0.50 in/hr was used in the Presumptive Approach calculator based on the fact that site soils will not allow for infiltration below the drain rock course. The Filtration Rain Garden has been sized to manage the entire 1,693 square feet of impervious area, with post development flows reduced down as close as possible to the pre -developed runoff flow rates, given the poor existing soils in this part of the City. Refer to Appendix A for the Stormwater Management Plan, Appendix C for design analysis and# calculations, and the Hydrological Study Map (C-1) included afterthis report section.# For pipe conveyance of stormwater runoff, the full flow capacity of a 5 -inch pipe is 0.66 cfs with a resultant pipe velocity of 3.38 feet per second (fps), providing plenty of capacityto discharge the 25 -year storm event. The 25 -year storm event will result in a peak flow of 0.053 cfs and a velocity of 2.03 fps at 19.0%full depth through a 5 -inch pipe. Referto Appendix C for pipe capacity calculations using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method. Section E - Water Quality Analysis Per City of Springfield requirements, all new concrete areas must be pre-treated, with at least 50% vegetative treatment. This site uses a rain garden stormwater facility to treat the stormwater runoff. The Page 2 of 3 CAPITAL Engineering &Consulting Oregon DBE/ESB/WBE #9193 1430 Willamette Street #325 www.capltalenglneering.co Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-510-4225# C Oregon Urology Institute— Radiation Center Addition Stormwater Management System Study April 14, 2023 facility is sized using the City of Eugene's Presumptive Approach Excel Spreadsheet. It is sized as a filtration facility because of the poorly draining soils, with infiltration rates less than 2 inches per hour. Refer to Appendix C for design analysis and calculations and the Hydrological Study Map (C-1) included afterthis report section. Section F - Flow Control Analysis The Stormwater Scoping Sheet indicates that flows from the proposed site are to be limited to that of the site's previous condition as a vegetated area, for the 2 -year to the 25 -year storm events. For the 2 -year storm event, the previous use peak flow was 0.015 cubic feet per second (226 cf runoff). In the post - developed condition, the 2 -year peak flow is increased to 0.031 (405 cf runoff). The calculated detention required from the SBUH method is 179 cubic feet, which is less than the 323 cf basin capacity of the rain garden (which includes the capacity of the drain rock and topsoil). For the 25 -year storm event, the previous use peakflow was 0.034 cubic feet per second (487 cf runoff). In the post -developed condition, the 25 -year peak flow is increased to 0.053 (700 cf runoff). The calculated detention required from the SBUH method is therefore 213 cubic feet, which is less than the 323 cf basin capacity of the rain garden. Therefore, the Rain Garden is sufficient, and no additional detention area is required. Referto Appendix C for design analysis and calculations. Section G - Operations and Maintenance Plan The Stormwater Management Manual requires that an Operation and Maintenance packet (0 & M packet) is completed and submitted, in order to demonstrate that private facilities will be properly operated and maintained. A Preliminary Operations and Maintenance Plan for the proposed Rain Garden has been added as Appendix D. This plan will be signed, notarized and recorded with Lane County and a copy will be sent to the City. Page 3 of 3 CAPITAL Engineering &Consulting Oregon DBE/ESB/WBE #9193 1430 Willamette Street #325 www.capltalenglneering.co Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-510-4225# C C m —, 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 G REET — >r� HYDROLOGICAL STUDY MAP SCALE: 1" = 20 L EXISTING DUAL CATCH BASIN DISCHARGE PIPES — — DAYLIGHTSTHROUGH EXISTING CURB (2) 3" SO FL=459.26' M M aG GAS Is 4s"E_ z .72 • fir\ WORK LIMITS, TYP. - EXISTING DUAL DISCHARGE CATCH BASIN RIM=460.10' (2) 3" SO FL=459.60' NF \ REMOVE EXISTING AREA — \v DRAIN AND 40 LF 6" STORM DRAIN EXISTING BUILDING FFE=462.20' T, r= 460 EXISTING BUBBLER AREA DRAIN RIM=460.40' 6" SO FL=459.00' M M OHL II I EX PROPERTY LINE, II rYP. --la�------�--- SS NOO71'04"E 6' PORTION OF EASEMENT �_.r rL•S �, JrX. � T � I IADDITION FFE=462.20' CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" STORM DRAIN g' EX 6" FL =459.26'± INSTALL 6" WYE EXISTING AREA DRAIN AND STORM DRAIN TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED IN PLACE t? - RIM= 460.95' D .,, PROPOSED 289 SF STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN (RGMl) TOP OF RAIN GARDEN = 461.67' 1 .I, TOP OF GROWING MEDIUM = 461.00' T ' wm bli "I PLAN SCALE N 20 0 10 20 40 1 INCH = 20 FT. LEGEND Z WORK LIMITS wt PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE Qco PROPOSED CLEAN OUT O"g PROPOSED AREA DRAIN •0D PROPOSED DECK DRAIN WITH INTEGRAL TRAP PRIMER + + + + + + PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITY + + + + + + + BASIN A PROPOSED CONCRETE REPAIR AREA BASIN A - 249 SF PROPOSED ROOF AREA p BASIN A - 1,443 SF I� DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Robertson I Sherwood I Architects x 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541) 342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 CP CAPITAL ENGINEERING & CONSULTING. LLC 1430 Willamette Street 11325 Eugene, Oregon 97401 u .capitalengine dng.co 541-5104225 ARD PRP C 5)�� N Oo 2°o V� ' EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 LU Z �o Ei N p I� Z Q LU ti ��// O Y. LU Lu O O w w W Z W LU Z O N - EL a a 0z Lu p rti Lu O N N MARK DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2023 ISSUE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROJECT NO: 2035 DRAWN BY: AWS CHECKED BY: ILL 0ImOMMo4 SIEIVOC4 aeanccTsx mit MGNXMM SRE Zea• HYDROLOGICAL STUDY MAP C-1 C CAPITAL ENGINEERING h GONGU TING, LLL APPENDIX A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN E a 5 m CIVIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20' EXISTING DUAL CATCH BASIN DISCHARGE PIPES DAYLIGHTS THROUGH EXISTING CURB (2) 3" SO FL=459.26' 2 3 G STREET EXISTING BUBBLER AREA DRAIN RIM=460.40' 6" SO FL=459.00' PLAN SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 1 INCH = 20 FT. N, EX PROPERTY LINE, TYP. N9954.50, E10215.69 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" STORM DRAIN EX 6" FL =459.26'± INSTALL 6" WYE EXISTING AREA DRAIN AND STORM DRAIN TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED IN PLACE RIM= 460.95' N9942.89, E10235.39 RG M1 OVERFLOW STRUCTURE RIM=461.50' 6" FL=459.49' CONST 6" SO 22.9 LF S=0.0100 FT/FT PROPOSED 289 SF STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN (RGMl)Q2 TOP OF RAIN GARDEN= 461.67' TOP OF GROWING MEDIUM = 461.00' N9928.67, E10239.15 INSTALL 4" WYE 4" SO FL= 461.12' CONST 4"SD 12.4 LF S=0.0100 FT/FT OUTFALLTO RGM1=461.00'ti N9926.05, E10241.02 ROOF DS CONNECTION�1 4" SO FL= 461.16' CONST 4"SD 3.7 LF S=0.0100 FT/FT N9926.05, E10238.62 FOUNDATION DRAIN CONNECTION WITH BACKFLOW VALVE 4" SO FL= 461.13' CONST 4"SD 2.8 LF S=0.0050 FT/FT NI N n SHEET NOTES 1. PROPOSED ON-SITE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 2. REFER TO TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LEGEND. 3. USE BUILDING APPROVED MATERIALS FOR ANY AND ALL ELEMENTS OF STORM DRAIN SYSTEM INSTALLED WITHIN 2 -FEET OF BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 4. ROOF DRAINAGE FROM THE PROPOSED ROOF AREA WILL BE CONVEYED THROUGH DOWNSPOUTS AND INTO THE STORM DRAIN PIPING, AS SHOWN. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING PIPE ELEVATIONS, SIZES, ORIENTATION AND PIPE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ROOF DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION. SEE ARCHITECTURAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR CONTINUATION. 2. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN. REFER TO DETAIL 2/CI00. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR PLANTING PLAN. 3. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN OUTFALL PER DETAIL 3/CII0. 4. INSTALL CLEAN OUT PER DETAIL 2/C110. 5 FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN NOT TO SCALE ri 5 Robertsons Shervri Architects RE 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541)342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 CAPITAL ENGINEERING 8 CONSULTING, LLC 1430 Willamette Street#325 Eugene, Oregon 97401 www_cepilalengineerini 541-5104225 SPED PROFESS COFiNO I N EF.9 x� 65619P-E,n 1 OREGON 9 S C 10L���� EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 LU ;Z c O o C 3:1 MAY. 2 IT MIN ' SIDE SLOPES Mi BORON . TOP) MmRON 0 ON U) OVERFLOW ti 461.50• za LL ELEV 461.00• ELEV 461.00 W �W NM ELEV 460.00• 0 ,r w DRAIN ROOK ELEV 459.00• Rim Fnarlc DrEAROW TO PPPAOYED O60HtAf£ PDRM Ow U ELEV 459.49• 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic, equipment staging, 6. Drain rock: and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas prior to, during, a. Size: 3/4"-2-1/2" washed and after construction. It. Depth. 12" Minimum W w 2. Dimensions: 7. Drain rock later shall be separated form the growing medium ZO a. Depth of rain garden: 6' minimum and 12' maximum and the surround soils by a gectexlile filter fabric. Cl b. Flat bottom width: 2' min. G Side slopes of Rain Garden: 3:1 maximum. 8. Growing medium'. a. 12' minimum 0z 3. Setbacks: b. Imported topsoil or amended native topsoil. LUoo a. Infiltration rain gardens must be 10' from foundations and 5from property, lines. Vegetation: Follow landscape plans otherwise refer to plant list in Filtration Rain Garden do not require a setback with SWMM Appendix F. Number of plantings per 100sf of facility area: w an approved waterproof liner. a.IDO Ground Covers, OR r cn If. 80 Ground Covers, 2 Large Shrubs 4 Small Shrubs 4. Overflow: and 1 tress (deciduous or evergreen) a. Overflows are required unless sized to fully infiltrate the flood control design stout. 10. Install washed pea gravel or river rock to transition from b. Inlet elevation must allow for 2"offreeboard, inlets and splash pad to growing medium. minimum. 5. Piping. Minimum 3" pipe required for up to 1,500 sq It of Impervious area, otherwise 4" min. Piping material, slopes and installation shall fallow the Uniform Plumbing Code. CITY OF FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN DATE 102014 SGLE INTOEUGENE, OREGON oRAwN er srvG gen DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETAILS ENGINEERING DIVISION FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN NOT TO SCALE ri 5 Robertsons Shervri Architects RE 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541)342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 CAPITAL ENGINEERING 8 CONSULTING, LLC 1430 Willamette Street#325 Eugene, Oregon 97401 www_cepilalengineerini 541-5104225 SPED PROFESS COFiNO I N EF.9 x� 65619P-E,n 1 OREGON 9 S C 10L���� EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 LU ;Z O � 0 U) 0 ti za �W o� Ow U wo Z W w w ZO NL Cl 0g 0z LUoo Pia OaIa w r cn a MARK DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE DATE: 29 MARCH 2023 ISSUE: PERMIT SET PROJECT NO: 2035 DRAWN BY: AWS CHECKED BY: ILL QROBEMSON ISHERWOOD DROHITTOES PG 231 ORGINKSHEETSRE 2ndix CIVIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C100 L 14 0 GENERAL NOTES 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY BALZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS, DATED 12/6/2006. 2. BASIS OF ELEVATION: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON SURVEY ARE BASED ON CIN OF SPRINGFIELD BENCHMARK AT NW CORNER OF 16TH AND G STREET. NAIL IN LEAD PLUG AT TOP BACK OF CURB <ELEV=460.80' SPRINGFIELD CIN DATUM>. SPRINGFIELD DATUM = NGVD - 0.30' 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND MARK ALL EXISTING PROPERTY AND STREET MONUMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ANY MONUMENTS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE MONUMENTS SHALL BE REPLACED WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF 90 DAYS, AND THE COUNTY SURVEYOR SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING AS REQUIRED BY ORS 209.150. 4. LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE ASSUMED FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE AND ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY EACH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PRIOR TO EXCAVATING, BORING, OR POTHOLING. ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES THE CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTH IN O.A.R. 952-001-0010 - 952-001-0090. THE CONTRACTOR MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THE RULES BY CALLING THE CENTER. (NOTE: THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS 1-800-332-2344) 6. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, POTHOLE AND VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AT CONNECTION POINT(S) AND CROSSINGS AT UTILITIES SHOWN ON PLANS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLANS AND FIELD CONDITIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS AND COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ANY RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY FOR UTILITIES TO BE CUT, MOVED, RELOCATED, OR RE -CONNECTED TO AN EXISTING FACILITY. 8. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH ANY SERVING UTILITY COMPANY INSTALLING UTILITIES ON SITE. CONSTRUCTION OF OTHER UTILITIES MAY OCCUR AT SAME TIME ON SITE. 9. QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING LENGTHS. ACTUAL QUANTITIES MAY VARY. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE QUANTITIES NEEDED FOR LAYOUT OF SYSTEM. 30. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PIPE CONNECTIONS AND TRANSITIONS PER PLAN, AND TO CONFORM TO TRENCHING REQUIREMENTS AND SITE GRADES. 11. RIM ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL ELEVATIONS MAY VARY AND SHALL MATCH FINISHED ELEVATIONS OF ADJACENT SURFACES. 12. TRACER WIRE SHALL ENTER ALL UTILITY STRUCTURES. EXTEND TRACER WIRE INTO STRUCTURE FAR ENOUGH TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE FREE WIRE TO EXTEND END OF WIRE 24" ABOVE/OUTSIDE OF STRUCTURE TO FACILITATE TESTING. COIL AND SECURE TRACER WIRE WITHIN EASY REACH OF STRUCTURE OPENING. VERIFY WIRE IS CLEAR OF ALL FILL MATERIAL IN UTILITY STRUCTURES. 13. CAP AND MARK ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE ENDS WITH A 2"x4" BOARD STUCK IN GROUND. END OF BOARD SHALL BE PAINTED WHITE AND EXTEND MINIMUM 18" ABOVE GROUND SURFACE. 06 PROPOSED LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS AC ASPHALT CONCRETE APPROX APPROXIMATE CONST CONSTRUCT ESMT EASEMENT EL/ELEV ELEVATION EX EXISTING FIRE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FL FLOW LINE FT FEET/FOOT LF LINEAR FEET MAX MAXIMUM ME MATCH EXISTING MIN MINIMUM PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE S SLOPE NP TYPICAL EXISTING LEGEND 0 FOUND MONUMENT OHL BENCHMARK 0 SURVEY CONTROL O AREA DRAIN El CATCH BASIN W CLEAN OUT EM ELECTRIC METER TI ELECTRIC VAULT •(N FIRE HYDRANT E2 GAS METER GUY ANCHOR ® IRRIGARON VALVE LIGHT POLE 3.`XO LIGHT POLE WITH ARM �O MANHOLE , SHRUB SICN AS NOTED TREE -CONIFEROUS TREE -DECIDUOUS ® UNKNOWN VAULT r0,, UTILITY POLE ® WATER METER wv D4 WATER VALVE 3 PROPERTY LINE "TM -4-6'S6"TM--sTM— PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE O PROPOSED OVERFLOW STRUCTURE +++++++++++++ PROPOSED STORMWATER FACILITY EDGE VEGETATION /HEDGE PROPERTYLINE STEEL FENCE AS NOTED E ELECTRIC OHL OVERHEAD LINES ST STORM DRAIN SS SANITARY SEWER T TELEPHONE V1111111111111111 ASPHALTI EDGE PAVEMENT BUILDING OUTLINE4 CONCRETE rRAvEL k-�4 P -;d RETAINING WALL (BRICKICONCISTONE) PAVED AREA LANDSCAPE AREA CAST IRON VALVE BOX AND COVER. RIM SET TO FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE it1 77777 3" MIN //'X//, LENGTH AS REQUIRED SEE NOTE 1 6" AROUND CLEANOUT (AT PIPE END IIrpNpII •PIPE EXTENSION REQUIRED PERiPLANS NOTES: 1. RISER PIPE TO BE SAME SIZE AS MAINLINE. MAINLINES GREATER THAN 12" SHALL HAVE 12 RISER PIPE. STANDARD CLEANOUT NOT TO SCALE 0 sui ;Z o � AC PVMT AND BASE C x 19 c w REFER TO L FOR SURFA( ROCK AS PTEPLANS I'•CK SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE a �a I I a� 0 a a v NOTES 1. WATER LINES THAT PARALLEL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 12" ABOVE SEWER LINES, WHERE SERVICES ARE NOT HORIZONTALLY SEPARATED BY 10'. 2. WITHIN 5' OF A BUILDING STRUCTURE, BUILDING CODE APPROVED PIPE MATERIAL AND Y4" -O CRUSHED ROCK BACKFILL SHALL BE USED. 3. SAWCUT, REMOVE AND REPAIR EXISTING SURFACES TO MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT, CONCRETE, OR LANDSCAPING IN AREAS WHICH DO NOT RECEIVE NEW IMPROVEMENTS. PROVIDE 4" MIN DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 4" MIN DEPTH CONCRETE PAVEMENT, OR MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DEPTH, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 4. 36" MINIMUM FOR FIRE SERVICE PIPES UNDER AREAS TRAFFICKED BY VEHICLES. (NFPA 24, 10-4) 5. INSTALL TRACER WIRE ON ANY PIPELINE(S) CONSTRUCTED OF NON-METALLIC PIPE MATERIAL. TRENCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE OF SWALE SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE J a of a 0 SEE PLANS FOR 1_ PIPE SIZE FILTER OR DRAINAGE GEOTEXTILE LAYER SECTION PLAN VIEW RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM Clio NOTES 1. RIP RAP MATERIALS SHALL BE PER O.S.H.D. SPECIFICATIONS, CLASS AS SPECIFIED OR CLASS 25. OUTFALL STRUCTURE - 6" TO 12" PIPE 5 5 Robertson) Shervrood l Architects 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541)342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 CO: CAPITAL ENGINEERING 8 CONSULTING, LLC 1430 Wlllam ft Street #325 Euugem. Oregon 97401 W piwleng neering.w 541-5104225 SPED PROFESS FiNOI N EF.9 xO 65619P-E,n 1 OREGON 9 S C 1oL���� EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 LU ;Z P0, 11a I'•CK - - I I •• OR NATIVE MATERIALS IN 0 LANDSCAPED AREAS. 0 SEE NOTE 2 • , Y," -O CRUSHED ROCK NOTES 1. WATER LINES THAT PARALLEL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 12" ABOVE SEWER LINES, WHERE SERVICES ARE NOT HORIZONTALLY SEPARATED BY 10'. 2. WITHIN 5' OF A BUILDING STRUCTURE, BUILDING CODE APPROVED PIPE MATERIAL AND Y4" -O CRUSHED ROCK BACKFILL SHALL BE USED. 3. SAWCUT, REMOVE AND REPAIR EXISTING SURFACES TO MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT, CONCRETE, OR LANDSCAPING IN AREAS WHICH DO NOT RECEIVE NEW IMPROVEMENTS. PROVIDE 4" MIN DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 4" MIN DEPTH CONCRETE PAVEMENT, OR MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DEPTH, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 4. 36" MINIMUM FOR FIRE SERVICE PIPES UNDER AREAS TRAFFICKED BY VEHICLES. (NFPA 24, 10-4) 5. INSTALL TRACER WIRE ON ANY PIPELINE(S) CONSTRUCTED OF NON-METALLIC PIPE MATERIAL. TRENCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE OF SWALE SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE J a of a 0 SEE PLANS FOR 1_ PIPE SIZE FILTER OR DRAINAGE GEOTEXTILE LAYER SECTION PLAN VIEW RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM Clio NOTES 1. RIP RAP MATERIALS SHALL BE PER O.S.H.D. SPECIFICATIONS, CLASS AS SPECIFIED OR CLASS 25. OUTFALL STRUCTURE - 6" TO 12" PIPE 5 5 Robertson) Shervrood l Architects 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541)342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 CO: CAPITAL ENGINEERING 8 CONSULTING, LLC 1430 Wlllam ft Street #325 Euugem. Oregon 97401 W piwleng neering.w 541-5104225 SPED PROFESS FiNOI N EF.9 xO 65619P-E,n 1 OREGON 9 S C 1oL���� EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 LU ;Z 0 0 0 ti za �W o11-- oW U Wa �z aw w Z 2 N LL N (g 0z E wa0 ti R I= OaRa w V-- V) d MARK DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE DATE: 29 MARCH 2023 ISSUE: PERMIT SET PROJECT NO: 2035 DRAWN BY: AWS CHECKED BY: ILL ©ROSERtsaNIMMWWDIMCHlccl K=I ORGINKSHR:TSREMP CIVIL DETAILS C110 C CAPITAL ENGINEERING & CONSUSING, LLC APPENDIX B CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SCOPING SHEET DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.springfiald-or.gov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ----------- — (Area below this b'nefdled outbyApplica n) __— (Please return to Clayton MEachern @ City ofSprblgfield Development and Public Works, Fax # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1036), enwd:cnaeurlern@sprirtglleldor.gov Project Name: Oregon Urology Addition Applicant: CAPITAL Engineering Assessors Parcel #: 1703362206600 Date: 312/23 Land Use(s): 201 Commercial Improved Phone #: 503-630.3636 Project Size (Acres): 0.114 acres Fax #: N/A Approx. Impervious Area: 1,693 SF Email: and rea@capitalengineering.co Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center is proposing to construct a 1,443 square foot addition to the northeast of the existing building. New impervious areas include the addition roof and some concrete work at the entryway (1,693 SF). Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: A vegetated facility (Rain Garden) will be constructed to treat runoff from new and replaced impervious areas, prior to conveyance to the public storm system. Since there is no underground City stormwater system to the south of G Street and due to high seasonal groundwater elevations and poor soils, overflow from the vegetated facility will be conveyed to the existing on-site storm piping, which daylights through the existing curb on the south side of G Street. The Rain Garden will be fined with an overflow odfice plate structure that will ensure that the post development flows do not exceed the pre -developed runoff flow rates. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Final treatment solutions are undetermined at this point, but we are considering a Rain Garden to treat runoff from new and replaced impervious areas, prior to conveyance to the public storm system. (Area below dais line rdkd and by the City andRehvned k the Aaabeand (At a nunimmte5 all boxes checked by the City on the front and backoftlds sheet shall be subnutted or on application to be conipletefor subnuttal, although other requirements n be recess Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, UH may be substituted for Rational Method) Q Small Site Study—(use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method For calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study— (use Unit Hydrogreph Method For calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: low -w ❑ Wedand/Riparian: wa ❑ Soil Type: ❑ Hillside Development: wa ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: wa ❑ Other Jurisdictions -/- Downstream Analysis: there isn't any capacity for additional runoff in any of the surrounding public systems. ❑0 N/AF ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Clayton McEachem @ City of Springfield, email., cmceachem@spnngfreld-or,gov, FAX., (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r Baredupon the tnfor nation provided on tie front ofdds sheet, the follou>ing represents a ndndnnou of uvh w it merkdfor on application to be complete for subnddal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu ofde Sprirgtield Developnsent Cork (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design A3mma1. Connpltance with these requirements does not constitute site appromol, Adebooml site specific information nary be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subndttal, ensure completedfornu has been signed in the spare provickel below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A O❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e. g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stonmvater quality. Additionally, aminimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. O❑ Where required, vegetative stommwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormrmer Management Manual. x❑ ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stomrmvater Management Manual (Sec2A.1). x❑ ❑ If a stormrmer treatment Swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stomrmvater Management Manual. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. 0 ❑ Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. 0 ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. O❑ 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year stoma event and overflow effects of a 25 -year stoma event Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section 4.03A.0 ❑ O A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ O Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. ❑ O Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ O Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ O Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 50,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ O Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoma pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscellaneous 0 ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. 0 ❑ Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to another. 0 ❑ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03A A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: him/Avww.deo.state.or.ushvo/uic/uic.htm for more infomuation. 0 ❑ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *Thisform simU be inchukd m nn Nhuhmen5 inside the frontcover, ofthe stormnsder shady. * IAWORTANT..- ENGINEER PLEASE READ BEEOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stommater study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 N.W.1/4 N.W.1/4 SEC. 36 717S. R.M. W.M. 17033622 Lane County SPRINGFIELD r=iav ME In I msm ------ +_ 2EET MGDGC STREET "'•'In 6 410 4. 4. 4. I STREE4. T • r ,mo 4. .K o 019-00 P P� No S N w ' nK mmv'-h 1 e' Y f Q� I\ 4 � 0 R6! evmo �. O y G STREET �°° a °!° sos a -------------- _I--______-_.:__�_ LUM 1K I °�Q 5 •�L F STREET ..a....a,».,. SPRINGFIELD 17033622 C CAPITAL ENGINEERING & CONSUSING, LLC APPENDIX C PRE AND POST DEVELOPMENT CALCULATIONS Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm. NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Address: 1457 G Street Permit Number: Springfield, Oregon 9741Fy Catchment ID: RG1 v: Andrea StancliR, P.E. W: CAPITAL Enaineenno B CansJtirg Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Protide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated AM the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maxinum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,56D SF) =or infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no inflation testing has been pedromed use an inftimtion rate of D.5 imhr. For all facilities use a maximum sod infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr for topsoil/growing medium, noose' yes" from the dropdovm boxes belay next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR) Yes Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination(DT) o mo mmo-amn tu<mrymun bechownathe aalltyhyebmeRdefinanmo reuremems Site Data -Post Development Rainfall Depth Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 1,693 sgft Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 0 sgfi Impervious Area CN=l 98 I Flood Control Pervious Area CN=l 89 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 1693 sf Time of Concentration Post Development= min Weighted Average CN=L 98 Site Data -Pre Development (Data in this section is only used if Flow Control is required) Prezevelopment CN= 84 Time of Concentration Pre -Development- 10 min Soil Data Tested Soil Infiltration Rate- inftr(seenbe4) Destination Desigrn[�imhr Design Soil lMtltration Rate= 0.5 imhr Soil Infiltration Rate R r4rertneM Rainfall Depth Design Storm Polulim RetlutlimI 1.40 inches Water Quality Flan Control I 3.6inches I Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches I Flood Control Facility Facility Side Slopt Max. Ponding Depth in Stormwater Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (So 3/132023-1:27 PM Facility Su Facility Surface Facility Bt Ratio of Facility Area to Basin Pollution Reduction -Calculation Results Peak Flow Rare to Stor neater Facility = 0.013 ds Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0000 cis Total Runoff Volume to 5[ormwa[er Facility= 166 d Total Overflow Volume= 0 d Mao. Depth of Stormwarer in Facility= 1.8 in Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES JMeets Requirement for Maoimum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calcularion Results Peak Flow Rare to Stonnwater Facility = 0.03? ds Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0,015 ds Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 474 d Total Overflow Volume= 100 d Peak Off -Site Flow Rare Mao. Depth of Stormwarer in Facility= 6.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrain= 0.003 ds Drawdown Time= 12.2 hours Pre -Development Runoff Oe[e Peak Flow Rare= 0019 ds Total Runoff Volume =1 285 d Yes Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? VES Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite EE flow less or equal to Pre -Development Flow? YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculinion Results Peak Flow Rare to Stormwater Facility = N/A ds Peak Facility Overflow Rate= N/A ds Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility = N/A d Total Over Volume= N/A d Max. Depth of Stormwarer in Facility= N/A in Drawdown Time= N/A hours N/A Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? =Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? L.2/.A Meets Requirement for Maoimum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 3/13/2023-1:27 PM SBUH Calculation Worksheet: Pre -developed Site - 2 -year Project Name: Oregon Urology Designer: AWS Date: 3/13/2023 User -Supplied Data 0.01 Pervl ous Area Impel Area Po" ous Area, Acres 0.038866 ImpeMous Area, Acres Pe"ous Area Curve Number, CNp 84 I an perm ous Area Curve N um bar, Mar N Preci pitati on i in 24 hours (R)= 3.1 Tim a of Concentration, To, minutes 10 Note: minimum Tcisfvs minutes calculated Data Total Project Area, Acres 0.036666 Total Runoff Volume, V, cube feet 226 Peak Flow Rate, Cpeak, ors 1 0.015 Time to Peak Runoff, hours; I 8.00 Runoff Hydrograph 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 ICV.01 rc 0.01 0.00 0.00 F -i"'71 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, mixles SBUH Calculation Worksheet: Post -developed Site - 2 -year Project Name: Oregon Urology Designer: AWS Date: 3/13/2023 User Supplied Data Permous Area InperWous Area Pectous Area, Acres Impervious Area. 9.938866 Perth ous Area Curve Number, CNp 84 ores Impervious Area Curve Number, CNim 98 Precipitation In 24 hours (Pt)= 4I Time of Concentration, To, minutes s Note: minimum To is five minutes Cakulated Data Total Project Area, Acres 6.636666 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet 465 Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, ors 6.6311 Tmeto Peak Runoff, hours 1 7.63 Runoff Hydrogral 0.02 0.011 9.91 9.011 ca.m re 0.011 0.00 ()cc LI 0 00 0 soo 11000 11500 z000 zsoo Time, minutes SBUH Calculation Worksheet: Pre -developed Site - 25 -year Project Name: Oregon Urology Designer: AWS Date: 3/13/2023 User -Supplied Data 0.04 Pervl ous Area limpearksous Area Pervious Area,Acres 0.038866 Inn perm ous Area, Acres Po" ous Area Curve Number, CNp 84 Inn perm ous Area Curve N um bar, Mar N Precipitation in 24 hourl 52 Time of Concenlreacm,Tc,mmules 10 Note: minimum Tcisfvs minutes calculated Data Total Project Area, Acres 0.036666 Total Runoff Volume, V, cube feet 4W Peak Flow Rate, Cpeak, ors I oom Time to Peak Runoff, hour; 1 8.00 Runoff Hydrograph 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 ICV.02 re 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes SBUH Calculation Worksheet: Post -developed Site - 25 -year Project Name: Oregon Urology Designer: AWS Date: 3/13/2023 UsepSupplied Data Pervious Mea Impervious Mea Pervious Area, Acres 0 Impervious Area,Anes 0.038888 Pectous Area Curve Number, CNp 84 Impervious Area Curve Number, CrIul Precipi[ati on in 24 hours (Pt)= 0.20 5.2 Time of Concentration, To, minutes 5 Note: minimum To is five minutes Cakulated Data Total Project Area, Acres 0.036666 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet ]00 Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, ofs 0.053 Tmeto Peak Runoff, hours J 7.83 Runoff Hydrograph 0.25 0.20 0.15 0 e a 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes OREGON UROLOGY 6" Storm Drain 25 year, 24-hour Storm Event- 0.053 CFS Manning Formula Uniform Pipe Flow at Given Slope and Depth Inputs: Pipe Diameter, d" 1 6.0000 in Mannine Rouehness, n 0.0110 Pressure slope (Possibly equal to Pipe slope). S" I 0.0100 slope Percent of (or ratio to) full depth (100% or 1 if flowing full) I 0.1920 fraction Results: Flow, Q 0.053 ft"3/s Velocity, v 2.03 ft/s Velocity head, by 0.06 ft Flow Area,A 3.80 in^2 Wetted Perimeter, P 0.45 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.06 ft Top Width,T 0.39 ft Froude Number, F Shear Stress (tractive force), t 1.38 I 0.0599 psf versbn 2.0(20 June 2017) HawsEDC Calculators C CAPITAL ENGINEERING h GGNGU TING, LLL APPENDIX D Operations and Maintenance Plan Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System The undersigned owner(s), is hereby given notice that stormwater runoff from the "Property' described below requires stormwater management facilities to be located, designed, and constructed in compliance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design and Procedures Manual. Said facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Agreement (O&M Agreement) on file with the City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Department. (Property Owner/Developer) acknowledges and agrees to maintain private stonnwater treatment facilities listed in this document. The maintenance of the stomnwater facilities listed in this document is required as part of the Development Agreement with the City of Springfield. This facility will be operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements stated in this document and in the latest edition of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3. The City reserves the right to enter and inspect any stow nwater facility located on the "Property' to ensure the facilities are operating as designed. Failure of the responsible party to inspect and maintain the facilities can result in an adverse impact to the public stomnwater system and the quality of receiving waters. The requirement to operate and maintain the stonnwater treatment facilities in accordance with the approved site development agreement and the site O&M Agreement is binding on all current and future owners of the property. The Agreement and its O&M Plan may be modified under written consent of new owners with written approval by and re -filing with the City. The O&M Agreement and O&M Plan for facilities constructed pursuant to this notice are available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 Fifth St, Springfield Oregon, or call (541)-736-3753, between the hours of S a.m. and 5 IT m., Monday through Friday. The Subject premises, is legally described as follows: (Tax lot minter cannot be usedto describe the property. Legal rkscriphons may be obtatredfronn the conolly assessor's office). SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE By signing below, the signer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan and in any documents attached. This instrument is intended to be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In Witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this instrument on this day of 20 Owner(s): Signature Print Name STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by , owner(s) of the above described premises. ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by as of Notary Public for Oregon RETURN TO: CITYOF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 owner(s) of the above described My Commission Expires RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR RECORDING STICKER "Avoid $20 nonstanda orc (font too small)... Print this form on Legal size paper." Appendix 3A-1 RevontTltD Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 EXHIBIT A Legal Description for G Street Oregon Urology Center PARCEL 1: BEGINNING ATA POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF THE SUBDDIVISION OF THE PAUL BRATTAIN DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 63, NOTIFICATION NO. 3222, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH,RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID BEGINNING POINT BEING 268.6 FEET SOUTH AND NORTH 88° 52' 2229.02 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE AFORESAID DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 63; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 190.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88° 52' WEST 84.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 190.0 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 88° 52' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1,848.6 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 50.0 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL II: BEGINNING ATA POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF THE SUBDDIVISION OF THE PAUL BRATTAIN DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 63, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH,RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, WHICH SAID BEGINNING POINT IS ALSO SOUTH 268.6 FEET AND NORTH 88° 52'EAST 2354.808 FEETFROMTHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE AFORESAID PAUL BRATTAIN DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 63; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 226.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 880 52' WEST 60.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 7.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 880 52' WEST 65.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 219.0 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AFORESAID LOT 1; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 88° 52' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1, 125.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 50.0 FEET THEREOF. Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number: Owner's Name: 0r n umc9y I re itM Phone No.: (541) 334-3350 Mailing Address: 2400 Madman ten. CityWringiiaa State 0,..n Zip 97477 Site Address: 1457 c stre.t City Ssrin9'i.c State or.gon Zip 97477 Site Map and Tax lot No.: Ta, Map 17-03-35-M wt osew (Or ofimh dxmnerR with aMfional lot hrbrnmtion iftha fmiliu, crosses mm thmi ore lot) Type of Facility(ies) comm.mW Madiob6y clic Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. S 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The storrawater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are arequired condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the fa.cility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 56 Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of S a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financiallyresponsible party (circle one): Property Owner ]Homeowner Association Other (describe) 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no.(_)_ Emergency/after-hours contact phone no ( ) Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: Appendix 3A-2 3-.V om&r3- Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Ins ection Time: Inspected By: Approximate Date/Time of Last Rainfall: Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (Oil sheen, smell, turbidity, etc.): Sediment accumulation and record of sediment removal: Condition of vegetation (Height, survival rates, invasive species present, etc.) and record of replacement and management (mowing, weeding, etc.): Condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, irrigation facilities, and side slopes. Record damaged items and replacement activities: Presence of insects or vectors. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: Appendix 3A-3 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Rain Gardens Operations and Maintenance Plan A vegetated Infiltration Basin or rain garden is a vegetated depression created by excavation, berms, or small dams to provide for short-term ponding of surface water until it percolates into the soil. The basin shall infiltrate stormovater within 24 hours. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and stmchual stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 49 hours after each maj or storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: Basin Inlet shall assure umestiicted stormwater flow to the vegetated basin. • Sources of erosion shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are present. • Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged. • Rocks lash pads shall be replenished to prevent erosion. Embankment, Dikes, Berms and Side Slopes retain water in the infiltration basin. • Structural deficiencies shall be corrected upon discovery: o Slopes shall be stabilized using appropriate erosion control measures when soil is exposed/ flow charnels are forming. o Sources of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled. Overflow or Emergency Spillway conveys flow exceeding reservoir capacity to an approved stormwater receiving system. • Overflow shall be cleared when 25% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Sources of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when soil is exposed. • Rocks or other armament shall be replaced when only one layer of rock exists. Filter Media shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the infiltration basin. If water remains 36-49 hours after storm, sources of possible clogging shall be identified and corrected. • Basin shall be raked and, if necessary, soil shall be excavated, and cleaned or replaced. • Infiltration area shall be protected from compaction during construction. Sediment/ Basin Debris Management shall prevent loss of infiltration basin volume caused by sedimentation. Gauges located at the opposite ends of the basin shall be maintained to monitor sedimentation. • Sediment and debris exceeding 3 inch in depth shall be removed every 2-5 years or sooner if performance is affected. Debris and Litter shall be removed to ensure stormovater infiltration and to prevent clogging of overflow drains and interference with plant growth. • Restricted sources of sediment and debris, such as discarded lawn clippings, shall be identified and prevented. Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. • Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure healthy plant growth • Vegetation, large shrubs or trees that limit access or interfere with basin operation shall be pruned or removed. • Grass shall be mowed to 4"-9" high and grass clippings shall be removed no less than 2 times per year. • Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed if build up is damaging vegetation. • Nuisance or prohibited vegetation (such as blackberries or English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed. • Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when infiltration Appendix 3A-4 Page 15 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 basin function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within 3 months, or immediately if required to control erosion. Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining vegetated infiltration basins shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Access to the infiltration basin shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles, if applicable. • Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the infiltration basin shall be removed. • Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e.g., due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in the infiltration basin. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/roderts are found to be present. • If a complaint is received or an inspection reveals that a stormwater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, the property owner/owners or their designee may be required to eliminate the infestation at the City inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non -chemical methods and secondly, only those chemical methods specifically approved by the City's inspector. Acceptable methods include but are not limited to the following: i. Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting boxes. ii. Alterations of pond water levels approximately every four days in order to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. iii. Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with fish or other predatory species. iv. If non -chemical methods have proved unsuccessful, contact the City inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengensis var. israchensis or other approved larvicides. These materials may only be used with City inspector approval if evidence can be provided that these materials will not migrate off-site or enter the public stormwater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applied by a licensed individual or contractor. • Holes in the ground located in and around the infiltration basin shall be filled. If used at this site, the following will be applicable: Fences shall be maintained to preserve their functionality and appearance. • Collapsed fences shall be restored to an upright position. • Jagged edges and damaged fences shall be repaired or replaced. Appendix 3A-4 Page 16 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 C CAPITAL ENGINEERING & CONSUSING, LLC APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT Geotechnical a Environmental a Special Inspections Columbia West E n g i n e e r i n g, I n c DATE: April 14, 2023 TO: Patrick Aldinger, R.T. (R)(T) Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center FROM: Brett A. Shipton, PE, GE RE: Infiltration Testing in Rain Garden Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center Addition Springfield, Oregon CWE WO: 23092 11917 NE 9S" Street, Vancouveq Washington %M2 Phone: W6 2Y2900 w .calumbiaw gengmeenng.com TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Columbia West is pleased to submit this memorandum that summarizes our infiltration testing program at the Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center Addition project located in Springfield, Oregon. Infiltration testing was conducted within an onsite rain garden facility. This memorandum supplements the following geotechnical engineering report prepared by Columbia West: Report of Geotechnical Engineering Services, Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center Addition, 1467 G Street, Springfield, Oregon, March 15, 2023. As shown on the attached drawing C100, infiltration testing was performed in the existing rain garden facility on April 11, 2023. Soil in the test location was explored to a maximum depth of 4 feet below ground surface (BGS) using hand -operated excavation and auger equipment. Soil conditions in the explored location generally consist of approximately 6 inches of organic topsoil underlain by 8 inches of sandy silt fill. The fill was underlain by 12 inches of open -graded drain rock. Below the drain rock, stiff, gray clay extends to the maximum explored depth of 4 feet BGS. Infiltration testing was performed at a depth of 4 feet BGS using the Simplified Method outlined in Appendix G of the City of Eugene's 2014 Stormwater Management Manual. The simplified method consists of filling the auger holewith water to a depth of 6 inches above the base of the excavation. The water level is then measured at regular intervals and drawdown recorded. During the infiltration test, no drawdown was observed in the auger hole. Accordingly, the measured infiltration rate was negligible, an infiltration rate of 0 inches per hour was measured. EXPIRES: 6/3D/24 Geotechnical #Environmental #Special Inspection #Materials Testing ne h columblmvestengineering.com M �1 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I/ w pa EXISTING DUAL CATCH BASIN DISCHARGE PIPES - DAYLIGHTSTHROUGH EXISTING CURB (2) 3" SO FL=459.26' M i GAS GAS -GAS - N89'57'45"E EXISTING DUAL J ` DISCHARGE CATCH BASIN \ RIM=460.10' \ (2) 3" SO FL=459.60' F APPROXMATE INFILTRATION TEST LOCATION WORK LIMITS, TYP. 12 II 4 G STREET EXISTING BUBBLER AREA DRAIN RIM=%0.40' 6 SO FL 459 00' M � °t a DHL = EX PROPERTY LINE, -- - --r-1 TYR - - - - - - t N9954.50, E10215.69 I - CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" STORM DRAIN EX 6" FL =459.26'± / INSTALL 6" WYE .I. EXISTING AREA DRAIN AND STORM DRAIN TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED IN PLACE ® AD N9942.89, E10235.39 ® RG 41 OVERFLOW STRUCTURE ' RIM=461.50' 49926.57, E10205.79 _ _ 0 TOP OF RAIN GARDEN - %1.67 TOP OF GROWING MEDIUM = 461.00' 6" FL=459.49' OF DS CONNECTION ! I INSTALL 4" WYE `. CONST 6" SO 22.9 LF ` 4" SO FL= 461.26' 4" SO FL= %1.12' I > - I S=0.0100 FT/FT CONST 4"SD 11.7 LF 9 `y\� IR1I$di,� ! • •�•) 0 TE ELEV 461.00' _ PROPOSED 289 SF STORMWATER w pa EXISTING DUAL CATCH BASIN DISCHARGE PIPES - DAYLIGHTSTHROUGH EXISTING CURB (2) 3" SO FL=459.26' M i GAS GAS -GAS - N89'57'45"E EXISTING DUAL J ` DISCHARGE CATCH BASIN \ RIM=460.10' \ (2) 3" SO FL=459.60' F APPROXMATE INFILTRATION TEST LOCATION WORK LIMITS, TYP. 12 II 4 G STREET EXISTING BUBBLER AREA DRAIN RIM=%0.40' 6 SO FL 459 00' M � °t a DHL = EX PROPERTY LINE, -- - --r-1 TYR - - - - - - t N9954.50, E10215.69 I - CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" STORM DRAIN EX 6" FL =459.26'± / INSTALL 6" WYE .I. EXISTING AREA DRAIN AND STORM DRAIN TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED IN PLACE ® AD N9942.89, E10235.39 ® RG 41 OVERFLOW STRUCTURE ' RIM=461.50' 49926.57, E10205.79 _ _ 0 TOP OF RAIN GARDEN - %1.67 TOP OF GROWING MEDIUM = 461.00' 6" FL=459.49' OF DS CONNECTION ! I INSTALL 4" WYE `. CONST 6" SO 22.9 LF ` 4" SO FL= 461.26' 4" SO FL= %1.12' I > - I S=0.0100 FT/FT CONST 4"SD 11.7 LF 9 Np ADDITION ! • •�•) 0 TE ELEV 461.00' _ PROPOSED 289 SF STORMWATER Q 4" SO FL= %1.16' � • at xin FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN (RG41) 2 i- _ EdIJ 11 S=0.0100 FT/FT ELEV 460.00' N9926.57, E10217.48 INSTALL 450 BEND 4" SO FL= 461.14' CONST 4'SD 14.0 LF S=0.0100 FT/FT 3� GUTFALLTO RG41=461.00' I REMOVE EXISTING AREA DRAIN AND 40 LF 6" STORM (I DRAIN s l'I'm EXISTING BUILDING FFE=462.20' SS ADO Y 1'04"E 6' PORTION OF EASEMENT .'4 PLAN SCALE N CIVIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 20 D 10 20 40 SCALE: 1 = 20 C 100 1 INCH = 20 FT. SHEET NOTES 1. PROPOSED ON-SITE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 2. REFER TO TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LEGEND. 3. USE BUILDING APPROVED MATERIALS FOR ANY AND ALL ELEMENTS OF STORM DRAIN SYSTEM INSTALLED WITHIN 2 -FEET OF BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 4. ROOF DRAINAGE FROM THE PROPOSED ROOF AREA WILL BE CONVEYED THROUGH DOWNSPOUTS AND INTO THE STORM DRAIN PIPING, AS SHOWN. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING PIPE ELEVATIONS, SIZES, ORIENTATION AND PIPE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ROOF DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION. SEE ARCHITECTURAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR CONTINUATION. 2. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN. REFER TO DETAIL 2/CI00. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR PLANTING PLAN. 3. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN OUTFALL PER DETAIL 3/CIIO. 4. INSTALL CLEAN OUT PER DETAIL 2/CIIO. - - - 0 TOP OF RAIN GARDEN - %1.67 TOP OF GROWING MEDIUM = 461.00' _ N9928.67, E10239.15 I INSTALL 4" WYE 3:1 MIX. 2 R MIN 4" SO FL= %1.12' I CONST 4"SD 12.4 LF I OVERFLOW - S=0.0100 FT/FT OUTFALLTO RG41=%1.00' Np ADDITION - N9926.05, E10241.02 1.> ROOF DS CONNECTION. 0 TE ELEV 461.00' FFE=462.20' Q 4" SO FL= %1.16' � at xin r CONST 4"SD 3.7 LF I EdIJ S=0.0100 FT/FT ELEV 460.00' 0 N9926.05, E10238.62 FOUNDATION DRAIN CONNECTION 0 H WITH BACKFLOW VALVE ELEV 459.00' FlLEEA 5alac 4" SO FL= 461.13' l OVFRRIDM Te AWRMRO - CONST 4"SD 2.8 LF gSCWJM£ POIM l ) . O S=0.0050 FT/FT ELEV 459.49' I 1. Provide protection from all Vehicle traffic, equipment staging, 6. Drain rock: D Or I and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas prior to, during, a. Size: 3/4"-2-1/2' washed I Imo+ and after constmction. K Depth: 12' Minimum W w 2. Dimensions: 7. Drain rock later shall be separated form the growing medium Z O a. Depth of rain garden: 6" minimum and 12' maximum and the surround soils by a geotextile (Iter fabric. 58 '57'45"W 59.9 N b. Flat bottom width: 2' min. G. Side slopes of Rain Garden: 3'.1 maximum. 0. Growing medium: PLAN SCALE N CIVIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 20 D 10 20 40 SCALE: 1 = 20 C 100 1 INCH = 20 FT. SHEET NOTES 1. PROPOSED ON-SITE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. 2. REFER TO TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LEGEND. 3. USE BUILDING APPROVED MATERIALS FOR ANY AND ALL ELEMENTS OF STORM DRAIN SYSTEM INSTALLED WITHIN 2 -FEET OF BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 4. ROOF DRAINAGE FROM THE PROPOSED ROOF AREA WILL BE CONVEYED THROUGH DOWNSPOUTS AND INTO THE STORM DRAIN PIPING, AS SHOWN. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING PIPE ELEVATIONS, SIZES, ORIENTATION AND PIPE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ROOF DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION. SEE ARCHITECTURAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR CONTINUATION. 2. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN. REFER TO DETAIL 2/CI00. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR PLANTING PLAN. 3. CONSTRUCT STORMWATER RAIN GARDEN OUTFALL PER DETAIL 3/CIIO. 4. INSTALL CLEAN OUT PER DETAIL 2/CIIO. FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN NOT TO SCALE 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Robertson I Sherwood I Architects Rc 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541) 342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 4� CAPITAL ENGINEERING &CONSULTING. LLC 1430 Wlllamette Street i 25 Eugene, Oregon 97401 www.capitalengineedni 541-5104225 PROFESS ciS O14GINeF9 /0 65611�9ppP--E,,n1 9 OJ.VJ'd�W�A OREGON 10 EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 wZ 0 O A 0r 3:1 MIX. 2 R MIN SIDE SLOPES MT SROM (ryp,) ONERFlAW fIEVAIION OVERFLOW - Np 461.50' \ \ ti 0 TE ELEV 461.00' Z Q ELEV 461.00'�Y � at xin EdIJ ELEV 460.00' 0 LU 0 H ELEV 459.00' FlLEEA 5alac l OVFRRIDM Te AWRMRO 111.- O gSCWJM£ POIM l ) . O U ELEV 459.49' p 1. Provide protection from all Vehicle traffic, equipment staging, 6. Drain rock: and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas prior to, during, a. Size: 3/4"-2-1/2' washed and after constmction. K Depth: 12' Minimum W w 2. Dimensions: 7. Drain rock later shall be separated form the growing medium Z O a. Depth of rain garden: 6" minimum and 12' maximum and the surround soils by a geotextile (Iter fabric. E N b. Flat bottom width: 2' min. G. Side slopes of Rain Garden: 3'.1 maximum. 0. Growing medium: a. 12" minimum 3. Setbacks: N. Imported topsoil or amended nal topsoil. LU a. Infiltration rain gardens must be 10' from foundations and 5' from property lines, Vegetation: Fallow landscape plans otherwise refer to plant list in W Filtration Rain Garden de not require a setback with SWMM Appendix F. Number of plantings per 1005( of facility area: an approved waterproof liner. a. 100 Ground Covers, OR � 1 N. BO Ground Covers, 2 Large Shrubs 4 Small Shrubs 4. Overflow and 1 tress (deciduous or evergreen) a. Overflows are required unless sized to fully infiltrate the flood control design storm. 10. Install washed pea gravel or river rock to transition from L. Inlet elevation must allow for 2' of freeboard, inlets and splash pad to growing medium. minimum. 5. Piping: Minimum 3" pipe required for up to 1,500 sq R of impervious area, otherwise 4' min. Piping material, slopes and installation shall follow the Uniform Plumbing Code. CITY OF FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN DATE lrzrzaia rvTs EUGENE, OREGON oRAwN ar srvc Eugen DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETAILS ENGINEERING DIVISION FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN NOT TO SCALE 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Robertson I Sherwood I Architects Rc 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P (541) 342-8077 F (541) 345-4302 4� CAPITAL ENGINEERING &CONSULTING. LLC 1430 Wlllamette Street i 25 Eugene, Oregon 97401 www.capitalengineedni 541-5104225 PROFESS ciS O14GINeF9 /0 65611�9ppP--E,,n1 9 OJ.VJ'd�W�A OREGON 10 EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/23 wZ O Np ti Z Q � LU O H >Y Z LU 111.- O O U w p Z W w w Z O Cl) E N LU O W 101- � 1 a MARK DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE DATE: 29 MARCH 2023 ISSUE: PERMIT SET PROJECT NO: 2035 DRAWN BY: AWS CHECKED BY: ILL ©�I>EattaN Isremvow InnamECESPc mit owarvusxl�rg� xea CIVIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C100 k*a engineering September 19, 2006 Mr. Terry Fitzpatrick, Administrator Urology Healthcare, P.C. 2400 Hartman Lane, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Preliminary geotechnical site investigation report 1457 G St., Tax map17033622, Tax lot 6800 Springfield, Oregon K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX Project: 180.06 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completed a geotechnical site investigation of the subject project site. The purpose of this investigation was to determine is the she was suitable for the proposed development. The scope of our services Included making geotechnical borings, reducing the data from the borings, and this brief summary report. SITE INVESTIGATION AND FINDINGS General Site Characteristics The project site is located in the south-central area of town, south of the existing McKenzie -Willamette Medical Center. The site is currently the location of a wood -framed single -story medical office building surrounded with a paved parking lot. The existing ground surface is essentially flat with no remarkable topographical relief. It is important to note that there appears to be a large underground Fuel storage tank located along the south side of the existing building foundation. Control valves and piping appear to be routed to what may have been a generator located in the building. We also noted that sanitary sewer and electrical service am currently located underground running from the south property boundary to the south foundation of the existing building. The mapped geology of the project site consists of quaternary delta deposits that include silts, sands, and gravels having a variable depth over weak sedimentary sandstones and siltstones of the Eugene formation.' This is consistent with the findings in our geotechnical borings (see below). Groundwater can characteristically be moderately high (within 10 -feet of the ground surface). Subsurface Soil Conditions Two borings were made at the site. Our proposal was for four shallow borings with the assumption that we would possibly encounter bedrock within 20 -feet. Bedrock was not encountered and the decision was made to ' Ian P. Madin and Robert B. Murray, Preliminary Geologic Map of the Eugene East and Eugene West Quadrangles, Lane County, Oregon, Open -File Report OFR 0-03-11,.Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. 2004. K & A Engineering, Inc. attempt to extend two borings to depths greater than 20 -feet. Seethe attached Geotechnical Site Plan for locations of these borings. Graphic logs of the borings are attached to this report. The soils and groundwater in each boring were remarkably consistent and included approximately 1 -foot of asphalt pavement and crushed rock base over 8 -feet of brown stiff moderately plastic silt over very dense poorly graded sandy gravels and poorly graded gravelly sands. Groundwaterwas at approximately 12 -feet below the existing ground surface. Boring DH1 was successfully extended to a depth of 31.5 -feet. Boring DH2 was extended to a depth of 204eet before sands welling into the auger casing prevented further sampling and testing. The borings were sealed with bentonite and capped with concrete after completion of the borings. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Suitability We recommend that the site Is suitable for the proposed construction It is our understanding that the proposed construction includes a vault for medical laboratory testing constructed of very thick concrete that will have extremely high dead loads. The very dense gravelly sands and sandy gravels found at a depth of approximately 9 -feet below the existing ground surface will provide an extremely high bearing capacity. For extremely high loads we would not recommend supporting foundations on or in the upper layer of brown sit. Recommended Foundation Type Depending on the grades and size of the structure, suitable foundation types could include spread footings supported by a controlled granular fill that Wends from footing grade to the dense gravelly sands or sandy gravels. Alternatively the structure could be supported by a grade beam system supported by piles, piers, or rock columns that extend into the dense gravelly sands or sandy gravels. Geologic Hazards The site presents no significant hazard associated with liquefaction due to the dense nature of the underlying granular fills. There are no other unusual geologic hazards at the site. Additional Geotechnical Recommendations Design of the proposed structure and associated utilities and other improvements will require additional geotechnical recommendations. These recommendations were not part of our scope of work for this contract. K & A Engineering, Inc. would be happy to provide a detailed geotechnical report with design and construction criteria. We thinkthatthe data gathered from our borings forthis report are adequate to develop detailed recommendations including bearing capacity and estimates of settlement and that no further site investigation will be necessary. Please contact our office when additional geotechnical design criteria or other assistance is required Project: 180.06 1457 G. St, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Client: Urology Healthcare, P.C. August 9, 2006 K & A Engineering, Inc. LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Urology Healthcare, P.C. and Its design consultants for the subject proposed structure. This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, she surface, or subsurface conditions. Exploration test holes inchoate soil conditions only at specific locations (i.e. the test hole locations) to the depths penetrated. They do not necessarily reflect soilrock materials or groundwater conditions that exist between or beyond exploration locations or limits. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of site conditions. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please callus ff you have questions or need further assistance Sincerely, WIRES Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. Project: 180.06 1457 G. St, Springfield, OR Page 3 of 3 Client: Urology Healthcare, P.C. August 9, 2006 geotechnical/civil Project: 1457 G. St., Springfield, OR 9c3engineering Client: Urology Healthcare, P.C. Eugene, OR 97408 Job No: 180.06 Date: 8/16/2006 e 5 e el 9 k541 684 9399 541 684 9358 fax Sheet: 1 of 1 G STREET ----- - I. ... . ... I t APPROX. PROPI i 1 LOCATION OF DRILL HOLES 8/16/2006 --------- 1 i I I I I EXPIRES 1 I � � I I --------- 1 i I I I I EXPIRES The stratiflcatian lines represent approximate 100ngansa. I lie nanaNun may uv y, auua,. K &A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave. ka Eugene, DR 97408 LOG OF BORING DH1 Telephone: (541) 684-9399 Sheet 1 of 1 ,� heerin Fax: 541 684-9399 project: Urology Healthcare, P.C. Top of casing Eley.: WATER LEVELS Job No.: 180.06 Drilling Method: H.S. Auger While Drilling: Location: 1457 G Street, Springfield, Oregon sampling Method: Split Spoon End of Drilling: Q 1 hm After Drilling: 12.0 CooMinatea: rn w Z v STANDARD PENETRATION WELL v MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TEST DATA INSTALLATION E m o Ninnl.Wft0 DETAILS o m y a' mg Surface Eler : m m m - D s halt avemenf Crush Sd a re e mmun, Brown, damp to moist, stiff, motlemlely plastic SILT. 5 I 1 67 5 < 2 87 4 4 IX 3 93 4 7 Darkgmy, moist to satureted, very dense, poorly 10 oB' graded SANDY GRAVEL _ 4 5U La 4 4T. o�D 5 53 20 15 .o`D: 24 Q" 6 53 18 a. p�q 20!" n _D: 23 a y, 4: 7 6010 s Dark gray, saturated, dense, paady graded o GRAVELLY SAND .Q �a p: is ?5 6 93 is so Gmy, saturated, very dense, poorlygraded SANDY a{}° GRAVEL bi Q ' g ,�a o .D: 30 20 60 e 40 I 9 i..11i o e Com_Ierci Depth: 31.5 Semple Types: Remarks: rc nate Goring Started: BH 6106 Auger Cutting Shelby Tube m Date Boring Completed: BH6/D6 Vane Shear Grab Lagged 0y. MOR Spill Spoon Rork Care o Drillin Contractor. PNW nrillln The stratiflcatian lines represent approximate 100ngansa. I lie nanaNun may uv y, auua,. K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave. ea Eugene, OR 97408 LOG OF BORING DH2 Telephone: (541)684-9399 .� Inzerin Fax: 541 684-9399 Sheet 1 of 1 Project: Urology Healthcare, P.C. Top or=ird Eay.: WATER LEVELS hile Drilling: rEnd Job No.: 180.06 Drilling Methotl: H.S. Anger Location: 1467 G Street, Springfield, Oregon Sampling Method: Split Spoon of Drilling: Coordinates: 3 his After Drilling: 12.0 - um Z _ m =s 9TANUARp PENENtATION WELL $ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TEST DATA INSTALLATION Nis bbw a, DETAILS W r11 a so 6 Surface Marv.: ro zo m m m 0 As halt0 avement a re ate base Ertlamp to moist, stiff, moderately plastic SILT. Erma, 4 1 60 4 5 4 2 93 4 6 4 3 100 4 grey, moist to saturated,very dense, poorly10 ?Dark ? ° graded SANDY GRAVEL 29 4 80 se Q: 49 36 S 40 9 0 24 6 67 32 e,Ftc 33 PLJb ASSUMED poorly graded SANDS or GRAVELLY ;Q SANDS. Sands welled Into auger preventing sampling or standard D.n.tratlon testln . 20 i i i 3 3 4 Completion Depth; 20.0 Sample Types: Remarks: Data Boring Started: wie— o Auger Cutting Shelby Tub® Date Dining Complatetl: B/1fi/06 Vane Grab Logged By: MDR Drillin Contractor. PNW Drillin poohhea Spilt Spoon Rock Core Thestratigcation lines representappmximate boundaries. The transition maybe gradual.